Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 24 Aug 1893, p. 1

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TItLTH BEFORE FAVOB." - PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN/ VOL. XII!., NO 831. FLESHERTON, ONT., THURSDAY, AUGUST 24 W. H. THURSTON, 25 cent, off From aw eint Mr*. RobC. Black died Try aj'Menly Fr We On all kinds of jewellery for the next 30 DAYS. Watches, Clocks, Chains, Silverware, Etc., at a sacrifice- New is your time to make purchas- es ; pecple, fcr the stock must go. lies! selection to ch '"*< from in tliis section. L'nl mmmi ARMSTRONG BilOL rewaj C'jrr**ii-jH-leiit. len visited late<7 '. y on Fri.l.iy the llth u!t. She wa* a native showers of rain wiiich have helped things Of Ayrshire^ Scotland. A 1 ) >ut 35 Tears forward. ago she and hf r husband came to this Mr. J. II. Fawcett has fiunhed erect- country aud settled in Piotoa in its fortvt in;; the school fence which given the dayn She was generally hialthy until grounds an improved appearance. X . the took La Grippe, from the ditys of if they would apply aouie paiut in the which s.'ie t.-iU heart disease arrl drp*y. school h</uae it would aid still mure. She had betfi confined to bed for lew Mr A. B. Bell, ii.i'ler and merchant days U..UK; tiiue go but waa seemii.yly of this town, ia a go-ali-d businuw man. iijj much better aud on thu morning Iu ucder t.> keep n'lrctit of the tunes, he -t of her decuuw khe arcme early and did has bought a car I. .a. I .>f Manitoba wheat, J TailOf sui'.j work aud seetucd to feel as well as and will now be able to five us a grade) .1. A'I >ut 8.30 a. in., her d*ui{ht.r of #. i{11 e^-jal t any made in the country. { Mra. HofH-r, wudnng lo see her weut t \|. Bell had a bee on Saturday draw- ttuut for ar aud found her in an out mg hia wheat fr. m the station, ilevvii building <lv:iL The iy ht nave her such teams forming the procession. :*. shock bit when the ran to call her Kiuiberley is becoming a favorite resort father and huabuud she fainted before she for tourists, and the Travellers Home ia them what *as the matter e |l patrouiz.J. The school a* reopened M-jn'iay and after such a long vacation we expect to see great | n^ti.M> made .u all the various BEFORE BUYLMi -YOU IT- SPSING^SUIT -SEE OUR GOODS and PRICES and Gentlemen! Gci your spring supply of BOOTS and SHOES from the undersigned. New go<xls just imported from vrliich to choose. A LARGE STOCK. A GOOD ST6CK, A CHEAP STOCK. Be sure to call and examine. Custom work as usual done on t hort notice and in a neat manner. JOS. SMITH, - - Plesherton. JJrs. Black K avei a husband and six of a family tu UK.u.n her d^hrture. tier re- main* were interred in St Andrew's church graveyard tu which they were fol- lowed i>y an iiuiuei.se funeral proceaaion, Rev. John Moniaii, of Cedrrville, har- uig charge of the fuueral oervices. She wan 07 ycara of a^e. The frienda 'ia\ e the *ympatky of the couiummty iu their ad braviuunt, taia U-LU; al*j the rirst break nudu by death in the family. HarrvHt ia the ordvr of the da/. Some vi the rariuer* are couipla.nine; onr uirn CorretjMndtnt. Harvetirg ia pr srcs.-nijj fairly, in this , uinity. \V e hare had splendid harveti weather for the List fortnight and arr enjoyiatC pleasant "lireable" weather juat nvw. Root irW Uto ^raii. orupa are uf f i.nu the uat and a Li- k of rain. Patronise the Merchant J make your L interest ours. C. J. LFITCH, Merchant Tailor. Cards. If \ltm\GK LICENSES. I*ned 1r .'r aibt attbcofflceor riJDC of the un.lemi^ne<L DIVISIOX COl'liT C LRftK.COMMIMSIONMi In H.C.J. Coareyanccr. Ac. Votary public JOHN W. ABXSTKONG. K. HAMMOND. Port taUa Affldariu tea. act ratal. Exec 1C. prompt) . Fleslierton Purniture HOUSE. jroar. Mrs. KU- Kinuel is still very poorly. Mr. and Mn N. Bri^xn, and Miss Ida uald.of Hamilton. [ ai 1 a brief visit! to Mr. aad Mrs. McDonald, the parent* .f the young Indie*. Their brother Rob- bie weut with them ou their return to Hamilton. He ha* had a severe attack of throat trouble which the physicians t pronounce di^htLvtu, from the effects of wbich be \- ajt not entirely recovered yet. Master lieorxe aud Miss Damy Young, ) ui St Thomas, are the gueits of Mr oJ Mrs. McDjnald duriu- * acatiou. Ed HaiTison, Furuiture Cealer aiicl They *eem tu k* ' 4 aUo l " the ''j"y Framed. Furuilurr Lounxrs Opposite Whitter^ Chi^rik^e Residence over store. JUST ARRIVED New Piints. New Cottons, New Pres? Goods, New Tweeds aud Worsteds, New GlovM, Xew Hosiery, New Parasols, New Ties, etc., and all marked at usual low ;u ieei. We do not advertise our prices but everyone is welcome to come and examine our goods and compare the qual- ity and Price. If not suitable we do not a<k you to buy, but we feel confident if yon come you won't go away empty banded. X X VKe claim to have the best general P>oot aud Shoe Department in town We ilou't keep the $1.00 kid boots, or th 50c. splits, which are uo good, but we do keep the stock most suitable for the changeable cliiuau; of this section. Come along aud bring your butter aud egg*, will give you highest price and noble ireight. The Store on the Hill ? 4 . B. Evans. frum oiiroint The welcome howeia of the week haTe i done a ureat d -ej of "tj.^1 to the pastures, i no%t " " lluj f^-'" 111 : lii^h were completely dried up. The 1 *' pot crop is going to be a poor uue thu year, aa late potatoes and tun ti* have suffered greatly fn>ui the drought. Farmers are couipLii'iing that the Krase- hoppen are eatiui( their oata. They ' cl.mb up the stalk and bite or} the grain. , The horn 3y is very tmubK some ou caltle this seos-'n. They seem to be a pett al molt as bad aa the potato bu^ The Hoop an 1 Veneer factory w not Joit'K muoh work :it pr. st-nt. Mr. Ben- nett lias been away n huaiuers. but it is to be started ijuiU; riruk when he return*. Mr. S.imuel Pedlar ia very poi-rly at pmeot. Captain Edwi u Pedlar, of the S. A , is xititing his parents. Mis. Jauie* Purvis, of Toronto, ia visiting bet friends here for a couple of Haw* Mn. Madden, of Laurel, h.is been MS iting her sister, Mn. Adam Smith, of Eugenia. Miss Sauiantha Watts, daughter of the Rev. Mr. Watts, formerly of Eugenia, is viit:iii{ her numeroos frivnds around here at present. Mr. John Liiiton and wife, of Parry Sound, paid a short visit to his p.irvnt.*. Mr. Johrwton has returned, hale and hearty, after his vacation. He received a very warm welcome from his scholar*, a'so from hia niai-y friends around Eu- genia, as he lia become quite a favorite since h came hero to teach. Some of our boy* are comp'aiui UK about the bad rends front here to Flesh- erton. They eay it i* not itafe driving ou them after daik. Better get i-lectiicity put up, as their business it i, K. y. A nuriy guud yiU M Iff Mr. John Fat on cooaWW hiaueJf , lather uniortuiiRte lu-in al prevent, h u ::i. within tli- l.i--t f i-ni-;at lueteix head . f Two of them fell, one into a well the other down a steep eaftbank merit. each brvaking it> neck The other four died rather uiysterivusiy, either fr .a poison or some hidden diaeaee. ^rs. S. ^ ;itt and daughter, ot M^ttforu. vwiWHl at Mr. 8 McKnight's la.--t wee Miss. M.iwie Ui/riy who hai charge of our academy of l-ntruin^:, spent her boh days at Harrlston. Mi*es A!ice antt Polly Giliay p.>nt holidays at the par en til home. . Mi-s Annie Douglas, of Gait, is spend i:ig a few weeks visiting hergrand[itrei'ts. Mr. ai.il Mn. (i. M-tthcwson, and other fritiwl* about here. We conuratuUte Miss Mat.'gie Buti-k upon having obtained a third class certi .horwrt mitttmt Auction ! attaixled to ii. f*\at t**CoJMr. Maavjt to lon wt ra of lotarM*. Colkwlioas !! Ii I K> with promatnoi ( .leptch Chtrm low \crat f*r tli ticfctt* frm Firr*. CH*T>WOTH, OsT.,Aug. 18. Between and 3 o clock this uiommtt tire was dia covered iwtum^ from the st.iM.-s.-f Harris' hotel better known as the Situers house. The hotel, with outbuildings, was totally iletroyed, hut the contents were ni *tly i sived. Partially covered by inaarance The caue of the f re in a mystery. CHATSWOHTH, >\T., Aug. 1*. Yewtwr- ' day morning the woollen mill at Willutms- furd, (hit., TM totally deatryed by tire, which rigiiiatd ujwtairn in the pk-kiny i ruom. The mill waa owned by A. S. 1 Elliott, of Cheoley. aui was rented by Mr. Chrt-s Kennedy. Insurance un- known. the f rum r otrtt CurrttfMuJtnt. School re-opeueil Ust Monday. Miseca Irwiu aud Fnwt, of and Owen Sound reKp.*ctively, were gucota f Mian James, hut week. Mr and Mn. Robinson, of Palmersfon, are upendiiig a few days with the Rev. Mr. Hartley. Miss Jane Wright.aixl her niece Noiina Tuck, returned to Orillia last week after a pleasant sojouru amoiig fiienda iu the village. Mr. Frank Husband, of F'.e.-th erton. |id our lulUide burg a short visit latelv. Miss Maxgie Derby, of Durham, waa the uuest of Mim Maggie McIVnaJd Ut week. We conurktuUtu Mis* D. ou her snccem in passing the Junior Leaving exam, at O S. Mr. Siel McCannel. teawhwr nf B..fh vilb P. 8., paid a viait tu \V J Blake^ Gla^ow. LooJoo nr HIT of th. British pon< Partia lnMmAn< tu TI.II KaUad. Inland, will p >*< aak tbair ticket* .-hr. ittrdica!. t. HL'TTO^. at. D. C. M. H.C. P.* 8. Ont.. Prieoville ee and oOee <MM door wwt of eh Xib Offlcu 'lay*. TiMKlay* 1. CAIITEB. M. C. P. A 8.. Ont. Pbysiriau. nrsoo. tc , lc-triu. bock. P OTTKWKLL. Oradoato of Ontari VvtwiBarr Sunjtcm. Vvterlnarr Coll<. B occupiwl trr Wm. Bra4te]r a* ih Drill Sl-e-l J F. HALSf BAD. M. D . M. C. A S.. Ont , prutico* at Kim- barloy. RbvoiuaUc li**tmr ; >p -ialitr. J. : M \HSHM i.. L. D.S..X D. 8.. Dratirt. Visit* Mark-la 1 . lb 1H m!id 3rd Wwluceday of ruh monwa. KIJirtoo-KcU trip oo tli Jay following. J. W. FB08T. Solicitor. Conveyancer. Btr ru*brtou oc Next Uia port offlvr Sprenl- buildiug, on Thuradar*- Ow*o Suuu<l Krat'i On i 1 fCAS * WWOHT. Barrister*. Solicitor*. CunTcyan Owrn ouuuil. Ou.t - Mar 1 ' W. H. WKII.HT t \ X. B.-FWh.rtoa office. lUtr' ' vr y WedBMiIa v . i banking hu- Hanterm. Mubtale. do a B^aabte rte. Ca.l Inn*. Mou) loaned at a * 00, . J riMh> aanl all ki to onlr. t^tt ' Fatror* o't now block. Kl~hrt4' rMM . rt(>tlli . j

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