Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 22 Mar 1894, p. 6

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SOME BIG THINGS. 'HIS CONTINENT HOLDS MANY RE- CORDS. Manser**)* NalaraJ sad Aril rial Marvels I* b* <! la Ik* Wee- sera easlsaeiere-Weaslenreealtar Kallea* ef the OU w. r Id. America holds th* record in many natnr al wonders aad s-tificial triumph*. Ths largest lake in th world (Superior), the longest river (Missouri), the largest park (Yellowstone), the finest cave (the Mam- moth), the greatest waterfall (Niagara) and the only natural bridge (in Virginia) are all to be found within the borders of this con- tinent. Here the biggest fortune* are made, the moet energetic commercial en terpria** undertaken, tl.e largest dsal* are effected and the most wonderful inventions are perfected, while ths country produces a greater amount of raw material than any other. It i* interesting, however, to note where the champion examples of natural wonders and mechanical skill exist, and in the list it will be found, according to th Washington Star, that America can claim many of these. Young a* she is her generous patronage of all art* and sciences can bs compared with great credit to other countries. Musicians, artiste and other celebrities " on the road" in America find such financial success awaiting them that they regard it ai a play-ground of delight and her lupport to science is jnst as open-handed. T *o famon* workhousei for scientific purposes are also here th* Lick Observatory on Mount Hamilton, California, containing the largeit telescope in the world, with its leoa of thirty-six iaclie* and focal length of fifty-six feet, aad th* laboratory of Thomas A Ediion at Orange, N. Y , which wa* completed in 1VI7, and i* the largest private laboratory in th* world. Th* largeet farm in the world U situated in Louisiana, owned by a northern syndi cate lu area comprises 1,500,000 acres, which ar* threaded by private railroad* and steamship* ai,d telegraph Una*. The longest telephone line i* betweeo Chicago and New York, while the longeat telegraph span (5,000 feet) is across the Kislnah River in India. China owns ths largest canal in the world, which may be traced to a distance of 1,000 mile*. The longest wall is also hsre, *> tending 1,250 mil**, aad ths longest stone bridge near Sangang, known as the " Lion Bridge." This continue* for five mile* over an area of th* Yellow *** and ii supported by 300 hugh stone arches. The roadway is seventy Teat above the water and i* in. elosad in an iron network. A marble lion twenty feet long test* on th* crown of each pillar. TUB IHOOKI.YN RIUDr.I WONDER. r'ine ss this is, it hardly seems so won- derful ss the Brooklyn bridge, which u the longeit suspension bridge in existence, bo- ing 5,989 feet, and looking at a distance like a piece of delicate lace held in midair. The longeit iron bridge i* over Lake Poo* chirtrain, in Nsw Orleans, being twenty - two miles, though the higheit I* at (iara- bil, France, 413 feet in the air ; the longeet ipsn cantilever isnver the Indus, in India, snd ths quickest ever built at Tyrons, Ire- land, being a seventy (our foot span mad* is eight day*. The longest tunnel ii at Chemnitz, in Auitria, and the deepest artesian well ever borrlisal I'eith, in Hungary, 8,140 fret below the surface of th* earth, where the temperature of the water U 158 degree* Fahrenheit. Th* largest fortress is Fortress Monroe, Vs., though tbs rocky Gibraltar is stronger than any other io the world. Th* Czar of Russia possesses an estate of 100,000,000 acres, which fact pronounce* him the greates*. landowner of all countries. The largest landowner of Great Britain i* th* I hike of Sunder land, who own* 1,354,- 000 acre*, and the coillieat mansion was built by ths Marquis of Bute, who expend- ed more than $4,000,000 upon it. Th* l-rgeet deer park, an area of 52,003 acre*, is in Copenhagen, and in Chicago i* preserv. ed th* heaviest aerolite, which fell in Gretnlaad in 1870. lu weight ii 49,000 pound*. India own* th* largeit heathen temple* and Rome th* largeit church, St. f'eter'i, which can seat .14,000 people. The tallest tenement is in New York, which every one know* as the swell "Osborne," which ii foul teen stories high. The talleit monument i* the Washington nbelisk, 5.V> f**t high, but th* largest mono- lith is in Karnak, Egypt b-ing 108 feet. The highest chimney, 474 feet, is In Glas- gow. Ths largest aqueduct in use is 1 1, 1'n. t n, of New York, which I* thirty- eight mil** long, but the longest ever built is in Peru. 360 miles. The deepest coal mm* is near Lambert, Belgium, 3,490 feet ; the biggest dock in Cardiff, Wale*, and the strongest electric light st ths Sydney lighthouse, Australia, which I* of 18,000 candle power, while the largest lighthouse is at (ape Henry, Va., IBS fet high and sight feet thick. The largeit bank u th* bank of Kngland, in London ; th* oldeit college in Oxford, founded in 1050 ; the largeet library, the National, in Paris, being 2,200,111 volume* ; the largest theatre, the Paris Opera Reuse, coveting three acres ; th* largest bronrs statue, Peter the Great, 1 ,100 tons, in St, Petersburg ; the largest stone status in Japan, forty four feet high ; the largest railroad station, St. Paroras, London, and th* largest college In Cairo, with lO.OHO Mohammedan students and 300 teachers.- Damascus has the honor of being the old it of all cities. HEBREW mm.r. WORTH $121,000. The most costly book in th* world i* a Hebrew Bible, owned by the German gov- ernment, which a few years ago rsfused the pope's offer off 125,000 fur it ; the greatest price pud for a modern painting Was for Millet's " Angelus," which brought f 1 10,7<>0, twilight by an American; the most costly medicine is metallic gallium, which ells for 1 1 1)0,000 a pound, and a man would b* very ill before lending for a pmctiplion that bom its magic formula. Though orchids frequently bring prices that make the poor man stagger, thu highest recorded pride fur a single flower was given for a tu'ip In Amsterdam by an -nthusiast, who pai I fy >", 1 1 si for it. The Hon. Joeeph Chamberlain alwa-s wear* a rar* orchid In i"t lui'ton holi, sometimes to the value of lti lisrhildi smoke the most costly , !., ais luauV-Uiu ' Henry Clay Sobnnoa." which cost $1.50. These are wrapped io gold leaf and packed In little inlaid cedar wood cabinet*. Tb*** million- aire princes buy three cabinets at a time, containing 42,000 cigars, 20,000 Havanas and one kind originally made for Marshal Prim as a present for Napoleon III. at a cost of 30,000 frsncs. Kach cigar was tipped with gold at each snd and stamped with the imperial N in gold. By way of acknow- ledging the gift Napoleon sent him a pair of magnificent Sevres vsses. The most expensive dress that ha* been worn for many a day was on* lately pur- chased by th* famous Mrs. Mack ay, who paid >50,03p for it, the gown being em- broidered with pearls disposed in a tasteful design of flowers and trailing leaves. Even this did not equal the suit of the celebrated 'op, George Villiers, the first Dnkeof Buck ingham, who, going as ambassador to France in the reign of Chart** I., took with him a suit of white uncut velvet and a cloak to match. both covered with diamond*, feather made of diamond* and sword girdle and ipuri set with the nine gems, th* whole coiturr.e i*pr**enting $1,000, 000 of th* present vain* of money. The most expensive headdress of modern times was worn in Paris during the exhibi- tion year by a lady who had chosen a minia- ture Kiifel tower a yard high and formed diamonds, which were vouched to bs genuins and cost $100,000. Th* moat costly jewel in the world i* owned by the royal house of Germany, bs- ng a inperb sapphire valued at $16,000,000. The Emperor of Auitria possesses the most valuable opal, which weigh* seventeen ounce* and is worth $250,000. The "Mat- belonging to the Rajah of Borneo and weighing 307 karate, is said to bs th* artpst white diamond, and the largeet teel-blue diamond, called the "Imperial \mberley," from the famon* mines in Ifrioa, weighs 180 karate and i* bold by a xindon syndicate,' which values it at $1,- 000,000. a OOOD-SIZID RfSSI AS FARM. The largeit bee-owner is one Harbison, of California, who keepe 6,000 hivas ; the [reatest cattle breeder Unstav J ovanovitch, lied the " King of the Steppes," who istnrss more than 1,000,000 sheep with H.noo shepherd dogs upon his 6,900,000 acres in Russia. The largest dairy in the world is owned >y Queen Victoria at her model farm near Vmdsor. It has floors of porcelain tilee of white and blue, containing medallions of the queen her husband, and each of heir children, marble columns supporting .he roof aad windows of stsined glass wrdered with daisies, buttercups, prim- rocs* and May blossoms. Bas-relief* of the seasons and various agricultural designs complete the ornamentation and marble tablet and basin* ar* ranged around the wall at interval*, while a perpetual itream 01 water* runs through the building. Semipalalinsk, in Siberia, hold* the record 'or the mo*t intense cold, a* th* mercury trops thsre to 76 degree* below zero, and sons parts of Africa cannot be equalled in leat. as the lh>: .nometer registers 135 degrees. The Bay of Bengal and the Bay f Kundy have the higbeet tides, msasuring 10 and 70 feet; the deepest ssa soundings tave been mads at Tristan d'Acunha, 46,- 236; the moet northerly p->int reached was by Lockwood in May, ISSN, being 83 degrees, 24 minutes, fi seconds; ing ad THE WEEK'S NEWS CAKADIAV. The public schools at Dundas, Out., have been closed on scoonnt of an epidemic of meanlas. The ice in the St Lawrence is breaking up rapidly, and already much damage has been caused by floods. The Quebec loan was well received on the London msrkst in view of tbs fact that it is made for the purpose of repaying the debt of the province, On Saturday evening a young man named Bernard wa* fatally tabbed at Clarence Creek, Oat, by a man named Laflenr, who 1* now in custody. A raid was made on the proprietors of the shanties on the ioe bridge at Niagara falls by an American deputy manual, who ar- rested one man for selling liquor without a license. Th* retail grocer* of Hamilton and Lon- don will endeavour to secure legislation authorizing th* attachment of the salaries of civil servants in ear.ee of debt, snd for the establishment of a uniform system of weight and measure* for fruit. The election of Mayor Villenenvs, of Montreal, will be contested on the grounds of corruption and treating with the candi- date's knowledge. The election of three of the aldermen will also be contested. The Montreal Monde saysit is now cer- tain thst there will be aa appeal to the Privy Council from the decision of the Supreme Court in the Manitoba school question. A special mas* in honor of St. Roch and to secure an abatement of the present epi- demic of scarlet fever in Montietl, will De chanted in the Church of Notre Dame this week. Abbe Marre, in making the aa- oouncement on Saturday, said that St Koch would be the best health officer under the present circumstances. To check the scarlet fever epidemic in Montreal, Dr. Laberge ha* called upon every physician in the city to report imme- diately to the Board of Health all infectious and contagion* diseases, and upon all school- master* to see that children having conta- gious diseases do not attend school. Ths Behring sea trouble U not yet all over. The British dovemment has asked the United States authorities for a modi- fication, for ths present year at least, of the terms, which are too harsh for the in- terest of Canada. The United States ins- pect a trick to give Canadian sealer* a chance of reaching liehring sea before the regulation* are agreed to, ao that they c continue fishing until notified. BKITUH. Th* Westminster Gszette advocates national meiiorial to Mr. Gladstone io the shape of a fund for the establishment of village libraries. At ths annual meeting in London on Tues day of the shareholders of the Bsnk of Brit- ish North America a dividend of seven and a half per cent, was declared. The British Government has published correspondence that ihows that the killing Vinton Pallard charge* that Breokinridge seduced her when she wa* a school girl eighteen years of age, that be i* the father of several children bora to her, aad that he promie*4 to marry her, which he failed to - 1 of King Lobengula'e envoy* wai due to 8 series of misappreheniions, and Lord Ripon ^4'A exonerates the nulits minutes, n ssconds; an farthest south by Ross in February, 1842, I exonerate* the military authoritici 17 degree*, 11 minute*; the highest altitude ] wer e concerned in their death, ever reached was in the balloon ascent of Coxwsll and Glaishsr, who attained 37,000 feet in 1862; and the highest inhabited altitude is the Buddhist cloister in Thibet. lilass stands lint of all elastic substance* ; pearl is th* heaviest of animal substances ; mercury is the heaviett liquid; the heaviest wood* ar* pomegranate and lignum vile; cork the lightest wood; emmeaaits has the Inchest explosive power of say substance yst Invented, and platinum is the most ductile metal, capable of being drawn so fine as to be invisible. The oldeit printed newspaper i* claimed by the Chine**, a* th* prnpria tor* of the Imperial Gazette celebrated it* fifteen hundredth anniversary at Pekin in The oldest European newspaper belongs to Germany, dating from 1447. The oldest American i* the Itneton New. Letter,datiog from 1704. France expends more thai any other country in public work*, and thii same land has the biggest pawnbroking business. The wont riot occurred within her bound* at Mayenoe in 1346, when the citizen* horned 12,000 Jew*, 10 bated aad persecuted in the middle age*. A TRIK 350 FEET Hit: ft. Th* tallest standing tree i* in Tasmania, 3 JO feet high, but the ' ' Mammoth," of Cali- fornia, which ha* now fallen, wai 100 fe*t taller. Though California grow* th* largeit fruit and flower*, the molt enormous Hower is a native of Sumatra. It wai diicovered by the suite of Sir Stamford Rallies and nam*d Rtlllma in hi* honor. When th* bud, which is like monstron* cabbage, untold* it *how* five petal*, flesh-colored and marked with yellowish-white protu- berance*, lurrouodinrf a cup of an intense purple that will hold a gallon aad a half of liquid. Th* flower i* nine feet in circum- ference and gives tint a most repulsive odor like tainted meat, which is, however, at- tractive to insect*. The vulture beat* the record of bir J* for flight, travelling ISO mile* an hour. Th* elephant is th* longeit lived, reaching hi* five icore of year* before he i* gathered to hi* father*. The flea i* the itrongcit insect relatively, leaping 200 time* hi* own length; but the beetle U th* itrongeit of insects, as it Is able to mov* a mas* 1,200 times its own weight. The Mordella beetle ha* the greatest number of eye*, po**e**lng 25,000 intinitedmal orb* of viiion. The Japanese rooster, Mmo Hlki, has the longeit tail feather* of any bird, a* hi* vanities measure on th* average twenty feet. The Australian jungle fowl I Mid* the higgnit nests, which ar* often eighteen feet in height. The moet valuable ipeoim*ni of pocket- knives are owned by the cutler* of Sheffield in England. On* i* a knife not larger than a thumb nail, having twenty blade-. An other, only an inch long when closed, ha* seventy blades, each made in a beautiful manner, illustrating nearly all the shapes given knile blade*. Another one ha* 220 blndei, all *xqui*itely etched with por- traits, landscapes and nther subject*, wnile Hill another contains I,S4() blade*, all pro- vided with hinges and apringi and doling Into th* handle. The** are valued very highly, th* mint expensive) reaching $500. A knife with 100 blade* wa* presented to IV. by the Sheffield cutlers and can till he seen among Windsor. the royal plate at who The emigration season is opening badly in Kngland. During the past month the number of emigrants to Canada, as compar sd with till corresponding mouth of the previous year, declined from 2,257 to 2ff!l. A woman, who twenty -five yeats ago met Sir Francis Cook on a railway train going from London to Richmond, is now bringing an action for breach of promise of marriage. A meeting of the Associated Chambers ol Agriculture held in London on Tuesday de clared in favor of an enactment dealing with the ilai'ghier of cattie at the port of debark* tion. Referring to ex- Lieut-Governor Royal'* pamphlet, the Pall Mall Gasette says Eng land would b* by no means willing to give up Canada. Sir James Fitsjame* Stephen, who wa* appointed a judge on I he bench of the Eng- I nib High Court of Justice in 1879, died at Ipswich on Sunday evening, aged sixty-five years. Keterring to the proposed fast Atlantic service, the London Chronicle *ayt that the Canadians abound in courage, and even the Radical* admit that Canada's pluck makes it difficult for th* Motherland to refuse to co-operate with her. The report of the disaster to th* British column tn Abor territory, under the com- mand ol i 'pt. Maxwell, i* confirmed. The Indian troopship Malabar sailed from Ports month for Bombay on Saturday with twelve hundred soldier* on board. CHITtD STATRf. The thermometer registered 70 degrees above zero at Burlington, Iowa, on M roh X It is itated that the account* of John Y Mi-Kane, at present serving hi* sentence in Sing Sing, show a very serious shortage. It is rumoured io Cincinnati that ten thousand Knights of Labour will secede from th* order because of dissatisfaction with Grand Master Sovereign. The Rev. Alonzo T. Wood died suddenly on Sunday in the pulpit of the Weetmin Iter Preebyteritn church, in after announcing hi* text. Th* Rev. Father Tighe, a Catholic priest of Boon ton, N.J., in the coarse of hi* ser mon at Newark on Sunday evening, aaid that the A P. A. was a hell- founded organi- zation, and must be driven from the land. Julia Shine ind Lizzie Scot', attendant* at the Detention hospital at Chicago, were discharged ou Saturday for cruel treatment of insane patient*. A man natned De Franc* WM sent to the Sioux Fall* penitentiary on Tuesday to *rv* a life sentence for robbing a mail- carrier of one cent. (iebhard Lewi* Mayor, of Boston, abont thirty-three year* of age, recently a divinity tndetit in the lUptist Theological Seminary in Kwton, Mara., ha* disappeared a* th* i Omaha, Neb,, result of the discovery that he had he conducted two two wivea living, and that separate households. Congre*iman>Breoktnridg*, of Kentucky, was placed on Irul iit Washington in a suit for fifty thousand dollars for alleged seduo- j lion and breach >t promise. Madeline GEHEEAL. Thar* have beea sever* ear . hqoak es in ths southern part of Rossis, Princess Maria, wife of Prince Ferdinand of Bulgaria, i* in a very critical condition. The I'riMce of Wales is at present at Caoues for th* regatta in hi* yacht Bri tennis. The Brazilian Government has prolonged the state of siege in Rio Janeiro nntil May. Tb* Persian Government lias announced that the mint will no longer coin iilver,and that the importation of silver will be for- bidden from April first. King Bebaazin, of Dahomey, before sur- rendering to the French, desirsd -o send a message to hi* dead father.and (elected hi* mother for th* msssinger.and be had her at once decapitated. The matron of a children's asylum in Kana, Denmark, ha* been sentence.) to death for murdering a fourteen-year-old boy, aa inmate of the home. During the trial the startling discovery was made that the supposed woman was a man. Queen LilioosaUni, in aa interview re- garding her expectation* of restoration, said she had faith in the triumph of justice and the greatest faith in th* American nation and in President Cleveland. The entire fleet purchased by the Brazil Government to replace the warship* seized by Admirals Mello and de Gama has arrived at Rio, and a decisive naval battls is ex- pected to take place immediately. The Hawaiian Provisional Government ie alarmed at the influx of Knglish aad Can- adian immigrants, who are said to be in sympathy with the Royalist party, and it is believed that before long aa attempt will b* mad* to seize the Government buildings. The representatives of the foreign power* were formally notified by the Brazil Govern- ment oo Sunday that active operations against vhe insurgent fleet at Rio Bay would be resumed at th* expiration of forty-eight 3 Cured After Others Failed -scrofula In the Nock- Bunch*, Cone Now. hours. The opinion in St. Petersburg is that Germany will derive more benefit fror? the new treaty than Russia, who, in closing it, wai influenced by political considerations, the Czar wuhing to dampen the enthusiasm of France, and maintain a conservative policy. am lh laerrase. The twenty-sixth annual report of th* Inspector of Lunatic and Idiotic Asylums for Ontario shows that insanity is on the increase in this Province. In 1887 the per- centage of iisane people wa* .082, and in 1891 th* percentage had increased to .161. la the former year there were only 951, and in 1891, 3,443 patient*. In th* bulle- tin iiraed by the Department of Agriculture in May last, compiled from the cenins of 1891, the number of the insane (and pre- sumably also of idioti and feeble minded in the Dominion i* given a* 1 3, .TO, of which Ontario is credited with 5.N.V., and, a* stated. 3,468 were resident in th* Provin- cial institutions on September 30th, 1891, so that the remaining 2,387, or 40 per cent. , remained outside of asylum care. It i* also Mated in the bulletin referred to that while the insane of the 1'rovmce in 1M71 num- bered 4,081, there were 5.8AA in 18l. being an increase of 1,774, or 4.15 per cent., in the 30 yean, while the incmaae of th* entire population wa* 30.5 per cent. The moet searching investigation* a* to the cause*, and the most earefnl diagnosis of the oases of insanity coming under ob- servation ar* constantly being made, with the view at least of limiting the inroad of the disease in all its forms; but while much has been accomplished in determin- ing the causes, little or nothing ha* b**a effected to stay the continual recurrence of the malady. A oonsenius of modern opin- ion exists, however, that th* large pe - centnge of caw* do* to hereditary tendn- cie* are developed by secondary a^-enoie*, such aa intemperance, sensual habiu, and immoral, unrestrained indulgences, by which the phyiical and mental resources, ar* sapped of energy and left an easy pray to the then That such is thie dreadful disease, i* transmitted admits of but little doubt. Th* superintendent! of the Ontario institutions are a nnit in ascribing a large proportion of the admin- lions from year to year to heredity. Sup- erintendent Dr. Clark, ot Toronto Asylum, in discussing this question a number of year* ago, and at a later date also, esti- mate* th* admissions of such ease* at from 40 to 45 p*r cent., and quotee other emin- ent authorities as slating that a much greater percentage of the total admission* are due to heredity. Superintendent Dr. Buoke has also written exhaustively io even stronger terms to the same effect. Superintendent Dr. Clarke, Kingston A*y- lum, in his report for IH91 itates that out of the whole number of admimion* for that year, namely, 147, the cause of insanity in no leas than fifty of them wa* hetedity. Dr. Rntssll, Medioal Superintendent of the Kingston Asylum for ths Insane, says: " As a predisposing oaua* of insanity I am satisfied that heredity is the greatest, lu preponderating tendencies. the main channel by which " C. I. Hood * Co., Lowell. Mass. : "Gentlemen - 1 fee 1 that I cannot say enough In favor of Hood's SarsaparUIa. For five years I have been troubled with scrofula la my ueck and throat. Several kinds of medicines which I tried did not do me any good, and when I com- menced to take Hood's oarsaparUla there were large bunches on my neck so sore that I could Hood's?* Cures not bear the slightest touch. When I had tskea one bottle of this medicine, the soreness had (one, and before I bad finished the second too bunches bad entirely disappeared." BLA.MIJB ATWOOD, Sangervtlle, Maine. M. B. If you decide to take Hood's Bamptr riUa do not b* induced to buy any other. Hood's Pills cure constipation try restor- Ing the uer iataltlc action of the aJimf ntar r proof of thii I have compiled a table of statistics from our preeent population which rmply proves It, The information which we get of family history is usually very meagre, and the subjoined table is not by any means an exhaustive on*, bat it i* sufficiently clear to uonvmce us of the potency and far-reaching consequences of heredity as a factor in propagating insan- ity." Dr. Russell shows from table* that " out of 896 patient* 264 had insane rela- tion* in varying degree* ot consanguinity, bnttha moet curious phenomenon of all isthe fact that we have had three married couple, here at the same time. Whether this is a mete mental coincidence or is susceptible of explanation by some phyiical law i* a matter of opinion and speculation. I am inclined to the view that it may be explained by the law of mental contagion or sympathy. It is not aa uncommon thing when one bead of the household be- come* insane to find the other head of the household become morbid from worry and anxiety, and it the natural mental atal/ility happens to be not very strong it is quite explicable that the borderland may be overatepped and result in down r ight insanity. " The satistica! record given of heredity by Dr. Koaaell, of th* Kingston Asylum, is no doubt more or leu th* experi- ence in other asylums, aad is sufficiently appalling to ttrike u* with consternation and to lead na to inquire if there is no rem- edy to stem this tide of mental degenera- tion. It is now generally recognized that the insane are the wards of the State, and if it be the dnty of the State to care for them, then it is equally the duty of the State to protect itself against carrying un- necessary burdens which i\re unduly taxing its resources and spread, ng broadcast moral and social degeneration among the people. Legislation prohibiting the marriageof those who are mentally defective, or who have hereditary taint would undoubtedly itrik* a th* root of th* cause, but the difficulty of enforcing inch a law is at once apparent. Oar only hope teems to lie in a wider diffu- sion of knowledge on thii question. All the agenciee at work for the moral and so- cial uplifting of the people should be es- pecially charged to sound an unmistakable note of warning on this all-important ques- tion. Didn't Want to Insult Him. An Irishman visiting London entered a dairy and asked for a pound of sugar. The dairyman smiled and aaid: "Did yon ever 'ear of a dairy selling sugar?" Arrah now," says Pat, "maybe if I ask- d ye for a pound of chalk yon might 'avej been ready to give it to me," and walked out of the (hop. In th* course of this month and next th* following vessel* will b* completed in readi- ness to be placed in the British Fleet Re- serve : Boaaventnre, cruiser, 4,360 too*, speed 20 knoto, total cost 243,311 ; Aitn.a cruller, 4,300 ton*, speed 1'J 75 knots, cost 250,047 ; Cambrain, cruiser. 4,300 tons, speed 195 knots, cost 820,002 ; Antelope, torpedo gunboat, speed I9'."> knots, cost 01,070 ; Hazard, torpedo gunboat, cost 71,618. Correct. Rxamlnsr. " Now, Johnny, if I add four apples to three apples, JohDny-"tk)lic, sir I" rhat do I hve >

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