TEL WEEK'S NEWS' CAKADIAV. The total amount of unpaid taxee of all kindi la Hamilton, Got., it f 1 11,253,66. The death* from .-ar le t fever io Montreal increased lut week, numbering twenty- five. Mr. Thomas CulhberUon, a prominent citizen and architect of Woodstock, 11 dead. The Canadian oatoh in Behring Sea dur- ing the yean from 1885 to 1M91 inclusive wai 115,779 eeaU, valued an fl.-256.497. Mr. Mantel, Quebec Commissioner of Pub- lic Worki, hae taken an action for 1 10,000 damage* against Mr. J. G. Oingras, pro- prietor of tbe Union Liberal, on the ground of libeL The wever implored by the Montreal woollen mill* have gone out on strike owing to a proposed reduction in wag.*. The water in tbe River Ottawa i* stead- ily riling, and the ipring flood is eipeoted two or three week* earlier thanusuol thi* year. The Earl of Aberdeen will have the de- gree of LL.D. conferred on bin at tbe Convocation of Queen'* University, Kings- ton. A serious miiuke ha* been discovered in connection with the recent civic election* in Montreal. The voter*' list* were not properly certified, and a* a result the elec- tions may be declared void. Mr*. Kirkpatrick ha* received a letter from the Duke and Duchess of York, In which their Royal Highnesses cordially thank the women of Canada for the wedding present arid address. Seler* in Victoria, B.C.. are eicited over the prospect of the early going Into opera- tion of the Behrinf Sea regulation*. Tbe Dominion Cabinet ha* decided to submit th- French treaty to Parliament for ratification. The returns of the plebiscite on prohi- bition in Nova Scotia show a very large majority <n favour ot prohibition. Uf the 5-J.S78 votes cast. 41,459 were in favour of prohibition. Invernees is the only county that has not yet sent in returns. Two men were arre*tad at Neepawa, Man., and charged with keeping and work- ing an illicit still. This is the second case of the kind in the North- West in ten years. Mr. Scott Barlow, one of the oldeet mem- bers of the staff of tbe Geological Survey Department, died In Ottawa on Thurt lay night of blood-pjisoning. He was sixty yean of age. Mr. Mnlook has introduced a bill in the House of Commons to prohibit members of Parliament and Senators from taking rail way passes and at the same time charging mileage to and from Ottawa. A serious riot happened tbe other night at the new drill shed,' Toronto, between a rough crowd and the Queen's Own Rifles. Two memben of the regiment were bad- ly out about the head with bricks thrown by the mob. At a meeting of the City Council of Hamilton on Monday night it was resolved that no street can should be allowed to run on Sunday until a vote of the people be taken on the queetion. The marriage of M. Patenotre, the French Ambassador at Washington, to an American woman, has led French Ministers to serious- ly consider the question of prohibiting thoso engaged in the diplomatic service from marrying aliens, The annual meeting of the shareholders of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company was held the other day at Montieal, when the old Hoard of Directors was re-elected. In the report for ls'i.1 it was stated that the gross earnings were $20, !)(!_', :! 17 ; ex- penses, Jin,''*.!*!! i net earnings, $7,741,- 416. There wae a decrease in profits including interest earned, of $7-,r)7-'. Resolutions were passed authorizing the expenditure of $1, HI-, 315 for various work*. ItKITIftll. Lord Leigh, who live* almost entirely on his estate in Warwickshire, has refused an Earldom. The Bishop of Rochester is seriously ill- He was unable to acaompany the Queen to Florence to act a* domestic chaplain. Lord Salisbury has written a long private Utter to Mr. Gladstone, expressing his sympathy with him in his retirement. The bill for the disestablishment of the Church in Wales has been drafted, and some of its provisions are certain to be sir MI msin Arthur Wilkinson, a comedian playing at the Prince of Wales theatre in Liverpool, died on Saturday from a fracture of the kull oustained by being thrown from a stage coach. The election In the Wisbech division of Cambridgeshire on Tuesday resulted in the return of Mr. Hrand, Liberal, over Mr. Htnpford Sackville, Conservative, by one hundred and thirty six votes. Lard Htnnen, who was ju Ige of the Probate and Divorce Courts, president of the Parnell Kmpirv Commission, and a member of the Behring Sea tribunal, is dead. He was seventy -three years of age. Mr. Huddsrt ii sanguine of the success of th'i fast Atlantic Ime between Great Britain i.d Canada, and a number of finan- cial syndicates have made overtures to the promoters ot the company, and there are encouraging prospect* lor successfully floating the scheme. It u stated that it has Wn suggested by thn Government that the DiikeofCamhridge resign his position as commander-in -chief of I lie army, and that liis flraae has replied that he will not resign unless he is assured that the Duke of Conuaught will be appoint- ed his successor. A bill has been introduced in the British House nf Commons providing that any per- son elevated to the peerage shall have the option of remaining in thn House ol ' moim, or of offering himietf as a candidate to' tlte House of Commons, In preference to taking a sest in the Upper Chamber. Mrs. Min^aret Walker, aged fifty-three, was hanged at Liverpool yesterday for the murder of her hmband, whom she kept chained up for lour months, administering a whipping every day, and finally brained with a steel chain. Mr. Herbert Gardner, president of the British Board of Agriculture, the other ugly opposed by the Conservatives, uly it* (lisendowment clauses. day told a deputation from the Chamber* of Agriculture and the Koyal Society that the House of Commons would not sanction so drastic a proposal a* the closing ol British ports againit the importation of live cattle in a healthy condition. IMTKIl HTATIfl. The printers' stride in Brooklyn, N. Y., has ended in the defeat of the printer*. Word has been received in Boston that ;he United Slates man-of-war Kearsarge has been blown up and burned by tbe na- tive*. Smallpox is increasing alarmingly in Chi- cago. Kighteen persons suffering from tbe disease were taken on Tuesday to the pest- tiouse. Representative) Traoey, of New York, doe* not think Mr. Bland can muster suffi- cient strength to pas* th* Seigniorage bill over the Presidential veto. The propeller Minneapolis, one of the grain fleet which left Chicago on -Sunday, has been wrecked by a gale in the Strait* of Mackiuac. The vessel and grain ars a complete loam. Th* crew were rescued. All th* girls attending th* Scott Insti- tute at Atlanta, Ga., were recently vaccinated under compulsion. Erysipelas developed in the case of Irene Adams, one of the pupils, and she died on Tuesday. The Salford Iron Works ha* tried the ex- periment of giving its employes an eight- hours' day, instead of nine hours, without any reduction of wage*, and at the *nd of a year it is found that the output of the works has been greater than ever bjfore, without any lu.rease of expense, despite th* reduction of hour*. Mrs. Louis Vanderhoef, at a convention of th* King'* County Women'* Christian Temperance Union held in Brooklyn, M. Y., on Wednesday, said that, the injection of morphine into the arms of store girls to give them temporary strength U a new and rapidly-growing evil. A stranger in Bozeman, Mont., calling himself Robert Dal ton, ha* made an affi- davit that he murdered th* Williamses, at Port Credit, Ont., and that MacWherrell, who is now under sentence of death, has no connection with the crime. Frits Kloetzler, of DolgeTille. N. Y.. who has been out of work for some time, and whose family were in great distress, on Friday night killed his wife and four child- ran, and then committed suicide. Prof. J. Calloway, president of Douglass- ville, Ga., college, committed suicids on Saturday morning by shooting himself. All trains are tied np on the Birke branch of tbe Union Pacific railway in Idaho, on account of heavy snow slide*. It i* calculated that the United State* expenditures for March will exceed the receipts by six million dollars, making the net deficit for the year to date fifty-five million dollar*. Massachusetts ha* an insect pest for which Congre** i* asked to appropriate one mndred thousand dollars to enable the Department of Agriculture to exterminate t . The pest is known a* th* ocneria de- spar or gypy moth. MaVMs* Eighteen students io the army medical school in S'. Petersburg have been arrested on account of their connection with Nihil- ism. President Peixoto's fleet of warships sailed from Rio on Sunday for the South to establish a blookads of Santa Catharina ports. It is openly stated in Rio Janeiro that if Portugal iurrenders Admiral de Gama and his fellow-insurgents they will beimmed late- ly she'. The Brazil Goverment still Insist* upon th* surrender of Admiral de Gama and hi* fellow-insurgent* on board a Portuguese man-of-war. This is resisted by the Brit- ish and Italian Ministers at Rio Janeiro. The King and Queen of Italy have invit ed Queen Victoria to pay them a viil next week at the royal palace at San Ko* ore, near 1'isa, The Brazil Cabinet Is discussing a pro posal to confiscate the property of all cili- tens of the republic who aided or abetted the insurgents. A Brazil correspondent of the London Timci says the insurgents in the South are so strong that the Government forces dare not try conclusions with them. Admiral de Gama, in the engagement at Niolhoroy, had his left arm broken anil was shot through the neck. He is very anxious to get to Km opo for medical treatment. A despatch from St. Petersburg says the Cxar is suffering from a liver affection consequent on his recent illness. Admiral Mello has succeeded in raising a loan of two million francs for his insur- gent provisional Government. All the Austrian station* on the railway over which the Kossnth funeral passed were occupied by police and gendarmes. The public, and *vsn the Hungarians. were not allowed on the platforms. A Berlin despatch says an exchange o' notes with various countries on the subject of international action againit dynamiter* has elicited a general approval of the prin- ciple of making the manufacture of dynamite a State monopoly. The steamer Angols, commanded by Capt. Andrade, of the Portuguese navy, has sailed from (Lisbon for Uusnoi Ayres to take on biara Admiral de Gams and the other insurgents and convey them to Por- tugal. There is serious trouble in Samoa. Su preme Judge Ide recently sentenced some disorderly native chiefs to pay a fine, and, failing to do so, they were set to work on tha public roads. Their followers rose in relieflion against this indignity, serious Qghting ensued, and a very bitter feeling against the foreign element has been engen- dered. Music is the only sensual grstifloation which (unkind may indulge in to exoes* without injury to their moral or religious feelings. Addison. Under the influence of music w* are all deluded In some way. We imagine that the performers must dwell in the regions to which they lift their hearers. We are reluctant to admit thitt a man may blow the most mini-animating strain-, from his trmnpit and yet be a coward ; or melt an an.i'riiie to tears with his violin, and yet be a heartless profligate. Uillard. KING OF THE AFRICAN JUNGLE, HE IS THE GORILLA, THE GREAT APE. hservlasj ' tiaejmers and ttnlessw < Is Rallve la. In giving an account of the gorilla a* I have seen him in hi* native jungle, says R. L. Oarner, in Harper's Weekly, I must controvert some of the storiee that have been told of him. I do so with reluctance, however, because I am aware that most men are loath to resign opinion* win .h hav* long been held as orthodox, and hence I shall do a* little violence a* possible to the faith of those who have their fixed ideal* ; but I shall not evade the duty which de- volve* upon me to supply in part a new venion of the life and habit* of this wonder- ful creature. I do not mean to undervalue what other persons have observed concerning him, nor to impugn the veracity of any one ; but I must claim the right of being heard, because my evidence is direct, and acquired from the be*t source from which it is possible to obtain it- It is well known to most of my readers that I wsnt into the heart of the wildest bush in West Africa, and there erected a steel cage, in which I lived day and night for more than three month*, muoh of this time quite alone. It is only 'u such deep solitudes thu this giant ape resides ; but there he reigns sole monarch, and no deni- zen of that wild domain disputes his royal way. It was there that I saw him in a stale of nature. Being unaware of my presence, be was free to set without res- traint, necessity, or fear. To study him inder such conditions one must tske up his abode amid the dangers that infest the haunt* of the ferocious brute, and to do so it is wise tosee\ some shelter from his fierce attack, for even a Nimrod corld not stand unawed and calmly gaae on one of those huge beasts approachiag him. I have never known a man who would not feel a tremor of fear at meeting such a foe ; but my cage lessened in a degree Tlir DAS.lxr.H THAT I.CKKtO around m*, and mad* it possible for me to study nature as it was ; though in that frail fortrees the close approach of one of thoee K tin monsters migbt well chill the blood of any man and make a demon shudder. Many people bar* thought it foolhardy of me to take the desperate chanoer of such a life, and many sought to dissuade me from my pnrpoee ; but I have proved my plan to be a success, for I believe, without being vain, that in this way, during three months, I acquired more actual knowledge of the gorilla than any mm has ever acqui- red by other mean* in three yean, and I feel a just pride in saying that my reward is equal to tbe efforts I have made, since by this method I have been able to eee more living gorilla* in '.heir native wilds that any other white man ha* ever seen. I know of men in that part of Africa who have lived there for yean, and yet never saw a live gorilla i and if a man would learn the sec- ret nabit* of these ape* be must adopt similar mean* to those whiefe I used. My cage has been so often and amply described that I shall omit any detail* here. Vroin my retreat 1 ooald view the wildeet spots of nature, and hear her many voice*, chief among which was that of the gorilla king himself. I have read and heart! de- tcriptiens of the sounds made by the gorilla but nothing ever conveyed to my mind a just and adequate idea of their true nature until I heard them with my own ears in the dead of night and within a few yards of my lonely abode. By some it has been called roaring, by othen howltt.g, but to my ean they neither roar nor howl ; they utter a peculiar combination of sounds, be- ginning with a low and not unmusical note which gradually increases in volume and frequency until at it* climax it reaches the pilch of a rcoet piercing scream. The first part of thu serin >f sound* is quite within the scope of and easily imitated by the human vocal organs; but as it ruts in loud- ness and pitch it pater* far beyond the reach of the most por.erful efforts of the human lunjs. The tint sound of the eerie* appears to be made in the natural way, by expiration; tbe second by inspiration ;aud thus they alternate through out the entire aeries, the tint part of which somewhat resembles the human voice, but the latter part has a strong resemblance to the braying of an ass, except thai it is louder. A gorilla does not make this sound every night, but when he does he usually makes it between two and four o'clock in the morning, and it is repeated from ten to twenty times, at interval* of one or two minutes eanh. The only meaning that 1 c-iuld attribute to the sound was that it was iutended to rouse and collect the family, preparatory to an- early inarch, or that it was mails to alarm some intruder that might be heard approaching too close- ly. From my own experience I can say that I know of nothing in the way of sounds that can inspire one with o iiri'ii TEKROR as the voice of a big gorilla near at hand in the lone and silent hours of tho night. I have often heard it at :i great distance, and I do not think there is any doubt that it can be hoard three or four unl> nil'. Some- times this terrific yell is accompanied by a peculiar beating, which travellers have des- cribed, and it is cuireutly believed that it is mad by the animal beating tipon his breast with his hands, but I do not think s >. 1 have heard it many time* at some distance from me, but on one occasion I was stopping overnight at a house in a native town, when 1 was aroused from sleep by a gorilla screaming and beating only a few hundred yards away. I instantly slipped out of bed, put on my boots aud helmet, seized my rillo, and started tin a plantation in the direction of the sound. I stealthily approached to the edge of the bush, which brought me within less than two hundred yarls of the animal. Th moon was shining but faintly, an.) I had no desire to approach nearer at such a time ; but 1 heard distinctly every stroke, and my belief is that hs was beating upon a log or a piece of dead wood. He was evi- dently beating with his hands alternately, and with great rapidity, and not unlike the manner in which the natives beat a drum, except that each hard made the same num- ber of strokes, ami the strokes were in a constant scries, rising and falling from very soft to very loud, ami i ; and a number of these runs followed one another during the whole time that the voioe con tinned. Between the first and second strokes the interval wa* slightly longer than between the second and third, and so on. As the beating increased io loudn*** the interval shortened in a cor- responding degree, whereas in the iliminu- enao the interval lengthened a* the beating softened, and tbe author of tbe Bounds seemed conscious of this fact. I could not trace any relation, however, in time or harmony oetween the ...usic and th* beat- ing, except that they usually began at the ame time and ended at the same time ; but the voice suddenly stopped at the very climax of the sounds, where** the beating ws (topped at any part of th* scale. I have no doubt that th* gorilla sometimes beat* hi* breast, and he ha* been seen to do so in captivity ; but I do not think it follows that ha is confined to that. I have great doubt if any man ha* ever seen him make the sounds which I have just describ- ed, a* they seem to do so only at night. It has frequently been declaied that he beat* upon his breast and scream* when III ATTACKS A MAW This may be true ; bat I sought in vain through seven tribe* to find one nsan that had actually seen a gorilla in the act of assaulting a man. Many of the stories told by the natives re like ghost stories the author never saw the thing himself, but he knows a man that has seen a festaw that doe* know it to be true. Traveller* are too ready to repeat the native fairy tale* and vouch for them a* known fact*. 1 had with m* in the bush a yonna gor- illa, which I studied with great car*, and I suppose that his habits were the same as thoee ot hi* parent* ; and from a study of this specimen I was forced to modify many opinion* which I had imbibed from reading and from picture* and specimens which I had seen, many of which represent the gorilla in absurd and sometimes impossible attitudes. Most artist* and taxidermist* avail of all means which the subject will admit of to develop and inten- sify his terrifying look, just as a clever artist brings into use the strong features of a familiar face in the meet absurd carica- ture, and yet preserves the likeness to his subject. And in a similar manner the gorilla is transformed in * degree by being shown in nearly an upright position, with one arm raised like a lancer, and the month wide open, which impart* to him an as- pect of great ferocity ; but I do not think u faithfully represents tbe gorilla. I have seen many o' them wild, but 1 have neveryet seen one go stalk ing through thebush with his outh open like a fly-trap, nor with ex- tended arms and straight legs. They have strictly the motion of a quadruped, and, I think, a marked avenion to standing erect. Habiis f The Aral. An unusual number of Alaskan fur seals an visiting the Pacific coast of Canada this spring. One writer is encouraged to believe that thess useful animals ars studying the coasts of British Columbia and southern Alaska with a visw to selecting new breed- ing grounds. The New York Sun thinks it 1* far more likely that they are testing the efficiency of the t 'oast and Geodetic Survey by comparing it* chart* with the actual coast line. That part of North America'* shore* has a very large amount of rainfall in the course of the year. Now, if there is anything the fur seal dreads more than snnshme it is a down-pour of nin. He has a nervous terror of getting wet, which may atein to some people a veiy strange characteristic of a creature that lives chiefly 11 the sea. It is a fact however, and is one of the most noteworthy idiosynrac- sies of this intereatit, animal. As a matter of fact, the soil doee not get wet in a!) the months he is disporting himsslf in the ocean. His long hair lie* as sleek aud shiny as a coat of polish, over the thick fnr that com- merce prizes. Clad in waterproof, the seal is warm ami dry in his accustomed element. It is very different, however, when the creature clambers up on the land and big raindrops come pelting iown. His srmor is not proof against this sort of bombard- ment, and he is soon drenched to the skin, unless he does what sensible Alaskan seals usually do when threatened with this moist unpleasantness. They simply shu (He down into the sea to kep out of the wet. It is safe to say that no part of the coast of northwest Canada or southern Alaska conforms to the fur seal's idea of what a summer resort should be. nn.r of Mnanrlal Taale. A Mr. J.W. Bennett seeks to elucidate n a recent issue of the Arena the cause of financial panics. His interpretation of he phenomena that the annual interest- charge* on ihe capital employed are in excess of the annual increase of wealth. He places the interest-charge* of the past decade at thirty billions, the increase of wealth for the same period at only twenty- two billions. As a necessary consequence, he says, whenever th? capitalist* call io the principal there if a collapse; but the fact that many persons are creditors a* well as debton puts off the final accounting. In addition, there is the interest on public debts, and the general cost* of government, amounting to nearly nine billions in a de- cade, making in all seventeen tillions of dollars as tbe sum which the assets of tbe cili/ens of the United Statee fall behind their indebtedness every ten years. What wonder then, he asks, tbat tha business of the country has to go periodically into the hands of a receiver in older to straighten out its accounts, aud begin anew T (> In- ors are obliged to take part of their claims, as there is not enough to pay th* whole. Debts are cancelled and a new start is made. The wealth is lent out again ; interest i* paid again until the burden gets too large and another crash comes. This explanation of the onuses of financial panics serves ti point the moral that there is something radically wrong in ih system of charging interest on loans. Mr. li-nneti's maxim is that labor alone is productive, that wealth has within it the essential quality of decay, not of growth, and that if the borrower provides against decay, and returns the capital intact, he amply oempensates the owner for the loan. Music is the mediator between the spiritual and the sensual life. Although the spirit be not master of that which it creates through musi , yet it is blessed in this creation, which, like every creation of lift, is mightier than the artist. B-elli- oven. The meaning of songs goes deep. Who i* there that, in logical words, O'U express the effect musio has on us t A kind of inarticulite, unfathomable speech which leads us to the edge of the infinite, and lets us for moments gam into that. Carlyla, THE CABEEBOFLE CAEOI. ONE OP THE CLEVEREST THAT EVER LIVED. SPIES 1s < eriUa WIIH Che FeaUa Inva- ! of Canasta noaseahlaf * Is Barljr Lire, The death in London on Sunday of Major Le Caron makes a short sketch of his dea- perato career timely " T wen t y-ti < Year* in tbe Secret Service: Recollections of a Spy, " by Major Henry Le Caron, was published on October 18, 1892. Th* book was widely sought after, It gave in detail, and in a connected form, the remarkable story made public at the investigation* of tbe Parnell Commission. Incidentally it explained the significance of the murder of Dr. Cronin in 1888, of which ex-D*)tective Dan Coughlin was acquitted a short time ago, on the second trial, and it gave tbe whole history of daring and adven- ture in which Henry Le Caron, or Thomas Beach, a* h* was originally named, engaged during hi* terrible calling from boyhood. A* a lad Le Caron worked at a trad* in London, Bath and Bristol. Hi* native town was Colchester. He travelled to Paris and lived there till the outbreak of the civd war in the United State*, when he enliiur in the Federal Army a* a Frenchman unde- the name of Heari Le Caron. There he ob tamed tbe rank of major. During the war ha mad* the acquaintance ofFeoian General John O'Neill, from whom he heard of the project- ed invasion of Canada, which occurred on June 1, IS66, when the Toronto militia drove back the invading mob, who, says Le Caron, were glad to escape from tho wrathful Canadian citizens. BECOMES A SPY. IB 1887 Le Caron paid a visit to England, and then accepted a proposal from the Government that ho should ally himself to the Fenian organization in order to play the role of spv in tha rebel ranks. In the autumn of ISoK he became acquainted with the notorious Alexander Sullivan in Chicago, whom, he said, he nacd for 80 yean a* a dupe. About this time he was denounced for his auspicious act*, and sent in his re- signation as a member of the Fenian order, which, however, he has induced to with- drtw. In 1*69 a renewed attack upon Canada was plotted, of which Le Caron sent the Canadian Government particular*. SKCOifD IXVA3IOM Of CAXADA. In 1870 the second invasion took pla:e and Le Caron accompanied the force as ad jntant-general, forwarding full particular of the movement to the Canadian anthori tie*. He says in hi* work : " The miser- able Fenians had advanced only a few pace- on the Canadian soil wben the riflemen whoa lay in smbush in the woods routed them with one deadly volley. They made a single attempt to rally, and then fled precipitately back to the American terri- tory. O'Neill was arrested by the United State* marshals, and driven in a cloeed carriage through the ranks of his own re- serves. Thu* ended the second invasion." In IR78 Le Caron met Michael Davitt on hi* Americon tour. In I8SI he went to Europe, bearing sealed letters to Patrick Kgan, secretary of ths Land League, in Paris. From that time forward to the Par- nell Commission, Le Caron shared in all the counsels of the Claa-na-Uael in Chicago. During the latter yean of hi* life he lived in London. One of the feature* of his book was an impreasiv* warning to the Government to keep an effective eystem of civil service) a* an indispensable \>rnch of a properly equipped police. "The Recollections of a Spy" was* study of human nature that made a great im- preeaion at the time of publication. It wa* really the only opportunity which Le Carot had for telling the world his real opinion! of the scoundrels he had duped, used an' foiled in his desperate career. Southwestern North Carolina has a band of I .COO Cherokee Indians. They constitute an incorporated company, live in th* mountains, but follow the pursuits of whit*) en. A en. -umber eighteen incbe* long and two and one-half inches circumference was growm by a Lakelma, Fla. , farmer. Toronto, Ontario. As Welj_as Ever After Taking Hood's Sarsaparilla Cured of a Serious Disease. " 1 was snlrrlnx from what la known as r.i lint's i'.iic:is,p for live years, aud for days at a tlin- I hare been unable to straighten myself up. I was In bod for three weeks; ujrlig that time I bad leeches applied snd derived no bene- fit. s.*i;ii; HuodM Sarsa!*tri:ia advertised In ;K?rs 1 Uorldod lo try a bottle. I found HOOD'S Sarsaparilla CURES relief beforo I had finished taking half ot a bot- tle. I got so murb help from taking tliu first botllo I decided to try another, and sine* Ukii:;rUi -., ml bottle [feel as noli as ever 1 iliilmmTu/e." (!E(.MIRKF.TT, Toronto, On*. Hood's Pill* are ivm'i't :u..t I-TT-. vu, yet I easy of action. Sold bjf Al UrugKJiu. -^-