Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 27 Jul 1893, p. 7

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THE WEEK'S NEWS CAXAMAX. IThe anniversary of th* fall of th* Bestile wu celebrated with much enlhaiiaMi by th* French of Montreal The a donation of Protestant* to St. Jean Baptists A<oc;tioa n dealing 2o<i deal of discussion IB the French-Canadian pre. Th* Stewiack's and Lsntdowne railway. a mall branch line in Nova Sc-otia. : has de- faulted in th payment of it* band* on th London market. Th* Protestant Ministerial Aasociation. of Montreal, ha* decided to in^.teTUv. B. Fay Mile*. the noted evangelist, to hold a series of services in Montreal, during UM noaiiag winter. The new method ot a**e*am*ot adopted by the civic authorities of Montreal hai raised the ratable \aKauju oc ;- ~perti--s m the city between thirty *~U orty ui.ilions of dollar.. Mr. J. M. MaeoBU, of the Dominion Geo- logical Department, who haf arrived in Ottawa from Para, eayi that Canada a dead rare of winning the caee before UM Eehrinf Sea tribunal. It ii stated, on the authority of Pre neir Daviee, that the Canadian Pacific Railway Company contemplates the employment of electricity in drawing trains op kicking one Canyon on ike Tine to the coast. Mr. Francis Irwin, of Stratford Got., (ell from a cherry tree Monday afternoon. It was only four or five feet to the ground, but he alighted on his head and hie neck was broken. He lived for s few minutes only. The ninth annual session el the Trades and Labour Congress of Canada will com- mence in Montreal on Tueeday, September 5th- Some of the leading labour reform- er* from the United Slates are expected to attend. A delegation of seven French -Canadians from the United States, representing some forty families, are on their way to Manitoba to tenure good farms for their competitors, who, with themselves, wish tc return to Canada. Mayor Desjardins, of Montreal, has re- ceived a letter from Mayor Fleming. of To- ronto, in praise ot the broad-minded anJ liberal stand he took in connection with the recent cooarntion of the Christian Endeav- oar Association. , Mies Milla Frith, fifteen yean of age, re- ceived a sting on the temple from a bee at her horns in Princeton, Ont., on Saturday. She was immediately seized with oonval- I 1004. and fifteen inmates later was dead. The doctors state that death reeolted frw UM shock. When abont to return hosae after the recent visit to Montreal, " F " Company, of the) 14 th Rifle Battalion, Kingston. Ont.. declined to be distributed among several railway cars, as directed by MM colonel The compuT was left behind, and has DOW been disbanded for insubordination. A little boy named Robert Arroll wa knocked down and run over by a trolley oar on .lanes street, Hamilton. Ont., on Saturday, his skull being fractured in two places, and his scalp torn almost complete- ly from hie head. .It was believed at first that he would die, but there are BOW nmi hope* of his recovery. Lorette Valentin*, two yean old, while oat walking with rer mother, at Hamilton, On i., on Thursday evening, tripped and felL A rib of a small parasol she earned entered her nostril, and Mood poured freely from the wound. The doctors discovered that the metal rod had penetrated to the brain, and the little girl died on Saturday even- ing. A convict named Larramboise, imprison- ed in the fl*. Vincent de Paul penitentiary. while eirpkoyed in the stone cutters' shop an Friday, struck Edward Segonm, one of the instructor*, with a heavy piece of stone breaking hi* jaw. He tried to administer a death-blow with a heavy hammer, but was prevented by another convict. He was sentenced to 40 lashes. The two daughters of Mr. Samuel At- kins, of Hamilton, Oat, aged thirteen and eleven years, occupied a b-vatal Burlington Beach Saturday afternoon *ViUi Mr. Kd- ward Harmon and his son. The children in the party were engaged in gathering water lilies, and one of the little girls, in attempting to reach a distant flower, fell oat of the boat, Mr. Hamscn, in attempting to grasp her, upeel the boat, and all four were in the water. Mr. Harrison saved his SOB, but the two ii: tie girls were drown- ed. BRTTOB. Th* Karl of Aberdeen watte i upon th* Qneen at \V ndsor on Monday, and received his appointment as Uoveracr-Ueneral of Canada. f disturbance has broken out in Alex- andria and the Krituh warship Intexibe*. mounting twelve guns, has beeu ordered to that city. Tne London Times says that the i-cv- eminent, following the precedent SM by the Tories in 1HTT, will cat short the report stage of the Home Rule bill It is announced that Lord Aberdeen, th* successor of Lord Derby as ttarernor <<en- r*l of Canada, will leave Knglaa I on Sept- ember ? by the Allan line steamer Sardin- ian. The fund of the Lord Mayor of London for the relief of the families who !oet mem- ber* in the Victoria disaster has been clos- ed. Ths fund amounts to fifty' thousand pound*. I'-ie court-martial appoint**? to try Cap- tain the Hon. Maurice Kourke and other officers of th. Victoria, which was sunk by the Camuenlown, was opened at V alette, MalU, Monday. At th' .- urt mu ti*' rwiag hold at Val- etta, Mxlta, Lord >.ilf.>rd. flag lieutenant of the M siiirrauoui si)B*dr\>n, testified thai Vi - A lmir*l Trvon sai I to him, referring to the l<ns of the Victoria, " It was all my fault.' A Scottish deputauoo waited the other- day in London upon Mr. (Gardner, Pi set dent of the Board of Agriculture, wiih re ferenc* to the import*- ton of Canadian oat- tie, Mr. Gardner said there no hope of ratling the embargo this season, hut he was in fax-our of tending three Knglisn er- perts to study the cattle question IB Can- ada, Th* heat was so iatea** in Chicago oa Friday that ix persons lost their lives, and many were prostrated. Th* wett- bound train on the West Sfcossi line, at noon the other day ran into an open switch near Nee'imr*, X. V., and & bad smash up followed. From eight to ten per- son* were killed, and many badly injur- ed. Frank B'ant, arrested at Milwaukee. Win., on Thursiay, on a charge of grand larceny, was discovered to be a woman of twenty-seven years of age, who, thirteen years ag a, L_ Booted mr ' garb and male society. Miss Lilian Saalte, IS years of age, em- ployed s* a domestic on the itland opposite Mackinaw, Mich., commuted wicide on Monday evening by taking laadanam. She had been criminally ssssnlted, and deter- mined to end her life. Ex- Premier Merger, accompanied by Mr O. Decmaraia, ha* left Montreal on his tour through the French -Canadian centre* in New England. where be will deliver addreas- es advocating the advantage* to be derived from Canadian independence. Dr. Myers, with many aliases, formerly practising in Chicago, and latterly in Detroit as a homeopathic physician, has been arrest- ed in (he latter city, charged with having committed at least five murders for the pur- pose of defrauding inasmnos osmpaaiea. The mineral poison be ased so closely aim*- ated iisease a* not at n WEIT PRQDUCTIOI II THE SHIES, The L iii i UHI .*( Keaehtd. ar .. >., m w r.i will the .. ji.r r, of the w orid At in; Boantof T-ad* basset in Toronto bat Jannary Sir Joan by tho paaaai al growth of the town station*, who** nqnirtaM.au for beef, mat- tea, dairy products, and th* asvTioai of r t ilileei* ef Thompson gave as n ream why Canad* most IB a few yean oaths rapid boua i* both a*v*le in materiai dcv*l*yaMat and psn.liliu thsl the vacant Ua ia ot oar neigabors were nearly all occupied, tha: th* umil ti wheat production ia th* Dai ted States hki been almost reached, aad that t'.e u:ne wa- . a pw caching warn that country would have n* osreals to spare for expirtatitM, all that could h* giaaa being r*|Uired for ha a Sir JOAB eoald not pnsniUy that his word* woaid receive onawrmatiaa from the New York San. the stiffen aad moat pisiil*al ndvocatiam of annexation, within th* I asnatrn. Bat in a t we -ealamn article lht paper more than atSriaa the truth ef all that th* DnwiiBMn prBmist said. It* stalemtais draagbt and in ni other way. "That it ahosUd be all the new acreage of I bsmet te devote States to forage) run*, aad than <iiv*rt to> *ach pradnet* part ofttM osra area aad 23 par cant, oi tna . witiiin tan yean, ah.ws how very rapidly th* hoaa* r*naar*nnat* creaae, sad haw fact wa an traa=haag *paa the acreage devoted to th* growth a? grain for exportation, i. ,ha* was bat ...tstaaw ta* granary of th* continent." j he* become slsanet detpai The. ana. employed in wheat growing in ' tales aa the eeaaamg winU the several groups of slaUs in 187* and , Egvpi, th* ItvaBakooasr 1*0 and im. a. aKUBtted b, tha haraTtick of T&L. Id, lS-9 and L'nited S- b**a a* fnlU*i 11 North AI Untie State* . XsnVn** {%, i Lake btala. . IXMMMa II.IWUK tretln*- l.ier Tolas la I4aa* Pocatel! i ! ia. letter ia the St. Lean Globs Cnc-kcte have nM'ie their apaaar- ance ia Idaho a* tr- a* locnsu in Kgypt,- and ar* thiag in their line of are no cnrkeis gn thehaadred* of hardaa af th* grsnakopper aad the past of cricket ta* green iaid* af ta* rancher have ki nail hare aad havan sad tat aid isr*er Jtsp.rato a* ha medi- tates an the nmMi winter. Th* locnsl af Egypt, th* amnsknppsr af Uakata, th* hare* tick of Texae, aad th* boding *f alt hav* been fimni in story. They an scooigsa. ha* anna af them kava train than th* nehaTaf to-day in Idaho, aestifcroa. " SL Petonbarx i* omcially declared to be in a healthy condition. Th* Peary Arctic expedition kit John's Xfld., on Friday for Labrador to get dogs, and thence will sail for Green- land. Emperor William and the Emprre* have sailed from Kiel on a trip to Denmark and Sweden. The Belgian Chamber of DepatMt ha* adopted a reeoluiioi. providing for the pay- ment to it* members of four thousand francs each a year. The Government, in view of the distress caused by the drought, ha* decided to pro- hibit the exportation of fodder. ei-cluve of cornels, from Austria and Hungary. A despatch from Zannhar nays th* Si Itaa has proclaimed th* concession of all in* Benadier port* and territories to Italy for a provisional period of thro* yea;*. Un*pit* a strong resistance, in which twenty Siamese wen killed, two Freach warships succeeded on Thursday in passing the bar at the mouth of the Meinasne rtv-r. The Siamese Government has refneed to permit two more French gunboats to enter the Memam river, and it is expected that France will regard tais s* equivalent to a declaration of star. herewith give copious extract* from th* article, which i* headed : " Hav* w* roach ed the limit of Wheat Prodaetianr' Whoa the Mveoth ntnsa. was taken in 1830," say* ue Son, " 4 par cent, of the wheat tiewa wa* produced in th* State* lying north of ta* Potomac aad east of t-.* nUarhaaina' ; yet only to* yean later than* narth Atlantic State*, eaninbotel aa: 1 par cant, aad th* five Lake States, lying north of taw Ohio aad sast of th* Muns- sippt, had taken firet rank, coatntmuaj 41 it. of a product chat had Mouute Stales Terniario*. Tstato Fin )>.-!' Wewe, tSto SB. l <n* nunoM ot May in the Weed River c try ia the vicnrity af '-"^- . the Caman Prairie. They aeon mad* lastr way to) HarWy. BeiWvaa. aad Ketchum, and now kv, spread ever th* Coaatte* of Altara*. Lapmj Washington, Lam hi. rianri. Fre- 11 . . M 1S79 th* vlveal area of the incr-a-d tr three* direction*. h\Tnae waste Fint" r Tk* Belgian ChmVtr has voted for a revision of th* constitution a* will sue hi* Belgium to acquire colenins. Th* Govern- ment i* known M contemplati ta* annexa- tion of the Congo Free State. A meinl cable despatch fries Pans states that tk< French (toveramonl has coneented to accept an mterpoUation *n the Siamese question, and that no action will be taken calculated to commit France without first informing the Chamber of Deputise. The Finance Minister of Proem* and it* Finance muusten of all the other German state* will hold a conference an August &ih, at Frankfort-on-the-Main, for the purpose ot diacnasiag th* best method ef meeting the increased expenditure which will b* a cons*qn*ne* of the carrying out of the pro- visions of the Army bill. M. Bulos has taken fl got from Paris after embesxling funds from the Revo* do* Deux Monde*, of which U* was editor and managing director. He ha* had criminal relations with three women, and it was to satisfy the blackmailing demand* of their male friends that Ruloxtook the funds from the Revo* when hi* own resources were ex- hausted. i now T*JB ti< Tuni t a* were th* changaaBB moved westward. States contrived te retaia th* primacy in wheat culture for aa.tanr twenty yean althaagh the proportion con- tr. bated was redacad te U par cent, in Is7i when the contribution oi the Mianouri Valley States was but one par cent. leas. la 1*79 the oaatribaiiona o: th* north Allan*)* ragian had been reduced te lea* than 9 par oat. aliacugh its act*ags> wa* a trifle greater than it had been in IS5O, whan it aad grown nearly half ta* wheat. Since 1879. however, th* acreage of this aorta - astern division ha* declined, not only rel- atively, bait absolutely, being now BOOM 000,000 aero. We* tha* ia 1SV). with ta* pro.*** nf converting wheatfields iato mea- dows, orchards psatarea. aad oatnelds still continuing. Thi. rapid radactioa of th* waaat-baariag area i* coaeeejneen upoa aa ot urban popalauon. i snilm ing grsatsr .app.ie. of such prod acts Mar th* place of pro- of their per jhabl* or balky character. Having advanced from th* te th* first, to. Steles show*! marvelleo* as tweea 1859 and 1S79. th* been 1UU nor cant., th* maximum ' at I'.M&VOOO acre* in 197*. BUM* . l.ti).00 1*79, but it wa* sack as to 4.0JI.WM acre* in la* nv* an coding wun 1*S4. ia which year tha ached it* maximum at 39.476,000 By this Urns, however, th* aiabla eftaeaahUcdamaiahad, aia Home, and laaa oa dawa ta* cf ths m*g. aorat OU Snaka. They mo e in a dirnat eaarn aad do not deviate from thesr line af march *xc*pc when their pr egress is cheeked by a lanai 11 stream. Than they rait m and fisat until they r.nk* saor*. front nisi a* petal they and UM vary thoroughly appropriated ; aad additions to ta* wheat continued elaevbere than am Minnesota, Kane**, Oragon, Washington, aad la* Da- kota*. Oar ooatemporery rsnrlsiias : " With waoatfields giving n.ithsr aaor* nor MB* than average yislj*, we new hav* the pro- duct of torn* 6.0TJA.OOO acre* that can ha seat aorosd ; aai as each tait siiitsJ te tha popaUtioa yearly rv-|uir*s ta* prodact of U 41.1 of an acre ondvr wheat, the Bcltoja tt thiaanav of < tee. headed to the mte the Lest River country, ana an W tho ferul* vall** W Fremont County. Tha third wiag an ma oat in a aorthasateriy direatiaa, aareen LamU County M Ada. Tk* amMf stady of the Idaho farmer BOW hew te lira bank thss astsnttog tad* that rwallowt qp eraan aad fmtte as tt passes i n i dsvoen every epnc *f green in it* way. Manv scheme* hav* batn trwd, hat *ona have yet -oimpliahsd tho aasinit sad. Aioag ^idMr Crask aad Willow Creek the crickets have *l**a*d oat every field at grewtng grain. Oa ta* Malad ta*y UI.MOaeren .nting Bp the wwing grnnm. In Wa^in*> sn Mnt^holly imprac- ten Cty th^ nriTAewring crop, front *T* -C '' r Mann and Momro. Cre^. te Hornei and l On thn o-her hand, eoat.Bnote bedirect- Mann and Momro. Cre^. te H CooncU. On Lea* Crenk it i* th. pen that are doinc th* uea, eating with awful voracity grains aad II Mils everywhere. At Rexr-erg. Fort "aMoj olmW O^MJatTVoT DoMO ffTttnaNMVttaMV ntnVjU . . KM anlSSS. th* ,'OO, *" *Baly*< growin wheat Many plan* hav* twen triad to check the which tims th* nsalius has been very great, as the aren BOW devoted te this srspl* in tKirteen years, been dnrtion W snch crop* s* th* tubsistene* and eonUort nf added wttMlowM aad viikfes of th* Lsk* The .!: it report show* that the re- eelpta of the Worl J Fair AT* st.adily gain- in* on the expense*. tarceon Ween Write* I* Ml. Brvther In Terenl* t fmmtt Prttenera ,i In valMs ave4. Mr. Robert Moon, Toronto, ha* received a letter from his brother. Dr. J. Agnew Moon, who was a surgeon en the ill-tated Vi. toria. Th* letter is dated from K M.S. Edinburgh, off Tripoli, and among other things it state* : " Th* accurrence happen- ed about 3.40 p.m. I was in the ward room and went on deck, but did not imagiu* for a moment that th* ship would sink. Then 1 came down again, went te the sick berth and cleared it, getting all the sick oj the upper deck, ana even a man whose aakle had been completely crushed was brought on dock, and also two sick officer*. To show you that there was no panic of any kind the two prisoners in the cells down below wets got out and both saved. Six of the invalid- ed in the sick betth wsrr also save*. That being finithed, I went to the stern part of th* ship about fifteen second* before she sank, and then saw there was BO bop*. Slie turned completely over, and whereas most of the men went over the side which was highest out ol th* water, I meditated, a* the screw was out of the water and still go- ing round on that side, aad thought it better not to. I had to m.\k* up my mind quickly, a* the ship heeled over, and I >lhl down the deck into the water on the side which went into the water first. I was not long under water, and on coming to the surface I swam as hard as I could away, and saw the ship turned upside down, with her bow going down, her utern out of water, and both screws in th* air. I then got a wreckage, held on to it, aad saw aa upturned bunt near, but there were so many people hold- ing te it. and so many swimming for her that I thought it best te keep oat of the way. Now, however, the wont hegsn, as evidently th*ship|> igiat extent. Mew up, and the wreckage as p^r-piug up every place, sad on* might easily have been dit- al'led In it. I gut into the whirlpool of water caused by the ahip going down, aad my wreckage was whirled out my hand. However I wascomparetiiely strong, and got hold of a plank, and oon after a boat from the Nile took me on board, where I helped to do a certain amount of medical work .n restoring th* apparently drowned. There is a good proportion of officers saved, and this is doe mainly. I think, to their leaving the ship last, and also keeping their head> better. Whoso the fault is or to whom the Name, if any, to be attached, will com* out in th* court-martial. On that point I am tileut." ' The ven State* south of the Pot and Ohio aad east of the MiM.ssippi in- eluded 31 DOT CCBL of the area IB iS50, aad yet contributed oat 9) per cent, of th* wheat grown, the yield aa acr* being lower than elsewhere. In 1S59 this divtawa had -7 per cent, of th* wheat area, and contrib- uted -Jl per e*nt. of th* grain. Dering th* war period the Southern wnoat area declin- ed, both relatively and absolutory, the acrs- Bf*ihnnking from 4, 100,000 acr**toX38S,- |W. or miess than 1 8 percent, of th* who*. Following th. restoration of peace the area expanded, within riheen rear*, te \.rs,000 acres, to b* followed by a great decline during th* ninth d cad* when more than n million acres were taken from Southern wheaZaelda, and devoted te cotton growing. This region **w emhri:es lees than U per cent, of th* nation 1 * wheat area, and pro- duce* about S per cent, of the grain, " After saying that Louisiana. Ark annas and Texa* sever did count for much as the sagsbrnah oaul tUy hang in of bass. In theVieinrtT of R*U*> taesut*aghty*n,te' u . IH< - replace th* acre* diverted to other products like swi g*th*r prohnbsa. tUai Aad th* aid world will hav* te look .ZIrVnnBifrUhiu!! th toswhus in the twanhsth oantary than t . to the United State* fer ito faad .ap- ply, and whore eb. should it look hut to onr own North Wast, which it was long ago the granary of ta* their ranch** in track. wotW! Jus: BO* ta* crMket* ar* invaoTiag the Bon* Valley in swan*. MUbons have al rn*M* r tae a The ctrrunMlBBi't. aad . , ready crt>esed the river. ; drowned i* the attempt, i still waiting te croav of the de- ' ( graia are falling b. ing tram ta* evuieaco * Victoria are. jodr- *rchardi an being (tipped c! tbeir h se far grren bWore th* I The Rtddenbaagh Canal : fairiy alive -rianj, hnisjn ve with water hurnmt *il Minnesota, Neoraska, Missouri. lows, Kansas, and th* l**s than 44X\iXW acre* rapid, however, ha* bam th* dcv olopmoat, that tk* area te II.7M.OOU aad it aow court martial now sitting at Malt*, appar- : enokets aad the snrfaa* af th* water pr*> ^tly exactly a* depicted i. the diepatche* 1 seat, a mow renabiv* snut.cli **s>. Mat te the Ainiralty by Raar Adnural J hctod BM*S *f alack. ni-gfaBj, haga. Ser Mark htm and the principal notoen aad a* era! attempt* to dattrwy th*m hav* been pabliaaal in the daily papan- F.rtaar ad. by MnxNag stream. W teatimonv nay discloM fact, of laterest te down the canal Million. export*, bat for laymen it is only to* dear hat there is a* perceptible that the ghaatly catastrophe wa* aaasii by thair numbors. fatal miaaan caption IB th* mind of on* Th* taaiioa i. a spread destruction of taken place and la* daily. cab*** after ad- 1 Wkota* could only shew mltU ' **" **' C * hta> **** U * for th* evolution, most ha* said H, 1^ UVVH *W U* IMV|lnwH I ..AdBAft SAA*!* A ^ in that. State* ha/l inctrsd L act** in 1879 and te 13.3J4. j "ortW MhWI UaT ystery. that ta* man who cannot make oonaiderauon fact that A inv'e adn> ha* half an in hi* Wood. af has shown steady decline since 1 SS4. mast pna*wacd, hewexer. in low*., where the production o both wheat aad earn hat haan giving place te meaoows, oatoeM*. and dairy famM, as in the case IB the laatsra parts of Minnesota, Nsbraaka. and Kansas. "Th* wheat area of Minnesota i* mil *xpaading slowly, while the Dakota, and Ksniaa, notwithstanding thair eammoas additioaa. hav* boon unable, aithoogh aid- d bv vhragon and Washington, to prevent a reduction of nearly 2.0rXOOO acre* ta th* nation s wheat area daring th* ten yean ending with - The Pacific Slop* straws great develop- ment in the wheat project too. but it KM little more than kept pace w th th* needs af tha raped growth of popula- tion. Coolinuing th. Son says : Dar- iag th* ten y*ar* *adiag with ISSt, the n heat-beariBK area of the north Atlantic State*, MIIB* 'o Maryland, decline-! IS per cent., every ace* ef the diverted wheat- Bald, being employed IB growing crop* that are more profitable, biaanam such prod act* are required for local use, and are not so readily or cheaply transport*.! as the die- placed graio. "In th* l.nke Kroiip. Ohio, Michigan, In- diana, Illinois, aad \Viscocsta, which haU which must v*ry Brtti*! >ad* by Admiral Varkham that in thesr stalioa* was beyond praise, aad there wa* no panic U any sort or ' t.'ie tint pUc* in wheat growing f ram - '. i h^ d*dia* wan even greator. exulting *(.1 p*r conk All of these aores c\n h* readily traocd to UM tMadow*. ov 6*ld*, aad a*w pastures mnUered Beeeasar* t fc gaBM. rnniln*; Tne MartL AJ1 the iaaabitenti of the (Gilbert lalaada. our new pnMsssion? :n the Wostera Paoiftc, are *ipert &*h*naen. Shark*' fta being an art id* of export, the shark i* eagerly sought for. Hs i* often caught without a book. A piece, of bait is put oa th* en-l of a line paM.i through a Banes in a larger liae aad u>wed free* a canoe. A* tk* saark is seen to fallow ta* bait, it i* fra>iaalry hauled up till hit H*ad aad eh.vilder* are past the nv\n*. Tbe Utter i* then quick ed. Aaothor plan recorded by Captain Cvpriaa Hridg*, who vetited the isjltari. in is not* rsmarkable. The sharks are to sleep in rather eaadiew water prejaetiag piacn* ef coral with their haad* jnst protruding. When a Gilbert i*Und*r sea* ** m th posotea h* dive* down with small stick la Kin haad, aad give* th* ft>h a UD on the no**, IIP sating it until the shark far cvotfort'* sake change* his position aad l*na> kis tail wherehi* haad had b*o. This 'is the athermac's ahanc*. and. a **coa4 dive with a nan** at of a* Ho* scan rakes him matter ol Inlnrteas CaVeta af Teaaeee. In a day whan th* aw of tehaooo by younc men. bay*, aad evea ladiea, n geoeral, and sotekmg ia a* nearly gsaWal M it M pomhl* for sarectatioB* te make anything that m naturally and essentially oJ*nv*. it i. of particular interest and vain* to net* til* effect* of the habit, an stabinned by careful scientific and obmrvauoa aad examinatia vean Dr J. \\. Seaver, th* Tat* u in athletic*, has kapt a record af tmok't and aan-smokera, who i hi* directian In the Tab grmaaMum. aad it provei beyond d*abt the fact that smak- tagMriously dwarfs th* phv*Mal devessp * *f vonag men. How greatly it ***** them shown by UM class which ha* jwat gradual*! a* Tale, which Dr. Seaver dedans fairly repreaentatrv*. aad in which the ma* who did act an* tobacco gained 'JO par cant. ore in height. ?3 per cant, more in weight, and wS psr cant, more in rung capacity dor- ia th* four nan' c*an* than did themoa whoaaed rahaoco. Practu-alty the nxna* result* are shown by the statistic* of poy- sioal drvatanoscat gataamd in the eitmteat aad *arefmtt* directed Kymaashuo at Am- heist Colteg*. Of th* recent graduating c'.*** there, th* noB-Msaa-ars, daring thair cours*. gained 24 per cant, mare ia weight than, the nnk*n, TT per cant more in height, and 40 per cant, nor* ia ohsa*. girth, and the vera,-e d:aV*nc*> in long capacity in favor of tha non-smokers was S.36 eabtc UK-he*. Then* are facts that ha** o**a ecarJ by painatekiag nsa tifie iaqniry and eannot h* disputed. Thaw pror* b*yand owstwa that ta* ana af n*- Kaoco prevonre r*yksU iHreeopnssnt and taat it is, thererera, lajmnoa*. I- n* of th* good raralt* of eolfeg* athl*tis taat they hr* *uHl>*h. d this moat isjportan-. fart, a fact which ths youth nf to-day nnatl oe Balder tor serioajty when temp:*d te toy with tha tdu.'tive and devlly cigarette. The normal twnptntar* of ahunuu bad* h i-* degree*,

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