Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 24 Aug 1893, p. 5

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THE FLESHdRTON ADVANCE i ANKINO OFFICE OF GEO. MITCHELL, A ( al liii'iiiu li'MlneiM transacted Pr:\ f ' i . i.r.l at u^-iai rule* Hi ..- til AV vail*ljiu fiK luituuifcta lm*inod *nt'-: ; *o t.-ir-< ii", tli uf Hichardmon A Co'a. Chips. fh:ira'-l<Ti*fics ofthe PnsJ Work (nrcfally < tilled for Ihc < iii-inn*. <ili<:; a, a ,H i !,,r,iU ,.lfr ,,f III,' .. . i -Hint. .1 r-'li-' ., trill Ite iar for trill lit UI-IHL. npairs nil hand at F. (1. Kanti-di's. The East Gr.-y Ay'l Society prize list liits just l>efti issued from this ".thce and i now in (lie hands ( tho secretary, Mr. R. J. A number of Flesherton yun.' [*"pl took in a garden party I'^'d nt Proton Suitu in on Friday evening hut, and re- ji"tt hav.n'.' had a <>"d time. Nearly fi'ty i"o'!;ir wat ano:nctrd as the jr <l;.ri-\ ( oiincil met at Mclntyre on Monday and stiuck the rate-t for l!ie cur- rei.t yenr. Six slid two-tenth mills on the d.>"*r will can y tl.c township over the cut r<*nt year. This is the same rate i Ust year. Mr. .<-.. Smith, another of Flesher- t. iii's graduatint; young iiiinisttis, ,HJ- ciii.i ''..- i-u'l' t of the Methodistctank -HI Sumluy tiioriiii -,' I'- II was an in 1 . -noting one. Mr Smith i;ne> Story of a Ticket. A u">"'l t ny lutt leaked out on <>n of our township councillors. When P"ing to nfend lat wiion of CdiiUy Council DUO of our ili'lek-nir* purchased a tic!-r nt thiit sraH.'li I ut f.'i..t to put it in hi* pocktt. Reeve (iaim-y, the veteran rrve of O.-prex, who enjoy* ;u innocent j.>Uf UK well IM tlie next man. pocketed thu f r- M..H.MI ticUei. Rmriiin^ tlic t.~ain the paity t<xik tin ir seat*. Mr. (iaim-y g-'t the conductor's car ami ii. formed l.i " uf tlie *latu of alTaim, ui ing him at ihe auiiie time Mr. illnnk'* ticket. When the conductor approched Mr- Blank the Litter wa; bas-ily eiuployeil umptyiiM; hut pocket* and eXmnininR the linintf to try and discover the iritaing ticket. The conductor in- formed biui that be would grant an ex tension of time while the search proceed ed and went tin through the car. Re- turning in duo courv? he found Councillor Blank UtMixl i" |*ripimti<>ii and with a -uflvnng Wk on hia face which de- noted that the inissini; pOHtobnard had not ttirm d up. Tbe who were in the secret |x ke up and intimated that it would be a hardnhip to im|M*e a second .s them bad evidently been a uiin- takc. Thereupon the conductor drew forth the return half of Mr. Blank's lick- e', teuiirkiu.' Uiat it Would bring him lioiue again. Blnk then innocently pro ferred [inyment for hi* trip up evidently bclievinx it a *)tt of C'.uiprxmiue, whrn a burst of UnaUter opened hm eyen to the f.n-ti and he j"ined in the smile azainst liimaelf. It i safa U. wajjer that Coun- cillor Blank will pocket hm tickets here- afur. Serious Ruaawmy A team of colts, belonging to James Hill, ian away from the C!ICM factory \urtt- ulny nioiuin^, aud created eooaidi r- alile excitement for tune. Tk (UlptJT The tritmp and cliattur of the Ivy* aud ;;irl in once uiore heard i i the land ;i' they wi-nd their wy to school. NVe liave been ia-trucfU t!i:t KILI-J--T", h<> wa committed l>y Magia. tratij Ann-.tr. aig last week, was not it resi dentt'i (Nprey towndiip. He i a native ,,f Art IP -ii l-ut has been . f late reading with a. i -ter in Collingwood township. The family havw property in j\rtemei hot, The Department <if Agriculture, at the Wi, i Ul' Far have announced the decis- ion in the Columbian chui-ne tent. This tisi WH .in..- of the inoKt complete, the nuMt ili'Toii^h >'iat lia ever been outdo. Tlie Jersey*, (iutriiswys, and hbor; horns coui- petrd, each wuh 2t> CI>H. Thu renult u ax foilowa ; Milk m ttfteuu dayH by Jer- sey, 13.-JW [xjumU ; Guernsey, 10,888 p"Utida : Shoithomed, TJ.lNi |oiinda. Cheese mad- in fifteen day*, Jeraey, 1,451 [KiuntlM ; (jm-rii.'y. I. I'M pounds ; Short horned, 1.077 pounda ; value of cheese, Jeraey,#l !!' . ( in.-insry.tl3j.- 'J-' ; Shorthorn, si 40 14. The award fur t!i - htt brod C"W was given to the Juf sey. and Suitable for the Season CHBK.-.UI k<;, <>>T. , Aug. 1'J. Willie lt<msui'll, agud 14,</n of the late (juorge Roswi:ll, of Aurora, wax drowned but evening at 5 o'clock while bathing wicli several other boys in Georgian bay, two mile* eitst of Delphi His bo.jy vax re. covered durtni* the evetii,i by Mr. Tyson and Mr. C. W H.irtui.m. of tin* piitce. The later i uncle of deceased, with whom he was spending hia holidays. Rrlirf i Six Hoars.- Diitregniog Kidney and Bladder dieaes relieved in MX hours by th "Oreitt South American Kidney Cure. " Tl.is new lemedy w a ureut surprise and delijlit tu physicians on account of it* exceeding promptness in relieving pain in the bl&dder, kidneys, hack and every part uf the urinary pan- a*M> in male or female. It relieves re- *ent:on of water and pain ill jaNging it al- iuot immediately. If you want qui^k relief and cure thm i* your remedy. Sold ! -y Win. Richardson, Jru.-j received at CLAY ['UN'S, a large and well selected st:>ck ', Woniens' and Cliildreua' footwear. Tliey were boug , and will be sold at a close marytn of profit. Meus Boys' loug and lace Boots ; Wotueus 1 aad Misses j summer wear, also Ciiildreus' wear, all style prices. Call at our new store and examine (lie oodb. Quality and prices do tlie rest. Custom work and repaiiiiig as usual -AT- jC 1 a y t o n A Wonderful Medicine. Read the following interesting testimonies : South American Nervine, the grtat cure f..r Nervousness. Nervous )', ration. Nervous Headache, Sick Head- ' ache. Nervous Paroxysms, Nervous Chills, Nervous Choking, Hot Flashes, Palpitation of the Heart, Sleeplessness, Nervousness of females of ail iii.-i.-a, Indi- gestion, Dyspepsia, Burning of the St .m- ac!i. Weight and Tenderness in the. JM -%i ^ ip-p ^ Stomach. Wind upon the Stomach, Cat- ' port of any as we have of the (Jrt-at S uth arrh of the Stomach. Fruitful Ureams, . American Nervine Tonic, a IIT< alver- Nuihttuare, Rn.ging in ths ears, Vertigo tisement of which we DU and dix/.i HI-MO. Faulting, Impure and from Adtueatt, Grte>.eiUt, Alt , Hfc -'. 1398. For 27 years the ADVOCATI baa pub- lish.*! advertisements of various patent medicine*, many of which wure excep- tionally good remedies for the diseases and ills for which they were rteummend- ud. But we hare not yet hoard as ^....<l n- M-- London purple, I':,,;-. pVM. FuiiiricideH carbonate of ipliide of potassium, Mid all inniunded by the ep..-rinietit;il f.inu au'li rUica, for aiilu l-y \V. Uichard- For and torpid liver, nothing c;i:i su-piw Aycr's 1MK Tiny .- -MUM. no caloim-l. n- -r any mineral tlrun. but are :oiiipod f the Active principle* "f the beat vfvji-taMe cathartics, ami their use always results in marked benefit to the aboiit, tli- n < draped for a loiu distance, until it coul< honu to-elhor no looser, and pre.l it self over a d stance of abi.ut a huudnxl yards. Mr. Andrew Carr was drivibg a reaper t..auU t he riling* and the iiin- aways ran into him, th tongue striking Mr t'.rr in the back just above tie hii. knocking him off and seriously iujii'"'* him. The o.lts were -.-pl-ed r the rr.shytcri.in psrs.n:i-'e by running n.'" a telegraph pole. Mr. Hill's wii*.'" M pnctic*;l\ ii. thina -'f the pnt. \\ h'lc tin- .vtre not destroyed tlu-y got some i so\ure thumps as tht-y tU-w hither ;u,,; tln'her. Mr. Carr's rea-.-er wa al*. somewhat damaged. Im- poverished blood, Scrofulous Swellings, ' Consumption of the lungs. Female Weak- ness, General Debility, Broken Consti- tution. Chronic Dial-Hues, aad Debility of old agu, all these and naany complaints cured by this wtsadswful Ncrv- me Touic. Has your constitution ln-on wrecked by an attack of L* Crippe I The Out IT )i AMEKJI AX Nuvrss To MI- will .IT shattered ncrv ii H n> ciiPv y ur * v****** * Til SUCCESS Malarial and olner atin.pln.-rtc intto. uuoca ore best counteracted by keeping the blood pure and vigorous Wllll tft Vr " re " Sar^rt.U. A * Bt tlim j M,e best Fotr-round oiflion e in exituce. I.K. ! -I. :iv barrister. Markdalr lias $10,000 private funds to lend on farm uiurtifaes within the next few month* at l.>wot current rates. No commiss- ions, in delays, expenses low. Apply at of.ice in Markdalo dutiii the week or at Dundalk office on Saturday*. Then- wan a wedding party in town on Saturday from Hiwthcote. The cere iiiony t....k p!ac>- at the residence of Mrs Keir, aid was perfoimcd by Ifev. Jus. Madden. 'Ihe mines of the contracting l>arlie were Mr. Andrew Dinsniore :md Miss P.'lly Julian, who left for homo shortly afterwards. M. Richnniaou. Esq., who has just re- turned from the bis{ Chicago ftxir. spk very highly thereof He found it to be on a much larger scale than he autioipate-l. Six days were spent in the exposition grounds, and even then the party had only time t.i examine a |Hrtion of the buildings. Mr. Richardson says that no engraving* ca'i bo^in to Jo the builtln.g* nist.ce, as it is the artistic givitpin^' of t le whole which gives to the "V hite City" icj nieaUwt oeauty. By Auction- A valuable farm i.s <)fftfre*l for sale ') public auction, mi Tuesday. Sept. 6, at Keversham, at I p m. Win,' lot 20, con. !i, t*prvy The farm contain* 100 icres, with 80 cleared. See bills. 1 auctioneer; Ur>. Etlward*, pi ia - : Park Lots For Sale. Offers will be received for one, two, thiea, or four acres either sedately or en block, of that part of Mill r<* r\e N... 3. lying north of Beaver rivor, Kusfenia, East of Alm.%, and ou'h ' uroet, le^.nuing at ea*' *nd. Apply to \\ M. )*mi'Y, Aspen, Ci^. U. 8. Personals. Mr. Ue his imrfiils here. Mr- ' J j...>-' Jfrs. W. Irwiu is visiting her parent* iu Detroit. M.Richardn<>ii,K*ii., returned on Tlnirs- day from Chici". Mis* Annie Dmwoodi* left lat week for a visit to friends in Not tawiuuga. Mr. tii-o. Smith, uf RosKeuu, has been visitm-' at the psrent.d home for the past week. Mij Lena Lance left tLis week for Tor- onto, where she will remain for some t me. Mr. and Mm. Mark Wilson, of Mesh ton, spent Sunday with frieiuU here. Durham Chronicle. Miss Klor* Moore left on Saturday to moke an extended visit with relatives ii. Akron, Mich. Mr Jo. Stafford left on Thursday for Lei|>sig, Gei ninny, to take a coursa in that university. Ut v. Mr. WelwiMid, of MWurd, was visilinij for a dny or two at Mr. Tliorp Wright's during the p*t week. Mr. and Mrs, Thorp Wright left by the lake route for Chicago on Saturday, to lem.-tin away about a month. Mr. J. D. Clark, editor of the Loiid..n Advertiser, is sending his annual holi- day with J. W. A mis' i "ii-.-. }'.-"{ Mr. X. Cornfield, of Toronto, w a caller on Saturday. He is spending a week or so with his parents, near \\ are- ham. Masters Norman McKay and Guy Pickell, of the Markdale Stamlaid staff, gave The Advance friendly call one day- last week Mr. K. K. Richaidwui retonied last week from C school of Infantry, Toronto, whet; ho aucce*Kfully passed hi examitia- lion, Mid is now competent to tke charge tif a company. The following party of zcutlenien loft on Friday for the great Chicago fair Messrs. D. Clayton. Dr. Carter. Lawyer W. Wright and C. J. Leitch. They went via C. P. K J..M..I ltd mi-. 1'rompt Pay ins. I OH Prirrs. Quick Sale*. The Sninoier goods are get'ing sijueezed iuto uiJ less room daily by imvali of FALL GOODS. Touch of Low Prices Brings People to Our Store Every Time. Come with the Crowd Sweeping '-"< pfjr.- will be uiadt* tu Clear out lilies tlii* IDOIllll. Tins in. ans lofts to us, but we cannot help it. Tlie world uv and we are not ijoinft t stand still We make a fair profit when we cau ; we sell without profit when we cati ii > no bt'ttr-r. and we sell at a logs when we c.in- not help it, but WE SELL all the time. This is the buyers opportunity. ; CHANCE .t^ v..i t., fM> r fc \ Inch we publiU on uur secontl |.JIL;>-. A lady subscriber in Louisville, Ky., wrote us st>me time auu asking t-i havu Mr. Stewart, -.he drujtgiat here, Ut nend. her a bottle for tier husband. In time she wrote again or-lerii,.,- tw-. more bottle* and said it her husband y J. A few days . meetinit one of our i.riin.-ijal ujer- chanbs who had txwn in bad health uiatiy mouths, we asketl him how he was gett- ing on : He said lit! was getting better again. Thm great Tonic uld IM useu after all sickness. \-~ jxiwer* to restore to health are simply wonderful. sho H:irri-t K. Hull of Waynetown, Ind., says : "I owe uiy life to the tln-at South \inerii-Hii Ni-ivino. 1 had DBMS in bed for iivi- ui'Hiti.s from t!i-* elfuctai oi' .-m ex haustivi- Stomach, It.dn;-iti-.ii, Nervous I -ration mid . i ;;eneml liatrr;.l con- dition of my whole system. Hid ^iven up all li-.[.i* of u'ettini; well. H.t.i liiol I.K.-I. >m it!i no tuJief. The tirst boMts) of the Nuivint- Tonic iinpr.>v>.d me H.. iiuifji ili.it I was ^h e t walk l.ur, in. I ,i few Uitlles cured me entirely. i In.- i.-vi- it tliu best ineJicine in the w..rld. I cannot recommend it t.... lii.-h- For sale by trnne it. f..r h. My* h ._ thousaotl dollars for t/i ready doit* him. lii.jumng what kind ..f medicine it was, he told me it was the South American Nnvino Tonic. Hearing so much about flii, ^n-at n-in- M inten-iewed Mr. Stewart, and be tells us 'hat he can scarcely keep a ply mi hand as it sells as fast as he get it. ui:i all tlio*e wlio use it .[>ek in the luahi'-it prii. f it. Ho sa :ie lii-i ' tn Advocati- "iihwcnU-r, in Florida, Kentucky, North Albany, and other I l:v.. This is no [mi.l notice, -.vu publish it simply as a tnbute to a ilo-.-i-.nii; edv. and if it is doing gi>od we are yi.wt that it is in the n..j!i uf our nick and -uf- fering ] W. RICHARDSON, Flesherton. i EALTH FOU ALL. Pills and Ointment. Wp liave Rood Prints, clioap enr>ui;li fur paLcliwoi'k. Prfss (roods elieap enongli for qnilt liniii'49. but y H! eiioiii;!) for nifp ail* unn Snitina. Ladies M < tle8for275ar.d*HOO. fnrniPi- price $1 a"J t-^- Hlack cctton llnse 7 c.-nt8 per pair, 4 i>iir- 25oontsi Misses colored Tloge 6 cents p*>r pair. Cotton Sliirtinff B cents per yard np. Cliiltlirn's Twi-ed Suits reduced to $1.50. Trimmed Sailor Hutu 10 cents. A case of bleached Suirtiujj Cottons 10 cents. A BONANZA. Bargains in every de- partment, but epcially iu Teas. 1, Eifiiii Hills < hrriaji Wsrlns position o *> T*ln elioppinB. !. ill khi<ls of Crrispli.a.H.M.I r,,irli.i! +?"og <-u-. Satl.fiwtius H rnl. md u >or tr..iun.lfiioour. low nY da? ' .. 11 Will h Vl) "iorio Wll vo" ory. Mr* T W. Wilson. rro|>riotof. T.\V.Usa.tnaacer at ^'JpU T H K PILLS Purify tliu bloixl. rorroct all Disorder* of Reiver, Ptmaclm, Ividne^H and Howtl. I'll,, iuvitior&t* ami rmtor to hraltli ''i-1'ili'uu.l Cuiintltutiunii, ui.l tra luraluabla in coot l> :.< uiui l:l to Kuiu^Ii-i of all vo* for Clu! linn Mid the a|a<l they ar* prionloM. T H K O I IS 'J' M K N T .1 iufallibU ramcdy for Hail LOKI. Ha. I Bi-.-mt-, >1 I Wounds, Sorn and I'lcors. It i< faniou< fir G'lut i..l llc'..ii.Mtim Vot -nxinlt-rs at the Chwt U ban no )u*l. ?, SOUK 7fiRo.n.nn(w/irrrs.cocGHs. Ulan nilsr Swlliug. snJ all Skin Dii-aajc* It ba no rival : and for contiacted ud :. joints it actn llko a ohariu. Manufacturad only at I'mffu-wor MOLLOWAT'H Kthlilinii'i.t, 7H Xew Oxford SM..C im,- -..::t. OMor.l M r,-,-t . L*ndii. nud ara wld at is. lf1..4.'Jd . * S.1 . : H.. Jts.. and . saoh Hot or Pot. and may be hut of ail M I. icinu Vundon tlirnuiiliout the woiU. ff"Ptirel><ueri j*</</ h*ik >( tit, /. /M ~,n thf Pntt ,t,<.( Btrt. Iftht aiiilrei* u nut ar tpurton*. 5.J.il, < sf' ii.i:si! r ;iMO\ planing Doors, Sash, and all other Building SuppUesji^^est notice. Everything at Lowest Rates Contracts taken and Estimates JUrnished ^ r a11 of Buildings. Lumber Planed and Flooring turned out Custom Work a Specialty. Oivo us a call. J. E. MOORE Proprietor

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