Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 3 Jan 1895, p. 5

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THI ILISHIETOH ADT1ICI flanking- < MH<-- << QEO. MITCHELL \ gtit<r.vl banking I>HMIIW traniu:t**'i Draft - i ti i chji let r*s|i*d at uua) ruto* Moner iway* *r*ilbl* for I*%Iiuat-' buwlutiMi nierpn**!. Offio* two door* uottb of Hi'.li*i-i- *v>j A Co'*. Vicinity Chips. oftho Pn*t Week 4'arcfully fulled l..r the 4 R MINI * among iix-ult trill bf t/ie rut* of 7Ce p^r /in' ( >r i.m. .1 r/i.rlii.n inY/ fcr mi rrmtrartt far /Wiiiwor *rT. 1804-iaOS. TV Adcaiux. Again the mystic certain* fill. V> rule iJowU link* UM setting turn, Tlu- bells Mug out the nolriun call v\ Uicll *> the year it court* h- rna. And rarn*t voices now implore, rleauseall the Mains of mnet> -four. To Him who ail the Tea>- hatb ben Our hi-lper iu each tiuie of need, v\ )ir> l<j*i os iu his paatsre* greeu. Who doth all liv.uR creature* frail. To him be |iraipf froui *hore to shore For all the jojr* ol ninety-four. A fair new yi-ar in rob** of light. From in a IOTIBC weleciue wmiu To lead i> up that lofty height \Vlierr hiue the pearly palace gaUsv With courage strong an<* hope* alive N\ iflanljr welcome uinet) 4e. Mar light upon all nation! tiue, May peace within their borders dwell. May eouutlea* agencin combine To bamih wrong ad woe diapel. For real worth may all men itrire . h rough all the day* of nmet>-a>a. i . , Out-. Dec. IN. T. \VtrsoN. < >nc hundred aero farm to rent, SO well cleared. A|>|>ly Cu John 1'ortrr, S ml-u Park. Hi,est cash price paid for heepkiin, mid gri-cn hides of all kind*. F. U. Kar. te.lt. 1'n.f. John Stafford, of Chii-aco. will preach in die Baptist chapel, Fleslierton. on Sal. Lath next at 11 . in. John A. Black kerjw on hi farm, at KleilierMii Station, a tli, trough br-d Yorkshire white hog. purchased fioni Mr K./C-. <>f (iiKlph, Out. < inu liuiidred cord* "f dry wiM>d taken :it cuh price in exchange for anything in ihe Furniture line by J. E. Boakvrullt A .' i., FU-li'-rti.ii. Tim Heron wuolk'ii mill property rear M.i\ue'il. which waa lately wKl throunb Mr. K. .1 Sprvule and is now Wins; tilted up for f|ier*liiii next sprin-..-. two loads of i.i.ulnueiy liainv' been ilclivi-red there l>t week. " O, Jim, say, il> you know where I can get a marriage licence " " \\liv, certainly. Go to A. S. Y.mduvii. Flash- .i ton : he haa loU of them and will be jlad to set) you. His i rtice i* next to Will Armstrong'* jewelry tore." "All ritrlit, I will gt> and ve linn. Tliauki." N"W. .fim, you mo ti^ht in it rou have not your marriage liccuxt. tint means housekeeping in eanifst n t you .innot start without furniture. C'.>me straight acroat the treet *ml deal with the best. Baskerville A (' "Mr. J..hn Hoppi. ai;l 34.of thi* t.'wn l:i|', died lat week at tin 1 lioiue of Ins tnthvr-in-law, Mr. Ttu. Clark. I> ed had been ailing for A long time with a tumor, but the inmiriliate cue of death M inflammation. Heleavr.i a wid.iw and three miiall chiMrvn in dostituto cir teachina pr fiM.mi lisr Friday. Mi Riclir<l*ii'i*|ciAlty U [.niuarv woilc. The t.-t* wire all very worry lo Me her Irate. Site wan tlio recipient of lliree i cry h.iii'.vim tiiftt itvvoii'luuicd with xn iul'lit-ss. Mi-H KichardHou m*de a very ti.iiclnn.' re]>ly. As le* well known Mi y.. ha* uu*iderable talent in the elocutionary line. We believe the 111- tnd to jjurnue her ntu<lir* in f IIK branch With a profewional. Diimlalk Herald. Rev. Mr. Chin chill, of Chatsw.nh, prettchetl two eliK|Unt S:l.lAtli School aiiiiirer*ary seinion* in the Mcth-i,-i church on Sunday List. The ni<>riun^ di^O'ur**; wiui for the chiUlren and waa atti-ntu.lv Imtrned In. In fhe eieiiing the sermon W.-I.H ti- teac-hfrt and was 'Hie 'if tile iinxtt el-|U:iit one of the kill'l e Ixi n- lintered >o f'>r .1 l'>n^ lime. It was mi inspiration and a tfeat incentive to increased and iuoie vi-.-nmus lal>r in Sabbath acho. I w-.ik. Mr. Churchill is 4 younif man in the ininwtry, but hui riteoroua anil el.|Ueut xtyle place him aim. in; the forra<Mt uf hh call-nu He will always be warmly welcomed in Fle*h- crt-.n. Personal. Miss Annie Wright, teacher, of Glas- gow, Out , i* at her home here. Mr. and Mr*. W. A. Brown, ol Mark- dale, spent Sew Year* Day with mends in town. Miss Br-'wn. of Brampton, i vuuting with Mr.. F. Ci. Krt.dt. Mr. !eo. Lfgard, of Chicago, is on a visit to the parental home. Mr. <. A. Lunney, f.-renutn of the ('.-I nig,..l Eiiterprie. wa caller on \\VilnusJay Mr. an. I Mrs. Lunney had been spending New Years with friend* in Durham. Mr. John Stafford. B. X., B. D., ia vuitnig it the parental home and with relativts. Mr. Stafford propose* filtering the ministry in Kaunas. Mrs. Win. Richardson and Master Charlta Richardaon visited Woodalndt tbu week. Master Charley will tako a COUI-KJ in the Baptist college in that town. Misn Hannah Stafford, who has Wu ittendinx Meafor.1 Model 8ch.>..|. has secured a scli.-ol in >|irey for the e.'inii'g your. M'i Nettie Clark, -f So.f Till. Mis* Mabel Clark, E t .|.u.;;. i"l Mr. Joe T Clark,, T.'mnto, visited with their mother "ii Sew Y-ars Day. MISI Nettie < Urk will make a prolon^e.! Aniiini: our New Year'* I>y v nit. us were Dr. Sproule, M. 1'., Mark JaU- . Joe T. Claik, v Mck; of T..!'into Satunlsy Ni^lit. still Th.x. So ti, the Denial clerk of < fc^rc-y Township. ^iil "f whom *x were xceei'-inuly pleased to n: . Farmers' Institute Meetings. by the achi>' was very g<*l in deed and all the little tiopU *ci|Uitt-d theiiiaelvea very creditably. Thry had hen thoroughly drilled. In paSHiint we would remark that among the small sclinUrs in this clioul thele are sevrral born e'.ocutionUta who will be heard fr-'in in after years Little Allie Ash<inn has a sweet voice for a' child and san.- a s>.lo very prett ly. Tl.i.i school is in s moat flourishing coo- ili'ion as evidenced from the reports tead. from which we if lean the f "11., wing facts snd fii;ure : There are about 200 mm-* on the Mil. snd an avenue attendance ..f iJ.'i Cm- teacher and one pupil had l:en removed by the hand of dosih dur ioii the year, viz., Mrs. \V. Irwii. little Chsrley Barnhouxe. Vent-i mittod 1 1 memory were a* follows : Girls 8045, h..ys 3547. C.-ra Bellsmy c..iu nutted to mem. TV the largest number of venra aim >uz the girls and Frank I .in among the boys. Bert Barnhouse was presented with a handsome Bible f..r attending every Hexai.m of the s.-ii . . The library contains li-tween four and five hundred volumen. Literature circulated throughout the year, outside "f library, wan : Messengers, 4310, Fleaaaiit Hours, 3800; Banners, 240: catechisms, BO The reports contained a large lumber of in- teresting facts which we would like to publish did space permit. i i If you Don't F-el Well remember Msn- ey's " Celery Nerve Compound, with Beef, Iron snd Wine." i* si liuaranteed cure for Dyspepoia. Nervousness, Mental Depression, and all weakness ariMiiu' from a run down and overwork. ii ysUin. It ha* never been known to fail, lie- bottle and he healthy aud happy. Sold by all druirgist. 3m Tlarri.Ml CaozuraCAaa -Oo CbriKtmaa Jay ISM. at the residence of tbe briiie* parent*, bjr kv J. L. Gardiner John William (rosier, to Boeehan- nah Carr. both of Artemea a. Born. MrKKMtB In Artemvsiann Kandai. Dec. tJrd the wife of T. K McK*lisie of a daufDler T ILOT On hrin:a dar. in Mr. and Mrs. D. Ta.bov saoo. Cspiain Sweeney, t". S. A., S*n Dieijo, Cal.. my* : "Slnloli's Catarrah Remedy is the first mediciuc I have ever found thst would do me any good." Price 50 cents. Th.. Cnmiy. Ml' IV, calleii in mi \V t -<lneday. Mr. Camey haa n-tired ifoin municip.xl affiUTi after J14 year* in the Council ann :':> yoars iu tlu- reeve. liip. He has srrtfd the township in iic capacity or another f<a 1-7 yrai*. and ii.ii lioini a resilient for 3S. NV believe Mi. 1>. K. Protton t.. l>e the inan who ill step into In* *hovs. \\"r ii.-,'l.'<-tel lut wed; t" invntioii a ,!> ciij.ijslii!- M it which we liud from Mi . .lohn Hlylhe, of Notn.anriv Mr. H!) tin , who ws Atrriouxly ill a >e;ir or 10 io mid almost ileiwne(l of t-y l.u fnendn. haa fully rt-covfixnl and looks robnnt mid fy. During ix half hum s pleasant vliat we learned that Mr Illyllio IMS n-'t l.e-n c.-u-itrtl :iay by any of tlio new IN. lituivl luovenieiits, but remains .1- n- '> ! t.. the Conservative ruu*. Mi < Annio Uicluirds.>n, tmclur in the l'iiin;iry IV'iartuu-nt of the Dundulk I'ui. I. Schol for the last ihriv yeais, Ud ,1 t>ye to h-.rjnj.iU, DuiuUUii . J ll< Cen're <rey Famiei'i Institute inun have l>eeu aliiK.umtil f.-r Tlirnl tu\ viulFleslierti.il. The meeliiiz litre ill U held oil Saturday. Jan 1-. and at Thornbury nn Moiidav. J:i. 14. The speakers at tlit- FU-sliertoii meeting will be T. C. ItiV'i..:. Is. S A . .1. v|,h Yiliil. ofCarleti.il 1'iace. ami Allan McI)oiij;iU. ' K., of Tor. ii, to. Mi.M.-l* ijni reaellts tile ti ..... I H.a.U Asmit-i.-tlio;! of Ontario, and will <luK'i 'he rtM.i .|iu-. tion in all its beariLgs, M/ . li..w roa.l* should be coiiV.iui-twl mi.l ho >M-t to maintain them. The other topics arc nunien-tis mill 11 of interest In the suc- ceHttful fivruier For tin- ouiip'.ete list of topics see lulls. l..".-l talent has also been inTitod, inclndiuii Dr. S|ir..nlc. M. P.. and Tin* . limiiey. M. T. P. The meetiniti will IH-^III at 10 a. in. "ii ihe datra uieiiti..iie<l. (.Uihering* .f tin* n i tnro liave always lieritofon- IH-VII well attcnde 1 in Fle-lu'Hi'ii >ti<l tliis will uoiiUtli -;< 'K- no exi-e;iii..|i ' the ride, as tlio t"|'i'' I" ln> tlisi-iiUMtl re ewn in n- than inually inteioiii-j The Town Hull slli'llhl It- well hllc.l ..... I. in. I-' l>y the slnrtly yroni.inry ! tins end "f the I idini;. Anni>ersary. I.NKIUiETK .1 rii>*.rc> t iv JSB r. i<- isw 1 1 vui , J I k II .-'I' an 1 coiut'lol* lin# of WilflUy X **ock.ndr W l r ot. H ^ht*^t Mlarrand com i pat 1 w.ltl\. iMitti-4 atl'l |H-rii)n*nt t' HMt'tM !) t IT. f.'K> tvHrirr-i to M O'KK A8TK.MV I'taetical una*rt*k*i* ton First claa* b*i*e. low . I *it;i** atifav tin t"raiit*r|. a* w have h*>! At vean ei- l>erleiire in the lumneae. Attention In timo tn ruiy irrcirvtlarity 01 lh Stomach, Liver, ur Bowels n::iy ^^ prevent <-no-; The annual Me'lmlist Salilnth school annivirn'V on tlie eveniiiii of N >* Vc:u> l)*v, WHS HTV succ. Ksfnl fioni evfiy point of view, and antwfitlorv t. ihe ortic-'M of tin- whii-l. *< in-- *^ In-ill^ itiinoiinced * tin- pioce. >1 Th church win crowded nithn v ry npi'iv. lative iindlencc. l . i.'h HS ordci ly. Jet li!*-r ( l in its applause. The cl.air a< invupu^l by the |*.si.ir, lie>. E S. Uu|xTt, M \ On tins invasion tlie pniunni -is w.ine whi more \:nu.l than n.-*i.-v!, eery ;; eai.t.iti. jnd interesting leciti l.y Mis< 1...U AiiiulP>H4 and M ss \'- toiiniii-.: prominent in conjunct on x'l'.i t!ic U4ual . ii n nit '-y th.- 1 ''e ' d'..< T!> costive m-> ; , hcuilai-':o. nati- bii : . aiul vcr- 1 tigo i:.. certain l"-i:u'- .': drnngtv 1:11 :.ts.Oebct remedy for !> ... .. il;o ami quick to assimilate. I'.:..; i- tlio idc;il family niwlieino t!ic i-.io.-t popular, SK:.'W, and uaoful aporicr.t in macy. Mrs. M. A. II rri.<. TI-;III., say : .\ycr's Caih.iritc n:M rurrt meol slrk H- -..iaelic .ind my uiis'^aiid oJ MCralla. \V tj.i ' No Dettcr Kcc'.icine, end luivc Unluoed man) to >. *Tliirlv,-rm yesrs .T.: :. I ws run (luvvii i \ - ' ' ' c ..]!, wln.-li tn.i.lo mo v I.-.'!'.- Hi il i' . < n cltort fir nw tn v.-ulU. 1 r.-i ..'i.->( tja i!.~-l.itx. Imt Ui'iH .in!.ii.4 I >v..r n. ' I 1.H.-H ii|> all U..|i- .'I < l!.!I'|"Miii:S to IH- in a ton-. i . il: >. wl-.rrw sai-Jlcines were ol.l, the proprldoi i Biy wca'i .11 rt sd-k'.y ap. a few qu**;io;n a< t> m- IHMIIII. r>- -.- ITH'mlnl melavcy Ayer'n I' 1 ' ' II ' f ,ili In tin -' "r any other ii"NluMiie. I'd erairliiileil. :it l.^t, to Ul.o Ins n.ivi. - ;ni.l 'ry box. rV-foi" I luul n.- ".I tin- 11 all. J . < Tory mnrh tx-ttcr, on<l t'.o l,,'\i- rur-<j n-. I sm wiw M v'ar* ol.i . > t'jf. It it had i ot |.ri-ii lor A ! iM ha\o I ecu ni my rr.'ve I I < . . .cry ;.'. \ < "! to IUu imic, an. I I vvonlil 11" in.iro ! n i!>- out tUem than without bread.' II. !U BOOTS & SHOES, ; ^^^^^ ** ^" '9 \ < Rubbers, Overshoes, etc., etc, j J --- -- I J A LARGE STOCK J SELLING Off CHEAP. J ___ . __ BE >i. I.D AT CLAYTOXS' Is at band and we aie right with it and carrying a fine asHortmeDt of fine goods for the Xiuaa trade. WE WISH YOU All to call on as. whether yuu want to buy or not, aud see for your- self our assortment uf PI AN< >s. i ( Ri ; v N - SEWING MACHINES. CHAIRS. LOl Nt.KS. PICTr RE FRAMES. SIDEBOARDS, BEDRtxiM sriTS, PARLOR SllTS, snd everything eW in the Furniture ur I'nderukmg lines. Good good* at ri^lit prices are sure to briin; M/.N Y HAPPY RETURNS to 'he purchaser, and we are prepared tn guarantee satisfaction every time lo th<e who deal witU us. >\MK. STAND. THE Leading Furniture Warerooms On the h.ll opposite Armstron'8 Jewellery Su>re. J. E. BaskervilleiS: I^LESHEI^TOX. "\Ve L.?<1^ tn Style, Quality and Prices. Now that the cutter snd sleigh season baa arrived, wt wish tn draw the at trnti..n of the public to the fact rhat we have on hand a larve stock which wjj I re onenns; rery cheap We d<> in.t Ix-heve tn boasting but we behrv tlial I we can give you a butter article at less n>.noy than y..u can get snrwhere else. ^ We hr no drone* in our hive, we are all workers. Then a^ani .>ar Urge rx '.perience and thon>ui(h knnwle<<^e of 'lie I>USIIIM enables us u> -jive yoa a N-' ( ter fcrticle at leas money th.-vn th'**- of lens exporience can do. A hint t.> rh iwiae is sulBcieiK. Rouie'iirM-r we t-xik tir>t prize f.>r the bvt sxhibit ot jjiuttMnt the Ka<t iirey Exliibitit.n. Shop uprMwuta J. Smith's sh >e shop. 1 > . I : I V I 1 v' Tlie Leading Carriage Builder. juuuu \f\j\f\j\r\j\j\nj\jv\fij\rij\j\j\fLru\j\ju\j\j\: Xmas Month. Tlie season ot" year is now lien- in whicli we til buy t,Lie miny hues so muc. i:i.-'ieil for oi'.r loin; <.'in.ti in VMML, r NTe Ittve jnit to liatid ilus week on? of the moat complete lines cf LADIES' MANTLES Ever shown nortli cf Toi onto. These i?oods re compos?il of tbe best qua) [tie*, all <ha.lfi and taslnoua. and can be sold from $2 to $8 less than th- wholesale [Mice. Now is your tune to buy wliile tbe assortment .- e. Woiuieifnl value ia LADIES' FUE CAPES. Itcgnlar piice mid $7.5(t, for IJ.iii), o o 40 $2 IX) ; $ 1 75. o .1 4 I $ Men i. fur coats n-vcrsablo waterproof, reirular Patfon price, $15 OS. no for til 60. Men's kin boots, -ihid qtnlity. $1.50 o ,1 -24 $1 74. Boots ar. i shots, full assortiueiil. Many are the tur^anis a;<iitiug yuu. CALBOUHS, -. Diimhilk. PHOTOS! PHOTOS! N<m ls the Time ToP.rv Yoru \\INTKH B90TS AND SHOES If voti \va i^ |i!nti ; il.ei. -^. " tl FLESHERTON PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, \M> -IMIl!l'- I- 111. 1 -1)1. . . lu-r,. n.-tlrn- l.nt hMte'.i- -i '. ; ? Men * an J Uiy.' heavy ,, ami rubb-rH. nirnl mil, ami |n K>< l..*ei than charged ... , i ,|.,re,tv.o,k f ; vr..f,,..-,t.onty.,.,.,ve,,to lllll a " ' Mui " over.t.Krkm^. . e ..vyinj: ..th^r picture*. Nabs** photos a men .iti.i wom.vi's orsh"8. All i l.f M>M at lowest ;.- prices. lD(rbam. i:- '.!-m!. Mi. AVER'S PILLS t .('. A\-rvt '. I .'.'.Maes, Every Dose ?!ffc l B i'lurs- I i iitmn- j u all ii-. hrsiKhen pi.nnptly anil neatly J O S . SAlII'He, V F'.oshort'.n .HIS, l.lllf - SjfdlDll.ffl ,-t, Opposite McT.rish's finiige

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