Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 15 Mar 1894, p. 5

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THE FLBSHSRTON ADTANCE GEO. MITCHELL, * - ' ' . i MOM t in >ctud r*rn'tn :n t ik i i .: i |tio op.Kh'i-1 ft U'U1 IMWM -.) il .a,<a. . t> iiunue H emor ru... >wo doors nurtu > f Kicl.ard on &C<)'. fham-crlstlr( of she Pnst Week , luily lulled for tbe in <n turn. ' N irill ,-'./ .'/>n m'U fc f'<rlOOUnetor over. 100 " yV unit. J ' an-iritd at Hill'*. ' . .J lYi.Uy >>IM wook frcni to-morrow. Mr. -. . ;)> started tbe j>low on Fri- JiiTm WnllacB, get- -'1 unTchant, Diin- d*!!:, has a.- -^:.od. i with th-j cic'wd a"d get yiH;* order- ed '.loth in-,' at Hill's. , Piiu- i[>p!.-s, and Oysters at KiKVHoi SK'U. (jamey, of Osprey, is eriou!y ill with an attack of brniirhi(i. Division ci'im ml! be held in Fleimer- ton un We'lne^di.y ni-xt, 'Jlst mat. Remember the ronownrJ Jubilee ling- en and Imi.en.il Orchontni on Friday evening. Brick house, I^IKX! sizvd lot ai <1 brick office for sali) in Klenhi-iton -fcllOO. Apply to W. U. Thur.-tiii. Handsom g a/ three year-old colt for Kile very cheap ; 14 hand* hi^h ; will inaUi- a good driver. Apply at thin ottice. Preparatory services were held in the Presbyterian church on Friday sin! s wra- ini'iit was administered on Kunduy last. Adam Hollvy, of Berkley, was oniin.:- d for trial at Markdald last week for the theft of a pair of boots. Bail waa ac- cepted for $800. The 6 rat maple syrnp of the season waa brought into town this week by Mr. J. Lever. It u of excellent quality. Te editor is a conouweur in such matter*. The Ki beilvy public achool 'ruatee* uu.^i. . thi* iiaoe for tenaen for the erection of an addition to the achool. alno for a teacher for three mouths. -Sue ad- vertisements. Mr. Chas. Pye, of Clarksbimt.hai.s'iys the Standard, been appointed a license C'lininisMoitur fur Kast Uroy in Hit- place of Dr. Hunt, who waa forced to ruaign through ill health. We notice that since Lawyer Front's term of ottice as Mayotof Own Snuud, haH expired hia professional vi-iu to KUnherton are nmro regular, aa he now cuines evury Thursday. The Orangeville Advertiser has entered upon its 27th year of publication. It is a splendidly conducted pa|>er in etery sriine of the word, and is evidently appreciated, judging by the material support jju-uii by the business men of (Vaudeville. While the band w,vi pi vying on Friday evening a number of young men sum. oj themselves by firing off toy torpedoes, a pebble from one of thorn hitting a little girl in the eye and hurtiivj hor icvervly. Tins specie* of sport should be put a stop to. Mr. F. C. Bruce, of Peversham, mot hin creditors at the office nf M. Rk-hnril HI >n A Co. on Tliurxiliiy last. Au >(! r was tnnde by Mr. Bruce, but no action WHS taken, and an adjouined meeting of cred- itors will be held to-day to wind up the matter. Win. Whck (whatever that may spell) was committed to Owen Sound jail as a vag. by J. W. Armstrong, J. P , on M. 11- day a. in., where he will visit Jailor Mill- er for two months. Mr. Latiiuore, nf Eugenia, personally conducted the excur- sionist. The sooner yon begin t> tight the fire, ^he more easily it may be extinguished. rh sooner you begin to take Ayer'a Harmparilla for your blood-disease, the easier will be the cure. In both cases, delay ia dangerous, if not fatal. Be sure you get Ayer'n and no other. Mr. John Whitten met with an acci- dent oo Thurnday, the effects of which h will carry for aonM tim.-. hy heinir from a hvne tht h,- WM riding. The nim:il juai) u'l, the broke, mi, I .- bnur that tune Mr. Whitti-n il'TCova-i-d ilnt he wasn't on horseback at-, all, but lyint:j)ixed up on the road. Fortunately no bore* wure bmken, but there it a l.ir. 1 - .-ireauf iiiiiwing vuiieK- f om hands, face an-.l slionldor, and it will re- quire 8'Hiie time for a new or. p to grow. Turi.v AsTONi.-Hisi;. Sliw Annettt N. Moi-n, Fniintiiin, Miuii.,snys: "AyL-r'K Cliorry I'ectoriai l.as had wonderful ef foct in cininu by brnthei's ohiMren of a t.-veru and d:uigniur, co'd. It was truly asti'iiisliin^ how Kprudily they found re- lief after Uking thin preparation. " Another fifty ilol'ara' worth of hn be^n ordnd for tlit Mecimnic-s' In- s'Kuto. 4ly ihe way, thediructor'n would liV\!0 have in many ubs<ril ers as IH>U- gible p.iy in th.-ir I'OCH for next your dur- ing the next two week*. This m iiu[x>r taut. Make your laymunt to the librar- ian, Mr. W. AnnKtroiu{. I.B. Liirns. ImrriHtcr. Markdale hi, >iO,000 private funds to lend on farm .ii"itL.':<^'' witliiii the next few month* .t !oet current rates. No conmiisa lona, no del.iys, xpunse low. Apply al oiiiou in M.-ukd.Je during the woek or at Dundalk ollice mi Satunlaya. A masH iniu-tii'g of thu Reformers of C, litre Grey will l> held in Klenherton to <Uy (ThiirsdHy) to consider the adviut- biiity i.f Lriuving out a candidate to con- he ruling in ih coming election to the LegUiature. T'n Thoinlmry Stsn- ilartl says Mr. E. Raymond, of that place, will undoubtedly be the man. D r asam a! ang. .. Ojerdruiu is makiiii; arranqe- in<iiit- for a busy spring MISO , havnn: eni:Ked several g<x>d aisis'ants, and wili be prepared to exocu'e all orJars prompt- ly and in Utcst stylon of dre/Rsmnkiiig art. She cnarantev* sntifaction. having stud- i.-il .!., X .r Fr"iicli Tailor nystem of cut- ting--Pupils taken TerraH easy. TliHt. was a h>-avy ,,iiart<-t that weighed tliriiiirfjlvea in town on Thurwlay, khe un- ite-1 weial^U amounting to 844 Iba. The names of these stout gentlemen ware Price, Alox. and I. Teeter, and Mr. \V,i:is!.ro, night operator at the station. Theae are all stoutly formed men, and there IN not an ounce of supertlous adi- pose tisuu on their bonns, either. Six of the village sports went out oo Tliurftdiiy f.ra fox hunt. They ay the il,,'.'H ran thrue f.ixes, at one of which live shots *uro fired, at another two and one at the third, but Messieurs Reynard still ke<it on the way rejoicing, with consider- ably accelerated speed, of course. Thin was had nliootiiiK very bad. No*, had Thu Advance man only been there with his musket ' By Private Sale. One ifod hore. One new top buggy. One new Ohawa cutter. One doubled barreled gun. One pneumatic bicycle,, for Udy or _',!. tlein in coiubui.d. E. HARKI.XON, Fleshorton. March camo in very meekly thi year, i ,w wi'iitawny, and the robins came. Th; state of bliss r.-maiinil until Tues- iluy, W huu eld Boreas brusquely made l.is apiiearanoo, HIIOW came down in quanti- ties, the wind howled like a demon, and tli,' s; ring poet once more recreated Into hi ust-lf. .March bids fair to verify the o'd pr, -ver'j. Thu DiKi'liilk Herald yuni( man let the ,-at out of the bsg last week. He in the "w'Mtid.d hl:in," hi* is the "broken heart," and the printer's ink ken is evi- dently the "suicide's grave." The tes- tinuss ho J.inpUyn over the matter proves it Key, -ml the shadow of a doubt. (iirlMl U rls ! What have you doite ? Another young life '.'one out, "like ships that sail- ed for sunny isles, but never came to shore'" All because of "A lor* tht bad an early root An'l bad All u*rly <luuui '" Auction Suh s. An extcnnivu :a!e of firm stock and implements wilt bo liel.l on ihe farm of Madden Kros.. lot 7, co,i. 9. township of O^pn y, mi Tue*dy, March 20. when a laige qu iiitity of articles will be offered, See bills. MaHdcn Krm., proprietors ; J, hu Speers, auctioneer. An iiiiri'si-i-Ted credit auction sale wil he held in the village of Priooville, on Monday, March 19, when a list of live s'urk. farm iiiipleiin-iitH, etc., will be offered for wtlp, the pr<iperly of Memrs. M. & X. McKay. See bills. D. Me Curmack, auctimieer. The Bane 1 Played. Tlie villagers received their first spring .rcnnde by the band on Friday evening lust, when tour piocea were played in e- calient style. The band is in a better condition thi< spring than ever before, at tor a faithful winter's practice. It is un- der th leadership this year of Mr. Fred Tjcker, tailor, whom the members think very highly of as leader. There are twenty two instrument*, and it ia expect- ed i Inn one or iwo more practiced music- i.-ins will be added shortly. It is purpi H- ed to give a concert inch Saturday even- ing during the uniinur. PrrttonalH. Muasre. Alex, and I. Teeter, of Erin, visited relative! in Artemusia last week. Mr. S. Robinson, of Sparta, is visiting friends in this vicinity. Miss JohiMoii,'of Fletkeiton Sta- tion, spent Sunday with Miss Christoe. Mr. T. Hill general merchant, has l -I'M sick with a severe cold. Mrs. W. Armstrong is spending a few days wi h In r father in Dundalk. Mrs. J. M. Thuin'oii, of Kimberley, is spending a week or an with her son, ye editor. A party of youn? people left on Mon- day for New Jersey. The party consisted of Mown. John McGrutlier and EJ.Rud- letlge, and Mimes Ida Rutledge and Liz- zie Roy. The Globe, Toronto, is giving Canad- iads an opportunity of securing "Pictur- esque Canada'' upon very reasonable terms. This work, wMch is thoroughly descriptive of Canada, was written by Principal G. M. Grant, D. D., of Queen's rnivei-Mty, Kingston, and a profusely illustrated by wood engravings from the brushes of some of thu moat eminent ar- tists of the day. It is being produced in part* of '24 pages each, one part appearing each week, and can be secured by cutting out one cupon, which will be found in all editions, and forwarding it to thuir Art Department, along with 12 cents in stamps or coin, to pay mailing and post- age. The opportunity of possessing so valuable an edition to our literature is one should be taken advantage of by every Canadian who wants to know about ln h own country, and we hope The Ulobe'a generous offer will meet with the approv- al that their enterprise deserves. General News. Mr. Eraitua Wjiuan has written a letter to a Montreal paper thanking Inn Canadi- an friends for their sympathy in his pre- xent troubles. Shiloh's Cnre it aold on a guarantee. It cures Incipient CoiiHumption, It is the best Cough Cure- Only one cent a done ; 25 eta., 50 eta. and 91.00 per bot- tle. Burglars stole $900 in tam|M and 920 in silver from Oakville poHtofttue on Fri- day night. Two whiskey informers in Belleville have been heavily lined f..r inducing liquor men to break the law. Two hundred well-to-do English farm- ers arrived at Montreal on Saturday on their way to the Canadian Northwest. The government dairy at Wellman's Corners, Hastings county, has been making 1500 pounds of butter per week during the wiiitor all of which has been sold at 24^ cunts per pound. Women, children and cattle in Texas aru raid to bo starving to death. Water sells at 12 oeiita per gallon, and provisions aru so costly that poor people cannot pur- chase thorn. The Patrons' lodge at Oakwood, hm - ing seen the resolution regarding the old political parties pa.s*ed at the recent nu>et. iiH of the Gntnd Lodge in Toronto, have declared thunmt.-lvut opposed to any at- tempted tyranny and have formally dis- banded. Varried. CAMBBON KKLW. At the reshlenc* of the bride' < parents, on Wednesday, March 7. by the Rev. E. 8. Rupelt, B* A., Rev. P. C. Cameron, B. A., of Port- ttir- La Prairie, to Miss Lettie Kel!*, dauhter of Thos. Kells, Ks<|., Artemenia. DAVIS DAVH Ihi the th February, by Rev. D. McLeod, at Priceville. Mr. J . W. Davis, to Minim.- DaVia, nil ,,f Artu- meeia. Brm. BLACK At Priisley, on March 3rd, the wife of Dr. Black of a daughter. GREAT We are offering a large quautity of BOOTS ! SHOES -AT- VERY GREAT REDUCTIONS. Call and see us and inspect our stock of MESS', WoViENS 1 , and CHILDREN 8 light and heavy BOOTS and SHOES. \Vm. Clayton. THE GREAT SOUTH AMERICAN NERVINE i TONIC AND S-TOMACH and LIVER OTJK.E. The Wonderful HEALTH BUILDER A NERVE FOOD. Chronic DlMaes are caused by Drrauitrd Nerye Centre* at bane or Brain. nerve centres, will cause the derantje- uieut of the different organs o( tq0 body which they supply with NEBVB FLUID or NKKVK FOBCI. The wonderful success of Sou& American Nervine is duo alone to tm fact that it is based n the foregoing principle. The use of a single bottfla of this remedy will convince tbe modt incredulous. It ia indeed, a veritable NKKVK FOOD and WILL RELIEVE IN ONE DAY the varied forms of nervous disease and stomach troubles. > >r-\ onw Diseases. This class of diseases, is rapidly iB- creadiug each year, on account of tmi great wear our mod* of living aud lab- or iuiDu.se upon tlie nervous system. Nice-tenths of all the ailments tu wnicn ihe human family is heir, arw dependent, upon nervous exhaustion , impaired digestion, and a deterioratul ana impoverished condition of thij blood. Tlie South American Nervine is a great narvo food and nerve build- er ami this accounts for its marvelous power to cure the varied forms of nervous disease, such as Neuralgia., Nervousness, Nervous Prostration, 8t. Vitus'H Dance, Nervous choking, Nerf- ous Paroxysms, Twitching of the Mn3- clps, Hot Flashes, Mental Despond*- oncy, Forgetfulness, BlceplesHucsn, licstlessnegs, Nervousness of Females, Palpitation of the Heart, Sexual Weakness, etc., etc. Hold by WM RICHARDSON. LATE discoveries have absolutely proven that the Stomach and Lungs.and indeed all internal organs are coi t -oiled by the nnve centres at the base of tbe brain. The mann- ufacturer of SOUTH AMERICAN NKUMNB has studied this subject closely for more than twenty-five yean, and has lately demonstrated that two- thirds of our Chronic DiucaueB, are dne to the irrperfcct action of nerve centres, either within or at thu base of the brain and no' from the deiangemcnt of the organs thcmselvefl ; hbnce that the ordinary methodu of treatment are wrong. As all know, a serious injury to the spinal cord will at once cntlSe PARALY- stMof tin; body below the injured part, it therefore will be equally weil under- stood, how the derangements of the HEALTH FOR ALL. Holloway's Pills and Ointment. THE PITT.S Purify the blood, correct all Disorders of f .iv'i-, Stomach, Tvitln< y.-4 and J3o'wel. They inrigortt* and rentoro to health Duliilitatwl Countikutioni, and are iDvalnsble in onm-. plaints incidental to Fnumluu uf all e. For Childruu and th *c*1 uj aio pricutms. T H E OINTMENT in infallible ratredy for Had Legu, Ha<i Itrout*. Old \VoumU. Sorei and IHosrs. It li fatuous toi. Gout and HhumaUmu. For diiojnUrs of the Chest it has uo MU*|. For SORE IHROAl^BllOMIl LTIS,COUGHS, COLDS Oln iuir Swelling*, and sll Skin DlneaoM It has no rival n,4 for ooutracied ud Rtiff ,'oints it acts like a charm Manufactured only at ProffeMor HOLLOW VT'H Bttabllsbment, 7ft New Oxford Street (late 533, Oxford street), London. MiilWB sold at Is. ltd., 2 3d. ,4s Od., 11.. 9tf.. and Sit. each linxor Pot, had of all Mwl loin* Vondorn throughout the woi I<V. ff-Purctuueri should look ut the Lttbtl <m ike Pott <uui Rvaei. If Iht addreu it not 5.1.1, Oxford Xtrrri, Londun, Ilinj art jmrouj. Don't Forget To rail at Harrison's \'ew Fnrnitnre and Undertaking Establishment Old Sc onr big stock c f Bedroom Suites.Parlor Suites, Cheap Beds .Sideboards, Chairs, etc., etc.. Thanking yon one and all for past tavonrs, we still hope by fair dealing tu merit a continuance of your esteemed patronage. E, HARRISON Furniture Dealer and Undertaker. Residence over Store. Wanted, Bome good dry baaswoud in UaoU,

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