TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR " - PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN. 1 VOL, XIV. NO. 696 FLESHERTON, ONT. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 27 1894. W.fl THURSTON EDITOR* CROPKlETO* n/in^arvnAruiriJTJTruvuv'tnji^^ t Qood$. We have just placed in t.ock a large <|uantity of oU ,u: Jewellery Suitable for Christmas presriiU. N >te the following with prices : Si.UDGOLD BROOCHES AND BAUPINS FROM 81.75 to $0. 8v\ti:i> I'JXSANDBATTI.K FI:M :-<>,,., LADIES' SOLID (lol.I) \\AlVhL> FU;)M t!2 to $30 STERLIMO StLVKlt sot VKMK m latent in styK-a. Yu ulumld n tin-in. A large late jr.iicl.i HI liroocheii, clminx, culf buttons, ear ruig-i, lendid choiro in KaddUN rinL'. The above are tlm atent in sty-a. u uumld i|'ianti'y <>f lolled plate jr.iicl.i HI liroocheii, clminx, c tiupuu, etc. A splendid choiro in KaddUNI rinL'. LADIES' FOB f/.vg KEi'.itt:i\<; is Armstrong Bros. - Jewellers, FLKSI I I-IN-TOX. Santa Cl aiLS ! Gets all bin snppliea from the undersigned. Lot uieiiumeprate a few tlii> mi 'i-les which we have ordered fi.r hit n enjeniy this yer: Toys great variety, Books, Pictures, (iamen, Dolls. Bibles, Orani?, Nuts and Candies b> the Barrel. Tl,e Monkiey! The largest ami finest Mot of ever Invu'jht to low n. M.-iny hanilmiine thiiii'* in Pluah Goods, ~~\we*. Stationary, etc. A 'MI-HI iiul line of Photo and Autograph Allniiiit-*,. Youciiuot wake .1 mi.-. luke by H|i-iiiliir_' . oiiBidi":ibln mm: in lonkir* a over my ti cl(, which is very select throughout. Prices are thin year made tutu it (he liard tiinue. W. Richardson WORSTED SUITS TWEED SUITS ALL TO BE HAD AT C. J. LEITCH, PANTS Merchant Tailor. OVERCOATS Our Business Directory Caul*. VI ARUI.UiF. LICk.NSI- S. lulled dar or uiubt at tht reeideuce of the CommHsioner in H C .!. Coanyancer, Ac. Notary public. JOHN W AHSISTKONG. FLKSHBBTOK. HCCULLOCOH A YO< HanKera, Mariclale. do a general banking bus- iness, llouej loaned at a reasonable rale. Call ou ui. U R. HAMMOND. font Muter. Kimbrley. Commlniioner for takinu AlS.lails ale. Insures and loans money ut lowest rates. Execute* Leant . Dueda, WillH. etc. promptly, cheaply auit ettciantl y TJ'RUULB, rotmtrr, Flliorton. Co-nniiwlnnor In II. It.. Liu nurd Auctioneer, Couvuoer, A l>raixer and Money Lonrier. Uval F.tate au-1 ln>uraii<-e Asuut. Dwiln. Mortgat.'*'. Leaoaa. tiud Will* diawu up aud Valuation! in ! on khortmt notii-u. Auction Salon attended to ip any part of tnu County. Money to loan at U>w cM rat< of iuti'v?t. C<illn<;tliiii uttLMi'lo-l tc with proni"tnei! ami ile|itcli Chriu low. AKent for tlu> Dominion Steiii8lii|> Cniiiimn v. r.heap tickots 1- ii-]ierl(.ii to 1 i V.I-I,,H>I, JlaaKow. !.oii'ton or any of the IVitii^b rrui inteiiillni; to vlit Kn-hin.l. Sfoiluinl or trelacd. will p'eanc a-<k ratee bet. tlielr tteket* M I8S EDITH HICHAlinsOS. fnpil of Roht. Mahr, of Harlin. Uormanv. (violin): Mr-. Kraxllay. at ToroutoCousorvatory MIIMO. culture) ; Prot. Kfi riMin, late of Toronto, iFlano) will mut-ive iiupiU in SINKING, VIOLIN, PI- AM) ami ORGAN. J W. FH08T, MarriKter. Solteltor, Conveyaiioar. Eto. Flenherton ofnceNoxt th prntofllc* Sproule'n hull. lir. K, on Thursday*. Owen Hound office hulldhiK. L! CAS A WKIOHT. . Barrintuni. So'lcitoni, Conveyaneen. etc., Owen S..iiii.|. (>ii.. - - klarkdala, Out. I W. H. WIIIC.BT. |. H. l.ri-As. X II Klniuirton offlce, Mitcbell Bank. enrv \Vrdtienlar. jtlrdmtl. T\H Hl'TTOS. II. D. C. M. M.C. P. A B..Ont.. Prici-Tille. Residence aud ufBoe one door wmt of thu Math Nliht ciiiiri-li.Kinroe St. Offlco days, Tuesday* and Satunlav*. A'VI .\\ mmtxei-fry flmt and third Mon . iU* IthMchOMaih, in thoir KM!,;.. r..o,,, < i.. i i..... Hloak.F)abanoB,nt >... lotMICton, M. \V : \V. .1 Hwllan.v. nniii.,- ; rr. \V Iiwin K, Mould. VMting Brntn Invited. R'lVAl, TKMl'I.AKS <>F TRM I'KHAM'K. Riiii'lar roum il in>.|.|avrry nntinnl tip. I Tun- la . ,.% niim in ,ni,.|i moiuh. In Hjtronl' block p , leun-e 111M " othlv. the Wwlnuaday Braeadtug thuiUinlol uat-h month. S'-.NS 01' TV -.1 1-1 ItAM K Tills milety * In Dr. Chrlatoe' Hall .-vi.i-v \Vi,,i m-<liiv.'vi.iii,, K .it M p.m. VUltiiiK breth- rreu invltt d. luburanve In couucctimi. YM. T. . A. .meet in their hall. Clirixoe's Bk'ck .tvrv r*t and third Tliunida> in ..-h iiioiilh. \\ia.hharp.Maiter. T Clayton Hecretary. T\U CARTER. M. C. P. t S., Ont. Physician. Burgeon, eta., Flonherton uttlce -Strains b ock. Ki-m >. n< Munnhaw's hotel. f! AHTPt H I,OD(fK. No. '<:, A. F. * iVi M ; "'.?*'"' tl' Mnmmi,. Hal I. strain's Blook, riMbertOM. eerj Fri.lav on or lieforn tli full im.on. Dr. Cai'tor W M 'oule. Hecreturv lilmberlr*. At the laxt ineetii.<4 of L. O. L. No. at Kiuiherley the following ..(hours wore eleuled for 18!>6, >'12 : Bro. T. B. L':irriithr<, W. M. ; Br... (ien. Proctor, It. M.; Bro. B A. t'arruther, l'ha|.lin ; Bro. T. Lewia, Ri-o. Sec. ; Bro. D. Wai- luce, Fin. Sec. ; Bro. 8. S. Burrett, Treas. ; Bro. J. C. McCm.nell. D. of C. ; Bro. H. A. Walton, Lecturer ; Bn>. J.L. Laurence, 1st committee, man ; Dm. W. Siinpaon, 2nd do. ; Bro. E. A. MoC'oiim-ll, 3id do. ; Bro K S, luker. 4th do, ; Br.i. J. E. Burrett,, 5th do. Visitors always welcome. t'lesherton .Station From IIVLI mm < 'urrttfiuiuU n?. Quite a inuubcT if ho^a mill poultry and it large i|imntity of jjrain hm-u uumu in tli'i past week. Our villo la ijuito a rfort for hotel kuepurs, having no len 'linn live ruitiding here at the preiujut lime. Quite nn excitement wa cmiseil on Sutui-dny evi niog hy the exploding of a lamp in Mrs. \YaniiboroUKh ' parlor. Miss Miiry McLeod returned from l.iHt week to wait UH her niotlicr l.o 1.1 very ill. Mma .I.'liumin left on Frid.iy to spend Xiniks wnli her piiieiitH ill TeeawaliT Mrs \\il.son McMillcn left on Monday lc spend Xm.-is ami New Yuurs with her (iiirrnts in I'rt-umore. Minn Kale McKenziu, of Feversham, ia S|iendiiig h few week* with her sister, Mrs. $. Heinphill. Mian S. Allen in 8pemlin<^ a few days with friends ill K li-mlmr.;. Mm< Millie and Mary Cook returned on Saturday night from Toronto to spend 'heir vacation. The Rev. Mr. Hint visited Mr. and Mr J. M.-Muilfii last week. We trust etary |irBaiit ion will l> ukeu t-i ktvp C. lie disease from Iwcuniin^ e;>i- deniic. There ii it movement en foot at preiwnt to up.imii.ze a choir in connection with the Pre ahyteriin chiu-cli. Ai there U plenty of" talent we trust tliat tile ci'iurti- uutmii w i. 11 give their lionrty nupport and | c|-ouerutr ion tut*i-li aucli a noci-.-.^ uy ! adjunct t <> church work . Mr. u d Mr.. BiitUrs moved in Dun- d.ilk list week, whore t hoy v, ill en^ige ill the ii r.::tutil busiuejHi. Mr N'ciil.Munn, ufietr in n'wence of 8ov.-nl yet?ars, iiou a vinitto bin mother. Mm (Ertev.) EJiiniiul.s. of Forxlwich, wan the ir it of Dr. Bramder for a fev? days last week. AtUwtuinetmi{ in Uuimi Hall thure wait a s.>i* ie*hat heated <liicunaion on the 1 duincnts of I lie "old system" "newwx ivstem" (ruspectively ami .., r loing tuml work in this villiie. A numb*^rof the villagon are in favor of r'urn ins; to i.ho old vtem while an equal nuanihrr. if mt tin >n, im anxiouK to rutain the preien t ys torn. Thoro wu amnelivu ly .sliar|)B!.,,ti 11^ nvi-r tho affair but wo iir- Imppy t. . stttotlmt no one was wet ly wiiuinl wl Mim \2ar!ha Hal Huh, ho him ln-cn peiiilinir ai'ew mc'riths in the vicinity OO TO F. A. Baker -FOR YOl.-R FALL SUITS and OVERCOATS As I have Marled up in Merchant Tailoring. I havo a line line of black and fancy PaiitiDirs.iilHo Worsteds and Scotch .Sen/en. in black nnd blue. Before buying your 01 M .do call and me. The prices a low aa the lowent. Bnni: in your cloth aiid et. if niinle up and tiinimed. All work Ktinraiileed aa uaual. No charge fur cut- uiiu goods purchased from me. New Stock Just Arrived. F. A. Baker - Merchant Tailor. Teacher Wanted. Frr C. S. H. No. 1, Artomi'iia sml Kii|>hraaia, nraisu* teacher, holding Hilrd olaaaoartlfioaM tttatu salary. Applications r culvtid by 'A *> O'MUIBH, I .i.-i- ml 1 ij. BOAR FOR SERVICE hai . Kplondld Tf.rk-liiro wnlM Boar for a*r*ioa on lot 1:111. 1st r.. T. A S. K. Turnn. 7i ot. t tnnu of Mirrice, <t if 'I I'-'k.-.!. n MATIWWMN. h lunliBrton. Dee. 4. tt. Huimesui luuixi iucrtijwfj in tin- grmt milltliiit our cute rprisin 1 ,' miller, Mr. John Mi-* ins-aii, wn,rt uutlurihu ucceiwity 01 aildiui; another run of itunu for chop- ping pur|:iL'8. PRIVATE SALE The niiilimiRnofl has for MI In on lot 51, oon .' rtomeum:. 'I ln>rv,.. .!,,, .1 *t<-cr> ami I i-lvc; alm> a nninherof li n, ]ni|>l<-oiuntii, which thcv wish to Mill by privatn Hf.< IM.IOM. K.-li int ''ji they bve ainpuiieil of prop. WM.* ':. WII..ON. I utcinu F. O. FOR SALE OK TO RENT A Hay-pros. T. Wniuirr. mrton. Lady Bn nk, JOHN A. 8COTT, M. B. Muinber College Pbysie.<* Surcoons. Ontario <ira<luste in Medicine of Toronto University. Fellows! i| niploma. Poet UraduaM Medical school an. I Ho|.ital. Chicago. Dlseaoeeof eve, ar. noeeaii.l tbroat spocially trosUwl lioei .l*ue Maxwell, vlslss Feversriaiu Thars<la>s 1- J P OTTKWELL, Veterinary Surneon (Srulimte of Ontario Vetoriaary Colloge. ReiMlencu Next iloor i outh of Moore's pianinx fa't<)i v. J K HAI.hTKAD. U P.M. C. A S.. Out. .practices at Kim- berley. Kheumatlu ilisosne* i i>H.'lsllt. TjK MAUY M KUANUKK M. P. I . M.. M. C. P. Jt S. On I; Pric.vill.. pffle* an I lro. .-ini. O|>|I.>MI.- Hitttfrs' M -tfl. niKlit r >!HV. pninii.lU .t r.'ii.l,- I. ttluu III to U. \\. .M,. ,u>. ni'FFKKIN I.OIHJK. N... IHIi. Ill O F. in Clayton slisll nvcry T.H'H. lay .-vKiiimi ut M o'clock. hitiim brethren oo. illally invited. D. I'LATTOM. .N. C ; : D. li TAVIKII. Sv, . WTED S1LBEI "s?; lino ofM'KBK.HV STUCK or SI KP PIVI A I'lH.S.or hotli. t>BKMANF.NTaiidPAY> IM, I'OM'I KISS i.,. <;oil|) MKN. "'.(tun uivn ' von ..xoliiHive tnrrltory II you wish It will I'\Y YD! to write n> for terms. The Hawb Nursery Co., Rochester N. Y. Jrutistiy. J P MAHKHAI.l., 1. D S . M I) s . Dualist. Visits Markdale the 1st mul ii .1 WedHs<4ay at wuh month. I Vlvslieriuu Uach ft if oa Ike daj (ollowin*. Farms for Sale. Lew) M H'195 In the 7th cnifmuiion o' !) SuWOeblu nf Artoniniiia. two linn>lrfl ncm known aa the KlnRlton K'uto Applvto M. KK-BAHDSOII. Fli'Kh.Tion A.lniinfitrs:nr Ti)_RKNT Store in Ferershau with I ar| cardan. Apply to J. I-4L-L FsTcrsbam, Oct. From o"i' OKI* The tea meeting in thu Frenbyterian church last Wednesday evening w.n one of the best ever heM in I'ricevillo. Every tiling went olf vraiiilly from the lint cup of tea tn the hut Hpeech. Tl.e Diirlmm i-hoir ftirnishi-d music oi a hii/h order for the occasion. The speaker'* nf theevnn- iny were the Kuv* Mrmrs. Hartley of I'riri-vi le, Horriiun of Dumliiik, Dr. Mc- of Shelliiirm-, nnd Memrs. Kilcy :in.l D. McLenn of Priiwvillp. IV Mc- f Dundalk und (.'!IH. lljkniiiL'e of ia.ii. The ch;vir w n occnpiiNl by Mr. .lolui Me \rtiiur in IIIH nsniil url>un<> iKivniuT Pi-occnla ni-arlv $47. At thu slnHitui'.' nialuli at I nil on Sta- tion hiHt. week J. D. Brown put 44(> Unim-i i if shot. No. 12, in n piei'dnf pa|H-r llir--i' uii IKS <.i|nniv at :i i!i<i.ince .if .!;"> Fnt tnininnm 1\ii~i njmitilriit. W t .rt vevy mrry f.< > innonuoe the death of JVr. t'linrU-n ttarlw, who died ou Tiii'Ht lay. 1 i.r. ISili, after a short illorw, Hn WKI pr >stns,lul with pitialy- ais nn 'litja 10th iimt. , nliiclitnok nwity his HpeL'i'h. He wm mini MTV highly re- upectnd 1> y all. K.>- a siuiniivr of yours he 'iiri SM luliiTii!" tin- Mr'liMilist. churuh whom liu as nliraya n Tiiilliful mil rnr- lekt 'ni- kef null ta. (ls9Viut!il chi i.stiaii. The fuiu K-nl, which took place on Tlinni duy in 1* ri'ildfmr burial ground, w largely at. tcinii-il. .-V VITV im|irvHi ve IT- nioii was -jTrHirhnl lv !to\. Mr. \ViMid|{er fininlii: test, 'lile-ssi-ti art) til.- who die lari (lie Lunl , Im- tlu:y vest from i (in: LIN . M and lltejir vm'U i!o follow them' ' I'im btTiiivcil family IMVU t'n: syinpathv nf the whol- com in unity in thin their lioiir .il'ilrsfp Horrow. Rrv .\I i \V.inls!tr i* hiililiim special nervirw i i mr dmroli at p'rseiit. Mr. in Ken*u:k nn -Vnl into UJ3 III" H'S..irll.'i- lllHti Wck. MWSIK. Krank, Willisj ami Mis* \ . NVhi-tfcll, v,ho lui'u bi'ui in Ditkot-i for iin._-, uluiiii-cl hoi sic lately. liNKUOKTIC MKN to soil our i ...... o anil Roinpli.te line of Nursery Kto<:k Hlld Heml pntat- ons. H'Rhest salary anil . om imiuion psiil wntikly, IIK.HH; an. I permaoeirt position uiiaianttMKl sntl Hiiccess sMiirml to good Uloa. ^ii -i*l in In -M s t t liKi^iniiers. uxiiunence not nncessary. olnslve terrlorrty nnil vuiii own I'hoiooof utnu Kivnii. Do not Uruwars it Pru|ia(;atlir. HOI'IIKHTKIi. V. T. FARM FOR SALE. Valuable farm for sain, lot 1M. \c,. Proton. con SIM. 1111; of 100 ncroH. of wllich ">D urn rltmrwl HII.I rtiinsinili.r k'ooil I.AI Iwoo.l IMI-I . (imid ioi; hoilA mini M.nbU* an. I uo'iil wi-ll nn prpinUa*. Mtilutwl sliout 11 iniii" :iin tinnilklk nd :l from Proton Htstion. Chun Ii and BO ool uunvtniient. Term- to suit |) .N UN POWTEB, Ix>t7 con. 18. Proton. Swinton Paik P. O Sept. M. "M. Tim' 'lire (lisc.-tHp. diplitlieii i. Ins >MI ' our villmn- At pri'Sfii! it is con ( . tii.i-il to i'n* fund v ot Mr. Wm. \ViNoo. the lint is jr., wliu'c '.l:rei! chiidtt-n huvu t;il>un it. woulJiio Ss-poiity, I'. ^ \ . San Dieito, ; "Shiluli'M Catumli Keuicilv IN ifiliotuil lnivt eviT fou*i<l that HHeMf (MMt** 1'. io 53 cents. The Markets. 4'arel'ully <IT<-< i. d Curli IVoek KL.ur 9 'M to $ 3 r. Fall Wheat . . . ~>~t to 5 Spring Wieat 50 to .. > Barley . ol to 31 Outs m !if, Pens .'II to All Butter la to U KiiuB. fresh 14 to 1-V t 7. r > to 5 ft i ii 00 K, KOI : ' (X) tu 3 (M ^5 tv 2" 4! to (* r^ t ^ l'6 t ! 40 l<> 5O Ii tu 1 P..rk llrty per ton . (!ee*i Turkey Ch.rtw.pwi DUCKM tar i>air \Vool