HtsHooor Jnd0 Oreeeor keU the, regular aessioaa ol the ** Court in tke Coari Home on Twetejr. The work of ths court was Hjiht, only two eaaea (aftoteial. faare were ae riminal The QssnA Jw* elected Vim. Oarrte. BgrtwSk, tuSssiSB. On the opening of the Court, His line** addrateed the Oraud Jar/ ccngrataletia* tsurn on te faot Utak there would be cases before them. The, tow proceeded Gcorte Mwrsy, a 1 - RSBRI OALL.ERY U fully equipped with re- quisites for turning out > per- feet class of work. All kinds Cf pictures taken and finished in a style equal to any city work, while the prices are lower. Pictnre Framing 4one In all Its branches. If you have shopping to do and pictures to get taken on the same day please attend to the latter first. Carefulat- tention will I>e given to copy- ing other pictures. Mrs. BulmAr. Good News TO IttAliY I desire to call thu attention of tbt public to the faot that I have opened A General Repair Shop In connection with tba Flesherton Woollen Mill, and am prepared to tlo all kiodt of -iron and Wood Turning 1'atterns nude, and eastings got on jhort notice. I have not eases to ,1110111100 in !. UJ Uie variety of work I can do, but *oytijiug you bare fh iron or woo 1 tlmt reqairea monding, bring it to the Flasherton repair shop, wiiore you may impend on getting Tonr work done neatly and ssbstan- tially. Having emery wheels suitable for I will make that a gjwcialty for a few weeks. Charges low, bat terai itnotly cisli. Youi-fc truly, W.H. FLESHBB wen hound, Ontsris, The Vety PIUOB IN CANADA TO OBT A flatwouj*. Take a Round Trip Uommerolal D ..Mitiuunt.i la i Norhro HntinM Gullega: dngtlirn,.i. U , Ml to -- * rongii, ooniplotu, i'i sul..tii'ly ; kr, it, nt eollass j\h bet sad ujrj. t ! .ini'lolaaqj i ____ d ettea- fffeaMees Isforaltoi* -i- d (uitlinnuiM, wei loll eeans KUBK. Y .\ Ansni fall |<utl-.i!.ir4,lrss, I C. A. ItTiBMIMO, salt- 5HOEM I bes to istlmAle |o tbe tatniitsajj ts Iks* t save HaHadsihoo easy saS I sal see- pans e s all kladtof wort la this Mas. *m* si,,- D>it f to order ea easirin* .tsae every esr, mmim REMEDY. To The Public* lUviiis ranted WhltUn'i blaflkwnlUi ibop lot a term of year*. I atn DOW Is * poi tj .u to caUrto all waats ID soy lias. lorsisMq I Batisfsctls* GnKraateeJ. for anything M (Ae line call on F, A. BUNT, Opposite Richardson's THE Tailor, If akos all garments of men's wear in the best style st short notice. All work guaranteed. A trial solicited. F. A. BAKER, FLB8HEETOI. HORSEMEN ! PayAttenUonl Having PorrLassd the hsraeas basiness from Mr. Clayton. I wish to intimate that my en- deavor will be to plsass and satisfy customers in any work which may be entrusted to me. All kinds of borssnwn i re- qnisites kept W stoek, st low rates. Good teed. Soliciting yonr orders, I rams a respectfully, W.MOORE. PlMberton. Jan. 4. 1893. ^30^ se. DESIRABLE Wood I<knd* tfot gkle flOO A.CIIK8 Is MM Blocks In Collingwood TownsUp, FOB CAJa-at to Rev. C. E. Thompson, Davenport, Oa*. ^AOoodCaaefoW4 Dealer. to exaeaine the jail and county sad in the afternoon made their present- meat to the judge. The presentsMnt wss very brief. It referred in eougrst- uktory terms to the lack of erisae hi the county, and stated that the Jail had been found in an excellent condition of clean- liness and ord-nr. The following ear* were tried during the day ; Dorsal McDsaiUD v. HIED, The partis', live nesr Ready, and the action was jrought by the plaintiff, as htndlord, to reeejsr from hts tenant, the defendant, she value of a barn, which the Utter had agreed to build in lieu of rent. The defendant contended that the bam was to be built within three years, but the lease called for it to be buik the second year. The claim of the plff. was for 1200. Judgement for the plf, $100 and oasts. A O. MacKay for plff. H. O. Tucker for deft The second case was VADVSB v. WILKINSON, an action shoot susse aaesp. Thu case was adjourned to Saturday, M, iiut., at 10 a. m. The but ease was the trial of an appeal ir >rn a magistrate's conviction at Dun- dnlk, T'' rcnjifirnite w.mvtetnd a con- iut'. 1 .or trer>aasinx <>n the premises of a Mrs. Moody and shooting a dog 'which the constable claimed had no taxr, as re- quired l>y law. His Honor reserved juJxernent on Home points, but the) con- viction will probably stand. Wright & Lucas for appellant, A. O. MacKay for defence. "T.rues. Rebeoca Wilkinson, of Brownsvalley, Ind. . say : "I bad been in a distressed oun Jition fur three years from J^ervous- ness, Weakneas of the Btomaoh, Dyspep- sia and lodiyestion until my health was gone. I bought one bottle of South Am- erican Nervii.s), which done me more good than any (00 worth of doetoriog I ever did in my life. I would advise every weskly person to use this valuable aod lowly renteJy. I consider it the grandest Medicine in the world." A trial bottle will convince you. Warrant- ed by Richardson ft Co. * A Change of Name. TORONTO, OUT., Jnne 19. The an- nouncement hae just been made of an im- portant businea* change in this city, which will bo noted with iittecest throughout the Dominion. The business of Dr. L A. Smith A Co , manufacturer* of Dodd's Kidney Pills, Anti-Dandruff and other preparations, will in future be c jnductrd by a company to ho known as The Dorfd's Medicine Company, Ltd. There is no change in the management, bat the form- ation of the company was deemed necess- ary and advisable because of the enorm- ous increase of bouneea, , and the new name was chosen to indentifv the com- I with ita most popular remedy, 'a Kidney Pills. The company has found it neoeasary to nUrjre its prrmiaw and to build a large hipping warh<Mise to aeoommodats the addition* to its working staff and to give increased (acuities for shipping. Orders for Dodd's Kidney Pills are pvorlng in daily from all parts of Canada and the United States and the company finds it difficult to keep up the supply equal to the demand. 4U flaws. August Sad will be civic holiday. R. McDowell and Ed. Miller have mm two more century bars for bicycling; one hundred miles in less than fourteen hours over ordinary country road*. Mr. Win. Gordon, eon f tows sad school Inspector Gordon, a middle sged man, died of blood poison last week, through contact with some virulent weed. County Clerk Rutherford has been ser- ved with A notice by the township of St. Vincent intimating that it ls that sran- icipality's intention to ask the county's aid in constructing a bridge 180 feet long over the Big 11 cad River on the road be- tween lou 12 and 13 ou the 8th Coaees- timi ; also a notice from the town coun- cil of Mesfori claiming aid toward the onniitruction of a bridge 148 feet in length over the Big He .1 River in the East Ward of that town. These in addition to the r';mn of tlio township of Sarawak for sHKifctanctf for bridge over the In- dian River should give the government nftlciert examples of the gross injustice 0" the prrsflut law in the matter. Honor lift, 8. 8. No. 10. IV. ClsM. w ,-11. Cook, JsnUBeuip. bill. IV. CU*s, jr.,-W. McFarUnd, J. Leasts, III. Class, ST., -0. Oook, A. Mefsf. ktad, W. Meiia. III. Class, jr.,-M. Hoes, W. Rut- leuge. II. Clew, :-.,- Maud Mult, Bdwio II. Class, jr.,-O.McMn)len,W. This, Fart S*A,-K. Hess, W. Medulla*, 0. 1st Class. E. Wsnyhsre, I^Leeeeaii. _,. JI*.nhUwsy to ariosoes. ers his team ran away, and Mr. Murray fen on his head, with each fores that he only lived a few minutes. English Spavin Liniment removes sB hr/J, soft or calloused Lumps and front hones. Blood Bpavia Curbs, Splints, Ring Boa*, Sweeney, 8tinet,Spr*iu, Sore sad tusssia Thraat, Couehs, etc. Save HO by see of one bottle. Warranted the moat wonderful Blsmish Cure ever knows. Warranted by fticharusou * Oo. AYER'8 Cherry Pectoral Has no equal for the prompt reflsf andspedycurof Colds, Cough*, Croup, Hoarseness, LOM ft Voice, Preacher's Sore ThrMt, ' Asthma, Bronchitis, La Grippe, and other derangements of the throat and lungs. The bees* known cough-cure In the world, it is recommended by eminent physician*, and is tan favorite preparation with ringera, actors, preachers and teachers. It soothes the inflamed membrane, loosens the phlegm, stops coughing, sad induces repose. AVER'S Qherry Pectoral taken for consumption, In it* early stages, checks further progress or the disease, and even in the later Stages, it eases the distressing cough and promotes refreshing sleep. It is agreeable to the taste, needs but small doses, and does not interfere with digestion or any of the regular organic rnnctions. As an emergency medicine, every household should be provided with Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. "Having used Avar's Cherry Pee* local in my family for many year*, I can confidently recommend it for aO the complaints it fa ctaisacd to ewe, Its sate 11 inerciuing yearly wMfc roe. and my customers thia* this ration has no equal a* a eouffc o a W. Faraot, gueeMbwyV.i.% ofBadvaadMind.Eflbctial NcMe Mssiood fcOy Rcatend. How to Eokit* and Sbtcgtbea Weak, Undeveloped Orpirtand fnuof Bodjr. Abjolutely os> WKag Hone Treatment Benefit! in adsf. Men testify ovea 50 State* sad Foreign Coaa- toies. Write thr:u. ttescdptiv* Book, eaV pisaatioa sad jaoufc nailed (sesled) twa, tit MEOKAL CO., BaffUo, .Y. AVER'S Cherry Pectoral I* to J P*. J.t ** ft Co* L~t, M Bull for ServfM. W. a Parker, M a*. Sal vtst, has ibs tbor Pfttviok, a ssrvtoe. TBRsIB : IS seats, parable 1st Jaa..UM. FollowtagisUMaauaaJ-i PEDIGREE : Bsa* whits, carved Marsh ITah. ISM. bnd by rm. tlasnra. Swtatoa Park. Oa*.. cot k> 1MOS ;, dam J.n> Al Gnr, ens i . DT Akemidt* (imp), i, iaom OKtala ty . At i , by flaloo,flN ; . ftraiberr, j. MM: . by PrlnV* ArtbarTllS. Wuarase. ITi* , by Valiant, U ; , Aaoada Ben*, QI i , byArei S le. Sir Walter TkiriqUni Iirtu till MOXELAND NABCI For MI-TIM so Dot JO, eon. T. Artemeaia. _..._... _._._ wai gal by Blistow'i fo oat ball, Burg<msstr. B* won Snt prise st OolUnnrood wring sbov.Srst ahlbUion u a vaarllog. and won diploma a* las grand - bjW beating bulls of all ago*, pro* be him to w tho atil i* U~ errand. Terms St. WM.T.OT,A1, Apr. rioartetor. Eoad ITotice. aW^W^P ^P W.ASStLaJfr.1 Milase^ste>ssu.tsm SOCIETIES. EOTAL TMJTLABB OK TtUPEftaMCat. Bugnlir c .u nail tureta erj: Tuuday OM.nlM In .-iiiroul..-'! block at 9 p. IB. Balact dcgjrv.- (inw i uc*i mc*U monttiljr. (Be WedBoadaT prt t i . njj the ii'nu ol uttf^tuatth SONS OF TBMPEBANCR.-Tbla entl* uieeto In Dr. CluUtoo' Hall stnury Wd ueaaey rwning at B i .ui. ViiitiLg brea> sreu lorited. laarane In coeu*los PRINCE AHTi: UK LODfiB Kn. :ca. A.I*. * A.M , n.-tet, in the Maaoala HaU.Stra>a' Block, Pln)iartou, very Frtdav on or before U> ful Itncaa. A. B. Vandiuen.W. M B. i. Sproul, aMrutar?. HA\ BACK-ACHE GOODS KIDNEY PiLLS WILL CURE YOU "*ae*aee- wane *e A/W- e|e art in frwrofe Dodd't Oe/ay / tr**. **. t.e A/<f>m /st.e A/<f>m tro6/*s rtttn In Bat R. p l* ll i5?%.9 r fcfL* ssus^suutes^^r. D. ncTavish, HORSBKHOIR AND GENERAL BLACF81DTH, Collingwood Street, FLESHERTON, - ONT. Manfctnrliigol Waggon*. SlclgL*. fnnNi Democrat*, Etc. Bon* ihoatBg promptly at- lnddo. gjpMla.1 attsoUoa giren to eSaviae*- d or tcudor feet. nnd Plow ki'<ti ee>- staJitlyonkAnd. For Service* vMUlXK N. 1'rcp. Lands for Sale P^^.fivy^.^m^j^ 9. W. ARMSTRONG, rLSHMTO O. J.B. SLOAN has OB haaJ, nj tsteass. i.Si i