THE PLISHERFOM ADVANCE \ U:i 11 U injj < ) lli< .- of GEO. MITCHELL 'FLESH EBTOK. V rl b ki (t bnwtnsss t-n-Mti Ira'ts 4e i an l cb ii'.ne*n.>.1a- UJU1 rUo4 noy !> ava.lable for Ivirisiatfl baiiuwu MI tan rtw. OmcK two door* aortk ' f RicasrdMo A Cn't Vicinity Chips. ChracterHtlc*fthe rt Week iar.-full. Culled for the Ciiriutt. among iciiU \ciil be at ti\e rate f tOe per Imt for tmck insertion. .1 redwtio* wM be made . m<ra<U fur / W UMU -r or. Charlea Wesley, trie Critic. Chart * Wesle) . the cciaic he went so church Krudlte with profound research, Hn knew juit how a preacher should pnach, A ml bow a teachr hi* slam *honid teaeb. II* knew th reasoo the inn weal down. An.l bow many aubecnkers he bad in town ; He knew, or at least he thought be knew. The exac: relations of pulpit and pew. A modest soan. his ideas rare. nt with prieW sad a**nrance a goodly share. His taleote! ho be!d tlwm in stain quo. Aod hi* mind dwels uiucb on the long ago. When plow anil harrow he used to run, Ir >ui early morn to the set of sua ; For yran tbe*e talent* were iwotbertd down Since be bad brought them with bim to town Ovaries Wesley, the critic, lie went to church' The day wa* warm, and tbe dies would percu Where tbe hirsute yrcwth leng ago wa* lied. Till be sc.injely beard what the preacher said Tbe day wai warm ai'<l be mopped bis face ; He tomtit the text, lie fancul the p'sce. Re could not f<>ili-w tbe preacher s thought For toe 0ie* ware bad. and tbe day was no r Vt-xt morn as ho tat in bis *auttutu chair He said to hiiu*i-lf " Iho' foul or fair. I'll tft'o that preacher a raking duwn, Siuee be belong* tuthe neighboring town " I'll show 'cm thst wi>' are a critic bold \Vitb s few ideas as ((oed an fold. And BO doubt our people will laugh with glee, for taw preacher'* a foreigner. He I ha ! be ! " And he did. Uut nvrvr in years gone by Waa there <?v-r raiwl nueii a hue asd cry Bnmiil an editor'* ear* . and tbe editor towed That aeevr again wuuldhethluk out loud. Henceforth in oblivion h*> will dwell. And eat an 1 ilriuk. ami (11* bead will *well With niitfiiiil> I'r.ifi.iin.l thought* unborn. While his readers eat hunk* when they *bouil orn. A ear load uf coal oil ju-t armea for Horey f.T f.. oiw dollar. ilo. in cans, ten pounds At thiH ortice. Mr. '. Stunt ..tier* some Leicester limbs fur aide in thu issue. Sec advt. MacWherrvi's death sentence lias been , ,imiute! t iiui>risoiiiunt for life. Council met on Monday Lut. M'ltutett i-.-U wciV Mr T. Hill make* a change iu Patron < of Crey meet ill lheT"n II. til todjy. Tliursday. ^ repairing, cleat injt. ie".^ t U. We Inn. la.i.lo arrangi-im-ats to club the I'.maiU Fanners' Sun'anU Tl. > for $1.36. Meviri. 1'. a-k.-rville V (.'<> li*vi- a rinv Newctiinbf I'liii'i in Ktuck fr rvn' v iu-i.Tts This will till a Imiij felt want. Mr McCvUoogh H MOttMg an a<!iliri:i to I lii' irfi n - reliuse at tile st.iti. ;i t _'(1,OW bush ,-a;. 'entM (iri-y I'l bold tlit ir 17tl>, in tlie lui- iu>ttoli if Koe will . " ' There will he no itop|Kvte of olinp| m _ wlnle tlic r. 11s aie being p!.Aol in my r. i ..I -KS. S. l-Htimde. E-sq , Toronto, i pen.l-;i.' a c< T'le ot ;v-jeks with his fiu-uJs in tins vici iity. het blow If your child u puny, fretful, troubled wiui glandular iwellindi. uiHamed ejra, nr *i:r on the head, face, or body, a coiirae f Ayer'a Saruparilla U needed to tX(M>l the acrofulua humnn from the hlod. Tbe aonner you begin tu yivj this itiedciue the better. Dr. S. P. May, inspector of Mechanics' Imtitutun, inspected oor library .u Fri- diy, and fipraasud hmwelf as highly ploaord with the selection. He atron^ly advocated the formation of night and art scho'ils. Tlie L'overnment grant thia year amounts t> $162. This wnl put the library on a "jod foucinK. Strayed rn>ai Lot 17, Con. 8, Osprey. about Sept. four year old far^uw cow, red tnd white, chiefly ntd but face mainly whne. Had a poke <>ii. Infor- ma'i"t! ledmu to her recovery will IK- uitably rewnrded Gan \YujtwKLt. FeTersham, Sept. 6, '94. Tw . youui; meo.Measre. John P.cte m anu .!..! Smith, while driving home fn>m the fmr on Friday last met with a ser.oun u:cii lit. Their home, a ynunic sninisl. becHiue iiiiiiians^eable, upaet the Tu; w.'l |iitchiu^ theui out. The ri|{ wa (*>iiy broken <i|> .tnd the yount{ men rrc"iv,-ii many aevrrv cuts auii bruwea. ('rt> ' watoli was destroyed. llollll I /Kill. The ai'uunl nieviiri^ f Bast Orey Plow- ing AsNncition was held here <-tt Thunt- day, when it wan iWiJfii to hare 'he fall plowing mated in the vicinity nf rWklyn <>n Oct. 17. The fullowiuK officers oere appointed for tin- eiinuinu yeai : 1'ri-* . \V. Su-,ir'. Eu|>hrania ; Sec.-Trean., I' \. McAiiljii.Kiijlinu.M. Direcfr't* <' I .i^wHid. J. Irwm ; Artemniia. II Oliver; iMi'hrasw, P. A. McAuslaii ; (Vt prey, W!sClii.toii. To tkr Edttvi uf T't' A'lrn,f. SIK, -Please iirxnt me space in yocr p.i|-r to why thu eaaays tliat were u for comjietition IsKyvar li.ivu not Iwen judged vet .' I am awure that the dintctora appointed M Mr K:ch.rdsii!i and Thorp \Vriv;lir.j at tlu- annual nieetii.^ I .- intrined they been notltii^l. I' poll u>kurj M. K . i. .4. !.. n he s.iul it was tlie tint lie had .. 1 i. , tin- iiremdeiit will take -.uti). leiir niti-rest in tile u.-i'tt-i to lime tli,:in atljudtied. One year it tainly L><ig euoUiih time. nrnw. Mrs.Tlnbsudeau called on The Advance last w.-ek and Kt:iii-d.thst tlio item releir Hilt to hur in laitt week'* 1-u.uc u i.- incor- rect ou neverii points. >. kl her :iJ nuer titusjht school in thi< ! n- hiji, Inr. 1-iily in AUoma. He m.tilo the iMl'er of his pruj^rty in 1 '.':! tml e- C'ire.1 a spuriuun divorce, sfterwards Tii.nrvin- .in .ther woman. Mr. T. alao - -.hiit >iu- never entered for a divorce, but uiily for alimony, which she sevurvu. At the Lite trial tiie court set lie transfer ami irsve the lawyer au oriler dsell the pmp. ertv. The c> x- .it "the c..'. which the ii.-f.-iul.-ir IIHI) oi pay. -tniouiited to about N>. \V. H. \\n-Mt, of tlie frni of Luca< A \\ iu! t conducted tho case for the pi uutitf t > its succemful teriuiuati n. KHu-r ill U Moiir*.-l" U Ki.l II d HUdder diseases relieved i II..UTS by the " *ire;4t South Am. Knliiey Cur.-. ' Tins i .- i.-nily U a jreat surprise HIM! delight on account of its XdwSMUU ;>r'.|ii|>t!ii-ss in relieving pniu in the IJadifer, kidney*. Lack aii'i . . -T\ part of flu- urinary ; > male. It reliem r : |m in It :i'ln. < : If VoU want quick r.-lu-f :iii'K-ur- tli s ?, \.. u j renrvily. S..i.i liy \V. K |: Dvagjfisr. Personal. \l -, i: i i Barak \'* . - are IsitllU flli'liils HI Me.. 1 Mr. .1..! n I'.,-",, of t'liiUdeli.ihia, is the tfiu-Kt of Mr Win. strain. M.I "i r'oiks, ( l>ikot:i. M-.:'C.! Ill- pin ;i' ' lu-rv .i . v .\'i*< I; M s.vuiid, was M : K Mr i; rt M M iv to d the schoo . nto. i U. u in! I; L i.;. n's sre sellitii: th very which is wnriHiited not to 4'iii, for only 50 wnis. 'I'll- e.litois of tlie Durham Chroircle. Ui-.y Review and Markd.iK- Standsnl t-n-"d the eients at nur luw on Friday List. A har\ei.t lioine lti*al and fowl sui>- |^i will l-e held ill tlieOianae Hah. Max well, oil tho e-eiriu of Tu4tod.ty. i.ct. lli, in aid of St. Mnry scliuicli. A tirt C!U.M> I me id snticipuUil. See bills. An American hrin i getting out a l.irx .luaiitity >f ahi[i timber in thw vicinity noil i>ii:i'piUJ U-oin tli station, a iiuinhrr of oar !. ails having; rmeii swt vaT duriu 2 the I-HH wiok. Tim u.ilnstry is ixpecteii to con n. ue fiiou'.h'-ut tl.e winter. 'For SvterHl moiiih.s, I troul>lrd iiha iH!isittit liumoroii my l.caU winch Itatti uie coiksldtfiaUiu a.nn vi c< , un ll it oicuiiiii to me to try Ayti'a Ha.r Vixr. iV-forv uaii'tf oi. w boilie, thu liuuior was liv*Ud." l.T. A-lmw.Gi.iU'1... ^.oiwiu-.i>:. ''l "..l Mill -HI It I '"I ' ~t"l:lil lit. .n so 1'iisy lor the " lair 'iiat Ins - ..n.t n. i4V have oierl. okeO si un- evvli s of (Kite. IMS <|HicK ear may liasc i-ien to some very in et- >tuiL; u"s ,. How- vour huiiilne scaiije i.l strive to do bottejr in the future. Ml-s Edltll M in. I o.-kii'. who IMS btell vusit:n^ llerilUmeioii- friciuls of this MCin ity. tia,. retuii.ed r . i,'.,uii{o. Miss Mu.ii. int tiM li-r of tlie (.'imLsworih sc'iool. .woiu|ianifj liy her littli- Iriend, MH'.K-; M-.-l'i'iic. Mas home on Friday and Sutuid.ty. Mis. Moir.t.. of LewisWn. I < A has i been s[>vitdiiiu H tew dav>uli IH-I- ;>u-i. Mrs. Kichard U ii'-l ui- She l|kes Oanail.t. Mr. John Atvl.ison, the nuccetkslul bi- cyclist of t.ii- Fltsht-rtun fiiir. spent a few iuy t the home ..t Mr. rxi-'.U Mis I'evoiis, witli her two liltlt- bojr", ;s i i-rimr at l.r t> !ii i, Mr llirdi n- son's Shr airiMil 111 tu. visit tho We are luippy t<i note that Van-talent poMSi-a>tes the i-liHinniiif haliy. 8.1 thu burgli ia sttll to tu in j.t iu the alWna of life. We art* sorry to knn that Mr. Aaron NVyvil elylurcJ a iui.auj 11, .s bug^y was baUljr bn-keu up, but it su liappvueti Impp ly ,ha; l!. <.ixu;u..; cacapt-J MIL oa uijuiy, From our 'ttru Currespotuitint. We are aurry to hae to rep*>rt the death of Mr (Jeorgp's Pedlar's only child. Ivy, who died un Sept. 20th, aged 8 mos. and 8 dy. Mrs. Win. H. McNally and Mrs. Buwerman, each presented their liege lords with a boy and girl respectively, recently. Those from this neuhborhixwi who at- tended the Flenhertun fall fair seeiued tu tlkwrougbly enjoy themselves. H. -u. ri.ui Front <mr men d, Mr. Whiihy preached here on Sabbath last. His sermon taken from Luki- I.".. "The Prodigal':) return," was greatly appreciated and his hearer* will be pleated ai any time to welcome such another spnitiutl treat from Mr Whitby. Our village was shrouded in gi..iu !.y the aad and rather sudden death of Mud Mamie Wbittakcr on Weilueiday last. The deceased has uruvn frum childhood among us tnd by her beautiful disposi- tion and womanly ways won the lnvt- ..f all who knew her. The heartfelt my- pathy of tlu whole community is ex- tuiided tuber sorrowing parents and her brothera, who, by her death, have been left K!alerleas. She was beloved by day ami Jiabbath sch.H>l umrex and has . empty void .iniong them. leing the first one "taken Ho ,ie" from our Sabbath school since the jpeniug here seven yea ago Mr. Chialetr. we are sorry to state, is still wry seriously ill, but we hope to chrnaicic h; convsi s--.-n.-i. next lanue. Mrs. Asbduwu is alao ill with indauia- tion. Mr Eghii hs.4 a'vi been mi the .tick lint but us m.W oil tlie mend. Mr Wm. \N...i returned last Thuroiiy fro. i. a fw month* visit with ins nioth. r in King. Mr Kuuisny ha< sold nut hi* hotne- 'elr.,.\| ,f ch itw.>r-!i. and intends Ulovui.' l.n family ' A HIM; vesr .Id sin-r IM I ;i J \e. r "'d l-.cdVr bei-iijiii.- ' . Mr. .1 U He.ird, ot Fleslu-rt ..... brnuji'it from Mr. I', .-k i *rck tin* lr,{ jince < und v^d, respect.. Daniel Ritz, Proprietor and Pnl. 'if tin ! .. Out., In. It-puiuient says : "I waa surteruiij; fr- m I'.- i Liv- er trouble. 1 t.sjka few bint es i Shiloh's Vitnlzer and it cure. I me. 1 can heartily mend It." BOAR FOKSER\ ICE- R<rksbir* boar for annrico on lot 1 >J. < o i. :\ r ,v s u torn.s ; tr K. :->4. i r .1 'v v\ r Pr oce ( i . **.'. n, i u: !, rt-.., ''ir ,p a>.,. BJ ., or a**, v Moa* BOM 2nd, r,: Kuw. liy B.-nul- l- I. boMbud bv ' W:k. HoKtown U..II*. by Liuse of s n.-tow;-, Ii-'lauiwrv. Jo n H .I.I.BT <n tUh>rton P.O. rn;s ASTUAV- ('ant* to t > : * iMM a I t*>ku L - .. . . A Racking Cough liv Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Mrs. 1'. It. HALL, ^17 Uv.iessee St., Lockport, X. Y., says : "Over thirty years ago, I rcmemrxjr In arius my father describe thu won.!, r- ful curative rflcrU o( Aywrt l*li-rry I 1 . toral. During a recent attack o( La Grippe, wlilrh assume! tho form o( a Catarrh, soreaess of the I uagm, accom- panied by an iiirjiravaMi-: cough, I used various reniciliej ami prirriptions. While some ot these meuirinsa partially alloriateil the coughing during the clay, iK.tieof fhemsfforoVd uie in;- rt-lii ( fmni tliiUspttsiaodic action of th.- lungs which w..nli! seize mt the uioin.<nt I sttemptisi to lie down al nilit. After tou oc twelve such ni^htat, I waa Nearly in Despair, ami had about decided ;o sit up all night In my easy chair, aii4 proeuro what sleep 1 coult! m ttiat way. It then oc- curred to m that I kaJ a botllo ot Ayer** Clnurv Pevsv-ral. I took a j].. gnful of this preparation la a littlo water, auj was sMo to (i duwn without: roii^hjngy If a few moments, I fell a*)ip, sad. awoko In tho oiorning KIH>J^ irtr*>!iv>l and feeling much, twite. towk a tuasiMi.iifcful irf ibu Veo. toiiU vry r-gtit far a week, then ffraiU ally dcrii*J tho dose, and iu two oks my cough waa curvu." Ayer's Cherry Pectoral VniiwwU by Or. J.C.Ay.r i Co., Low*)), Mass. BOOTS AND SHOES FOE THE PALL. To the people who want <*oo<\ Boots and Shoes and ever}-, thing in that line, try CLAYTON'S Because his good;- are cheap and good, and has received a large lot of fall wear of Boots, Shoes, Slippers and Rubbers. Also a lot of first class Men's Homemade ' ong Boots on hand. Custom work and repairing promptly attended to. FLESHERTON Money Saved -IS- Money Gained. Having ducidml to close my books on the 15th uf October, after that date I will . :'- fer you noodajou a> CASH AXD TRADE BASIr^ Only at prices as) lost as will penuit a living profit. The pay as you 150 system 14 thu only way lo success! fur the purchaser as well as the seller. 01 * MO'l'TO. \V11M. My stock is very complete in all lines FALL AND WINTER GOODS. I nderwear. Mantles and Mantle Goods, Millinery, Boots ami - . i -,;>eoial inv. ill tu call and seo our st .;k .tud get l:..'U-r, E^JS, Uiiiea, Sheep Skins, Tall.-w, etc., taken as cah. T. HILL. I FURNITURE, UNDERTAKING, s. i>ri{:iii. - iM v Framing and, RepairtnK. Thss is . Jl- Ulsi.icsa a. li l^in't fori^t while in t>i ee tho attrac- cail and see uur display and take notice to tho nn.-i-s . f , ui ^..nd. \\V IV ! i. ^ it the lowest ptusible prices,and all other House Furu- ir in \L i That we excel all oclier oea'ers in the undertaking line, in <|iial- ity. . .1 ttyle. We d<- oujr'riusiiiesM in our ahop stid believe iu quiitiiii; prices tin-re. Si before purchasing elsewhere iv us a call, and duii't be deci-lvcd by placards. a. E. BASKER VILLE &. CO. Mil- \\UI;HTSOLnSTi>liE, FLESH E T HEALTH bX)U ALL. llolloway\ Pills and Oiii.iiicut. TH K I 1 I T r .S 'y tho tmwj. c 'rri- al! D. -^Ututiom. mil aro i:iIuablo , . .ir ('11.,'lrvn sn.l tliu aiiml tbu> al ync^lvu. Til K O IN TMtiN T sa iufalliblo ren'Vilv for 1' Bswa.1 - tn-l f:cn. It a t i;u^m f jr I..OU1 an. I l.ii j:..u-iii. .li-or .rs of the I li.-st \l:j uc i i For SOKh: 7/lim.U BMMTCHlfIS&WIGBi> t COU)& Olauaular Sw*llun:s. aU'iii: - it has no rival ai.U. for cuutiactJ t . . acts like a , > nl l>roffsso.- H 7H Xrw 0\rvr<l Street Ian- .%a. Ovfor.l .lr-ei), aa<taro oUl t Is. l^l. .*.*!.. l ! . lls.. ils.. n,l S3*, each Bx or . 1 1 1 jf all X J nit tho woil.l. a/i. . ' Puto<i*J Bit**, If tie euLlrat it noj , . '-,.'- 1. London, tncy GENTLEMEN : KK TO ANNUVNOE tlio;l-bav talreu over tire Canine aud Wa^on tuitkiu/ bnsiuesa latol/ cai'tttd ou by Mr. >i.'.ui i . antl uui no* 1 pit pared to fiU all .iiiwts in my hue to your entite satisfaction. Having lately- audiid to my siiteM yean' expw nuiicc .u ti.o buai'.iess a nine mouilu- trainug in oa ot the best ^ n-iaxe iiiopts iu liio. cky of Dttioi:. wbere I suceeetl^d iu carry ii^ ofi a tiist class rcuiniueudaiion, oaglit to be sufficient guarantee that all wotk will be dime in a rigbi class manlier. I mauuUcUiie Wagons, Uiunif. Cuueis. StvigLs ; iu fact eve*ytliiui( iu the car- riage hue. WyoU aud liuubti lakou iu cxcbaugc. Kindly gifw-iM Ni.xt Jooi to \JcTavisL s blacksmith aliop. I). 1JI.