r THE WEEK'S NEWS CANADA. The French Government has ordered the transfer of the French Consulate-General from Qoebee to Montreal. Mr. Edward Adams, of Kingston, Ont., ha* been appointed chairman of the Cana- dian Board of Steamboat Inspectors, It it rumored in Montreal that Mr. Aug, M. P. P., will be appointed a judge to fill the place of the. late Judge .Johnson . Tho City Council of London, Ont., has voted |500 for the immediate relief of the ssmwren from the flood* in British Colum- l)r. Porter, who wat until recently medical superintendent of the Winnipeg General Hospital, died in that institution the other day of typhoid fever. Tho restriction* en all nl mtt of traffic o* th* Grand Trunk railway ovsr the entire system are removed and very thing is BOW being moved freely. A young Englishman, named Ericket, was another victim in the railway accident on the Canadian Pacific railway, welt of Fort William, last Saturday. Th* Columbia river hat become a too, from fifteen to twenty mile* wide, tnd it fall of the debris of towns and ranches which have been destroyed by the Hood*. I here it oonaidenbl* alarm among owner* of horse* in Montreal at the prevalence of influenza among theee animals, a state of affair* very unusual at th j time of tbe year. James Corkory, an ex-priest and anti- Romanist lecturer, was sentenced at Ham- ilton, Ont,, to one year'* imprisonment for committing an assault in St. Mary's cathedral, Hamilton. At a meeting of farmer* living along the Hideau canal, who saner from overflooGiog. It wa* decided to ask th* Dominion Gov- ernment to appoint a commission to con- sider canal matters, and to seek damage*. The Winnipeg printer* hav* received that all news compositors in regular em- ployment should work only five day* in the week, and giv* th* sixth to leas fortunate members of ths craft. The order went into effect ye*terdy. Th* St. Mary's Joeuit College cadets, of Montreal, won the banner on Friday which was presented by the Duke of Connaaght ter the best cadet regiment. Th* compe- tition, which took place in Montreal, wae witneeted by thousands of spectator*. Mr. Anthony Malone, of Garden island, Ont., while on a steamer going down the Gallop* rapids, sent a telegraph detpatch a few day* ago to Garden island by naing the Morse telegraphic alphabet with the steamer's whist!*, with which he called up the operator at Cardinal. Th* incident Bowing oat of tbe tearing down of th* United State* Bag from th* United State* Consulate at Si. Thomas, Ont, has been satisfactorily closed by an sxplanation to the Department of State in Washington that the frvtrators of th* outrage wer* drank, and will be properly dealt with. OKKAT BsUTAI*. Lord Chief Justice Coleridge ba* (offered another relapse. Th* Scottish Miner* 1 Federation has do- otded in favor of a strike. Tbe Mayor of Limerick on Saturday conferred the freedom of thicitv upon Lady Aberdeen. Fiv* women, including a memb*r of the Salvation Army, wer* suffocated ioUlaagow an Sunday night by an e*c*pe of ga* while bey were in bed. The Right Rev. Lord Arthur Cnarle* H-rvey, D. U., Bishop of Bath and Wells, died on Saturday at Ba*int;iloke, Ilant*, Kngland, aged 86 years. Mr. James U Huddart.r chief promoter of th* Canadian Pacific mail line to Aus- tralia, has sailed for the United State* from Southampton. , The new British torpedo boat destroyer, th* Hornet, at a trial of speed on tb* ) Thame* on Saturday attained a speed of 97 knot* an hoar, equal to over 3r land- mil**. Th* c'ppo*iti >n manifested by the colon!** to th* real estate tax proposed 13 the Im- perial budget scheme is likely to cams either its modification or withdiawal. At tb* annual meeting of tbe London unb*r of Commerce, Sir William Har- rt (aid that th* volume of the trade of country waiundiininiahed, and it wat a marvel that th* country had to Sifely merged from the depression of last year. ^kjolm Waiiamaker, ex-l'ostmaMer- .asf^feofth* United State*, w\s that th* "* drlesaMNk^flh* Young Men'* Christian As- sociation Jubilee in London o*r* every- m here received with th* utmojt courtesy. and their meeting* were mo*t successful and delightful *.o remember. spr, ,..! wiie to White Lodge, Rich- rk, S.i-rry, tho seat of the Puk* f .-.': Teck, which has h*en erected reproaching accouchement n! ' ', at Whit* Lodge, ha ktee times *inc* Saturday by Irsous. i* of Conimen* on Wednesday Mr. W. Wnn,iall, iii reply to qne*tioo a* to the p .rcliase of <|iiaotiti<>* of Canadian grain and furage for use in th* army. *aid that t lie draught of last year compelled the War Ofri.'c to |i.irch**e foraga abroad, and he added th-.t thr forage from Canada proved to be of excellent quality. >*, VMTMi STArtS. A fir* in Daboqu*, Iowa, on Saturday night destroyed about ten million feet of lumber, cauaing a lot* of over $.~uY),000. The United Stales cutter (Jrr.nt recently c*ptnied*dro *e*l:ng *choon*r* off Cap* Flattery with a quantity of seal* kins on board. The Catholic Forester* fioithed their convention at St. Paul on Saturday, and decided to hold their next meeting at Ot- tawa, Ont. Dr. Meyer* wot sentenced in New York on Friday to imprisonment foe life in Sing Sing for he r^u-dr of Lndwig Brand to obtain the mtJ^Lno* on hi* life. The I'viviian miter Vigilant was a fsw Uy* oomy*!!ed to fire upon a Unite 1 Staloii fiaMeg (chower, the captain of wbict> openly .fofisd th* LXutoni* rvgviaUous. TSe soheoow. Sowcm, manacci io eaoap*. 'I So ocourrei e took p;v.c '. i'ori llawku- !>!.-/, Cape [Vitoev OtNBRAL. Turkey has pro te- ted to England against the Con jo treaty. T'iree thousand sulphur miner* in Sicily have struck for an increase ef wagea, and trouble i* feared. The Khedive ef Egypt hat abandoned hit proposed European tour, it is said , ow- ing to an expression of the Sultan's will. Rear-Adnural Erben, of the United States cruiser Chicago, gave s reception on board hi* vessel at Gravstend on Monday. There wae an earthquake shock in Anda- lusia, Spain, on Monday, which destroyed many houses and killed several persons. The French Chamber of Deputies have voted the credit of 1, 800. OOOf. ssked by th Government to enable them to tend troopt to protect the French frontier* in Africa. Tbe new hospital for accident* at Popar, in the east end of London, to which Sir Donald Smith subscribe*! fifteen hundred pound*, was opened by the Prince of Wale* on Monday. In view of the Socialist boycott of the Berlin breweries, the North German <)* rette urge* the paaseg* of a bill by the Reichstag to punish boycotting by fines aa.l imprisonment. Nine British soldier* were attacked by tbe plague in Hong Kong ou Tuesday, and tb* military authorities are taking extraor- dinary precautions to prevent it* further spread among the troops. The east buund fast freight train on ' th* Vandalia line wo* wrecked at Pooahontas, III., Saturday by a car jumping th* track, Tb* art man S. A Panlsen of Ter re Hauto. wa* killed, and twelve passengers were slightly injured. Tbe Marquis of I 'uffenn, the British Am- bMudor to Franc*, "in an interview with M. Hanoteaux, the French Foreign Minis- ter, informed him that England desired to act in complete accord with France in re- gard to Morocco. Sultan Muley Hassan, of Morocco, died suddenly in the interior on th* 7th inst., and there are strong luspiciont of poison. The deed potentate was seventy-three year* of age. Hi* son Muley Abdul Aziz ha* been proclaimed Sultan. A despatch from Berlin state* that there i* little hope of any understanding being ar- rived at between the different European State* upon the question of bi-metallisin. Tb* Silver Commission, after giving the matter twenty-one days' discussion, have bean unable to report auy tangible result The French Senate ha* adopted th* credit ef three hundred and sixty tnouaand dollar* asked for by the Government in order to protect the frontier* of the French posses- sions near Oubanghi, Africa, which is an outcome of the recent prat**', against th* Anglo-Congo treaty. The new* of th* despatch of a French fleet to Morocco and of the other preparation* bemi( made to rcinforc* it is attracting much attention in London . It i* pointed out that the danger *lo Kuropeao Peace i* due to th* fact that M. Dupuv i* Premier of France: and that he may take tbt* opportunity of itriking a blow at Knglish prestige. e> A Warning- to Tradesmen. In th* early part of th* present century a very amusing case WM heard in one of toe London police court*. Patrick (XShaugbnnwy. an Irishman, was brought up in tb* custody of a con Uble, charged by a linen-draper in St. John *treet with assaulting him, and creat- ing a riot in his shop, thsreby causing an immense crowd to aassmbls before hi* door. It appeared that O'Shaughnessey was passing by ths complainant's (hop, and*** ing a bill on the window with tbe woid( " Blanket* at half pric*" written on it, he went in, and > .ler looking over tome blank- et*, be pitc' id on one. On asking tbe pric* of it, ie wat informed it was five (hillings ; whereupon he ordered it to be cut off, which was done. Having been wrapped up, Pat took it ap, and laying clown a half-crown, was walking off with his bargain when he was stopped by th* shopman, who demanded th* remaining half-crown. CXShaughoewy refused to pay any more, laying that, from the statement on th* bill in th* window, the diaper had no right to demand mor* than half pric* for it, and h* minted on taking away tbe blanket. A si'uiii . ensued, and a number of permn* collected round th* shop door ; at length a constable wa* lent for, and Mr. O Shaugh- nessey was given in charge. Mr. O'Shiughnestey complained, in re- B01SD DEADLY COIfLICT Excrrnra DUEL FOR A HATE IN A BRAZILIAN FOREST. i lB*k** ritrkt i* ike *>*alk. and Ike Trre. IB tk* NFlcBkerke**! An fill- en -Clever parvln rr *- ' Brazil It the homo of the mart gigantic boa constrictors io the world," Mid Harry CtoMr of Necropoli*. 0., the professional snake hunUr tad dealer, known to circa* ad musum manager* throughout the country u Big Deo" and " Old DolUr a Foot," iht being hi* market price for or- dinary inakss, " On my iMt trip to Brazil aftr nke I didn't meet with the sucee** I ex pected to, but I brought back one oi the beat in&ka stone*. I think mat OT ammo from timt land of serpent*. BOM both m!e and female, often fight fiercely over prey that one *nake hat cap- tured and which another oat uoveu, and at certain taatoni of the year deadly corn- beta between male boat are frequent, toe fight being over the poettetioa of a female for a matt. It wae a tight such at thi* that I witnetted one day in the deptht of a Brazilian foreet. I wain't out after tnakee that day. either. If I had gone prepared to oapture boat on that flotation I hoald Hav* bagged TWO or Tin BIOOIR SKA KB that eTtroamo from Braiil or any other land of snakes. I wat oat taking a buiinete look around after aomt rare ipecimtn* of monkey*. I chaeed a long- tailed fellow up a tret and wat trying my wile* on Uim when I wa* tUrtled by a load hitting toand that came from anothtr part of the foreet Ilk* a gait of wand eicaping from *ome narrow space- I looked 10 the direction of the tonnd, and, to my tarpriM, taw two anormout boat on be ground, looked together, and writhing ami twisting in eoch a deeperate ilroggte that big bunchee of leave* were teat flying about in the air a* if they had been disturb- ed and lifted by a whirlwind. " Then it wae that I groaned aloud and metaphorically kicked roytelf becante Uiad not gone forth loaded for make, fur I pin Id liave corralled both of theee gigantic ter pente before they knew it. "Thar* are many varieties, of monkey* in the Brazilian foreats.and every ono of them it a toolhtome monel to the boa. Usually a person nujr know that one of the*e irreat reptile* ha* come to bant in the wood* by the wilil scampering of all kindtof monkeyt through thr trite, flying from pottibl* cap- ture by the boa. At the tame Urn*, there mint be apecu iar fascination to the** moo key* in a fight between bo**, for thi* parti- cular battle had not been going on three minute* before the tree* all around the pot were riLLEO WITH MO X KEYS chattering and toreaininii enough to make a steam calliope p'ayer jealous. With the soake tight off of toe bill*, thi* aggregation of muakeyt would have been the greateet thow on earth to me, but it watn't anywhere near -a it with the fight. " The fierce ttruggle on the ground lait ed five mmnlee, and then the boat lu.l.leo ly separated. Oue serpent glided to a Urge tree near by and went ap its trunk like a apiral fluh of lightning. The other *nake flatbed in the came way up into another tree fifteen feet distant from the firtt on*. I feared that the tight had come to *n end, lxcaus* oil* of the makes teemed to be afraul and the other oue daretn't. Hut I toon *aw that I wot mitUken. The make* had hardly tettled among the branch** of their respective tree*, when the foliage of both tree* began to thake and quiver a* if a wind were passing through and agitating them. " Suddenly each boa, ooiling Itt tail aronnd a branch high up in itt tree, drop- ped like a plummet toward the ground and hung at fall length, it* head railed bat a few inch** ibuve the ground. For a mo- ment their great bodie* swayed to and fro like lowly moving pendulum*. Their eye* wintered like tore. Then each serpent drew iieelf quickly hall it* length above the ground. Lake an arrow each head thot forward, and inatantly the two enormou* fUSf? the complainant, for he considered five hillings to be the full price of the blanket, which, on inquiring the price, he wai told it wa*, and the bill in the window itstcd that they were told at half price, which he paid without any demur. The complainant stated th..t . u fact, what he demanded was no mars than tbe half price. A long argument took place, which wa* highly entertaining to ail present At length the magistrate interfered, ami ad- viM.I U"h ;>-.rtie*, aa neither I, id lulfeied ln*s, ' rest >li*aeJ, and etch to lake his o*r. Both contented ; Mr. O'Shaughnrssey | took heck ln< hal.-i-r'jwii. and :he lioen- i draper took back hi* blanket, and 10 the I juvi ot.dd, after causing considerable mer rimeut. turn, of the ill treatment he receiver from replile* were locked in each others colls like immense sables twisted together. Up and down, to and fro, tbt writhing ma* .nuved in quick undulation, each ser- pent drugging for an opening that would ;Iuco thoo.her at a disadvantage. Their >rkcd tongue* darted in and oat of their mouths like jete of flame, and their billing wat incessant. " The troop* of ohatteung monkey spec- tator* had been joined by hundreds of harsh voiced but brilliantly plumed birds, which flew frantically about, and added their excited cries to the deafening monkey choral. THI DKSPERATK MID- AIR STRlOilLB between tho boat continue!! for leveral minutes, when they teparated again as sud- denly as they had rushed together, ani each drew itself back among the branches of it* tree. Kor two or three minute* the oiket lay quietly, each glaring at the other. ' Suddenly in one of the tree* a his* like dvcaping (team was heard, and the boa in that tree shot his great length toward the ground again. The challenging his* was answered by one still louder Irom tbe other boa, and it flushed down to its former pool' ion and confronted it* foe. The boat did not rush together at once. One would atr'ke at the other with the rapidity of lightning. " With equal quickness that one would avoid th* *u*h by dodging to one *ide or the other, and instantly make a counter attack. This interesting iparring match la*t*d for tt least five minutes, when one of the snake* drew itself two or three feet above the other ind ma lo a quick down- ward femt. Its antagonist ducked itt head lower t'. avoid tho stroke, and that movement was fatal The upper boa dart- ed on down, and 10 quickiy Wa* it* deadly intention carried out than I was not aware it had been done until I taw thi upper hake with three of it* coil* around the lower one. A Brother Professional. A gentleman went the other night with a friend to the theatre, and arrived before the door* were open. While waiting in the crowd, and "land- ing behind hii friend, just for a lark, be amii*e>t himself by picking the pocket of i.n friend, abstracting therefrom a nan I- kereliief. .Hardly had he done *o than he was tap- ped on the (boulder by t gentlemanly in li vulr.al who handed him hit own watch and chain, remarking, " Honesty among thievo*," observing that ht never knowing- ly, operated on a brother professional. Ten thousand tons of talmon, .10,000,000 can*, wore pickled this seaion, in the can- neriet on the Fraser Rivsr, B. C. A farmer n*ar Cornwall estimate* that the lo.o* w> tho farmer* of the united cnun- tit by the iisu of narrow ruggoe lire*, through wear and tear of hone fleth, loss of time, etc., amount* to $10, WO pel year. t 1 There wae a dreadful crunching at bourn and in the twinkling of an eye the victor lone tnaks had drawn the vanquished one three folds fnrther withra it* fearful em- branos. There wa* more crunching of bunes, and by dogrees the tail of th* de- feated ssrpent unooilsd from it* hold on th* branch of tb* tree, and at last the grsat reptile dropped heavily to the ground, A CBP8UBD AND UFBLBM BASIN, For a moment th* victor held the vanquish- ed m it* ooile and then released it. The victorious serpent glided train its tree, moved rapidly several times around the crushed body of its lifeless foe with loud and angry hisses, shooting its red tongne in and out like a weaver'* shuttle. Then it moved a few feet and (topped. *' Much to my surprise a third boa now appeared on the scene, a magnificent female specimen. She joined the conqueror in th* late terrific battle. I then knew it wa* for her that the deadly duel bad been fought, and the had been a witness of the combat from the seclusion of hsr boudoir .n the tropical thicket. Her action* showed that she wa* pleased with th* result, and he glided away with the massive winner of her favor and disappeared with him in the foreet, their departure being followed by a deafening din of monkey chattering* and loud, discordant (brick* and scream* of that assembly of many-hoed Brazilian birds. " 1 straightened th* dead boa on -hi ground and measured him. From bis noes to the tip of his tail he covered 34 i feet." TWO WAYS. Tk* MsTerenl BelkesU ef tk* Araks anel ike Tkrifir Bairn anel BntTllsk rentes* IB Ik* TresMsnent f Ike wearlek. Mankind i* almost invariably wasteful with natural resources, and it especially destructive of wild animal* which yield valuable commercial product*. The skin of the buffalo was so itremely useful that in th* (pace of fifty year* the million* upon millions of Buffalo** which roamed the Western plains were exterminated. What we have done with our buffalo** th* inhabi taut* of French Algeria, and th* wilder race* to the southward of them, have done with their ostriches. In taking them for their plumes they have either exterminated them, or else driven them completely away to the southward out of their reach. The* they have deprived themaslv**, a* the hunter* of the Western prairie* did, of a considerable source of income. Thi* i* what th* Arab* and other tribe of Weilern Asia had already don*. Oatricbes were once abundant in Asia, bat now are found only m small number* in some almost inaccessible spot* in Arabia and Persia. A diiferent policy baa been punned by the thrifty Dutch and Engliih farmer* of South Africa. They, too, bunted the ostrich until bs ceased to be found in a wild stats within the limits of Cape Colony, and then they set at work to domesticate him. In this they succeeded as admirably as the keeper* of the Yellowstone National Park have succeeded in domesticating the buffalo. Ostrich-farming i* DOW a lucrative business in Sooth Africa. Eggs are procured and artificially or naturally hatched, tnd are worth twenty-five dollare apiece. Young birds are worth one hundred and fifty dol- lar* apiece more than a good horse in many part* of the United State* and a fin* mature male ostrich i* worth three hundred and fifty dollars^ Yet not many year* a^o bird* of thi* soil were pursued and killed merely to get three or Jour feathers out of tkeir tails. To some extent (no negroes of Senegal shame their French neighbors, who hav* pel-Bitted the extermination of tb* oetricb farthr to the northward and eastward. They have domesticated many of the birds without difficulty. Tbsy are, however, curiously afraid of them. All o*triche* are xceedmgly fond ef picking ap bright ar- ticle* of every kind, jewels, trinket*, bracelets and th* like; and tbe Senegal ostrich** include among each article* the glistening eye* of the Senegal babiee. It i* Decenary to keep tbe children rigidly guarded from the gigantic birdt; for the Senegal nativee have yet to learn to con- truct pens or yard* for the ostriches. Atthelast advice*, there were in Cape Col- ony eighty thousand ostriches kept for trmir plume* ; and the market for feather* Aas net become seriously overstocked. Ostrich** hav* been profitably kept in the southern countries or South Amerioa and in Call forma, although a* yet on no such scale as in South Africa. I he time is evidently near when all man- ner of wild creatures: which have hereto- fore yielded valuable products except those which live in tbe lea must be kept in some sort of captivity or iome*tication ip order to keep up the supply of their product*. Not all wild creature* will yield their product* once a year, a* the oetricb and the angora and Cashmere goat, th* llama, alpaca or tiuanacu, which have all been domesticated, do. But it has been found profitable to raise certain animals for the value of the skin, which they can yield but once, and that upon their death . The skunk, which yields the really valu- able " black martin" fur of commerce, is being maintained on several " (kuok farms" in the United State* for th* take of his skin : anJ it i* believed by many that in certain parts of the West buffalo-raising, for the fur, beef and other products from tho carcasx, could be made profitable. 8EIT TO SIBERIA* IHKS. A CITIZEN OF BUFFALO ARRESTED- IN RUSSIA. le r.l..<i > BnCmle rr Wile. WfeMBkekael aetneea rr TweMr-etslu Tenra. aejel was Arresteel asMl > i ie ettiHa. Th* Pole, of Finnalu are determined to eeore the release of a fellow cituee, a former resident of Buffalo, who wao arrest- ed on reriuting Russia after an absence of twenty-right years, and the United States (iovernment will be asked to demand hit discharge from the salt mines m Siberia to which tie ha* been transported. .Stanislaus Frank Korzwtnski, the exiled American citizen, is 06 yean old. About tweuty efght year* ago he left Russian Poland and oame to the UnitedStatea, with two sont and two daughters. His wife remained behind. About twenty-one yean ago Korzwtnski lived in New York city, where he was naturalised five year* after oil arrival in tbe metropoiu. Seven years ago Korz wintki removed to Buffalo. He has lived there ainoe that tiae, with she exception of about two years spent in Pennsylvania. K onwinseu had sent money and many letter* to hit wife, and had urged her for year* to join him. She did not oome to the United Statee, nrob- ably f oaring that if she attempted to leave Rasaum Poland (he would be arreated and exiled, for it is a violation of the Russian law for a nativ* to leave the Ciar domin- ion* without permission W tbe Govern- ment. Headless of th* risk of arrest, and be- lieving that the American citizenship would protect him from Russian tyranny, Kors. wu*ki determined to tee hi* wife and other relative* m Russian Poland. Armed with a passport and the neosesary paper* tie sailed from New Y< rk on the Diana, on March 3, 1884. He reached Wlooawek and aaw his wit* and relatival. Then he started out to spend three or four months traveling through Russian Poland, intend- ing to return to the United Stale* and to bring hit wife with him. At Lutomieesk hi wae arrested. Before hit relative! could do anything he w* on his way at an exile to the salt mines in Siberia. Th* American Cocual in Warsaw attempted to to delay Korwmski'* transportation to Sib- eria, bat was informed that nothing could be done. Th* R usaian officer* demanded a "baud" for Karzwiniki's appearance when wanted beiore a local tribunal He bad 6OO ruble*, or about 1300. but toe money was oounscated by tbe tracer*. Tbe news of Korzwiniki's exile reached Boflalo last Saturday. It came in th* form of a letter written by hi* brother-la- f*w. Mr. Jankowshi ef Wlooawek, to A. 8. Sielski of New York an intimate friend of Korzwiutki. Feanng detection by the alert Rottian officials, Jankowaki, travelled many mils*, orotttd thi frontier into (iertnany, and mailed it in Thorn. A petition has been prepared which will be presented to Secretary Oreeham, asking that tb* Government demand that Korzwineki be releaeed from the mine* in Siberia and permitted to return to Buffalo. Mr. Sieltki says that the petition will be signed by 1,500 or -',(100 I'oiish oitisens at Buffalo. Konwintki Bad been at Haaelton, Pa., for nearly two yeare as agent for the L'nited States Industrial Life Insurance Company, of Newark, N. J. He ha* two ton* in Buffalo, S. C. Frank and Ignata, of 901 Broadway, and a daughter who live* in Ptrry N.J. THE POWER OF BOROUGH TOWNS. A T*I*BS *f Beese Kale- Ccalrelleel Tkelr . warnrr sad Prefeealen A Smart Resort' A hotel- keeper, when giving Chriitmat- boxss to his servants, told one uf hie porters (a (mart Irishman! that be was the best man round ths house, and therefore, he should givs him the moit ocetly present. " Sure," said Pat, " I always mane to do my duty." " I believe yon," replied hi* employer, and, therefore, I shall make you a pres- ent of all you have itolen from me during the past year. "Thank yer honour," replied Pat, " and may all y*r friends and acquaintanc- es treat you tb* same." Last month 600 immigrant* have arrivtd in Manitoba as compared with 1, ~H~ for th* month of last yean Borough towns in Kngland had formerly *xtraordinary power*. Each had it* sys- tem of horn* role, and was a little impeirum in impeno. It controlled it* trade*, manu- facture*, and professional occupations, the numbers to be em ployed, and fixed the price of wage* and commodities. It determined what were offence* agaitut lh* order, mor- and w*U- being of the borough, and is* assigoed the punishment*. Iu by- law* were a tyranna*h*nd it* Mayor was frequently a little *^ftpt, a* real at %ny Cadi of the Bait. ^^^ In th* Court of Husflhgt book were re- corded the presentment* of the jury, and we know from theee what were the offence* 'and modes cf *^nnishm*nt, Th* magis- "1 as much for county the price* of all labor. trade from one country to their license, just as no _ _ follow an occupation or re- side ill m borough without the Mayor'* per- mit. The tumbrel, stocks, pillory, breaks, and th* skimmington were tbe usual in- strument* of punishment for slight offen- ces, bat thechuoking stool was ths favorite for scolds sad cheating bakers. Whipping wae constantly reeerted Io, and wa* thought especial I y good for women and boys. Any one willing might be em- ployed to perform it.and sometime* a wom- an undertook it for the sake of the fe, which varied from* four pence to a shill- ing. To witness it formed a part of public amusements, a* in the cat* oi hanging, and men visited th* jail* on whipping day*, to toe the women whipped. Forestalling buying out of market to Mil again above market price wae a very grave otfenco.and was severely punished. A Mr. Rugby, an eminent oorn factor, was indicted in the Court of Kind's Bench on July I, 1SOO, for having purchased by ample eight month* before, in Mark Lane Corn market, ninety quarter* of oat* at 41s. per quarter, and told thirty of '.hen again in tb* tame market, on the same day, at 44*. Th* jury instantly found him guilty, and Lord Kenyon, th* Judge, (aid to them : "You have conferred by your ver- dict, almost the greatest benefit on your country that was ever coofvrisd by any jury." A quiet stroll on Sunday (luring tho summer evening was visited Vy a hevy fine or the stocks. A boy far riding on a i gat* on a Sunday afternoon was ordered to I bo whipped.