Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 3 Jan 1895, p. 1

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Epping Mrs. Shore and family have been away visiting friends for some weeks and we understand will remain until after New Years. The public school closed for the Xmas holidays on Friday, 21st. Quite a number of visitors attended the closing ceremonies. The different classes acquitted themselves very creditably, but the climax of enjoyment was reached about 3:30 when "Santa Claus" appeared with a Christmas tree well loaded with presents for all the pupils and candies, apples and popcorn for everybody. After the departure of dear old Santa Miss Annie McCort read an address to the teacher, and Masters Earnie Clorless and Thomas Gilray on behalf of the school presented her with a very pretty pepper cruet and a card case. Meaford Road A wedding took place in Markdale last Wednesday in which Mr. Samuel Warling and Miss Kate Bowles were the contracting parties. The Rev. Mr. Humphreys tied the knot, after which the happy couple took the evening train for Chatsworth to spend a few days with friends there, after which they will return to Vandeleur to reside. Jlfrmttte. TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN. 1 VOL, 1100. FLESHERTON, ONT. THURSDAY. JANUARY 3 1895. W. fl THtRSTON E3I J" Jrxri/inaajTririjaruvxn .anrv. tn/vrtr.ririririnnrinrinruTn.n ~ iv jmt placed in >r>ick Qoods. .HI.V >" Kppin^. Mm. Sh.'re aud family hare bean away visiting friend* tor winie wuek.s and we understand will remain until after New Jewellery f,,ri'ln l:i.i jt.--.nt>. N i< the fi,!l. ,,::; ni. prices sni.inu >i.i> . MI K\!::MSS FROM ,!.;:. . KS KKOM Social i., 8" - ; I. M'h:s S M ID ';,ii.l- tt \TiM(i:< KIlo.M *i: \ -V- 530 . ti y of in Iwl p'U- ir *> i Hi r.. , li I. Wl-d'lll' A i : ;!<, . i<ei rti {{ LA33IES' FOB / l\l i.i : i//;/ w; 4* l sr t /, Armstrong Bros. - .Jewellers. PLESHEKTON, ^ ***; vrj"-/u i/u Our Business Directory ? M H.JK] Jv or night at tb* rolOaaca ( the ' Jtobt. Uahr. Mm. la H C J. ConTancr. s. -utry |>uMU. _ J .T'- *m*uu. lteof TornnVi. IP iim| M 1.SSKIMTH UK Hu;nso:i Knnil of of bcrlui. tlflrm**)*. . uf Toruutu * <M*or%tor/ The public acho<>l clored fr the Xmaa K.-liiiayii <>n Friday, ilf. Quito* nuiu- !-r f uttor Mteinleil Ulj cloning ex- reives Tin different cla*e* *<|uittcd iheimeUv. vry creditably, but tlio cli- ent wan reached uliout :j .:) wueu "tiaiita Claua ' pptred with i I'lir ,-n,i <rve well loaded with pre*ent* for ah tin- pup'.U ai.il caiiilu-s, app'ei and <y. After the de ..ir .|.l !Srrt MIM* Annie McO.-rt read mi addreiu tn tlia tt- , .'.IM M.iir, r (v\TUIr dorlru itm 4 . 'I'll, .HIM lilliav "II brllitlf nf the wlit'i.l j in-well tril '.,-r viiij. a v.-r\ -|n-r HRii Kiilt ciont ai>d a 'in! ranf. Muvi M;itli- (ii{. ray in v*ry ]M>|>iilnr with tlie ckiHren. and it wan wulo^mv n -in toliear . as-fil f..r iUH.tln-r year. Tl.- initeniient and tf^chera nii't in the , licii.-li Krul.iy .-i-i.;i!^ fur the pur|" '(.' prizes In the chil- dren. \ ^'-illy i.inuhrr uf the latter were |>ri-M)iit, IK-H' if them accompanied by tiwtir parent* and nil aeeiued wall pleanu.l with. tbfeulia. Mian Polly tfilray.of Kainnount rch 'Mil, al> bad acliwing exavina'i >n Kiiday sf tcni<-'n at the clte of which lir pupilj prMcntod her with ixu addrM* and muni- .in.il in the Hhnp f a wafer ^et, tea put aud c'ip aud lauccra. To Uuu Pullv GMrav AjiDRBMPBarzDTBMara, Ttmein iu Mraforil Knail. Xinaa ha* come and once morv broughr wi'li it the Iwaiinful mow. Mr. .lolin Shannon and Mr. Will clair are In, me from "wen Sound H for thuir l.olulayi. i Mr. Atkiiioon, of Caledon Eat, iipenc , Xnias with hi* uncle. Mr. Thi. (Cell*. Mr. Ebb. Sramhonky, who ha* ben iu I'lncaa-, for the (.ant three yean it h'.iiiB on a viHtt Mr A Binu from Berkeley (pent a few days laHt week ith friend* in Ihm vicin- ity Mi .I..H.'phiiiP Ellin, of Kuphrasia, ajient Sunday laat at Mr. J.xtrph Ku- WORSTED SUITS TWEED SUITS ALL Ti BE HAD AT C. J. LEITCH, Merchant Tailor. IOHN \s \UM9THoxr,. ' - i J|U I LJ^OL'QH A YOL'Nti, l<*Q<tra.Mark'Ul*. do a Kmwral bartinchu.. o*u. Money loauwl at a n**ooable rat*. Call .n m to a* uin the I mi* Of MI.TOW I,. the reuon that it U |~Mmllil v tin. luc uu which wa am to meet In th* raUtion of Wai-hut i an, I pnyiln , " - ,j MNi;i.-:u. VIOLIN. 1-T- \v,- r-1 thain yoor dpartr. w .r. lo>.<ie M K.H \MMOSD. IT. Kimbrley n.la>:N rtr Iniuirm ami loan* i\t lowimt ratM Kl cheaply an.l *mcictly -> ,P<MtuiMtcr.f'f<hrton. Co3imionr in B. "I >actaanr. Convryaoem, A . , wiJ UCB; ..<iV . mo X#tnS. Dee.lt, A Jl 4ULW* up and Yiluf.ioii* malo nn it*t Bciiu*. Auctiou Scl.-ttend>l ' n mi; |i*r', .. th* County. Mnn*> to loan at l,w . Mt ra'.ex o( uitrrrnt. Callclinn< attoo.tl u> . |..-.,iniui,n an.l ilp*tch Cb%nti low. Cnt 'or tli IH>mU*i tjiftf Nek*!* fro** Floakwrvxi 4law<iw. LiOiHVio *r nfth Hritirli i . {art*** in*0wM* tu *H Knlan.l. ..rii. i. will pi**** ak ra*iib>in p bait tic J Mr. KbUT. . l<arrl*T. flolieitar. ' a trn friend. oa who ba* for UIH lanb rtT>- ) *an laliorml *rn**t] y fur our w-lfire and praiix-v Wkuow that iuni t:in w have MTervljr tn.l >our patifiluL' i > (VWM**^ but w* har r- aaii fitiuKM..'. r-n it :. ,Hi.~ ji.l by zain|*] iitl pri*g|*t W*cti IIH th - tl .-Hi.-!:.: .uii.t fall to makif > I anil iiM-fnl >n citv. \V> Ft,-. wouM Ur axnr* yon of th r**tMc*. i boil,li!.B. on Tharlay. Km*t- t IX M ir Ow,m Sou*.! aud b*t wi*Uw l , ioccnlr triut that i >i>il l:iat f.u.l ' . wan true HI: lir ir* *aylnf Rood ,| ti... K|, and f duty :> and M auk your I ou| . icitor* -.af. lln t W. n. Wni I. H boca*. X H.-PliwhnrtOB ffle*. Mitchell 1 * Baok. iaov aucr> an a in UIH hope that .- , , __ , YOU are ei,j.>viia-i UafkOal*. out. ' !~ ?' ' t r, r ll?' 1 A y- ' lrt an < : .. thjir IO.IK-. i ; '!n..j. 1n.. r ,e ; W \ lAitiric Ki'tbwrn luviud. \i H'l \K . I'lmncil ni.-^l^ an v flrntan.l Ill- fa.-. 'ii f. !ht vo.i amv IH to wt*lcotn houi,- all >- ta.rmou t. Dee.il. " .Mi- G Irav i* *ngmgvfi rn teax-h tlio ,[. ur tcliiH.l f..r "96. Miac M > HU> k <rl i,-<h.-,t New KiuUnil. ' k at H |, . ,'t -mnthlv. th -In. I of ,i* !i K*l*ct dagre* W*dii*Jay |ufin({ *tel M.RUTTOS. . I) f. M.'M.r. f * *.. ICKKiJrnro anil oc* <MI d*orntrff M*tb I, -: CUurcb.Klnro sv. OtV <lajM. TVE. CARTKE il. C P * S , (hit rl^ Klbrt<>ii um>-,~ strain* Uumliaw hr^-l. JOHN A. SCOTT. M. B. -VIl.j On**no t* i'.i Mr.i '"" I'armnMy. .1 in Pipliim*. !--. cirlnaw MdJal *ll H,-> :t' i I i :. DiMMH*f *V*. ift B|"<-iallv tn-at-l. Hi \- i.m revmnniTI f 01 V .' I I.I.. \L nn, - ison. tin I ..,(. ' ' *MT _- f*. ' S-|-:MPI-IM\rn. Thhj *o..l.t* iiotrw- Hall v*ry W{ Waf k*wk- Ymmt in rhe4r kail. rr ru and iMnl rhonda> m. Hharp. II mi nia i La*t Ut chu.ch. l'rirrillr .r ov. au n>trruinii{ entrr W. H i.lV-11 ill lll M,"||. ,1 -t Tlie uMal prouiainine WMI ren T.CIajtoa: jjaa-.ti. The p.ilicipal peaker Wer Mr 'Re lev. Hi. H, it on. aid the R.- Mr -THUR U)D. !,.SM, A. F * Edwa,,,-.. f Mn.kdal E in th- \lannnr* Ral TV Kri.l ill On W ,n,, ,i^v . t lax' w-ek >|. r In- ol wi,>iruck >.n the lfr^-t l>y ; the uno of ~..'r^e iir.nc i cf afnln g tree, cauM- .. ugly ai.d f1ntt*r .fcs ouml R M !.n a nario* e>.-.p About two weekii < Mr. Joaeph Bu- chanan waa called aw.iy ,ui the jury, t 'n In* return home he ..s surprined and deli-.'l: . that h s wtfo hwl a pret- erit for bun in .f a baliy ! A wedding t.H/k p rue in M.-irk,..il.- la*t M!*\ in win li Mr. Smuui-1 \\ ^rl- iiiL' and MIHS K ite Bowie* were the tractiiitf partiea. T!n-!:-v Mr Hi ,r!i rie* tied the knot, after which tliu happy coujili: t.-.k the eTriiiiii.' trui lor t'!utti- Worih t>>J>en<l a few day* witli friend* thrr*. a*vr which ihey will ruturu i-i Vanili-Uiir t.. reside. Mr S. T 4'rane, who taught school here for ih p*t year, left ..i: rY.I.ty laat i frienda in Lwiowell and other point*. Mr. F. Carr, of Euaenia, filled the pul- pit here la*t Sabbath m the abarncu of our |Mmr, Mr. Rupert. v andeleur Court of Foresters. At the laat regular meeiini; uf the the following were eluctMt ilticera for 1806, viz : I'ri'.l.ard. r K. \V. T G l: Jit. R. 8 ; D. - I Uarlin-, Treas. . 'A on. Chap . ll. U. Warlinif. S. W. , J. W : M Beard, S. B ; rkie. ,1. B. ; J. BoUnd. P f . .. I'hyxician. Th. L-,,urt is in a very pr<ij>eTi>ui con itioil, i e* member* belli); *dded to its uuiuber at iwoal of itM meeting*. Rrlirfin Buurs- -in-ir-Min^ Ki.l : li , . li.-veii in \1 tireat S,.u'h American Kiiincy Cur,-. ' Tins r,-* remedy in a gr.-Mt 'iiriTI*.- nnii .|^k;|,' ,,n i, 4 Iin in ihe l.ladd'-r, knlnei s. I :ick ami ev-ry |lit of ih<- urinary pa-uuiij, n in uialeor ft- male. It leiieve* r-t. I.LI.M, of pain in |a*aing it :i.ini,t iinmediateiy . If you witnt ijuiuk relief and cure thm in \rnir S..W bv W. E. KicUardaon. PANTS OVERCOATS <;o To F. A. Baker R_ FALL SLITS and OVERCOATS A* I have started up m Merchant Tailoring. I have> a tin.- line ,,f black ami fan, v Paiitmm.Alim WursUKli nnH kci.ich i*rr<!t* in black aud blue. Before buying .'"-In rail Mini Me me. Thc'prict-a .- a* th lowest. Bnn-j in jmur ,!.,. i ai .: Ret it nunle up anil tiiir.metl All w. r i uiteed luual. No chary* fur .Hxla purc.i.4*etl from in,-. New 5tock Just A rived. F. A. Baker Merchant Tiikr. I', (jialuini. Teacher Wanted. W. R.. FrrT fr-imic 1 * m cl*> i llRIH> Bugvmn 1* ('. FOli >ALE Oil TO A HT-pr*>a. T. TVn: MIM.-, i . WIITEI mm ' Ml MKMT HHTK ' Mil a IOH- and KU of I In, B, iiipt,.n, r.' the \s n i Dr / v^'* jau si vo wi-ii u .:i go, Ufa ,.-,!! n.^ their paiei.r . Ot..pr l. M- jtt Kim Snr rv 0.-., Rretester n. Y. r\n MI M. I>. it.-,'. ' Ix- '1 Oil. H11' i'dl O' thll > > buinli-.j l j.; *! i '.II- ~ U,......- , ., .i. . , TO IlKflT- . '. . . \ ' ..n. . : bmttaiauoo diallv tii-- i i y Inanch just g a^ ,! Ins f,,e in O. 'I.ATIO.^ . v. <; " 'I- 1 -' 'iit- M H**0*irai.deraiiJ K. W.,tnon. of f .Mr. W,,, i.. it piueot M ,i MI-K Mi |i*S p-oii, tk. nh fricinyi ai llullai.d Ccntrr. Mr. <;,-..rve >\a'.,ii. i.f Markda'e, i* s[M'inu^ li:-. \ina-. h liilayt :il h"ii e v . knd Mr*. Si!a.s l.eitlie ai,.l fninily ' are tln4'_'iiv-ii< ,,f ihe Uiter'.t p. rent-.. Mr and Mii. NKU.'W,',! Mr. Lw.1 o moved MaMKolm KBBM tiRw aim lint ii.torda ,no f,.i a Mi-ov .J.i'i.- \Vi -li- . i* county, awl .Hs Xoiina Tu. k. "f o.i.'i.,. an- .. it.i Mi'-. ifr .,} Mrv l,,,i,^ M ;). li:i l it.., ..J ijX, tr Kirj liit > k. O-i. \i :^i - : I".;'ll! L. t. Tlie annual meetii.g ,>f L. O. L N 1085 wn* held in th Oranu Hull. Fever- Hiiain. on Dc 12 h. Th* following utti- cei> were electefcf,T the mmninu ye*r : W Lwler. \V. M . ; A. J Conn.n, D. M. ; A MiHorr. 'ha;i. ; S. C,.l. ( uet, Rc. Sec. ; T Fai ka. Fin. Sec. ; R. Kern*- glian. Treaa. ; Jim Elliott, D. 0. ; T. A. Willmnn. L.Tf ; S. Park. Int com. ; A. Mullui. '.'ml coin. . \V E:li>.tt, :inl com. : K. H i i-. 4'!. coin. ; 4. Lawler, ,">-h com. L H I. N . l<)rV> mevtn in lite Oraog* HiU, Keverfthmil. on \Veill.eixi iv oil |.r before fn 1 n ..... n. Vmitnnt orvthurn al- ^ "oi.QrT. !> Honor Rolls. Farms for Sale. .U.I. A|,|jl/t, i. Klviburtoji, ' I i K'llowng m the honor r"ll for 3. S N,> X. Aiti'iiie-i Bext 3 in ach ..Ixux. 1\ Ainu.' Th,,ii,p>on, l>,.|li McKire, . Jo . . ei te VN a IV-.- 111. -r W,! - Wallace. Edith lien>;>- Inll. J..IIM h III j- "aiy I'liinl. Miry Kisher. ii,v I'll "inpM.i', I, In S*vi- iln . : II iiie<.i, }'. I 1 , M I .-t ry Chnd. I'. 1,1 Ciuinl. ' .J..I.I, Kuir. K ...c V. .. I .er. I "When I was a Boy," V'ritns Postmaster J. '. AVooDSON*. Fon>5t HilL W. Va.. "I nadabroi.- -h.ol trouble of such ;i persiati'.i . and stubborn character, thai t!. doctor prorionm ,-d it inrnrabl- ordinary medicines, and a. me to try Ayer'i Chprry Pwtor..'. I Uid so, and one bottle curfd'r- . i'or the liist .ttftrrn yenrt. I li;i\ tisd tins' preparation with gou 1 effect whenever 1 toko A Bed Cold, and I know of niuniHTj <>f p v.-Iiokfx-pit in thrlimi'.-.i'l t;n-i...i. . .v out it." "I huro vcti nuin^ Ajer*t Tiierv Tot ornj !n my faru :> : lha DHMt e-'tatactury n -n." . ..hi cltrrrfufij MOOmmi'nil i: as Inlnj *tp* i.lapteil to all )<iilm. p'ainta. i liav<\ '..irs, ma.' pnltdonaTT ami <n\ Klady, ini> I ' ; ... ,-np, i ' tllO t\0f .[.! ., V. J. Ayor*r. Cherry Pcctorc; . J. O. Ayr t 1 ' t>

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