Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 12 Jul 1894, p. 3

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THE DOMINION HOUSE, SEVENTH PARLIAMENT - FOURTH SESSION AT OTTAWA. CIVII. SERVICE. Mr. Costigan introduced a bill further to amend the Acts inspecting the Civil Seivit*. The object of the measure was to re-enact the AJ-- of 1892, which expired the first o f this month, nod which provides that any person in the employment of the service on the first of Jmly 1WK!, and who has since been continuously engaged then in, mty be promoted without passing the Civil Service examination sinct prescribed, but subject to certain regulation*. The bill wa* read a Krat time. gCKBSC S0BSIDIKS. Sir John Thompson moved the third reading of a bill respecting certain subsidies granted to the (iovemment of the Province of Quebec by chapter 8 of the statute* ol MM. Mr. Laurier said the bill should contain a stipulation as to what purpose the money* were to be applied to. He therefore movst in amendment that the bill be referred back to the Corr.nvtUse of the Whole with instruction to amend it so as to provid that the sn 1 sum shall be paii according to the provisions of the statutes of the Pro- vince of Quebec, 49 Victor:*, chapter -, namely, into the fund created for thi redemption oi the loan effected under th< provision* of 37 Victor**, chapter 2. and shall be applied to the payment of so much of the loan made iu virtue of that Act, and shall form pact of a sinking fund created lor the redemption of that loan. Sir John Thompson said the Province of Quebec wa* about to make an arrangement by which this money snail b paid for the redemption ot tbe debt. The Dominion Government considered ".hat the payment was properly safe-guarded, and the partien- Ur portion of the public debt to which the money shall be applied, wa* a matter that they thought wa* in the care of the province itself. Xo charge ha* been ma<ie that the province meant to misappropriate any of the money, and for the Dominion to \y that the money ihould be used only in a rtain way would be most offensive to the provmce.and would intimate that the province might engeil. He had given hia evidence under >ath, and the report of the House hid been n Ins favour. The hon. gentleman who lad just spoken wanted to tiy him again. i'hat was not justice. (Hear, hear.) It torthe House and the c >untry to say whether* he was, to be singled out and tried n this way. This wa* the first time in this ountry, ami be thought in any British coan'.ry, tht a man in hi* or the moet nimble position hail been tried a second time (hear, hear) and when he gave his evidence without or with an oath, he did HO to the best of his ability, and if he made mistakes it was not wittingly, but because hit memory failed him. He knew nothing about the payrnnnt of elaction expenses. If it was done, it wa* done Iwhind hia back. When he drew on McGreevy for money, he drawing on money he had deposited with him. The money was not for the pur pose of buying votes. Without going into detail* he left the case in the hands of th" House. It knew how the case stood in 1891, and to-day the charges were brought! to try him a second time. He had no doubt the verdict of the House would be sanction- ed by tbe country. (Applause ) The amendment waa defeated by 10-J to (55. *KISISi; AND TKAWLINii. Sir Charles H. Tupper. in answer to Mr. (iiliies, said the Government bad entered into a convention with tbe United States which, though not dealing specifically with the subject of purse saining and trawling beyond the three-mile limit, contemplated a joint investigation, which was BOW pro- ceeding, and wn:ch would 'leal with those subjects. No action would be taken until the commissioner* had reported. [-AKE KKIE FISHERIES. Mr. Tisdale, on motion logo intosupply, read correspondence between the Lake Krie fishermen and the Department of Fisheries, and quoted statistic* at length to show that the th* regulation* of the de- partment respecting ashing in Lake Kne were unduly severe and stringent. He contended that there was no reason for issuing regulation* for the redaction ef the number ot nets. About August last year seven American tugs, with about 30 milea of nets, had been ti.hmg within the Caaa dian limit. There was no sufficient reason for prohibiting whilefishand aalmon tialiing in November. No* only were many fisher- men thrown out of employment, but com- munities suffered in consequence. The tctal number of men employed on the Can- adian aide of the lake in IV9 waa 45, and on the American *ida 2,181. In the same year the value of the appliances on the Canadian side was $llu,<)0 and on the American side $851,000. The quantity of riih caught on the Canadian side in IVJ3 was 9,000,i)<JO pounds, and on the American iir. John Thompson said the petitions presented to the House on the subject by the people of the North-West were very numerous, and had been considered to the Minister of Itailways and other member) of the Government, and the complaints con- tained therein had been transmitted to the Canadian Pactac Railway Company. The c.imcany had set out their defence in a letter dated June 14th last, and directed to the Minister of Railways. Freight rates on different sections of the roml in the North- West were quoted, and varied from Jl cents to 23 cants per hundred pounds. The director* believed theae late* were lower than those of any railway in auy other part nf the world operated under aimilar conditions, sod considering that four-fifths of the car* engaged in the grain transpor- tation had to he hauled back empty, and also the high cost of fuel, they did not think the rates covered more than the actual cost of transportation. They were unable to see how the rates could be reduced. The company also said that considering th) u-ijust and narciaonable clamor in some quarters about the high rates, they would b gla.i if the Government would undertake an independent investigation of the freight charges and co nptio them with those of other grain-producing countries. The House went into Committee of Supply. coi- POWELL. Mr. Lanrier, on the item for the Mi'.itia Department, asked if Col. Walker Powell is discharging the duty of Adjutant-General of Milina. Mr. Patterson i Huron) I have no official information upon the subject. Mr. Laurier I thought the hon. gentle- man was head of the department. Mr. Patterson (Huron) I am asking for information on the aubject, which I will shortly be able to furnish to the House. FACTS IN FEW WORDS. A race hone clears from 20 to - H feet at bound. The heart of a ( Greenland whale i* a yard I in diameter. The coal field* of the United Stale* cover 194,000 square miles. The king of Dahomey was educated in France and speak* French fluently. The value of the iteel man ufactured in the United States every year laaboutSSOO,- OOO.COO. The mean annual temperature of the Arctic regions is below 30 degrees Fahren- heit. An elephant is fifty or sixty years in attaint g maturity, and will live a century and a half. If a snail's head be cut o J and the animal placed in a cool, moist spot a new head will be grown. After a courtship of two hours J NEWS FROM AUSTRALIA, SOME INTERESTING ITEMS;ABOUT THAT FAR-OFF COUNTRY. Ilk Pr.l union ! Mrw Heath f Naxalttri-el pat A Hun Inn l:iia Thf lr,, Miil.lii4 lilB<tr mm* III tdiauuxn -TrrliBlral t4-allo. * >r:nu*4- In New South '.Vales the quantity of milk obtained during 1S9-J.9.'! ha* ben eatirr.ated at 131,440.000 trlluna of which about 64,000,01)0 gallon* were coneumed in the manufacture of butter and cheese, the remainder being required for domeetio consumption. In March, 1W.1, the aiea devoted to green food and artificially town jiraaac*, principally for the depasturing of | dairy cattle, was 361, 000 acrei, email Wood and Mia* Mary Stewart were married quantity of land compared with that cap- recently near Yonng*town. O. fcole of being so utilized, yet largely in The water that pour* over the falle of excel , O f tne occupied by dairy fartn- Ni&iiara i" wearing the rock away at the , rate of five yard, in four yean. m * /ew ? ^' T1 " Wnit (;U(U A Cleveland contractor ha. undertaken " n "P* field ' " tU t9<1 m to move a .tone house weighing 5,50) ton*. ' the Wilcanoia dtrwion of the Albert mm- baaement and all, a distance of sixty feet. I i D g district, X. .*. \V., ha. lately assumed In lll.'I William Burton patented a loco- motive that wa* provided with left and feet behind to pmh the machine along the track. not apply the money for the benefit of it. I eide (M.OOO.OOO pounds. . rr ' J ,j._ fi a !-..* creditor*. The amendment was lost on divuion, and the bill was read a third time. DAM STKACT. Mr. Liurier moved in amendment to concurrence on resolution to vote $450,000 for the Sneik's Island dam, i 'oinwail janal, a resolution cecsuriug the Government for their action in cancelling the contract of the Gilbert P.laatingand Dredging Company ior jrJo.CtM) and substituting other works without the sanction of Parliament, a. un- constr.utional and dangerous to the public interest, and for inflicting an extra loss to the country of S30.UOO damages, awarded to the rirm for each cancellation of the contract. 1 view o* the- wide discuaiion on the subject at the last sitting of the House, > e would say nothing in support of the lesolution. The Amendment was defeated by 83 to 47. The resolution was concurred in. THIKD KKAI>I^'.- The following bills were read a third time : Repecting th" utili/ation of the water* of the North -West Territories, and for Other pnrpotes. Respecting the common school fund. In res'.r.iint of fraudulent .ale or mark- apper said that absolute the United State* n-her men of Lake Krie in the face, while the Caaailiao rjahermen were making money. This was due to the fact that the Canadian Sir Charles H. ruin wu .tiring Sir Richard Cartwright.on the resolution to vote $1 1 .801 to pay salaries and expenses in connection with the commission of en- quiry into the l.ichme canal expenditure, asked what was the intention of the Government witn respect to the outrageous frtud committed on the people of the country. Over and above the grossest considerable importance. A township has sprung up, with a population of about TOO. Some magnificent atones hive been found It i, about thirty mile, acres, town in i tn Beld - v iu d - hl h " * " h ; London and for that entire distance there The scarcity of water is a great drawback is said to be an unbrikeu line of residences { to the fiell, the nearest supply being a and stores. Chicago has a Domestic Science Associa- tion, which proposes to build an institution where women will be instructed in home dutie;. It is estimated that foreign stocks amounting to $3,319,035,000 are 'held in extravagance there must have been fraud [ from ihecountiy annually. of a criminal character in connection with, Arthur BeQt/ a 6 . yeM ^ M ^ nl T^. , anon. Pa., died from the elects of awal- Mr. Haggart said that for hia ds^tasmt |owingatadpoUi whicn hl . Uttlf coin p ui<ml he could y that wherever a fraud had < ^ J^j * ,, moulh . been committed in misappropriation or otherwise, he woul.i recommend the prosecution of the guilty parties by the Department of .Justice. Tne resolution was adopted* Great Bn^in and the interest receivable from them $145,000,000 per annum. , Since Denmark established dairy schools . and made a sconce of outter-makmg Kill,, one of the most remarkable sights to bi 000,001) pounds of butter have been exported ' in Australia. It is 1,-t'JO feet in height, and private tank, four miles: from the township. A government tank is however, being ex- cavated, which will, it i* hoped, overcome the difficulty. The sum realized from the sale of opal raised during the year was estimated at 17.000. At Wmgen, in New South Wales, 204 miles from Sydney, is a burning mountain. THE BULLET-PROOF COAT. Hlrass *!> Llsktrr CealeB4n Thul a lil-lil an ke *4. A keea competition is going on in England between the inventors of the numerous *n- fisheries were protected, ^and showed that j cm ii e< l bullet-proof cuirasse* that are now before the public, and HerrDowe, who was practically the first in the field, has made a strong bid for the adoption of kit) device by the British War Department. The well-known American engineer,. Hiram Maxim, contends that a much lighter shield can be made tban Herr Dowe s, that will withstand bullet-fire just as well, by using steel. He also inaiata that Herr Dowe's the the restrictions were highly necesswy. He was prepared, however, to give due consid- eration to the representations made by Mr, Tisdale. CASAL STACKS'. Mr. Bergeron called attention to the de lay in the payment of the wages of the employe* of the canals. On the :>rd of July j the paymaster was paying for the month of May. Something should be done to prevent | " this. is supposed to bs a large coal seam which haa iu some unaccountable way become ignited, and haa been burning for many years, certainly loag before the advent of the white man in this portion of . the colony. The course of the fire Street bands are not permitted in Ger- , ^ be traoed a considerable die many unless they accompany procession*. Unce b the namero u depressions or In Vienna the organ grinder* are allowed cnmam . occaaioncd by tr-e falling in of the to play only between midday and aunset. , ^ round from beneath whioh the coal has The tail of the kangaroo ia the fleshiest been conaumwi. Smoke u continually part of the animal. It is considered dainty 1MUID g from the side* of the mountain, food when boiled in its own jkin, which ' to d 1D the vicinity of these openinga the afterward may be drawn off like a glove. ' * U rfaoa is hot. and haa a dry, parched ap- At Washington there is a Hat of all the pearance, while sticks thruat into these known anarchiats in the world, andthe ir openingt, are readily ignited, place of residence wnen last beard from. 1 So Ur notnm tangiole has yet ' from the efforts made during late years to establish the iron-making industry in New South \Vales, although attention h a from time to time been directed to many natural advantage* possessed by several districts of the colony, namely, deposits of iron ore, with i:oal aul flax in cloae proximity. The iron made in the colony t the present time ia not from ore, but from scrap, and the has Th* French government ha* a similar list. Mr*. Frederick Duppen, of Cincinnati, as just learned that seventeen year* ago Frederick M Uer made a remark of her character, and has entered slander. Taking the earth as the centre of the nni- I verse and the polar star as the limit of our vision, the vuible umverao aerial space with a diameter of IKMI mile* and a circumference of i I k Mr Gibson argued that there .could be : an established pay day. : cuirass is of metal, with a covering of Mr. Haggart said he found that the pay ~ '"''** * n quantity so manufactured during the year IJO.OIKI.OOO,. i WM . 2 lyo lim , newt. Ic ( r. 4lb.. valued at uf I,. tilt, 74-,- nu.sT-fi.iia. The risk bank Ironworks, where roll* were received on the .">th of the mouth. b u ll 9 t-Droof. Before the 7th they were *ent to the Audi- ; t ; thu a ^^ pcr ha off . roa tor-General a department. If any complaint M 000,000 miles. \ oiia' industry is carried on, are situated at Two safe-crackers entered a Brooklyn I Lithgow, on the western aid* of the Blue store to operate on a aafe that made a Mountains, and employ about I.Vi men. In , gieat ahow from the street. They were so the Broken Hill district there were raised special material which ia reputed to be i disappointed when they found that it waa ilur-.ntf t-e year 1.051 ton* of iron ore. Res light. pecting the inspection of electric there, they were M returned tosettle llm question in dispute conclusively nest that they be separated and by an electrical te*t. It ha* engaged Prof. deviae an electrical whether or uot the cuirass contains a metal plate, without in any way revealing the actual substance used. A large coil and two small colls of fine wire are ao adjusted in relation to the poles of an alternating current dynamo nud was made with the request that they be separated objectionable account* held back. Thin i Sllvanus Thompson to sometimes took six or seven day*. There apparatu. for pr .v,ng wa* no delay except what was caused by the system of auditing. __ ' ATTI.E TRADK. Mr. M nock said he proposed to trace the history of the scheduling of Canadian cattle The matter has excited such j only a wooden box painted up. that they valued at 1,1!"*. The bulk of this comes departed, leaving their instruments behind f, , n Balaclava, abont eizht miles from them. , Broken Hill, the rest of it being taken by Plants of ten exhibit aomethingv-ry much the Proprietary Co from the outcrop of like intelligence. If a bucket of water the lode. It ia solely used aa flux, during a dry season be place.1 a few inchea i The advantages of tecrnioal from a growing pumpkin, or melon vine are fully recognized in Austr Iia.an the latter will turn from its coarse and in a day or two will get one of itr leaves in the water. People in the middle age* believed in were-wolves as well as w by Great Britain, and point out where the ! telephone receiver ti.at the currents in- responsibility font rested. It was promised j -lced by the central, or exalting, ooil th." the cattle would a!l be inspected be- balance each other, when no Mhrauon can preserving their appearance fore they entered Canada, That undertak- be detected in the telephone. If. however, -' Were The House went into Committee on the bill to amend the Criminal Code. Mr K.l^ar moved a clause providing that in all provinces where the jury panel has been reduced to thirteen, it shill be lawful for seven to find a ven'ict ; the provision to come into force only on pro- clamation by the lioveruor-in-CounciL The motion was oarned. ( VKON CHAtUiK*. Mr. HMgar, on motion that the House go into Committee of Supply, moved an amendment to the motion, ' That from the public trial and conviction of Thomas Mctlreevy and N. K. Connolly for conspir- acy to defraud, and from evidence and papers already before this House, it appears that large portions of the money, which were found upon the said trial to have been criminally received by the laid Tho*. Me- Ureevy from Government contractor* were so received by him for the purpose of being expended in elections in the interest of the Conservative party and for distribution by Sir Hector Langevin, M. P., and Sir Adolphe Caro i, M. P. . for the election of themselves and of other mpporter* of the Government at the general election* held in February, ISH7. That it further appear* that large portions of said money*, together with other large sums colle :led by Sir Adolphe Caron, from those interested in Governmental railway subsidies, were ex- pended and distributed by Sir Hector Langevin and Sir Adolphe Caron and in lavish and illegal amount* to assist, in the election of theaiselvet and other supporter* of the Government in the district uf Que- bec at the general elections i >f I*s7. lhat the said Sir Hector Lngvin and S.r Adolpbe Caam were then and now are members of this House and on the roll of her Majesty'* Privy Councillor* for Canada, and the said Sir Adolphe Caron ii a. Cabinet Minuter and Postmaster-General. That in the opinion of this House the said .Mr Hector Lsngevin and Sir Adolphe Caron are deserving of the severest censure for their connection with the said transactions, and tbat.it i. a public scv dal and injury to the reputation of Canada that Sir A.'olplie Caron should continue to hoM the position of a Minister of the Crown. Sir Heotor Langevin on arising was greet- ed with Conservative applause. He said that when he wa* tried before the Committee of Privilege* and Flection* in 1*91, he had come of his own free accord, not wishing the statement* to go to the country onchal- ing was deliberately ignored by the Govern- ment. Another representation made <o Kngland was that cattle train* would be uti'ler the control of Dominion Government officials, who would accompany them on their journny across the country, yet never once was this regulation enforced. The pledge was grossly violated. The inspection " was. absolutely ineffectual. Tba < lovernment j l i absolutely i sanctioned the inspection of whole train loads of cattle by night. Thousands and thousands of cattle were imported into Canada irom the infected district* of the United Stales in open violation of theee regulations. He moved in amendment that the Government wan deserving of censure j for negligence in not taking measures to convince the Imperial Government that proper precautions were taken to inspect American cattle in transit through Canada, and thus remove the scheduling of Canadian cattle. Mr. Ive* said the hon. gentleman not shown 'hat the Imperial authori- ties were dissatisfied with tbe transit regulations adopted by Canada. Never bad the Imperial government written a letter on the subject complaining of the regulations, so there was no ground for the chsrge of the hon. gentleman. The only case of pleura-pneumonia ever known to have existed in CsnaoS was an animal imported from Great Britain in ISStt, and discovered at Lev is. If symptoms of that disease was ever found in Canadian cattle a plate of any rretallic substance, whether solid or built np, or constructed of gauze, be inserted between the central coil and either of the side coils, the balance ia upset, and a clear, ringing not* i* beard in the telephone. There can not possibly be any mistake as to the action of the device, and it iss) sensitive that its operator can detect once whether any indicated disturbance wolves were supposed to be men ho while as humau >emgs, were yet transformed into wolves, with an appetite which nothing but human lean would aatiafiy. is owing to thn presence of a large aubstan tial plate or morel) 1 fragment* of bullets and steel fragment* left inside the cuirass. According to the latest report*. Herr Dowe declines to allow the suggested test to take piace. Killing* Rats by Electricity. A Philadelphia electrician has ''gone on* belter" on Edison's Umiliar cockroach- killing device. The proprietor of a res- | taurant in the Quaker City was constantly pestered by a host of rats, which swarmed at all hours into his yard, in search of the toothsome offal temporarily stored there. The favorite route of the rodents was a sewsr inlet at the back of the yard, which terminated in a hole alongside a grated covering. The electrician one day ought sight of the intruders, an 1 forthwith set to work to try an interesting experiment. Laying coils of copper wire about the hole, he made an attachment to the electric light wires within the building, and fixed in on the n re%di- after crossing th* ooean,. there was no trace convenient place a key for turning of it on leaving Canada. Respecting the | current, \\heneverythingwas ii inspection of catt'e at the border, it wa* ' ne ss, a watch win kept on the hole, and a* impossible to tell whetner an animal waa 8 ,,,,n AS a doteu of rw wer* playing abont affected from au onlmary inspection. Au the enclosure, the key wa* turned. As the animal suffering from pleuro-pneumonia r , ts returned one by one to the hole, they showed no outward evidence of It until in w *re unmistakably electrocuted. The plan South Waloa it forms a portion of tho public school system. It launder the supervision of an officer of the Sew South Wales of Public Inatruction, the , r classes being held in a large and coirmodious I uilding elected a few years ago at the cost of the state and equipped in a moet complete- and compre- hensive manner. The subjects taught in- clude agriculture, diawing, design, model- ling, geometry, chemialry, mechanical engineering, pplil mechanic*, fitting and turning pattern making, iron moulding, boiler making, carriage building, architec- ture, art decoration, sanitary engineering, Ina-rrTrealBwnl _hys>c, lithography, photo-litnogrphy, at the newer Bos>llal. geology, mineralogy, mathematics, etc, A novel mode of treatment, by which an , There i* alao a class foi tempt will be made to relieve a ynung man of the effect* of breaking hi* neck.is about t<> j |n lj)e co | onyi , j lrl , average attendance of from b-,000 to 7,000 sto.fini*. In >.onnec- TO MEND HIS BROKEN NECK tha last stage*. The amendment wit defeated by a vote of 99 to, vi. EXCESSIVE- FRIl'iHT kATS. Mr. McDonald (Asaioiboia).on the motion to go into supply, asked the government what action they proposed, to take in regard to a largelysigned petition hejhad presented, trom uie community he represented, pro- testing against the excessive freights on the I 'tnadian i'lcitio railway and asking for aid for the immiedate construction of the Hudson Bay railway. (Opposition cries; of "Hear, hear.") It was impoaaible for farmers to pay the rates ic view of the prevailing lo,w.nices tor gcaitj: He asked the Government to appoint a commission to fully investigate the matter. worked to a charm, and th* story goee t hat- in this way nearly 100 rata have been killed otf iu a little over a week. Better Than Herbs. Anxious Mother -'There- ia a certain very eligible young man lhat I want my daughter to fall in love with. Do you deal in loTe-philtero?" (H Modern Magician "Ho, madame; but I can bring the match about iu another way." "Oh, thank y .. What shall I do?" " Shut her up in a boarding school for a year, ami then arrange your plan* so Hal this youth shall be th* first man she meet*, after sue gets out." be tried at the Flower Hopital New York. The patient will bo enveloped in a plaster cast from the waist up, nothing but hia face being left bare. Tins is to prevent the slight eat movement of the head nr neck while the muaciea and bones are adjusting themselves to their normal relations. Tbe aubject of the treatment is George Men?*. 19 years old, of Philadelphia. Last January, whil* he wan exercising in a gymnasium, h felt from the horizontal bar striking on the back of hia head. The physician who was called in said that the muscles of the neck were sprained, but after two weeka in bed Menge, although able to sit up, could not raie his head ex- cept by using his hands. Wiiten his head was unsupported it fell forward on hia breast. Aa he had not recovered at the end of seven weeks he was sent to the Penn- sylvania Hospital ia Philadelphia, where an examination ahowed that his neck wu broken. An inairument wo* attached to hia head to hold it in place, but no improve- ment resulted. Three weeks' ago Mange started for the Catskillt, intending to return to Phi'iadel 1 phi* later for further treatment, but while staying with some friend* in Brooklyn he waa persuaded to put himself ander the care of Dr. William Tod Helrouth at the Flower Hoapital. The plaster cast will be kept upon Menge until hi* recovery, of which the surgeons are very hopeful, or until the experiment is seen to be a failure If unsuccessful, ttie patient will still be ible to get about with his head in a brace. lion with these classes, popular lectures are ilivercd on subjects connected nineralogy, agriculture, and keeping. At tbe national competitions at Soutn Kensington, several of the New South \\'l*a students have been very successful, the hiijb character of their work illustrating their natural capabilities. THE LUNATICS' JOKE. ew Vindictive. Editor" Here is a scientific item, rhich say* that photographs have been taken five hundred feet under water. Print it in a conapicuous place." Sub-Kditor " Um what's the idea'" Kditor " I am in hopes some of these camera fieii h will try it. ' a MrtrasU KBllsti* TWA Lemalles rial Ike I'rbsirasi War. Lunatics, *ven when dangerous, often have a keen ene of humour, which they (ratify by playing practical jokea. Mr. Le Fanu, in hia " Seventy Year* of Irish Life,' tell* how two dangerous lunatics, who had escaped from an asylum, played a practical oka upon a sharp recruiting sergeant* During the Crimean War a bounty waa paid to recruit* on enlisting. One morning a re- cruit ing aergeant. in Dublin enlisted two men, gave them their bounty, and repaired with them to a public h>use, where they spent their money in mating every soldier who <<ame in. When ail their bounty had been expended. tl sergeant ordered them to accompsny him to the Royal Barracks. " But maybe,"said oneohhem, "you don't know what we are." "Corre along," an sweced the sergeant, roughly. " What does it matter what you were ! v ou are soldiers now." "Butmajhe you don't know that we are lunatic* aii.i dangerous luna- tics, too. VVe got out uf Richmond Asyiuss last night." Th sergesnt did not balieve them, and s row had begun, when th* police) interposed and persuaded the mrgeuit to take the two men up to the asylum and test the truth of their statement. Great wa* the joy of -lie rtfici ila there when they ap- peared, for taey were inJeeti daageroua lunatics w?o had escaped.

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