? t f*,l FLBSHfiRTON ADTAN-Cl flEO. MITCHELL, S3 A gnrl banking buuns* transac Drafts iiw.iod ud ohiies casbed t mMltt MO-IM tiwtys availibic for legitimate buslns rth of Btrtardion 4 Co 1 * Vicinity Chips. Characteristics *f the Pt Week Carefully failed tot the CHIMB. J '' JOc per/ins for - ' ,, A r/urtiun vi/> ' maofe ni c^Uractt fur 100 line* or over. Buggy for sale, almost as g'od as new. T. HILL, Flehtrt in. r.-v jTvMli, M: A., will preach a , ,n to Blir. r.iasmis on Sunday oveu- ..lyterian ehiir !:. A. party of sevtsrnl gentlemen fr:n \v i>erUi.sr vacating her for a fow days f-S '.\>:ii;o. celury.eHuliftVv.-'jr and T.nnat') t at B u-n! ^l:iguifiv;er. "It has cured other* and will cure you' U true only of Ayer's BsjtsApariUa, Th motto suite the medicine and the medi- cine th oiotto. What better assurance ouuld you have that's" remedy will cure you, than the fact that it hai cared ouch multitude* of others. Auction Bale. An auotioD salo uf valuable farm (took, implements, household furniture, etc., will be held on lot 134, con. 2, H. W. T. AS. ft., Arteiuesia, on Friday, June SO, the property of Mm. D.' McNea. This will be a grand chance for purchocers. R. J. Spmule, auctioneer. See bill.i. 1. B. Lncaa, bar r inter, Marklale ha* flO.OCO private fuuda to lend on farm mortgages within the next few month* at loweat current rate*. No coimms*- ious, no delays, pxpenaes low. Apply at nfiioti in Markdalu durum the week ur at Dundalk nHice on Saturdays. Mills Burned. The Warvham i oiler fliiurin^niilU were hurnwl to tin' ground ou Sunday ir.urn- 111,'. TlmsH n-.iiU were owned by Mr. (ii>i,rge Writht, and consisted of a :t-nu: and fnuud building. Mr Wright placed in tho fiauio addition I'xtut four ;i'.;o. The fire is said t-) !. ivi. frr'iu a hoatod pulley -Hid coit-m belt. luaurance 34000. The Purdys and Hadleys wie pioneers of the town of Msaford. After her hu- baud'a death, Mn. Hadley took ttp her r,,sidenoe at Rugenia, whew the remaini-d until the fatal illneu necessitated her re- moval to where she might receive the nseeaaary care. Her only surviving child, Mrs. W. 0. Robinson, of Dakota, DM been with her during her hut weeks on eirth, ministering to her wants) in only a daughter could. The funeral, which took place to Fleai.srtnn cemetry on Monday last, wai a very large one, showing the general respect in which she was hold She was an exemplar;' life-long Christian, never missing an opportunity of saying a word for the Master.and her works live af- ter her. Plain, unostentatii .ux, a vigorous mind, a stern, uncompromising attitude against sin in every form, these were her good attributes. She was full of yean, htr life work was finished .and she ia now at reMt. Her surviving Ulster and brothers are Mrs J. M. Thuraton, Dr. Purdy, R. McLe in Purdy, and Wn. Purdy. NEW GOODS and NEW STYLES In Shoes and Boots We are well supplied with new goods and styles to meet the wants of our friends. In Ladies' and Childrens' wear we have Red, Tan and Black Oxford's. Lace and Button Boot?, also Prunella. In Mens' and Youths' we have Oxfords, Bals' and Gaiters. In Quality, the best that can be had.. !* and ilojm v '-' in in Sound ti -ting County his Mr T ) ' wiilproach ..n or .hU circut on Sabbath evening For Balo. One -o -id lu.vl iiuejjy, two new r.*d '. C'.i-ap :"' r i.i>K ii sold at once. V.*. V.. u .:. :l . iiure for He. Apply toT. \\y\\\. g .imuunce a great to- -.: : e -llry for the next 30 dnys. It will pay f>sj well to Bukt* yui pu;ch- BOW, / - Sixty acre* of paaditn fur all kinds of rma reasonable. Good f. .o. Apply to John \\l)ur. i jur . Jn.l5-B Kafc! ti. B liic.Hr fur w.ia, in excellent j.fa.in n<\ tli'-xji. \Vr.uld oxchangu f tquiil valuo. The own ci hd- f: ' d'.snoau f one- Apply at t Th. f tUo new Catholic . luirdi at . was laid on Monday I ; Hamilton, wl hivr. tss to a largo audience in the in. ,i-i!-li.-d the tallest T an a 1 . .. . i.itbis year, in the person 18 years of ayo and tower- v six foot 1'Ke En.,. ire thinks tho 31st Bntnlli.>n - .Is u good chance of wiunni" tin: U>w>ki tup agnin this year, buiievin.^ it to IM . :. battalion on tho ground. Uupe the 'jrogiirtbticatiou is correct. The wuuol US. in the public ichools to <!ajr Irwin la officiating in Dundalk, and Mr. Iliinmgo, of Durham, oih'oiatos hen*. Mr. McKay, of DundalU, man- ipulates the paper* at MnrkcLilu. As a bl<> >il jiuriiK r, tho roost eminent physicians prescribe Ayer'rt Sarwaparilla. It is the most powerful eombinatijn of vegtbaWe alterati.-os ever offered to the public As asjiiinKand family medicine, it nuy be ftecly ued by old and young The Liidius Aid of the Mathodist chi-rwh intend giviag a pretty nice garden p*rty on the afteruooo of Saturday, July 1, in tha Kark, whore adequate soat.ing p>oni wi'l bo arrnu^ed. Muic, names, wing, etc. , will form tlie amusoinents Kiitrance will be oppoeite Herd'i* hlnck- shop. Adntiuion 15 cents. Several eT.-ellent farm properties are advertised in The Advance to be w-Kl by auction on various date*. One is a 200- acre form at Kimberley, well improi.J, with 140 acres cleared. Parties desiring farms woul<'. .ic w*ll to tike note P,.rk in>l lamb.-* nro tlie farmer.' inc- purt tlii^ /'! Lambd now tTing fancy priow*. Mr. johnnron Culiws fld f^ur tine Ia-i,h- '.'.^ otllur day vhlflh netted l.iiu bttwuc'.i nii'.;tnen and t#nly <lol- Ur*. _ Fnnr yn'ii^ "i';> ruilt'i over from Dur- nar on th,..r *ho!s l*t Sunday. Thfy t ok in Eugenia and Markdle, return ina h'>mo in tho eveninn. We underhand that Bm. Mi'chell , of the Chroniclx, wn, O ne of them. People who continually burrow Tho Advance Irom tlu-ir ni[bon) will dn them- clv*jj as woll as their neighbors a ),tHKi turn if they sulwcrilie for themselves 'i do not like to rufuuo the li*n of a paper to -i fiiund, but if persiaU^d in, the action br. uds a diaiike, which a dollar a yaar would go a long way to remove. Tho man who borrows his neighbor's !ii-w>.p-ipurs 11 not a welcome caller. Truly The Advance sympathies* with Urn. F.twcott of the Streetsville Review. Ho lamentably remarks that the side- wnlks tberu "are souictiutes in such a :i i'iy v,inlit.:.jii, from the droppings uf maniinx bovine^, that pa'iplo taku to the middle of I to road to escape the filthy mess. \\e liavu uo pnund-keeper mid our pound liea idle. We hare no con- 4t.ilile and tho turbulent element of the pl:;ue does an it pluanm." If brreetiville keeps on liki- thin it will be necessary to to send our Oi'.adian Oliver Uoldsuiitli to write up aiioilu-r "pi-n.-rd-d Village." But wo truat, wlt'i the Bavi-iw'a vigorou poking, that things will improve. Should be Crushed. ! pie wlm hav- occasion to viit Eu- genu on a Sunu''.y muat be painfully im- puusu4w''h ^tic !a< ^. tlmt liquor is dis- pensed with a Uvi'h hand by someone on tint d:iy. lu fu;t I' is uiluxt-d that rnoiv l;.'i:or U sold there on tlut d.iy than dur ilia; all tlw rest of the wt-ek put together. Now, do UIH people of Eugenia propose to stand iiily by and permit this infraction of the law to proceed without check 1 It, was allowed to 140 on last summer with no proUxit whatever, but the thing is becom- ing worse and worse, to tho disgu-t of respectable residents, and it is tinu the offender was brought up with a tight rein. Younj; men hivve visited th pla^e in com- p.iny with young women, >;ot druuk.racud hone*, and what might have been very scrioua accidenU have occurred. Will tho good people of Eugenia not awake to their peril and crush out this evil 7 An item in Saturday's Globe inform* us t,hut Andrew Graham, a member of No. 6 Co. , now in camp at Niagara, waa painfully injured on Friday, while mark- ing at the butts. A splinter from a bul- let struck him in the oy. Sergt. J. Weber, a relative, accompanied him to the Toronto hospital, where ).e now is. It will be two or three weeks before the young man can be removed, and it is expected that he will loee the use of hi* injured eye. A later despatch announces that tha young mn has loat the sight of the eye. An examination into the accident has been held, nulting in the finding tha'. there was no carlssneat in the matter, but that tho fault lay in the butte, which woro of tho oheoleto iron pattern. It is thought that Private Graham haa a good claim for compensation from the govern- Dion t. Personals. Miss Kate Bellamy is vuiting friends in Nottawaaaj^a. Miss Bcecrofb, of Dundalk, paid a fly- ing visit to her homo iu Flooherton this I Mrs. T. B. Akitt and son, of Colling- wood, s'Ster ..f Mrs. Beecmft, is visiting i.-vuds in Flesherton. Mis. Monroe and children, of Detroit are in town >~>n their annual Ruunner visit fj iL-i.-ttives. Lieutenant E. Kcndal Richardson re- turned from ramp this week to attend his sinter's wedding, and will spend a few dnys in t.jwn. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Osborne, and Mr. and Mrs. Brillinger, of Nottawasaga, vis- ited with Mr. W. J. Bellamy a couple of days this week. Messrs. J:unes and David Wright, of Ashland, Win , were vuiiing at Mr. Jos LeOard's during tho pant week. Dr. Will Wright, of Jackson, Mich., arrived lioum on Tuesday for a short visit with his mother, Mrs. \V. Wright. Dr. Wrig'it looks as though the Michigan climate .1, c. il with him. In Price, cheaper than the cheapest. Call and see, them as we want your trade and can suit yon well. REPAIRING and CUSTOM WORK attended to promptly AT CLAYTON'S A Wonderful Medicine. Read the following interesting testimonies : South American Nervine, tliu cure fur Nervousness. Nervous 1'. ration, Nervous Headache, Sick Heitd- aclie, Nervous Paroxysms, Nervous Chills, Nervous Clmkiin;, Hot Flashes, Palpitation of the Heart, Sleeplessness, Nervousness of females of nil it^us, Indi- gestion, Dyspepsia, Burning i" the Si. ;:,. null, Wuigbt and Tenderness in tliu Stomach, Wind upon the iatoiiiafli, C,a- nrrh of the Stomach, Frightful Drxame, Niuhtmare, Ringing in the cars, Vertigo and dizziness, Fainting, Impure and Im- poverished blood. Scrofulous SwulliiiK*, Consumption of the lungs, b'emalu Weak- ness, General Debility, Broken Consti- tution. Chronic Diarrhona. and Debility uf old age, all those and maiiy other complaints cured by this wonderful Nerv- ine Tonic. Has your constitution ben wrecked l>y an attack of La Grippe ? The UKBAT SOUTH AMUUCAV NERVINE TONIC will quickly ruatora yoar shattered uerves, strengthen and cure your digestive or- L'IUIS, regulate your Liver nnd jiuiify your blood ; and restore you b> perfect soundness again. Thin great Tonic should be used after ail aickness. Its powers to restore to health atu simply wonderful. puh Are the fiends of the people inbici-ilit for and read Tl*t Fltiher'fin Adfiince. Balanco of this year only 60 cants. Obituary Mi*. Ruth A. Hadley, of Kiigeni,died on Saturday laat at tho rediiiuiico ' f her pitter, Mn. J. M. Thnrsfrm, Kimborley, after a li.ng and very piiinful illnqs*. in her 75th year, " ' '.y as born at Sliiflbethtown, near Brookvllle, of U. E. Loyalist stock, find married -Nathaniel tluilley, who rein >vod with her to Lind- say, where th,-y livod f,.r a few yoar,and then tok up thoir abode in Meaford, where they remained until tho death of Mr Hadloy abvat twenty- r.ve year* ago. loinsj Harriet E. Hall of Wayiietown, Tnd., say : "I owe my life to the Great South A inrrican Nervine. I bad been in bed .'i:- live months from tha effuctw of an ex- haustive Stomach, Indigestion, Nervous Frustration and a general shattered con- dition of my whole system. Had given up all hopes of getting well. Had tried three doctors with no relief. The first bottle of the Nervinw Tonic improved me so much that I was %b e to walk about, and n few bottles cured me entirely. I I . i- i it- vi- it the best medicine in the world. I cannot recommend it too high- ly-" For sale by grtat (lipped from A dtoiutr, GVr, fel>. t, 1S9S. For JJ7 years (!. \ ..bos lislied advuitiacmentu of vrioiu medicines, many of ;,,, were t ion ally good r<-i,, , (), ,j and ills for which they H cm , But we have not yet husrd .is good rt> port of any as wo have . ,' !,,. ( j rdat g, American Ncrvitio Toiiin tisement of which wo fhuuMa on second page, A lady subscr:lr ir. 7. ;- lM -ill e , Kv wrote us some time auo whini; to haW Mr. Stewart, the lrm, e it j iere> to m . nd her a bottle for Jier husfian In i thugt time she wrote again orderftu , m> more bottles and mid il wdo her husband good. A fow days meeting one of uur piincijiaJ me- chanta who had been in ha,i health nianT moutha, we asked him how he wan get*, ing on : Ho said he Was Dotting better every day, that ho had found a paUni MMH that he had fnl.vn taken sir- oral bottles of it and was ^..ini; to con- tinue it, for be says he would not thke a thousand dollars for tliu g -1 it has al- ready done him. Inquiring what kind of n.eiicineit wae, he told mo It was the Ut^th AnuTKii Nervine Tonic. Hearing so much about thin great rwn- edy we interviewed Mr. Mcwart, and be tolls us that ho can scarcely keep a miy- ply on hand as it soils SB fast as he .in got it, and all thosu who use it upesk iti the highest praise -I it. He says lie line ent it to Advocate sulmcrilirra in F]ornfh, Kentucky, North Albany, and ollu-r This is DO paid notice, .: publish it imply as a tribute t > a donerving roui- edy, and if it is doing y> - 1 \te are glad that it is in the reach of oar sick and suf- fering people. To Preserve The richness, color, and beauty of the hair, the greatest care is necessary, much !>rm lv ; rjy dcoc by the use of worthless dressings. To be sure of having a first-class article, ask your druggist or perfumer for Ayw'i (air vigor. It ia absolutely superior to any other preparation of th kind. It restores the original color and fullness to ha- which has become thin, faded, or gray. It keeps the scalp cool, moist, and free from dandruff. It heals itching humors, prevent* baldness, and imparts 10 THE HAIR a ailken texture and lasting fragrance. No toilet can be considered complete without this most popular and elegant of all haii -dressings, "My hair began turning gray and falling out when I was about 25 years ol age- I have lately been using Ayer's Hair Vigor, and it ia causing a. new growth of hair of the natural color." R. J. Lowry, Jones Prairie, Tc*a3. "Over a year ago I had a severe fever, aod when I recovered, my hair began to fall out, and what little remain- ed turned gray. I tried various remedien, but without success, till at laat I began to USE Ayer's Hair Vigor, and now my ii.-xir is irrowing rapidly and is restored to its original color." Mrs, Aimie CollmJ, pighton, Mass. ' I have t,s*d Ayer's Hnir Vigor for nearly five years, and my hair is moit, gioflsv, and in an exce(lent s'atp pf preservation. I a m forty years eld, and have ridden the plains fcr twenty-five vears." Wm. Henry OU, alias " Mus- tang BUI," Newcastle, Wyo. Ayer's Hair Vigor C. Aw *Co., I -wet. W. RICHARDSON, Flesherton. HEALTH FOR ALL. Holloway's Pills and Ointment. THE PILLS Pnrify llio blood, correct all Ditordem of l^iver, Rtomach, TCiclney* an<l 1$ -%^'eli. riior iiiTigort and restore to betltb DobilltaUd CoswtllutioM, and are luv.i)".ible in ron- piaiuts luoidout*! to Koiunle-i of til agoa. For Cliildrao aod the agad they are iirioeless. THE OINTMENT to infallible ranMdy for Bcl Loc, Bsd HreMU, Old Woauds, Ooras and Uloern. 1 . famous for Oot and KobutuatUm. For disorders of the Cheat it hu no e^nd. For SORE IHROAl.BROtfCHlTIS.COUGHS, COLDS Ulandalar Swelling*, and all Skin Di <>* it, lias no rival ; aod for oontiact. ! and stiff joints it acts like a ebarm. Manufactured only at Proffmtor HOUXJWAT'S BUblllimei.t, 7S New Oxford Htreet (Inte 333, xford Htrect), London mil ara sold a* Is. Ifd., bRd., is M.. UK., SOs., and 3te. aaob Boi or Pot, and may be liiul of all If . d iciuo Vomlom throughout the world. thotdd look at tlw Label on Me Poit and Boxet. If tfi. nl'lreu it not 53,?, Oxford Street, London, Aty an ipurtoui. Hi Ftehtii M< IsllFKTPIili Ci. I Manufacturers of and dealers in Furniture of all kinds, Sash, Doors, Mouldings, Flooring, Siding, Scroll Work, etc. In our store we have full lines of Furniture and Undertak- ing goods, which we are gelling at our usual popular prices. To this department we ate giving our personal attention- Would call your notice to our Carriage an-.l Wa^on Shops under the e ficient charge ot Mr. D. BU., which is a sufficient guai .pte* that all work entrusted to us in tins line is being done. factory opposite *fc?*rel>ytrla.n CTu Show Rooms and Office, Strains Block, near T< Mali. J. L MODES.