Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 29 Nov 1894, p. 8

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THE HlfHIIffl AOA1ICI OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO, The Very Best I'l.ACK IS CAXA1M TOOET A Business Education, Take a Round Trip Sk ?,:,?. CoHegM and ..trial Departiiii-<tt* in I'aneda.tlMU visit iilnTii Huilueaa CotteMs ; eaautiii* envy- mis ih .H.Miuhlv. if f Uil to pro-lnco the i i.l Uiori'iiKll. .'.itill-l.'l.ii. l-rac-tit-al kllil AMI- .VHi-niii-twuf -HI. I. Hi.- IMM.I c-olle-ati ptetMMf .1 1 iiit<lM<t anil mot eompMtl aufl inuct unit- ble'nimtu'e and j | hnc. will give you lull c>n*a KKK.. Kur Annual Announce- j-jul givtug full particulars, tree. ail.lronn C A. FLEMING,- IVlll. IBill. Eugenia Mills - AND Carriage Works. Carnage* made and Repaired, alt-o Planing am IM -.itching. Band Saw- ing, Wood Turning of every des rriptlon. Planing and Grain Chop pmg it'Hie while yon wait, forth* Beaver tarns the wheel. T. W w 1 1 SON FAMILY GROUP Tin pllOTOuKtl'U I ^%/^%%%^%%^% ' ' V fs fully equipped with re- quisites for turning out 9 per- fect chiss of work. All kinds of pictures taken and liiiislinl in ;i style equal to any city work, while the prices a;f lower. Picture Framing do rib in all its branches. If you have shopping to do and pictures to get taken on llie s.irne day please attend to the latter-first. Careful at- truth >n will be given to copy- ing other pictures. Mrs. Bulmer. To the Public. Ilitviii..' n-nti-il \\'Litii-n' ll |. I. I .1 li-llll III yrHIH, I Hill IIH-.I It) |Mi>itin tn i:riii>all waiitM iii in, Inn- Horseshoeing: a Specialty. ' Satisfaction Guaranteed What world trf extrene tlii is, to be Did y.m uvr iv>tiuu Ix-w proitu iiMiikind u t i rtmt-tiniM of all >rti ' Rt-BctkxiH in .)>iiiiir-i |Io< .-limn in e*ti- mata nl pul>hc men. llenctiuiu in in.^.iU and lu ranln.iiM. Ttvi further tin- |i'-iiiluliiiu -inir-, niw way (He furUicr i: must i;u the other. Junl Irt .-m iiulivid- 11 il <>r ii iiitimi l.r Mirt'Kii-ntly kully Ir imp It-il U|.IMI - li'.wexcr much it m.iv hnve berii ilencned a reaction in public opin- ion Retain Mvvulsion iA fi-.-linx' taktiR |.l.i -. Let a criminal, howvrer 'ilu Ins I-IIINI-, l hiinUiil, Hci'urvet) and ihv'j'-l rl> downcaet liuul briifatli tlm thadirw of the u'llloAH, and lilc* a duttiiad r it .; i/j-il ti|Mi hy curi-itM ryK, <|inmed, tit turvtl. iiiHtlt- f<> show tin pier s, ilewribed, in ..k.il. t..ni with khamu, until with >t;!f lit!i>ii.' anil I he exeoratinii f bin kind he I..IU- f.ii- any dfth. It is tht-n tlint tin- pitying eye of lynipntliy, lo<>kinu l>i-iic:iili tht- i>utw>*rd oalni. xet-s the mitti-iun; ajid for the time forgets it* tragic K.-r it lyiliiii,- in tliii liU- i .11 i. ii line f. A. m\ IH-P'lSiTIf II li>v I HTCUK TirtuntM may lit your ininiin. re;iroaed mpulaen will break firth Ml a dt-oth deal , torrent all the ni'.rv vir^ent ftr ln-iri'' *> k>ng pent. Dor (O ||ors-iliril. -Un I) .ttV >f Eg)Mb Spai in l^inim-n* ci.iupJfi.-i> -tuwivi-tl a curb from my Impw 1 tuktr ili-iisuru in njct-mmeiitlriii; the rtliwdy, ** t activ with myHteriiHiN prumptnea* iu tKe ri-mot al from horxm of kar4, soft nr cal- . IIJHIM! lump*, bliMMl upaxin.Hplint*, corbs, writiij, ntirti-B and h|H-itn.s. GKUAUK RIIVB, Farmi-r. Markliam. Out. Sold by \f. K. Richardeon, DrojfxUt. Arran Tp. [uid Dr T*>lr $$:>.v:> f r vaccinating rh* aclio.il children of that T| . It it u In aiitiful trait iff hiHiiiin nati-rt-, ami by it. influence (ultimatuiy) i-xtrenu-a arc avoided, for ilo but mrtr, uftrr therv a.-tion ha- .i in and run its course the happy nK-iliiim in reached. "Anil earthly I*. WIT doth tltwn show likunt (id wlim meii-y ai-aw li-< jnmi-e. For mrarly a ceiituty NaptnVnii Bin pitrU- IMS been v ihiinl, eiecraUiK The ffar ami hatred of him in tire motions of the rartli have dt scmxled fnmi father l> son fi>r ihrei 4 n -neratiniii, n>. tlial IM on- n-i-t i-xtini-itc trl him a* a m*n hm I-M-I been reached .luat now a H-I.-M.IM has net in. We .in- surfvilxd with Na|Mi|,-onii liti-intun*. Matte to .-r him MM lh 'tin fv iMVcrty-ttrickuii Mchiml hoy in a f.ui.-n land, guyed by Inn mates lwcau.it 4 of In-, poverty ami lln- depMil.-iMoii of hia IMS- innately lovml C >ricH. yet even I lien .- iniiii.ii>i|iii|4 if<|iv t by lilt* gimiui* mid |>rowe>. A* a yotitli at mjbury o..l liur.i--M.-il vfitb tin- iv|>msiliilitir- of hi-. fatliui H family ami tin- trouble of keeping tin- wo If from tin- tli>r When we read nil Ilii". me sny, " Y'H. it w only pot-iu- jn.ll. i illill In- -.lionlil In- at tin- a of lliu-ly tho arhiu-r of tlm faitu nf Km.--. Ai.il olit-n at livit n-i- ai-e him n' t >in ~- II. '..n i hut prodi^ieai n>~< i <", Ik- l'i nil-tin us i liHiti.il to a r. e'i for th. iiillurrj i f wo rbity, mnlii-i-, iintl lunlig- inly 'o |nvk al -tln> |-II.!II|IIMI HWIIH:'* a I.-M.' wny to the nidi- iJ' livro-woiiilii)! I will |rllli|'l Mifillr .In 'ill. -i . i nlm T In M 4 ' a pro|n-r pn,ii-i-tiii- f.i- tl.i-. .i r ^-.n'ii h-^nu- |I.K..-I( in lln pr |-r |MOI>. i a*i neither a flninm imr a tl"tnu:o.l. In Ilim i-..|i'ii ,-tioii tlm In.!... runs nr- I. II n a i-iiiiiiiH ciinii-ii|i-iifi> nlniii xi. ' tir i po >h ]nii<i|. but ha* snr.v l.i-i-n iiiiliitl bi-yoiid nil |t.,.i*ilr!i> .loulit. Tin- v -y I , t words on Ntl|iol. l' 1/f.t i-ii- . .- - 1....I iru -Si. llrl.-n.i, )|ttl % - l-bv ' Ho* i-fli'M Iris ili,. liiittoruii In-i-n ob litre)! to iNrfn thnt niili- liy -t..,- i i ,.xt n. i thcultajy m nt.r<l lux.ty and iibxltl s. ( . In..'. Iliinmn nitiin- rt-i oiling aijninil MK tl aacylii'ltiii, |liiii'..i-i im i n n If iinlitl e t i-pii'iiriuniiiui. r.iii.-i'iiuil n-|n 'N-i s followt-d by ini.-\|.i- -.- I tmt'.i,. ,1, {.I* t*. surely HH ill.- Loilin-.- lua IIU.H i< mi-tl cii Inn llni inrili. lin.l. it- .I|I|M!HI_: o .1!. i b\ iv ..f llii'ii- svl'i-ti- \ii'\i.., IM!I- iiio.-s. I In II.-M. tlint lln 4 huril, iol.iilonnnii-.il, the ni.iiioionv of tlm iliBtln'iy oi i-tiiiniry lift-, till' I l.'k of lllll.-l.-tl. Illi-k of l,..-|-llll ; inatti-r mid I irk i.f Imiuiy nm |irim. tin. insanity tor nlurh ih.- mrl eonininn Ilii-i Hit' no'-'d. Vi-i. .'null' i- it tin- I.M.I of it all. Tin- n-i nil nuaiimt iBi>i.-rey of lift-, tin- loii'.'.iiir for Hoini' i.f I'm t,-t\. Tin- mi-ill il n,a\ In. all iv rung, bill iln- MlpuUtg ia right. Mollier-i, liy o iii*ri>ilinv ..nii! .-t-'i i nlnl bt-iliily Inf.. I if Ilit-x nf yiiui . IllMr I), inc-iiiia.'.- -.i-iitnm-iit anil 1.11:14111.1 ion, bv.i im il hi|(h|ir p'am 4 \ini-rli i". Thi'l'i- i . no 'in. -i tilt-vim of mcking tlml Rtmo*|.|it 4 ir than by the m.nitiirv ol books, anil if vt.ii have un bti ika thiiit 4 m a .Mi-i h am, -.' In -i.ttnli- Imn- wlit-ni \..ii may hnvii ax in m\ iHHiks an you and your fmmK t in po-mli'v i nil in it year for 91. If V"i ''' ""( ht>J III i tl iii.-n, im inattur h -u n, ill\ "When i was a Boy," Vritcs I'lMtroastrr J. C. \Vooocox, Fur-eat Hill, W. V.x. *'I iml ubron- thil trouble of such a p"r and stubborn clraracter, that dm durtorpronotint .a it iricnrnMe urith ordinary merticino; and ailvi.nl roe to try Ayer' Clu-rry Pctor.:l. I <',uf so, and one bottle <rnre<l ni<\ For the fcist fiftmi years, I IKIVO i:s<fl tlii* prrpanition with gcod effect wlK-neviT 1 take A Bad Cold. and I know of numbers of pcojilo \\!io keep it iu tlio bouse nil t!ir t.; :>. nt considering it t;.f.' to be wilii~ out it." " I have be*n ns!n* Ayor's Clvrry Fccloral In my family (or 10 ytn, wlili tho nxwt i- Llfa tcry n-iultH, and cua i IK iTfully recommrncl It ax bring npo- clmlly ailupteil to all pulmonary com- plaints. 1 have, fur ui.uiy yrnra, nimla pulmonary and other mrilirincmi special -luiiy, nJ I havi* rome fo tin onnelaaion that Ay*r* Chi-rry Pn-tural oci'iipii'H a position pr-*niitii'iit ovrr ctluT nir>!i- cine* o( lh claa.1." C:iai. Duvcoport, Ii .v.-i, SI. J. Aycr'a Cherry Pectoral Prr|>arel hjr Dr. J. C. ArvrkCix, LowrM, MaMk Prompt to act, surctociirc <'V> I I(HTIN A fATENTf > . retnpt amnrvr aiul an bmimt opinion, writ* t- MI'nM A> ('It.. waoaaTC hd Beany Hftyar ailMtMM* la tlv KUi'tit bauaea*. CnnninttK-a. n.-n. .it 1. 1 IT r. .nii.i.-nt lal. a II aaeknak uf In fonaaUnn anaearoint l*Mlr>ia and bow tn oh. tatai ifcea aa>* tn*. Tk\to a saaalegae o< aisrhsa- tcwl and MimUM booti MntrnaT fan-tin taken tbnniuli Munn A Ca irortrr SetMl MKtco la tbo M.-inlfli Amrrlrnn, an4 a* an> l.muuht UK- pul.li.. with out onct it. th* lnT.-nt.ir. Th t/vlrtnlul pa|.,. t iantMuwtwkiT..-iniiir' ' iiiMUMea.aea.kfnr toe laruK virfiiltii.ii ui an* >oi..|iltnr work In tha world, fl.'l a vrar. 5*nnt4 .IH. M*m ffM. Hiiiiiliuy kvuiiuu, monthly, C.Jtla war. finele i-.-1'i..t. -J.\ *.'iit. Fvi-ry Duntl^r rrnTnine tinao tir-il |ii,t.. in ii.k.i-. and l>liit<Htrpli uf nrw biitiM^. with plana, fii-jtuintf buiiur to I.H..W tbe I* i > - ritMiiirnii aud MH-tirn nintrat-ta, Aiilr.-^ MINN * IX).. MKW Yui-k. 3il x I See * OUR 5TOCK OF MII nt! i>t>.i I* IN i' . :- 1'iaLiis, S|iHi s >|it l.'ulii i Flimrs, |!IM-. uU, l)i-nii'.ili >l l.'n ! l>..t->, i I-:. In! liilll Win-til, l-'.HVMo-sr, Pen riiinr, Sji^i 1 1'i.is, IIiii-X- wtieat Fltnii 1 ninl (iun-rrifsi'f t 4i-iy ili sc-i luiiou IAMOND PILLS CONSTIPATION ^BiLIOUSNESS, -v DYSPEPSIA,^ SICK HEADACHE, REGULATE THE LIVER ONE PILL AFT!* CATIN* IN9URK9 GOOD OlOtSTION PRICL25 CTS Kepnirs, Repairs! D. McTAVISH, FLESHERTON, -K . \NDOKNKK.\L BLACKSMITH. KKKI'S < >X MAM) Repairs for Mauey Harris, and Noxon, Fleury and Wilkinson Bros Farm Iptnlemeuts. : Fleury and Verity on hand all the time.aiso all kintUof ri'pitrrK for the same. \Ve inaiinfiii-lnre IVag.vni), ISii^es, Cutters. Hlt'i^'lis. etc. BorMMtatbtf proii}>tl> alli'iiiii-tl ID. Spci;il 'itteiilwn to teuder contracted feel. Logging and Plow Chains touUti>tlj on haud. Pointers ^ CUTTERS AND SLEIGH5. | (JKN n,r\!KN. An H'f Kpaeon nf mow w i'|.r.i.i. lnnL-, > drsire to dm* yunr f itM-iitimi In niir stock of C'Dttfis wt luk in u.. <- K.I |. u-. liaTint a \3fgf stt-k t.. i--l ir..i. m.iilv up iu a iari ly of sty|>. and tinn-linl m tljH tiiH-il strle of rt ami at )iric-i. that i efy ct.un>cti:> In I.'ijjlin we an- pr>-|var.-0 tosnii \,,\i j* |i)j|t \>i heaTv. A I w.tk II'H.IH <>f (far Lest uiHttnul. XiudlT pin- n a eafl ami U> >.>ar own m >/t-hi-Mn. Tou mill lud H to jor lot-rest to cab < n T. \Vliitti-u I^l-r-sh <*rton. * ^p-ft NO SUCH THING AS OLD AGE To Tno%a Who Use South American Nervine. A Lady of Eighty Years Permanently Cured ty This \Yomlertul Medicine. TUree Doptorn Sid * Old Agre \Vs Her Complaint." nnd Gare Her tp 'lliree Bottle* of Nervine Clave Kelief 'Iwvlvc Uottloii Cured Absolutely. \~~ s **ftfsr~\ . > MR>\ JOHN HINWrOPT, Fl^herton. Ont. TVi-riT<tT< r'li -|H-ak of " An old njje ui i.r.nhi. and lo 4 )y n a Lap lutnl m-.'i t " Ami (.!> liere thi amt Hiit.-rt lk of " An old ir. btiuitif'.il M M n>, r . si:. I f;i>* Jne'e ure WMtM'MN that i-t'ii > to thp n an or worn in, thotig* thmr ynr n.ity I o:.|t.r eltwe- on to a fni-v. nh.-ii in ili rn;ti niiint t>f i.e.iltl-. In f rt it M d (Bcull to tin ,-f t i- i hi ini-i . n.l w ii-i-n un the ne t -day a "Id i r..i I.-, tlirr*. tolo -Hi-it ftirri-iini.il yuiithi 1 nr*<Mtttout their eti t y BKiven.i-nt aad act tall Q< tliftt th * i >> th* rwpiicu and i ot the wa< one of fid uc and un . . c-o 1.1 d.. hi i _-. . .i. M.idoof ml i-f ~tuiT tu it iriv-'r. hcaaty loa^w . tiirit> Kiie tl:d not (teopair. She a< i '1 ;.-n. .- 1 I" . - Sl; t nk I - n.! tin* .IHI -lul'iicient > her th.t )ir iinl was n." - Kr-m thr-i- -he lt.i"n-.i relief. She pr- l .11 :i I t OK ' ..|Tl 4 Ui!tle Of the i n. . i m n t' e le^nlt tnat ->hc i* pli-t.-;i rur\-d of that break- in-; up ol t i.i> t.u-i-a tii.vi iliii-au nc.i her three year-. aj;e. Tin- inn;; roDtlt-rfal in the fact, t . | r.-, Linn tti th tlii.i: . . .1 i. Id )eoi lo i rougii- . ui ii:i~ I - ,i l.itnd. that with old agw iti:>l<- . n.l il.-t-a-e. \\ hv 'h ukl i> live intn tUn t-'i-litian und nmettee, ami V> r-.l-r nl tiio -ei.turv f Sna n Nor vine, whether the |er'f' be yininsr or i '. n<-rv rtiin-rn. und when tiu-y .. |Tti- (*r c<>iidiiit-n the nyitem i- a rule witn thie who l.,i>e nppronri.ed to in- M>I mid t)ui il itte.1 tlnei'sctre I ami t-n f N.'t tin il they har- I n tn iha yir:uu-> coti- taiiitd n .-. i th Ammo n Tlervmc. He- loro 11*1 in in i Ki-t n it tho (nrturn "f ji.im I' niK,ily, .1 Flat; i-rtou, t)i,t.. n ii'ti-b nt nf tl.a* tun f. r ft-rt n .n the t- wn an.l ronnttv - de i.ii.in.-i it porhaix bolter tn iti.- s at X n. . n shun thi lailv. ant) i ..n more ' thirty. \\itn I!IIM n^pvct in \M-\T wm . e-iteeme.L 'ihiso )ir< itgi> it w-iulti nut Hm t ua ulil n;;* iiu.l en.nr a her ..d li>l it lto-.i <l.uii;hter ki tin. i-le.4-.i-i-. i.f la'i- ly. Iru ivis inn) ao- ha.l Lt-i'ii all tlio wi>ild to her. The ciuty, ai.d tnl-e ;i pnrl in ..irnin .iistuinut ly ti.i event i- ii'|.l..-e!y mm v , :. nil ilfM-li-t-nn-i't-i . t' bruke >i|' the yntem of Mr*. I'.awt-o.lT. tin--.- - ot a nondi-i fill c#n- MIH snpi" <{ her end and comr. She turv, wiiicu ui, rk< .is m.t tho doot. rt-d {ITCI e ycjr with tkroo doctors i.ni verie*, the dwcoxuryif aud they (am l.er ease up, saying tU.t it I txmth Arntr ecn \ lor \Vni.

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