THE rilllllTII ADVANCE K8TABLIHHF.D 1881 Advance POBUHIIKP WEEKLY AT THE OWCE. 8YD- KNH4M STKEET, n.K.sllKKToN. ONT., BY W. H. nil K.STON * per nnnui.itrlctlv la advance Advertising Kates: One Columa. 1 year. tM , halt col . 1 year, (17 quarter oul., one year, i!5 Transient advertisement charted a*, the rate f H cents per line lor first insertion and 3 cents each subsequent i.-rtiou. A GREAT SHOW. East Orey Fall Fair for Downs the Record. EAUTtrUL WBATHEK, A LAkiiE (MXIU apOBT AXI. RVKHYHn|>Y HAPPV-- IMIT " on tar. KAIH. An nli'.il autumn d.iv WHH of Ku day It*', the Dual dny of East '.r.y fall il.ib t.on. and the yeomanry of llic rid- uitf celubratrd it hy attending in jiood force, tn the number of over L'IMNI. This WiS tllll IllOSt HUUCfNuflll CXillbltl Ml i -. ! lu-l.'i in Kleaheitoti. ainl cipial to anything ever before held in the rounty It did ii. ! even lake aecnnd |>Uce In (lie Owi'ii Sound sliow in point of i-xrelVnri 1 ,if vx- liibiu. There wrre between three anil f..ur !iiiiiilr^l niorr t-nlri'-s tin* ye.-ir tlmn )K-f.>r, and the 'jite receipt* w. to i huiiilreil'n- in . i - . f any I'reviuuit rxhibitioii. The ihri"-t..r4 ami )>.). If lift i Ii but one ilin])|....i,lineiit, mid WIM m the failure of Dalt'in M i'ir!i> . M. I' . t.i keep hi* nrd. The or* and band n<-iit out to tli<> station I i iin-i'i him mi the IIINIII train, but he did n >l mine, iii-itln-r dnl an ei|>l. million .1. i ..! until the next diy, <thrn ^ .i!<- rei-i-iMil the f"llowinx letter : TuriHltn. Sept. -.'7. IH'.U K. J. >>M/.-. /., Hr,l,t,1:,n. <> H I DKAK MtK. HeferrinK to my luttcr to Ton of tlm KHli nut , I regret \<-i\ tun. Ii to Hy tliAt it IK out if my IHIWCI- nw to ( In Kletlierton to ni..rrow in 1 had to ha\e IHII-II ablu to ilo ; but I ii.iv In I'll .> inn. Ii away from homo l-itf I v that 1 alii obliged to Hty htiu to .-it lunU t.i limit. -ir. which I eitnnot any li.HKer put od J.'inu H..|IIIII; you Mill have him wnather, and ilini your )io may Itu it HiicoexN, uml that pi'SiiMy on aonie nthur ii.;ntni I niny ! .'.I. t.i Inku |ri in your exliibition, I remain, dcjir .,.!, y.iun very tiely, Dkl.tos M. I' VHTHY. It i> ni't nercHiMiy to nietilion the vari run il,-|altiiifll'-, i'liht uluitlly, IH-I-.IH-.I- e\ery one man > aj|| ie|.i. -.. i.t, i '11. b;. ! WOM iTowdwl in e\ery v;ulali|.. Huh f .-jnou with a nut'ii.ticrnt il;s ot ex-* in UM i vilniii; n n. illy sin. HII tliuie A Urx iucreaiM: Wat i n| i-.-inlly iH' in l.liiV w.irk, fiuil, 1,' ami |i..i,ltiy Tl.u lnimhi|i exhibit,, wi'ii' k-r. ul ;tttiao- tiitDH, ('..ll.n^wi o.l iiiiikni'j IH-I. Arti' . t ecot,il, Ku|ilniinin third uml I'mton f.-inih. The C'olbiigHo. il, in . li.u..- ..| MIMUI (' (iiHiii uml I: Unth- \li, i. . |i. . ill Mi lil.Uit lias tint Hit I .1 |...iy iliiwn Cue, .mil In- al-n liail the .|n..i|iy of x<>otl* t' 1 dlMpl.iy. lit- -.In. w-iil tl..' ijiH.n <tlncli ol.iHinnl ^.i many tirstN .1: L..U, l..i.l,-.s lar^e i|iiaiitniet of i .-(ji-l.ilil.-s, hum'), etc. Tbo Aitumuiia iln|.l,.y. ih..ii_;'i l.ikmg nil plncu iiwnitf to ipialry, .i< HII I '.i. ii ni.l^.'.l t i ill . lo\s uith |>, a:nl c n - in. <il .<M)I VXj arlicliM, im lu.ln.-_' every i .mi pi... in. lion Tim r..]|,., ti,.ii wa in elotre i.f Muaara. .la*, llioili.- uml ,1.1. (Jili.nii I |..ii' and initlln worn nuiueri.iin nnd It i.HJ, H Uo were the exhJbiiH uf -.InTp "d p<i;i Mr. Win T||M.'ii, nf N.-w I Uml, ilinMuil one of lliu in. t I. And t-uiii- tl'i. ki of l'i tiwolil shei p It han IHJUII fill ixiine liinu our pltuiMiu- lo am'. The went . in ihu in.,- uni viawed i u Rieat inteiVMt by tint^e urowil, na Un 'b 1 aliifing and Huiolialio li-nla II. lilll |K I l.ll.*U l'll|{ll||lld fill' lllll IHl'l- hi.'ii AUo<rili> r it wai one of II. e In - ttfleen oenU Worth of fim imr l i it., i. in- day. Suiela>y S|| Juki IUM ihii y-ar pmven I niMi-ii lo bu uiwtKulio mul . ...I., .- rill, m..i liu an miUy avuiiidud in lint tiform by lli |*nwidelil and llio diniutorH, ach MIJ jll. \Y will JU1 Liu llial l.i. tec- retary han larger idean than ever for next year. The concert in the evening wai, not to be outdone by the exhibition, alao the moat auoobaaful ever held under the aus- pice* of the society. Mr. Fax and Miu La IVI1 gkve '^entertainment of a very pleating quality. MUM La Dell m the most pleaainv elocutionist that ever entertained a Flenherton auJience. Tra- uedy in not ber forte, but in patho*, com- iily Mid minple narrative *he n simply perfect. Her " Hero of Marengo " and " The forty human niotionit" were e- pecially fine. Her voice is pleaaant, her enunciation distinct, her presence pleas- ing, her movements nat ural and graceful to a degree. Mian La Dell loft a very favor- able impreaaion indeed, and would be warmly welcomed iihould she ever return. The receipta of the nooiety this year were |3<)9 as compared with |2C6 last year. Dot " on the Fair. Two of the ti in-lit fall days posnikle ({reeled the advent uf the East Grey Ex- hibition, n if nature herself was deter- mined to Huppleineul the efforts of the directors in innkiii<! t> is t'iu bent fair ever held here. The prizes offered for wo- men'* work were about three timeH the number ever offered ln-t'ore, and for a variety of work much more up to date than formerly, when, year after year, prize* wru offered for fancy work of a kind long aince relegated to the uarreta of all up-to-date people. So that it wa not much wonder that we heard of woini-n lacking nwny trunks full of old- fdkhioneil nil. 1. isli. only It. be aired at nil the country fairs once a year, aud by which they made a pretty little pile of pin money. Tim KJ. in' ..I ulfniii(|-iiii.liciiieiit hax well muli proved the ruin !' more thnn <. n,' agricultural ti'H-i.-tv. Thure will al nay* Iw touiul itu-ii Hin' women in all in- stitution* illn ,' to " work " tho*e uiNti tiuiuiiH for their own perHonal bem-tit, foruetting the objeel tor wlncli they wen- t. .itni.l, uml clmkiiiu out thai public pint which alone c.-in notku >ucceiw. Il 11 nn open e< ret there has III tin- |xini IMM.-II a v"""' del of exploiting of the fair in Kant (jrey, but the directors are inkiiig a ITIII atnnd and aro ileti-iniineil to cruth it out, for they plainly >i-e thiit the vi-rv eXiHtencu of the fair il. [H-II.!.-. upon their ib-inj NO. It has C.-IIH- to b.- t'V -word that when you have aevli the i-ilnlnti-.ii mice you bate seen it alwny*. Even the ".M. ,- Imluittiul " in T iiont.i is nii'iiti'.iu'il in tbii ilireipi'<-tfnl niaiiiii-r. N..W if H fair M for anything it U to slmw the pro^rens of it p.'..|.l.- fitini \i-.u t.- VIMI, wlii-thur m the arta, sciences or inventions to e.-m- pare products of farm, on-liard ami dairy, to compare inetlmils ..f | r..iliicii..n and let each mi what Inn ui'iulilxir is duing HI.. I have his elf* ii|wiifd generally. s, , that it it Hily si that the very .ibji'. t for wluch n fan i li.-l.i m ntultitied when men mul wnini-n In-jin to farm the fair, limiting no <> t.. Mnprove mi ihe year, cnrtmu out llirir old i-tutf m the ho|ii- that it will win a few 50 or 75 cent and ii'-t ki-fpinx ihoir tyei. open for the now anil | |...;H' *MM-. Of course tlf^ " new ami protfiusHive" will not hki-ly U- tli.r.- unl.-xs linn, an- otbt.-.l for it. And for ninny yi-ius tliis w-an jut the late of flunks H far .IK wonirn'N n-iifk wa coiiecnii il A xninplar of the tlmii of our uiandmi.rbi'is MILS jiut na llkiily t.i l- foiiinl on tin- pri/i- Its' ns a tin iln Hiecle etchinu on |H.||III^ cloth. It H .1 wonder the director-* have ii-\er thouv'ht of ; il.liii/ a f-i 1 nl i -. to tin- .1 i .-, t..i iti- t,, :>-.- I-.I ui.l MJ. i;.-t as to tint work of thrir own sex. dm -i..-.. >t-l the exuinplu in ill.- .-i. a- world's f.ur -t list sunniii'l. I 'tin k Ii. ui-v.-i. I'V a i-lanci- ut lliii List |.i i/.,- li-t thi-ie must have l-ri-n M Wiilnitll or t .. jn h ml the s.-i-nen. Was il eyiiii'Hl li.-i.eiliei who .-n-,'i;es'eil Hiving a pri/.i- t"i 'In 1 I est ,|->'i IHII.,' ami darning I Onu vnth .1 v ( -vy \ni-l i xper i.-nc.' tlmi wbili- tin- iliHAing ro-'in war illti'lti-il With all s .Its i.t nntliU tlllu-i, ihllUJl wlilcli Hlllk to H l.i Hi -. I..I. 1, Kl|..||ld L. I., i.ckbss 1'ii.niijli to Kit on (he - .| i M.ales to his 4ert III till- av of Illll- b i'in b.ii.ili-reil I. ...tst. ...I-,,! II-.MH- tl.i.i.i- w III Ii Jo nil t lii-y c.'in to pretent the li.'bt sli mug tbioiiith the lamp aludr bnt tl.i-. ilrHwingn om which Soli iinon in H|! i l-l-il V Ci 11 il Hot llHVi ei|IIHllt>ll, IllR . -r'fcs ii . .I.-. I it,. riling and Ills but.ona uei deil|..n l'i is .1 .illy. I lllllikllie M /i-st'.'l |Mt.-'l ii. U ami ilariilliu the )H*HI l.i-it. .i . I -m\ III ilnlit v to iiieinl i eally Hini ilo .-nlin a ry plum iieedlewmk m i limt art, or HII null am. -il one, Killi II.HI.V w. in. n : anil while they busy tliinm ! \r it Iv u i.lo -IH 1 abi.minalioliN nd wuur ..lit Mini e\e l^'.it di.liikf inliniti- iliiiwn M.'ik. the mei> t.-.k III, I V U' i H I'l 111- 1 1 Hllli l,.i'i-s 111 till- 111!, Is . f ill, ii n,-cki mi ! innts in their ja.kiti. L'or. For Thr Advance. A NlKbt.bloemlnx C'artni. Fall i ...i - I'li.-evillu Oct. 0-- 10 Osprey, i >.-i 10 Shi'liunie Oct :i 10 Dundalk ..0,t U l-J Kii iiniiii ism (mill IH a lln> - Smith Anu-riemi Ulo-'l n.Hl'Sin ilni,-, tor Kheumatiaiii HII. I N. urnlvm, railu-nlly OIIIIM in t lo 'I nays, lih iict nn IO..-II il e IH n-iiiHi mill It reumViaat onue lhoauw> an.i tin- .u- eat0iiiiuieili*llv i|is. t |i,.. .1 , The tit duae ivtlv nen|iia. "ft oe- ta. Sola _ I.) Vt I. Ill Jlai.t ...n I>| U^ k Ut. AT MR. (I XI4T*' OM SUNDAY NIORT. AOOCIT STB, law 1 Tbetsalouloot V., 0. la delicate sweetdeea and beauty arrayed A night-blooming cactua Its bloeeoui dliplayeii. lu petali were (ulilonad with oouaumate oare; With sweeteel o' odors It Mnted the air. It seemed so unique ID IU structure and plan, Borvaaslng by tar all Invention! of man' How strange that a plant without branches or stem Conld yield as It! bloeaoin o perfect a gem. Before there appeared thin gem so much prised This plant bad long waited, sud oft been dl- spised. Hat at length thU fair crown of beauty appears And amply rewards it for loog*waitlng years. It wasted no momenta to murmur ant! >lgb That mortal! were sleeping and dark waa the sky It measured not worth by a long-lasting right. But bloomed In Its beauty for scarcely a sight. It gave all Its beauty to Him who survey! With equal preclilon our nlgb's aud our dayi. So, like tals fair cactus, may we all i ellgbl To brighten with beauty the watcnee of night. Thai through earth's long night may we steadfastly bold That li"|-e which Craaiforini all our dross into gold., Aud always maintain in tha frenliuens of j-outh Our witness for parity, vlrtussud truth. Colborne. Out., Aug. Mad, IBM T. WATSON. Hi :n i li-< .1-1 it, in > ,,i in ::< MlllUlrs I'r. Agnew's ''un- for the HI-HII gives perfect relief in all caaeii uf (^.iiiie or Syiti|iatiitic Heart Diaeaxein 'M minutes, and upeexlily tfecta a cure It is a peerlras r.' for Palpitation, Shortness of Hri-ath, Sim.thering Spc-IlK, I'nm in l..-ft Side and all Hymptuns of a Diseased Heart. One dotte convinces. Sold by W. E. Kiehanlwm Pricrvlllr h'linti i,<ir i,if,t ( vrretixiit dttit, A fi-. of our citi/.i iia t.Hik in the Kit-nil- erli'ii mill I'liihun t.ill K|IIIWS. Mr. Malcolm Mclmyre, VS., I..-. purchas. il a houau and lot . >n the (.. n line w lii-re lu- intends moving in a lew days. Mr. Tin is Conkey uml family are nmr- in.' to Dundalk this week. Mr. (Vnker li:is l>ei'U n rer.|iectftl reiulent of this vil- ln k 'e f,.r u iiiitiil^r ,,f y.-ani and we are soriy to loO4v him. We trust tlmt IIMH- pi-nty il! Minle upon him in b:.- new home. The Kev. Mr. Mel an-n. of Kocklyn, will deliver mi adilrrsa on Moiiifny i-vm- in^' lh" l.'ith ins', in thr M. -tli. .Its' cliurcli 111 i-onio-.-ti. n with the Ittl I - , \ I napector Campbell vis:tnl our I' s. lsi> ami no iloiiht found I-M-I jiln..-; run IIMI . MIII -oi lily . \Vhil" Mr. Jiiuifi K.-irn, of I'r-.lo wtis in tin- iinst mill --in- il.i> l.itrlv\ hi team winch w stKnilin-.' i.iiiiilt>.ii.Hlnly wlioi-lisl .11. .uml :I-.H| nrarte.1 t. r li..ine .it H L'.4O r.Ue. l|...'> . .|ti, urn IllilU WRH faster ih.-in the ..tlu-r, rile Coll- sei|Uellcs wtw that nistrail of iiiuUin^' for I'r.. (.Hi Mi.. 'i-iiii tiirni-'l t- u inli the mirth 1 n.- whurv they Mm- stuppi I. N'.-tl.iii.' was injiiii-ii i-.\.i-|.i tin- b.,\ which w.ui dunipeil oil liujir the mill. l/'upUm S ...... i-y. I'.S \ .. San Jlie^o, Cal., wy.s . "Sliilob's Cataiiah ix the lust n,, -.1,, in.- I have evi'i f,.iiu.l thi<' would do me nny 1'iu-i- ."Ml cents] - AVERS SARSAPARILLA S. 1'. SMITH, of Tnwuiulu. PH., whoso constitution w:ii completely broken down. Is cured by Ayer's Sarsuparill.i. Ilo writes: ',' For elt'ht year*, I was, most nf the time, n proat sufferer from constipa- tion, I,:.: iey trouMe, ami Indlge*. tlon, so that my constitution aeeuicj to In. completely broken ilown. I was In. luce, 1 to try Aj'or's S.usupnrilla, snd took nearly seven bi.ttlcn, with such tcelJent result* that my Htmnacli, bow. fct. anil kiilmys are in ivrfect con ilniuiL, ami, in nil their functions, us r.-nuliir as clock-work. At the tlmo. I began taking Ayer'i 8arsaparllla, my weight was only 1211 poumls; I now pan brag of 199 pounds, am) was never In so good health. K you could aeo ma be- fore anil after ualnc, yon would want me for a traveling advert laeiuent. 1 believe this prcpiiraiiun of SH, -,(: i;| to be the best iu tbo market to-itay." Ayer'sSarsaparilla Prenared by Dr. J. C. A yr JL Co.. Lowell, UMS. ' Cures others, will cure you MJdCHARDMIN & CO, Boots for Men. Boots for Youth. Boots for Ladies. Rubbers Over- shoes Gums. Cheap Job Lines. One of the moit es- sential requsitos ID Fall Clothing is a pair of good boots. For lut'n'u wear we have luiue- tiling special in kid grain long boots war- iniiitd to keep out wutr, al&o the cele- brated Creedoiore boots with a doztu other styles. We have given par- ticular attention to pro- curing well made, re- liable stock for youths' and eluhliiii's wc.ii and have cut tuu pilots to closest margin of profit to meet the demand for durable goods at low prices. lu Ladies' A Misses' wear our stock is very complete, embrae i 11 g netted styles in Dress boots, Walking boot*), Ska ing boots and boot* tor everyday haid wear. The form, requisites, Comfort, btyle. Dura- bility and Low Prices were never better com- bined. Rubbers. We have just nptiietl a consignment of 4OO of these goods dinvt from factory and to he regularly snppUmi'iiu-.l during the sviisoii. 'IVices are lower than last year in every line. Our stock of gums for Men and Hoys ooin- IHI-.S all l he leading makes. In addition to the above we have a num- ber (>f job lines in which - are not complete to be cleared out with- out regard to cost. The goods are right but in : \les we art- not re- peating. Vfllupfa u '' ''"''' " r ' "' ll * lot of r ClVClO ilre.-,s \Vlv.t Bla.ks anil Velvets I'lilins in-in _'.". c. nt* |>er Mil, I up, nliu-h >ll. Ill 1 H. e. l willi nipij *alc. \\'e nevir Tlllue8 "' ** Tlu stock ia N> nu.l slUi.h Knriiu nts at pru-e- \\bicb oouimanil altenf.on, but tln-> ,iie niK.lf l.. our orilei fluln M'lei-u-,1 .-im),|c iimn- tles sud wr uiiunol re|.|ai->- A,f t n ///3 C '""'" s.i .1 , ut. mail LI CO |i | u ii niiw but Fur Capes and Mdntles. l.n-!i. ,' \V,...l Senl Caps rv p.<pulat HI. ,1 we i-ho-v a tine Mlife in tlese^ i"ir I'.'ii.-k l'i i .,--:ni m-e nt>li->b nml cliivip. \V,- inn.- i \aru-t\ of ..tbi-r I Hi- lu I'upt", Mtnti- C.'llarii. Cap-. -\ The li-.*t f.ri.-tN mul ch- ii|..--t -t,.ck of Men ft Ki:i 'ap* -Vrr i (Tcie ! ' Mi ii > 1 i ' I'.'.. Ml. DRESS GOODS. '^'^ IVir l'.:i/'i>h Goods nrr in-*- ,,].. r. I -I ,in i coin p-:-.- u . .-t lie iiiibl- In c- xinlir 1're.Hr. Hardware. Our full stin'k nf cow rliniiLs. i-oj.e i M ^. u\es ami I'" 1 .lies <tnd i-ro"" i-nt rtiws luivc jn-t nnivftl. \Vu w mid like you lo cull aud MI- tlu in. Rcrr&crnbcx* Mutiiirc forlis have price down in The Markets. ur.-liill > Corrected Each W-clt Klinir ftSOOto f 3 BO Kill Wheat . 56 to ;.:. Sprint; Wheat .. -V, i., 65 Barley .11 i,, :tl Oats . 26 to ttt Peas K2 t 63 Butter . 16 ti. 10 Kir-j!!. fresh 15 M 16 Piiit.* I*.- Mi t. .'41 Pork . II .. 500 Hv per ton I, (Hi K, tf 00 Hi.ln :t tut t .. ;{(K) ins .... '_'"> tn !'."> (iee- K tn 7 Turkeys !l t.i 11) <'li<ck..|, |irr pair '-'5 to Xi Ducks her fwir .">" to (in Wool 15 to 1C The Fall Fair i* approaching, thu is a.lvmicinir. tti ii it is time to think at- ut pr.-paru g for the taiiiy arawn. I I. aw pUc.-ii hi tuck line el. cth-n of rulil" rs mul boot* in ,1 hoS of nil kindi* which oill VHJ Hold at the very 1 1. s.--r | n, .- I want y..ur trtde an 1 HID houml t" m. n v..ur e.-nri- dfinv. I have *>iiirtliiiig of extia vuluc in men's ittioig fall IN.I.IS. I make !-|H-Clalty of VIIHtoin Work, .11. ll list- II' 'I inu but the I. cut uf si.-ck, pUcing there H|MIII, luiMHf w, rkiiMi itlnp. i >i i trifi.t> will continue to In; henitily wrl- ....... -, liut I with 10 m;i.c -"ii i.. ones. Couie in and gn e u> i luer JTOS. SIVIITH. Opposite McTavish's Carriage Shop. m. OK 1 .-.In. ilili- I .irm rni|>i-rl ill liu i it mil* hip ul I it|ilir:tsj;i. lu :'i<- < oiinn uf i. r-:. l'ur*,i,i -. -. t ,. iiiMiriicti.iiK i t-o. ive I f iuiiulr*ii i .'f th.' .-tt.-,,r |.ht-iiv ,.,,I,IKM I H ,-H-M.I. rii- i - , . .1 f,-i -i. t.. it I Spni,.!.- i , u . K. , f utu.l .-i . 1-.U nt l ,. ,i... i -. li. aide f- in nainriv !th llM,t >* I'.t ?. t-l til.' f.:' ,.f tit.- t,i n-%1 t] *\l Kitflo : -.11 in **i.l cuunt .- ,'t (tl*\ . .-..Illrtlllll _ lll-U.' MI 1.--- 't'hri a -..., i triue bain an, I fnSB* dwelling . rt\ The pra\* ttv whl > -o!.l ,il- . , t .. KaueloThelahH-U I', I. .u. I s COU.- l-.ii.y Mtviiiui: <-l!7-.' nn-I ii.u-i-et. fKHMs.'K s\LK TL-II |.V i .vat. of the 1'UrchiiM iii.iiii-v ,k.wu ui.l tlu- l-.ti i i. .- l'i m:e itiiinth tlii-ri-itft.-r Thvix will IH- n IO-.T. , t. rui- .11 I i-,n .lii^iu.-. lit --a itiadt) knuuru nt tin:* of sale or bi . la A i. K \ . \ks Solk-iSor fiu Jui"M-rratr;x. lint.. I at >(.'f,.r,I.Sr l ,l Ut 11M. BUY YOUR HARNESS Stock. Good Workmanship, Lo\v C'urry Coinl*, Brul.e. H.n?, Ml I>.esiii)(, Sl.-iuh Be'k li.^t and Cowlii.lo l!obi s. AiU liie.-ise, Blanket-. and even thing in my lm M CiuiHiaiitly i-ii 1 .ui.l. Levi- fi-ders eriy .is we nrv al in tl.i I. ill sia-. n. W- Moore FLESHERTON. \Ve have received a largo stock of CUM v combs anil hi nslies, anionx tlinn i.-i tli- Mnti'lilers S|)iins< Curry t u mil. which i.s tlii- beat 111 the mar- kn. A few odil line.-, of wall ppc-r to be cleared out t cot. Now i* your Q .met if \ t)ii want ai:v. A 'ive aoHotljuent of leu, dnumr and beilriKiui sriis. Unit iu atouw.are and clnua, islwa\8 on Kaud. Our lea Btie are est.a good value this year. .iwiut MARKS COPYRIGHTS. CAJI I OBTAIN A PATENT f For j BTiVtfi, *?*?,*! "<' "" bonet opini.m. write t Ml'SM A- CO.. wio have Bad Msirritflr vesfj ei|H-n.-ii.w In Ihe ivit.-n' bu.iiDess. Cnuriiumoa. Ions wrU-tiT mnttaential. A lla.eb.nk "t uT formation onnoernnia Pntret* and huw to O b. Ibni are hruucht wi,iri t..-t,, pabllcwItS out o.t to the Inventor. This .ii.i.-ndi.t MIS-I IMUI-.I weeklT. wlfwnnllr tllulrte.i. bu by far the larvmt rireulaii-.u of any cientitio work In toe wuri-i. #.1aver. Surnple c,.i.i.- int free. BwMlUK K.iitu.u monthly, f' MaTsM Mi-niu 0OB4SS. 4 omts. KvcrT number ountalns oee!u- tldi) HHire. In colon, and, .krH|.h of u <-w boasskwitb plans, iiablina'DuiM.ii laMeTar i nn.l *.-.-,ir.- coiitru.-ti \i l*h<1 rths IAMOND PI LLS CONSTIPATION, -BILIOUSNESS. DYSPEPSIA,^ SICK HEADACHE. REGULATE THE LIVER ONC PILL ASTTCM CAT!NS INSUMIB 0000 OIBtSTION I t