FLESHlRTdM ADVANCE BHTAMI.IHHKD IX 1881 THfc M.V D1SCASE. .Wore Sn( . ii i 1 ' M About Ergot- Ism- i n BLIIH1> WEEKLY AT TH OFFll'S, HYK> ENUAM HTR1ET, ri-lKHf KToM, OST., ^ BY W. II. THIMTOW. *l per annnni.slrlrlly In advance Advertising Rates: Qua Column. 1 yor, ;a ; half col.. 1 year, 3T quarter ool , oue year, A13. Traoslcot a<lTrtlH)iiint ebarged at the r. of out>. pr line for Ant insertion an I 3 .< uts MCb uL>m4Ui!Ul luivrtiou. Tyranny in high places will not be tolerated by the Patrons of luditstrr. This time, though, it is at their own superiors that the brotherhood is kick- ing. At the graud lodge icssiou htl.l iu Toronto latel> a motion was passed making it compulsory for members of the order to it-main ntuttal in politicn, even where there was no Patron can- didate in the field. This appears to have been too mnch, and the camel can't and won't stand it. The Dominion Parliament will open at Ottawa to-day. The session will be watched with the deepest interest. It is safe to say that never before iu the history of Canada have so many eagle eyes been scanning the doiugu ol her public sc -vants. This etateof affairs is not au evil, and will reoult in more cautious stewardship and but- ter government. County and UUtrlr.t. There are five patients in the Owen Sound marine hospital. Diphtheria is very prevalent in Brant township. Footpads held up a citizen of Han- over one night last week and rilled his pockets. At the rc-opcning services of the Collingwood Methodist chnrch recent- ly the collections and subscriptions aruoDMod to $2544. l.i-i I u ! n- tjwuiuiphad no elec- tion for municipal offices and are now dunning the Uuturio Govcruini-ut fur the fxpt i.ct H incurred for taking the Plebiscite vote. One afternoon seven years ago Mr. T. A. Watson marked a 25 cent piice, so that he would know it again if it ever came his way. He was in To- ronto fcfrw days ago, and in the course, of business came o cross liia marked quarter a^ain. Croeinorc Star. It maynot be^known that compound- ing n pc nal action is an indictable of fence whuthe r any offence has ii.fact, been coinniited or not, and any one who publicly advertises a reward fur the return of any property, which haH In 1 11 stolen or lost, and in such adver- tisement uses uuy winds, purporting that no questions will he. asked, is 1m ble to a penalty of $250 fur each of- fence. On Tuesday of last week Dr. Ulack, assisted by Dr. Kalbfloiscli, perform- ed a very difficult operation on Mrs. II. K.'pkn, of the Klora road, north, ^imiliar ruses liavn long IM en ujjaul id as cases for hospitaKtivatmmit ox ulu ively, and the fact tliat I'.ii e,'. youngest praotitionrrs siicccsslully jifi fon.icii the operation speaks voU nines for their ski:!. .'itisloy Advo- cate Dr. lil'ick is a brother of Mr. John lilur! , of Fleshciton Ktatiou. Sunday morning's big wind carried the ice out of the bay en masse, and now the ice men and purveyors gener- ally are surveying the Hopelessly liquid surf io and wondeiing what i* to be done about it. J.M. Davis Ims no ice. The C.P.R. icehouse is emp ty, and, in fact, with tho inception of a small quantity from inside tho lim ita, there is hardly any iu the town. Mr. Davis is thinking of bringing a supply from TobtYuioray, win-to there .s plenty, of splendid quality, but of ( ourse after a journey of iiTty miles it will be loiaewbat cxpenaive. At a.l events there is DO longer any hope of a Lome 8'iiiply.- 0. B. Advertiwr. ' ..I..IK HUMMERS) (" ' ...ix *rr:i ii.i. THK *Flori *,'. i' IT> < I ( UIILITY Thi- -rt-Vle iii liutt wi*-' l''vaiiC4)leat' i' , an Mir mitbronk i if ergot i.<n>i among '-"einli . ,..,. .^..tuii a decided UIIK' ; "" ir.d if lanni-ra l,i..o c.ilK'l al Hi.' <. In to to * mi'- ''< HMHCIUIUl Of OI-". i, l . .ivi: ,.l i.U. {HLSMrssiiill. ''. .10 .liiuaau is now fniind to be : com- iii . vtrn than at tir. loK.-d many i. ' .. >. : n of Ort|.ivy. \rtom ' u 1 f'ltueik, living nuu,iuu ;th it. '111. IA ' .11 ... >., f.- il::il the . ar nimi'x, li ' alter cUucts ol fri. ' ite, :>!.. .,) owners of cattle u.-i ut cai. . , i " |.M> .....ch about it, u-.mii ; f. would I aiu.iHirl t<> KTOI8 "elwuo. Now that T' A'K.incohas urn" tmUic *"> rau.ic, tins nr'urM L Us|Hdir. ...if-"e,L .us to<.;ivcand rf-uive .... -nlion on th< auliject. In e* TV case. thu V-iii- dilated i^ot hm IK.CO f .mill in t!, u fcmu .'.' and ihere in n . JuiiU '..... -T an to Llio cause of the di-i'.-iio. Mr. Jo'nn r.h< k,.-f the Stnti n, li.i; tlir'-L- e.-i'vr* UIH! a cow all'.-, i,- I. Thu calve* . ill all diu, but tltu cow may recov er. Thane aiiiiuuU were fed olf luty from which Ilie oil.. . i.iirck WHS uxcludud, and re the only <>nt:H nIFectcd. Mr. Wm Hlair ban thirteen hoad under Dr. Otte- well'g care, ami all nr/ feextvering and the unVctud purtH In :iling rapidly. Mis. M.irtin, f Iriah Lake, has lost two oowe, and four younger annuals and four more are ferious'y affWt<-d. Mr. Wesley BUM- kin, of ti.u K-irk ;,ine weat, has several niiiinali alli'Ciixi to a wlight degree, and hai discovered ergot present in their food in coniideritole quantities. In <>pn-y Mr. (iaint-y, Mr. Wm. Kerton, Mr. Jai. Muddfii and Mr. N. Mclntyre have dis- covcrtil the dinoas,' among their stock. Tin re are alao smc-ral mrious catus near Markdale. In all of these c :ni-N the symptoms pro- Kent a unit. .mi Mimlarity. The extrem- ities boooiue uH'i-ciud to Much a dcttree that the aninia'. hnn not tho use of iu legtt, and in the second iitage sb uflles around an though its lts were wooden ]...-. la Hume instanctti suppuration suls in, in other* the skin remain* iutac'. One of Mr. J'liiir'* a..i>n*N lout itH hoof,l>ut new akin ban f ".c<l undui tho old ami ilir ' ' ' wi recover. Mr. Hlauk haa a case in ich only tlio tail ii at'r.i.il. With Mr. I'.uskiii tli canes are not surioui, only patchea of t!i hair falling otl'. In the moro advanced itageg of the the tendoiin ol the leg* rfuae to p their function, tho r.nimal cnnnot up, <>r when it dnu rmtK upnn iht leg from tliu h.Mif to the knoo join', lr<nl backward. In HOHH caods the skin be- tween th.; knou and foot beconion ]>ti. k.-r- f>'l nnd puffed, prc-Rontinx th a|i| ai.tm i- of a circular ^mwiii, which si. in li.ivf iniHtakcii for a broken and iv knit l> n<>. thereby forming l!ie erroneous idtii 'I, .it the bone had Woome afTectod. In other* again, wlivre thf niHtter is not iu BCTIUUI, tlio animals Bin:p'y "uppcar t-> bo not do- ing well," a n. ii- ^.-iiil m.in expvcj oil it. Where Ukun in hand iu tie earlier BtJtgi-H by Bom-- i. in' who under ttand the trc;itiiiunt i\'i|'.i,i;i;, .re\tu in l.itor stayes before gaugiune Huta in, tlirrr appcnti to be n i renmu why no inum Hhoiild i'i.-. Mr. RUir'a hord aome of whom wure budly m c is. il,j.i-..n-a tliis to our batikfuctiiut, aa all are ro coveriiiK under Dr. Ultewell'a uv.t'mnit. AB to the cauie of the prevalence ot thu fungoid i" the fodder, wo aro Mill of the opinion that mn reasons ndvikncul lust 1 1 k were th truu one*. The exceeding- ly moist soakon of last spring was p ru lUrly aJapted to its tievolupineiit, cau.s ing the growth of its .sp ires in at>n,.rn> i i|iiantiticH. It ppe,>rs, however, t<> Iu pnjrUciilarly prevalent in Juno gras and early varieties of h:xy. In six rii. oin of which we arc t-rrtiiin thia cliuw of I. .. iliir bus c.-Mi><iiil the tiiiulilc. Wliy our In nilily slum.. I be un|ipcilly Hikiptti.l to ill.. d'jvel.>|iomeut of tliis funt{ i.l is linn) to futhom, but such wuiild np)war to I. th case, as no evidence of any ninnln outbreak in this count' y ii befoie us. I. the trouble continue* it will tie nocettary for farmer* to run all fodd.-r thiougli tin threshing machine in i.rd. r to de atcii liio argot fnim t'lu grain head or stalk. In a portion of our edition last vie. k ilia name of Henry t'nirim was sul>titu;cd for wltat should have l*iii Frank, in lie article referring to tuberciili>*ia. LLEWEI1YN IN TROUBLE At Uriu|ii<>u AWIUM Monday a true bill wa* rsturiied against Mao'-Vhci and Walker, the alleged murderers. I > The trial opraed on Tineday . Iu the Police Court on a Charge of l.;-.r.- n, THI UANAtlER OF TH8 LBri'MT II..N HO I- AM) V:.BF.K CCMPAKT, OF KM.ESIA, i:rs rorL or A MR. KOGKilS UWT > 1,700. The fo!li)wiiijnrticle iippcarcd in thf Toronto Kni|iire uf Friday lat,. There tre very mai.y in thin (. irt inUree<l in Mr. Mnrriuiin nii.l In* method*, one way or another, '< all of wlmm the article will jir.ivo uxtreuiely inturtstiug : Oil Tuesday uet Mr. Llewellyn A. Mi.rri.s..n, ! |: v r ley street, wlfi ap I .rail | i'. lice Court to aiitwer a of larceny pnf. rr.d l.y Joel Robert, M'-Ki-i,;-.i.i ircsi-i.t. Tho charge arise* out uf some UIMIIOCH arranin ineiitx by w liicli tin- two 11:1-11 we; uaociated in a ] itni>!ii[i kin-v. u ju Tlie Pcr'tction HD..II ami Vi-i:i-r Coni|mny, with factory at Kujfcnia, Grey uimnty, mid an ottice in tlio Coiifcdernt.on Life htiilding. Mr. R'-gers' rtory toaii Enijjire reporter lasl ni^lit i,, the effect tUl in December, !Ni. ho was iM-iiiiaiK.il hy Mr. Morriaon, who i* the inventer of the machinery ii tlu: mill, 1 1 invent 81, 7OJ in the concern which he alleges was represented to be ii. if;ctljr solvent aud free from debt. InsteuU of this being the cae, J'r. Roger* my* that, there waa not a piece of n.a- cl.inery in the mill that had not a lien on ii. Th.-ro wore aeveral others in the company, but the arrangement wa* tint Mr. Morrison was to manage the buti- nuM while Mr. Ruger* was to keep the books and look after thu nuance* of the conr>i>anT. His salary wa to be 100 per mouth, but he lay* that he has never got a cent. In a month or two trouble aroo* be- twoon Roger* and Murrinm, and it was arranged that Rogeri should withdraw frmnthe firm, the agreement being that Roger* should aMtigu hi interest to some- one i-lse, nnd he was to receive f 1,700 in 30 day*. This agrewiiunt, Rogers say*, wa* not fulfilled, so he .sued in the Ainiza, Ci.nit U-foro Justice frguson,but failed, bis lordnhip holding tJiat a* the 11, i at lixd never bueit c*rrit-u out . wan itill a nhareJiolUer in the company. Thi* deuinion has still bjen upheld by the Dn iiioual Court at Otgoode hall. At the first Iritil Mr. Rogers say* that Mr. Mor- ns >n MM-oru he had taken all but $5 of the in.. in y In hud put into ihe buiinens, and hu .ilso nays that th assignee*' boob* will show that Lo be the case. Mr. Rogers innkfN many other lerivus charges against Mr. M'.m- >n which he Hays will be pr niin at the trial on Tuesday next. Mr. s informed the reporter that the was laid wiidur suction ilJl of the Criminal Code, which says that "Tbeft ni.iy 'o* i >'..iiiittud by one of several joait pirtm-is i.. ,/thiux capable of beine stolen against ti> other person* inturunt- cJ tlici'i-in." Priccvlllc. From our ouw Corrnpondetit. It in somewhat intofeatinK and amusing t> 111. tin- tho variety of ways in which different porsoiu look upon the great thaw we have h:td | (l t,-ly. It is n exact -x -inp'irn-.iti'iu () f tho copy-net we used yi-t iu (Ko UngKgn, viz. "Many 11,1 n i ui- ninny minds." In conversing with n |.-i>p'i! M Hull they are very t!e BIIOW U gone, while perhaps neighbors acti- ns tho road are exceedingly lorry. A few ouiinoimly n'lake thuii .iiU and >ay that such lino weather at tin- | i-- t-ni time pr.-.^iurs a r< u^h, Cold spring. Dllieisaj,':ii-.i ;ue uu much cmi .nii .-.'mui tin- iii-iiu r for it i* all one to till .n uhuil.er t! e MI w in. UN in Ma.ch o. iliaw.i in April. Howe\tr all a L -rn' . n >iio [i .i-:t and thai i thu,"wc nri.-.t tu u itli.ii> v, arn it comet ' even if vie poareiu. mi :i>i In ntio i^ijiy of A.er's \lmaiiac. ".M.ikii-i; nmple sugar" (aud H\rup) Iu* coiiiiiii-nct d in thindMtrict. We huve iilrenly been ilie forttnmte n*cipintH of a very lil.i nil mip|.|y nt that iiiiMt delicious of all fluids muplo " ino!!a*e," (Oh ' you iK-oilu't come out Mr. Ed. as we uiadx s-hort work of it.) The hearty tlian n < ol all are due to !>.-. OMeweil and ju E litor for the tln.irngli exp'itinuti. u* en in the foluinii* if the Advan.ru l*t w .-k. ii mi the peculiar disease* (I. at havu l-r.'keo out .inion.' some of the hertll .f Sontii drey. ..ii-;nig.-uion of the St. Coliiml.ua ill i o .1 n -i i-iv,-i a Huitable i n a- nearly 1700 have *!- -rl. -I toward* it. '1'lit-ru r.Hocofl NK|I utt feaiul. U ii I'i'.ilil a 11500 striictun-. M,. .1. Ii. liniwn has his "bike ' rii/ged M. EICHAED2CW & CO- m Prints, lew Prints, lew Prints. Piles of new Prints jnst opened. Muslins. Verona Cords, t>- Laines and newest things in Dress goods. Why wait till the pret- tiest patterns are picked out? The choicest designs of this year cau be had IVTCW and at lowest prices. We Imve New T wrcds, New Suitings, New Panting*, and they arn -marked at quick sellings prices. \ very large con-i^niii, nt of Cottonades, Ginghams and Shirt- ings just pnt into stock, mi 1 selling at prices lower than ever. New Carpet*, New Cnrtuiua aud an immense range of Wall Pap- ers just ojicucd. Our house furnishing stock is the most complete we have ever shown. We open in a few days vpry large deliveries of Boots and Shoes, Hats, Clothing, Mmillrs and Millinery. Just arrired, oil i MI- Io 1 of 3>i;jir direct from refinery, and an- other consxnrnciit nf cheap Teas. OnrBO Ib. family packnge of choice Japan Tei at -2,\ cents. Direct import challenges Leon, st c unpc-iition. M. RICHARDSON & CO. l^fcSflSfiSflBaOT up in, good shape iu rvvjincss for the Rvan'i spin. J. D. uwrm the only ma- chine in the burg at pn'sen'.but hopes he will have company cro hn; iu. r tu:ie comes. Mis Ida Blakecton'is TiMti-ix friends in the vicinity of !Iiirrisn at pM-neut. Mr. Thoin.-..i Neni^h, w!,o Mjxjnt th winter ii the wiM;d >f Al^nuia, i* home again Mr. James Brand^r was up to O. S. last week dn jury. Born On Friday the 9th, the wife of Mr. John McfJown of At St. Thomas Monday. 0. E. Young, accunod of murdering Fredrick Ulovi-r, of Son! h wold, pleaded guilty tu m uis'nii^lif- er and was sentenced to penitentiary for life. TEACHER WAMD Annuitant Tnaeher for 8. 8 No. 8 T->wn*hlp o( '.|'lir*i>i* for :1 mouth*. Aiiplv it&niiu "alary ml guallflcationito the BMiMIMd TruitM*- Dutiea tu ocuimeucu on April Itt IHUi. P. nilhi-rt . -ci.il . V. Wallaru Tnut Kiinl.iUjr P.O. TENDERS WANTED. Tender* will IN) racvlvail by tilt nmlartlRnrd Truntos for tint erection of an .l.h! ->rli....| HOUH in S. s No. .1 Towiubip of l .n phraale, UII March Mb 1M4. The lowmf ui auv tender not Q*c<Mnrlly acrr|>twl. I'laun nml spouiflcstlonH may b ecD atJ. R Fw- cott's. Kluiberlvjr. E. Gilbert \ W. Hcott -Teoaers. D. Wallsc* I Date.1 thi 1.1th day of | March !MM "Only the Scars Remain," Says TTEVRY II rnso.s-, of the Jame Smith Woolen Machinery Co^ Philadelpbla, Pa., who certi- fit's as follows: " \ in. ,n< tli many temiinoni- . alt which I sre in regard to cer- tain mediclnea performing cures, cloanatng the blood, etc., Bono Impress mo moro than my own e a, . Twenty yoara ago, at the aga of 18 yearn, I had welling* comn on my leg*. which broke and became run- ning lore)!. Our family phy- aiclaa oouM do me no good, and U was (eared that tho bones would b* affected. At last* 017 good old Mother Urged Me totry Ayer-sSarsapnrma. I took thr<v bottle*, th lore* healed, and I have not been troubled clnce. Only the *oar* remain, and the) memory o2 th past, to remind ta of tho Rood Ayera artaparHU haa don* mew I now weigh two hundred and twenty pounds, and am In the best of health. 1 have) been on the rMt lot the pevst twel re years, have notloed Ayer*a 8e*> aaprllla adTwtiaed !m all parts ol the United Ma***, an4 always tak glm ee 1 telMng what good It did foe ma." Ayer*s Sareaparllla Carefully Corrortrd Each Hi?fc ::::::::::::::;:::::: * ^t?;" s ; Barley ~...""2~'-.'".'^" '" * "' Oat* In -ii to . ___ Mutter ......... f.*b ..... 1 to M to * 30 to l orl | Bl * SWP-- .::::::::::: Iff 1 *>. __ BOO to to to 1 1 Hbi-etMkloi. ; O<dw Turkey. :;;;;;; Chlekonsner ualr.. .. KVZf? wc..i. . ...:..T':::.:: to li- to at :n K i, n t SI ii .1 6.1 UHB In the mattrr of tin- Estate of Koer terrr. Inle of i .- VII- ' ,' n-Hpri,,n. U. Jhe oamy of fcrey. Esquire, Ue- * , 1 ",; 1 ""'"' "t.n., t uf th k n I'M,. r * "'" r "''tll ,Uv t>f A. I). IH.M. ittm*ntia writinaofihulr wut.h.. JttHthiUy of April, 1-94, the .aid Klecutor wi.,i'M>c.>Hl to .h.irlbut. tlio .et. of th iS " Uch ,'' t0th " clal "" " f wl'ich r,: ball Imv.Uwu K , veu ab ^ rwnilrwl .ml tho ,J c,. ut or will not be liabl. C8 *- orth ' ir LUCAS A WKIOHT. Owoc sou u.l. Ont. n . , .. , nnlor tKi,l Mi DUd the lit day of March, A. U low*. WALL PAPER. We have Just received ouy Spring Stock of Wall Paper, and for Quality, Beauty and Prices it cannot be Ivat. It you want any, now is your time, before the rush. T1MARE. We have just received a shipment of Tinware that makes our Stock complete, and havmp; bought cheap, our prices are the lowest. For Instance : A 10 quart MILK PAX f,,r 15 ct* A I .|iirt DIPPER fur Sou : A N-. 9 COPPLtt *KA KETTLE, 1.33 A lOqf. SAP rU'OKKTAi Spoon, 10 eta :t t; i,t MILK PANS for 25 cts. If you need ANYTHING nail here and get it. HARDWAKB. Builders would do well to get Our Prices for all kinds of Building Hard- ware before buying elsewhere, aa we boy in Large Qnantities.and ofcourso get the Goods cheaper. All we ask is au iiiHpection of Our Goods and Prices. 1U! It'll IRDSOMS hardware