Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 21 Jun 1894, p. 4

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TH1 FL18HIRTON ADVANCE ESTABLISH.!!) 1881 t-i III.ISIIKII WBIU.T A TUB orrtCB, svn- ENHAM RTalR, ri.tllUHT'.N, OST., BY W. R. THURMpX. I per annum.M r Iril y in advance Adrertiaing Kates: One Column. 1 year, .V; ; half col.. 1 year, 137 quarter col., one jear, til. Trauiut adrwtUeuieDt charged at the rate Of 8 cent! per HIM for ftnt Insertion and 3 ceoU each ubeeqoeul THE NOMINATION. At precisely 10 o'clock on Tueaduy bin-riff Mooro and Gco. Ingles, Clerk of the Court, Owen Sound, took their seats in the Town llall and requested nominations for legislative candidates for Centre Gray. -The following nom- inations took place : Major Rorke was nominated by Mr. W. McLoughrey and Mr. M. Rich- *nion ; Tho. Gamey, Esq., by Mr. \V. 1 lames and Mr. Jas. Robiuaou ; and C. W. Hartman. Esq., by Mr. Jas. Patterson and Mr. Caleb Clayton. At 2 p.m. a public meeting WHS convened at which all tho candidates spoke and others. The hall was com- pletely packed with electors. Mr. \Vui Lucas, of Mai k Idle, occupied the chair. The crowded condition of oar columns prevents anything like a synopsis of the speeches. Il will have to suffice to say that the large (.atliering was very oi-Jcily and gave well of the genii' A :i 'i patient and i sled hearing. Mr. < 'in le ought to kn ; liii f.iiry I >r t'n- > '! lines in hit 1'1 stamping ciujml in the township* H ihottSanot I ry to deceive tho i. ji.oji'.o of .'. ' with thriii. T> i in.) " '1 hero can be no reasonable ohjcc- lion to the NewB culling Mr. C'lute'a s "fairy tales," hut when i i a down to adding him to palm .1 off on the township sidelines we rise in the name of the said eilrlr to inform the chair that the above is n base slur upon their intelligonci, and also recoils upon the head of the News, which disseminates intensively tho liu'.c knowledge it possesses amoni; in farmers whose demesnes but on up the aforeaioniio i 1 dele-Hues. Hardy they should bo ai intelligent as tlieir city brethren, wh'rii they read tho NCWB. KraKlua Wimnn Uu l>rr:i B'liliy nf fjrgery by an iiitelh^ -lit Ni w York jury, and will nn-vc ^a tonu in jail. This is a pad dowflml for n > who posed as a p'.iilanilinpiat in t if b:-o,idest sense of tin- term, and an i ualiuual le^'M .< r.Uor. Can.v!. nns did not adn.iiv t'ii i.i.jtivr of the i < lin '..mi, and BliiK'l :.' the inaii v. i . teas. Wliilc a certain atnonnt sentiment exists for V i. \Vii.nn, the old KI.W, " I told you so," ia still tho tivoiitc quotation. It was considered the host joke of the season, when, at the nomination, EIr. Hartman claimed that his plat- form and that of tho I'utcona was id i.iical. Tho andiunco roared, and The Advance was sufficiently near to ue that Mr. Hartman blushed be- nuiith his whiskers when he made the claim. NundnT T , thi Edihr of ntAJ*n>ci. ]>* ,i SIB, The Reform candidate f n Centre Grey, seems to be working n pi'i-siiual canvass to tho verge of I'O'pi-nttiiui. Even tho sanctii) of tue Hahbath Day in utilized, to put it mildly the feeli ng i of respectable Christian people were shocked at tho sight of candidate far paHinientary liouors, balling good ohristian people ou their return borne aud also others On thtir way (o, di fine lervioe. On the evening of the 10th inst., Mr. Samuel (Joodfullow and family in driviui" homo WMTJ among tho num bi'i- to be hfhl up on tho public high- way and engaged in a conversation lasting about (luce quarters of au hour. When the sacredncss of the Christian Sabbath is to be invaded for the furtherance of politic*! nuccets and the gratification of seltiah ambi- tious, it is time for all good people to stop and reflect ou the situation* Were the abovo occurrence to have happened at another time aud no po- litical campaign in progress, it wquld not have appeared -so significant. However attached we may be to party and party influences to be just to our- selves, country and mankind, we s'lou'd have nip c to the pe >ue 1 of the candidates, for the excellence of any political party is always kaowu and determined by the character of its individual members, as a river cannot rise abovo its source. CHURCHMAN. Heathoote, June 18. '91. Eugenia From our oten corrttfoudtnt. Tho heat of the political campaign is kcuniux pace w:th the intcnao liuat itf (lie weather. All .f ui are pretty hard to plcaan on tho weather lino, but it in cer- tain thai Oie recent warm weather has iietilifii thu criips considerably. El. Deputy Rcevi-, Mr. S. Vedlnr and wife, have gi.no on s viait tn frieiidi and relations at Exeter, Out. We with them a plwuiit jimnn.'V. 51iaa Nellit Muldrum, who haft been owe time in . \Ii-if, .1,1, ig paying a p!ea- aut iait to her |iarenU, Mr. and Mis. H. Meldruiu. Mr. H.M. Riffcrman went on a buti- nets trip to Meaford on Mi.i.d.iy. ^ A largo number came i>iciiicing frmn Now England ;ui'l o|i,i-r pointi hut Wed- nesday. There is no better place for a pluanaiit outin-'. Thu political meeting in the interest of C. W. Hiirtiiinn, was fairly well attended, the majority tain^ Conservatives and I'ltrom. C. \V. was the first apcaker nd he ret for*h tin: manifold virtut-n .f the Muwat li'ivrrn-nont in half an-hour. Ho wan followed Ly Mr. J. liavw, in the icr*st i'f tin.- 1'an.ii cindiilato, Mr ''.uiiey, in a hum. irons but effective ech of three (|ii.i!ti-r* of ,iti li-.u-. II.- dwelt chi> fly u,,.,!, ;i lt . irxtr.i. 't and n nnii attenti-. n !'!,- in tcrwat of tho farnn-n and lnh->ring c-Usi'. Mr. Luca. ..f Mukdul.-, follow^l in the -.1 'f Mr. ll'.rko. Like Mr. Duvia, he was in h .t ii,i.-s>: .t of i; )0 o. cinm-iit ' v.iu ,n grouodl H. i that il.>- only j i-i .,"imd'-rivini{ lionutit fn.in thu T I'Mito <!ou;riiiin-:it. \vcirc th aaivi- |ml- il lii-clprsiii its inUT'-.v jkor fur thu jiiirty " who sui>.-rviacil ihj ItlUCtioil nt c >Ii ni/.-itioii II.M, -ii,-'iaiiiou: ,; to the W..rkl:m.i' .fll'.l. I'r. Cituhur |inkc in the I itvreat of C. \V. Hartiimn fur an hour und a half. The Dr. is an able ai t speaker and although tin. 1 r wiw Int.', hu licld the <t nltentii.il ( ,f H lt ' mi !i, M.:U. As was before n,r, IJ..M . .1 >tr. .1.11. H.i' r ' ''l i ' ' IB -i.-nt fhairiiian. I; v Mr l'i uv |T :i -hc-d IIIK farewell nriiion hist Sunday horo to a crowded houBi'. Ilf t,,,k an |>|>r >pnate text fr..m Me!, r.'. fli|.. 1. Mr. IWry wa np-rdud with thu deopext ii'|'ct and ulluotioii hen- nd ,.rrow ptrvailei the '"iniiuiiiity at hii.l -["arturo. It Will Pay You in Ili'd Wing, ;i ,\. .irv turning out a IH-I claw i n, i, inning, i cli nnd a half 'fwprrity hucU |,u,i, nil i\ ,-, !, i,. 1 c,>rk c, n fn. E CAN GIVE YOU nice nick, 1 trimmed n'liglv harnow, box l,,i'|n il nil through, oim an, I an haniC8 and collar, all fir $12.00 n doiiU,' ilrivin^ hitriimH, lu-avy silver |ilt, txix l,,.i|,i il all through, nun mi, I MI iiv<liili incli tnuv, IMIIIOK and cul'nr, lilai'k iirnuMrthand narl.s.all in lirit -ol.wt ntyle for I*). Wo hanilli) nothint; hut firrt dim lock, uoh a whips, l;xth'>r, curiy comtx, liriiHli-a, ln|iilic<liT4, c.illim, I, glu ImrneM tiiniiiiiii^K, hnrnOM ml, otc. llerr M whnin y.iii put tho wurth of iur in.. IN, v niul the right cliani'e lutck. We am h*ro tn plcitsit th |nihlic. ill-pairing i>roin|tly Ah<t chenply dim- J.1U - Etilig Elitlnil Disldct i! Cntr iGny. Tho*.namT. ri ,nn 11 Uln.li n|,|Milntt) Ji>iU tl*tuey, of towutliiii lit OHM *jr, I. i r in elal amiil, niirtuant to Motion 1*0 of the On- tarto RlwiiloD Ao(o( IWJ. CRAB. II. UOOnR. HbrUiu, June 1Mb, V lUturnliij Officer Strain & Moore Its le.ii.g house toi:ifi ..i Wish to csprcag THANKS For the public confidence and support shown them by the larqe and increasing share of business they are doing. We shall con- tinue to strive to mttit this good feeling by always studying your needs and placing on the market such articles at the very Lowest Possible Prices. it r business is to sell and attend to the burial of de- parted friends. In this depart- ment we are in kette* shape than ever \having had built to our es- pecial order the very best heane in this section, :ir stock is Inrgt and well assorted and our facilities for procuring m>y sf>ecialtv tiot car- ried in stock are unsurpassed. Call in and see us. It repay you. Strain & Moore* Fleshcrton Furniture Warerooms. FLESHERTON LLS Now Open for Business. Having thoroughly repvircd anl i>n , V ito,l th-; B'!t-ili<-rt-> i W-nlleii M:!i4, we aie now in a j;c*ition to do oiun noik en hort uttin- and in a satisfact- ory muuntr. Roll and ALL KINDS OF Blankets, Morse Blankets, Fancy Co verlets, Tweeds, Flannels, YARNS OF KVKUV KIND- Carpet weaving done to order. BRING US YOUR WOOL. You can rt-ly upon getting enti & Hermann. M.RIIMDJON4CO. OUR SALUS of Cottons for the past two weeks have exceeded any two months' sales in our business. We still lead in cheap Fa-tory Cottons from 3$ cents for 34 inch widths up. THIS \V1LEK and next we will hnvo some surprises in cheap Hints, a lot ol ends of ten yards at half rc^ulai prices. They will go quick .ift- r being in:roduced. \VK HAVE some new drives in Dress Go^ds, 15C., at 8 ccn(s 25. cent wool Delaines lor 16 cents, anJ many other 1 nos winch must be seen to appreciate the bargains offer- ing to clear. A lot of Cheap Tweeds suitable for boys clothing should be interesting to heads ol families. BARGAINS bristling in every department of our busi- ness. We are buying wool for cash or track, also butter and eggs, K E K TEi Tailor. M;i!>r* nil irarMcntM of Meu's wear in the best stylo at short notice All work guaranteed. A trial solieiu;,!. F\ A. FLKSHEin-t'N. Carpet aid The t: KI*II ..... ami 1 ,'.: , .. . V Feb. T. 8 10. !i rprel i . - lte Kill is. ' i . ! ll-ll, ^ I I K. MAXWELL" NOTICE. Notice is hereby cin that I will not be r e- . i>il>) fur Buy il^tit contracted la uiy unuiu Uv any of HIV family. (.KUHUE KADUJY. artomefU. Ma; 17, 18M. The Markets. rarefully Corrected Each W eek Klour $ 320 t.> K.ill Wheat . . C5 to Spring Wheat C5 to llarley 31 to d.-its 33 to Peas 68 to HulllT KHK, fresh ... Potatoes bK | Pork 6 00 to May per tuu 6 00 to Hidva tihuvpskilin 14 tu 8 Mk DO to M, Richardson i U. Turkeys ............ Chicken* |KT pair.... Dttofaberuuf ---- . 300 to L'j to to to 6 to BO to 320 68 05 31 33 62 14 8 60 600 000 3(10 W 7 10 36 17

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