TH1 FLE3 HERTON ADVANCE FLESH EBTOW. Publnbed weekly W. II Tharstou. Ad vei Using Kates : (in. Column. 1 > r, MO ; half col., 1 year. 991 i) iiar -cr vol.. on* yew. *li. Trnlent advertiMineut cbrl at the rat* 0f 1 cuu |wr liii.i lot Ant iiiHriiuu aud a cnU web .uh.,'.|uent ioKitloD. Dr. Ryerson, Uor.tervative. WM elected in Toronto on Tuesday to fill the vacancy in the Local Legislature. His majoiity WAS abiut tiJJ . Mr. Gladstone's cabinet is becom- ing strouRer day by day through the instrumentality of bye-elections. His home rule bill is under the most pro- found discussion throughout Ireland and America. It is proposed do- nation for which the Irish people are very much divided in their gratitude. In f.ici there is a large class who say they will fight to the death if it u granted. The other side say ditto. Judging the assertions in a candid li!!it it Bccms probable tuat Mr. Glad- stone will cot bo permitted to settle the question even by the passage of liia bill. The man who sets out to reconcile the two faction.-) in Ireland imsinore than one "life work" before I lira ; in fact many live* have gone it pursuing Ihid ignis fatuis since I lie days of iVm O'Conncll. IVlievinjj tlicrc is an impression abroad that tlio English two-rowed y brought out for sxperimcnt by tlte Dominion Givornnu-ut lias been a total failure, Tho Advance lias taken Iritis to interview a couple of our ' .vis. who Imvp tested the D during tlie past two seasons, as i the result of thesj experiments and i'uir conclusions with regard to tin in. One of these gcutluinen raised two acres of the grain last season, which .Melded him a little over 100 bashels of good grain. This was on ground hpeoially enriched. The yield ia the other ease, off ordinary ground, was 41 bnshels per acre. This, it must be acknowledged, was an eitra good \ it-Id. The season was an extremely unfavorable one. therefore the color was not what it should have been. I'.nili the gentlemen referred to find that the grain weighs lighter each year, and the ripening season becomes earlier. They both incline to the be- lief that, even were a market obtained fir tho grain in* England , it could not iiriiutiuu tho required standard. Yet, us a crop for home consumption , tliey believe it to be much superior to tlie older variety, especially for feed ing purposes. I ll.'< HIJl Fmm HUI MO Corrrifmiulrnt. The tfiiineeiing in connect ion with the I i Sunday Mcliool nt Kuj;enia waa lively atii'ii'lu.l, although tlin evening WM ritlmr -t irniy. The l.ulir* in run uuction vitli tlui achiNil had ample pro viiioiiH mi hand to utiofy all demands, .Is i ji!i.|ity I. ft for n Hicial, wliich came If i.n Saturday eveinn-;. A Kpluudid I i<<uriiiiiiin- was prepared, contiiting ol vucal and iiiktrumunlal inuiio, reading*, recitation*, anii dialogue*, and a well icndi-rc-l tiUaaux of "Hume, iweet I -nine." The procood* of tlie tea-meet- ing WA* $2.'), of tho uncial $4.25. Every one i Tprrawrt llkuniHelvfM highly pleiueil will tlm (Miii'itaiiiiiiont*. The first .ahipiiitiiit of Teneer fnrni the f.ictory KOUI off this week, ooniintinx nl iwi, cur load). Regular ahipineuta wil n .* IKI n-nile weekly. There u t ilk of mi.itlier itoro being lait>-d by lh Perfection Hm.p A V<mer (' >ni|iany Ht Eugenia. Th/t 1'atr.m* aro prejmring for a frrand honey fustital, to off March the lentil in the Orange Hall. A good time ui sipeoted. Mn, W*UYjm. f To t n'ia-ii, was vkiting at Mr. Hear* fen wick . the Th. Falls ar, baMtiral sight at present. The ice is piled ap very hi/h dltliM tight is well wo-th a journey tn see La Urippe, or something near kin to it. U playing kavoc with a great many people at present. Mr. Hubert Carruthers ia serioaaly ill at prevent. Mr. Elias Paul U on the sick list also. Mrs. Kichard Genoa has befiii ill for t line. It ia to be hoped she u now on the way toward* recovering. Mr.Jake Williainx ia thinking ofadding a wagon making shop to his. black-imilh- ing bukiiwM. He ia doing a fine trade at pretent. Farmers are reaping a rich harvest thia winter out of their bush. There ia a briak demand for all aorta of logH and polrs and atare bolU and cord wood at good prior*. ford RaV From owr own L irretpondettt. O my ! i* it not going t let up tonning? ia l In- cry (11 round. Mr David Orahain i> over from Mani- toba on a visit. Mr. Hugh GlawforJ, of Mono Road, ia riaitiog at Mr. T. Kolta. Dr. Sext<>n delivered a very inatructive and able lecture which waa highly ap- preciated by thoM preeriiton the fallacies of inhili-lity, in the W.-ilr-y church laat Wednesday evening. Although the night wag atormy them waa a good turn out. Our day achool haa I , n cluaed for over a . . k owinK to the resignation on ac- count of illne*a of tin- teacher, Mr. Paul. A fresh incum'jent haa beeu inlv.-rnv-il f..r. A v.-ry luocoaiful ocil waaheld at the III-D of Mr. II. at li, Town Linr, Uat Thurmlay evening. Proceeds 916.00. A pair of our male cilizeni whntie name* we withhold came vrry near pUying a Kaine of tUticutfii onv d>y l**t wuek, but iifti-r iiidnl|{inx in a Ur^e hare uf Hill- u oai-h one wviidod hia way r.ome each thankful that lie had eecaped > i-aiily. Mrlntyrc. From ouroirn Crre*po*detit About two week* ;i " our merchauti Mr. l>. A. M':lx!iin. became finnnancial'y uinuarram-il and m.ul i>wi^Hiiieiit fur the iHjnetit* of bin crtxlit >rx. Tliu linliilitiu* i-re iilxmt 93500, ami the tuxutU tl!*00. Tliu goodi wt*rold in T'<roiito fur ">''" n the 9 ' ' Mr. Cockburn.wbo i< moviiiit them to Kturxenn Fall*, leaving u* now with an empty ntre and a ruined mer- chant. Tli.- utaal^uiouat of aymp.tthy U eiteoded lo D. A. iu ln< time of trouble. Cattle buyer* aa*e been plentiful here I late, although not many cattle have been sold Mr. Donalu Mclntyre sold even head for |4ii no per head to 8. Hie- ey, of Crecmore. M.-*TJ. Hugh Robert* and Neil Mc- DtinaJd are drawing brick from Houejr- wood toveneer their houae*,Neil iibuidinn a new houae out and out, and Hugh U buildiud a lir^e addition to the one he built lait aunimer and will then brick votiecr HIM whole thing, which will greatly add to the ap|*anmco uf our village. A xuccuiaful etitortainiiiunt wa* held in the *ulii>ol IIOUHU on Friday evening in aid of the Sunday School. Proceed* 15.50. Archy McFadden i* Uid up with (he nieaale*. Ho had jimt returned from I'arry Hound, wliero he had been on leaded in tho wnoiU kinoe fall. Miu Jordmi, of Wbitchurch, and formerly of Maxwell, i* visiting friend* here. Mr. Snin'l Scott, jr., i* visiting friend* iu I'rutun nod E^remont. uf oar boy* were looking somewhat dis- appointed over receiving some nice look- ing valentines. It might have worked all right had it been good looking people who sent them. A number of the boy* in thi* part got pictures Uat week and it would dazzle the eye* of a niouau to look at them. The Markets. Cau-cfMly Corrects* EM* Klour Kail Spring Wli< H* ley ............... UaU .................. Paea. ................ Mutter .............. ... as so Pork !>({ Turkejri Clilckin* per plr.. I)uck | Wool te M to M to > to W to 6S IS to S to -; to 8 CO to S 00 to S 00 to 60 to S to 10 to SO to to IS W s f. so M ID 10 T5 SOO Oil too loo It 40 70 10 J. B SLOAN Eogeiiia. lia* on band, and for tale, hingloi, aa*h door* and lambor. Taming and put nlng don* to or Jrr. Chopping mill in conoi etlon. _ 1 March 93 TEACHER WANTED. WANTED FOB K. M NO. 11. AltTF.MK.HIA teacher holding wcoud or third C)M* certificalc for balaac* of JTMT , 'lutiem to cooi ounce loiiiHKlUuljr. Ap|>lf (tatlni uUry to OaeaB WJIII.IM.. Be., F.b l.Tth Jt !*. V.,,1. 1,-ur.l- (i limber Wanted. We are paring "P * **!> 'or Immediate de livurjr of the following klndl of tintlier ii : Huecr , Mpl. Hlrch lt..~.|. Kim. Hm lock. 1 "iiirn- >nd Hpruco L*ni{thii and pro jH.rt IMIM..I thus : H plca* 19 f*tt IODIT, 4 pircvi li Uvt.3 plc 90 fet. I pkece* M foot and i l-i, t-i-n so ft long. In all w- waul 2U! piecv* I -' 4OU plticv* 16 1*l. 30O ptocM JB f..,.(. J<i IIIVCI-D 4 foot long and IUO pluce* W lout long Kur which wu ro pavlug 4 < I |>r lervl tout. Tln;br !) to ho re*nonitbl / lral|;ht KIIII xmii'l and 14 Inchue at luiall eu<1. Place of do In. TV at H A A. N..i|...n. MllU.Prolon tatn.n Wu J>o rvquire a largn quantity of cflr. iwuie ilinii'iiiiuni. for wblon we are paying a cooti per level foot. Feby. 17th 1 -n R. A 4. NEIL SON Lands for Sale FAKM r'opeitlee Improred and nnlra- proved; aleoTillac* piupurtlM. Apply J. W. ARMSfUONO, K1.KSHM11ON P.O. it* M SI V** !** "> f' J*> NOTtptoT prlM^viddMlnf TIISTJAME8 fj, I . . -iv. ua*. Write lor (j*IM SuU reeherton by Win Ku-bardiua. our own correspondent. The Patron* of iudiu'ry held their nmial meeting on Friday night, after which there were a few very interesting npi-ivheH given in the debating line. (juealion Which ia the happier? a mar ned nr sinyle life. The married sido came out abend. We expect a K'"" number will, hy their talk, make a changi before long. Mr. Tin Brown ha* purchaa^d A new cutter from Paul Itro*. Fuvenham. Mr. Ni-itFrr(-iiiiiiii, while on hi* way to Collinxwood a, ihort time ago intn. with an accident while going through a piece nl I r. tty rouj^h l.u-li. Hi* alrigh waa con- siderable damaged by a pejr of friaky oolta. Mi-s Alice Pool, who has been living in Itiitt'.iln, haa come home for a short time. Mr. George Kuckiii)(ham U homo to see hia friend* in tliu neighborhood. We noticed a weq]r r > ago that a few NERV^i BEANS of loluUijr KET.VK BBAJCb > nn oowy ths\t cur* the wurtt emu Kkultuc MMkbixxl; rMtorn U wwwJinw uf Lwdy or muni CM***! Iliy uicr-vork, off tlM MTan orei- Uiu in"-* oUtinU cMt whrti U uUur hTrr*ui*^fito rvkUsrrt. LoW l*f *)nu- The Flesherton Steam Plaining Mill J. E. Moore, Prop. Sash. Doom, Hand rails. Newel posti, Mouldings, Berool work, Flooring, Biding, Wainscoting, and a Tar- ietjr of turned work, kepi in stock. All kinds of custom work sock as plaining, band sawing etc. done with despatch at reasonable raUs. Repairing of every description solicited. Any quantity of wood or lumber, dry or grevfi, taken iu exchange for furni- ture or other goods, at the factory, opposite Presbyterian cliurcli. --J E. MOOBE.- NOTIGE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE KIMBBRLEY Boiler Flooring Mills are now open for business, and in full operation- A birst Class Miller lias been employed and 1 will guar antee satisfaction- firing alon$ your custom work. Chopping done at any time. UUMI, - Prop. Sudden THE BOTTOM HAS FALLEN- OUT OF HIGH PRICES. Look out for BARGAINS at the Old Store in Ntv/ Spring Goods New Prints .it 5 cents and upwnn's. Nev/JDress Goods at Scents and up. New Flannelettes 5 cents and upwards. GEM1EMEFJ New Trouserings, New Tweeds, _ New Worsteds. New and latest fashions in Spring Hats, Coll?rs, Ties, Etc. -Call early and get your choice.- T. HILL - - FLESHERTOn. of tl^e Worid ! The F.qyptian Pyramids. The Mausoleum erected by Arte- mesia. The Temple erected by Diana at Ephesus. The Walls and Hanging Gardens of Babylon. The Colossus at Khodes. The Statue of Jupiter Olympius. The Pharos, or Watch Towers of Alexandria. These are all great wonders, but the wonder that concerns the people of this district is how HARRISON OF FLESHEKTON can sell his furniture so cheap. Call and Inspect SSOGI^ and: :6oii)pare prices lUitl] Others. lo We to to G03IH, SUITES 511,00 Cash, ^UNDEUTAKINU CAKIUED ON AS USUAL. Residence over Store. g. HARRISON- ; \VORKS Manufacturers of Waggons & Carriages, Now on band a number of Waggons, Buirgies, Cart* and Democrats. We are also muniifactann . a grvt many more of the latest the late*t paitern* and beet Bnuh, which we re offeriai far aale at the loweit price eon*btnt with due regard to workmanvhjp and <]oalily. Puuewing inperior faeilitie* (or imuiufaeturinK Carruge*. w* intend to aril very ebrap for eaah or approved credit, n-t by ao doing w* hope to greatly inereaae onr namber of aale*. All kiod* of vehicles repaired at the thorteet notiee, painted and trimmed if deeircd. Horae cboelng a peeialty. A flrit ehu* wood worker U now iu oar employ. We want a two or a four home power in exchange on a rig. J. 11 MKA Ul>. ~^ l ^fe4!fc3i!fci'*feifei J- i< r W r: X?'/(?^|? 1 %r?- Carriage Making afc If * * * Buggies, Carts, Sleighs, Cutte \ etc., all made in the highest style of tho art, and at reasonable prices. Get esti mates from me if you wish anything in these lines. Painting and Trimming also attended to. R. T. WHITTEN, FLESHERTON, ONT. If Complete Manhood AND HOW TO ATTAIN IT." A Medical Work (hat TrlN the r.-nis.-s. Ueitcriboii the Cffecta, I'OIII.N ih. Kriuedy. ftelentiflcally the inont valuab'e. artistically the uiont beaatifnl uiedloal book erer IMil.ll.liiMl ; H pafja, etMTf pee bvanu a litlf tcne illaitratluu iutinu. MubjaUi- , Thr llii<.li:iiiil. Nlrrillty. Devrlopnent, Vwl- i- liili-inlin- Mnrrittur. vtr Kverjr man who wou'il know the Omul Trutli*. tliu 1'laln Kct. the Old Seoreti and NBW DlKoveriei of Mealokl cinc , |,|.h..,| t.. M.rrio.1 t,ir,whd would atane for put [ollltK. *uil aroiilfutura iiltfalU, nhould w,it f ir tlii^ WOMIKKKCI, LITTLK HOOK It will tw Mint free, under m>l, while the edition luu. Addreu tb publlahen, Erie Medical Co., Buffalo, IV. T.