THE FLESMBAT0N ADVANCI wen Asm ml, Ontario. The Vety PI.ACH IM CANADA TO QBT A Ttutineu Education, Take a Round Trip " --- i i'<>> and '_ xntnurcial Departments in Canada, then u-lt N ,. :i.-r-i Hntliiea* Collefle ; oiauiluu ojrory- i : .< chly. if wo fall In prmlucu the iii:-i--%4*. |i,actii-*i ami fxi,.[i Nu i ir-,i -f-tl.U . tllu !u -t Collect* p. .! HUit- iil.. r i.-nitur,. ami i.|i|ilianc<>s. \n- uil! , Ff-il 1 c i-iMu KKKK Knr Annual \in ;ivui_ full particular.. fre. address C. A. FLEMING. Principal* To The PuUic. % Having rented Whlttn'i black*mlth hop for a tertn of yearn. I am now iu a IHxitlou to catvrto all want* In uiy Hue. tasking a Specialty, Satisfarllun .iiarnnlrrd for anything in tiu Indatnithing Imr cali on F, A. BUNT, t Oppoalts Elobardson'* Bardwars itors Eugenia Mills AND Carriage Works. made and RepAired, also PI (\clug and Matching, Band Saw. toX, Wood Turning of every des- df-iption. Planing and Qram Chop done while you wait, for thi Beaver turus tne wheel. T. W WILSON M.m ;i_;r A FAMILY GROUP PHOTOGRAPH -- U fully equipped with re- quisites for turning out 9 per- fect class of work. All kinds pictures taken and finished a style equal to any city while the prices are lower. Picture Framing^* doi.6 in all its branches. If you have shopping to do and pictures to get taken on the same day please attend to the latter first. Careful at- tfcntion will be given to copy- iQg other pictures. Mrs. Bulmer. M ABBIaUB LICBXSBB. ln-ned dav or ntgbtaltb* offlMor rwideue* of tbe and-riDril. DI VISION OOUHTCL8 E.COUMUSIONm la H.C..'. Coaveqraneer,**. Hoterj pablle. JOHN W. ARMSTRONG, M CCULLOUOH * TOUNO. Rankeri, Markdale. do a genera,! banking bui- oM. lloiiey loaned at a reasonable itte. Ca^l on in |f R. HAMMOND. /oil Maaf-r. Klmbertejr. CoznminloDor lor taking Afflflavii* otc. Insure* aud loau* money t lowoat rata*. Execute* Lee>MS. Deed*, Will*, etc. promptly, cbeaply and efficiently. P J. STROULE, 1'oirtujaMur, Fli'-lierton, Coinmlulooer In II. II.. Lie n*ed Auctioneer, Conveyancer, A l>raiaer anil llotioy Lander, Heal Kalat* au1 I n ui i mice Agent. Deed*, Morteafe*, liuaeee, ami Will* drawn up and Valuation* made on tiorteet notice. Auction Balsa attended to In an> part of the County. Money to loan at low act rate* of tutor***. Collection* attended to with iirouintoee* and deepateu Charge* low. Agent for the Dominion bteainihlp Company, cheap ticket* from Flnhertou to Liverpool, (ilaagow, London r any of t+ie Hritlib port*. I'artie* Intending to Kng'aml. 8eeilaod or Ireland, will pleate aak rate* before purcbaaing tbelr ticket* elaewber*. \f ISH EUITH KirilAUlJHON. Pupil of Robt. Mahr. of Herlln, (turwanv. ( iolla) Mr*. Hradley, of Toronto CouMWvatory M (Voice culture) ; Prof. Hmrmoii, Ikte of Torouto, (Piano) ; will pufll* Iu hISi.i.M,, VIOLIN, PI- ANO and OKOAT Ifdiral. JJK. HUTTO!. M I. r II.. M.C.P.* H.Onl.. PrleeHll*. Beeldence and office one door woel of tbe Math- o.l i.t Church.KiuroM Si. Offle* d.y, T uwd-yt and Batordar*. JjR. CABTKm. M. C. P. A 8.. Oat. rhy.lelan. largeon, etc.. rieebertoa offloe fitraln* b'.ook. Basldeos- VI uii.liaw'i hotel. JOHN A. SCOTT, M. B. Member Colleire Puv_f . A Hanteoni. Ontario Graduate In Medicine of Toronto Vulverally, PollowaLip lii|.loina. Po*t Oradeate Medical Hcliool and Hoeultal, Calcago. Dt*ea*e*of eve. ear. nose and throat ipecially treated Baml- deuce if axwel), viiltn F*ver*hara Tbnmday* 14 J P. OTTUWKLL. Veterinary Hurf*on. OradnaU of Ontario Vetarluary Collate. Kerldeuee Km door -..nil- of Moore'* pianlng factory. J K. HALKTKA1), M. D,M. C. A 8., Onl., practice, al Klin berloy. Uheumatio illwa>e> i *|>elallly. JJ H. MA11Y U IIUASUKlt. M D.C aI.,-M.C.P.8..0nt .Phyalclan and Snr- geon. etc.. Honor Oradnate Women 1 * Uedical College, Toronto. Itetldenre op|KMlte Kuttor'i Hotvl, Pricevllle. Uliea-e* of Wouii-u and flilhlreii aipocialty. Call* promptly attan.lstl ul||ht and day. J P MAHBHALL, L. D. 8,11 D. B., D*atl*t. VUltn V.r-.lal, the lit ami :ti d Wedueeday of each mouth FleHhurtou-Kach trip on the day folloKlug. J > W. FHOHT. Harrliter, Solicitor, Conveyani-pr, Ktc. Hethertou oOloe- Neil the pu.t office hproul*', building, on Thnnday*. Owen Hound offloe Kroaf* building. lUCABA WU1UHT. Barriiten, Hollolton, Conveyancer*, etc.. DV..-II Hound. On.t - - afarkilale, Out W. H. W mi. u i. I II 1,1-fA- N. H.-Pl*>hertoa offlc*, UUchell'i Bank. every Weilnot lay SOCIETIES. AO r.W.-mmtH every fln.t and Ihlnl M..n day in each month, hi their lodKe room Chrl-loo'* |ll(K-k,Klelicrtou.*t S-p.m \\ ID Wrliiht. M. XV. ; W. .1. Bellaiuv, nninc'er ; W Irwln liocorder. Vlnillni- llrutharn luvlted. ROYAI. TK.MIT MIS (,| ! I'MITI II, t'uliL, i i MII il mi Kto every flr^t nml th'rrtTnow la iv.i.inii i" ch month. In Ipronls l'li>, 1< Ki n |i n. Helei't ilegnu rauom 1.1 .!. manthly, the \Ve<liiue<lay preceding the __ud of each month. S"t 11 Mr: RAN( ' 'I lu toix.ti moet* In l>r. chiirtoe' >lnll every \\.it neiday veiilnu at K p.m Vhtltii^ breth- -ri'ii In-.. ii, n Y^ M. P. B. A., meet In lueir liitll, i I. l>t.M.' ' JL Bloc!,- oven nrtl nn.l I'.ir.l Tl,iii>,U> In each month. Wm. Hbarp, Matter. T.Clayton, Secretary. IJ'iiSCK AKTHTK I .?. A K. .1 A. M i,i. i t in II, MH^.M, 11*11. Strain t. -iierton, i \i-ii Friday on or tlir full moon A. S. Vnnduien, \V. II. H .1. rtproiilc. Bacratary J. B. SLOAN Eagonia, has on bund, and tot > stilnglvs, oaiih, ilnnrs tnd lunibvr. Timiitig and plalnlug dime te or-t , Cbfip__( ail in *onutetl"D. Bh. ,- l Path ers and PoiMlkecpers- Hylaw No. 499, as introduced at taat neetiiiK uf Council, makes the following appointment* uf paUimaottrs, poundktcp- rs and fence* iswars : rATUMAHTtlU. B. Culuinaii, A. 8. Irving, Joseph Heatty, Win. 1'urvin, Henry Mathewson, J. Chard, Cliai. Bellamy, M. O. Orr, Tb<w. Bannon, Alfred Ward, Wtlitr Nicholes, -Richard \\'atson, D. Foster, James Fottter, Lot 1-0 ; W. J. Cargo, laanc Sinclair, Johnwm Cullen, David McMuHeu.Juhn IJuckl.urn,U..l>t. >Vhite, K-rt-iiii-tU Taylor, S. Sheardown, Tins, llutcliinn'iii, Joavph McLeod, Joseph Littlfjohn, Win. SiMjerv, John Soell, lioory I'lpvr, Alex. Stewart, jr. ; Wesley lluskiii, JJ.iliu A. U<>yd, Oeo. liennie, Cliaa. Lyunn, Jaa. Brander, JmtupU ML Donald, L. McDuugal, Juhn Wiiliani< n. James Kid, D. Dow, Joliu Henry, Juhu r.ui Hi-it. .l.-lin MciJowan,Meil McDougal, Jas. H. Vatue, \r. ; Juki) Caropbull, Dun- aid Stewart, A. MclUe, Jaa. JuliiiNtoii, jr. ; J. Hazxard, Richard \Vhittaker, Wui. Chard, W. K. Dyeou, John McKee, jr. ; Jauica Nash, jr. ; Richard PurteuuK, Thus. Fiaher.Wm. Pedlar, Thoa. Gilbert, sr. ; G*x>rge Meldrum, Jonathan Hick- tin,-. \\ in Wilsoo, Tbos. Ueno, Mar* ahal Heard, Thos. Dunlap, AUx. Hadill, W. Armstrong, Juhu Linlwy, Huiiun f'reeiuau, Edward Loomas, Samuel Mar- tin, Hugh Waitmi, J. H. DiM>kii, Kobt. Orahaut,baniulBuTle>,sr. , P. iinlinau, W. Trimble, Win. Ueodaraoa. Atox. Hannah, John Adam*. John MeO, tienry Weaver, A. NeiJaun John Lyons. rue nit m_ M.chael Reily. Math.w Bulger, Thus. EUiott, llobi. Wright, L Yim, P. Muu. ahaw, Marten S-iuuii-r rasi-a visrwBBS. R Whittaaer.l Jua.p_ Auasum, A Muir, D. Currie, H. D.lrwin, Jaa.Brodie, Win. JiUir, Wm. Hill, Ueo. Moura.Qea Stewart, Cams. Belauiy. Id. R-, W.H. Uemphill. JouaUuua Uickliog, J. U. Sloan, Alex. Madill. The AsJzes. The smallest docket in a -for* or toots of years, waa pieesuted at the Assiso Court which opene4 in the Uoort House, Monday at H u'cloea, Joatlee Mc.Mahi.u preniJiug. Two en il caeca and three eriuiuaJ caw* cumpoteil tii list. Jutlice McMabiii iu hi* optuiug atldrcs* cutigtatulited the c >uutj on tin- ma'l diit-krl. He tin n explaimd the new cr.uiiual oWt yn theft and k**.a.t, nnil mi In ful Rounding. Tho cases were Hun culled in th* -r*w oamvd. Onup T. AuderHun An action ariiingi ut of an attack on the little dnugbter of th i pl-mtill. C. K. Qiifgl by an u.I. _;< J VKIOU* dug, owned by I ht> */ miaul, Mrs. (las. Audrr'ou. Uuth puttitH arc renideiit* of Oen Bom-d. Tu.<iiifure *uliuiilted bj th- plaintiff went to p>ove that IM Ju^ had _.l \.nou. liu.t L>;ttfii wit- DCMC-H: 'hat tin- d. !*!iJaiit I a I U. -it nutitied uf tin M.-IIIII-IU < (-I ihe anfciml aud hal r* futoil to have it d.|used of. 'lie u id mi foi the defence cl. i i.d t)t' Uie Jug us* not vn-i.iUM, that in tin- ir.l ueei nie.i f ,r the pi, iutiff the dun I a'l t. . n t'uckt-<l. mil that it wo. limply performing tuu ..n:i . ol a w.i tch dog. 'lite cvidt ui' a< o-mrlictiujj. .liiitiee \I,M -I . n ,u', . i in (uvor ul tin >ll 'tauiage* fur tin- plaintiff, 't lit- jut v in a verdict ol tl.'tO ami Couuty Cuurl H. U. Tucker for plaintiff; Una-tor at Sn.itii. and \\ jll.-r Ne.bit v 1'on-utoi for the defm- dant. lloyj T. I'latt (Dou-jnry ease) An action lin nj;lit hy .laiuen I.. II. M| ol Hyilmbaiu, Biiinit S. 1'iutt, lute uf tie law Hrm o' L'reaaor oi I'tatt. in-r. |niatu.n ol in .n' v I'laiiilitl 'iiwn.iJ M, I i.iuul with having mlvappropiiated funds |>aid to the hitter hy on>- Mi -I . . .1 on it nioriKiiue. Ac- nml liad liti-'h taken agaiuat MeLeod an4 _i*> uji.eed on the gn und ih it ih money had lift Ii |'K1 I I'. lilt. \ V IIS III MTill.t W.l| SO . _-'7.i if putl willim III day*, or |IUU il otherwise, without Ointl. Maaw<n\ K>au* fi.t plaintiff ; \\ul r Nashitt for >li ft inlni.t. y inn v. McM.iheu -an ault. Ti.inviaia iintqiii t-uxc in ( inn. fan law ci.iut-. 'I lir prisoner in H deaf i. c.knowi i o >i. n a , ^tiiigc. Tilt ;ti,->lion ut axvault Wn_ i., i.on -ilin-.i. \\ i n th. jury w calle I, Ju Ii i- MiMahon cited an'iHh CIIMI ..( DM, I HI churactrr. Tti i vi Icnv* of a it: ! , >va taken un ll.i i|lli tii.n of nullity. T o qm htioUH wi if put tn tin- jury by the i \\ . ihe i'iii HIT a mute br the ri>,iatu.n -I I- ..I, uaul H lu'itst'i hi- was ui il'le lo plrad to the iiiihctiiuiiit. I'he.e the jiu\ i' - nithout H >. ri' Hi 11 >; i n Hill ll.l-l '. 1 |1, or ini".ui', - lanl 01 uiiHouud unii-l. Aiirr u few nun'iliH di 1 1 1 lati. 'ii in Ih- jiy iiiui the pn.n tr w>> i. . I ireil to he of I..I-OI.M! n.iiul. A \ . ! : u'k tu otibiody ilnriiiK t of tlin l.uut.- U **rnor of the PruTiuci u t- in*- 1- 4. u. A. W. Ha, (,> c , foi id-.- Orewu-, H. O. t f. r in . (j>i< n v Al,-v.. Ureen tin ft. I. i a 1*11111 "t UIOI.- I |(;|l | lltute Kl.ll IK t> tni'Mi,>.kudn'-iiaf<w i . . i ,a- v^elll *J ' i - M ne I \ : . r ha. i ' . i uatault 'I i ' . '^ J^fc'o tti. TO) nix HIM *tn>. '*,> ronu, it, * i I IM- i . i i.l. ". . i U Vn action I fi n, iioalli ol .- i.iH ,.i, * 101. while iu ti<* rt. i'le - in a* sd until tin ;.jl *>i..i. inuo*. J. II Brick wwd'i CMC. A OOVBWIafKIrT oftlCUL A*U HIP HKI kUTUM i 'I KKH BV 12 BUXBS OF DODM KlDHEY riLLH HKTK ALL THE PKor,.K AMUHO qUHmuXS OF TMB , MK< H IU The fact that rheumatism is caused by difteaned Kill- noyii, hai been again conclusively proved by the cavj of Mr. J. H. Brnkwood, fish- ery inpector fur thia district. He suffer- ed from rheumatism for liftuon yean and found fin ctire in thti prescriptiuiiM uf d'>c- toiH or in patunt nit 'Heine* Finally, he uaod Dxld' Kulney Pills, twelve boxes f which ctirt'l linn. Harry \\mlr, rliu well known iiru-.'.iu her*-, who Mild Mr. lirickwotxl the (ills, any* he U ovt r- run with inquiries a to the genuineness of Mr. llnckwood atory, of uhich !n in able to actikfy everyone. 1! IH re- |M>rt9 liir^-e tales of the [>illt with mutt Manufactory results in every cave. Run, Proprietor and Puhlinher of thuiUinlicr,;. Out , Ind< [wndent S-VH : ''I was suffering fmu I>\[ |>"ia ami Liv- er trouble, I took a few bottles of SlaloYx Vitalzor and it cured me. I can heartily recommend it." Patron* of ludiiklry. At tbe meeting of the Grand LoJ^e in Toronto the Grand Secretary's re- jxjrt shows a membership of about 176,000 in 2,300 subordinate associa- tions, some of which are located in each of the Ontario counties and 78 associations io Quebec. Tbe increase in membership last quarter over that of ibe previous quarter was 7,809. Tbe receipts last year were $2,000 more tuau during the previous year and the aggregate expenditure was 1.800 less. Tbe Grand Lecturers report referred tft the enthusiasm of farmers every wheW* in placet where mass meetings bafcbeen held daring (be past year, "flie report of the auditors, >Vm Valens and J. Q. Admits, showed ihe receipts to be $16,940 ; the disbursement $10.4-0 ; tb asset*, 17,08*. and the liabilities, 1.260. 411 l'' officers are the same as last Captain lleWiu-y. I'. S. A., Han DC,-.., \\ , says : 'W.iloh'N Catarrah Remedy in the hrat mediciuu I have ever found tl sit would do me any good," Price 60 cent* W * V T li" I i Kl ""T!et e uwn can find Rtee/t y " Al" I f'l' <-ii.|.U>mi,,nt with ua>aale. men. Kimriene* not neovmary. Handnowe mill a,inl Hi.' henrDt of over Ss year* - i.-nce fnrnt-hed every inan. < hoie- >rK-:lal ltnm ami control of twmtorv.- We ba>*1 7tK> acre* of choice Btock.aLd ran i(lvw yon lnau\ alvant*4H*i- Our HMfle <rf PSSWtag MM rwtaia itiK "ali-tuKti I" "upe-lor Call for our tonn. Tbe trial will conk >ru iu A. WELLINGTON, TorvKtw, Out. Car [tt ad F W Weaving, The nmleniigne'l i* prepared' rto|T*n>fct and ianuvl ww*viiiK of a:l knt'lfl on abort notKt< an. I ii-a.nii.iii u-rnifl. KaiiitfactioR Huaranteed. ^ Knt i'i hy .taco will level ve i>iouj|>t at* ti Corrc*poBdonr<* Milicivd MWS K. COUl'TS. Feb. T. (ui. Attention In time to any Irregularity of the> Stomach, Liver, or Bowels may serious Indigestion, costiveucs.t. lie<ulur'ip, n;u- L>iiioua> and vcr- ilgo ctrtr.iu func- .i doranijo. uieiit 1 ?, lb.e best remedy fur Which Is Ayor'o Tills. l*urf'.y vego- tiible, sii;;ar^-';<l, (;.?y tv t quick t r.:<:.ii.ii!te. i'.iis la tl family mcdii iiu' tlio timst popular, nafo, ai.l uatiul aperient in \\\.\.t- n.icy. Mrs. M. A. Eco> KWELL. rls, TVnn., i Uycr's Oiliartlo l"\M cured me of lcls bc.i Iscbe and uiy hiubandol uturuli,i_. \Vj tliink tbere la No Better Medicine, and kivo Induced man; to use It. " Thli ty-Qvo years ago tl:U Sprinc, I was run down I j h u I wotk : slotiof col.U, which m.iclo me NO li-i-,.'.c th:,l It Ail eiTnrt for me. to w.ilk. 1 rtminlu-il Ilia doclora, but kept s r u:illl 1 1- id f\\tn up utl hoj.o of i-vor bi'lng better. Uaiipoi.lrj to be la a store, one i!ay, wlicra med,, n-swero sl,l, tlio proi-rn-tor noil . d CDT weak aiul j|'-!.ly a,,pc i ,im . . ;'iid, liter a few question* as lo my;i. rea-nv Binnilcd n.c I > try Acer's 1 : Us. I lad lUUe) l..llh In in ie or ony otn r Mr<iidne, but cor cludfd. nt l.-ist, to lake bis at! v ire ami try a box. Before I had used thrm all, I waa -cry much Letter, ail two I>OXM cured me. I ni now eo >'-ar oW; I ut I iK-IU-ve that It It bad not bt on for Ayer's 1'illi, I should bare bevn la my trrnvo long ago. I buy boxel evi-ry year, which make 210 boxes up to this time, niI 1 would no more be wltbv out them Hi. i u without bread." H. H. Itigr.liam, Ittn Klitud, Me. AVER'S PILLS rr*ps_wl by Dr. J . C. Ayer fc Co.. Lowell, Ma**. Every Dose Effective) Weak ns, Nervottsnesj, Debility. and all th* train cf cU from early crron or later exce-_es, li_s mull* of o-erwork, tick- DSU, worrr, etc. Full strength, development and tone given to svei-r organ and portion of tha body. Simple, natural method.. Imme- diate improvement (era. Failure impossible. 3,000 re rennets. Book, explanation aaJ ma_Ud (M^sd) ii o. EJUE MEDICAL CO,, Buffalo, R.Y. HORSEMEN ! Pay Attention I o Raving pnrcliam il tlie barnesa bosiuess from Mr. Clayton, I wish to intimate that my tn- deayor will be to please aaI satisfy customers in any work which may be eulrusted to me. All linds of Lorcetuen'j re- qnigitea kept in stock, at low rates. Good workmanship guaran- teed. Soliciting your orders, I reaiuiu respectfully, W.MOORE- Fl IKI.OU, Jan. 21, 1893. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ( , . ' ( , , i J Breakiast Deticti>>t rolled wheat, I uaU, I Frmb Ovcter*. Backw!i*a* fleejr e.'sh. Mi-Mnk^ast hiiinin v, I Kolle<l Hacun, I'M'H.- p. a Hour. I (ii-<.c_rifof all kludi. i in l.'k ur. Try Li/mu ul tlio *borv. | Amtl:inK yon may want in these Mutj cm te got nl Ou.1 t< hoilii< H THE CKLEB RATED S.Laurance l 'TAt'LES amd L r ' 7 . G. PHlfi T a i J o p. '-,-ixsah garuieuts of oicu's wear HI the best stylo at short ncti^, AU work L-uarautced. A U;_l F. A. BAKER,