Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 27 Jul 1893, p. 2

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BUSSIA'S AUTOCRAT. 8trnze Lift Lad bj tb Our Alexander m. An I nki>i .,-r -.-| 2 lie Klu.l. MaBoal Labor an tli.olulr %., r.,|n |o lrru P> Hit llmr Mis Neme lire. Ths Csar'* daily hahiti of life are those of a pope rather than of a secular monarch, hi* rtlai&ti.m* tho** of a prisoner rather than of s piUmlate, says the Con temporary Beview. When lesiding at gOatohino ke generally rise* at 7 a.m. , whereas few noble- men in the capital leave their beds much before midday ; and I am personally ac- quainted with two who rise with the regu- larity of clockwork at 3 o'clock every day. He then takes a quist stroll in the uninter- esting, well watched palaoe park, returns to early breakfast and engages in severe manual labor as a preparation for the offi- cial work of the day. The latter consists mainly in the reading and signing of SDOT- roous pile* of edict., ukases, laws and re- ports, all of which hs conscientiously en- deavon to understand. Upon th* margin* of tbeee document* be writet hi* decision or hi* impressions with a frankness and " abandon " which laughs prudence and propriety to tcorn Those who maintain that he is kept in complete or even partial ignorance of the cruel measures adopted in his name, or els* that his boasted love of his peopl* is bat the varnish of hypocrisy, are as much astray In the matter of fact as in their appreciation. Cold-blooded cruelty or savage hatred is not the correct nam. of th* motives that iiitpired the slaughter of the AmaUklte* by Saul, or the auto* d* f* of Arbuetde Kpila ; and it ihould not be forgotten that ther* is a moral ailrrent call- ed a false conscience., the effect of which i* to poison the action without vitiating its source. " Men never do wrong so thorough- ly and to cheerfully," ssyt Pascal, "as when they are obeying the prompting! of a false conscience." To fancy, therefore, as many Knglish optimists do, that the F.mper or ne di only to be informed of the facts in order to UI-EAL Till OKrri. LAWS. and remodel -.he system of government which u ruining hi* people, it at reasonaole a* to delud* oue't i.lf with the pleasing notion that an illiterate peasant needs bat a pair of ipeotaclei in order to enable him lo read hii Bible. The remark* whioh the Czar thus jots down on the margin of the documents submitted for hit consideration are probably more characteristic of the man than all hi* fragmentary conversation* with his Minister! and courtien ; although it would be a nviUke to attribute to this fact the custom of glazing everything he thus pens and carefully preserving il in the tatingly puts hit hand to any kind of work' that has to be done, but his osual occupa- tion i* to fell huge tree*, taw them into plank*, plane them, and generally prepare them tor the cabinet maker. In winter the gardener* have strict order* not to clear sway the enow from the avenue*, and walk* in the park, which it invarably left lor Hi. Majeaty, who, attired In a shortgray jtcket (tooshorrka), shovels it up Into enormous niouudi and then trantfer* il to a cart. It oocasinnally happen*, when bu cannot com- plete the task lie had set himself within the timi at hit disposal, that his children lend him their assistance, and cart away li> now to a remote part >f the grounds. Gaiehino ii a dull, dreary, dingy place for any man to retire to, especially in spring or autumn ; and to enhance its natural draw- backs the F.mperor, moved by peculiar no- tions ot his own, has chosen the very worst suite of room* in the palace to live in a range of email, low rcom* on the entresol, the ceiling* of which he has no difficulty in touchlog with his hands. The lack of air in these apartments ha* mor* than once proved prejudicial to the health of the Em- press during a ipell of indisposition, bat she wou.d never listen to the advice of the docton to move away from her contort into more spacious apartments. All the clouds that lower over the house of Romanoffs seem to gather and condense over the Win- ter Palaoe, of which the Czar hat superati- t ious horror. He never passe* a night there. Kven when raiding in the AnituhkofT Pal- ace he taeme and f*ls considerably out of his element, for the even tenor of his life Is broken by balls, official reception*, visit* to various institution* and other uncongen- ial occupations. Me never dine* when staying in town, unless the necexity of en- tertaining foreign prince* or diplomatists impotei a duty which is also a dUcomfort. At half-past 1 he luuches, four courses being served instead of three, and at 7 partakes of cold refreshments, after which he gener- ally visit* th* thestre, which constitutes th* OHLT COMPKNKATION ArrORDKD HIM by city lit* for the inconveniences it com- pels him to endure. He rarely miMSS a chance of visiting on* of the imperial thea- tres, where he appreciate! good acting, and BBKr AH*> The best butter it made in Denmark. A Ueoh has three jas, whhh form triangle. A ton of tteel produces about 1, 440,000 p*ns. Many ladies are en-ployed as bank cash- ienii. Finland, A jelly-fish of tea pounds when .dried weighs about tsn grains. Knougb spider*' webs to go tronnd the world, would ..igh one half-pound. The Chinese gardeners are th* most ex- pert fruit growen iu the world. Ijk'.m.lry women at Hamburg wash their lirry linen in the stream* of water that flow around th* town. There are 1,000 submarine cablet in use all over the world, which have cost about $100,000,000. It is stated that t>nw> tenth of the men who die in Switzerland execs* of driuking. die prematurely from Among stevedores cotton i* regarded ai hardest to stow and railway iron as the easiest. There are about 25,000 school librariet in Franc* partly supported by the State and by the local municipal authorities There are two places in L- ndon where clergymen can buy sermons printed. cover all subjects, and can be had f season. They for any i^ne of the moet prosperous latent ors of the day is Mr. George \V**tingbou*e, whose wonderful brake ha* brought him in a for- tune of -JU,000,000. Melbourne now make* it* own silver coin, i istcad of receiving it from the Bank of Knglaod. Previously the Melbourne mint only coined it* gold. So large i* the collection of valuable his- torical papers in the State Department he was a former prisoner com* to visit a friend he had mad. daring his involuntary stay. ( ount Edward Romero, one of the wealth- iest men in Portugal, recently lost hi* life through a bet. Ho had wagered 'JO.OOO francs that he would perform a feat that was carried out by a lady rider at a circue, which consisted in falling head over bed* to the ground from the horse while it walk- ed on its hind leg*. Th* horse, however, fell backwards on ths count, who died after several boars of grat agony. An average of 5 (set of water is estimated to fall annually over the whole earth, and, AS milling that condensation tares place at an average height of 3,000 fer.t, scientists conclude that the force of evaporation to supply such rainfall must equal the lifting of .T-f-'.OUO.UOO pounds of water 3.fOO!eet in every minute, or about 300,000,000 horse- power constant!}- exerted. Photographers are now beginning to re- alise that the dark -room lantern ihould be- come a relic of the past, and a number of the more progressive members of the fratern- ity are iosUUing storage incandescent lamps, They lay that this improvement has had a marked effect upon the hrahh of dark-room operators, and it considered a boon to those whoee time is ipent continually in that un- wholesome almc<phere. A Jewish junkdealer in Winnipeg impo*- i an old muzzle-loading musket on a green Kngliih immigrant a few dsys ago, along with thrilling ancedot**) about Indian in- cidents. The greenhorn found th barrel plugged up with what seemed to he wads. He took it to a gunsmith to be cleaned, and the smith poked oat of the barrel |7u5 in good Canadian bank notes. According to tbs latest accounts the junkman was boing closely watched by his friends. V BAlt T*) TICIwUA il A.I Is, NO < ai.e |e CrnmMe. In summing up the advantaget of living in Canada, it fhoold the Mail not be forgotten, as we have next to year* ago. will probably not be completed within a decade. " Trust in God aud defend thyself brave- ^ I/." is. the motto on a iword presented by manifests hi* appreciation after the tradi- I the German Emperor to hi* ten-year-old tionul manner of plebeians; and although hs frequently encourages the Russian, and occasionally the French, drama by his pres- eoce, neither of the two afford* him inch gin u me pleasure i the opera. After the theatre he never partake* of the tee, and refreshment* which are ml way* served to the other member* of the family, but re- tiree to reit a* toon at poceible. Task* of manual labor Hre much more difficult to find in the citj.than in the country, and he . imperial archivei for the edification of I somstiniss ha* recourse to curtoue make- , future generation!. He wntei down the shifts in order to tatiify hie desiie. Three thought* suggested by what he read* jut yri ago, for instance, he undertook to ai they occur, employing lha picturesque phrascolory in whicn taey embody them- selves. And the former are not alwayi very refined. "They are a Mt ot hogs" n a phrue that recur* more frequently than moel. " \Vhat a beaet he n '" i* another (ekaya ikouo*). The aonouot of a fire, of a failure of the crop*, of a famine or of eome other calamity ia almost invariably 1 upon in the one itereotyped The largest denomination of coloured Chriitiani iu th* Southern Soaut U known a* the " Regular Kapti.u It ha* about 1, '230,000 members. Ths nswest fad in autograph books it on* of cooking recipes. Each formula written in the book has the signatar* of the contributing friend undsr iu There i* a tribe in Central Africa among whom tpeaker* in public debate* are re- quired to stand on one lee while *p*a.king, and to speak only as long a* they can so itand. Since the great earthquake of I HOI no less than 1,110 snd J.ir.':, shock, hsve been experienced in Nagoya and Gilo respective- ly, two provinces m Japan. A Liverpool policeman, who, as hs commented upon in the word. " discounging" (n*yoole*hltelno), and *o frequently ha* thu brief commentary been written on the moet important re- port* that a Minuter once remarked that if the fingers of fate were to write on the wall of the AniuhkolT Palace what they are reported to have written oo that of HeUhauar, the Russian monarch could not withstand the temptation of scribbling under it the customary gloss. " neyoolee- hitelno." Two yean hate not elapsed ainoe he wrote a very disparaging remark nn the margin of a document prepared by hi* own Imperial Council, the mult* of which threatened to prove more **riou* than he had reason to antic pate : " The Council thought to trick me, but they sha'n'i." The member* nl that body, which consists , of men who have occupied the higheit po*t* in the Kmpire, were highly indignant when they heard of the libel, and threaten- ed to strike) work mile** the word* were etpunged. The Crand Duke Michael, who i* preaident of the Council, wa* req netted to lay the matter Iwf-.re Mil Majeaty ; but the < Vnr'i uncle xllHtNK fhliM TIIR r-HIMK IMI-I III) In *uch durespectful preaumption, whtre- upon State Secretary Polovtscff muttered up the needful courage and explained mat- ter* to the Bmperor, who aiked, " Well, an. I whit do they want don*?" " That your Majetty would be graciounly pleased to order that the werdi ihould not be glazed over nnr preserved in the imperial archive*, lest they mould be endowed with an invldi- out species of Immortality." What rot I exclaimed the Czar (kakoy vsdor) milling ; " however, I'll have the word* (truck out," and lh libellous glna* disappeared. Lunch- eon i* alway* served at I o'clock and eon- UK nf three courses, including aoup, ol which Hiiuian cookery i* far ahead of that of the reit of Kurope, After lunoh the Km- per-ir takes hi* recreation in the park, walking or working, convening with th member* of hli family or with (ieneral Ki. liter, (ieneral Tiherevin or one of hi adjutant*. Re generally read* the new* papers at thi* time ot the day M/., the Uraihdtnln and th* Moscow (iazett* (the Novole Vreniya whioh U presented to him each dajr on apecial paper, he rarely honor* with a glance), and listen* to the ri-ading of the ii'iimaiy of the previnu* day' new*, which consists of ei tract* from the, Kuuian and foreign papers (eleoted by otlioiali and copied out in raligraphic html on the lineit pner in 'lie Kmpire. Rotldea the** pre>__ one of foreign, the other of home new* he taket a keen delight in hearing the go* lip ami (caudal of the fashionable world of the capital, and not one of hincourtirrs po*. mtses thn profitable talent of masoning it nh suc.li ipicy anecdote and uncharitable I'M i p|.|imnl inniirndotM limirr il Inhere- VIM, who i* known n* th* (Vfjf's jfstor. Recreation over, ths^pCniperor give* amli- flic* to thoee Minitter* whoa* reports are due nn that il.iy, discusses the matlen laid before him, and reitd* over the. dnwn up for hi* ilgnature, signing tlmin or pulling them siido for In .mdera- tion. At M |i m. dinner, . ni-ix; in,' ol iour .'. ii *rrv*d famlll*. Aft i dinner 'the i '* In the private apartment* n|ireis, whtre he uivuuMy H p peari in a .-I,, , U K: ,.,.,,, Rn d leather belt, which would impart rude shock In thr ""'' "" 'i n'tte prevalent in nrml Kliropean .'.Huiiri.-* The, Kmpnror Uki'ti a which, in In* . -vso, |( r physical nei>mlty BO leu than a itvorite owoma. H.iinhati coiiiiibute hi* (hire in preparing the apart menu of the AnitshkotT Palaoe for wintsr residence. Previous to that tune the work of hanging the pictures used to be intrust- ed to a specialist in town, whose charge was seven rubles a picture! about 14*.) That year, however, he hung them all to hi* own l , tatitfaetion and that of the other memben ! **"' """".T^ ' '"P""" of the Imperial family, refuting all assist i 7 L ""-' g V "J "". 1 * " d . "*""' P* m ln h anc* except that of a workman of the ..u|,v tut ui a workman 01 me ,1,^ ,__. palac. named Sokoloff. As soon as tho task I was accomplished the C/.ar remarked with " a smile: "This is th. lint money I hsvs earned in my life." Had hs learned the truth he would have been astonished to discover how small was the equivalent of throat. A fit of coaghing came on, and pie who are inclined to grnmbla at Can- adian weather if it be in the tligh Kit de- gree) "off colour.*' They arc dittreaaed by a few extra degree* on the thermometer, up or down, they wilt at a little raponr in the air, and are hupejee* after a day't rain. It w>uld be well if the**) individual* would total up their bleating* initead of their cnn- e*. It u tomethtng to be free from the tornado** which ainue January Itt have viiited nearly one-half of the United State*, carrying devastation with them. The U. S. Weather Bureau hat jntt ietued a tpecial bulletin giving the fact* in connection with theee calamities. The circular etnphaiue* the tact that the re- cent terrible tornado in Iowa wa* pre- dicted twenty four hourt in advance, and it urges that resident* of th* Miuin and Mirtauuri valley* ippi . "f* * ctoU Wr u I* rneUeabt*. The railroad between the Indian Ocean and Victoria \yai.za waich wa* lurvryed at the expeuM of the British < ioverma.nl i* likely to be built The report of the urvevors ha* been puUuhed, and the triend* of the enterprise ar* gratified to h -ar that there are no serious difficulties in the wty. Nearly every enterprise in Africa which involves surveying tuualiy brings to light owe sinking errors in the maps. Tho sor- veyort of the Victoria Xyanza railroad have discovered an important error in the position a*sigD*d to the) eastern thore ol thj Uke. It ha* been mad* on our maps to extend too far eait. The result u that the railroad will be about a hundred mile*, longer than wa* inppoaed from the ettimat* mad* in 1891. The mod direct rout*) po*- ible to th* northeast hor of in* lake ha* len followed, and it is found that the road will be S,~>7 mile* long. Th* estimated coat of the projected rail- road i* $1 l.-J/o.OOo, or an average of f!7,- J4.'. i mile. The gauge proposed u threw feet >n niche*. No tunnels will be necessary, and none of the bridges weald be consider- ed in other countries even second class in point of sixe. Steel rails, weighing fifty pounds to the yard and from thirty to thirty-six feet in Isjngth, are recommended, and also steel trancene deepen, eocli weighing seventy pounds. It will not be economical and hardly practicable to as* wood for sleeper*. If the road is bull', en- tirely of steel it will be practically :nde- ttructible by inch mechanical appliance* at are within reach of the natives. It is also better to use steel, because the cuitorr. ol firing tbo grain and the temptation to nst the wooJen sleeper* for fuel or for building bat* would expose a line laid with timber deeper* to many ritks. White ants also are numerout. and timber can hardly with- stand their assaults. Only a local traffic is expected it the oat- set, and i'l or !; r .n keep down ike working expenses the in. 'eyors recommend that th* stations at tint be built at least thirty soil** apart. Additional stations will be provid- ed later at tuch points as the traffic de- mands. The terminal nation* will be at Mombasa on th* coast and at the northeast corner of Lake Victoria. Daring tne oon- ttruction of the railroad a telegnph hn will be Decenary, and the constant move- ment along th* line will render the tele- graph line free from any danger of deitrnc- tion by the natives. The turveyort antici- pate that the conttmction of the railroad will have a revolutionary effect, and will entirely do away with the Masai raid* upon the territory adjaceot u> the railroad. For the tint two yean it is expected that the bulk of the labor on the railroad will have to be imported from India. It will and Missouri valleys etpecially prepare ' ' import** from India. It will place* of refuge in vi*w of such em*rg*n- lio . b necessary to maintain a special rail- , half of lu original thick r * U ** <1 lrotn uu throat. hit labor in money, for tlie wages of Sokoloff MSS, Another room at Hampton Court Palace has been thrown open to the public. Th* apartment i* about 400 yean old. an i the th* mergen ciee. Summing up the State* so far visited by these ttormi thi* year, the bulletin enn- rnerate* Muiiaaippi, Louisiana, Alabama, (ieorgia, Aikanaa. Uissouri, Indiana, Ken- tucky, Ohio, Illinois, New York, West Virginia, Iowa, Indian Territory. Okla- homa, Kansas, Xebraska, South Dakota, Texas, Mmneeota, and Michigan. Thus nearly one-halt of the States of the Union ! e payees through led districts and road police force. The route ; some uf tlie richest cultivate most populous regions in East Africa. From its termmos on Lake Victoria com- munication by steamboats plying on th* lak* will connect the railroad with th* fer- tile district* around the shores sod grant the outlet that is so necessary for th* de- velopment o! theae countries. have been visited by tornadoes, canting t he lose of 170 lives and nearly $l,.WO,l> wor.h of property. The detailed accounts . of these dieaaun are sad radin, compris- carved panelling which ornaments ing as they do the death or bodily injury of walls and the elaborately-decorated many persons, and the sadden carrying | mor * * noBr m *y " permissible. The general average speed of trains is estimated at twelve miles sn hour, includ- ing stoppages. On sections with easy gradients, and theae include the greater part of th* line, a speed of twenty miles or and ths cost of ths materialiT* instruments^ I ' lm e! sre in an excellent state of preserva ' away of their effeots, the work per ItunVoT I to * lln * u fir " u P*d train* will he run etc., bad well nigh absorbed all that he I tion - patient years of toil. The only good result onl b T flight. This give* a running fancied he had saved. But in spite of his I St Luke's, Camherwell, has s " Brother- I ' thete terrible storms seems to have been 1 "*** ol , '""* ho <"s, or a total distanos occupation*, physical and mental, he has ' hood" composed of man banded together for i tn ' 'mpstns it has given to ths meteorologi- i tr * cll < ' <" cn day of about I'M miles, ampls time to brood over hit imperial lone- ; mutual help, each detennined to find work c *' d'psrtmsjnt*, which have undoubtedly orticiait take a favorable view of the linen, and *igh for th* quiet pleasures of j or employment for an out-of-work brother "'"d at a considerable degree of perfeo- I * rn ' D capacity of the rood. They say I HOD in fortellmg the approaching disturb- , ' >n ln * lr opinion, th* actual working lar/et .ik. ,l.J ;. i nc*a. Incidentally thev have thus added ! "P*"** ' " road for vh* tint few yean ! earned Wr. GlXons. whom Tt w ", "" ^"^ ' "" th " ^P-* !E 1 ! l l?? t .??T d *#*>. and i, i. prob- given by a pencil manufacturer in Keewick. , * lt> " " >tioM - I It has a gold top, i* 39 inches long, and ths British statesman uses it as a walking ; stick. iii> i ni|*-r 1*1 lono- | uiuiumi nrij, * ' M il.'ierilliniM lineas, and sigh for th* quiet pleasure* of j or employment for an out of private lifs which be is destined never to in the day. of his affliction, know again. TV. i._. ... .., _. tilornlloKfnr Ro.M u.l nin4. Women in the last generation have learn- ed U> educate the'- minds but havs not yet learned to educate their bodies. It it tru* there are certain wholesome aspirations in that direction but a great deal ha* to be overcome in th* way of prejudice and false mode*ty btfor* th* movement i* fully roc- mi'iioiouy of s girl't school life i* resjwnsi ble for a great proportion ot the narrow Twenty thousand butterflies ar* in the collection recently given to the California Academy of S.-iei.-e. by Dr. H. H. Behr. He had been them, and among all sections of the world. W.U I \> IIIHM I, ch.-sts an.r.houlders of the women ot mod- ' There has jast died at Miets.-hiko on. ern times Th* "sound mind in a sound ! Herr w "dt, in his 100th y**r. A born body " do** not ***m to enter into the prin- ' 1>on ' er *''in, he took part in the war ciples or practice* of female educational lablislimeiita. In France, Sweden, and other countries of Europe the ot enforced, or encouraged exercise has excited legislative attention. The tint- BVeaate Popular. Wen a I . J> . ma iken k.i|.i> r d Out. A Halifax, N. S., special tayt : About nine month* aao \\ s. W.xxU, an English- man, presented himielf to ths Supervisor of Schools, Mr. McKay. H* itated ihat he liad just arrived from England and had taught successfully at Eton. He was de- tirout of securing a position of temcher in the prin- } '*>"**> , " ft* Prt in the war ol Halifax and quit, w.ilin, to tak.. an nnim- ' " '*V ["">*> *> ttional e*. l 'rsedom against Napoleon, and ha. 1 both portant po.ition tostsrt with. Mr McKay i* ?v tlut lha ;Ctorl * N * , Belgium ! *y*" '""[ ou '- Herr w >'t *" his tor- was favorably imnrea*d with th* man and u * , MXt ""'"P"** < le subject ' row to lhe d y ' hl <*"> with fortitud. decided u> give him a trial to be Parried oat in AJrios. sforgirls| D ' l ''B D - l 'n- On. of the department, of ths M.ynar.l *>slr,t. l.Til.va e<l* TV_ . TV- . ft 1 -1 :i 19. - O-l It-t ... , J *" i^w "rmitn able that th* road at the outset would be nearly able, from th* freight and ps**ong*r traffic, to pay working exp*n*ei. Toil doe* not include the uttered on th* invest- ment, and at first there would be a deficit on the required amount of gross earning* to pay all expansM of about $300,000 a year. They do not think, however, that thi deficit woi-ld be for mfcujr years a tax upon th enterprise. Great Britain ha* now assumed the COB trol o' I'ganada. and as the building ot thii railroad i* virtually necessary to the d- | velopmenl of the lake region, ther* *enu aaxa rail- of the sort named country has recently added ordinary j to the Ths ant has a lirain larger in children', games to their compulsory .chool '. being. Writer* on that branch of entomol" . ....> me. It ii a common reproaoh that I ogy declare that ants ar* not only *u.loed with a high quality of in.tmot, but that they display reasoning ability an.l >;ood Judgment, as well a* power* of r.-ll.-, u,,,, vacant, Wood* a salary of $(!00 per when women are educated they become spectacled and blue-.lockinged and more or lats ungainly, but th* education of the body, even when carried out to lengths that would scandalise Mrt. Grundy, tends largely In the oppotite direction. There it a manifest contradiction in the conduct of those den.ti e dam.elt of claiti. cal proclivities who laugh at the luggcstioo of phyiical education for girls and who uiideritand everything about ancient (ireece except that power which really made her the exemplar of poiUrily. Far otherwise was exercise uUi-med among th* women of that uation. Th* young ladies ol Sparta contended with 'heir brother, , the gym- natiiim, and it in remarkable circumstance lli, .tin th* nineteenth century wr can find no such formt for our tculptori as the ideal typet of loveliness ditplayed iu their tlme- talned ttatues. One of the most nntabls of our recent Knglish ev*nt*, from th* point of view of it* aignitlcanc* as a lign of th* time*, ha* been the rooent trial of itrengtli Ix'tween the old school and th* new in the British Women's Teniperauce association. Tho Hght Iwtwnen those who regaid leetotalimn ai the Alpha and Omoga of MinperAnc* re- form, and tho** who look upon it a* merely the most important plank in a liroad plat- form winch will deal directly and indireo',- ly with every pha*e of th tocial evil of in- ranee hat betin going on for a yeiir within the executive commit t.'e, whcr.> the old luhool in.) a majority. It wa* fought nit in a lull meeting of the whole asxocia- whrr!> III. now school triumphed all and calculation. along tho lino. Vli. rontroverny was I I in ttional and tlin victory of the the pro gressive reformer* is regarded a* an event of ([io.l onion. The temperance woni thlt country are nud to l>e in linu uh the . Street School being given a position at annum. nt>mi!tr.l qui'e a number. Sulnequent event* l,ave mad* it evi- dent that these were bogus. Woods quickly won the confidence oT th* official* f St, George'* Kpi*c.>pl Church in the A large python from West Africa, in ths olty - P* "** **lj rteeivetl by th* reo- toological gardens at Brediu, Oermaiiv, n U>r member., and won woo their (aid to have recently (wallowed a W wh'ich cit "* m - "<.*tat.d he had frequently taken measured nearly 7 fet in length anil com- P* r * '" r ' t '"> churcheiin England, and ipondingly thick. The circumference of the wouM n v n<> objection to assisting at th* lioa throughout its length was from 'il to ''S ^ rvle * i " *" hpitcopal church in question, inch**, and its skin wa* expanded to~.loul.le ^'5 imoot ^ nf " ' tougne and genial way* it. usual .in*, . n " winning manners, resulted in the rector The wardroom " boy " ou board a man- ! a " ow ' n ' him * r * kj 1 *^ 1 "- One day of-war i* often a* old as many of those he ; . <*' .*PP"'<' ' tired in clothe* of soml.rv serves, but the ol.l fashioned title and form ofaldress stick lo him. Wardroom boys nnally ar* coloured men or foreign*!*. When A Haytian or.lsm.ucan negro U ob- tainable hs is regarded a* a catch. Thi is truer still ol the .lap. The latter *emi to understand byin*linct, to remember a mill nu "' titudeof detail* without erTcrt, ami ob*y "P ' 1 prv*,t true, M last week V promptly and without oueation. l t " l > to "' rector that be and the In NOT* Scotia a*j well a* Ontario gr*at*r . ,-.... < attention is being given lo the dairvinsr in- \\ henaiked 'orsred.nti.U, Wood, dustry. Driven^., decr^ return, from cattle-raising, the farmer* ar* seeking a more profitable *pher* of labour in the) pro- duction of butter and cheese. Tie Provin- cial Government ia doing a good work m inculcating a scientific knowledge of d Ty- ing. In the School of Agriculture at Truro, the most improved appliances are now used In addition to the ordinary instruction ia th* institution, special lecture* are being delivered for the advanced pupilt of the Normal ichooL These are followed by pra lioal demonstration*, which enable the students tospply th* knowledge they hav* a..|inri- 1. (luring th* vacation a special butier clait will be forrre.l. o that un- dents may give tlie>r undivided attention tt the subject. The genoial public is not t* be neglected. A ooune of practical instruc- tion to farmers' wives snd daughter* wil. b* given in August for two week*. This is genuine m*thod of improving trade. L*t the product* be th* best, and thev will V\ h*n asked reasons for change of at land. AD introduction to a young lady of congregation led quickly to courtship, \nd a report wn. soou current that Woods i.n.l the young lady were to bs married. Tin. Wood. tho , d ' y him, making arrangements. The and night hug* nhnepskint amuml and tli* Pacific Ulnnder tiaiis in palm I aiultic'cnt coverle!. In ihetro grass antwsr the sam* purpose. In former timen live oak wa* largely us*d in mwal .onst ruction, and wanhips had their framM and planking nud.- principally of this wo id, to 1 1> i' a w.-li of hiutorioal sontimetit and roiiuiine has been woven a'iout th* tree. The wood ia s'.ill used to "i.Uralile sxtont in building shipi,but even the hour fixed. Tuesday bnt th , (ailoj , ,J U "**l''nlly 1-rn.d that ' ' Monday afternoon, and that h* had left by I the train on th* sam* night. So much con- fidence was placed in the man, that it had K rn Jeculsu te send him to Ship Marl or to ' assist the r*ctor of that palish during I Wood's school holiday*. In the human body them i* said to be , more than L'.iHKt.lHN) pertpiretion glands communu-atnu' with th* surface li duct*. it* value ha. incrcatml Ur^.-ly on account of thf diminiih.d <iunntity now availabl . KOI a pmon.r lo attenip- t.. (..r. e hloo.1 "contain. miFlious of million* having a total Imgih of somo ten miles. Th* entraiice into gaol ii quit* a raroconrrenc<., ' nscloi, each a structure in itself. Th lit..r. Both tide* aro engaged in a good ga : e nuiu to j.iev.iil. rii,. .,..,. j. one ol progroM an.1 the '.IHI.|U.I it relegatod to the iniis.iiii,. li-prm -d l.i, -l v .. v b.-rof r.Ml,. u, ih retina, iupiH>edtohtthe y^ 'if' * n ' K * P""H ultimate recipient of light.it eitimate.1 at the /' ' i -. irre^wl, and it !e/th. ; thp gry niath-ruif the br*in*is bmlt louud, upon hi* being examined, that |elatlsait WK.. , ills. always cnmmtnd ths best prices *w Tner Trl, r ,,,li |ii renlsi MsjsjjtBijMa mi'ir.mu- \tions in IVrsi > n .ud to work fairly well in dry weather, but la time* of rain and damp it -s unfr- !jnite.:yfar otherwis*. Thi* arises from th* fact that the intulaton ar* not fixed > pole* nf wood or iron a* with n. l>ut a .lrivi-it into tre*a that hsve branches groe? . t the konhsi and -..i.-h the wire, thus intercepting the current. \\ hen Urge tree is not available a small one is re- sorted to, which often breaks, or the shak- ing of the slender trv* by the wind di*. !(i ' t!>e n.iulator or hook on wl.i.-h it to lixed, and the wire trail* on the ground. It it no uncommon t UIIL; t . tiie wirv* to b* seen lying right *oro*s th* high road, which IS follow, d I'] Ohilan and report*. 1 of a> high foreitrn otfi Ha! teli criph- p| Va Teheran from Knrnpo. aiinounojD| hit in'rn.l.- I vrrivi! .r Ke-h, in !, ch tb llr ; am ws* rtoeived in the tn.lcr' iwe* ; o'htoen dajft afkr its i by hundreds of mulei ;.>fi ia Attrahad. A case i* ofrto.illy

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