THE FLESHIRTON ADYANC Advertising Bates: Obe C'olamo, 1 year. 850 ; balf ool., I year, *f quarter ool . one yoar. 13 Trni.enl advertUrtuent charged at the rate of 8 coult per line for flrtt Insertion and 3 conu each subsequent tuacrtlou. The Ontario Legislative is called tor the despatch of business on Wed- nesday, Feb, H. Tlie Toronto World figures it out that there will be no election before the middle of May next. Latest returns ol the prohibition plebiscite in the Province show that there is a majority of over 80,000 for total prohibition HO far, with a num- ber of back townships to hear from. When all are counted the majority will not be much short of 100,000. Hyattsville, Md., was the first town in the world to adopt the single tax. It is also the first town in tin- world to practically demonstrate the foolish- ness of the single tax. The citizens have adopted a new charter, the sing- le tax clauses being all eliminated. Hamilton Spectator. Wednesday, Fell, M, is the Da; ,\|i|M>tnt <<! to Nominal** a footer- vatlre < TO COKTTjrr r.AKT ANIi CENTRE flKET IS THE COMIMO KI.KiTIOV TO THE I.K.IN I.A11VK AflHEUBLY. Tho annual meeting of East and Centre Crey Conservative* waa hld in Marsh's bull, MMrkdale, on Friday last A heavy at'.rui tid blockud the roads but Htill the iittendaiicu wa* tfood, at leant a hundred rei<rem>ntatives being present. President Kells occupied the chair and gave an m- tereiiting talk on the situation. By a vote of the mooting it waa, decided to hold a convention at Kocklyn on Wednesday, Feb. 14, for the purp.xM of nominating a candidate to contest the riding in tho com- ing election to the Local Lexiidaturc. The following olli run were appointed for the ensuing year : President -ThoH Kells; Vice Preit., Thos. Aber nnnbia Rec.Sec., W. McL .ughrey ; Trent. .).--., lirodie. . CorreMpoiiding aecretanea Jf,,lii. Cornett, Dundalk ; Dr. S,-.,tt,M.ix well; Dr. Dickuoii, Desboro ; \V. D..I on, Rock ly n. Auditor* W. A. lirown, J iv Elliott. Vice IV, -.1 U-iii- Artemesia, \V. Sharp ; Opruy, John Clinton , Pro ton, John Abbult ; Kii|ihraia, fl. G. Dt-v et ; C.illingwoo.i, K. Suueliur ; Meafi.rd]; J. J. Johnston ; Holland, Jat. Webb, Sullivan, John Sparrow ; Thoinbiiry, Thos. Andrews ; Markdale, John Doug- las ; Dundalk, Thos llanbury ; Shel- liuruo. Win. Jelly ; Melancthou. Kainuul McDowell. . TlieM;.e.ikers were MessrH.Dr.Sprouli-, M. P., and Major R..rke, M. P. P. Tlie following rctui.uUofi* were put to the ine.-iinx and carried by an overwhelming majority, only four diHientiviila being ob- rvable : Rt-oolved-Thnt we, tho mumlrers of Kint and Centre Grey Liberal Uuimervative Association, de.ire to place on recoid our continued conhdeiioe in the policy of tin Liberal ('ons.-rv jnve parly, and adher tin e to ita prrce) i* and practice* as ex- pounded duriiw the past fill by thu lead er and members of hi* cabinet in thi* rid ing. Wo believe th^t the Conservative caninet haH done nothing in the pant at which trueConsetvativts can cavil. W believe that the present iivernnient i* thoroughly comp^'eni to contn<I the ahi| of state in tjiue of storm or calm, am carry us on to greater peace and greater prosperity tbun *voij that degree which ire now e-.ijoy. Iteaojved That it i* our nlaunch pur pose to stand steadily by our pn-N.-ii pr. ii.n/r, .->u .loin Tn jiii|i.v>n, believing linn to be the most able for the pos ition o/ premier f tins great and grow iloni.iiioii, ind ti.-k.l of tli old an.) honor able Conservative party of Gamma. Wi wish lo j'l.i ! on irv<r).l our desire thai the government will And it pos<ilja t. arrange the tariff in such a way as \ bear Tout heavily upon the ayiii-ul'ma community. While furuign C'iui.'iit* HI consulted wiih fi am ul difliculiien ou own is blewu I with a fair ,1, ^n- of proa jivnty, whiol. w ooimider a matter f atiiing CMiignr'. illation In conclusion wo di'iire to rum w r j lodgns of lence i'i our own representative, Ur Sproule a*d iliould hn i\;ioi aik our sulfr*i!i pierce him ou- undivided tupport inn I , tr ist tin.' the time i* not tar d is . h,n jie will .. it . ii t position in it: ahmet, for which hi* abilities have ao ininently ntid him. UoKiUod Tbiir w.t hivu noticed with luaaur* the coursi- of our leader, W. H. (eredtth, in the I>K'JI! House during th ast three yoarK. Hih tinu stand upon 10 school i|Uutiiiii, hi* opiioaition to tho (ntmlixation of power in Toronto and his dvi>oacyof tho cim'tioii of county "!ti- urn by thuae who pay tliem, particularly oiiiiiiandi our continue. I loynl supp<irt ntil theprineipluH hx hav <> nobly fought nr o many years ahall or acknowledged a the prnpt-r onu* upon which to govern his province, and ln;i!aiioii be \iMMit\J4i iv effect then to, iiii-i WH not.) with iloasure the i>roi.i^ S<; -'.'.n^ :n iii|ip'iri of heae principloa throi i;ho\it the pro\ inn-. Ve aliMi dwiro I" B(fcnowl*lg( the loy.%1 upportgiTvn tn ML-. Meredith by our neiuber, Major IWkc. The convuiiiiiin then adjourneil and he mMiibers partook of .tti aHfpHII Bpru.vl urniiihed by mine host'. Miir.Oi, at tho ex- >enae of the twn ineiiibers for tho ridin;. i,J voter's list for prohibition plebiscite vuta. fO.OO. Carried. Moved by Mr. Best and seconded by Mr. Thomson. That W. H. Thunton be paid the following : for election sta- tionery supplied 910.82; printing plebis- cite biillottrt. 93.00 ; for aaxessmont rolls and BcheduUu and printing financial Hiatrmunt, S2M.70- Carried. M..TI-.I liy Mr. Thompson and aeeonded by Hear, That Win. Taylor be refunded $1,50 for st.f.uut labor charged to him in error and that the amount be charged to J.unoi Cornfield on ruad lilt of 1804 Carried. Moved I y Mr. Kelt* and seconded by Mr. McMillan, Thai the sum of 20,a> l paid to John Clark for work done on IMS,, linn, cou. 3 eawt, at lot* Ul and 122, and the tame be charged to special Riant Hindu to said place in 18V-3. Carried. Moved II.T Mr. K'-lln ao<l sceondad b; Mr. Ttioui|isou* That F. T. Can be rvfun<1e<l $6,50, being amount paid by him on Hnsosiiinent "f <ni<i \Vn>. r!"nn*t. h>, Bcnont Laving left the county. Carried. Council a-.joiirned to ioe*t on the trst Monday in M*rcb. The newly elected Council of the town- hip of Artemesia for l!ie year IS'. 1 1, met n the Town Hall. Henherton, pursuant oitatute, on Monday, Jan. 16th, 1894. IfU-r the members bad taken the ne- essary declarations of i|u;iliUcation it was moved by Mr. ThompMin amj KoconJed by Mr. Best, That ill, ...,., Kells be irst deputy-reev e and Donald McMillan to-second deputy-rouve of thi* tuwtikhip or the year 18!4. Carried. The Council Itoin^; fully urbanized the ollowihg business < transacted. Robert Campbell and Joseph Williams >etitioned the council lo change the boun- larie* uf scluMi! Bucti >ns 11 and 13, a* oilows ; By taking lot< -'-' and 23 iu the eighth concession and IOIH 'H in the 10. 1 and 12 concouions from S. ij. Nu. 11 and place the nai nn in S. S. N... 13. Joseph Willuuiu |>ersoiiajly petitioned he Council to remove hm lots 22 and 23 n the 8th concilmion from Ward No. 3, and place the SHIIID in \Vurd No. 4. R. J. Sproule appliud to the Council to i one of the nmlitors lor 1894. Samuel How' r, certified that 3eorge Hutchinson, jr., had performed one day'* work in hi* beat in 181(3, an<l wan entitled lo a rofnnd of one dollar charged to him on roll of 1H!I3. By-Lawn No's. 4'.I5 to limit the number of Tavern licenses to lie nutued in the township to live; 4!Mi appointing W. T. McKee, niisuasor for Ih'.M ; 4!'7 appoint- ing Peter Ihdiimn, M. Kdey and (jeo. I,. Latimer nnd the Ketivu snd clerk, a local board of he.<lih for IvM , 4''8 amxiiiitiiii; James Brinlie nnd K. J. Sproule, audi lore for !M!i4. were intriHliici'd and read a first, second snd third tiinu and |KW<ed. Moved by Mf.sri. Tlioin|,son nnd ISest That a bylaw be iiitroducitl to amend the bylaw dividing lliu townshi|i into wards liy removing |.it 'J'J .in .1 '_'.'!, o ui. H, from Wurd 3 and placing thu siime in \\.n.l4 Carried. Moved bv Mr. Thonipion. aeconded by Mr. Hest, Tb. it thu petit ion of Uoliert Jainpbell and Jimepli Uilii.ium nuking for certain chanueii u. the boundaries of school sections Nos 11 und 13, bo tmter- tained, nnd t...a llm clerk notify tho rustees ..f sectiiui 11 i.u.l parties inter *U)d. Carried. Moved by Mr. KelU, accnlid,>il by Mr Thonipon, T, iu rei'uienuu to tl-e com nunication imw bei.,ie thin Cun.:il from ihe aecratrfy of the Single Tax Atsocia- ;i'rii, of Toronto. t)ii Conneil do not en I..IR.I th'' m-iitiineiils contained therein, and would axle the r"|>reentj\tive >( thi* riding in thu IjeL'ixl.iiivu Annembly to op- Nine any Lei;i:.l,itii,n that may Us intro- duced in thu dirttc'ti'iii indicated therein Carried. Moved by Mr. Thompson, Heconded by Mr. Iteii. That J. IV Sloan be refunded 11.10, bom,; eimr in ins assessment of 1H;J. Carried. Moved by Mr. Kent, aeconded by Mr. Thompson, Tim 1 .!. IS. SliAii, colh-ctor Ward 4, be allowed until Feb. 1, IHiU. to return his roll, and tiiU enten.i'.n i* made without piejudicu to n.nd collector Moved by Mr. Kulls, .set-on. leil by Mr McMilUn, Thut i|ii> deputy telurnins ittict r lie iii.l n follow*, bi'in^r !,-* and ilisburaementM in conneoti,>n with the last municipal election : Jas. Johnston, 910;Ge... W.iilin..-, \V. .1 Bellniny, H Meldium. \V. Sharp and H. U. l>y*oii. each $7 .50 Moveil in ninendnient by Mr. Thomp- son, mvonile.l by Mr. HeRt, That .lames .loliiiMion, deputy letnriiim; othi-.-r in Ward I, hn allowed fll for fees and dm bursenjunlN int.ieHil if $10 aa allowed him in the oriiMinil motion. Tlnw niu'iiclnicnt waH can led, aUotlie uriviiml motion, ex- cept in HO fur us the first item therein is concerned. Moved by Mr. Kelln, nocondud by Mr. McMillan, That the loll., in aixxitillls !M< paid : \V. J. 11,-llamy, ipiarter milury. t;v7.50 ; .T. H. lluunl, for wood, f 3 ; J. Rutherford's SOUK, station. TV, 83.70 ; John Itelliiinv, tlir.n in" nihi care of Town Hull und conl oil nnd lamp ^linn. 94.75. <'.ui i,.i Moved by Mr. Ke.ll* nnd seconded by Mr. B-nt, Th:.. tl,.- f ill.iwiiiL- c., 11, i tor* IMI paid their r<)ructive ->laruM lor I John Hazard, ^L*tl 0() ; John \\iij;lit, 93 1. (X) ; J . U. Sloan, l*2ti.OO, when Iney shall have duly letmin-d their s-v.-ml collectoi-'.H rollx. Curried. Moved by Mr. Ke| s nnd teo mdo.l by Mr. Me Mi i 'nn, TlmlT. S. S-pro>il le refunded <>n dollar statute labor chaiv- d in excess in lft!KI, oil the late Mill proper- ty in Kletheiion. t'arneil. Moved by Mr. Kellt and aecnndfd by Mr. McMillan, That W. J. Bellamy, i-lerk. be paid his account* an follows : holdinu iK'iiiin.ition, (O.OO ; delivering two ballot boxe*, II 40; preparing spec- Rev. Duncan Morrinoa Dead- After an illneu of a little more tliao two weeks Rev. Duncan Morrison, D.D., jwisted away on Wednesday mum in.; 10th inst., a^-eti 77 years. By hi* death Owen Round IOM-H an honored citizen of 27 yean standiiiK, whose life i cloHely interwoven with the history of the town's moral and religioua development, and one whose name is widely known outoide the home limits. In the more pcrwmal senae, to many who formerly aat under his prea-ihint; *nd enjoyed hi* pastoral iviro and friendship his removal is thu breaking up of a very cluse an-1 ten- d r tie Dr. Morrson was burn in Olaii- gow on July -'.', IMlti, and wat there edu- cated, taking an art* course in Qhugow 1'nmTiity. Hit lirst marriage alao took place in bis native city, Mrs. Morrison's maiden n.iinu being Jane Stoole (' .niiiij to Canada he studied for the ministry at Queen's I'mversity, Kingston, and was ordained in 1851, hi* fimt charge beini( in the township of Beckwortb. near Brtwk- ville. Five yean later he was transferred io Krockville. ami in 1800 he became pas- tor of Kr.ox church, Owen Sound, re- ni. lining in coiitinuoiM charge of that gniwing coUKregatum during oightwn years of succewful ministry up to 1884, when fe" r th- weight of mcreniinv' yean he retired from the active unties of the ministry. Up to hi* last illnesn he continued t > tukt> an active iHterent and share in the work of the church, and hi* ivmpathy and counsel will b greatly miaiwd by pastor and people.' Dr. Mor- rii'.n was Mo*lemtor ot the aynod of the Presbyterian church in cumin-turn with i lie church of Sc .tliuul prevmua to the un- ion and nu- fur aevvral years a member of the Board of Trustee* of Queeim l"m- \ eiMty. He rncrived hiwdutcrre frcn the Presbyterian College of Montreal in 1800. Since iieini; rulivved from activv minhiter- i 'I l.ilior ho IIMI given much of hid time to literary work, and his book, "Oreat Hymns of tin- Church, their Origin and .inthornliip, ' which vpeared in 18tlO, was ;.;ivenaveiy favourable reception by the : 'I'm..' public. During the |Mst few nnflis In; IION been engaged up on a wc- oiid volume of thin work, winch Ins denime le.tvOM uncompleted. A very iiNelnl l^xik rec.-ntly published by him was a Manual f Km ins of Service for tpecial occasions for use in ih* I'rxsbytwriun cbuixh. Dr. Morrison lost his Hint wife in 1870, and tlir ! y. .rs later WIM married in Scotland to Mr.-, Mutant Wylje, whosurvivfit him. H.I leave* tw. HOIIS aod four dauqhtors, n i.nelv : (ii'.iei>, wife of Mr. John Me I'll -rt LI of Ki'iutrdin" ; Dii-u*n, the e- leenie 1 .lunior Jud of this county ; Jaue, wife of Mr. Jainea Catoo of this town ; Jessie, wife of Mr. Jame* Maation, < t > C . M. IV ; Lillio, wife .,f Mr. H. I. Sirani,', Principal of the Goderich High S.-IKH.I ; and .lohn, who i* IMW resident in Chatham. The funeral tmik place Friday afternoon. O. S. Aavrtiser. Proton A^.-iin another year ha* passed and me into the ahyo of tho past, and what r'lin.'et have takdll place even in that short space of twelve nionthn. But as we have nothing to compluin of during the yt at we will not dwell on the past, for we, a* a people who hav to earn our bread, have enough to Uo to think of the |. rev nt and future. The public i* well that wu are no philos ipher, so we will say no more on the unjeot. Wo are glad to b able to ropoit thit Mr lieo. Williamson is able t'> be in hit ottice H-.'iiin. Li grippe set-m.-d to be the trou bio Tli.' s,.in of Scotland held thir annual dinner in the hull on Jan. llth. You ask it there. MS a go K! tune I well I ahould s'nile ! Those, not prettent missed the treat of tlie Heas'.n Duudalk, Ho;iuvill>i, PiicevilloaiulFlftbt-rton were well repro senteil. I'.iKiness is Uegiiiinu tn look np in Proton. Telegraph poles, oord-wocnl, lies, iipilus and loys of all kind* ar>i I.i ui 'lit in, in abundance. .Mr. J I. ickhxrt and Mr. A. took over a roin.l.i of lomls , .f young )ie..- pi i as a tuprise to Mr JanifH Quinn's, of Bethel, on Kruluy liutt. Mi Quinn ha* lately m >vetl into hm maijniKceiit brick hound. VVo ;ir<i told a very evening WHS the ronult. I )no of the boys had a very sail misfor- tune li iinp in to him and hit belt girl on New Year's nieht, uetting thrown out pi the cuttr and breaking one of thu shafts, No more news thia week bat keep yow eye open for a blockade iu Kubruny . Are You Thinking of buying FURNITURE? OF FLESH ERTON, has a big and cheap stock to choose from. Pictures also framed, and furniture repaired. See our organs and parlor suites. f is* Sit EMEN, I desire to call your attention to my I I nmter stock of Cutters, which will need no words of reCviin.iiendation from me, as I will leave the public to jup" for themselves. I have also on h.inJ a stock ot heavy sleigna, i/i^sure sleighs, market sleighs and skeleton sleighs. All I ask is a call, and jadge for yourselves. Thanking my many friends for their past favors, I ic- main, yours truly. R. T. WHITTEN. enci egcms, GENTLEMEN : I DESIRE TO ANNOUNCE that I have taken over tho Carriage and Waon making business lately carried on b-v Mr. Moore, and am now prepared to fill nil orders in my Hue to your entire satisfaction. Having lately added to my sixteen years expe- rience in the business a nine mouths' training in one of tiie best carriage shops in the city of Detroit, where I succeeded in carrying off a first class recommendation, ought to be a sufficient guarant?* that all work will be done in a first cltwm manner. I manufacture Wagons. Buggies, Cutters, Sleighs ; in fact everything in tho car- riage line. Wood and lumber taken in exchauge. Kindly give me a call. D. IJL, A.IK.Fleherton. Next door to McTavish's blacksmith shop. TT7TT COMMENCE THIS VV 1 W K F. K our annual Win- tor Clearing Sale of Dry Goods .Cloth- ing, Mantles and furs. Already we are receiving consignments of Spring goods and room must be made for them ; our surplus of winter goods must go. Our stock of OVERCOATS was large, and we have a good assortment still unsold. These we will offer ou liberal terms of credit at discounted prices, with further discount for cash purchaser* who can thus secure whole- sale rate* for single gaimcuts. FURS. We have hsd a good sea- sou's traie for Furs and all that ru- iiKiins will be sold without respect to Cost. Men's Persian Lamb Caps, prices $8.50, reduced to $2.75. Men's Persian Lamb Caps, No. 1 , $6.00, reduced to $4.76. Men's Persian Lamb Caps, extra, $6 50. reduced to |6 J5. Nutria Immitation Beaver fur, 14.60. red uce to :l.60 Nutria Imitation iWmver fur, $3.75 reduced to |2.70. Ladies' Fur Storm Collars, $2.00, 83.76. *4.50 and $6.25. Ladies' Fur Mutla, 60 cts., $1.00 $1.50. $2.00, $2.50 and $3.50. Ladies' Fur YUnllea, satiu lined, $22.00, 825 CO and $27.50. MANTLES. At still further re- ductions and Mantle Cloths, not many left, but at tempting price*. GREY FLANNELS at clearing prices, from 10 els. pur yard. HEAVY FACTORY FLANNELS it 'M otH , 22 cts. and 25 ols MEN'S WOOL blllliTS and Drawers reduced to 45 els. MEN'S UNION Shirts and Draw- ers, reduced to 25 cents each. BOOTS, SHOES AND RUBBERS Men's and Boy's tium Rubber's and Kockj. The assortment of sizes is H micwlmt broken, but we probably have just the size you want and at pi'iceu to clear, us we buy no more this ttuaaon. We have a full line of comfortable I'.'li Boots for old ladies, easy, dur- able,atid warm. FLANNELETTS. Another large consignment just opened up 6J .cents, 8$ cts., 82 inch goods only 10 eta., 84 inch goods ouly 14 cts. Extra value. Improved Yorkshire Boar for Service Th tinitonlaned has a thoroughbred Imprvr. I lensoln boar for nwrvico on let irtS, iml K T. A a. B. Bur* >tock(ottor. Termii *l. J. HOIXCT. Ka "'K'C.llIICBuOllillltlH ill eiuplo>iuunt wun Kuan !- MB. tiperlciico not nooowary. Handsaw uutnt ami thu benefit of uvor >var> icniMi (urnUbod arvry inau. Cholo n IIIKM aud of territory.- Wn have 70U acrtw of choicu >to:k.siid caa tivu you mmnr atlvauOKei. Our incxl* of Meciiriii^ in. I letalo- IIIK lcmeu in mipedor. Call for oar turms TUs trial will cu >r u uothiug MTONK Hrl.l I \<. I o\.3 Torwatu. Out. W A NI T I? n VV /ijl 1 CtlJ- ooroboics and hanly Nnrwry ck. and Hed Potatoes, full and com pUto hue ilany vartollss rai. only be ubtalo d tbrou|(h us. Ceroiulssloii or (alary paid weekly. snU iirouiptly. Bxelnslvs aad cbolov of Urrltory KIVOD. Dou'dla), wrtto at onoo for tei mi. Nt'E8RY Co., l^ci.itcr. N Y. Co. NOTICE. Uotics is kereb; given that tlie' Roller Flouring Mills are now open for busi- ness, and in jut./ opera- tion- A 1'irst (Yi7.y.v Mil- ler has been employed, and 2 will guarantee satisfaction- Bring a long your r.iistnm irork. Chopping tloiif at n) 1 t IDIOM. < ' A. B. Bell, - Prop. /or clubbing arrangements with any ioreikjn weekly ap- ply at this oflice.