1HE FLESHERTON ADVANCE t.. Is fully equipped with re- quisites for turning out 9 per- fect class of work. All kinds 0f pictures taken and finished tn a style equal to any city work, while the prices are fewer. Picture Framing done in all its branches. If you have shopping to do and pictures to get taken on the same day please attend to the latter first. Carcfulat- tention will l>e given to copy- ing other pictures. Mrs. Bulmer. Good News TO MAWY I desire to c ii' ui<> Attention of the public to '. ; :i fact tliatl liavoop<n< 1 A General Repair Shop In coin 1 .'. r:i n -.viih t!io Fleslierton Wu'ili- a Mil', .nil am [in pared to do all kiuda of Iron and Wood Turcing- Patten - in .i'' . v.ii-1 caatingf* got on liuit notice. I l.ivo not space to niiiiiiiin :.; t!. tail tho variety uf work I call do, but anything you have in M m or wood t! ' requires mending, briii;} it : i in Tcpairsliop, win; n .1 on Rcttiii^ vour work tU'..: neatly and substan- tially. Ilavi.ij ocscry wheels itiitublo fur I wiii ' .1. a R|>eci.lty f>r a f'.'w m ks. < . 1,-iw. link teriua rtncth r.. Yours truly, W.H-FIiESHBE ' Ow.-ii ..i.iur.l, ttutarlo. M'l.c Vei'y \1>A TO (iKT A viHh !:'.i:nn Education. -, . */ vu.t n I **j oti.tr Itufeiut.i ill ill l'ai.eV)it ll.dll \i-ll , ftltll.ltlU *!>- f.l.l t'. I'.l fjlil' il- fi> RlKl fit( M oulleko prcniUoi ia n-l nioftt att- .. M LI ! K'i ve you ul*r. (rue, mKirMM ( . A. FLEtilNG, Frlaripal. SHOEMAKER. .:tluiata to tiie InbaLiMBtl Ui ami KIMDKRI.BY Unit I iiav. -..!..>,> itnl I am prw- |i*rJ I.. ;.. ail kin.lnof work la HiU Ua. i^ ami till > DKU'e (o oritci 011 a n.itiru. Ui'iiii. t .'.n:i- fwiy ilaf. elso n,.'il.- ..l.-ir, ... i (WJISHl au I Will ..lo ll UOIU. J.W Wiiltby, . Kimborley. n-al)onnj it ;<i: on. ron.-l,t-f< " ",.'".. Vi.rcrt, .ili br all UnieriM* on a G'iuiiitf. l-ra !--n ?i^, EJoIr tr Chert hl!oh' Potau Plaatrr inUgi8g^l'>iifciica< 1( cent:. P. H j LO H^VTTALI Z S R. .'* T .'"> T' l tv;;? 1 l?ir c z,'iVJB.vi t^eTC^t rfllwKf )/ J'WC ^ililteJerf Tatfiffn - isA'' K^'fcy-v> f>'la.UTcrorjluey . uaM. Itejcc'i. i ..;.<. CATARRH REMEDY. ey(.:iCsfariii ir 7r/ thLi I'.jmMv. if will : iirejrou. PtlcoSOcta. :. M lawful tritn iuu sold cm a tftuu-ajatue iv fi\-o taHi'ii"'-"". To The Public. IIlni;rt>nt*.l Whittco'i k>lack>im:)> thnu (ur a teri:i ot yeaiK, laui now Iu a 1'omtlju to caWrto all waoU Jo my Hue. ioj a Spatially, NnfiMfartioa Unaranteed. For unyttinf in Utt lint <.idl on F, A. BUNT, Opposite iUchardwn's Hardware storo. THE T a i 1 o r, Mukca all garmeuts of mcu's ircar iu tlic best Btyln at short notice. All work guaranteed. A tiiil Bolicitod. F. A. BAKBB, FLESHERTON. HOUSEMEN ! Pay Attention 1 Having {'nrchaaedtlie harueeB bunincsa from Mr, Clayton, I \\ :*h to intimate that my en- dcayor will bo to pleaao and ealibfy customer! iu any work wLieli may bf jftutiiuted to me. All knnls of horaemen'i re- qiiisilta kvpt m itoek, at low rates. Good vorkuaanibip guaran- teed. Solicfting your orders, I remain respectfully, W. MOORE- Fldhoiton. Jao. t4, 1893. T ll. CHITIOt.MlliOD AND CH*NOt or urr .i.ul hrl l<ittlii>u.ar by mail price so :.'.. -<>. iK<it, ^.so. The Cslerv FiU Co., Toronto, Out. Dr. Harte's Celery Iron Pills. The active pnDci|>le of the MVera) ele- im ut* in<ikt vaitntial t<> the hea'.ty inain- teiiituce of life, is , . -v.it-d in thcoj pill-, ill tli- i. : :ated form atUiualile eleinruts wliich have intn.iitte reliiti'MiH w:th every fluid and noliJ <>f t!:e l..ly, luit in .r ..i LMU i mea- sure having t.> do wi ' "vfAy centered in llie nr\oux system. Iho causes which nn ! m are t-xtrem- cly few, but tilt: S)in|.l..nn, called <n - eam', and which iu- th>> i.- til's of tliefte rau.i6*. are many. Tlicmi symptom* are M nun ;u tliu onna'iiution, and the iu- hi-ti'ed nr accMuutui teiidum) ut lha iu- divuiual ftlfrctecl. Hut what mat' i . tl.< i if thte effects if we are Ue to rciu-li xiid control the C.HIHO t < >f -ill cuiixfi* of ili-rj.He and mirTenu;;, the chief is faulty nut in.. n. and ihi. r.t because people do n.it eat enough, l.at rutlivr bcaue of tliu f.tilun: .>f the oru:ti.s to |.r'j)oilji make use of what is eaten. Tl.ut failure to act, a'aio, U n-t tli f.'. i of wfftkiifM in tlu' otgam i.f atuiiniiatH.il IT |nir.lif'i.in, such a* (ho stomach, livt-r, and UiiluttyK, s watt 1( ng impioperly I It is rather (lie absence uf |M.wi-r in the nerve ewitrca which n-gulaU: then* .r_':iiis. Thrin 1 '! Ims arisen an entirely uew treatment coiiaiittiiu; uf reatorntira fi n ils for the in n mn syntem. The motive force* cui.rm'lir.jr and nn v ing all the uniaiut-f iKfc I* ily into lit.-alll.y actions are t"ie<* in the tli-lioaUi tiatuc?, cr cells of ganglia, or nerve centre*. These are COIII|H nei! of the fcm-r, the iu- tii'itt-ly attenuated matter, akin to the spirit of the fnod we partake of genfr- ally Fetter undarstoiKi, whtrn we y ii'-rvo food, such us tlit extraordinary Nirvine qualities coiitained in Olery.the i|iiiiitaMeuce of which enters into the c<-ni|M>tition of theao l*ill The diacdveiirg of ihcchemiM an w<-llrs the ex|rieuce nf the Physician, have i-Htabltihed the fact that hralthy life is impossible when certain u!nifnU are ab- Heiit from the blo.xl. Ccrtaiu form- if in have ipootic action <>n the rwd cot- |Hi*clu and a continued course of their u.v incrcisci* riohiH-Hs m.d purity nf the bliNnl. Iron is theruforv (Tencribed in the ivcoveiy l'n>in acuUi rlia^aat-a, fevent, nul.-nin, anu all funni of debility. T..IIC, vi(jnr,t>r elaaticity uilher . f nmidor body, ilt'lH.'iidit uiK>n the Ui>gei.izjitioii of the 1>1<*1, and varioa wi h it becauae Oxygen i* ettential to eroiy mental r bodily fuiii-llon. Oxyxon u the fuel and niu.it be evir prevent in abundan-e, to run the nachiu unr if the body at a uniform peed. \S hfti jrr. at ntmin ha occurrod and tha : i drawn np-.ii ti-o inpidly the ini- :ice of rebuilding and ruatoring is erulent. Tho nchicvrnirnt <.f ..!olite harmony uf eaavntiiil rlfinint h'lw t <-i-n reachf-l in T)U. II \K1KS CKI.KKVtKoNPlI.LJJ. We have oif.-cted a 1. >;>|>y > >nibinv.in:i of NEHVlNKNUTKATlVKS.iiidT()Mrs fin inn K a IKM fuel uiTv fiMxl us easily aaaimitnble by the Uilicate child, tho debilitated ii. valid, UK l.y tl.e athlete in traiii:i:^' for a rnce rtMiuiring >u|>Rr-huiuaii elr'.Tt. To sum up the aivuuu-iiU in favor of the adoption of this ninip!a uouni.iuii, and cuniiiion eimu trettnio:it for t ho cf- f citrr. woiry, overwork arul the mistakes <>f life, wx make the following ifuH KI.KI;\ IK"N 1'ILLS : 1. They arc a mrve re*totinv%bK>od en- riching, tissue building, vital foot), iu it* simplest and most convenient form. 2. They may justly rank M a new dis- covery, combining the moat eaaentutl elu- iii.'ii'jt of nervouM force. S. They impart now wtreneth, life, and h<>I>e when all else have failed. 4. 1 hey make rich henllhv and puiv blui'd, an. I move all the torpid organs to relieved duties. 5. Tlieir 'ft'<>cts arc to prompt, tht . sii.gle (i i il ia tho moat convincing crgi:- ini in in their favor. 0. Th.-y aic alan to foiipveiion* to al! thi'iw wh i lib* u sii:iicd aiiiiiiMt the laws [CELER IUTRITTVE,TONK;. NERVE RESTQBKHi Sciatica, ifi.ut, rht>uinatisiu : tin-Mi nyiiipti.ni* imlioule lack of tone, imii.ru lil.H.il, cniisetl hy hrukeu down IH-IVM -.-.-. The effect nf a aingle box of I'el. rv Inin I'ilU in all nuch caaee w re- markaMo No remedy has ever e i.r- inplly KUe.n rrluf. Drut(||i8te autl ilenli'is, ur mail. Price 60 cu., >ix fur 42.60. Tuo iVluij Pill CV, Ti. ut... Out, of health by oter-work or extern. 7. Tiny ill not tuiit|>t those mado wenk by alcohol or opium, for they tlo not i-oiiiain either in any form. 8. They uru the "friend in t mo 'it iv .! when nature is triiil, and all tin; orgviM aro skayBiih, 9. They purify t!i hlnod, clanfy the akin, nnd unn'oth .iRy the wrinkles of care nnd sntfuini". 10. 'I lev von. !n. i MI : :i vest pocket form ;tll tliat I.H vuluabb in the wiirld-reiiowiivd niitii-rul u.ilfiH cf tin; Spa, Itiideti-l'/ulun. Vi'-by, and Curlil.ad. Finnlly : They invito the competition of imitation', co.ii.t,ri:nr- . ruul prepar- ati^iiR c!:tnnin(.' >> l-e "ju-i as L'.i"<l." 'I . Mir >t ndiniasiiHi of thrir claims IITK.-.I c. niliilrniv. Our fii.:ilda will o-'lifer a : n . i by nntifyin){ us of any attempt to Kill ftitutc m.y other preparation when I!MH ia niid for. C! l.KUY IRON TILLS are d.s^ned . to in,- t :i'c fi e'UiH- H wliicii nsult III liiilVri'iit pi-iHoiis, n.U;r varied circtnu 1 s in uch .syinj toins on p.itli , den- }.oiniency, nnxn-ty, li HI of will power, OH.I of iiifiii.>ry,diini:t.-d ..f viii:ii,l'yateri:t and N!! f..rm cf tliiuiniahrd ncivo power ab ittlectuig the iinml : - Nauaea, vomit- ing, ui.'.K sioiiiKi-h, loathing of food, bil- iounntMs, lieHilui'he, neuralgia, ron-.tipa- In 'il, dy-p.-i ia, heurt bjni :ind all t . of i on M .vi.. .11 of the organs of nutrition ndieating .v -. nf t..no or v'gor in the syt*iu : BleepleMlieaa, rtHtUijotiMm, initiitinnrt*, Urtini{ in nleo;), eiifrvittion, tired lu'lmi{. and the whole twin of Ool.- dilunm v.ny UK in puin..lis. Ki.iui-y tumble*, limit failure, and all tku minor sympt. .HIM prvenled at dutVientitagea of thexe duieaitrs. Nervous debility, and general debility. The least infi rmud pur- aon can aee at a ulaiice that all iliuw dia- ta nr Hynipioins of nlin.ui a aingle cauite, i ervous | nitration*, to which IKON riLLS are aUapWU frurn thoir v^ry na'uve as a n-rvr f<.m! I)I( HAKTE - PILI.> thus 1 1 if. i iy \'< from dampi.. IM nr nt'.icr u.. , '1 ii- 1 1 it'. I >n: tl'.t per* i> . ' ity of uki. uiatter 'l.e -. '. I ' . leet i-lfic; i 1 ' ( il n me.il, an llitv ru t^ieu'l "- into til* i: ' 'i'-h onriii'l ii.'" tiit- Kor cl.i. . H. M u i . oaucott of anx wi.rt o^s tiuu. \ x UM of ll.- M: ; i'ii. ill ' each nit:.', fi-r at'uit.-i dfm- irrf^i.l.ir 1 . Ute of Sl:e' time anJ gei.tle aid t"r<.l.u : .l-l ti,. -i. yHttm. K|.ecia'.ly to any lubject of tri ly ri 1 UiUtLi.).! . .lie, wt ilmire tv *: V l!:a', wi shall ' ! if !lie sam ii i r-- rcportud to us v .. '> i for tin . '-!*. Sold by r ! In-xes fin .- THE t'i-l.r.in KILL CO.. Out. Tlie t.cw n:arin huKpit^l \v.h ha < :* n ed at Owt u Souuii >u Wcduewlay. lit. A nui.iU-r uf guvt-ruii.ci.t i.iljoia'.s ai-.d M. P' will tt< ml. lull, y-.r. .", nd Sciatch*i <n hiirnun nr animals cured iu IJOminuttw 1-y \Vnol- ford's Banitary Tuition. Thin never fail* Wamu>ti.>d l.y Wiii. B'. Kiclia'..' Mr. Jaicca Brsidner, a retired ftrnur and ri;ptt-tid citizen < f eiJ- id, wu eriuutly injured u Wedntsilay l.y King thrown fr,.ui a waggon while !>ii Lonts wore running away. Eni(lu>ll Spavin Liiiinii-nt r:nore a)' hard, Bi.fl or : LLIII^ and I. a inmlien fi . ill .-iscd, Biixxl Sjuvin Curb*, S| . . ncy, Sttt)i'n.S|-i .mi Kwil'.rn ri.nat, Coughs, e'-. Sav.' 5() hy UM- i'f one bottle. \\irrrii.tfJ l.e umt wonderful I'.l. mr)\ C Known. Warranted bv Ki DESIRABLE Wood IU Vor In ' Rev. C, E. TliompsoD, Davenport, Ont A t Joo J Ch.;i"-e f. T W.KH! Dealer. For Service DurliaiM I .. ou !-.t 14B.CI r.'i rg Ms of UMTorouto ni ,i- R i u MULLKK.Ptep. Bull for Service. \\ i' i ., -i 1 ,-t '."if. J-.i\ wast, has -. n tbor OUfcl. Ol. ..Ill, St. Patrick, for * ..V-i T'' "r -, payalilo Kt Jau., 1&/1 In ilj< Aii*Us*U n PWJIQBI Uni * Mt .. :-lou March Hth, UD1, br.l by Wi A.I... -Kii'i.ni I'aik, )>... >-"t l.y . 8111 ... . - IMC : , Ly i - IMC : , Ly i by \. u t, vlllVll, ^.lUHJ, 117*. M^itar ;a',f.", ., ' II ^.Ml 190 4 Bull M o MX r A M n o .v A 8 c n OK b i .. bo tno l/'jol i>.i W Al> At! . r. v i .- .1. h }lr. ita at in.) . m to . ; Proprietor. Head IsToticc. tie* 1 i.it thr Vvi. 1 'i.-ri bioll, II. t '! !>*'! n. th- urii'ti'.!. - f L s , L,m f i ... ' i i - . t.olt.. J .la> at the e>4 f UM f-.r.i!b ocre tbu mirvsy ol wuiU it kuou iu mo Valley lU.^.-, Ibenos l-t N. i.-, ,:- , n-n. r, .,iim., w. i -i, in. I N U.: -..!-. i' ..in . ,: .; .-n ., , 3rd K. 74 il..|{r<MS, I'. HUB.. K t . i, Mh M. tt(t(ras,ll tfMliM.W lli.lin.iuon> or !, to the ..ut.tr ..f !u -..i.l Vallcv Hu^.'. with a width of two rou* .M i.ivb sule ol Uio lu- atd liu. All poraona iUrt.l ra kil>y .t.j .iied o Uke uotUe. tfy order of ComwU. W.J BHIXAUT, Twp. Ctark. Patvd M f leibMWa UisfUiUay of Juu,UM. VIGOR <" MEM Earl), Qaickly, Pirnunllf Riitoril. Weakness, Nervoucne&a, Debility; and *ii l-.c l..:i of ^\U fci,:.i car'.jr errors or later exuues, tlic resuhi U overwork, sici- ns% worr;. . . .-rtrigth, developmenl i v> .e given to ev -:y orjj.-n ai.-i portion of f. Sim; ', i.a'.uni inrthtxil. iuuue- diate iinprovan^u aet-i. F^ilnrc impouibb. 2,0 rrferaos. J~ok. ex^ianatiun aud prouft mailed (scaled) free. FRIE MEDICAL CO,, Buffalo JLlrY SOCIETIES. II TKXri.AHft OF . ht h p. .11. v \\-r 'i. b u.o.itti Oil. \\>l- s: rin hmt<l 1JKINCK . N... rtm\ IKV OD nr usjn. W 11 HAVE YOU BACK-ACHE DODOS vlDNEY PILLS WILL CURE YOU "Bickr'ihf) mnna tho A.V- i<fa -" *f< frrn; ' "75 per tent it '! rst neys. Might altii/f try to h^9 a hsa/tf-y o/'fy : at it- tlltll lt>: * / J n /. c r c / gytd, t*ty art Sold by nil J ilen, trim I by mai! ,m of --' nf tfi<i system. 'D.!<.,y it / kidrtty troubles result lit Bad Blood, , ia, Uutf Complaint, and tt>9 mott dan- gorous.4f all, on' ,iita D/teagt, ' Tha about dfteatn (an not <elt luhtrt Ooefd'n Kidney < '" ' r* ^r* or':.' A i- Tiilfct* Writfi :'.'- &>"?'.,&' v / : ' ' :v ; ; ---/( ;-.V , ; - ,VjH -f^gr f &'**'" "" '-'.. ^---vft' 1 . 1>. HcTavtak, HOB GENERAL BLA-CKSMITH, .-it, FLESIIKKTON, - ONT. t or I . . ;;.! I'lOW iuntiy ou hand. tly OVtl- -. FOR .SALE F. C.-lll-DV '- . ' a;..*. e: ton. l.iir,i iti, nil In ox M CLAJ..\ Lands for Sale I rit) 1 J'IOM. ii Ji>urtltn. J. W. / ;< v .vi-KONCi, -. iK.iL- .Jl * ' J- B. SLOAN Kngeiila, haa oil band, and (at wkle. sbingltM, wul>, JCJIK aji.i luiubei. Taming aud )..IaiuiD| duM to uiOr,