Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 4 Jan 1894, p. 8

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THE FLESHERTON ADVAMCE l> fully equipped with re- quisites for turning out * per- fect class of work. All kinds qf pictures taken and finished tp a style equal to any city , while the prices are lower. Picture Framing done in all Its branches. If you have shopping to do yd pictures to get taken on tie same day please attend to the latter first. Careful at- tention will be given to copy- other pictures. Mrs. Buhner. HAVE YOU BACK- ACHE ,00005 KIOKEY fm,s. WILL CURE YOU " Bac Itaoht IHtnni tht kid- niyt art In trouble. Dodd't Kidnty Plllt tiut prompt reliif." "75 pv ,,nt. of d/ttatt It frit caused by ditordtrtd A/a- num. "Hlf,MntwtH try to h.t'.t a kealt hy city without tcivtr- age, at good health u/htn tht k i d n if y t OF 9 tloyged, tktyart S. i>l hy nil J M W. , of 1 1 u .: 5n renti 'h A the ".nuini/frt / tht lytttm. "Delay It dangtrout. Ntg- I acted kidney troubltt fttult In Bad Blood, Dytptptla, Uvor Complaint, and tht matt dan- gtrout of all, Br/ghti Dittate. D/abtttt and Droatu." ''Tht about diteait* tcnnot ex/it when Dodd't Kidney Plllt art utod. f*r boi oc M f,v Owrn Souu.l. Ontario, 1'hc Vcfy ? rt,Arn II CANADA TO UKT A Rurintu Take a Roupd Trip ^ * HM ^^^~^~~ t'"llH and OstnmenriiO I'.'|mrtiuout In Canada, then vlill ty Mm-ti.nrn rimineas College ; eiainlne overv aU'iu ill >injlily. If w fall to produce the uuit ihorotiRli, complete, practical and itu- Jm eoure* of ttsdy ; tl.e bnit cellese |nilii a|J fie Innt and moat aoin|ilte and moxt milt- riiniiturii and a|i|illancii. w will H | V e tnu a nil I "-mne VKl'.K. Kr Annual Announce- fMDt.nlvIng full partloulars, free, ailili,< C. A. FLEMINO. Prlurl|al. t hog to Intimate to the Inhabitants hi an4 that t have flatted a ehoe tbo* anA I am prs- uail to do all kinds of work la Uils line. Uoots an! ioi ie>4e to or4te> alioe%al satis*. !Uplrieg ne *erf dar, aUo kames !> to Bradbsry't > ekiMrf ant fan *ll XW.Willtbj, Palrou Fn t< rt ainircnt. On Thursday, the 21t Dec., the "cen- tennial" aaaocuitiun of I'atrmiH ol Indue try gave a very enjoyable entertainment in No. 9 school bouse on tin- 81)1 on. Tlie cliiN>lhi>uae wa crowded win. u very orderly audience. Mr. Joseph PedUr dischnrged thu duties f chairiuun in his Imi'l 1 )' manner. Mr. TliKinaa , u->iiiiiiee of thu PatroiiHas M. P. P. al next Provincial election, and Mr. Thorp Wright, Township Present for the Patron association, were the only two spejki-M. Itntli gentlemen ipoke to the [i.'ii.iuinl trusted of .several glaring abuses which uucd reforming, and which aru in- cluded in the I'atron platform. Mr. Mel drum, of K'i.;i.-.iia, wan called upon for a speech. He thought tin r-j had beon en- ough of speeches, but xave a uioe rc-cit.v tion from Cowper's "Timepiece, " irulcul. Nearly all the rest of thu entertainment was by nieroliersof ike "Centenial." The aotigs by Mr. Joseph llowerman, Mr. David bmith, Mr. Win. Pedlar. the MiiMJS Hoppers and the choir, were well rendered and mucb applauded by the au>i- iencu. Tin-re were also several good ruci- tatim.a, particuiitt ly that by Miss Mcln- tyre, teacher. Miss Mary <' uiunm ''En- tertainud hur Sinter's Uoau" to perfection, aud thu dialogue, "S .up Making," waa splendid. MrKsi;.. \V. C. l't<liar and Dn McD.irutld gavu us ncveral beautiful selec- tions on the violin, aco>u>|nie.l by Clirias Meldiu-u. Miss MoldruMi waa urganUt aijd ahe played with gn-at tame and abil- ity. Altogether everything went well, aud all scorned to enjoy the uvetiin^'* en- tertaiicnii'iit. The Centennial" 11 prub- ably the uioet prumUin^ tiMociatiuu in llii township. They m._-. t weukiy and at naarly every mejtiii^ loui'.'iing intuie.lu.il is brought forward for ilicut>ion, aud t,rcut harmony ptuvaiU. The admuuinn iec to the emuru'iimeiit was metely H..LI null. We liuiubly th'iik thut such aiwoci- a'.ions, conducted an thin one is, upart from the primary oLje.-t, may be the inojtns of doing much gixid. I notice tliat in lii;e cuiiiiuiTr.nl centrcH in tlie i.ld Country, Teuipvrunce councils and other organizations are doing a jjri-ai amoii'.it of goud by getting up lirnt claiss otiUTtain- inunts jor the woikinx clna&CH. They .so- cuie the l-ot talent available and the ad- niisnion fee m from three to six cent*. As a moult the dnukii g h.il.it i leduccd to a iniiiiinum in tlie "Induitrnl classes, 'and thu - glit of a di unk m..n i in in. my lar.'f towns a very r.n- occuruncu. I ilon't iy thu (xrople ure all total pro!ii'>iiiniiist,bui are Inx-iiuiiiiK d*ily miu teiiipurhlu. If 1'uni.u uf InduHtry, gi-m-rally, were to follow tlie example f the Cdiitonnial, we have no doubt a similar result would fol- io*. COM. An <;. :!< On Tuowlay looming, Doc. 36, Eliza- beth Booth died in her 78lh year, at the r Mil -nrt ol her HOII Mr. \\ i.l .1111 0. Mi! Kr, (>>prcy. Mm. Booth as a native of l!.i:l hire, Scotland, where in ItMJ she mnriii-d the late AKionUer Millar, who <lu .1 in 184ft, leaving h.s widow with a joiinij .11 n, now .Mr. \Vm. C. Millar a :o- M|I. did tonsiinii and merchant of Col- lingwooJ. In 1853 Mrs. I Oo>li Ohino to ('.mad. i, l-eii ^ .it that time married t > Mr. Booth. They Metlluil in t >-|.mj , in M.trch, 18. r >4, wliere ili-con.scd losided until hrr di-.itli, with the uxi-fptinu of occttnional viiiits to her Hon in Collingwood, and to her du^hU>r, Mr*. 11. .Moore of the t iw;i lino, Nii.^liaiiipUiii. Mrs. Moore WHA a daughter by thu avciuid morringo, and ilnTi' W.H also a son who du.l in yuutli. Deceased WHB a quiet and uiiaMUiuiu^ C/hrislinn woman, who WHS lovi-il and LS- toenicd liy the niimy friends bhu iiiudo during her long renideuco in this uectum. Enterprise. Uunor Rollit. Following is the Honor Uoll for 8. S. No. 10 : IV. CUsi.ar., J. II mphill. J. Legate, M. Cook. IV. Class, jr., C. Cix.k, W. Melia, III. Cliuti, ar.. M. ROHS, C. M,l . III. Class, jr., W. Hemphill, A. Ash- down, W. I'-utl,-.!^,-. II. Clans, r., G. McMiill.-i., J. Mo- Farlane, W. Yirni. II. Olasi, jr., M. Willinmson, Ll^aw- nsiio^, C. Thompoon. Stul part Claaa, A. Chi dett, W. Mc- Mnll.-n, K. Lleinphill. 1st ( 'Loses M. Yirn, E. Wannhom, W. Wdlinmson. M. JOHNRTO*, Teacher. Mr. John Smith, oue of th old us t rei- dciue of Owen Sound, died very suddenly Monday afternoon. He had IMWII unwell and venlurod out in order to cast his vote. The exposure cauwd hit death. Geat>ral Hews. Mr. QlaOatone was 84 yean old on Fri day. T'.-miis ar* now ci<j^..ini' on the ico be- tween Maiiirmi': i .!.' .K. u.ain laud. It t!i trial of Preiii' :^^>t, who shut Mayor Hnrrivm c.f C'li.-wso, the jury h i <. .otunivdii /i-i-'ii ' i ;.:;; \, :u:d rocom- mei'ded that tSn prisoner ' haugcu. Irir.^ Mi?Krbv:i; '. '.. 'tro;i, a boy ab'iut !_ ;eu oiu, while tyih;; a h>>te in a taM cot tin Lit ' '.-.x aiwji t.-. round lob t'.jvr. >rh?'i thv i.urrj ^ruc a jerk ninl puiiuU oil t!.i< ''vijer at thu hrst joii.t. Married. ISAAC--PV .'o On W.1 . Dtf '". by n- T. Mr '! \'n kcr, o* Dr 1 mor* at the rcsideace of the lTiiV ri'i-r. Mr Kib't FutWMi. d'M' if !:ijrviucu', :< J'.-r.net Patton, of Proton. Kiu'l -* S.pavln Li"inieiit removes a ; hard, Soft or caliou '1 Luuiim nnu Klemmhi<a from l,ort.s, BliMl .Spavin OiirH", >] :ints, liirijf Bone, Sweeney, SufliiB.SnrMi's, 8<ire and Swollen Throat, Couuhs, etc. -Save 4M) by u of our l-ottle. \Varrantr,' thu most Ki-nilnrfui lileinish Cur* ever koviwr. . \Varianted by Richardson 4 Co. ;i-i ( be .:..->!. Tlio Shelb'.iruo Fieu Press saya : The latest s-tlntntion on th" stree; no'v i., "How did yon like }o':: ,n-nt'.'" Mr. Joim Hamilton, out; uf ill - i-.uiuiilat(-s for tbe rivvesbip, ilia- tribntcd a number of pounds of tliro-^h his butcher, Mr. Marlatt. on Saturday. The recipients at first thonnlit Mr. Marlatt wag getting ^- R froits in liis oLl day.-", l>-it wl-.en t!n-y found out that Mr. Hamilton was tie sender some of the paj ti"S roiurnoil tin? moat mid others wc-ijt a:id p:\iil i'-ir it. From what we can learn it would take a largo quantity ot !>cof t.) in i!;o the t-li-ctoi3 of Slielburuc to olr>ct Mr. Hamilton as reeve of this Tillage. Alwny> Fatal Before. BLOOP rnisoxiM IN TUB LAHT UTACES or I)HBEVK> rVKKH rOB TUB flKMT TIMB l> TIIK I'VHK OK L>. K. A. Ro.iE. 1 '.il-l. :. KlI'NRY 1'ILLH lllli It, Toronto, Doc. ?6th, 1893. The cnae of Dr K. A. R (so, who wascurudof tibt- ea by Do Ill's Kidney IYU, was Kufticiniit- ly n-iiiirkal'le to cmnmand w.de- attt-iilioi. ; ) at second thoughts hrin,' out .1 in- n- icniiiiknbU phase of tho m.-it'cr. Blood t>'iioniii(i, as a devtlojiiiit-nt "f iliu- IK'IUA, 1-1 'v ;iy coimi.li-red fatal. Whan it MU in, the attsaftina |>hrsic<iii B! *t-s up any IIII^ITM -^ iiopi' In- in:y J.ivc had. In Dr. RfBlfaaM HOoduniaxniini. had net iu, yet he waa cured. iln u the only instance of a cure havinit IM-L-II u.TvC'- r.l iif("r l'!i-i il poiivinnii.' had n|i| < ,ir- il. This fact, nnd tho tv|Kirts of oth.-r curt-s of kiilney disease resulting from tlio u>e of Iti'ld n Kiiliu'.y Pills, must cu>\nn>- every one tlmt those posHva* extraordin- ary virtues iu cases of kidney and MM, .1 disorders. Mrs. J. II. HoRsxYiir.n, ir.2Paci.1c A vo., Santa Cruz, CaL, wriloj; " When a plrl at school, I J I>adln;% Ohio, I had a severe attack ( l-i-.iu f.iviT. On HIT recovery, I fonr.d myself perfectly bald, and, for a lonr; time, I fi-ared I fhnuM be permanently no. KvliMn! < nr-.'.-il mo to uso Ayn's Hair Vigor, r.nd, on doing ao, my li.-ir Began to Grow, nnil I now have as f ne a held of hf.ir as i-iirt could wish for,bclnK chaii^od, how> over, from Monda to dark brown." " After a fit of sickness, ray Imlr cntno out la i-(>m!)(u>U. I used two bottles of Ayer's Haii- Vigor end now my hair Is over a yard long r.nd very full and heavy. I havo recom i. mil-, I t'll.t pr< [Miration to ot'.iers with )il:o j-0">1 <'i'" i-t." Mrs. Sliliuy Carr, lltX) U 'niiui it., IlarrUburn, To. " I havo ne:l Ayer's Hair VlRor for srvi i-al years aid always obtained sati*. f letoiy rMults. I know U Is the best |>n imrutlon f-ir the hnir that Is made." 0. T. Arno't. V^mmoth Sprlni;, Arlc. Ayers Haii h . If ARRIAUU LICBNbKB. 3/L issued dav or ulht at t'ao oft:, e or re*Mcnce of tbu ODdamittned. DI VISION COUhTCLM -'.IOSIW lo U.CJ. Couvyaccer, &e .' JOHN W. AhMSTHONG. . /j xm-.N u< tuLLOuon a YOUNG, DaD\ra, Vivrkdile. do a Amoral Mnktrf u- ineu. Mo:ij )oDo.l at aroMo.ublj rut. Oil OB tui. JJ n.HAMilO.ND. i'MM<'.r.Kiuilrl<y. Co. nr.ttnlorwr tot tr.kinj Affldavit* .iV. Inline- a: : loajs uiony ftt lowe- 1 rt. KzeeutM L.vc>, Uaedn, WUU, etc. promptly. chMplj and eflcoieatly. V J. SPBOfLE. I'osti. artr, Ploborton, Co-:i-wiiiPnr te D. B., Li. antdd >acUuuer, C mi- I-.ICT. A I i-iiii: uJ Ucuy Laoiier, Kni Ktat aud lni::lunce Agf.it. Ducdn, 51 .'rtii^oH IjMkM, u.i V.'illi dmiru upend Valimiions i.ivlt ou mhortwt ootiiu. Auction fjaic.att>-u>td to in oy |>ai-t of the County . , , t | OW en rate* of iiitu.-a*l. Oollecti.nni rttot: I .| ^, with proiu-jtnem anil <lep;c i C!ii-y k.w Afc. u for the Dominlun Su i n|iay. cbeap tlckau Iiom Flwli irtou to Urari-ool, tllMKOw, Loodoii r anv of :).* Ui-itl^h iw,>! rwticn iuteudlng to viit ;:.,;!<; ,i SootUuH or Irolicd, will p,M.<c sk raU* before p tliuir ticket* Iwwbsre. luoir, \ I IbB KD1TR KICUAiti Pupil <-f H ,1H Mahr, of lloriin, iirinny. (\l..llni -lr. HrailUy, of Tuioutjl. \>jvrrioi v \ , i,.,. ,..,11 1'rol. Kerricoti. Ule of T > ont.i. .I'.wio) ; lt II'.-TTON. M.D.C. M.. M.C.P.A 8.,0-it.. Prlowtl), u:ice aud ofllce one door wot of th McU- oJut Chureb.Kinro St. a. CAUTI'l;. M. C. P. A 8., Ont. Phyalrian. aar K eon. etc. Flwbtirton offlce btralui b'ock. Muuibaw'a botaL JOHN A. SCOTT. J|. H. Member College Pb j i c . A 8uriion. Oraduat* in alodiciixi uf Toruaie Uulv,--,itv Kellnwfcip Diploma. To.1 ilr* iu:.u Jlo.licJ Hehool an ! llaefiltaJ, = ar.uo.e,.,l ,.,,, ^.^j^,,,, trrBtcd i.vricd r. Veterinary Su- B oa. Gradual, of OntMio :1iiary Collie. l:<dcuce-N s t J*ur [' '"Vfaitcry. J F - " ' M. I' . M. f. A s., Ont.. ;,ratieo at Knn- m.t.U!.i.t.,- .', ..<mw ssvw. a -:-.}. II. JJAKY w . ;.;;i.\vi:ij.' ' M t Tbylclan ard nr- .-i. or Cra:!:,^^rt \Yonieu'tf XeJloiU , Toroutu. ItMl..,.,, ..ppoiite Butler'. . I'ricovllle. Ui.tMU-.. ,.f Wo-"..- --J '. Calls i>r. uiplly T MARSHALL, L. D.3.M D. S., Dontlit Vlolts MarMal. t!iel.l end Sid Wednesday of each inuuth U:.UciU.u->:ca trip on tbe day following. \V. KKOHT, Els. Hnriltr. fkMioitor, Convi-y*nr. - -i ton ofiiM Next th \>n* cBico hproutev . .is. on Thumdays. Own Sound ottto- Kronfs bniiainR. w HiutiT, So.lcilors, Cniro.r*nci*r% *.. Ow<-n BPua<t. On.l . . Markilal*. Out! .'.' I!. \V>n:ir. | |. LOTAS. N. H.-n!ii-lon oOc, Mitbi>ll's vry Wednwday. J AK Ul'IOO. Hi nnuakurr.ClavtoD-k DW bloc.Fl.MrtBo inl all kiiiilD of ohildroniT clothing nd to order. Cutting done bv dmsuakar's nulc cle. PittrouitKO ioliclted. SOCIETIES. AO ". V.'._rrot* every flr.| and third _. lay In twch movtb, In their lodge room \\ii.'it M. \v. ; \v .j 'iWlaaiT, aaMtari \? "Ktrioru invlttM'.. Rt>YAI, TKMPI.AKX ()! TKMPKKANVR. Itecnlar Connell uu--t overy TuwJty M in; in Spinnlu'* Mink at 8 p. m. H^lect I-I-M-C idiiiin Rin-t t i;ii.>t* (MontblT. tbe WeilucuJay ).rcc<i<lli:g tbe 8ud ol acb uu>iitk SoK TKirKMANCP.-Til iiu-i-ts In l>r. < 'hrlttoe.' Xall every i . ! I'M c Kt i' i.i Vis' tlig beb- ren invit<-il. In* mum o in couuection. ex left \va P-H AKTIlim LOPOR No. W. A.F * V M . I,.... -I in the Mkxiiilc Hftll.fitraiL't i < '<>k. Klenhorton, evfiy Kridav on or i <J tho fnllmoon. A. B. Vanilus*n.W M B . J.S).,. l. Seoretarr. rM. P. D A. meU la their halU < hrtoe block eery an* and tr Ird Tb wefev ta V. H^arf. Xulc.-. 1.CiayttB,BM LOST OR FA! LIKS MAS HQ iMtri! sa j Nimu Ortllltj, Weakneu cf Body and Mind, Effect* ol Eiron or Excesses in Old or Young. Robot, Noble Manhood fully Restored. How to Enlarge and Strengthen Weak, Undeveloped Organs and Paxu of Body. Absolutely n> (ailing Home Treatment Benefits in adav. Men testify from C.; State* and Foreign Coo tries. Write th.-=n. Descriptive Book, ex- planation and proofs mailed (sealed) free ERIE MEDICAL CO,, Buffalo, LY. For > \ja* till';, &Mjc c . - 4hii - 1 flaeter will J>T rnu<t t\. > .urtiia. 03 *ai4> r. -< . _. r;.' stuttMr k l^iMTt rrvf 'y ?~ !-,Sft<Cxt4 MM* Jntv- u*i'' y.. 4 - UTtr or JtUoLjr Hareyo-iCstsjT 1 !? Trtl*SBv. ItwlU oalUvely ruiicvf aaacurnyon. PrU-wMrls. This Injector for its sucr<i-.il tn uinnit Is furnished free. Ta?xiarir*c, iUr--J)';Ha*iedisa) are sctd on a nm.-ui.ietj . r.n *a'. '-aiaoUoo, 5 The Puttie. J a Sp&ialtj, Ilavlni:r.'::i-l \\MtterTi l.lackuniltb -, shop tor t mi i'f \.-ar>, 1 aui uow Iu a aw poeltlou to CBteno all wauU iu my line. 4 I in At F. A. BUNT, Oppoaits Hlchav.' on'j Hardware Here THE Tail o r. Makes all garments of men's weal iu tlie best sty!.' at. short notice. AH work LjiwruLiteeJ. A trial solicited. F. A. BAKER, FLESHERTOff. Eugenia Mills Carriage Works. Carr-tages made and IlepalrecLsleo Flanlagaud Matching, I '.and Sav- ing, Wood Turning of e*ery de- cnptiou. Plantng and Qrain Chop- ping done while you wait, for Uk Baaver tarns the

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