Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 12 Apr 1894, p. 8

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fHE FLESMERTON ADVANCE wen Soml. Urlo. IJJ a < ANAUA TO UBT A Ilutinttt Education. Take a Round Trip &, B ^ College* and (fcpnmorcisl Uepartiuuuts la Canada, then vilt Northern llutiiira* ColleKB ; examine erery tiK thoroughly. If we Jail to produce tin of4st thurough. complete, pr*tlo*l and exten- atf e course of *tudy ; the beat collide premises fait the l>et and most complete and most (Oil- OUfurnlture ami appliances, we will give you ajul leuurm* FHKK For Annual Announce- 3Lit. giving (oil particular*, true, addr*M A. FLEMING, Principal. V To The Public. avc rented Whltten'l blacknpltb hoi. for a trui of yean, I am now In a position to oaterto all wants in my Hue. Horseshoeing a Specially , f for anything in tiu backtmitkity (M call ON F. A. BUNT, Opposite Blebardson-* Hardware store jj %^^* Eugenia Mills AND- Cam'age Works. rlages made and Repaired, also |ao.lng and Matching, Band Saw- g, Wood Turning of every des- iption. Planing and Grain Chop ; done while you wait, for th* Beaver tarns the wheel. * W. W1LHON Manager A FAMILY GROUP PHOTON u AIM i %%%%^%%%%^%y% "* s^i fully equipped with re- quisites for turning out a" class of work. All kinds pictures taken and finished a style equal to any city work, while the prices are lower. Picture Framing^* done In all its branches. If you have shopping to do and pictures to get taken on I.H: same day please attend to the latter first. Careful at tention will be given to copy- ing other pictures. Mrs, Bulmer. ftf A&KLAUE LICENSES. Issued da? or night at tb* otDcsor residence of the undersigned. UIVlMIONCOfhTCLB K.COMMIBBIONF.K lo H.C.J. Conveyancer, Ao. Notary public. JOHN W. ABM8TBOKO, UoCUIiLOUOH * YOL'NO, IlanHen, llarkdaU. do general banking bui- ino.1 Monuy loaaed at a reasonable rat*. Call ODtU. W B. HAMMOND. rVwt Master, Kimberloy. Commlnlonar for taking Affidavits etc. Insure* and loam money at lowest rate*. Execute* Leases, Deeds, Wills, etc. promptly, cheaply and efficiently. Y J.BPBOULX, Postmaster, Flesberton. CommUatoner In B. K . Li* nied Auctioneer, Conveyancer, A - pralaar and Honey Lender, Heal Bitate and Insurance Agent. Deed*, Mortgage*, Leasts, and Will* drawn op and Valuations mad* on iliurtest notice. Auction Bale* attended to In any part of the County. Money to Ion at low- eet rate* of interest. Collection* attended to with promptness and despatch Charge* low. Agent for th* Dominion btaamshlp Company, chnay ticket* from Flesherton to Liverpool, Glasgow, London er any of the British ports. Parties Intending to visit England, Beotland or Ireland, will plea** ask rate* before purchasing tbalr tickets elsewhere. ittusic. If IBB KDITH KICUAUD80N. Pupil of Robt. Mslir, of Uerlln, (ermar. ivJoltn) . Mr*. Bradl*y, of Toronto Cousexvatory Uusle, (Vulce culture) ; I'rc.f. Kurrisou, late of Toronto. (Piano) ; will reeelT* pupil* In B1NUINO, V1OL.IM. PI- ANO and OHOaM. T\K. BUTTON. U.U.I 1 . U., ll.C.P.A B.,Oot.. Prteevllle. Beeldfnce and offloe on* door west of the Uetb- odlit Cbunb Jdarou St. Offle* d*ys, ToesJays aad Morday*. JVB. CABTEK. M. C. P. * 8., Ont. Pfayslcian, surf eon. etc.. rieshertoo office Strains block. Bes) denes Unn*baw's botel. JOBM A. acOTT, M. B. af ember College Pbysie. A Surgeons. Ontario Oradoale in Medicine of Toronto University, fellowship Diploma, Pee* Graduate Medical School aad Hoepitsl, Cbieaco. Ulsesiesel eye, ear, nose acd throat speoially treated. Resl- dene* Maiwell, visit* Ksvenbam Thursdays 19 1 P. OTTBWKLL, Veterinary Bnrfeon. Ortxiaeto o! Ontario Veterinary Collefe. KeeMeMe rlext door south of Moore's pianlnt factory. J r. HAL8TEAU, M. I) . M. O. * B., Onl.. practice* at Kim- berl*y. Kbenmatlo dlseaae* s speciality. J P. MARSHALL, L. D.8.M.D. ., DeotUt. Visits Markdal* the 1st and Srd Wednesday of each mouth Pleaberton Kaeb trip on tbe day following. W. FHOHT, j. Harrlnli-r, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc Fleshurton offloe Next tbe poet offlce Hproule's building, on Thursdays. Owen Sound offlce Frost's building. I UCA8 * WUIUHT, llarriiters, Solicitors. Conveysnoers, eto. Owen riou ml. On.t - - Markdal*, Ont W. H. \VmmiT. I. II. LDCA*. N. B.-Plesherton office, Mitchell'* Hank every Wednesday. SOCIETIES. AO.U.W. meet* every flrst and third lion day In nach month, latbatrtoaas room Cbrtetoe's Hlork.KlfwIiKrtqn.at .p.in <;,<. Johnstnn. M. W. ; W .1. Bellamy, ttiiiuc'i.r ; W Irwln Recorder, Vlsltlnii llretbora Invited. ROYAL TKMrLARH OF TKMPRKANCK. - Hogulsr Council utrets every flrst n 1 third Tiim.Uv pvttnlna In nach iimnili. In Rprniilo's block st H p ui. Reluct decree (liiiuranee) meet* monthly, the Wednusday preceding the SSnd of each month. SONS OF TBHPKRANCB. This society meets In Dr. C'hrlito' Hall ovory Wed nesday KvnntnR at H p.m. V lulling breth' *rn Invlteit. lninrncr In connection . VT M >' . moot Iu tuelr hsll, Ohrlstoe's ' X Hlook everv &nt and tlilrdl'hursda) In eaoli month. Wm.Bharp, llaster. T.Clayton Beoretary. IJKlNCF ARTHI'II l.ODOK, No. S3S, A. F. * A. M . n t in the Masonic Hsll. Htriin s ltl"ck. Kli'Hhfttiiii. every Frlilsy mi or before the) fall moen. A. H. Vandusen, W. M. It I. Sproule, Hecretary. USE THE CELEBRATED B.Laurance NPEt'T.U'LEM - a nd EVECLAMSEK F. O. Karstedt, Solo Agent Last week waa the reign of the millin- er*, and Flesherton femininity turned out in force tu do them homage. Each held her little court in a perfect bower of lace, flowers and ribbon*, and was all smiles ami courtesy to such as entered her channuig presence. I myself was re- cipient uf their grace, and wa* initialed iu to "onio of the season's secret*. Ooe noticeable feature is black flowers black lilacs, black violet*, etc., not meant for iii'iorning. This [froolanun itself French ; for such a trifle as adher. ence to the natural never troubles the French conception of beauty, at least aa far as millinery it concorneu. Still there is an undeniable charm about a hat trimmed with these black flowers, mixeti with any color of lace or ribbon you please, which brings the words "chic" and " fetching" to ones lips. Besides the> black flowers there seems to be a touch uf black on nearly every hat ill jet, or lace, ;>r ospreys. Tiny horseshoe bonnets framed in wire and net, and having n border of bright silvery <ir " gold " beads, trimmed airily with lace and steel or " gold " ornaments - tu match tho beads and having long tiea of lace coming from the back, are in much favor. I also noticed ties of lace on some of the hat*, and there is really no- thing inure becoming tu the average woman's face than a delicate frame of lace filling in the space from chin to hair. Speaking of ties reminds me that our milliners hare not forgotten to introduca the latest solicit fur favor, the large butterfly bow with, long ends and made of lace or ribbon (moire has the prefer- ence) to be worn at the throat. Many beautiful fabric* are shown for spruit; and lummer wear. The delaines arc cheap and are so satisfactory, as tht-y look fully as well after being washed. But what is so convenient as the serge skirt and blazer with pretty silk or m us lin blouse f With s half a dozen varnrtie* of blouse* you hv as many chattel of costume and according to whether the blouse i* cotton, wiKil or silk it is suitablu formoruing, noon vr eVwnihg wear. Bmwn is the color o( harmony, that u may be used as the baste for harmony with any other col-jr. All shadows have iin>rw or less of brown in them, and in almost all colors may be found a truce of this all pervading tint Therefore itdis a truly at Us' ic instinct which ha* made eornbin ations of brown and black, so stylish this season not to mention brown pink,bruwu Mud, brown grenn etc., winch have already b*eu worn, and will be, more than ever. What a feast for tb eye and the mind the beginning of the month bring* to those who have one, two r three mauscine* coming into their homes. And what home need be without at least one t True some of them sre expensive, but the Co*u< >i.<>l- itan is within reach of all, fitly 9 1.60 pur year. Its illustrations aie in thu higWt degree of eiroilenee and in themselves have an educative influence 1 incalculable. The Century h** a series of picures this month, "From the old world to the new," by Andre' Castaigne, which is enonuh to enrich half a-dozen magazines bo&idn hav- ing a fine frontispiece and many other il lustrations. I have spoken thi mui-li about the pictures because it is in that JV partment the greatest advancement lia ha* been made i>f late years, and bucause it is just iu that line we need thu ni*t culture, aa tin- thmu* which make f T art iitic duvelopruunt are so deficient in this new country. As for the reading matter, while it i entertaining, it puts ono in touch with tl>e latest thought uf the brightest minds. In fact magazines are the mirrors of the | UK* inn phasrH of thought, a A Uke rwvivea into its placid depths the changing pan or* ma of cloud %nd aim. Hut if wo refuse to look into the lake and ke.-p our eys Kxed only cm the <lus y way of life, we will misn all those bexut - ful effects ; unleHS indeed wo are of ili-e sii-.'in: oin-1 who can ilare tciok the sun in face and watch his march across thu heav ens on our own account. Bvi-ry woman shouKl nim to have a K<*xl, well illustrated iiin^uiiio. It will be a oonKtautly r.-rnrtinir plr.iKiire- a pleasure rviu wt<l t, l\e time* a year, and one ll.at nmy \- uliaiod I v uvery u:rnil>er of the liotiM-liold iiKl-KV HdtlHIT. After Typhoid Fcvrr UARVRY MFKF R\H KIHNKT 1>IH1*HI, WHICH 1>0( ,oU.s infill NOT c IKK 1'01'H'x IDNKT ril.LH KB8TORK1> HIM To I'lH RBALTR. OoLBomr, April 9 In March, 18!:i, Harvey Fl Netf, of this place, had a had attack of tyylioicl fevur. Oood nursing and medical attendance brought him around hut the attack left him a victim of VWuey diaeane. This tho doctors failed to cure, but Dodd's kidney pilla, the iiifalluble remedy, did the same good work in bis case as in all others and Mr Neff ia well to-day. Dodd's was the first kidney remedy in pill form ever of- fered the public. Iu wonderful succes* in curing all forms of kidney disease, h is led to the introduction of numerous cduap and worthless imitations. Purch- sturn, for their own safety should insist ou getting Dodd's Kidney Pills. Sold in largo boxes , price fifty conts per box, or six boxen for |2.DO. To be had by of all dealers. Honor Rolls* Following is the honor roll of 8. 8. No. 5, Osprey, for March. IV. Class Octavius Oamey, Keith Robertmn, Clara Smith, Fred Smith. III. Clasa, sr. Odessa Cfswford, Ethel Col<|uett, Bertha Smith, Ida Browuridge. Lewis W he well, Opholia Lawler. III. Class, jr. Willie Somers, Geurge Robertson, Ida Heron. II. Claas Ethel Osborne.Effie Murphy, Bertha Colquett. 2nd Part Class -Maggie Murphy.Qerty Moffat. I. Part Clas Maggie Smith, Maggie O borne, Shelly Heron, Elsie Kinghorn, Jennie Kinghorn. Average attendance 27. L. C. MoItiTYRC, Teacher. The following i* the standing uf Price- ville public school for March. IV Class, sr. John MoLeod, John Me Kinnon, Jennie James, Flora McMillan, Martha Brander. IV Class, jr. Edith Hartley, Jas. R. Atkinson, Thomas McDougal, Roaella IV Class,-^ Louisa Patterson, Jesnie McLean, Emma Robertron, Jaa. McLeod, Leo. tii it-r. 1 lie:. us, sr. Ida Patterson, Maggie McLean, Jennie McArthur, Nathalie Grier, Willie Reiley. Ill Claas, jr. Katie McMillan, Archie McMillan, Peter Mclntyre, Constance Conkuy, Willie Mathers. \V.J. BLAKESTOW, Teacher. Small, Oco. Birnside, Harry Guy, Thorn- 'on I'.iUiiler. <Jlieter Long, Alex. Mc- h v in.if, Wm. Little. Average attendance for the month 69. J.L. Wood, Teacher. The Markets. Carefully Corrected Each Week Flour |320tof32d Fall Wheat 65 to 6 pring Wheat 66 to 6A ley 31 to M Oats 32 to 84 Peas . 52 to 5S Butter 17 to 18 Egxs, fresh 10 to 10 Potatoes bag 60 to 50 Pork 6 CO to 5 00 Hay per ton 6 CO to C 00 Hides SOOto 300 Sheepskins 26 to 35 tteese 6 to 7 Turkeys 9 to 10 Chickei's per pair.... 26 to 30 Ducks ber pair 60 to M Wool.. 16 to 10 Tho following is thu standing of the Maxwell School for the month of March. V CW*,-Mry Heron 402, AUc FieUI 396, Wm. Fairy 392, Sara Fergu- son 344. IV Class, sr. Katie Scheiiiman 204, Nellie McCallum 203, Ellen Madden 203, Kita Bmail 203, Wm. Schenimau 202. [ Edna Heron 200, Lavinia Brownritige ' 199, John Bemnne 13, Wm. Coulthard lt, Milea Heron 100, Wm. Guy 100. IV Class, jr.-- A iima Wright 249, Jidia Guy 234, Uuorge Buckingham 234. M hel Struch:in .':, Lizzie Guy 220, Lir/.i: I.IM... 210, Harry MoCallum 216, Kv.m- gelino Pallitr 204 Due. Fairry 148, Mabel Kinnear 240, Susan Saigeohn 190, Ab. Hi-ron 111. HI Class, best sit, Eva Small 203, Ab. LOIIK 1":*, Gorge Brownridge 177, Sh.T.ly Field ItfT, James Feuwiuk 16U, Edith Maxwell 103. II Claw.ar. best 4- Walter Kerton 1S4, Chan. Fenwivk I'M, Annie Suti 183, Louis Kerton 180. II Claw, jr. best 4 Robt. Pa)litur 170 Annie Heron 108, Fred Long 13'.*, Hatter Morrison 134. II Pt David Fergnaon, W. Couron, Kli/.ih Buckingham, John Kinnear, C. Kerton, James Guy, Msmly Heron, C. McKohiiie. I I't. sr. best 8 George Conn u, Oeo. Mrs. J. H. IIORSNTDEH, 152PaclflO Ave.. SauU Cruz, Cal., writes: " \Vh n a g<rl at school, la BeadrnK, Oliio, I bad K aevere attack of hra!a> (f v-r. On my Tecorcry, I found inyseU perfectly bald, and, for a long time, I (cued I ahoald be permanently so* Friends urged me to use Ayet* Hall Vijor, and, on doing so, my hair Began to Grow, and I uow hare aa fine a head of hair a* rne could wish for, be! 113 changed, bow- ever, from blonde to dark brown." '' Aft.T 3 fit of sickness, my hatr raroe out iu coin Wulia. I ud two bottles ul Ayei^s Hair Vigor and now my hair U over ft yard loaf and very full and heavy. I have recom- mendoU this preparation to others with like good effect." Mrs. Sidney Can, 1*GO Begin* St., Harris burg, IK "I hare nsed Ayert Hair Vigor fa* sereral years and al waya obtained atia> factory results. I know It la the belt preparation for the hair that fa made. 1 * C. T. Arnett. K^mmoth Spring, Ark. | ftyer's Han tic: THE GREAT SOUTH AMERICAN NERVINE! TONIC AND frroatAOM and LIVEH CITME. The Wonderful HEALTH BUILDER & NERVE FOOD. Chronic Diseases arc rauied by l>. r,-i n^ d Nerve Ceatres at kasX of Brain. nerve centres, will cause the derange- ment of tbe different organs ol thp body wliicb they supply with NEKVB F LI ID or N'EKVB FOBL-C. T!i< wondcrfnl sneeess of SoutL American Nervine is doe alone to tfis fact that it id based on the foregoing principle. The use of a single bottlft of tl.i;; itrnedy will convince tlie most incffilitlous. It id in, 1. id, a veritable N'KIIVK Koon and WILL BELIEVE IN ONE DAY the vuied forms of nervous disease and stouiac!i troubles. T ATE discoveries have abfolutoly 1 J proven that the Stomach and l.iHi'.;s,aiul indt-ed nil uitrrnal organs air controlled by the nerve centres at ilu< biiNo of the brain. The nuinn- nfueturcr of fc*ouTU AMKKU-AN NKHVINK has studied this subject closely far more than twenty-five years, and has lately demonstrated that two -thinls of our Oliiotiio Itist'aaes, are due to tin- in (irifiTit action of nerve centres. I'iilur within or at the base of tlie brain aud not from the deiangeinenl of tho organs themselves ; hbiico that the ordinary muthoda of treatment are wrong. As all know, a serious injury to the pinal cord will at once cause \\UAI.V- HIS of the body below the i,ujur$d part, it therefore will be equally well under- stood, how the derangements of the Tiiis class of diseases, is rapidly ifl- crt-asin caeb year, on acccnnt of the great wear our mode of living and lab- or impose upon the nervous system. niha of all tho ailments to v\.,.,-ii tin- hnmiu funily is heir, are il. IH tuicnt upon nervous exltanstion.^ impaired digestion, nud a dettiiiratto" BJM itnivn-crisliiJ condition of the blood. The South American Nerviri is a ^reat nervt; food and nerve builds I this accounts for its ir.arveloih\ power to c.ifo the varied forma of nervous disease, such as Neuralgia, Nervousness, Norvonn Prostration, St. Yitus's Dauoc, Nervons chokiiifr.Nerv ous Paroxysms, Twitching of ti<e Mus- cles, Hot Flaslies, Mental Dtspoudr- imcy, Forgetfulness, Bleeplcjririesa^ Restlessness, Nervousm ss of Females, Palpitation of tho Heart, bexoal Weakness, etc., etc. Sold by WM I! II 11 VKISO>

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