Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 4 Oct 1894, p. 7

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BffMM OF THE CAROLINE A THRILLING EPISODE IN CANADIAN HISTORY. tf Brave lirrU ..r Ike f IH37 - ' Ulhrr iln.rr er a YflBllac he*l B< iiralh Ih. Imll- Tkr .il- r Hr II,.. < .>!.- \rr.l >.,l Kl With U.mr lor Thai Llllle n There were stirring time* in the Province of I'pper Canada in the year KIT. There wa* no rapid postal service, no Grand Trunk railway, nor telegraph wire* strung all over the country at that time -o keep people in touch with their distant interact*. While the men of strong aim and loyal bean were away at Toronto and othar place*, supposed to be exposed to internal and external disturbance, the timid and helpleM left behind were in a slate of con- tinual terror and suspense, not only be- cauM of the uncertain danger surrounding their friend* at th* front, bat *J*o because they believed they had reason to be con- cerned about their own personal safety says a writer in Tne Empire. Every day some new rumor found a lodgment among the outlying rural see tioiu, (tartling the quiet inclined people with some new phaae of an impending danger, and often it wa* hard to Mil friend her, except some from foe, for in the older and best Milled districts th* low murmuring often heard among the disaffected gave a seeming cer tainty to surmise. They heard of " Hunte r Lodge*" being formed in thj town* and Tillage*), when aecrect plans were nightly concocted and daily made public. Unquestionably it wa* a stirrin g time. and th* engrossing public int*re*t had been raised to such a decree of excitement that would be, in our modern prosaic time, bard to understand, not withstanding a Fenian raid and North-West rebelhcn. THE INSfBiiKXT" AT NAVY MLA9D, The year WM drawing to a close. Men in authority had said that rebellion WM stamped out at Upper Canada. Yet time* wen ctill stirring and ominoua. Rumor asserted that several thousand rebel* and American brigand*, organized on American oil and led by an American general, bad assembled on th* Niagara frontier, bad Mizad upon Navy Island, where they issued grandiloquent proclamation* ; and also with twelve cannon and other arms, tol*n from the conveniently open Batavia arsenal, had erected batteries snd deciar- very dark i one of them (rounding on Buck horn Island, '^uive a number of men (moel of them aileep) were on board the Caroline when tne boat* reached and boarded her. In the eeramble and n utfle that en*aed a number were wounded on both tide*. Shep- herd M' Cormack and Richaid Arnold were the only one* considered lerioo* on the mde of the raiders. After the American party bad been driven trom the steamer, one of them, named Amo* Durfee, wa* E1LUCD IIY A SHOT through the back of hi* head. A* he fell where he n*d stood on the whari, in the line of fire from the tavern and wareaouia where the late occupants of the Caroline were ibeltered, and reinforced by friend*, and a* at the trial of Alexander McLeod in L'tica, in October, JH4I, for being one of the ezpediuonaiy force, notwithstanding every decree of latitude being given by the prosecution to piove a strong ca**, there WM no direct evidence given to prave that a shot wa* fired by any of the boat crews, So il ie highly probable lhai poor Amos Durfee got hi* death wound from sum* of the trembling coward* h* had been that day vociferously applauding. It wa* an unfortunate ending, and the American Government made the most of th* occasion by making strong representations to the British Court of St. Junes on behalf of the o* the State of New York, DI THE FAE NORTH, THE BARREN LANDS AND GREAT SLAVE LAKE. Mr. tlullrr.T. f puk THE U.,r Mraril f Mr that expedition a murderer and an abettor of murder. The steamer being now in the hand* of th* invaders, it wa* towed out from th* wharf. Ml on fire and sent blazing over the fall*. There wa* nothing removed from for the wound- ed to lie on and her colors. It wa* about J o'clock in the morning when the seven hipptwa Creek, but they Ihr sMhrr-Tkr suk s>v xt>l*>*leer *! Carts)** Indian* Wa* Weaslrr at a ailing taaec. Mr Malterner, of Spokane, \Vasn., has re turned to Edmonton from his trip to the barren land*. The barren land* are about 230 mile* fron Fort Resolution. About 100 mile* furthur, at a lake called Clin- ton Golden, th* mu*k ox are to be found. At Locknart portage, Gordon Camming and Harry Munn. hearing that a white man WM to follow in their direction, left a let t*r requesting Malt.rn.er lo prea* on and overtake them. Mr Malterner received the letter three day* afterward*-, bat not know ing Gordon t ummmg, thought he might be an explorer or miner, little thinking tha: h* wa* on a similar trip M himself. When Ian Man < iordon Camming wa* wearing a shoe on one foot and a moccasin on th* other. On the e*t side of Artillery Mr. Maltanwr foand that tb* delay - by the ice, and the supplies running short, would not permit him to travel a hundred miles into the barren land* with safety with his Indian guide, he therefore turned back. H* describe* th* barren land* u ex ceedingly rocky and vary dirficult to tra- vel in. The rock* and ground are covered With hcneu. which, whan dry i* hard and M beautiful a* coral; but wnsci wet is AN ENORMOUS PAY SHEET. 4 sma r la ike *M el Pa*la were not altogether. 'In th* report of the , " *autitul a. coral: but wh.n wet i. ,,uit transaction made by Colonel Mc.Vab at ~f' nd sponge-Ilk*- TbemoMi.tb.tood the time, it wa* staled that "no living of th* reindeer or cariboo and : th* source person remained on the Caroline after the Canadian* left her. ' At the McLeod trial, above mentioned, ment wa* fully corroborated and accepted. law wrni) ikua>-l Hr Tk>- M rny Car tt~mmm~l. Th* new system of payment luaiagurared by th* olficiai* of th* Grand Trunk Rail- way is expected to be benehcial in every respect, and an advance upon the old method*, and. judged by broader views, to practically remove the serious risks the company ran under the old system of pay- ing by car, which delayed payment of sal- aries along :he line several day*. All the leading railways of the United .State* are contemplating a change from the old system. The abject is to mak* available the bank- ing and otrer facilities which have grown up sinje tne Grand Trunk initiated methods or adopted Hnghsh on* many yean ago. Instead of transmitting hundred* of thou- tand* of dollar* through tha country, with the attendant risks, counting money over and over, making up numerous remittance* for on* ciase of payers, and sending pay- masters with the requisite equipment for anotner claas, it is now realuad that fund* are lyuig in the citiee and aU the more un portant town*, adequate for all local want** while at smaller place* there are the co m- pany's own funds to draw upon. The ex- press arm of the <>rand Trunk MI vice aiso affords % valuable adjunct in the distrinu- uon and (apply of money. By the means ' PURELY CANADIAN NEWS, INTERESTING ITEMS ABOUT OOB OWN COUNTRY. them now soccCMl'uily introduced, though limited e i tent, tne placing ot fund* at remote point* only to wore back to til* lanre centre*, is avoided. Tn* bank* assume tne actual disbursement of th. hich tneir agent* are emmenily Kathrrvsl mea n.. r.lal t llaail,- le Istr fmrtmlr. Gravenhunt's tax rat* i* 35 mill*. < len William t 43-year-old gOMs is deavi. The Orillia Bicycle Club i* organizing an orchestra. ( ntawa had over 100 vacant heoae* ln pact summer. A new depot is to be built at Fred eric ton N. it, next year. A movement i* on foot U> build a $30, ' nobel at Digby. A defective sidewalk coat Walkerton a 1 13,'JiX) iw suit. Th* new free library building at London I will ooit frj.UUU. Raccaoa* are abundant in the ooemtry , districts of Ontario. A new lodge of Oddfellow* na* been ;n- ' stituted at Winnipeg. Winnipeg s new Coneervatorv of Muio has ;ust oen opened. Thomas ha* put oat $157,960 12 baiiding operations this year. Hallville and Mountain Station wiUaaua be connected by teiepoone. I -alt yoong men are thinking of organ..- ing an old-Una* minitrel snow. Freah waur turtle* for th* Hasten mar ket are bred at Chatham. A 23 -acre bop yard in Batnurst. On:., THE FALtK CHARliEM Or ncTION. It i* unfortunate that we, who live in an age which may be const iered remote m the brief, bat eventful, hutory of our country, should sometime* read in American school book history th* reiterated fiction* tha were at th* time amply di*pr >ved And it i* still more unfortunate thai now and then a Canadian, trusting to th* plausible ed with the coco* the* scribendi, rpats print th* bas- fiction of ih* many innocent victim* who went to death on the burning Caroline. Happily we live in ihe lime when the burning of a lime when th* possibility of th* one mad* the other nerasaary. It is absurd to specu- late to-day on what might and should r.ave been done. If we calmly consider all the peculiar exigent circumatanc*. which gave color, differing from the umber wolf and oayot* were ***n. TDM* wol vn* follow up th* cariboo when they goncrtb and were not far awty. Pur beating animal* are exceed- ingly rare. The beavar is not found much nearer than Fort Resx.'aticn district, ih* wood buffalo live in a south **trly di- rt ction and bear* are very seldom mrvu. On July Itf a large bear WM kilted with fur in perfect season just a* bruin had com* out of hi* w.rl*r quarter*. Mr. Malterner brought th* skiu with him and found it '' very u-ful in hi* attar trip, to sleep upon. Mr.' McKmley, of the Hudson's Bay Com- pany's *tora al Fort Resolution, consider*.: r * very fine one. The fact of this bear being snot in such a latitude with fur in Mason on Ju.y 1 i, shows now very long, theM in mall are able to live without food from tn time they hibernat>l in the falL The unly other animal seen un there was the red squirrel, which i* seen a* far north M there i* a spruce tree. S.v*rai to a I will yield eight ton* of hop*. < xier.ch will soon have an tncandac*ot electric light and power system. The Winnipeg Presbytery ha* ju*t licenc- ed a number of student* lo preack. Kvang*li*t Hammond will conduct sp* iai service*) at Chatham tbia winter. An Orillia S. O. E. lodge will nu> an ei - corsion to England next summer. The rate in East Nissoun and W*t Zorra th lion of th* draft*, and to th* delivery cf them to the** entitled according to th* pay rolla, Th* banks have cordially entered into the plan, and it is to be earned out ! th:s y*ar is :{J mills on the dollar, without cost :o eitn*r the employes or the j Canada', mineral production last ed war on Great Britain, and Governor Sir ' K eiuiteno. to that conglomeration I of divers* passions and intereet*. tli*n known a* th* people of Upper Canada, and i connder th* urgent danger that Kraucis Bond Head gave a certain signi canoe to th* same Dy tiring a few shot and shell, whereby three or four loyal Cana- dian, were killed. This tune rumor wa* more than curmiM, it wa* nearly correct. The urgency of the occasion gave loyal men little lime to consider that an avowed- ly friendly nation could permit a band of when we confronted the men of 1337, though tuey may have erred in their mode of meeting it, for they had not the light and experience of 1394 to guide them, we know they faced that danger manfully and fearleasiy . And looking at th* fact* a* they stand recorded bird* noticei were loons, of which there were throe vanetiee, a few gee** and very few ducks. company. Th* compensation to the bank* i* to 0* i jund in the menaced not. circulation and the opportun:tiee which will be afford- ed tb* payees to become acquainted witn banking faciliue* and in. consequent incentive to provident habit*. It is oon fidently believed that as * plan get* fully introduced employee will realise that the pay draft i* available for ready mouey for outstanding account*, for deposit at banks from wnicn it may be drawn as occasion requires), or, better still, if may augural some accumulation already lying at inter* **U If proptriy understood and applied, ther* will be DO rush to particular points, and th* ample margin ot time given for collec- tion will be M appreciated that '.he unseem- ly crowding which na* prevailed under ihe *' pay car t\ stern ' will cease. At present we understand th* whole of th* month succeeding tnat in whicn tne money is earned i* occupied in drawing.dwtribating, paying and checking up the nvceecary ac- Hereaflar it i. anticipated mere reecheda total vain* *f tl9.250,"OU AD electric railway from Arson* to toe? Michigan Central Railway is talked of. A lOU-acre farm has ;ust boon sold oear Wngl*y's Corner*. Ont.. for ttt,.V>o enah. A coniignmen: of 160 mail bas for Hosg Kong recently ps*sl through Winnipeg, I i two layi eignt carloade of silk paawi through Winnipeg in bond 1< r New York. Trie C. P. R. deliver. ITS carload* : wheat daily at th* Kort William elevator*. Mr*. John Sutherland, of Boyd's Settle- men-, died recently at tne age of 'II years. Tn. staff of th* P. E. I. railway will erect a monument to the late ^u^enn'.eaden . L'nsworth. It ha. been decided by the Itarebol.icrs to w:nd up th* Canada Meal Packing Com- pany of Montreal. Danville ha* a bunch of potato onion* containing 17 separate one* all growing from on* seed sown. T-.e new K.nox Church, Mitchell, wa* receuily opened, the Rev. I . BaUi.by, of brigand* and pirat** to use its border as a on the p*ge of true history, there is no ba*. of supply and line of retreat while need to-day for any true Canadian to blush they mad* war on a friendly neighbor. To j with shame or imagine that fame ha* left a remonstrate would have bent futile. It stain on th* laurel decked memories of that wa* a tune for active measure*. There little band of heroes who, "asking not the might be alarm the moat poignant and , reason why" went out on a dark December intense f.lt all ov*r the province, but there [ night to croe* Niagara'* rapid stream and wa* no uncertainty. Tne ink on th* seized and burned til* steamer Caroline, liovernor's call ind proclamation WM scarce dry, when nigh three thousand men, under the command of Allan N. McNab, colonel of the 3rd regiment of Gore militia, were gathered on the Niagara front, near Chippewa creek. Tilt CAHOL1MI O* THE S^ At tbi* time the steamboat Caroline, owned by William Well*, ot Buffalo, wa* cut out of the ice in the ship canal, fitted Flowers at Funerals. A protect has arisen in Kngland against Ihe absurd length to which th* custom of providing tlowersat funerals has been pitch- ed. It i* called " survival of th* Mntimenla 1 ages, "and a great many people declare that the money spent in buying flowers to be thrown into the grave could be pul to bitter count*. WHERE THE VICTORY WAS WON. will be no remarkable inequalities m the date* of payment to the members of ihe large body of nearly JO.UOO men affect*! oy , Cfcnatsscl officiating th*e arrangement*, indeed we undenund I * ** into the skating n. a: :t may b* practical, to cir-mato all the ! ' ; * u ** ' trophy belonging to draft, by th. fifteenth, instead of not until ln Gianita- Corlmg Hub. U i* in the mountainous tongue of land nesny :he clo*e *f each rnontn. It would I Tn* 1 1th annual fat st.-ck show of tn* ' seem a* reatonabl* to expect the (irand ! Province of Ontario will be held at Gnelpa Trunk employee*, to use liie pa; draft* M on Dec. llth. 1-th and l.'lth. we nave suggested in their own time and j the Hudson Bav Company ha* closed it* convenience, a* it is for them to rely upon I wt a .li.hm.nl in Keewatm and removed the Yang, or Phon^ j themselves in iheir m.lnmoniai and otn.r \ Mtlr . ..otk u> th* new Rat Portao* *'ore Yang. wh.ra th. battl. occurred, i. on the ' ^*~J^^^!& \ A. - IJ-J"- . *"*" \~*F* the large.1 and. , Trunk J,J mrul j lct th<kt oth . r , ; near Lan*down. >tat,on recently. They corporation, will se. the advantaged i ' >ir ' T * ut ' lh B ""> rlpiUa af tfcr Place Wewrr the sanw Wen Tnlr tre*l ! fr. extending out inta the Mafrom west Corea, { towards the ChiaeM province of Snnniung. ; that the JapaneM won their great victory the other day. Ping the Ta long River, and i. commercially, the moet important town in oul in th* mt*re*t of the gsng on Navy Island, loaded at Buffalo and Black Rock u**. On* writ*r suggests that if to satisfy with men and war material, aud on the i mereMntiment we must continue still to b.- morning of the '29th December run down to ltow substantial tributes at the grave it Schlo**er, a small town distant about two , would be more reasonable to have the trib- miles from the Kails on the American side . u te* lakethe form of whatever the decetawd of 'he river. During th. time ol the early ' m osl valued in life. This suggestion opens French and Knglah settlements Vhloswer , wide po*ibility of innovation; for example, wa* considered a very important place. * dead bon- vivant would have his coffin But now, except for it* local hiatoncal ! urswn with cold asparagus and trutrles, and associations, it is scarcely referred to. u Kngluh otficer of dragoons would b* In 1837 it boomed for a short time, and sprinkled down with bran iy snd soda, th. half rotten old storehouse that toppled The sweet young thing who WM cui off in on piles over the river bank, the old ihed th* spring time of her beauty might have in rear nf the wooden wharf, the little her grave filled up with such books** Dodo, tavern and ihe half dozen shanties beyond ^J the hearibrokenmournersmight testify the railway crosaing and station, ihey all , to the worlh of the maa-about-town by became dignified with the name of "Fort dropping complimentary tickets and tears SchloMer," and engrossed for a time a space on nu casket, in th* aunals of diplomatic ingenuity that ha* seldom been, in any other case, of so formidable and intricate a character. During the day (the -Itlh) the Caroline made two or more trip* to the island from A Hen Rears Pups. This summer might b. *e*n at Cre.oh.ad, IIIctAlV fcW*/ WcV iiv'^j *>*> X*T vasvw **sjsjaB*sr*S) *** , S^hloM*r. and in ih. evening WM tied up Lempillaw. near Kel*o. the extraonlmary at the wharf. Meanwhile, Colonel (alter ward* Sir Allan) McNab had nol been idle. By hi* orders about sixty gallant volun te*re met at the mouth of Chippewa creek, ready to hazard their live* at th* rail of duty. There were seven buat* drawn up on ihe beach, every man knew hie place, and though very few of Ihem knew precisely ihe nature ot the expediuon,lhey know it wa* full of danger, and ib* cur- rent at their feet, dashing past at the rat* of sn knot* an hour, aaid plainly in th* words of their gallant colonel, "It wa* either victory or a winding she*: beneath the falls." WHO COMMANDED THE IVrKIUTIOS. They wer. commanded by Captain An- diew Drew, an otficer iu the Koyal navy. Kach boat had an experienced officer in charge. Their namee, worthy of being remembered were : Shepherd McCormack, also of tha Royal navy, second in command: Christopher Beer commanded the third ; John Gordon tit. fourth : John Kinsley tb* fifth : Thomas Hsctor and John Bait.reby th* sixth and seventh. Alter tracking t lie boat* some distance up the riv*r, at 10 o'clock, they embarked, aud *ach man being informed as to t iu- orders " to dMtroy the Caroline wherever they could find her," they started. Five ot the boat* only reached the Caroline. The other two lo*t th.-ir way (th night tting spectacle of a hen deetowing maternal care on a litter of three Dandy Diomonl pup*, the property of Mr. John Wait. fore*ter. I It s*em* that the pup* had been decerted I by their mother, and in the com*" of their aimleet wandering* had com* into contact i with a broody Orpington hen, the recult ' being that the hen began to go abou; with and look after them. When she sat her i self down, the pups climbed over her back and crawled under her wing*, just like so many chicken*, and were apparently M much attached to their feathered foetor- mother * the laller wa* to her canine fain the northwestern province of Gorea. Corea u covered with mountain*, an i I there are no highway, except the wretched I roads along the vaileys and acrow th* passe*. Sevoral of the** line* of travel from the north, oast and south centra at Ping- Yang, and the water that dows past it reaches the sea about thirty-five mile* to th* west. All theM advantage)* have (iven I Pun; Vang, considerable importance. When ihe Chine** marched iheir torce* across th* frontier about six week* ago, they mad* straight for this point of vantage, th* largest town in Corea north of Seoul . It WM in the face of th*ee formication* that less than a thousand Japan***), who had com* up the west corns t on a troop ship, made bold to join battle with th. enemy. Of course they were driven back, and their inevitable repulse wa* hailed a* a great victory in Chin* Th*n th. Chin*** crossed th* 1'a-tong River, and planted their out- post* a few milec south of iu We are mentioning only a few leading fact* that are now known U be true. Il had been known for about a torlmght that a I apaneee column from Seoul was marching north to- ward Ping- Yang. It hadal*obeen intimated, rather indefinitely so be sure, that other soldier* from Japan were taking ihe All adopting simi'.ar methods. i bush lira. A Costlv Diagnosis. 'I \\ if* The doctor tells me that h* thinks you have enlargement of the heart." Husband "I thought he mint imagine I had something of th* sort by th* si/.e of the bill he sent in. " He Pulls the Goose's Leg*. Mr. Walker Lie', who lives near Hamio- t. Mm, doee not us. a gun when h* goes after wild geese. (Jreat Hock, of these wary bird* now frequent the grain field* of th* west. Mr. Lief rise* early in the morning, and going to the grain field, he hide* under the gram shocks so thai the houker* cannot M*) him. As soon a* a goose alight* on in* shock Walter reachee out, catchee the (DOM by the legs and end* its existence then aud there. This oper- ation dos not require -nuoh skill, bui it get* th* g*ese without the troublo ot hand- ling a gun, which i* th* pleasure of the V'ortinian, Human Sacrifice. The Khondsor (onds, of Or;***, India, until quit* recently, Mt apart special in dividual*, known as Meriahs, for victims to tainly known, however, thai a third detach- ' fertilize their sowing. These Metiahs intermarried, and their children were brought UD to the same profession. During th.ir lifetime they were regarded ss sacred, aad .reated with great affeclion and defer* ence. At the sa.Tiric* they were cut up. and a shied of rtech WM given to each cul- tivator, who buried it >n the centre of his - , field with hi* back turned and without look iy were thirty five mil.* j ln ^ , t lt- i n tn . Hart z Mountainc there - ~* when they drove the ^^ tne ve , t ,g, O f a cimihar sacrifice at Chinese outpost* before them and captiu sMcVlfctM, A living man i* carried through d Hwang Ju, It wa* a week later before the village on a rough bier.dirg.* being sung route in the same direction. It wa* nol cer tamly known, however, that a third detach- ment had been headed for '.he same goal from liensan, over a hundred miles to th. north west, on* of th. be*t harbor* in Coret and the port that Russia covet* so much. These forces has thus been convening gradually and in part secretly upon Ping- \ ang. I'hey made t heir aporoach very evident ju*l eight day* before the big bailie began. They from the column from Genaan came up on the Chinee, right, and the three column* closed in upon ihe front and Hanks of the Chinese poeinon. \V hat use the JapaneM will mak* of their great victory remain* lo be seen. We have no reason lo believe that a single detachment of Chine*, troops face* them now in north Core*. Th*y are, a* far a* we know, free to advance unopposed to th* frontier, to sei.-e th paa*ss leading into ihe country, and even to throw China into a panic by marching toward r'ekin or invading Manchuria. Rival Belles. H* " Have you n.et Mis. Richgirl " She "Once or twice. ' H*--"Prelty sharp, isn't eh* V She "1 should MV so. On* ha* to k**p ' llage on a rough bier, dirges being sung during the proceeaion, and on arriving at the field* he is lightly buried by being covered with straw. Instances of such iations of killing and immolation with the sowing of grain might be indefinitely multiplied. *> Considerate Lightning. The fltsh of lightning which recently struck the new palace of Potsdam may be congratulated on a measure of tact and consideration seldom ***n in connection with ihe electric tluid. Having greatly fndangereii theaafely of th* royal building. th- current instantly hurried along the telegraph wires to the fire alarm and set the oclls ringing. Thereupon the palace firemen and the town brigade of Potsdam were umcklv noon the spot \nd. th* lire was nipped in ta bad. Mountains by Jun nra. Even with prsssut canal accommoda'ion it costs much lee* to carry freight th* tu.i length ol the Su Lawrence, even up stream, than acroM it, The customs duties coilect<l at the port of Winnipeg during the last fiscal year were f l.'i ,Ui ICM than the amount collected in Ih* previous year. Mr. Jo*. S, Gill and wife.of Match*da*h. cel*br*t*d the fiftnnh anniveraary of th.ir w*dding recently. They have dacoenuaat* in every province in Canada. A letter ha* been received in Woodctock from Mrs. Birchall. wif* of Reginald Birch- all, the murderer of Beowell. She is living in London but is in poor health. The C. P. R. Telegraph Companv has op*ued office* at Macdonald,on th* M .t N. W. railway, and Sintaluta. on the mam line of the C. P. R. in the North- WMU A young man WM debarred ibe other jay trom entering the military train n^ school at Pom I Lev is (jue, because he h* I uoor teeth. H. had been pronounced by me doctors M physically perfect in every other respect. The i rand Trunk s financial n port for halt veai ending 3<nh June shows grow receipts nrly il.UOO.OOC Iru than m - but th. working expenses cut down f. UOO. leaving the actual shortage a inrl over a .(uarter of million, or about <' a week. Nova Scotia's fruit export is i growing importance. The province will product* (.hi* year 1 1 -J.OCO barrels of appiwand 110. 000 basket* of plums, besidM a supply of small fruits. A. together it i* Miimated that th. >urplu*for .xporta: ou will bring to the province $ti:n).<KJO. The Chipmunk Ran Down HU Throat. A very peculiar acciden* happened re. cently to Kben Whit.,* farmer living about four mile* northweet of Su lohna, Mich. He had been working in the woods nd lay down to sleep under a tree, and mm t have slop: with his mouth open. A common -el pup and a small boy were his corn- pan "iis. While the old man slept in. boy and tn. dog started a chipmunk and pro- c*e<ivd to cna*e it. That chipmunk mad tracks for safety, and,se*ing >N tute smoutn open. dodg-*l in. It WM a new sensation to White to havs a chipmunk trying to got down hi* throat alive, and he woke up in i hurry. He nearly choked to deatii before he pulled that chipmunk out, and then he killed the little animal >iid brought it into town to prove the iruth of ih story n tell*. A doctor who examined hi. throat and mouth found :'. badly ia..r^.oJ, AU^ says, h* btUevet Whit* * story i> true.

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