Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 12 Jul 1894, p. 8

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THE FLKSHERTON 1DVANCI Owea tt*>WMl, WMMM-U. I* The Vety PLACE W CANADA CO OM A ftar^a Hnetsesi Ttafee a Round TV* :X.,*l~ * " Col leans and OMmerelal Department* In I'anada. (Than vlalt fees' N.jr i.-rn Boala**OoH*fs . exainlue every- ; th ,,,iii!lil f If we rail to produce the , ih-.rouKh. complete, practical and esteu- i.jou .i"'tu'l : the batt college pramlaaa I tbe bunt and limn eoiuulete aud moat aoit- f arulturo aud a| | liauoee. we will le eo " )e>urae H14K... Par Anuaal Aunoauoe- v <lrln( full particular*. fraa. address C. A. FLEMING, ia Mills Carriage Works. made aad Repaired, also and Matching, Band Saw. Umj. Wood Turning of every dea- anjsjptioa. Planing and Gram Chop- doae while you wait, for to* Beaver turns tne wheel. , Jf. U I I.SO> L FAMILY GROUP to flora pIIOTOfIUPU4 I aWay%^%yay*ayaV%r% i I I tally equipped with re- quisites for turning out a per tecX class of work. All kinds ol pictures taken and finished in a style equal to any city wucJv, while the prices are Picture Framing > In all Its branches. If you have shopping to do .4 pictures to get taken oo taTCataine day please attend tojjfhe latter first. Careful at tettt.on will be given to copy ing other pictures. Mrs. Bulmer. TO TEE PUBLIC. ISfjslss reaUd Wluniri Maekcmraa ek| S *eroi J }ara. I Mil iiuw la a poalMaa * . e4l want* lu m? line. SATISFACTION GUARJLNTHD. r .T call ui in tin- liljk*inithui| Hue F. A. BUNT, ""IW IpF"' tt5inr** Card*. M AHHIAUB LlCENHKtt. Usned day or nliiht at the offlo* or retide ice of tbe uixUrltiiif<l DlVUIONCOUkTCLK K.COMMlSMoNKH D H.C.J. Conveyancer. *e. Notary public. JOHN W. AKMSTUONU. . r i WcCUUXWOH A YOUNG. , Mark'lale. do Di-rl bank-IDs 1 troi- I>B. M oner lowed at * reaaouabl* rate. Call K HAMMOND. tott Manter.Klniberlejr. Coramlrtloner lor taking Affidavit* etc. loiurm and loan* money t lovwt ratet Eiecutee Lei. Deed*. WilU, to. promptly, cheaply aud efficiently. R. J SI-HOI' I. K, Poatmaatar, Fl**herton. Corarulutoner In 11. R., Lie Deed Auctioneer, Conveyancer, A pralaer and Mooay Lender, Koal Kutatn au4 Iniurance Agent. I ><! . MortgaWM. Leaaei, aod Will* drawn op and Valuitiuim made on horteet notice. Auction Bale* attended to In any part of tbe County. Money to loan at low- eat rate* of lutri>t. Collection! atteadud to with pruinptocM and den|>atch Chantea low. Agent for tbe Dominion StoauiihipConipajiy, cheap ticket* from Pleehertou to Liverpool, Ulaagow, London or any of the Hrltl.li port*. Partie* Intenillug to visit Knulaml. Hcotlaud or Ireland, will pleaat aik rato* before purchasing their tickuta elawher. 1| IHS EDITH K1CHAKDSON. Pntill of Robt. lali, nf Herlln. Onruianr, (vlollul; Mr*, llradlry. uf ToruntoCuniorvatory Muc. (Voice iiiltur.-i Prof. Kvrrlaon, late of Toronto. (Piano) , -'III recelTe puull. in MXcilNu, VIOLIN. 1 !- ANO aud OHOAH. T\R. BUTTON. M.D.C. II.. M.C.P.* B.,0nt.. Prlearlll*. Keeldcuce aud office ooe door wait of tbe kleth- odlit CborobJCluroa* Hi. Offloe day*, Tueadar* and Haturdajr*. JjM CAKTBK. If. C. P. * K.. Oot. Phyalclan. mrceon. *t., neaherton ottoe Strain* block. Realdtinoa Muuabaw'a botel. JOHN A. SCOTT. II. B. Meuiber Colleeerbyale. A BarReoni. Ontario Oradoata In Medicine of Toronto fclvemlty, K*llow*blp Ulplotua. Poet Onuluatc Uadloal Hebool and Hoe|iltal. Cbloaco. IHaeaaeaof ere. ear. DOM and tbroat *peelall)r treated. KM) Oeoe* Maxwell, u P*TenhamTliurada>* 1-8 J P.OTTKWELL. Teterlnarjr Rurgvou. Oradnate of Ontario Veterluary Collate. K- ',!.... Nrxt door outfc ol Moor* pianlog factory. J F. HALBTKAD. M. D.. M. C. * 8.. Oat., practice* at Klin- berlej. Hbeoiiiallc dlaeaaa* L i|Hi'ialitr. Dentistry. J I' MAUSHM.l. L. D.H.M I). H.. Dratl.t. VI*rU Markilal* Ib* lit anil Krd \Ve lueeday of *auli month. rieaheroa-KMb trip on tli day followlug. J_ W. KkohT. KarrliUr. Solicitor. Conrrvanovr. Kl<- neabertouoOlov Nest tho poatntnc* Hproule'* bulldluff. on Thuradaya. Owen Uouud office- Kruafa bulldiu(. It.'UAS A WRKiUT. narrlatura, Holloltor*. Conreyaneer*. eta. Owen 1*0011.1. On.t - Uarkdale. Out, W. H. WUIOHT. |. B. !.!- K. B. Pleaborton office, Wit.-lieir. Itauk **ry Wedneaday. SOCIETIES. AO.U.W.-meetH nvary <rt an.l third Mon day In <-arh innntli. In UH-II l,,,!,.^ room ChrMoe'i hlock.rii*lirtoD.at N.I. #An*ton. M. W., W .1. lla-llnniy, nnino'ei \\ Inrln Heeurder. Vl.itlnn Hictliriii Invited. ROYAL TKMI-I.Mis OF Ti:Ml'KU \N< I' Belar ( ounrll ineetn Trv nrntam MHrdTueilav i-vi-ulnii in oach nimitli In Rpronle'* block at 11. in Select degree (iaioranc| iuwt numtlily. (he Wedneaday preeedlng the n.l of each uiontb. SOIIt"bp r ~TK>il ; KBAK:K.-TMis' _ uiertlln Dr. Clirlatox' Mall uvi-ry Wed needar eveiilnii at H p.iu Vi^ltlbi; l)rth^ ten Invited. Inturauoe In oonniictlon. YM. P. II. A., moet In thi.li hall. Clm.t.,,. Hiook er> &r<t and tlnr.l Tliunda> U Mb uiontb. Wui.Hliarp, alaatur. T. Clayton Baeretarjr. PHiNCH ARTHfll I.OIXIK, N., .xn, \ r .* A. M.. meet In th M...m, lull. Hn m, - III. irk. rieahnrtun. Vfry Krnlay ou or before the full niomi. A H. Vaiulnnun W M K. J. Spronle, ftaeretarr. Us THE CELEDRATED B.Laurance KPEtTACLEM -nd- EYK;LAHMEK F". O. Kctrstedt, ! We promiMid jxieniB fnjui poeU <>f vr IUUH iiti.j|iliues this week on the to^ic of the pat twu weeks. In the following little stanzikuf Browning's there in noth- ing obscure : " I shall never, in the yean remaining. Paint yoa picture*, no, nor carve you statue*. Thi* of verse alone one life allow* me other heights in other lives, God will- ing." Ah ! we have all wished to d<> nd be 10 much, and have fell the inadequacy of one life for our vaulting ainbiltoiiH. If we ouulU but know that all the struggles in variou* directions must of nweemity find fruition in another eiistence '. That the Uw i.f Karum, i. e. "what a man sowa, that shall he aUo reap, " in u t ifil- iiij(, then would it seem worth while to s->w the seed and till the soil ol tbe soul all through the present life, wilUout look- ing for fruit. Thmi would we understand th*l.it is ;i true inatiuct which make* us bow t the ithrine of genius. These -li- grsat ones of the earth have achieved th^.utth long ages the risjhl to be *>ni with theno divine gifu, which were not bestowed by their cretw. Walt. Whit- man says in " Leaves of Grass " : " I know I am deathless. I know that thin orbit of mine cannot be wept by a carpenter's coinpaa, And whether I come to mine own t.^Uay or in ten thousand or i4jn ioilli"n yearn, I can cheerfully tak it now or with eiul cheeifullnewi I can wait. As t yo J Life I recoil yoa are the leavings of uuiiiy deaths. No doubt 1 have died myself ten thousand tiiiK-H before. In Goethe's " Faust " we find : The w'ul of man i* like the water, Kn-ui Heaven it cumoth, o heaven v it mounUtli, And t In-nee a' onre it must Ijack t-> earth. Forever chan|(iuK. There is l*> a |""< by Schiller, called " The Secret of Rcniiiiincenec. " which " too long to i|notu Mill in so interwoven tlutt it is not pmuiblp to make an ocrpt. Alniit BM great ilifliculty preiwnU itaelf in Victor Hugo's "To Tlw Invisible Ons " : IUfi.ru I cnine ujion this eurt-. I UIM.W 1 h\ui in uladneM For ageh as an iiirji-l. Birth Man caused my |>reHunt smliu-iw. " Another French IHHJI rM-r:ui(;ir has :in airy littlu pm-m "ii the " TrKiii-iiiiL'ra- tlniiuf Souls, " frmn which wu ti>'e the first and but atstuota : In philosophic IIKKH!, last night, at idly 1 wait lying, That BoiiU may tranamigratc, mothoutht theiu c.mld be n<> denyintf 8(. just t > know to wluit I owe jmipei - Kitiea ao strung, I .Iri-w my soul into a cli -t oar ptisj last- i<l long. " A vntive offorina, " sli.- uHBttfji, ' well might claim from theo, Fr th-.u m being biulm reiiiained s cipher but for ine. Yet not A vircin son! w.is I when flret in iliri- unshriiivd. " Ah ' I expected, little soul, thuM much that I should bud. " Some light on thy proiHiusitieii may now upon thtm brvak, Hut in it lieu hark ' one more rvmurk I still. " aay sh, " would make. Tis this thai having dured onu day with llca\fii UP nmko U> free, God. for my |iuniHliiiiunt, resolved U> shut me up in lln-n, And wlmt with sittintrs up at iiiitht. with work iintl woman's Kit. Ter* and din|ir- for 1 forboar some secretH t.i iiiiput - A i>oi is it very hull f >r <>ul thereto o.i signed. " Ah ' I su|H>cl<><l, litt'.f K"iil, thus much thnt I should Hint. Tin- Ni'rw.^ian pm>t, II a'uiiir Hjurth Ilo}rHt>n,ninki-s ,\ o> ilnhiill .11 lothe utmu sulijt-ct. of Hindi we li.ivu r<>iin for only the two lir-i --i iii/i < : My |urit wrcstlon in itnguiith \Vith fntioies that will not ilrpml : A trli'Mt whn h-ii-riiwed my sint>lani;< llni lii<l in thii iKipth of my hmrt. A ling ti-i.tl'-s | .oHsesnioii Impi-U ui" fi-r.-vrr to do Tin- |ili.oii.> 'i ilt-i-iUof this phantom That livi-il go Ago. U we had limn and Hpcu and interest uoiild hj held so l"iig to our suKjuot we ni't;ht still .[iiii'i 1 from Milt 'M. .\.i.li>.'ii, (Viiiipiiii'll.i. Arnold. \Vhittici, Einerion, Tupp -r, Ald;-ii-h, I'ai Vy, MiflKv. 1'i-nu Allord, GuaSt, Cuhcidgti lluyard T >) lor, ., Jostn ot 1 i , locludii^' l:!i/it!nth Barrvtt Hr<iwning, Dinah Mulock and Mrs. Howe, the friend of Bishop Ken and Dr. Isaac Watu. We close with a sonnet of Tennyson's, only to be found in the earlier edition of his poems : As when with downciuit eyes we muse And ebb into a former life, or To la|Me far buck in a confused dream To kUU-N of mystical Minilitude. If one but speak H or hmniior stirs a chair Ever the wonder waimh more and m..r.-. S.. tlust we say all this hath been In-fur.-. All this hath been, 1 know not when or where. , .S>, friend, when first I looked npon your face, Our thought* gave answer each to each, ao true, Opposed mirrors, each reflecting each Although I knew not in what timo r place, Methought that I had offc-n tovt with you And each liad lived in others mind and speech. Dor. A Boon to HuraenesK On t.tti* of English Spavin Liniment coiupletly rv-moved a curb from my hone. 1 take pleaaure in recommending the remedy, an it acts with mysterious nromptneas in the removal from burses of hard, *>ft or cal- louited lump*, blood spevin,nplii.ti, curbs, Hweeuy, stifles and spraina. i i <.ii..r. ROBB, Farmer, Matkham, Out. Sold by W. K. Richardnon, Drugjiat. Daniel Ritz. Proprietor and PnUlishar of the Hamburg, Out., Independent snjs : "I was suffering frem Dyspepsia tnd Liv- er trouble, I took a few bottles a. Shiloh'n Viulzer and it cured me. I can heartily recommend it." HAVE YOU BACK-ACHE DOD05 KIDNEY PILLS WILL CURE YOU Bac k ac he moant tltt kid- nlft art In trouble. Oodd't KiJnty Pillt glut prompt rtlitf." "76 ptr cant. of diinse It jfrtt cauttd r-y duordtrtd kid- "Might at well try to kaut a hoilthy tltg without ttuitr- agt. at goof health whtn tin logged, they art SoU by aR ilialin or of price 5 . emu. ftr Dr. L. A. Smith & Co. ths Of "Dtlt't /. dangtnui. Htf Iff ltd hid Htm troubltl fttult lit tad t/ood, Dytpeptla, Uv Complaint, aii(t tht moot dan- qerout tf a/4 Brightt 0/eMua. D/abettt ami Oropeu." "Tht aboot tf is fas ft i an not txltt *hart Oodd't Kidnit i Pi.! * art utad. * aent by oeul on fecaie*. baa- or M Cor Sa.a Toronto. Wnae C , *> 4 i A SHAP. 50 aero*. A I oil. All ft for maehr-j Good orchard, the fruit of lucli U worth t> per r*ar. Never fatlinu >-.n-ain. 3) mite* from Tillage uf Kiuibvrlr v. !) 3tU Thu Oder mooA for H day*. A*lri'. J. A Mother's Beautiful Child Dragged Nearly to Death's Door by Sevete Nervous Disease- Suffered Extreme Pain in tb Head Doctors Could Do Nothing South American Nervine Called in at the Eleventh i. Hour and Restores to Health Little Annie Joy. of West Toronto Junction Th.e Great Remedy is Reducing the Death Rate of All Canadian Cities. MISS ANNIE JOY, WEST TOBOHTO JUNCTION. A bright little lad, or golden-haired girl, 11 tliti delight of your home. Whether you revel in rich**, or know omething of the priTtioo> of poverty, that child i* all the world to you. It U no wonder that mother and father become anxiooi when ickneai overtakee the little one. Tbe remedy, fathers and mother*, U near by. South American Nervine has been the meant of giving back dUtresaing at time* as to render &* comi.li'ti'ly helplftM, Mpping all her trench Tbe bett skill of tbe killed physiciani was called request, but little Annie grew worse Itecomiug mort hoptv loss and discoortged as tbe went by, Mrs. Joy decided on Soutli American Nervine as almas** last resort. Employing her words the said : " I determined the bloom of youth to thousands of j give it a trial, although 1 felt it suflering little ones. It U not a medicine that buoy* up the parenU' hope*,only to have them inashorttime dashed down again lower than ever. Whether with child or adult, it promptly got* at the seat of all disease, which ii the nerve centres. From this fact it is peculiarly e-fiioacions in the treatment of ner- vous diseases of man, woman or child. A recent case if that as told by Mrs. M. A. Joy, of West Toronto Junction, whose little daughter Annie, aged 15 years, had been a sulL-rer from severe nervous depres- sion for about two years. As wiw)> all mothers, no trouble and expense wns spared in the effort to bring relief to the child Ttic little one suf- fered extreme pains In tho head, so uRoless." To-day it is all happinei that home, for before one be* Us- ol tin' nu-dicine had been taken, tho mother tells as Annie commenced %*> show decided signs of improves The child has taken three bottles has practically regained her health and vigor. There U nothing surprising in the fact that Bin. Joy cannot speak too highly of ScsBtb American Nervine. Moch was at stake, bat Chte wonderful discovery proved rqaal to tho nuior^ency, and so it does in uruy caso. Thoasatids of letters oo ftle from well-known citizens prove th'v For nervous diseases of young or odd, from whatever cause, it is so b> solut<-Lv infallible cur < ^

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