TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR.' " PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN. YJL.XUL.IO.toi rUBBDCTON, OW.. THUffiDAT, MAY 24, Mi * (UdflL One of the finest assortments outside of Toronto and at prices *.o meet every pocket, from 1*1.25 U P. SILIEIfilE Afu11 stock ot beautiful and useful a* lls I hli D UUb | , - poods in cruets, picklo dishes, knives, forks, sj oons, oraamental good?, &c. * JElELLEITt ^ magnificent stock in every line, WATCHES to collar buttons. ARMSTRONG BROS- - FLECHERTOX mmt kr **aLM to ay, " a4ikRT. Mr. HarOty 2Ma**am P F. ; ikn " 4ayiaerfdaa*l*rfc aWtk* viatd aai ky Mr It raiaa. aW tW *ia*d mi TW pubtt- Ttusa* ta* way w* are kaiaj ackuacat ths <* May April TSec* ia to h* a garden party iUfc.oa the apacioa* icroMHb < Mr. , calwt At tkrr art anaay'aaa 1 term to ^ ky. TW i to WH tknir aoal i avk<ia>akaB p < I WhOa. aad HM anua .4 tftft at Mr. Mr -* fru. tH* k j.tol M ttluM br i tmu MM. dan B . f JT a a f* Repairs P. McTavisk, Fleshertou Horseshoer and General Blacksmith, keeps on hand rs fir i.ssij I Harris, Inn, Flisry ill lilkiisn Iris. Plow : Fleur>' and Ve ity on hand all the time, also 11 kiudsof r*pir tar tb<ame. We manaCactore AVagoo*. Bu^ryi**, CuUar Sleiyljs. etc. Hornsltoeipg promplly attMMied to. Special atUutioo to tender r cooknetod feet. Logging and Plow Cbaios coosUnUy oo hand. GENTLEMEN: I DESIRE TO ANNOUNCE that I LT* uken ow UM Carriage and Wairuu roakiu* bcwineM lately Mrricd on by Mr. Moor*, and am no* prepared to fill all order* iu my HIM to* yoar entire aattsfaction. Having lately added to my aixteea year*' expe- rience in the boainew a uin moullia* training in on* of UM best carriage (hops iu Uw wty of Detroit. wbcr I ancdd in earrjiaf ofl a first f las* reomtneud.-uinM. nn$\it to bo a coflkkut gnaiaule* tliat all work will be dour in a fiift c!>* uunner. I roaouCactaie Waj-ou*. BujMries. Cnttcrs. Sloix;.* ; 1-1 Uct evcrvtliinit in Ura ear riajt* line. Wood and lumber taken in oichauge.* K'indlv r tue a call. v . . 4 .. _ ., Next door to McTaviili blaeVstuith ahop. OL, To the Public in general or all intending porcLa.xrs of Buggies, Carts and Democrat I deaire to call yor attention to my sprinf stock. Kindly gi** me a call aud yon will be ccnviuotii. I us* nothing bat first -elaas material Come and jod^e for yourselves. Rrtiiiug strictly attended to, also paiutio* and wtnnuung. E. T. WHITTEN, \V i V T L' \\ K- '' \. I I I' .. ^"ta<- i!i V--Sl of < .MM*** .!>' ..-.-< uh n.- ! WP .-rr of choir* Vx*.nrt rn nr TOO n-ji? MTWMC<. <>ir modtfotMCHnon Mht Tvtala tm <Jiop<i> | .tpvrvv cn tor T% trial viU M > nMki(. \ i;UH\CTO\. Fan (IT Sail ir Eitkaiji. A 'l<tM. SviHM.rr. t' S A . Sn D.^v . . IV , My. -Shi^h H t-.tMh HrronlTW ** tke flrat nu-diciu* I h\ o r\vr fniuid Vn I would d* MM any fo><a." Pnew 50 aat* . f !<" kCM,AM 'IW *> wlUr, IM* M (ami 4 ia tk% Uvatt aai Wad, UK kappily W aww UOM a: IB ij at tkraa iai'a*a | aj iaj a bttki IMS) rkw HABDWARE, STOVE AID Crocket ,.tv W^a^Uy .* n j 9 . TVy rrpon UT- MrHWitnuM Ud M m* MM. ii tk* fat of tkav Ua ua Mam 8*. -. i aa ita txa >. Mr. Oka*. TV i ay wa her* o S*u- ami ta eaAiai vna a> ka im* ,n nM>aKtH vtlk tW ntm prnjoct, tk tWir tadwr's ahifcty. ih- It M a that the lair av j <k> oo Mr. Will Well Mr. Baawli ! ny^ wil ka ' fm vw ary aav avsMnc HI w savsaa jav Wi rv<a know h: i> C.-UM >* .. v n. ho* bM hU r !i for wild her }>nta. Mr. aad Mn. MrUa. a Wary Tk* MWM KBi aprat a n* with . kaai. Mr. Cairi^.. .4 St. J.*t*'. bUaJ. ' is nMtiac koa il ia|ka. Mn. J . SM J, ( aiafl tW past few WMSX It ia *.< yaw* R. T. McGirr Mr. J. It .) W vul Mr. J. ^yera.-atloaiBcatft IWM; k:u iuii tk Mal^ *\ uad. - >- Mr. Md Mn. W.J. Wknwtk 4 to tWir k-M M Ailwrt a m *^Tt M|> UM lak t.. try tWir lawe 8^11 nry iU ml*rthcrafOr Mr. MMCat* puJ or Utiuo mk.t Vltk t Ira kad .4 ou Fnday ) MJ it waa a trife vat Mr*. A. J. C.roa p o dT kw* k3 H* Pr U .. tk n-x-n traia Dr. M.y: itoWbitW ik ta attract oaWaav lacta. Uu. Q TlthR. . T awl R Mil- forty yn a<>. of tk *M iw.kKn mil .<d-ubt * aod KfM ** |*ttti<ff w ifw knvn. MM! ot Mny r Ia><lat4 xU. Xit wrk w wi will **>.. dnv in lik* tu a trip to Tur^to TbRT. Mr. H*r-Wy S. b*t W atv> ITTT U. W*nt tkt Mr. Jokn wty m> rVoat * naiU* i*t M quit* iil a$in. Mr. AIM J.iHf*. M oT Mr. C. C Mix iUatpnnt with WMMd H-tt. N M tttiaailaBM Mr ad L. - *^ - ^ ^ i m o *WSJ < P*I K <! 01 olvt M "'COT^fH*^ VLMM^ vkftV. Mr. Tho* Laoato wak Kia Walk- K E K Tailor. \l*k t - all garatenta of Men s wear m tbc Wt styw a* abort otMs AU work cvaraolMi. A trial FLKSHERTVX. h i* tk. Ulfc* K> M. A Fir* Dr. MhJr>. Mr. l\ C Jaaw at HartWy n iUj frvntH in this vak. SrrJ A O V. W. a*cmWr frow rKyrill* l,xi)r paid % rrataraal viait t m tk* tMklvr. ki4ya. kask a4 ^rry tW FIsskitTtoa ktsiiiem Ut Moatfey part of ta wrwary pai<aat ta "aW < fc- ly a 1 *nt uf| Muir <Uoi want O* ay (art w*k M Mr. a*Mrryiat|k<f IUM! k* iKMi* oirtk* >4aak IH> *!!*, tot t>*yo)4 a prtty gou4 <iia-k rwary It iak If yo rKaf aa<l oar* thi w yoai Ai ta fcJ ky W. I. Fiiiiiitmi fcTkAJ