Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 23 Mar 1893, p. 1

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Jtfctotnce* TRUTH BEFORE FAVoU." PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN'." VOL. XII., HO 610. FLESHERTON, ONT., THURSDAY, MARCH 23, 189H. W. H. THURSTOK, SOMETHING NEW In Jewellery. Just to hand at Armstrong Bros. Silver Watches at $5 ar>d 6 Eight _v fti i L - A t"7C J T ~ /"VA.1 Day ClOCK at $4-70 anCltpO. Ottier goods in proportion. Call and ex- amine. Repairing done as usual in first-class style. Mount lion. From o>ir men Cumtixntdent. Mn. Morton, of thin pUc >, k.n been with her daughter, Mrs. Orr, of Toronto. Mr. anil MUM Gallop, of Sunnidale, have been visiting ulJ aquainUacaB here. MJM Mabel Cornfield is horn* from Toronto. Teachers Convention" held at Mtli.tjr on Saturday tin. llth. Tin; Rev. Woodijer is si ill carrying on the meetings here. They ar well at tended and are mccensf ul alao. Mr. Thoi. BUkb-ly, of Dundilk, gave us a call lust week. The school oocvrt takes place next Thursday evening, junt befor* t;h,<ol closes fur Easter vacation. Admiatiou Robbie Taylor U home from i 5 oeuts. Orai garillp. Barter in eominsf, go get your b*us in Mr. Johu Ly-ns, of Proton Station, shape. j has moved onto the f arm juat vacated by j The Miss, s Kerton and Hortoa gave Mr. A. Holley. Mr H )i!ey intends m ik- | u, m call hut Sunday. IOK a tour through Manitoba and the Western State* during the summer. Mr. Robert Thompson, who haa been sick for some time, in now somewhat bet- 1 Frum out utcn CsMMfMttsBf trr. At Ut the long waiter ia drawing to a Sinoelast we wrote. Mr. George Thomp- close. Tho roads are pretty good yet, win. Jr., lust by death his rounds -t lorn. , but a few mure days of auiwhine will 99 T u t . ill, $1 BOOTS FOR L w i s WEAR. I have a large stock of seasonable goods OP hand, inch as Overshoe*-, Ladle's gentlemen's Misses' and cbildren'i rabbera for all ; a quantity of lumbermen's heavy robbers aud Sox. ladies and geutf , sometLiug very suitable for Clirititmaa present!. Prices Away Down. Castom work, aa usual, a specialty. Call and examine stock and you will become convinced that it u to your best interests to buy ftom JOS. SMITH, - - Flesherton. Farmers Attention! JACKSON the GREAT IMPLEMENT MAN Has secured the agency for Flesherton and vicinity for the sale of the following Implements: NOXON BINDERS MOWERS and DRILLS. Can also supply you with: WILKINSON PLOWS, SPRING TOOTH HARROWS, all kinds CHATHAM and SPEIGHT WAGONS, BRANTFORD and GANANOQUE BUGGIES Road Carts of all descriptons, Steel Windmills in fact everything the Farmer wants, and will not be U1VDE.R- SOLiD by any AGENT in the county. All goods guar- anteed to do good work o. no sale. Will be in Flesherton every Monday and Saturday. All correspondence sent to our address, Markdale, will be promptly attended to, Yours truly, W JACKSON- aBwawawasBwawae^ i ~ ^sgsi ^- THE STORE ON THE DILL? I have just received 400 pairs of Men's, Boys and Chil- dren's bools, from the okl established firm of COOPER & SMITH, of Toronto. These goods ar.e noted for their durability and classed in quality Second to None in the Dominion of Canada. If you haven't done so, it will pay every wearer to give them a fair trial. Une lea* to love on earth. mret in heaven. I'Ull^C I. LtJlU. One mure to ; leave th hills bant uf snow. Yuu dou't travel far without swing Nome upavU of Mr. aud Mrs J. W. Burke, of Ware- cutters. It ia a now wall known setua- ' ham, intend starting uext Friday, en route tiou u> tiuU uuesself sprawling ia a snow i for California, where they intend making bank. their home. They carry with them the best wishes of a large circle uf acquaiot- There ia a g>>od deal of aicknvKs around at present, lumethiug like U grippe, but ances and friends by whom they were ' not so severe. It i to be hoped a few highly respvctrd and will be much days of good apruig weather will put mistttd. ' everyone right s.de up aiiam. Mr. Orr and family, uf Tor>>ito, are Mr. John A. Fen wick has tak. n to visiting friends here. I himself a wife during the pant week. The home of Joseph Wat:n Jr. han The bnJe w** Mi s Lizzie Sloan, of Pus- been made glad by the addition of a ley, aud ia a youug lady very higUy es little girl during the past week, teemed iu her uwu neighborhood. Tho Tlio majority of tiie people here are young couple will reside at Eugenia. As laid up with colds. John is a young man highly es'umed by Miss Tilly Ross,ofShelbunie,is paying everyone, we wih them it MTV happy a visit to hsr parent* here, futuie, aud may lieir shadows nerer grow less. Mr. FTiraui Bowerman has beon tick for some time. He is now some better. The Putruus' social nas well atundud.tbs .0. from uicr otc Cumtpottdent. We are sorry to learn of the death of proceeds being Mrs. Blakeston, of Ariemeaia, foimerlyl Rov's Waddell and Barlow, of the Me' !: '''at church, intend holding revival UKOliiigs fo.- a couple uf weeks st before the roads break up. Miss Lime Roy has rufurned home from the city whete she Uas been vis.t ng for some time past Mr. Bennett baa beend<>wn t j Ton nt- fur a couple of weeks. It is expected the factory will now resume operations. Mr. Win. Bennett has returned iroui the city. He will soor briuq bis t~ain.lv to Eugenia* It is said he will run a store of Kgreuiont. What little ws had with th deceased made a very favorable impression upon us. Another death Lui uccured in our neigh- borhood, bringing sadness to the home which was made joyous a few mouths ago by the commit of toe little one who his now been taken away. The child was that of Mr. and Mrs. AMo-rn. It was interred iu St. Andrew's church burying ground. Kr. aud Mrs. Stone, of Bridsh Col uuibia, arrived at Dandalk tn-<Uy, after a ^mue-days' ndo on Nahuiu'-s chariots. They pui poec making their homo in On- tario uow, as they like it better than the western province. Mr. Robt. S. Parslow left for the city to-day. He intends to sek employ- ment in a foundry iu Toronto or Tort Hope. We wish him success. Mr. Thus. Parslow, Jr., uf Be ntinck. formerly of this place, is about to start for Wisconsin. We hope he shall hare a prosperous tiuie.as well as >*!<. journey. Old Mr. Colter in very sick. He seems to be just waverinK l.eiwoen life aud ' death, and few if any hi<pc are enter- tained for his recovery. Misses Rachel Ferguson and Listis , Ferris hive goue to the (jueuu City, To- ' ront>. Maxwell at Mr. Duucan's old stand in connec tion with the Hoop and Veneer C . Mr. and Mrs. \\.odburu -no IN th laid up at present with a severe attack of la grippe or aouiethiiiK akin to it. Sabbath was communion service at the hall in connection with the Presbyterian congregation. Several new members were added (/> the communion r. - !. A few pairs of Boys Boots left at 77c., also Men's Long Boots Sizes y and 10 at $1.45 per pair. Clearing Overcoats at Cost Caps Away Down. Other winter Goods equally low. Just received two cases of SPRING PRINTS and FL ANNE LETTS. Call and see them. All classes of produce taken. B. G. EVANS. aun "HI UICH The inow has KOHU iln.vu (ill but what went up plus what is here, yet) and we aru UK bad as ever we have not good Mr. Win. Long returned home week Mr. AVx. Clark, of :t few days her* Intrly. A wedding |Ktrty went tliro^h here on \VciinowIny, tho 8th. W believe the parties were. Mr. Julian and Fcvenhain. From an utt'isionai Corrttputulent. Mrs. Jos. Trwinx has quite rvcuvered frooi her rvcoiit severe illnosti. Mias Emilia IVriijo in visiting friiMida at the station. The portly form ( Mr. Qeo. \Vhitvuak may U auvn OD the river these days (!<>. is ){ettiii|{ bis Muunnvr ic supply. Mr. Thus.Julian eiitureil into a lift I,, n^ liUit>rship wilh Miss H.irrivt I.u.-h uu :he 0th iust. Rv. Mr. Woodgur tied the knot. May Ue-en'i blessing .itteiul MlM I. H ll. The funvralof the late Mimt McQnarria toi-k plaoe her* on Thurwlay, the SH.h. The ineotiiiK of the towimlup liHlntw of r'atronn of Industry, lidil hero on Satur- ilny the llth, was well attenlel. Mrs. Scott, sr, of Mclntyre, returned hum* a nlu'rt tim ago. Mr. J. L. Wood attended the "Opry lira. H. Heitman's pleasant fa. ? ina\ be son in tho t*hup a^ain. Site l..i nearly rvcuvcictl. Jack i getting qiu> bold again, hu takes frtvjiivnt trips to Oollinirwinxl. Thoiinith, mi|ihty mn in h. . With largv and *lnwy hu.l. And tb ssutolw of bis brawny ai-iut t n sttuug u iron ba:uli>. " A chi-cse uioi-tinjj WSH held in the Orange Hall last Slurdy. A fict..ry limy be established in the near fu UK Great weather for colds thu .' Died. BLAKKIITON In ArUmssia, on Wv.tiiti.Uv. March 14. Martha Colw.wifol Bubvit Ulsk essoa, seed 96 ywu, 5 mo. Hi-i.iT In Flonhcrton.nB W*dn*t!s.T. Mkreh , R*lH>co Raolvv. agod 91 ysars. BEFORE -YOUF* SPRING SOFT -SEE OUR - GOODS arid FRIGID Patronise the Merchant Tailor and make your best interest ours. C. J. LEITCH, Merchant Tailor. HAVE YOU BACK-ACHE DODOS KIDNEY .PILLS. .LL CURE YOU "Backaeht meant the kid- iy art in trouble. . Dodd'i Kidney Plf/t miut prompt nlitf.' "75 per cent of diteati It frit COUMrf ba ditordertd kid- myt. "Might at wttt try to have a htalthy o/fy without ttuttr- agt, at good tiaajtli wtitn tht tidntyi art thggtd. they art tht KOUtngtrt of the tytttm. "Ot/ay / danijirout. Ntg- l no tad kidney troubltt rttult in Bad Hood, Dytpipsia, Liver Complaint, and 1 the moit dun- gerout of alt. Brighta Diuast, Oiaoettt and Dropsy. '' " Tna about dlaeaae* cannot txitt inhere Dodd't Kidney fill * i Dr. U ith a- Pi lit art XfilbymadaaratW,* DDV OC MA foe $, y I Tvtvotfl. Writ* fit | AVER'S Sarsaparilia Is superior to all other prepara- tionsclaimingto b blood-purifiers. First of all, because the principal ingredient used in it is the extract of genuine Honduras sarsaparill root, the variety richest in medi- cinal properties. Also, because Cures Catarrh k $! raised expressly for the Company, is always fresh and of the very best kind. With equal discrimina- tion and care, each of the othe- ingredients are selected aaJ com- pounded. It is THE Superior f/jedieine because it is alwa>s th^ sarn.j i i appearance, flavor, and effect, ;i:ul, being highly co:icentr:ir only small doses :: ;-,vJeJ. J. is, therefore, the mo-t economical blood-purifier i.i t \ I PlJrOQ -^iVvxl nour- UUI co i<h:n^, work SCROFULA r : is , an - slco : VWIIVIVa.fi , ,. . : v.-sbasjl a" 1 ' life enjoyable. It :i ::vK's out all impurities in the - ^vls ihem harmlessly hy thj n:iti. channels. AVER'S - :ul.i j;ives elasticity to t!- cul imparts to tho ag 1 .".! and infirm, renewed health, s-trcngth, au^l vitality. AVE Sarsaparilia PrrniroJ hr Dr. J. C. Ayrr \ CA. Lr:i. MMM. SuU by all Dn^i;ui> ; rr H r $i ; n bocdn, $5. Cures others, wi!l cuu you

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