Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 27 Apr 1893, p. 4

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THBS FLfcSHfeRTON A D V A K <J H FLEIWIEBTOM, Pub! ilie<J weekly by \f. II TUurHUm Advettienifj Hates : One Column. 1 vi-ni. t I your, 527 1JIIU ' Tri:i'i. -it n.l\,-i . rce 1 or Ih" mln at 8 c i <-li ub-. :.nn. It is aUo-jelliiT H|(C!T that temper- ance liriglatioii of Rome nature will be put throng!) daring tho pre*ei Mttion of t!i( ii ' Wh.i. ii! i -kf is as yrt a miUt-r of Mr. Marc'' h.is introduce <1 n bill nankin llii'tf iliitivo. tlii? I'il) tho k'ovcnjHui will not. Mi|>j-"ri. r,:-a tiny have tlie power cf prohibiting 'h ng of '; ln-v fi\or a -cite, and ro cvi.lei.tly willing "nut tl n j>li- i do M w:int n ; aio for if i' . I.. tore Ir-.s not . ' \V-'.I, thi- :u. is not far tlie iou off until nfu-r the n< v in. Aud ' ni lias given Mr. 51 ,w ftt aud Mr. Rosa tlir oi>portt>nity :!:ilt tllfMT l\'l- " U-lil| ua-KV ii ;;:*li>ti< ri. Ill tlik sent state on the t-vt- of a new Hi-ciion, this will, il IB hoped, acl M .k li-vrr t i back t-j j-owvr. It i a similar tactic to limt v, iiitiii' nl of :\ ' 'y the ]>,->niiuion povi-ni- -to shelve ji a* long an possible. In HIM cft'f il H more, liowovor ; it i." to be used as a stopping atone. There fore Mr. Marter s bill must be mai - ty-,1. have vn it dime. If you win a watch or annu piece of jewellery, you will be nntitiud by a nicely type-written letter nnd will be pulitoly rei|iiu<ted to send a |*ltry HUIII (not low than soventy-five cento) t<> corer expunnu nf iK>it^e and packing fur slii|nn><nt, and case to hM the piivu i>f jvwcllery you hare feou. Tlie HUIII nniiifil will nlwnyH inure than i'<>iT tin 1 enHt nf the ar'.icfu awarded, v.-hich will only be a very cheap ni.vil \.ith slight K'.ld wjnh ; or if a watch b awnrd- r'l it vt\'\ l,n wnrtlilc-K ikft.-r mie month's wt-nr. I'verytliing elto is otferod the same way, arid you rnty rent a*surc<l, n t<> win a $10.00 K<>ld bi- o li, vt.u will l.uvc i.. ] ,-ky iir. i-ijiul in hard cusii s.iirc Wiiy. Tlie rrliii* is made acaaayn.i pofsiblc, s<> that any ou can read it at tiist gl.tncu and thouaanih uf aii.tM urn will bviiniii- < .lin. The pri-ii/'li'-rtl al^iirt iiVriy rl,| .in wrth the I. till- fur publication. Tin- j>ri'|'iK-ti>r i if Ixitli c-iuntry and city iK>jiik|H-ra are lar^i-ly l. blame fnradver- 1'iit if thu OuviTiimeiit hail -.'ui .! .AH on lli.' ii.'Ji>_' "if such clieiu. .- n inary -xp>c'ed it wnuM do, lit 1 tr t' t!i-< ti,.iil,!u w>uld be ililituinled. They did m.t do that, how. -.l.iir,' is to niitiiiiiu fi.'hlin^ viiii-rously ii^aiiist the ilvi rt!!.in'_' f fake | i[ii'is. aud induce M n .n;, ' \. ur oODttnpor*>rit>* sn pn ;;!! with you, niul in <> doing you will | i .mi ; i bgi ; ,r iiin-h (lihoii- :nl at thii ai,u- time win fi.r yi'Urnwii joui'i.al iu.il )ournj. Thr U-bu lakr. I>e/ air: I WM pl.-av-d to notice in H lali- iMue i-f Tin- Ailv.-iii.-i-, mi nlitoral rv tlie mill rtiniiiL.' of "f ik ' |ii-iio.li,-als in ("untry ii-ws|iaiH-r, written in Tiow i.f tin- Suppression "f tlii'-i- nefarious HUM- i .1 tin dvi i!-- in-.- tln-n-of. Tin- iirln 1.- is i. in- i.f n 'mml.i-r I have Bonn up- n \'iur valuable journal from tnin- m- >-ti tl.i- MUIIV sulij. . -t. Tin- lii-lii y -i hivjoiter.-l iiimi is Inr,'.-. in rliic!i you will haro abundant I....IM t<i iin: your arm ;the harvest, t.>, i* In- l.-ilcirorii art- frw. I Invc ), , eeis to it inimU-r uf tlio country | .-i|.'T-., Hiiil : nirj.' li^'lit j|, the fn-lil, in !> pcmon i.f Mr. Kawcett, of tho I:- \ . - -1 Mr Sinn' Tlio AiU U-\ ii:\v, iinil KI- ni. r n I , 1 1 .,(, nrv to li.-ive win,.- n-ry ih tlie lu\ ' . >" "fnuch, !. !i \VM In llii I linns for a ,,f the r'-loi-J- fi,|- j,-i, ii -,y (!inl i I, . Tlii-v will t ; - t HII > IK the i . ..g (as i .jttie firntr. |.i .11 ., Murili | 60 ; t i thu iicooiid a I'.j.-itn'ul jjnM uatoh, or . ' 'iii-l t i tl. thiril iinil u f.. 1 . ' ' i '. i.-.i i t . U< awardtd to H fiiuiul, or MI ii- . f tin) |'iiMi--l:i-r, mid . ,-irriv, H for di ! , H'|iriotnr wi 1 I'.irt- !,i; >xlf, and thr H' iv |f) I. ,1| iimlt-r llio wiu- ' ' i ' , .n I >lc l.iiu to writi- ; al, I. >!,.,( |.i- i, ,-, i, ,..| r i. 1st- th valuo tin-roof in d kecji "iniiin." If ho Is a n, (..ml they p-ni-r.-i 's built that wnyj he this <o bs f,u:?, an I H-bi-i-i-.i \Vil'Kiiinn, of Urnwinvalli'v, Ini'., MI\H : "I l<ail l/i ..i in a dintrc-wu.l .-- inl.iiuii ' \-i\ts from >'uivous- ".f tin- StoiPiach, I>ypep Moll ni.ti: my health wiu t i.i,.- little of South Am- n Nrr\iiii-. whii'h il-'iH! mi- more rtli i.f <lout<iriiii( I nl in my life. I would 4<lvi wi-akly jierwiii to use this valuable ainll-ii!) le.u.-'y. I consider it thu >i iiM-ilu-im- in the world. 1 ' A trial li-.tlle will emiviiii- .- you. Warraiit- eil 'i\ ii At ' "... " I '. m -n wuricin-' on the water- works ntMilwauke were drowned Thurs- day. Tl.e tien-f K.I!,- ilruve the 11.4'. r HI t-i the iiii.-il;e well, which they were brick - ing Up. T HE SPUING MAY ME backward, but we are'nt. in lact we're to the front as usual. It makes no difference what article you w.i lit, we can supply you at RIGHT prices. We don't want to bother you when you are in the midst of spring housecleaning, but as soon as you're through, just come right in and see our WALL 1'APERS and decorations which arc now sought after, ard selling i'.\st. Our large assortment was augmented l>y arrivals this week of some of the choicest patterns we've seen and which were delayed in delivery. Our new CAR- PETS are selling fa.-t. \\'e have a choice assortment, a fact which some of our cus- tomer have already appre- ciated. The sun has'nt been very a 'e lately, but wait awhile and you'll be y you did'nt supply your- with one of our Win Shades before the best pat- terns were si! 'ppt-u up. II w :il t:ui tains 1 We can supply you with Lace or 1) t- m:isk Curtains in great var- iety, and, by the way, don't fix tlum up with the common tri'n n tack, but use cur- tain pglfs. \Yi:Ve got them in i. "y and other woods with trimmings complete. i \vjiu good Hoots to be in it while the roads are FO muddy. \V<: can give you a p.iir of men'.; strong plo'r.-.li ;s for i,;i.oo,to say nothing of our ( tlui lines. We are cspc-cially strong in Dress Goodsevery week sees the arrival of some special lines our turn over is surprising, ami stock well assorted Bolton Methodist churoh lias a young lady c< .met plnyur in their choir. Kov. Father Maluuey i moving his place of residence fruin Murk dale to Durban. The High Sclim)! Kuternncu Kxaniiiui lions in OntHri", will this year commence on June -Ktli. examinations for Primary mil Junior Irnvin;,', teacher* certificates and for I'nivurait.v I'*** AlatricuUti.uu ou July 4th, while tho senior leatinx and Hniior Matriculation examinations vkill c inuifiico .luly J.'HIi. Cures Others Will cure You, is a true statement of the action of AVER'S SarNip-mlla, v.liin Uktn for diseases originating- in impure blood ; bat, while tli.* assertion is true of AVER'S SariaparilU, as thousand*; can attest, it cannot be truth- fully applied to other preparations, which uj'pri-iciplod dealer? will recommend, and try to impose upon you, as "just as g-ood as Aycr's." Take Aysr's Sarsa- p:u,:!a and Ayor'i only, if you need a blood-purifier and would be benefited permanently. This medicine, for nearly fifty years, has enjoyed a reputation, and made a record for euros, that has never been equalled by other prepara- tions. AVER'S Samaparilla eradicates the taint of hereditary scrofula and other blood diseases from the sys'em, and ir has, deservedly, tho confidence of the people. AVER'S Sarsaparilfla " I cannot forbear to express my j.iy at the relief 1 linve obtained from the : AYKU'S .s.-.riparil'.a. I was d with kidney troubles for about six months, kii.Tcrinif greatly with p:i;ns in tho small of my back. In H(iU: lliis, my liody was covered Wiili ; rrk.|i 1 .io:i t <. MCrfbod f kill -.1 to holp nie. 1 tlien Leg on to take AVKI. .-.rilla, and, in a short '. ic p- ins L-.iv-J and the pimples disappeared. I advise every young man cr woman, in case of !.'; n ultinj; f'u:n iirpurj bloo-J, i-o matter how long ii:.'i-!ir.} the en*-- may be, to take AVER S Sarjprilla." H. L. Jar- maun, 33 YVUikun st., New York City. Will Cure You C. A>-r & Co., Lowell, Cemetery Meeting. The Ani,ual McutiiiR of the Tro^tevi ami riot hnl.Urt of the Klodliorton Couiotry Trust will )>o hftM on Frl'Uy the 1th May, in tlid Town llall.ajr.au P. M. W. CLAYTON. B. IkoagUreii Dorian Boll M O IV U !. \ \ I ) MONARCH For M-rvlce on I.ut 3D, con. 7. Attoiueils. Monklin.l Uunu-cli VM go* t.r Xrlntow'n fm i.u* bull, liurKCiiiaat. r. Ue men Ant prize at i flrnt iteiliilillion an S> JSM-Tllltf. aaa woii .III.I.I.HA at tho t{raji<l ux blMt, baftUof bull* of all k--'. i/rovlin; ii.in tu IM* the IIOM ou tlie ^r.tuii.1. WM. T ri.AHK. AytJM i'i .|-r:t-tor. r.i. Co, NOTICE ! I am li ' for t! ur.-. Tl-.i- i.-l lowing I M:IIK ' : : M'm Dr\ .iftVc iM>|i.>int.vl y .11 imr etc. fi r t'n tmi.'M.iik I. !-, ,v i ' . an iit.iu-. i . T. HILL Has new in stock a beautiful line of LACE CURTAINS from 90 cts. and upwards. Bordered curtain lace 15 c. nice goods.Art Muslins and Cretonnes. Also a fine lot of Window Shades, Co cts. to $ 1 .00. A lot of Wall Papers at your own prices. See our new spring clothings. Children's, boys' and men's suits, all sizes and prices to suit. Other lin Com- plete for spring trade. Highest price for butter, ejjgs and wool. Remember a discount for cash is given without asking for it at T. HILL'S Flesherfcon. truly, TlIK si'HOIIT \V \ ,->\ T. H. S,.-l;il. Faj-mors will |il;i t. a,, in-'- ; Remark! THAT one cannot do a good tiling too often. Therefore if we remind the public that we are ellint furnii lower than ever sold before in !"! : het t- n, we are telling one of those e;ood tilings that cannot he too ofun ix We would a!o any. tliit havin;- found t'.i.v tlio ;> .; Ic apf-reciatc fair '. hmbccn shown by the lrg,, n u ,,, i.lj since c- we h.-u . :'i y.iu, miJ oliil co.i -:"e g"'*l :>' ii';'.' rcy. ( ur eipones (ML M \\K CAN I.i\ C AND l.KT IJVK. l^idtui' tl\e dl\ekf c0t. One nil ichifc Ixarse for c/n'fffrcn- Crape kept in slock, I'ndcrtdkinS carried onus usual. OPPOSITE WIUTTEN'SCAKRI AGK SHOP- Residenje over store. Edwin Harrison. For Farm Waggons Democrats, I3uggies, Carts, Iron, Harrows, Trimming^ainting.and Horseshoeing, Lumber, Lath and Shingles and Farm Implements GO TO John H. Heard. d Carriage ^\{. * * * Buggies, Carts, Sleighs, Cutter v etc., all made in the highest style of art, and at reasonable prices. Get e mates from me if you wish anything hi these lines. Painting and Trimming also attended to. R T. WHITTEN, FLESUEKTON, StiAlwhi^e F. G. Karstedt, - - Proprietor. A large stork of seasonable g-icds just to hand, i.'icludinj; : Barb wire Spad-.-s l-'t'iu-iiii,' wire Shovels Fencing plywi Hoes . Churns Kakes Building | aper ) \-iks, etc Paints, oils and glass in any quantity for building purposes. .//; hnnn>nx<\ stock oj IW I LDIA G ILIIIDWAHE at rrect prices. Headquarters for van buckets, in;lk inn's, ftun.v, creamers, ,-fc- Fishirif tackle /or ll the tishermen in the cmintrtj. In Hinitll li.vr.iu.ir.. in y stock in ;.!,.-, alu i too exter.jive to enutueraic. Be- rajr n i and bM otgte, Tho public my iv.-.t :IKUI-<K: th..t ! in the lnudwaro h.iu can be jjurchusod.andat r%ht j ]\'m. Strain, Flecker ton

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