Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 27 Dec 1894, p. 3

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THE WEEK'S NEWS, CANADA. The Manitoba Legislature will assemble the first week of February. Mr. Alexander McMicken has been elect- ed Mayor of Winnipeg over Mr. Thomas Gilroy. MacWherrell is ruported to bo one of the oest behaved convicts in Kingston peniten- tiary. Hon. D. McLellan, formerly Provincial Secretary of New Brunswick, is lying at the point, of death, from erysipelas. The Banqus du Peuple has effected a loan on the London market for one million dol- lars, on behalf of the city of Montreal, at three and a half per cent. Mr. F. Beverley Robertson, son of Vice' Chanaellor Robertson, formerly of Hamil- ton, died at Walkervills on Wednesday evening. He wss forty-three yean of age. Th railway suspension bridge at Niag- ara Falli, which ii one of the oldest sus- pension bridges in the country, will soon be taken down, and will bo replaced by a cantilever bridge. At a meeting of subscribers to the Ot- tawa winter carnival fund held the other night, it was decided not to postpone the carnival until next year, bat to go on with it on the data originally proposed. Mr. Thomas Green way and Attorney* General Sifton, of Manitoba, are in St. Paul, Minn. It is said in Winnipeg that their mission is in connection with a pro- posed line of railway between that city and Duluth. It i reported that the Halifax street railway ii in a bad plight. One hundred thousand dollars' worth of its bond* have been repudiated, and ths City Council threaten! to ask the Legislature to cancel the charter because of the inefficiency of the railway service. At a mooting of the Real Estate Owners' Protective Assocatiun of London, Out., on Wednesday night, a resolution wai carried asking for an investigation in connection with the recent waterworks extentions, and the City Council wai requested to appoint a special committee for that purpose. In consequence of the correspondence brought out at the Toronto boodle investi- gation, in which appeared a letter from A. W. Austin stating that he could have controlled the Winnipeg City Council if he had chosen to do so, the Winnipeg alder- men wno served during that year declare that they will insist on having an investi gatiou in order to clear their skirts. GMAT BRITAIN The Bank of England s rate of discount remain! unchanged at 2 per cent. The Allan line steamer Sarmatian, from Boston for Glasgow, went aground ths other day in the river Clyde. The London Chronicle sayi that the long* psncmg dispute in the tin plate trade in South Wales has been settled, the masten and men agreeing upon a 10 per cent, redaction in wages. Sir Charles Tupper. Canadian High Commissioner to Great Britain, has been made an honorary fellow of the Royal Scottish Geographical Society in connec- tion with the paper be recently read before the society on the Economic Progress of Canada. The long-announced investigation into the accounts of the Grand Trunk railway ii proceeding in London, the Security Holders' Association having agreed to the limitation of ths Board of Directors that the names of tiaden having outstanding accounts should not be published. At a meeting of the Imperial Institute in London a society was formed, with Lord High Chancellor Herschell president, to ob- tain and classify a knowledge of the course of leiiiation in different countries, espec- ially in the British Empire and in the United States. I'NITED STATXS. Engens Kelly, the well-known New York banker, is dead. There is a bread and coal war at Port Huron, and the poor people are getting the benefit. The U. 8. Senate Committee on Foreign relation! has decided to report favorably the Japanese treaty. Tbeie are now ten ships overdue on the Pacific coast, and three hundred lives de- pend upon their safe arrival. John MoBride, of Columbus, Ohio, has been elected president of the Federation of Labor by the Denver convention. Dr. A. B. Smith, proprietor of the Hygien- ic Institute, died at Burdette, N. Y., yes- terday, in his 76th year, after a brief ill- Dees. Three British o*nnoo, captured at Fort Erie during the war of 1812, have been mounted as ornaments to Lafayette square in Buffalo, At Jamestown, N. Y. , the eye of a mur- dered woman has been photographed, and the impression of a man's figure was found in the retina. The clergymen of San Francisco are ar- ranging for the organization of a movement similar to the Lsxow plan for the improve- ment of municipal morals. Mr. William H. Powers, manager of ths >t*r theatre in Buffalo, dropped dead in the lobby of that building the othsr even- ing from apoplexy. He was born in Mon trea 49 yean ago. Bishop McDonnell, of Brooklyn, N. Y., has) issued an ecclesiastical interdiction against ssoret societies, including the Oddfellows, the Knights of Pythias, and the SOLS of Temperance. JobBatty'i Son*, of Philadelphia,ownen of one of the oldest established oarpet yarn manufactories in the Kensington district, are financially embarrassed, with liabilities segregating $'200,000. . A despatch from Quantioo, Vs., gives an account of the experiments mads by Prof, Langley, of the Smithsonian Institute, with hii flying machine. The professor did not luooeed in flying, but will try again. In the Buffalo Police Court the other day the judge ordered Charles Hutchinion, who was declared insane, to proceed at once to Toronto, possibly for the same reasori that Hamlet was sent to Kug- land. The Rev. Father Conway, former)* a priest of a church in Dick son City, IV, it now a member cf the Chaunoey Oloott Theatrical Company, having left the Church for the stage without his biihop'i permission. Isaac ROM and hii wife, of Bay City, Mich., havs lived together 50 yean and raised 14 children. Now they have quar- relled, and Mrs. Ross ii seeking a divorce. The man ii 80 and hii wife 70 yean old. Referring to the career of Mr Mackenzie Bowel), and noting the fact that he rose from the printer's case to the premiership, the Buffalo News sayi that in Canada as well ai in the United States a poor man has a chance of carving for himself an honorable career. Mr. John Burns made one of his charac- teristic speeches Before the American Fed- eration of Labor in Denver City on Satur- day, finding fault with the constitution. He was followed by Governor Waits, who told Mr. Burns that the American workmen were able to care for their own lawi, and if they did want a change, they would not go to England for suggestions. Admiral Da Gama predict! another re- volution shortly in Brazil. The diamond cutters of Amsterdam have again gone out on strike. The French Senate has adopted the Franco-Canadian Commercial Convention. The Swiss Council of State has granted a concession to build a railway up ths Jung trau mountain. The Chinese generals who were defeated at Port Arthur have been summoned to Pekin for trial and punishment. It u said the German Emperor has re quested the Czar not to remove Count Von Schouvalotf, the Russian ambassador to Germany . The Novostl, of St. Petersburg, says that the Council of ths empire has sanctioned, an increase in the cotton import duty. In honor o the Czar'i name day. Gen- Gourko, who recently resigned the poet of Governor of Warsaw, will be made a field marshal. It U itated that the Czar will cause the adoption of the Gregorian Calendar in Rus la, and that hs will abolish the secret police. A correspondent of The Times states that the affairs of the British East Afrioa Company appsar to be approaching settle- ment. C. Zestens Czyntki, a teacher of langu agei in Muni .h, ii on trial for having hyp notised a wealthy lady into marrying him The liabilities of the Commercial Bank of Newfoundland amount to $1,989,000. The shareholders have instructed the trus- tees lately appointed to wind up the bank's affairs. A violent earthquake shock, tailing one minute, was experienced on Wednesday afternoon at Oravicza, South Hungary. Much damage wai done to buildings, but no lives were lost. The proroguing of the Italian Parliament has created a bad impression, and it is interpreted as indicating that Premier Crispi intends to remain in power in spite of the Opposition. At Sydney, N.S.W., on Thursday, wai concluded the greateit game of cricket on record. Stoddarli All England team made 762 runs in their two innings, while All Australia msds ~,J- runs. A principal feature of the Paris Bxhibi tion of 1900 will be the largest telescope in ths world. The instrument ii to be two hundred feet long, and to havs in objective of four feet diameter. It ii reported that ths Sultan has invited the signatory powers to the Berlin treaty to send delegates to Kurdistan for a period of five years to superintend the introduc- tion of reform! th ere. The Cologne Gazette publishes a letter from Armenia telling of fresh horrors there, incl iding twenty-. hree villages laid in ashes, eleven other village! pillaged and forty priests massacred* Le Journal, of Paris, publishes an alleg. ed agreement between England and Italy, by which Italy is to occupy Khartoum and take possession of Morocco, with the exception of Tangier*, which ii to be a Britiih possession. The story is regarded as a hoax. MISTOOK HIS MAN. Clelhes Are v>i Always a Beliaele !> le the I..1I .Ida.l A certain Earl, whose disregard of dreu is quite proverbial, called at hii tailor'! to pay bii bill. A new manager came forward to receive the cash, and not knowing his Lordship, mistook him for a servant. Hs examined the account, and, after receipting it, slipped sovereign into the supposed servant 1 ! hand, at the same time saying, confidentially: "That is a sovereign for yourself, and you know, if you had only been a little bit iharper it would have bean two. Yon don't get your muster's clothes worn out half quick enough. In that time he ought to have had double the amount on that bill, and it ii really worth your while to get a harder brush. " With a half grin the Karl replied: "Well, I've always thought my bruih uncommonly hard, and, anyhow, hii Lordship complains about it." " Nonsense!" ejaculated the manager. "It isn't anything like hard, but I o*n put you up to a wrinkle thit may even pass an occasional five-pound note into your pocket. Just look here for a moment you see this bit of stick that I have just taken from the shelf! Well, that's rough- sued on purpose. You taks that and give your master i coat a good scrubbing about the elbows every day, and give the trousers a touch about the knees, and it's at least a good 5 in your pocket every year. You needn't think that we shall forget you." "Yon are, indeed, very good," said the Earl, with a meaning smile. "I may im- part your very kind instructions to my valet, though I fear, while he remain! in my service, he will not be able to profit by them. As for the future, I shall not trouble you with my custom. I happen to be the Earl of 1 wilh you good morning." Rural labor in some regions ii co cheap in winter that a farmer with a small crop of grain can have it flailed out cheaper thai lie can have it thrashed by steam. THE FARM. ^^"^^^^W^fcX^rf'W'^^^^^^.^^/^^^^lfc,^^!^,,^ The Mortgage Fiend. "It's mighty unhandy, wife." aaid he, " lit inunty unhandy. I Hnd, A iniirtKiiK" Mend to be praddinK in, For always InmcinK Iwhind. He down not nloep but be come* in drenratt, And hejadeamy needful rent, Hi- plii bin u-ii tin i In- niiiriiiiik' gleams Have kiM.il their kin of [he west. He laiisrhs when the fattening swine are "old And tin! cattle from off the hill, A* the Iambi* are taken from out of the fold, And rln- grain to the dinrant mill : He yok I*, to the plow that ittira the -<n For the harvest of itoldun grain, Tin- brawny Titianx of honet toll. An he fetter* their life in rhiun-. " He eateth hin way to the xouls of men Till he preyn as too polxonud anp : The cry of despair he heedo not. when He hu-* clutched with bin deadly grasp. lii-n hucrackHhlH whip in pruud dUd&in, To the poor and needy'H cry. And laughs at the heart *tnnK' broken pain. Where hi* wounded and dying lie. "No tribute ever a Satrap laid On the bondsmen within bin toils. More hard to bear than thin (lend has made In his greed for the fruit o( ipoilc ; He xiu enthroned with a -mile HO bland. Where bin million- of victim* cry. In the aearllekx. soulless, demon land. Where the fondeit of hope* will he." A Stone Dairy House. It is important that the location for milk-setting, creaming and (.-burning be apart from other buildings f'om which onion of varioui kindi are likely to e man- Where rough, or rounded field alone are to he found in abundance a very er- viceable dairy home may he built, M suggested in the accompanying illustration. The building ii nearly square, ami U divi- ded into two rourai, one for tho letting of milk and creaming, with the other for churning, packing the butter and getting reedy for market. A rough atone wall make* a very oool and pic<ureaque building, and can be laid up very easily and cheaply NCTnU80.l7E DAIRT HOl'Sl] it* coat being probably lew than wood where the itonei are at band, unlea* lumber be veiy cheap in the locality. If poMible, inch a home ihoulil be built 10 a* to secure ai much shade ai possible, at thil will greatly help ou >. in the beat of summer. A stone chimney gives opportunity for a fire in cold weather. If a well or spring is near at hand the water may be brought into the dairv house, ai an abundance of cold water, without labor of carrying it in pails, is greatly to be desired in dairying. The ioe home should be located conveni- ently near, or even connected with the dairy house if desired. Where a large dairying busmeie U done such a house is almost a necessity, if the finest butter ii to be economically made. Making butter on the porch, and in the house or in the cellar has altogether too many disadvantages. Health Necessary. It is a pretty well settled fact among swine-breeders and feeder* that if they can only keep their hog* healthy and thrifty they can readily make them profitable. It is very essential, then, that all reasonable care be taken to maintain good health. To secure good health from the start the pigi must come from healthy stock, and then such treatment be accorded them a* i beet calculated to maintain this condition Good and wholesome food supplied regular )y on a olean, dry feeding floor, and nev er more at any one time than is eaten up clean ; pure, freih water inpplied in clean trough! where they can help themselves ; clean, comfortable, dry sleeping places, are the main essentiali in maintaining a healthy, thrifty condition with pigs. In all CAMI bettor health and thrift can be maintained if they can have a good range. Even in winter, when they will be able to secure but little food in the pasturei, the exercise they will take, with the belter air, will help materially to maintain and pro- mote health. Too much bedding, so that they can bury themselves in it, damp bedding or filthy bedding, unsound or filthy food, unclean eating places, lack of exercise; lack of vari- ety of food, and impure drinking water are the principal causes of disease. The hogs are too often made the scavengers cf the farm, and are compelled to eat what the other stock refuse, and yet are expected to maintain a healthy, thrifty growth. No other animal is as cleanly, if given the opportunity, and yet no stock on the average farm stands more filth. They do not require expensive quarters. A rought ihed, with a tight, dry floor for feeding grain, and a dry earth floor with sufficient bedding to keep olean and com- fortable, it all that ii needed in the way of shelter. Arrange so that they can run in and out as they please. If well fed and watered they will not expose themselves needlessly. Feed regularly and water regularly, and they can oe easily be kept thrifty. Cleanliness is necessary to tho maintenance of good health, and plenty of good feed, supplied regularly, is necessary to the securing of a thrifty growth. The Ideal Cow and Ration. The man or woman who engages in keep- ing Jersey cattle as a money making busi- ness should clearly understand and at no time overlook or forget the fact, that when rightly practiced it ranki among tho high- eit branches of agriculture and requires for its successful prosecution as much sound judgment, forethought and ikill at any other business in which men are engaged. A buiiness in which a oertaiu smount of capital may be invested with more safety from losses, with more certainty of the return of a fair and reasonable profit ; a business in which there are more comforts ami more pleasures, fewer annoyancei and fewer riiki than in any other that we can name. But it is not a buiiness for a slug- gard uur yet for a fool. H demands intel- ligence and energy, forethought and skill combined with tireless industry. The objective point of all Jersey breeding and feeding ii the production of Jersey butter. The cow that will, year by year, pro. luce the largest amount of bu'.ter of the highest quality at the least expense, is ire best cow, is the ideal cow. So of food, that combination of food stuffs from which the cow will produce this highest yield, at the lowest cost, ii the beet ration the ideal ration. The ideal cow and the ideal nation are the two thing! that the Jersey keeper wants to secure and unite. PERSONAL. Zola, after heing received by the Queen of Italy, expressed inrpriss at her erudi- tion. Thomai Kildea, a Pituburg carpenter, wai killed by falling from a scaffold at Lorai n. In Melbourne there is a barber named Taylor, and next door to him is a tailor named Shave. Lady Carlisle is training a staff of wo- men to take charge ol her estate ;n York- shire, in place of men. Conductor A. R. lohnson, of Massillon, was instantly killed on a Wheeling and Lake Krie bridge near Warrentown, A correspondent in B -rim says of Cp- rivi that he is the very contrary of courtier: his back has never learned the courtier's curve. The Queen of Saxony maintains three eminent doctors, whoke sole duties are to attend to the ailments of the suffering poor. W. 8. Gilbert, Sir Arthur Smlivan'a fa mous collaborator, has so little ear for inline that he cannot distinguish harmony from discord. A large batch of state papers pnntd at Berlin had to be destroyed lately became the Kaiser was named in it as William L , instead of William II. Herr Eckermann, who sent to Emperor William a wooden crown, on which he had worked for three months, received a note of acceptance inclosing 17.50. Mrs. Humphrey Ward is said to be the best paid novelist now living. Out of her three books that have been published in the last six years ibe had realized no less than f-'UO.OUO. Herr Boater, an ex-lieutenant in the Ger- man army, now says that vegetarianism is altogether too wide. We mint be "fruit- arians" if me wish to rind unitary salvation. His disciples live altogether on IruiU General Count von Heseler, of the Gsr- man army, is a stern old soldier and a itrict disciplinarian. He hie been known to slop a subordinate in the street and make him remove nil Itoota and stockings to see if his i fast were clean. The doctor who pulled the old Ameer of Afghanistan through hii late illness is a young liidy of Ayrshire, Scotland, Miss L. Hamilton, M. L)., who took her medical degree three) years ago in Brussels and practised in Calcutta before shs went to Afghanistan. M. Bizzel, a French deputy, wants the French coins that have been minted dur- ing the present realms, and bearing a nude figure with wings, put in the malting pot. And he frankly sayi it ii not in the cause of decency he appeals, but for art's sake. He thinks the design is bare of that quali- ty- Everyone has heard of Sarah Bernhardt'i cunoui bed, which ii like no other one to be seen in Francs or elsewhere. It is nearly 15 feet broad, and when the fascinating Sarah ii indisposed and receives her inti- mate friends reposing on a couch, shs looks like a red plumaged bird floating on a great sea of whits satin. In the department of Cantal, France, among the mountains of Auvsrgne, an attempt is to be made to return U> th manners of primitive man. M. Gravelle, a painter, has acquired a large tract of land on which five married couples will settle, who will live in the caverns and raise a lew animals and simple crops for tbsir food and clothing. He claims that one hectare (two acres and a half) should sup- ply all the needs of a single individual. Among recent cabled statements regard- inn the Czar is one that he " has an incoms of $12,. f iOO,000 a year. " As a matter of fact, the Czar'i private treasury is practically inexhaustible, for he has no settled civil list, but draws what he likes from the im- perial exchequer, every ruble in which is supposed to belong to him. A itory is being told in London that on the death recently of Walter Pater, the editor of an evening paper lelegraphed to Oscar Wilde to aik him to aupply some personal gossip about the dea linan, a friend of the ex-ii-sthete. Whereupon Mr. Wilds wired back : "Leave the gossip to the jackals, not the lions, of literature." For the last fifteen years, at regular interval! of three months, Alphonse Dau- det has received a note, written in pencil from the same man, who ii evidently * great traveler, for hit letters bear all the stamps of the world. He informs the great novelist that he trains animali to prononuoe his world-famed name anJ then lets them go. Major voo Wiseman, the distinguished explorer, who was ir.arried a few weeki ago at Cologne to the daughter of a wealthy manufacturer, will soon retire from the German colonial servios, although he has only juit turned 41. But fourteen years of African exploration is an experi- ence that has led him to appreciate a quieter and lass) eicitug life. PURELY CANADIAN NEWS, INTERESTING ITEMS ABOUT 008 OWN COUNTRY. r.l Ir.im Vnrl.m. f,.l,,i. Tram IkU) illllllllt lu Ike rarlUr. Slrathroy has a Dickens' Club. Klraira is lighted by electricity. Euchre parties are popular it) Brock villa. Waterloo ooui.ty lawyer! want a law lib* rary. lenuoe High achoor pupils will publish a paper. Five sables were captured in Logan last week. "Talent" socials are popular in country places. Western Ontario is infested with hotel thieves. St. John'i Church, Cookitown, ii baying a new organ. Teeswatsr will ask legislation to sell its markc square. The Bradford Catholic church has an organ and a new choir. The demand for houses in Bradford ex- ceeds the supply. Wild ducks were sold in Napanee last week at 20o a pair. The bugle band "D" Company, London, has been re-organize i. A new Daptiat church has just been de- dicated at Sidney, C. Ii. The Seaforth electric light system may be extended to Egmondville. The London Board of Education is mov- ing for a Normal School there. The C. P. R. u again reducing the .lumber of its workmen at Winnipeg. Hamilton grooers are talking about early closing on Saturday evenings. An Orillia boy secured 1,1103 names on a pledge against cruelty to animals. The Hepworth Journal publishes the names of its dslinqusnt subscribers. Nicholas Awrey, M. L A. , is engaged ID the dairy produce business at Dundaa. There were 43 death*. '20 marriages and 72 births in Hamilton during Sin-ember. The St. John County, N. B , lumber oat this year will likely reach JU.000,000 feet. The North American Mill liuilding i'om- pany may soon resume operations at Strat- ford. Thomai Dehan, a veteran of toe Crimean war, died in London last week, aged .17 years. Freight ahe.li of the L. E. and D. R. R. are to be built at Port Stanley, oosttug 110,000. The Church of Christ, >t. Thomai, puts aside five percent, of its Sunday collections '.or the poor. Wm. Doig, of Tuckersmith, ha* bessi appointed principal of Hirriiton 1'ublio school tor next year. A horse was sold at a Brigden auction sale for $1. The purchaser doubled his money inside of an hour. Mr. Isaac Bradley, a farmer, was struck and killed by a train while crossing Mm track at Gladstone Station. The death of Miss Jennie Kamsay, late) of Orillia, is announced as having taken place at Albuquerque, New Mexico. Stayoer boys have discovered that kick- ing an electric light post hen the light has gone out will cause it to ihine forth again. By the proposed reduction in the rentals of the leeeees of market stall! Hamilton will lose $47.6(1 a month, or $67 1. '.20 a year. While carrying in an armful of wood the other day, Mrs. George Moore, of Strath roy, slipped and broke her leg in two places. An attempt was made north of Bradford a fsw days ago to wreck the mail train going south by placing large stones on the rac. It ii said that ths old steamer Olive, plying on ths Kideau canal, cleared for her owners thii season between seven and eight thousand dollars. Sarnia policemen made a round of the schools lait week and searched the pocket* of the boys for catapults, tobacco and other contraband goods, of which they confiscated a flour barrel full. A Campbellford miller was beinu boy- cotted by the bakers because of some alleged grievance. To get even tho miller erected an oven and baked bread which he sells at seven cents a four-pound loaf, and he says) at that price he net* a good figure for his flour. One Thing Lacking*. Ths mammoth department stores supply all wants. Not long ago a customer in one of these all-round ttores purchased a complete iionse-furniihing supply.includmg a dog, a parrot and a monkey. He bought himself a null, and, having an ugly tooth, he had it eased up without going out of his way. Going up another fligut, he sat for his photograph, passed into a physician's office on the same floor, was taken seriously ill on the floor above, died there, was placed ii a coffin out of stock near by on the same floor, and sent home. The manager of the house added in a buiinen-like way : "Wo would have furnished a Coroner and jury if the friends of the deceased hadn't been in such a hurry. " Drew the Crowd. Missionary (Gulchville) " Dear! dear. It's too bad. I am told there has just been a lynching. " Deacon Hairtrigger " Yaas, parson: you said you wished wa could have a big crowd here to the openiu' of the religious revival, and 1 told you I'd bring 'em. they're all hers." Got the Cook. Mr. Newedd " What! No cook-stove in the house' 1 gave you money to by one." Mrs. Newedd " Yes, my love, but I found I hadn't enough to buy a stove and hire a cook, toe, so I let the stove go. But tho cook it hers, and she's a treasure. She hai just gone out o get us some crackers and cheese,"

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