Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 22 Nov 1894, p. 8

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THE FLBSHIRTOFf AfllflfCC OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO, IM The Very IJet PLACK IS CASAUA TO GET A Tirogii Bosioess Education, Take a Round Trip ;?,? ^^ ____^ College* and i'..uimerril Departmontt in Canada, then vUit tli North. 'in li.i'iiimi Collotte , examine ewjr- i ii.i-; thoii'imhlv. II we (all to prcxinM the in l thoroiiKii.i-ompluto. practical awl Um- lIvaeourMuf ttudy : the bed collR |>ruiiel an t the l>et and nioe complete anil uul uit- able furniture and >| | lianciw. w will give you a lull course Kith... For Anuual AMMMM- uxiut, giving full particulars free. axMnu C A. FLEMING,? Eugenia Mills AND Carriage Works. Carriages made aad Repaired. aleo Ptaning and Matching, Band Saw. io. Wood Turning of every dea- crtption. Planing and Gram Chop ping done while you wait, for th* Beaver tarna the wheel. T. W. Manager A FAMILY GROUP :-. nraro pllOTOr<IUP|-l ' %^.->'.^%%%^%.^% I I Is fully ecjuipped with re- quisites fur turning out 9 per- fect class of work. All kinds of pictures taken and finished in a style equal to any city work, while the prices are lower. Picture Framing done In all Its brauches. If you have shopping to do and pictures to gel taken on the same day please attend to the I. ittcr first. Careful at- tention will be f^iven to copy- ii\g other pictures. Mrs. Bulmer. To the Public. Ilivinu n-html \Vlnit4-n' lilm- I|| ( I- i u lino d( ynirs, I ,ni n., . m |i KltlOli tu 1,11 i-i to ail H.ii.lh in my UIHI. Horseshoeing a Specialty. Satisfaction Guaranteed K.-r a lylhin^ in tin- I. l.i. call on I. A. BUST Inn- The Coeniopolitan for November hat an appreciate* arliulu on thin Canada of tm y L*M Mi-riwvt her tlir aame Lee Meri- wi-tl-r who, a few yean nuo, published hi* chani>ig bxMik, " A tramp trip through ICimiptt, ur how to *oe Europe on 50 cnta a day. " Having read and en- joyed the hook we were |>rp]>are<i to en- joy the articl>>, which indued opens attract- ivuly with a.iini- ipirilud rvpliei of hii to aoinu friendi who aro thovkud at him sUrtmu fur Canada with " that IUIIIIIIIT suit and ipriht; overcoat. " Meriwethur Mure* lua fnciidt that 'Vxceptinu mouii- l.i i n, Uke and cait diittrict*, umnier in Canada u hotter than in New Orleana" and in Utia c4H>n action h* cmmi.eiiU on the ignorance which Irada Aint-ricaii tour- wlHtii provide thenievlvea with only heary clothing and MWrltor <>-r here l hun- dred 'li-uri-i a in i IK- ithade. A lady friend who for ome yearn lived 'on the other tide" luld m.t that the timt iiuiHtion on Caiimli in tin- ui-nyraphy ia anawered thus : " All iaolated fn>zen country ly in to the north of u* " ! ! CMI we wonder at the ignorance >-f the grown up tourutt when at children they imbi auch falae ideas ' A to C.iiiwla aute, I thought Muriwether'a ithmrvationa lather trite when he aay, " How many Ameri- cana among thoae fairly well informeil know 'li it weru the United Statua laid on tup of I '.tn. u In. i-nou-h Canadian t.-i i it -i > would rrimiiii uncovered to maku half dozen kingdoma the si/.o of H.-ljium or MolLoi.l " Hut my friend in ready a^piu with an i HUM i it ion of tln-u\. i <r Xn.i-i ! . no i- lack ..I information on thu auhject A lady pii-M-lt nt of a literary rlul> in a certain city cnlleH U|M>II our Canadifti fiiend. "' What pait of Canada nru yn from f " aaid nhe. " Woatern Ontario ' wait the reply. "Hut what town an- yoi near'" Owen Sound on th- Coorui Hay " aaid onr Canadian. "Oh ! do y.n know ninny |eople in Montreal I " an>c the iiii|iiiHitor, " Well, " our friend re lilied, " In MIL- ai I do upward" of a ilnni "..n. I inilea from there. 1 do not oftel make afti-rn calla. " "Dear me! Canada that hiy T" aaid tin-, mtellvctua light of the unity club of J City. "Why ..limit!., " I naked my friend. "Can't they aee their map* I" Mnri- w ether an. worn thai, when he reinnr ka t hat "only i-i-i-i-nily have our echoolgejgrapli- ii-a iieatrd to miii-|iii--iit Hriliah Amor ica by a vauue white apt on the map. All thia han net me thinking. Aru libelling <ir<-i-nliind when we miitf of her " icy inoiintailiN I" 1'. rlm\m Ii-ilaml haa her " di'K daya. " How ar we. lo know / \Vn havi- pinned onr faith to the i;-o graph)- ol our childliond, and unhna we tire nnuaiially ri-e|itive of new ideaa, the inipir-i-oi.il-> of rliilillnx-d reiliaili. The \\ rllm m i-\pi-ili:i.iii which madit a daHh for the p..li- tin- Hummer, wunt unuiiciini- U-red by furit. for they averred that Miry i-xpei-li-il to v.ork in their Hhirt leev<- and to awelter under Ihe vi-ry dirert riy >.f the run while traviain<j tho- lii-lila of I. -i during July mill AlltfilM.. To tln.ae of UK who liiivn alwaya roinii-rte.l inhnite fiirn u. 1 oily, fatty bill* i>f fair with a p il.ir .-vi.riliio n. their fnrhwn, condrnii-il loud and milk ulale ee,m Inily r.ullCiil. Prolon -iinirll II. -p, -ville. Nov. lllth. V>!>4. r,,il-. tl I,HII^|I|III That Ihe follow- m... I..- pii-l for work, Div. 5- Thomas liol.n.H 910. N.. i mini S. hell, 910; 1.,-u Alu-ii, |Hi; I-i o I S-in-ll, l \'- . th.it tin- f.-lli>Mini( deputy ri- IIIIMII.H olliri-i-. IMJ appointed : It'.l.t. HoWl-ll, 1>IV 1, li..li.-,r of .Li.,,'. Ho|,f, (Vilumlle.; John Uilvti-ll, Uiv. '-', hoime of Admn Srn.i-tt, II...... ville; .!... iMrlli-nxhl, Div. :l. lioline o( IL hiilil KeivtiMi-i, loi !,">, coll. 17; li.-lil S. KraKvr. Div. 4, IIOIINK of .1. 1'. Joliiiai-n, Venlry; (!.-o. A.-I.H..I , M , l'i\ .'i, hoii-e. .f.lno Ul.-n, '..i Jjo, i. :i. .l.i.-, I in. 1.1. \, |)i\ li. houae of Si-prfiato Kclio.'l, 1 >t 22 i-iiii. 4; ii.iiiiiiiiiiioii in III.IIM- of Allan. S<-iul.-tt. Hopeville, Monday .'lint Dvc , ai U .-.1,.1-k, noon. Al-o llnit liy law No. 41!, i. ii appointing of .1. |-niy uturn- inv i tli.:>-l for ii.in.uip.il UI-HI..I, IS'i... nail I .1 a 1. 1 1 Ji.d I m. i- I i- 1 1 ml '. I il li.i.o, pax.nl. Hiuni'.l, en-. Thu ai-ltcliiiK o| jiu-'iK lor IS'.i.'i 1. 1- pHid, lor s. i 1 1. 1- p, i f..il I. . i-riilii-.l oy ('Ink ..I !'. ,i , i-, folLovr: Siiiiiin-l !(.){. TH, $4, ,l,i* I'.v L nn.li t.'i; Cl.nx JOHIM..II, *>4, ami ?." for i ipl lIl/.H-L! Ki-lnuil ax.i-nsilli-nt ol Illil. II N I. li.iii.i.iik mid 1'iotoii. l.i ,:;hl o \\IIR.O Th .t M|.o!m Sin rliu ..- | aid JfllS, tiiial piivniriil ui.di r ill oii.iji-^i.y-la i 2(1, as r.-itil rd by I.IMO xliip roji r ,\iii. ki-n/ii- \Valnon Tint tliH folio*. in lir JMH! for oik. i ....I |)it. 1: \\ m II \ MIN, JU, I) Sim. ,1-, SH'.H, .1 AL.k'j. : ,i!i. ft; Hi, I..., I lUtl.w.ll. 1.1; J-,rt C1i;ill .g-r, yli; Mirii ll.-udv, ? VV.i B ,,,.| \ (inn ,1.-. \:, ."in, |'i,,..s MI- I. , . :' I -.'I; (i. Hi lo.f, il; Jo. IN x I) Hell. 91. l.-u li! n W.ilHoii Thai tile follow in.' In- puiil for work i oinl Di\. 4: I'.nni \VI|MII,, tfj.'), (-,'l.u.l) $_'.'>, Div. nii.ney. f.,r ..ik .-n l|..^'-l.;irli. 1:011 7, ,l"eph Kill-, %li, (o- I.-- ,1 llll.oll. 911; Til. N M. l.n.-o l'l. w .ik ii .L'2 I -i.liro-i I. 'I ir , I, n. lio pi.i.l fllltl p,.n !4 -ulaiy 'I'll il Juit Kt-ti x IK- haul ?Jil, fcuaj payment under drainage by-law 43. and additional M for extra work on I .r li, i- MI. 4, t > l>- charj(ed to Jim. McLi -lilm. H. K. (>le.ndeniHK be pmd W-'.'- f.-r ownnlii p -,'ipplii-s ami $1 7A tin u.i'i-.-i i.mtfd to c<HitiHcti>r umler HII>! chuige- to drainage by law 4U. Wataon Corbelt Tim', the followiog |>aid for w->rV, nriJDlv .'J: Clu-. Ha. 92: Win. kiiw-ck, 914; (urant 1H93) 912; John McKchnie, 9V; Andrew Dow, 113; T McAuU-y, 91H 8&; Hush McKenzie. til; E. Lipaley, g* 25; Wm. Cooper, 911. 26; Thoa. MeLervn, Div. 2, on 22nd Mderom), Wm. Mi-rU lu-rn, 00 50, < MI lilhcon. ^ Corbett l*ouhlm That Ia*c Tray- n. .r, T. enuineer, be paid fur Anal in- apectkin under drainage l>v law 20, two day*. 910; under draimt)*hy-kw 4CV, on* and a half day*. f7 60, total, 917 50 kenri^-drtiett Tbirt the- Mlow- ini; be paid for work, r>Ml D. 2: John Brown. *14; Hbt. Menu*-*. 9J Jn- Dezall. 97.60; (Jeo Bittorf, |7.80; Th.. McLaren. 941; O. Dj-c, for crave). 93.25. A lac that the folL>winu bv pai under drainage by law No. 20: Sumiel Riyera and Jaa. Cavanagii, eip-ne arlliiiK dh*tnlure, 95; Cuunci*, n-dy aittiiiK. $10; Ja* CavaDagk, draft ing by law and doV)cntnr*a, f:V. K.J.I ~ Under No. 43. Jaa. Cavnuavh. by-law and dehentnre, 96; Kol.t 94; Council half day aittinv, ?" Corbelt WaMon Tln tha cooncil adjourn lo.v. to meet at Hi.pe.vale. D-i-. 16th, at 10 o'clik a.ra , for township buainew. James Caranazh, T... clerk. A Little Daughter 01 a Church of England minister, cured of a diatr*Ming rash, by Ayer's Saraaparilla. Mr. RICUAT::> HIRKS. the well-known Druggist, 207 Mriiill Ht., Montreal, 1*. Q., ay: I have aold Ayer'a Family Medielnea (or 40 \ i -ir>, and barn hi-urd nothing but good said of them. I know of mn Wonderful Cures performed by Ayer'a Saraaparllla, one In particular being tliut of a llttlo ilnu^hti-r of a Chun li of Kn^land minis- t.-r. Tli child wo* lit.-rally cov-rl from head to foot with a rd and .- ri-.-iIn>_-ly troubleaome rash, fnitu which ihe hud HiitTt-rrd for two or throe yearn, in ipito of the bctt medical treutim-nt available. Her father was In (rent dUtroM alwut Ui case, and. at n-y ifconiiuenilatlon, at la*t N-gun tu ail- mlnUtrr Ayer'a BnraaparilU, two bot- tle* of vbirh ,-(Tr. r .1 a rompleta cure, much to IIIT rrln-f an<l lu-r futhcr'a il-li -lit. I am niiri-. IT.- ho ln-rr to-<lay, be would l.-stify in -hu strongest trnia to tin- in.-ri; . o( Ayer's Sarsaparilla I'raparad by Dr. J.C. Ajer . Co.. I . 11. itua. Cures others, will euro you Kepairs, e pairs! D. McTAVIStt, FLESHERTON, I HOKSKSHOKK AXix'.ENERAL BLACKSMITH. KKKVS <s HAND Repairs for Mavsey Karri*, and Noxon, Fleury aad Wilkinson Bros Farm Cpnrlenwntt. PloWBS Flenry and Verity on hand all the time, also ml km.)* of ifpnirs for Ilit- .sunn*. We mannfaetare \K>>U, Bu^giea. Cutters. -. He. Uoi-Hemuivtng |>i'onpll) attended to. Special itttetiUoo to teuder Vt. Lag>i>K aixl Plow Cbtn* eonatDt!y oit band. Il -S I % * I Pointers '.T/ See w OUR 5TOCK OF Manitoba I'.iti-nt, Strong Flonm, Bmikfusl (Yrvalfl, DpfHiC'iU^l i.oll Oat*, IK-sKi- cutcil lioll NVIu-at, ParfintRp, v. In-.ii I'liiui 1 uiul (iiocencs of v*ry IAMOND PILLS CONSTIPATION, ^BILIOUSNESS, ^ DYSPEPSIA,^ SICK HEADACHE, REGULATE THE LIVER ONE PILL AFTER EATINB INSURES SOOO DiaCSTION. PRICE 25 CTS TH CUTTERS AND SLEIGHS. N. Ar tB wiutii nf Mow ie a|i|>roai-hiai:. w dmire to drar jour tin.ur KiatHi of *;tt>i w 11 h in mi cuitpfete, having a UIJTH otuek to *l- eot iroui. raide up in n Tarn ty >J tylr* anil huahM m lh* bueat ntvle of art and it pr)elh. fy i-nutiM-tiitou In >l-it:>i* we ar- Impure J losuit TOU m lijrfX or heaty. A 1 wort ><)< of the iwKt iol. ml luudly ! is a ell nnd be your own judge*, ia Bent-viai;. Tvu will fad il tu Jour lab-rent to call on 'T. \Vhittcn Flcslicrton. NO SUCH THING AS OLD AGE To 'inose Who Use South American; Nervine. A Lady of Eighty Years Permanently Cnred by Thi* Wotderful Medici no, TUaceDoefon Bad "* UM Ag-e Wat Her Complaint." and Cute Hr L u - I U> Hot tloa of Nervine Gave Kellef- tu>ttle Cured Absolutely. MRS. Jortt DIXWOODT, Flenherton. Pnt. \Vi nUwrrth |>k of "An uld oge | wa one of old as* and no ar!n> and bripht. and lo )y HI a Lap- laml m^ht." Ami lnHwIn-ro tin-. HIIU> wriu-r t -ll. of "An old igt. beautiful and free." 1ii*- aru that roiiiu to the n an or worn: n, I In- i \e u< may ln-nler olo- ( < on lo a n-n tnrv. whi-n in ill., enjovmeiit of good le.iln-. In f el it M .lilfleult to think of oii.o of tlie old ii i-'\ imd w IIMMI on the atn^e of life t"-dat a o'nl |-i-m 1.-. tbere are.ni>. to be ueh a t.-remml vouthful- nesu'U)Ut aeL their evvry ntuveit-ut and aomenn* tell n< that re like th M muat be thi exception ami not the r.ilo ttitn thoxo lio iiave approached to or gone beyond (lie ullutteil tlnoo aocre yenia mid ten ' N t -o. if iher have be- oi.ino ..r.iuuinttxl in the virtue* con- tamtil in >outli \Mifii.' n Nervine. De- tore ua in ihia nki-tvn ia t)i (octure of alr<. John H.nno.ilv, cf Ont. a resident i. ( tl.ui town fir t.-itv eiin N'> n <u tho t n ami i-oiintry id mound ) pcrliars hctu-r kiii'HU than ihit lady, anrl i on more ln^lily en-oincil. '1'litee )r* go it \t. a I.IT and lot lo li n-o it iluugtiter hi' had IM-I-II .ill the Km hi to her. The smirk luitametl ly thia event rum pletely medicine co.ild do her n-ir r.nr M !.- of the kind of tlufT that <;iTe<Hrautr at aoy timo he dul not despair. Mu< a ii llui-nci'il to try Nrrvine. Slie> t ok thr- lo'.tlcs, nd t!m .<* <ufiiciont. to liow her that hr pud w not ye'.. From tin-si) -ho' bt*nn-.l n-liof. She i>er- tervitil. und in all t ok twclvo Imttlot of the n fil-.oin.v nh ti e rotult tr;t ste i. to-day plU'ly c-urod of that 1'reak-. ing-up of tiio\Htcui that tinvuieuutl but tbreo rt'ul in tho. Th*ro broi> U)> the ytteu\ of Stie <upi il hr end \*r. I'.MM< hml rotne. fact that Mr-. 1'in oody would (roclaiiu.. to tho thiHi<..inl-i of nlil )(<! lo t: roujt'n- nut this tr- .1 1 .nil. that with oil ;> doo not neft'anly coiueii' ti-|- itudo HDd durase. A\ iiv - !i ui.l e not IIT* into ilin ei|[htie<i Hinl ii.notien, and russ the border of too 'ei.tui v '.' South AineriRiin Nervine, whether n i*nn>n bo yi'uni 01 1 1-1, ^, : rvo roiiten. und wiien they me k.-i't in < )*r condition the sy.ti-ini-.. ut ti> w itii mi. Mil diM-ow at eighty .t at Unity. %\ itli this |iri'S|.i*ct in viww l would not Inn to un old K<;t nn.l rn.ov tliu plaatiuu-s of la:o ly. Ini-n-U an,| ,. ciuty, and take .1 |>ort in K.\trliin~ il. > inarveloiM progres* nn<l drvrlot niciit< i ;' th . She doct> rrd foroiayoar ith lhro cli>run. aid tliey f aru Ltr cas up, ayin; that it day* of a u< T- ' t'ul 011- nirv. wlnoh m. 1 1. < an nut th.- > .,<tf it* wi.ndenul .lio \ >. t)i ... ^oVtry uf bvuiu Awar ecu Nervine, ( l*or V ul*. l>v AVm. It i<:hai tlmon.

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