Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 2 Mar 1893, p. 1

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TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN." VOL. XIL, HO 807. FLESHERTON, ONT., THURSDAY, MARCH 2, \W W. H. THURSTOH, EDITOR * PROPRIETOR SOMETHING NEW In Jewellery. 1 HUTU IIOILE IDilEi, A You OK Woman Klllx her CUM her Mother, Just to hand at Armstrong Bros. Silver Watches at $5 ar d $6 Eight Day Clock at 4-75 and $5. Other THIEIl Til BI'R.N THE BODIES (TKAIULUTB. IHUft I iil.l.I.NiiW. ,< II>, THE NTSNE. COLLTNO WOOD, Feb. 29. Tl.ia morning lii.-f of Pidice Lewis brought to town I the dead bodies of an aued woman and a I child, both supposed to have been mur- dered by Jennie Wonch, daughter of the goods in proportion. Call and ex-i f " ri " eramlu "* her ' rf th " utter - ^ ~ I * ' alU-ged crime wna committed on Thurs- amine. Repai ring done as usual in ZSE^~& ! first-class style. a " attunipt Uili " -*' by tlle * CCU9ed lo ion " burn BOOTS FOR HPRINQ dl'MMPB AUTUMN W INT KM WEAR. I lave a large stock of seasonable good* on hand, inch as Overshoes, Lathe's geutleiuen's Hinges' and children's rubbers for all ; a quantity of lumbermen's heavy rubtcrs aud Sox. ladies and geuU, somethiDg very suitable for Cln-i.stiiias preseuU. Prices Aiway Uc wn. Custom work, at usual, a specialty. Call and examine stock and you will become convinced that it u to your best interests to buy from JOS. SMITH, Flesherton. THE STORE ON THE HILL? I have just received 400 pairs ot Men's, Bo\s and Chil- dren's boots, from the old established firm of COOPER & SMITH, of Toronto. These goods are noted for their durability and classed in quality Second to None in the Dominion ol Canada. If you haven't done so, it will pay every wearer to give them a fair trial. A few pairs of Boys Boots left at 770, also Men's Long Boots Sizes g and 10 at $1.45 per pair. Clearing Overcoats at Cost Caps Away Down. Other winter Goods equally low. Just received two cases of SPRING PRINTS and FL*NNELETTS. Call and see them. All classes of produce taken. B. G. EVANS. their bodie*, and so destroy all of the ciime. John Woiich.broth- er of the accused, lulls tliia ttory of the crimo : "I went on Thunday night and saw my swUsr strike my mother on the head with the axe-handle. I aaw my sister kill tha baby with the axe-handle. She had no reaaou for it She amid there waa a young fvllow named Jim and he would marry her if the got rid of the mother and the baby, and said she would ^ 'do' me if I amid anything. I waa afraid. I got a pig's head when I waa in town. Jennie got paper and tried to burn the bodies. Mother's toes and feet are all '. (,.!, -d, a* if they had been frozen. We ! buried her in the snow near the tiack, in a hole. We floor." John became a little mixed and said afterwards his mother WHS deoil when he grabbed Chiaf Dsaly by the shoulder with her hand and gav him quite a ahake by way of adding etnphaaia to her plei that she was a innocent womaa. L-mkiug towardx the ceiling of her cell she im- plored God to wttneni that ahe waa inno- cent of th Urrib'a crime. She shudder- ad at the idea of beinir charged with the murder of her dear old mother and child. "Listen, I say listen, and I will tell the truth and nothing but the truth," she exclaimed with intense eagerneaa, her eyes flashing like diamonds as she made the remark. It waa cold, very cold, no fire in the stove nor a stick of w>od in the house; my sweet mother and child were freezing cold and I left the house to !iru,,< some wood." Oil hr return she was horrified to find her child burnt to death and her mother badly burnt and dying. The child had aet tire to her clothea, part nf hich was a print dross. The grandmother, in endeavoring t > res- cue the child, was also burnt. This was the girl's story. She said she caase to Meaford to earn enough money to buy a coffin, after which ahe intended to return She would never allow the municipal au- thnnties to pay for a coffin for her awet mother and child. The prisoner says ker brother John lies if he says IM was at the scene of the fire. She said Mveral I am Dutch and French," but . she speaks Engliah quite fluently. She . admitted serving a term at the Home in Toronto. Asked if she niit.iiit the Mercer, "<, that U the mine." In appearance ahe is of medium height ami m ,v.-d about the cell with a quick and put the baby under the ^.^ >Up Wh-n ^^ if , yoUB| man named Jim had not promised to marry her if mother and baby were out of the bouse, she replied with some warmth : It is a lie ; I have had enough of married life; I hav< been abuaud and knocked around until got there, and lliat it wna un Friday the ' murder occurred, but he corrected him- self oil th.s poiut, and volunteered the information that he had seen the report- j ^ ^ ^ ^ . ( ,, G ,., icijw ., er in FOTVIU.H-. store on ThuimUy. , ^ ^^ whh ^ bnght ^ eye . . "I do not wish to insult you, even il you niado me an offer of nnirriajn, it would bo declined. Murder will out," she exiliiimed. "I will tell you all aliout ! how ; MI innocent man waa hung. Co >k ' Tute, who wj< nun:; at Owen Sound i for p<>ia<>niux his wife, waa innocent. It AM that his sister took t!ie train for Moaford on Friday morniuir, and said she would lie back Saturday. He did not know where H!IO wns, nor could IT t.-ll the names of parties she would be likely to go to. Dr. A. H. Stephen, coroner, will hold an inquest here to-morrow in the town hall at 'I o'clock. There is a great deal of populnr feeling over the crime, and crowds of people viewed the bodies of the dead to-day. THE ,,M IN VJU1K.XTKII. A do-p ituli dated Mouford,Fob.27,says tliat by th.i Friday night in. n the w-inan known by several uames- Wonch, Leo- pard and Ogden arrived in t >wn. About ten o'clock she called at the Royal hotel and told tho landlord, Mr. JeMiie Gibbous, that the was a stranger, but no one would take her in ; Hhe wan without money, hud no friends in the widu was Cook Ta'e's Motlutr-lii-law who c,<in nutted the murder. The mother in- bvv _ rtly afur Cook Tale was hu g H- died protesting bin in- iiocence. Jenny Wonch was married to Cook Tale's Br.. liter. It will bo re- membered that Co..k Tate wan acuaed, tiied and found guilty of poisoning his wife, K"a Cook Ta-e, in 18*. Hi- wus hung at Owen Sound and the mur- der cuuiwd a groat sensation at the tune. A couple, of years IV'-r his mother-in law, Mrs. Leo paid, as she ws on her dying bod, sent a messigu to a friend saying ahe had something to c innnunicau of iui|>ortan_-e concerning the murder, but before the friend ar rived Mia. Leopard breathed her last. A Cmitfleith is in Oiey county the will likely be sent to Owen 1 world snd org^ed for shutter, for the ' All classes of night. The big-heartod landlord said she ' primr could stay ua<ler his roof. Siturday j" morning she said she would Uke to do pr ,,^ r mu ti,orilie* as to whicn jail some work to pay lx lodging. She was W J1 be taken t , Owen Sound or Bariie. forthwith engaged U. work as a kitchen An ii.quest is being held, laborer at ei^ht doll.irs per month. Mr. , ^.e^-e arm HOTCE. D. MfTavish. HOR8B6HOEB AND 0EHERAL BLACF8MITH. Colliaf wood BtrMt. FLESHERTON, - ONT. Mnnt<-turinof Wii"nn. . DemoeraU, Kto. Home nboclna proinrtly at- tended to. Spri'ial aUuution 1,1 vmi to ooutract- i or tender ftt. Idenlre to Inform e p ubllc tha* I tive pnr- chaoe I tin- flour, f ,! ami grocery butlnesa carried on by Mil Wyvill, .in. I to CRtur to the pubho In a latlafactory manner. I bopn t' retain the confidence of mil old pat- ron* and to secure in my new onofl by Nlr and prompt djaliug. Plaoe your order* wi.b uio for: > I Flour. Teas a* low as the lowest, ditto. Gibbonv nys after umk n< tho engnge- ' Kui-liali Spavin Liniment reniore* all in, MI ahe pel formed her dutiis in the hard, soft or calloused Lump* and I'lwiir and Feed !>!(% in KIMKOII. VccelaMro. nud Plow Chalni* stactly ca u -on- '.wtC- AII aaaonabU Roods kept in stoek. My boot and ihoe builoeu will noi be ne gleeted, but will be continued same u before. The Itrxt ortiood* Lowest llUiix prices Prompt <l-li>ery . f oPli-rs < all uu<l ilo MUlMM W Barnhou^o, kitchen very sat sfactorily and Huomed quite ;it h- 'in.-, and in good s;>irita. She told Mrs. Gibbons she had a inothor liv- ing who would bo 100 years <dd next April. Chi^f of Polio* Uealy^f !Mo.if..rd, prepared j r^,,,,,,^ tvlcgraiii from Colliiiwo.id to- .l.iv. tobn on the lookout for the lleged iniir.lereHi. Tho vigil ant chief waa st unco on tho ai"it anil soon lctftvd the one wanted. He found her at work in tho kitchun of the Royal and immediate- ly placed In r under arrest, lie warned her to make no s'ateinent to him th-it might incriminate h rii-lf, hut deap.te this waroingshe talked quite fr<K-fyabiallhe matter. Sha was anuua to talk, MS. after oommrncing asked the prvM repre- sentative t.it'>p writing and to pay atten- tion to what ahe h-ul to sty. She t. .1 1 h) r Itory in an uxoited way an 1 at limes wa quite driiin-ti ; in her recital. Srvural tiiiuH sli.- jinn Til with botli feet i>n thd ll-iin .! !" !i V i- -11 :i-| I 'llllig tj tlld Flesherton ir : Bleuiialies from horses, Blood Spavin furl.H, Splint*, Rimr Bone, Sweeney Stitlek.Sprains, S<>ru and Swollen Throat Cough*, etc. Save *50 by MM of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderfu Ulemiali Cure ever known. Warranted by Richardson 4 Co. ra. WarmM On Frldny. Mia iimt-.the wile of K f WbitM*. Vleeber*OD, uf a daugbler. McLaoD Oa Wmlne^'ay. nd Feb . the wife of U. MoLeud. Kleeawlou rte4lun. of .luhlor , .^, -Into* towaialB Ailsssssls. o TebT U. 1*8. rrkucw Prlollla. dauobtor ot U rf mi I KllsabcMi Thotupwo. avd im<*. I.B. Lur*.brrlsl-r, has |10,OCO private funds to lend on farm m 'ituitfcs within the next few months at lowest cm rout rates. No coiiunins- iniis, no "lehiys, rX]>iMisva low. Apply at iillice in MaikJalo dining the wocL ur t Dundaik vtiicti - See The Bargains Worsteds Overcoatings Sweeds ^c TO CLEAR OUT BALANCE OF WINTER STOCK. C. J. Leitch, Merchant Tailor. HAV BACK ACHE CODDS HILLS WILLCUREYOU "BackaoHt mtant th kid- ntyu are in troublg. Dodd t Xidntu Plllt giu* prompt rein]." " 75 ftf ttut f a. <!* / Jfrtt 'Hiqhttinvelt try to have m healthy city without tewer- a'ie. at good health when tht kidney* art clogged, they art Pi lit art utad. Sold bjr ad drekre or exnl by trail on receipt of price jo cent*, per box or MM lor fa.io. Dr. L. A. Smith ft (..>. Toniilo. Write lot but* taitaJ lHlar Taih. tht tcatiungtr* of the tystem. "Delay It dnnijeruut. Neg- lactd] li.'dney trouble* remit / m* Hood, Vaw'o. Uutr CompJa,*t. and the mo ft dan- gtrnut ejf mil, Bri'jht* Diteaif. Oiubattt and Oropty. " Tn about 4/teate* cannot mxitt ivhore Dodd'* Kidneu f AVER'S Sarsaparllla Is superior to all other prepara- tions claiming to be blood-purifiers. First of all, because the principal ingredient used in it is the extract of genuine Honduras sarsaparilla root, the variety richest in medi- cinal properties. Also, because Cures Catarrh %& raised expressly for the Company, is always fresh and of the very best kind. With equal discrimina- tion and care, each of the other ingredients are selected and com- pounded. It is THE Superior Medicine because it is always the same in appearance, flavor, and effect, and, being highly concentrated, only small doses are needed. It is, therefore, the most economical blood-purifier in existence. It makes food nour- ishing, work Peasant, sleep refreshing, and life enjoyable. It searches out all impurities in the system and expels them harmlessly by the natural channels. AVER'S Sarsaparilla gives elasticity to tha step, and imparts to the aged and infirm, renewed health, strength, and vitality. AVER'S Sarsaparllla PrctKired by Dr. J. C Ayrr * Co.. LcmoU Main. Sold by all "Drtitrif iU ; Price St i aix bold*". *$. Cures others, wi'l euro you

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