HE rilflHTU ADANCK OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO, 1- The Very et PLACE IS CANADA TO OKT A Thoioojk Ittlnu Take a Round Trip ;s? t'ollt'!(.-n " Commercial l)prlment tu rD*l, then *Ult t i* Niirihuru Wufinriillii" : smlne (very mini; ih ir.Hitihly. II w (il lo produce the LI-MI tlinroiiuU, curaplnl*. prat-Ural anil eilen v ,- iiurMin *tu<Iy t'l" t>ot n'lli'Ke fMHMI tn I ui tiunt nd liion eoiuplelv ami inoel unit kbUfuriillureand I|liiici. will give you k full c,,urt> FHK... Kur Anuual Ainiouuoe uixul (jivliigfull particular*, f roe. *>l<trm C. A. FLEMING.' Principal. Eugenia Mills _ AND Carriage Works. Carriages made a:;d Repaired, also Placing and Matching, Baud Saw. ing. Wood Turning of every des- cription. Planing and Gram Chop piixg done while yon wait, for th* Beaver tarns the wheel. T. W WILSOX .A. FAMILY GROUP Tin in! . V Is fully equipped with re- <jisites for turning out? per- fect class of work. All kinds of pictures taken and finished in a stylo equal to any city work, while the prices ;m: lower. Pirtnre Framing^ dent in all its branches. If you have shopping to do and pictures to ^et taken on the same day please attend to the latter first. Careful at- tention will be given to copy- ing other pictures. Mrs. Buhner. To the Public. Ilitvinit r.'iite.l \\ kitten's blacksmith li..|. I. i a U:i 111 ill' \i-ars, I nm now 111 u f:o.,i,un to cateiiiiall wiuitH in my line. Horseshoeing a Specialty. Satisfaction Guaranteed Fur s.iyihiu a ' in tin- blaoksmitliin^ line Call nil EAST URKY PRIZE LIST. (t'unttnvnt from Jint paye. ) Mmiis, Jno Abbott ; corn, fit for table, J II Htard, It Bust ; radishes, black , D Thuinpwiii, .1 I (irahani , radi- uther cW winti-r, F Loucks, 1) Th<>iii|oii ; ganltin herb*, best OoUestioa, Klt,-Hi..I I Uraham ; citnma, R Ruih- van, C Grant ; wator melons, \V Norton, R Uraham. FRUIT. Claw 25. fall a|>plu Rud Astrachan, Jiu Hrodiu ; Ouchess of Oldenburg, P Loucks, W J BulUmy ; 8t Lawrence, J .1 M;(iue, \\ T Ellis ; Oravenstem, K H, i.i.rii. I; llu'ln in ; Alexandria, A Muir, P Muir ; any other variety, K Kuthvan, It (irahain ; collocUn, m.t mentioned, ( Hutclimmm, .J I (!r*han. Cl.tnH 2(1, winl.-i .i|i|>ln N'irtherii Spy, W T Kill-,. .I M Ktuart ; Untari<>, J ] (iiahain ; Itoltlw I I (inihaui.J llnxliu; S|iil/.,-iil.in _;, .I I (i' ili mi. JaH S'u. Hi ; (in! Irn KiiHiftx, J Slu. lit, J I (il. ill, nil ; Roxhury HuHHotH. .1 Sin irf, R Uutlivnn . I'liiiniir i !i ii- . .1 I (iialiaiu, T!ICP< K-'IU : Simwit, .Im Stitirl. P Ijnucka ; Kin;; TiHiiuk.nH, \V T Kllm, R ll't ; any other variety J Stu.-iri, A Muir ; collection, imt nifiitioneil, .1 I i ir i!i. mi. \V Ho|>|wr Claiut 27, |x-r- Ilirtli-t, .1 Suini. .) I (irnlmiii . I'I.HI|> Faviintex, .1 Stnurt ; Kli inmh I'., an; v. J 1 Graham, (i linn Inn 14. II ('1*1.1 2H, plums, etc LomUtnl. < 'ii.-int, .1 Stephens ; Doe's GnUen l>r >!>, <'(ii-aiit. (J HntrliiiiSMii ; R.-uie Claude, J I (iiah.-iin ; (ii^cs. .1 I (ir.i'i:'n; ; .my iitln-r vii<-ty, .1 II llciur.l. \V U il.-ox ; collection cnili a;<|ilrrt, J I (iralmui, .Ja< Smart ; while gru;..--.. .1 I Ui:ili:tin . Mlored cr|ies, .1 II l|..ir-i. .1 I liinlmin: f..lli-oti Hi t;r.i;ir.-..l II Hi-aril, J I .lr.il. un PAIUY I'KOUI < K. Class 20 Diaplay lioiu-y, Ja Stephens, (' tir.-intj; ll>s lintt.T. RoH \\lmt.i, ,1 AliUitt, .1 Hull, -y ; f^illi.s IIUIUT, tub, J K-rn, .1 Oliver, W .) Mi-mis ; Imtti-r. C.nl or crock, J Kurrm, A Muir. \V T Kill.- ; fruit c.-ike. Mis :n,, ,n. .1 Kurris ; jelly cake, \V .1 Itelhiiny, <! Stewart ; lireml lioiiu-iiKile. .Ins Stuart, J Abbott ; f.u-'ory cheeM-, (i Sli-H.irc: IIIIIM lionn- made, .la* Stuint ; trts, I' Muir, Mis \V K Whit. ; a;,ple ).le, \V J B, ILuiiy, Mi-, K NVInii- . i;i^|ilnTry wine, \\' lleiiileiion, <i Sie*iiit . |iniii|ikin |ii-, \V I I:.!! in ,. 1' Om,jj ; rhul>arli wine. I. si.wiiii. Mi - U K \\ lull- ; miiir.l Irint. \V \V 'riiinliie ; miieil pii-kli-s, .1 Hick- linn. \V Heiiili-i.toii ; maple syiu|i. J A I.- er, \V Wileox. l \M TAlTCKr-S. ri.-tsi :'i K.xlni'it of W.IU/OII.H, liir.'uies iiml cutterH, MrT.iVMli ,V l(!a,r, .1 II II, -ml \' Sons . ilii.|ilny of puiii|m, \V H A \ Hull, .1 Artliy : <!i|i!.iy of mjins mnl piainM, .1 K lU-Ui-iville A Co ; ills jilay of furniture, .1 K H,ik,-rvill.- .V Co ; in;i him .. .1 1^ l!a.-ker\ illi- .V Co ; ot 1 1 ,t!i.ii_' in.i.'.r by fxhibitor. I' P, A. DOT i u. IKS WIIKK. da*s 33 Painting on silk or satin, oil color*, W H Purvis ; painting on plnt.li ,,r V'-lvet. oil ,-olors. W }| I'lirvn, Mis Pi Sjipiule ; paintiug mi niuxlin nr iMillii'K cl'ith. oil colors. .) A I. ever ; p. untile.' on terra cotlA or slate, Mrs iili- 11011. Mrs W F* White : ;t|>pli<|iic work on cloth, W Noiton . lieail and berlin wool work combined, W ( l(o|ip,T ; bcilm wool work. W Norton. Mis Y"nm.in-. ; brakliug, Mr* Dr Sproulu, R Whiittu ; bntt.on hole*, I' (^IIIKI:, I' Mmr ; iT-.cl \vo.-k. Won', W II I'nrvis. U \\liiiieii ; c'oc'.et "oik. cotton. .1 A l,"ier. W Wil- coi ; tro.-he:. work, silk, R \\'hi:ten, W No, i n ; cr .cln-t work irnl hrai.l c l-lin- I. R Whitteii T Kells ; il.i.nm mi net, T Kel'.s, U N uton ; lUriiin^ on H o kin^. W Norton, (i Stewart ; em e'\ itli Lin.uMi Kims, Mis [i, >S|iroule. \\ Noi'on . em lii-' 'i'Ii" \ \vitli eottoo, W II I'nrv.s. T Kells; eiiilnoii|,-i \ with Hill-, H MntliewMin, MM \\' K White; einbi-oj .. ety with H-nscinc. \V II I'nrvis.W Norion; e iibroiilery wit'i lope ,-iU, 'I Kell->, Mis A M (illmoli ; i ill luotilery on JIIMI CIMVIS. Mi, i;il..on. eniliioiil, rv on velvet, W Noiton ; em broidery oil tell, W Norton ; einl>ioi,|ei \ I! in, in on ulnie lumen, Mrs \ onm tn-, M. I >i Sjiroiil.. ; i inlii-oiilei \ . Me\ic >n nr ilriwii thrua-lH, W II l'nr\is. Mis \\ |; Wliitc ; emhroiileiy i - hint! or outlii.e Mi VoinaaiiN. W Norton ; eniliroiiicrv t.l'-le cell-le | 'e. Mis ( illi-iei ; shir', lianilina.le, W Norion. II Mvli. \\ Son ; liamlken lin-f ease. Mrs \\ K Wlu'c; ml *r and entl c ne, Mr-i W F] Wlnie; Silt's shirt, machine mail,-. I" V"-"-.' . hstldbag With ni-.no^i.nn, \\ Noiton, >n- (iil.s. n ; Itllitting in -on|, fancy, W Nor ti n.W M Purvis; knitting in oottrm,fauc/, \\ Noiton ; knitliii;' in lace. \V Noiton ; knitted stuefcinfs, cortn, W Notion, I' ; klii'te.i Hlocktl'U^, Woollep, W Norton, I' t.'niL'i,' : knuti il mickn, Woolli-n, W Wll.-ov, .In., Mi'n.iil ; klllttetl L'loves, Woollen. \\' N'onnn. \V C Hopper ; knii leil niit.ls, wnolleii, \\ N'ort -n. A Mmr; laco lionitoti, Mrs VOIIIIIIIIHI, Mrs I Jili-on; lace hointoii anil p -in 1 conil.iin-i! , \\ II Purvis,,! Hick ling ; laiues' -iiHlerclotli- ii.({, colt. in. W Norton, I* (juii-K ; '" ' erame .r t me work. \\ No'inn. \V C Hopper ; n , n,,- melli, k work', W NOII..II ; nelinj.' faiu-y, Mrn Yomnaim. T Kills ; ' 1. W'-rk. oriiHineiit 1, Mr (iil.si.n, U M I 'in vi*; paichiiu.', W NOI-I.-II, Mis K W hits ; pillow nliiini, W Noiioii, .las F'i ins ; omit, pal -liwmk, ;lk, \\ H I'm vis MrsTnunsani . <|iult, patcliwoik, Wool, W Nii|-t-i||. H Wllltlen;t|uilt, Jl.itcli work, cotton, W Noiton. .1 Holley ; i|inli. iiatohwork, loi{ cnl.in, \\ HeiuluiHon, W Norton ; i|Uill or contiterpane, kintte I, \V C Hopper, \V Norton ; ijuilt orn<iiitit- oipane, iioduit. H Ma-lie\vi<iin ; i|mlt nr c..||iilvioHI|.-,l<ni.|l>-il. \\ Noiton ; K.-ieeliH, fanov, T Ki'iU , slii,p,iih. uiu^roiiiure-i or oike.l, W Noiton; 1 1 ciialiniii, mouiuvil, W II I'm v i-. Mr* l.il.son ,- 'l|>|-r, knllli-il, W J Kelliunv, tut HM,| '..i., tik. tiiMJ, ,M. tnlm.41, T LL..;* ; toilet set, W H Purvis. T Kells ; whisk liul'ler. T Kulls, W H Purfis ; fancy foot .tool. Mm W r. White, U Sunrart ; c<J- l.-,-t ion of i nn y Work, Mrs Yoomaim, Mr. K White. Clawi 34, line arU--Colleciii>fi i>ho'on, Mr liuliiN-r ; oil painting, NV H Purvm, Mrs PLANTS. Clam 35 -Table W<Hi,njt, Stewart, W A'lleox ; Foliai-e Plant, Mrs Ottewell, C W HelUmy ; Geraiuum, Mrs W E Wh. e, .Mrs Ottowell ; Futchia Double, Mrs Ottewell, Mrs W K White ; Hanging -. Mrs (ntewt.ll ; C'alla Lily. Mis W E Whit... MntOttuwell ; Amarilla.Mrs Ottewell, \V Wileox ; lieifoma, Mr* Ottu- well, Mn l.nlnu-r ; collection plant*, out oUNu, W Wilu-'X, Mrs Ottewell. NPKCIAL i-l. l/.i s Town)iii> ex'iilii'H of u'ra-n, ronts.frait, etc.. t'.ilhn^woiHl. Arteiiienia,Euuphrasia. I'rotoii. I'n itie-t Mid iNairot dressed 'mby, Mrs .1. I.(>raha.m. Puorent dilapi- ).-ti-il itml worst lookiiu' turnout. J A \t-\.-\ He r .mil ]in-iti<Ht lady driver, .Mis t I l.i ir.lley. Uicyclu rf, Jack At- kinsun, W. Buyd. JUBOB8. Hope* Kuuene. Murphy anil H Cattle H. Tucket. sheep ami Smne John Nichol Farming Implement* ami Wagons, I'ni-.'u'i- -s :inil Cntlrrs II Mat Hers. Many I'roiluciH M Richardson and Join. Chmliolm. Fruit- .lohn Cliiliolin. < Irani unJ Rooi* S. M, t'lillough and W. Jelly. 1 , III-H Work ami Fine Arts MiH M ' .11. .null, MIAN Rutlivaii ami Miss Kehey. It line* MU* A. Armstrong and J. E. Marsh. NlUrrn Yrar* of il Cll MII.BS ScllhVVKK HAH KlllNEY li|SE4SE ALI. THIS TIMK ANI> IHIlN'l KNOW IT HOW Mf Kof.NIl 01 T AMI HoW HE WAM il l.kl>. TOKOMO, Oct Sixteen yearn :m kiil- ney ili.sL'AM; atiat-keil Chailen Schryver. a Inicklityer in tln.s eiiv. Imt lie ih<l not know it. It Hhowe-l itself in the form of pain* in tin- mini! of the li.nv. Tliev ilnl not amount to much at tii-t liut kept ur.miiiv' Woise. \\illiii, thr i-a-t six v Mr. Scliryv.r Ini- .. n, ^- . i,i\ wen had lo i|iiit work f r uii or two days on ac- count of tlieir nerenly. Doctors aaurilifil t!i. in t" tlio hvc-r tnd other CHUHI-H ami pic-, uliei], lint their me lien <lnl no C"o.l. LJtt iprin.'. 11 city pliymci.ni dint;- n"i-il the cane a.s one of iii.i!"-tes and w:iiilt-il to persoribe, but Mr. Sclnyv.r Vllcl. "No. ,t It.s ill.tlll-te*, I'll UB Itlild'n Knlin-y Pills, which I know w ill i me me. 1 ' Tin y iliil cm.- linn, to,., anil t' il iv Mi S.-lnyvi-r is fre,' lr-,|ii ncln- or p.tin ainl ai'le to ,lo Ins il.iy's woik. w -ek in and week nut, with any man in hi< trade. A Koun 10 llorsciiirn. -On h.ttle uf Knglieh Hparin l.innnen' c.,ni|nete!y leu,,,', , ll a 1.111 U IrOIII n y Ili-rs.-. I like I'li-.ismv in ii coniineiiiii.i^ the i,-iui,l\ -, it arts with iny^terions pioiiiptne> li. tin- removal from horse, of haul, soft or cal- 1 nise.l l.nnp-, III. Hid [i.mn, splints. CIIM-, sweeny, (titles anil -) iJi.iM -.1: lioi-.i:. Fiirmer, Al.i'kli.nn. Out Sold by W. FJ. Uicliitrils.ni, DON'T DESPAIR / DODD'S '' KIDNEY PIUS WILL CURE YOU \ We Kiurmte* IVxIHS Kldnev Pl'Uto oirotny o( Iir.ffht 1 ! rHeasc, Plabctrx. I anbsgo, . . ,,sv Khrum.itlni. Heart Dt'enje. Krmile Tr.iut l, Impuri- H'nwH -or mon'v relimjed. SoM by >'! ''i-iUrs lo ni1tctnc, ne ry mall on receipt ul i rice. joe. perhoa. Of Si hoae* i ~\ *JR. t, A. SMITH . CO- Toronto. Repairs, Repairs ! D. McTAVISH, FLESHERTON, HORSKSHoKR AND GENERAL BLACKSMITH, KEEPS ON HAND Repair* tor Mnssty Harris, and Noxon, Fleury and Wilkinson Bros Farm Ipmlements. Plowa: Fleury and Verity on hand all the time, also all kinds of repairs for llie (tame. We toannfaclure Wagons, Buggies, Cutters. Sleiglis, etc. Horseshoeing prompt!) attended to. Special attention to lender contracted feet. Logging and Plow Chains constantly on hand. To the Public" iu general or all intending pnrcha.crs of Buggies, Carts and Democrats I desire to call yonr attention to ro? spring stock. Kindly give me a call and you will be convinced. I use notntpf.bfllfint-MMI material. Cume and judge for yourselves Uepaiiing,' strictly attended to, also painting and rtthmmiug. H. T. WHITTEtf, Flfcsherton. MOTHER AND DAUGHTER Rejoice Together. vine Year Old Maggie McRitchie, a Victim of Chronic Fainting Spells and Nervous Weakness, Completely Cured by South American Nervine After all Other Efforts had failed. The Mother, a Sufferer From Nervous Prostration and Indigestion, Likewise Cured. Hear What the Thank*. lul Father Has to Say. MR*. JAME.S Mi-niTCIIIE AND DAI i.IITF.K. A leadin local physician, whose profession takes him among the chil- dren of the various public institutions, fanes, I decided on ttying it for her, and I must s.-iy that I noticed a decided change in my daughter for the better remarked to the, writer, that one ! after he had taken only a few doses, would hardly beliova thnt so many I As a result of using this medicine, si children were affected by nervous | is now entirely fret- from those faint- troubles, which sap the system and prevent proper development. In ing spells and possessed of that life and brightness that is tint happy lot many cases tho doctors are powerless ] of childhood. I am suti>!icd it is an to cure these, troubles. They can i excellent medicine for any nervous relievo the suQerinj; little ones, but in weakness. My experience has been South American Nervine we have a j further supplemented in the fact that my wife ha* also been u-iin^ South American Nervine for ;..,u-estion, tint does more than simply , relief. Its peculiar strength is dyspepsia and nervous prostration, relief." that it completely cures where- physi cians relieve. A case in point came to and ha* found very ^ us the .till ult., in a letter from Mr. James W. MeKitchie of Bothwell, Onl. He says : "My daughter Maggie, aged It years, was afflicted with nervous fainting spells for over a year, which Iff: her in such a con- dition of weakness afterwards th%t the child was practically an invalid. We tried several remedies and doctor- ed with her iu one way and another, but nothing gave relief . Seeing South American Nervine advertised, as par- ticularly t tlicatious in nervous dis Whether thn patient bo man or woman, young or old. South American Nervine provides* complete medium for restoration to health. It is a medicine differing absolutely from every other. A cure is t- fleeted by application to the nerve centres of the human system, and science has proved that when these nrv centres) are kept healthy the whole body i* heulChy. For these reaaous failure is ilile. "XV m,