Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 11 Oct 1894, p. 4

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TUB FLESEKRTON ADVANCE EltTABLIHIlKD 1881 I- HMSIIKIi WEEKLY AT TUE OFFICE. HYU- EXBAM STSEET, FLEMHERTiiX, OMT. , T W. II THURMTON. $1 p-r nrimim.si r ini In advance Adveitismg Rates: On* Column, 1 rear. ISO ; half col . 1 year, SIT quarter col., on* year. SIS. Transient adv*rtlamnnt cliargwl a'. th rat* f 4 c*nt* per liiiii (or flrat insertion and 3 cula We rine tearfully and end with tre- pidation to remark that tlie conserva- tive party in Ontario is like our last year's Thanksgiving turkey it ha* lost its bead. Let ua hope that tlie Mtuile will not be carried further and t . it the body and bones may be left u i touched. This week windii up the fall fair dson, which lias been an minimally f, iccessful one, every fair in this di- Met having been well patronized by exhibits and people. Let u- hope that a new era of self interest has dawned, und that these useful adjuncts to suc- cessful 'arming will grow better anil more appteciated in corning years. Hon. W. K Meredith has received the appointment of Chief Justice of t'.ie Court of Common Pleas. This uppointmeiit will change the basis of I >>liticf> in Ontario by the removal of Mi. Meredith from the leadership of the opposition. The party really liad no good timber to lose, and by the honored gentleman's removal a void i made that we cannot hope soon to gee filled. At the same time tha mat- ter is oue where sinoere cougratu- I 1 lions an. in onk-r, atulTh* Advaucc l.umbly submits its felicitations. A Testimonial to Hr. Reefer- T i Thf KilUnr ifThf Aiinincf. I>EH SIB, At the earliest aolicitatinn < f a number of the otrioial* "f tho Ark- w right circuit I aak apace m ymir columns ( -r a few runara* an.-ni an item appear- iuit in the MII k, I ili- Standard of I lie 1,'otli, i lao Fair LNa'y'b letter of the 27ili, b..tli i f them IH-III-.' n-.i'l with HiirpriHe., not 1111- inixeii with iiidigiintinii, by tho member* . ; tliix circuit h-ru Mr. Keifer, the \.iun< man attack ml, Ulnreil for the M-U I in ' liii.( Ins KOIIIJ In collegu, and I niiiat in jiiHtlce aay, IwWed very ivi-| .t- li! y ai t , ,'l-n .1 by tlie li.-.n :y symi-.itl. v < .tuiid.-d t'i linn in the preHetit i':i .,-. nUn by the PSSohttiOE- uimiiiinonaly |.Hnae<l \>y the It.ianl on lux leaving the circuit. We wh-i have aat under Mr. Krt-fer'u ministry fur one year, believe wu have f.'un in him many ot the i|ii.tli!n-i that if" '-i iniki- up the ane--e.<-fnl pronchur. Ili- insistent Clii'intmn life, Km cariient Holici- tirle fur theaalvatinn nf thoae wi:li wln.m I.e came ill contact, Itm duvoiinn to eveiy detail nf pastoral wnrk, apparent t-i nil may he uiinnporUnt in the patiiimlion nf the S in-l ml. but m, in) will take n viry litr.-n-'it view. In tin- pulpil Mr. Keefer a* lieanl with pleasuro an I prulil, c'war and lojhal in hi* aiKUiiuintH.earneit in his ..pp-aU Hinl puaiowiinx ab<ivu many a i.- iili-.s'n's< in declaring the whole COUIIHC) f (Jnd that won the reHpect f hi* hear- i:n, and H.. far a* the poople on tins chun(* ar concerned, wu believe hi* frioudt can afford to treat the attack with theo-tinteinpt it an well deserve*. Ttmnk* n\'i you, Mr. l-lilnr, for your valuable Hpaoe, I reiimin, J. H., Rrc SKC. Arkw-righl, Oct. 4|h, IHU4. Khenin.-il loin < iirnl In a li S mil A HI-MI .in Kli'-nniiit ,sm Cure, for llheuniatitm and Neuralt(ia, radically vuie* HI 1 to '.I day*. ltn action upon the NYHtfOi is r*irnirk*ble and myaUi-iou*. It lumi'V %*>ty>iiuH (lie cauno and the dia- e ii T iiiMiiuJtalely diaappear*. The lirsi <1>*M *rreaCly benefit*. 7" Centa. Hold bj W. K. Ki^hardxin Druggiat. I'afiiain Hweenry, U. S. A., Hun Diaun, Cal., aay* : ' Sluluii's Catarrah Remedy ia tin- (nit inn-lii-iue I luavv ever foun<l t Im; vuld U" mv any gii *l ' I'. in 00 ctinta. Another Success. ARTEMBSIA TOWNSHIP FAIR KEEP5 THE RECORD. Sl-l.f si.in WKATHER FAVORED IX THE EX- HIBITION ANOTHER PKONorNVBDgrcCEM THE PMIZE I.IHT IN PART. Arteinesi* t.iwnahip fair wa* held at Priceville ytrday, and wan faroied with orthndox weather fur the occaiion, o to apeak. The rnada were also good, and there wan in conaequence a lar h e turnout t<i 'iew the nuhta. The exhibit* in the hall were up ti> ..:> pievkiun ex- hibition, and in xmie department*, not- ably ladie*' wi rk, there waa keen Of-m- petition, an there wa*. in fact, in every claaa. The lad ica appeared to have put forth their b.-at energin to make the ahuw a tucceaa, and this exhibit wa* n-ll> very pretty. Priceville i* well aupplied with ahoemaker , and eleven pair* of IMI. ts and ahoea exhibit their handiwork. Dr. Hun ui, who ha< a apecial taiite for pumpkin pie, (jave a Hpecial prize for the aame, and the reiult waa *ix Kjiecially del'ciou* pie* that would make one'* mouth water. Fruit, grain and root* wcru a hue exhibit, and in p-itat'-eM the coinpeiition waa quite x- traordinary. ^Vu have only a|>acu lo deal with tlie inaide exhibit thi week, and to tiive a portion of the pi -./. hat, which ia |i[iendu>l. DRAIN AND IBEIlS Claa* Buh fall wheat, Clawaon, Donald McDougald ; buah njirinx wheat, White RuH-iian, J Brodie, J Kuld ; bush kprintt wheat, White Fife, A Muir.J Bnnlio; buah apring wheat, any ntlier kind, N McCiiiinell, O AirnwHiniih ; bu*h barley, 6 rowed, J Brodie, W Reul , bn-.li iNtfley, '2 rowvd, .) Krodie, J Nichol ; luiah <>a:*, white, J Brixlie, Ii M.-Mill.m ; bu*h oat*, black, J Brodie, J Heivdenmn ; bmh|>ea*, large, U McMilUn. W U.-..1 ; buah t i(a, Hinall, J Br-xlie, W Iti-nl ; e-in corn, J Hi-Mistm-li, T Moore ; peek tnimtliy aeed, .1 IU ,ili'-. P Mun ; |>eck white beanx, V MvCurnivuk, \V Stuart peck colored I ,.-..11-.. U M, I ' irin'ik. W Smart ; peck tUx seed, K Beat, D McDonald. SOOTH A>H VEUETABLEN. ClaMi 7- bush Knrly K.we iMitatooa, J Heib-ranii ; buah KiMiity of Ile'imn, \V Mead*, I> McMiHan ; biuli ai<y <>ther KiU'l. Peter \V',,n. J. W Chriatie ; col- luctluli jiolatoe*. l> McMillan, ]' \\ its,.].. 6, t lump . S wectt. , V Wat a< Hi. J I < i r.thani ; C. turnip* any other kind, A Sealey, D McMillan ; G mangold uitx.-'s. P Wat- on, K Oliver ; U-ets, N McC'.mneU, J 1 t ii ith.-nn ; '2 ln-ii'l cabbaue, K Beat, J .1 Walsh ; 2 cauliflower*, Juo McUae. U Beat ; 1 quart rnitato oni-nii, A Muir, J Au<*wtn ; V- onloim raided- fruni top, ,1 McDiinalJ, P \VatHon ; <j parvmpa, J Meiiiatnck. H Wutai'ii . C carrotn, t'n-1'1, P Muir, A Muir ; C mrr,-l-i, table, J An- -am. .1 Nn-li"! . 'i punipkini, cniniiiii yell'iw, J I (!r-il|iini, U'lleit ; '2 pugipk,iiiH. any nther kind, J I (irabain ; '_' <|u.i-ili, .1 M.-l'.-ii-, J !'.: il;.- ; '2 ri-o( celery, .1 Hoinatiick, J M, -K.it' ; 2 citronx, J 1 ( i'.ilMiii, II Matlu-wwm ; 2 water muloi|, P Wataoli, H Biiit ; ' toin.il. .ea, H Beat, W Wtlcox ; i-"!li-iti"ii \e^i-Ubl*s, J I (hnhau). J B/i.die. Claa* 8 NVintiT apple*, .! I Oraham, .1 Hi. tli- ; fail |>plt-h, A Muir, .1 Nn lml ; colleclion a[i|.lis. .1 I (> 'li.-ini. J Biodie ; eralt Afiplii*. J W ChiiKfie, I) MvCoriniek : plumi, M I! i ley, \V \\ il.-,,\ ; pear*, J I (ir.iliain, A Sunley ; .1 I, mi. In - i;inpc**, J K, l.liiirt. J 1 liiuinun i i.i > w Kyi. Clan* hand Unn|iu-t, W M.-.i.K. W Wilft.x; tlile biini|ii. t, \V Wi.rux, M M--i.li ; ci'llei-tinii lifiMe I'liinti.. M Itiley. LAIUM' WIIKE. i 1 1 .< U I Ib , . ! t t, yarn.honiemnde, Mil U McLean, Mm J Hi'inatock ; p.ui nien'H Moqka, lii'iiieninile, Mis II -malot-k, Miatiibaoti ; pair Woollen kto.k n_'t. M i M. -Chill. Mr< M- I'.initi-l ; | 111 llli'lN. MIII M.t'uinit-l. Mia* Mcl'hail ; prmen't glove*, honiein.ule.Mii* Mulx-an, Mra Vq I'L.iil ; i|inlt , patcliwork, Intinemadi), Mm M. |i,nii;l. Mrs Heinatock ; i|iult any otliorkuul, MianMcPhail, Mini* Unlaon; 2 |.-.i\e-, homenmdu bruad. Mm .1 lleni) i-i--.,ii, Mia Clihton ; lieilin WIMI! W-I.I-K, t.-.J, Mrs N McCajmo', Mm W Mend*; B rlin wool work, nttt ritised, Mi- Muir, Mm W^toon ; i.,:i,-, n.,n Berlin wo,.l w|k, Mm-, liib.inii Mi- W Trui hie (Tube C.f.fi.niuM He i.-li- U HlutHrlf. A \VK*T UXroHO FARMKK N I:M> I.Y KS- M-KM PKKMA.TI'RE HI Kl AJ. TIIK. C VJ'HrK or HIH llll.l'UKM l, Mi A.NI> LITKY KIM-APE IXUEHHOLL. (Vt H W. II I..,, I-,, f Went Oxford t twnahip, cUinxi to have only narrowly eacaptul premature tturial n ahort time ago. UK bad had. kidney tiiHi-A-i 1 for i.iui yeara b.n-k .im! MO Imdly at time that 'ie waa complutely laid n . Many il.i.-t,,r- trusted him, but then Mr it mi-lit , in Mr. Bailey'* n|iinion. made 1. m in 11- rather than be'ter. Hiaea rtpe f i om a iiremntuve iirave wa* etTi>rti-d hy the u*e of the ml .lulili I >, ..l,i < Kidney 1'ills Tlireu boxeH of the e eunol hnu i i.nipleiel\ Mr. Bailey claim* to be alile now I-, do a bix-i-r day'* work that In* tvtenty-four year ohl mm. I niiel Uiu. Proprietor and Pub'JHher of iln- ll'iinlinrx. Out , Indepeiideiitaiya : "I wa* Buffering fr. m Dyapep-ni nul Liv- i tiouble. I I'-i-K* fw bottle* n 8niloh'H Viialsor and ituiu-.l iiu. I oa it." The Markets. rim-full rreeted Each Wrk Klour 3 00 to 9350 Fall Wheat 56 to 6A Spring Wheat 68 to 55 Barley 31 to 31 Onta 26 to W Peat 48 to 60 Butter 1 to 18 Eifua, freah 16 to 16 Potatoes ban 60 to 60 Pork 600 to 600 Hay per ton 6 00 to 600 Hide* 300 to 300 Hheepnkina 25 to 29 (teem- 6 to 7 Turkey* 9 to 10 Chickei>a pr pair 26 to 35 Duck* ber pair 60 to 60 Wool 15 to IB BUY YOUR HARNESS Good Stock. Good Workmanship, Low Prices. Curry Comb*, Bruthei, Hotrneaa Dreainir, Sl-iuh i:.-Ha, Ooat and Cowhidi* Koti.-s. Axle Oreaae, }t)ankela, and uverythiog iu my Un constantly on b^nJ Leave order* early an we are always riiahed in the fall seaaou. W. Moon - Hirnessmiker FLESHERTON. The Fall Fair. i* appmachin^, Uin *pa*mi i* and it U <iyi- to think about |>reparii u for the rainy Heaon. \ have pl*ced ui atiK-k a tiite *electioa;o/ rubber,* ami IHIOU and <h"e. of al] kmJs wbich will be (old at the very loHr*t prica, I want your tradu .ml .mi bound to merit your coiiK- ilence. I h;.ve :iulwetlii^ of gxtra value in men'* Hl|i>n^ full booiH. I inakr a xpei -i.-Uty of riiHlom work, and uae in-th- inK but the hest of *tocl(, placing there- ii|>nii i;. M.,1, lioni-Ht workiiHtiiHhip. Old friendt will continue to he heartily wel- I--HII . but I wish to uiake aome new ouea. Cume in and give UK a trial nrdr. JOS. SMITH, Fleahnrton. Opposite McTavi&h's Carriage Shop. A Little Daughter Oi a Church of England lainistet cured of a diatra*)ing raah, by Ayer's Snrsnparilla. Mr. BiRKS,tho well-knuw VcGlll St., Montreal,. T. Q.. says: I hare aold Ayer'a Family Mmliclnoa for 40 yean, and have heard nothing but good (aid of them. I know of uwn Wonderful Cures rnarformed by \yer'* Saraaparllla, O'B*) In particular rM-iug that ol a Hula daughter of a Church of England mlnlav ter. Tlie child waa literally covered from heatd to foot with a red and e ceedlngly troubtMome ra*h, from which she had auffered for two or three- T*ar*\ In iplte of the br*t medical treatment avnllaliln. Her father waa In grout dUtreaa aKiut tlie caae, and, at my secomniendation, at laat began to a.l- minlater Ayer'a Sareaparllla, two hot- tie* of vhirh eflei-teil contplot* cure, much to her relief and her father's dallgbt. I am anre, were he hre to-day, he would teatlfy In 'he atroogeat tcnata a* to toe iberlu of Ayer's Sarsaparllla l'r,p.rl bjr Dr. J.O. A|.r k Co., Uw.ll. Cures others, will euro you THE Are now ofertg spezial iiiducemenls, This is tine fcg*) of bargains evrrwh.ie, but nothing has eter Weu Jiard of yet to compare with the (jtialrty and prices of furniture we are selling every day. Onr steady increasing business proves that our efforts are Wing ap- preciated. If you have not called on us come in and lot us get acquainted. It pays to deal ia a town large enough to support a htaltliy competkkm for yur patronage. Buy in Flesherton Ol'R MOffTO GOOD GOODS, LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. \Ve have uddrJ to our stock tlii> week a tine assoiluu -nt of a superior me of picture moulding aud minor*. Oui* UlTDEETAKING As usua', is. u'cuviqg our best atten- lion, cui4>'i;d \vilh moderate chaiges. .RKRUlMM I CO. 50 Cents uciobet wuhit* chin. ing airs reminds us of 3 necessity for warmer clothing. Some months ago we were busy mak- ing provisions for this season, aud ha/e now a most complete range of size* aud qualities iu on/V underclothing. Onr prices are also interest- Suit Shirt . wants to makes dollar go ai Ui as possible. \\ehavea tine as- sortiueui o( ladies' 1111- nll M//jjderwear in single or UJ// combuiaUou garmeuts. H yon want to se*> llie best overcoat ia Canada, at the prieo to*i' stock. Shirt and Drawers. $JQ $15. Will buy a tweed suit thai would shame ti.v nulls that cost double the money some time age. We are now gett- ing the full advantage ol the low pi'icts at which wool i.as been marketed for two years. Will boy a black Wor- sted sun in sack dietts or cutaway, or aii ovei - coat tin- very latest m fabric, style ajid tinisJi. We iu.vt cheaper made goods at half Uie price but w j want to turn out the best materials ele- gantly made. For this amouo.t we cau make a suit to your or- dur, giviug you as large a laiifje of new fabrics to select from as any film iu this county and made up in best style of taJJwing. Art tit guaranteed. Men's Coats. Mantles Mantles Fur iwd Mantles Itcck of ladie ' aud genU' furs will be an agreeable surprise to intending purchasers both for exteut, varii-ty aud cheapness. The itoc-k U moving brinkly. New aud sly licit KarmeuU at prices wiiu-ii oommaud ail.-ution. but the> are made lo our order In, in iM-iecnJ nample man- tlea aud wo eaunot rt- plm-- line* told out. Stock i- full now but goiox. Lai lies' Wool Seal Capit re |x'|,u ar aud we ln> a fine rao|{ iu tl eae ||ooU>. Our Black Oppmum i-tue, ure atylikh and cbrap. \V liae a variety of other Fur* iu Cap, Maiitle*, MuBn. t'iillari, Cap.i, 4e. The largeat variety aii,i ch>-apeat tick of Men >'ur Capa *ver offered lien- Meu'a Km Coat* IJ.AO. (iovd Stock. Onr I ' : " I ' I> Oood* are ""* "'il Up an I runt GOODS u', 1 tud Wiuler CUTLERY. We ' ivejust received a large stock of at-soued cutlery. 1'lease take not* of a few prict-s. 1 iln/. ebony li*>ndied steel knives and forks lor $1 .SO. 1 duz. best quality Slit (field steel knives and folks for $2 S0, usual price, t8 .Mi ; 1 doz Jos. Koger A Sun s best quality, with tipped handles for $3.90, regular price,|4.lO: 1 dx. German silver tea spoons tlu.fr- will weir whte all thrqngh ir CWc. . 1 don. Nevada, silver tea spoons, wai - ranted lo wear Ilk* silver all through, for 9Uo. ; I,do2. silver tea or dinner knives for $:i 5t, usual price, 18. \\M Ittv^sUll iwfvw of those 60c. Ututenih. left, and w v warruot them not to .btyw out. . ^Quie along and get oue, A great assortment of axes, cross out sawn, cow cliama auJ scoop hov- els on haud.

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