Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 15 Mar 1894, p. 1

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" TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." " PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN.' VOL. Xm., NO 654. FLESHERTON, ONT., TEUBSDAY, MARCH 15 1894. W. H. THURSTON , One of the finest assortments outside of Toronto and at prices to meet every pocket, from $1.25 np. Silverware. A full stock of beautiful and useful goods in cruets, pickle dishes, preserve dishes, knives, forks, spoons ornamental goods, &c. Jewellery. A magnificent choice in every line, from watches to collar buttons. Armstrong Bros. Resberton ot a SPECIAL LIY ES IN BOOTS and SHOES to suit the season. Men's and women's winter wear selling off at anil below coi-t to make room for spring stock. Oar stock is very Urge mad complete, and iu order to get room for spnug goods, this stock must be sold regardless of prices. Call early in order to gel first c'.ioice. JOS. SMITH, Plesherton. Damages \ and \ GENTLEMEN : I DESIRE TO ANNOUNCE that I Lave taken over the Carriage and Wagon making business lately carried ou by Mr. Moore, and am now prepared to fill all orders in my lino to your entire satisfaction. Having lately added to my sixteen years' expe- rience in the business a iin> months' training ia one uf the best carriage shops in tho city of Detroit, where I succeeded in carrying off a first class recommendation, ought to be a sufficient guarantee that all work will be done in a first elans manner. I manufucttiie Wagons, Buggies, Cutters, Sleighs ; iu fact everything in the car riage line. Wood and lumber taken iu exchange. Kindly give me call. D. LJ 1 ^ "V I I < . FlL-sliertoii Nest doot to UcTaviah's blacksmith shop. ^i^ENTL ME I desire to call your attention to my |-i waiter stock of Cutters, which will need no words ol **4 iccjtn..icndation from me, as I will leave the public to jud<r for themselves. I have also on h.inj a stock ot heavy sleign?, ^i_asurc sleighs, market sleighs and skeleton sleighs. All I ask is a call, and judge for yourselves Thanking my many friends for their past favor?, I i^ main, yours truly, K. T. WHITTEN cMATSJRADE MAis COPYRIGHTS. r\\ I OBTAIN A I-VTK.NT? for a pmtnpt SHr and in lioixoi uini.iun, WTIM td MINN A ; ... who tiuva bnO iidwliufi; -r' xpsrtsiMMf*) tb pnti ' bnninotA. ' onimnnlc*- iluLa jtni'i ly nfmrttli'it! n.l. A llniifthoirk "I in- ! i Tin riiiiorniDll rnl'-iitn HI i liow t4, ul- oiin {ham ft'Mt fi. i'. \:- r, .1 >irKlnguuof l lui! AJI.I Hi UMiUflc bqokft .lant free. I'nioniK ukan tbrouuli Munn A Co. rewire txir.nl nuCloe In tho .. li'nlllir AMH-I trnii, ana thi: are hmuxht widely twrnrouiv imiiho with- out o<wt to the InTfntor. 'I'hla Mulnndld pftpur, taMNd wMklr, nifguitif illW'Hted, IM br rr Ui* J>f i of any KOI. -iiMi.c work In U.* world. 93 a rar. Sni|J oopicn ent fre*. KniMl*Mtf Ibltti'in, niontiny, Coplefl, '^.> Gttnt*. plv^ry iiuiu lllul plain*. In ooliirn, Hid nhotnuraphi o( now bunms, with placa, nntollng nuliili-; - to ahow tb lan}ei>inimii] w'lirii.iMiirii.-i.. Addrai liDSiTS Co^ Mw TOIIK, 3l BBUADWAT. Faria for Sals or Exs' oago, A Rare Chance. F'OR Sale or Kxcliii,- for Vllliv<a property In gK-<M"rton. Maxwell. 1. I; I-...I-MI. r l-'"vi nliir.. ; vnliialiln Kari'i |>I I"" I ' inn "i "I Kllnlturli'y ui Mi- \.il"V.'i'p pf UuphrMlSk Ull tllii preiii InM wi' T ^ ' > 1 rrm.m '>mi<-!, l)-rii un liimmi. B!MI it mniil orchard nntl n wilb wtir. Aj i>ly to W. A D4Y.HAX. Ag t fol S i WAjN IEL) S iuh'r contoillfi IH-UII- . . il our ' i y ck, suit Sood PotMouH, full ami i-o, i line. Many variotion rah only b obtnin ml through us. <-i-ni:ni . ipii or na!nry paii' I'tiv Kxoliiiilve anil oboioe "f turrit ii) i, -on, Uon't dolay, wiit.i at mm.. Milt. AU.EN Xi-BSKBY Co., R..ohclor,N. Y Eppiug- corrrtpon'lt tit. OIPII oorretpoHdtnt, The muniucrs of UK* E. L. A. wwru un- What delightful weather we are hav- fortunatu in tho Heh-ct ion of an eveiiini; ing. No winter lingtnitK in the lap of for their concert. T!u- ld atato of the spring this yi>ir. II . v v. r, wo had ruuls and tlio darkness of thoi'veiiiii<_; no bnter not Ixn t, March is not out yet. dim'.) prevent ed n largo number from at- j The fanners '<> the oast of us ure Uk- tendiuf;. Tho object of these entertain- J ing time by the forelock this spring ntgnts, viz , to provide funln fur the Messrs. Londry and Burns havu been building of a new Presbyturian church in ploughing. Tiiey will surely get their Eugenia, IB no doubt a worthy one and it work done early. IB to be hoped that tho wc.-tthiT will not j Mr. Mi Kniyht boa had a windmill intervene again t.i prevent a lurgo attend- i erected on his bain to be used fur grain ance. The Fleshcitou church choir un- crushiut . turtaioed thy audience with excellent Mr. Manning's youngest chili 1 , flfiiry, music and are to b thanked for coining died week before huit of scarlet fever, out on such an unfavorable evening. Oilier children who were similarly affect Tlie people here are grateful to them and ed have n-.-ovurcd under Dr. Bennett's hope to have them many times more. The little folk of Bu^enia assisted very materially in entertaining those prevent. Tli* proceeds amounted to ne.-ir $12. The Salvation Army baa been holding very successful meetings in Salem church the number of the converts baring in- creased largely. Miu Cole, of Fliwherton, spent a week with Mr. and Mm. Bogg here. The Eugenia Koot-ball Club is about to reorganize for the coming season. With the experience of bat year, and the uc- COM which cmwned their efforts, a atronn c >mbinaliun may ba looked for. Last year our boys won 8 goal and lost _, skilful tn- itnifiit. Mr. Ge->. Bum:., of Nnttawo, fonnely of this pliwe, and bride, (noe Miss Emma PuntMMid) visited friends in this neighbor- hood laat i-k. Mr. Stafford, of Kimberley, has rented the farm opposite that of Mr. John Katun from Mr. J.J. Johnson, of Muafurd. Mr. John Unckluliank is busy prepar- ing timbn fora new barn on the Bell farm, which he bought iu the fall. Eimberley. I-' Kim our uum corretfNmdent. The tine weather continues and Hpring See our stock and prices. C.J.LEITCH, MERCHANT TAILOR. bulb of which wore Ijut by "flukes ' ; soenw U, be at our doors. which are nut likely to occur again. Mr. SonirrH hu bvi* presented with two beautiful English pug dog by friends in Mr. Joel Rogers, of 12, McKenzie Cre- wnt, Toronto, on.- o( thu unfurtuiiatu victims ut thu "Pytfovtinn" Hoop & \ ,-n eer Co., cuargev Mr. L. A. M-irrmon witli NOTICE. duties is hereby jivso that tke larceny in cunnuctinn with thu Liku many more honeittly disposed men, he w:u*, it is alli'g .1, httguilud into thu cjiiccrn by repreiwjnutionH which wur false almost in their uutiruly. Ilia lion- ol trUhtfullnuM Inn coit him,it isallujod, the very ouimidcralilo sum of $1700. It is to be hoped 'hut he has lots tnoro to the back of it, and in that cane he is not so unfortunate as some honest and btraiqhtforward men in ibm community lie will have the heartfelt .sympathy *f each and 1! whu know 'inylhiiiK of thu employed by this man Morrison. Maxwell i Mm. .las. Thunton u visitiinj her son, the editor of the Fleaherton Advance. K.'VH. Waddbll. of Kimbfrlt-y, and Kd- wiirda, of Mnrkdalu, oicli&iiL-t'd pulpit* . liu.t Sabbath. Mr. A. B. Bell ia busy drawing home hm good* which T. B. C. purchased while in Toronto liu>t Week. Mr. Johnston had a sale on TuoacUy in older to toll of his stock anil uii|-l> IIKIIU l>rparatory to luatrini; for Manitoba. There seems to be quite a number of nmiriBHt's bi-iiii; contracted in nud around this vicinity. Albert McLean nml Miss Yvaey wore mode oue last \Veil ne><luy. Roller Flouring Mills are now open, for busi- ness, and in full opera tion- A J' irst Class Mil- ler has been employed, and 1 will guarantee satisfaction- Bri n.i* a, long your custom, work. \ Chopping done at all times ^ ! A.B. Bell, - Prop. lIfshTtu:i Prom mir OIPH ' ' m > Evoi-) thiiiK wxini* very quiet, there him hven vury little grain coming in the pant wruk. \Ve ..iv v<! 1 tij learn tliut Mr. D. Me- Le"d is !{fttii!{; better after his li.ng id PisirMlftanven6Rl Mfg j 3. Ean, who hat '.eon very On Wudin-ndny of la-^t week snother of ^ ^ ^ t| j| ^ 8 ] ()W these happy events in the form of a wed ook place :it the homo of ReevejGatti Mrs. VVuimlioro is nlo vt-iy ill. Mr. \V. McDuunal and family have oy, when bin daughter Knte WIIH umuul in , oft ^ ^^ md to ;jvo uoar Bar . wedlock with Mr. John S|>e,urs. The young couple- have ihe beet win-lies of all ne. who know tlu-iii. church on Momlny. the .iih, for the pur- Mr. Vi'i'Honand ihmghti r,cf Creemore, are vmilin-^ his daughter, Mrs. W. Me- A DieeLing WOK hnlil at t.ho M. -tliodi.it | .. ... Mr. J. MoMillian gnt a oow badly pime of aeeing .-ilxutt bricking the Meth- odist church. The shod at tho hotel hsn been re roofed. 1 Miss Cooler itpcnt a few days with t!.e Mi SON. S>tr,-icliiin lately. MUs Aggie Si nu him has beou in Tor- onto lor .1 time. Thu MittuM Hamilton, of Collii.gWfiod, spent a few days with their uncle, Mr. Kdw.nl McCalliini, lately. T!n: sociiil Ht tin. lionio if Mr. Tho. Guy un Tut-aJny evening was a grand tuo- I). DIcTavLsli, UnU.sEsnoKR AM) GENERAL BLACKSMITH. Collingwood Struct, FLESHERTON, - ONT. lnKik" '. I y one of Ins other head. iy lose tho COW. Manufacturing of XVaKKonn. Sli-i^lif r>rnncrat, KU-. H<" Uiooiuil pi r">' nt . ,IIII|K| to. SinK-iai attention Kivnn to nontnct i-l ur ttMiiler in i . Loggina and Plow Chiiintt run- tuntly >n li i i<l. M'liri.son went to Toron to havi lonio more i v;i I; in town tliis aunmier. . ZiOil. Mr. JLiisli .'. vfo. k. We art) t'luiii i. in inni Correspoit We are j{lJ * '' n ''' tlj 'aro t 1 ,it i'tlli- ''".ylor.il no-v i hiou- J iy l>.'in Ii ".,' n'' ' Ncrious ill); M a I..K* rt-tur'n-d homo H. Is in T'.roruo. Mis. t'oiii'ii i, "i B'ovorsham, witfc M1a i "d : -i.ir In';-.. The fnllowiiiK is the Honor Roll for I i i- !', Utirary : IV. Cl'iMS, sr. E. Rmli-dii'p, M. Conk, S. Whittnki.'r, V. Rumiey. I >. i..-., jr.-C. Co-.k, A. Chislett. 111. I'liisi, Hi 1 . (' M-iiii, M. Rosa. III. CUM, jr \ Ashd-n, \V. Kut 1.-.1-,.. \V. II. nii>hill. II. ' M. Willunnson, C. Rut- Icil'.'i- ! ' . MrMi.i'i II. IF. <' . jr.- i'! ui-n.-t- Thiiiii|i-i'ii, L. ', M -Mullen. P,. I'M 1 ,,. McMullcn. E.Wliittrikur, F. Itn.l. l^o. . ,". -K. 'V.inx',,,:.,, B. \: . U : ii Mi. M.-iik \VihiMi hid a valuable hoiiii,. : "ii 'I'u ->.lny. Mr. II. Ka:-liidt haa xol.l out his tin wn,:e 1-iiNiue-a Ht \V,iller< .iti'd with friend* t.i Mr. ) nines Moore. f '<--'-k. 1 The AdvoriUer nays the Shallow Lake Mr. in.il \i.\-i I< ht. SlcK.ee have nmv . ,. . , . _,, got! laiter's motli. ^ment works are flourish,^. 1 he cor . or. Mn.Thi.uii. n-h-i,, th.-y will ninke P-">y ll ve b**W evon and eight th'ju- 'huir liuiiiu for 4 Uagtli of time. isanu barrels rei.iy for sh HAVEYOU BACK-ACHE WILL CURE YOU " Baokao he means the kid- neys are In trouble. Dodd'a Kidney Pills give prompt rtlief." "76 per otnt. of disease i< first caused t / disordered /..-- neye. 'Mtghtfistuet/ try to have a healthy e/fy without Miftr- age, at good h'lltfi when the kidneys are dogged, they are S- ilj liy ill <WIn or of pric (D ctii. par Dr. I.. A. Smith A to. bDahasjMlUtMv the ^avengers of the ttystem. "Oelny / dangerous. Neg- I oe ted kidney troubles result In Bad Blood, Dyspepsia. Liver Complaint, end the most dan- gerous of all. Blights Disease, Diibetss and Dropsy. " ''The about diseases c annot exist where Dodd' Kidney Pills are used. Mnt by m.iil .MI n- rlpt b.* or nix i" \V rite fur , 3 *

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