THE FLESHERfON ADVANCE K1ESHKBTON. - Published week W. II Tburttton. Adveitising Ratea : Ocetoluuin. I year. W; blf <'.! .1, 2T tjjttrlur col. .UNO year, tflj. Trailed. t n'lverti-'-in.nt .lim-pod it tl ; rate .( Bcuuti TIT linn for flri-t iniMjrtioii auJ J cents uueut UuMTtlea. 'JIIK NK\V ASSKStS.MKNT. The Finance and Assessment com- mittee gMiujilud with the question of qimli/.uti<jii at (lie County Council last wt-ok. and managed to malic a gcu- ml rednotkm of obout 30 per cent. all round. Tho clumps in any one township will amount to \vry little in reduced or increased taxation. Of course Mmford retained the IJOU.OOO decrease wliicli the Judge granUil it last summer. We believe the com- mittee in taking the muttu in li .r<i Lave done as nearly right as it wi> |>08iblc for them to do ; at least they Lave saved the county money by at- tending to it themselves. Below arc given the figures of the new assess- ment with the corresponding figures of lai-t vear : THE NEW AXSEB8MEXT. Artwni-.ii ................... '. ............... 1.140.000 11,11(1 n k .................................... I/Hi.'"*' < .llllMK* > I ....... ............... IJ.rtiy ..... ........................... 74MKIU Kuphraitt* ................................... J.'.Tu.un, KKrviniiiit ............................. 1 UUnelit .................... ......... ...'. ..... MolUn.l NorinaDby. ................................... I . .................................... '.'"i" I . ................................... '.' '"" hi. \i ..... i,l ......................... . 1 Hullli.i . .................. I. -'I I ..... Kartwak .......... Owon- ...i i I ............................ Muforit ................... llurh:n .... ir.ii Ilium- . ..................... 1OIIOI Uark.lalo ............................. .... : THK OLD ABrtKH*\lKNT Art..m.>-! ............................... l 1 k ........................... \ < -WII0.1 ...................... ... I l)rl.v ............................. I K ,|,l,.-la ............. .................. 1 ' Ka-ri-iiKiul .............................. I HollRii.l ............................... 1,41 1. :0h K*l>|.i-l .................. ............ Norn.. ml) y ............................... '.' ., IT .1 .1 .................................. l.iil'.iwi Hvdi uliam .............................. I Hull IT* u ....... ........................ l.r.'.KIMI Harawak ............................. ... :uw l .................................. lllirua ! ................................. H77.700 lhii.,1,11. .............................. 14I.NIH TlMriibiiry .............. ................ Uaik.laiu ........................ ......... I tun JN.l7S.tVU ANOTHER UA1I.WAV MKHT1NG. Another important railway meet- ing was held at IVicoville on Tuesday afti nioon, at wliii-h about forty rut. l>;i\ TM and deli Ljuti'H Were pn * nt from along the proposed route, HHMIH,' them being Mayor and Heove lirown, of Ihirliain, who uro both enthusiast lioally in favor of the road. For a cjld day it was a good turnout. Not only was the turnout nood, but the unanimity displayed as to the advan- tages and feasibility of a lino from Kincardine to Tlioinbury and Mea- fird via \Vall:( i t'Ui, I>nrliam, Flesh - qrton and Kimborhy, was almost sur- prising. All of the many speakers united in the belief that this line could be built. The agitation appears t" have started simultaneously and Hpontancoiuly at Walkerton and Kinibcrlcy. The towns to tho west are fierce for connection with the C. P. H. and will leave no stone un- turned to secure it. To tho north they are equally anxious. This line as proposed would bo about 70 miles in length. It would open up a section of limbered country which has at present u market for but a portion of its product!*, nn. 1 which in not fully de- veloped. Added i > this it would bo a cross country lino which would sec tiro a good passeii.v r tnttVic, and which lias been a ciying want for years. Committees have been formed to get til touch with the promoters at the west, aud nutters will take a practi- cal shape in a very short time. Af- fairs are in the hands of men T/ho lire energetic and determined to push things to a climax of some, kind, and men who feel that, as this is the uiDst practical route yet suggested, their labors will not 40 unrewarded. Some Lope was entertained that Mcaford and Durham .gentlemen interested in the other scheme pioposed would fall in with this plan and support it. It is probable another meeting will be held very shortly in l>tirh;nu to com- plete organization. The County Council last week ap- pointed a committee to gather stalls ties with .a view to submitting the question of building a House of In- diistry to the roU payers at next elec- tion. That was the proper mode of settling thi.-i momentous question. / ., .,!// 1,101 Currei>oii<!' nt. .lu.l.'ii.j fr ,111 the aiiiiiimt of Rand, briik, limber etc., that it la being drawn ami prepared fur building purpose** tins vicinity in in a prosperous condition. AuHHiy those who are preparing material for the rrrciinii of line barns, are Messrs. Win. Tr.M.p, J. Ilussoll, Jos. Hlack, It. (inhefii. S..\,T.I| other* are going to have thitir barns raised and stone founda- tions built under them. Mr. Jno. Scarlett hit* the brick on the ground for the erection of an hotel. Mr. Win. Glenister, who has been the guett of hi* mother in law, Mrs. Diui;- well, for the pant two weeks has returned to hi* home in Toronto, lie .-pi-nt the summer mouths working at the great Chicago building in preparation for thr Wmld's Fnir. Mr. (ilenister says that a view of the buildings alone Would well repay a visit to that wonderful exhibition. Cheese factory meetings arc the order of the day. Tlie 15th Concussion seems to lie the bone of contention U-tweuu tho two factories Hooth\ille and Ventry. It has uot yet been decided which bliull win. Little Florence, second youngest elnhl of Mr. An-h. tYr^'itum, is tick. Whooping rnnt'li i* Abrond in the land. Kverjr chureh and school nml .ilm.^t every house resounds with its vigorous whoop. The people are beginning tn feel the inconvenience of the potatoe rot, as their potatoes are alxnit doiit* and t'luse who havo a ijiiantity nre holding them at a very hi^h figure. Kob Roy. I fur i.i'-ii '.'I Mr. K<!il<ir, thingH ire riitht-r dull thi week nfU'1- (lie loiu-i-it nml other amuw- IlielltN. The |K!iipl<- i if thin |rt intend holding prayer incetiii^H once every week, every hoiihe tnking it in turn. Wo think thin .1 ,'l.ilnl -.tip to Like. Mr. tieiii-^e \\ilhaiiiMiii, who has been away for tin 1 winter, has eome hiiek t<i MT l.ih d ii'iidn onre more. C!ld to Hee l,i , .lulling faee a^ain. \\ ! ant HIIITV In ehrnliii'le the dentil of Mm. 'h.-i". Heatlv, who dietl at her home in Allnndiilr, lifter a Kliort illnes.-, h,- riMsnl was a daughter of Mr. John Frei 1 thy, of this viiimty. The n mains wrie lo, i ;ht to /ion rliureli yanl for burial, where .1 1 ai ! i"Wil of friends and nc- i|iiaiii{anei-s ^'.illn led to pay n lant token ofn>peet. The frit inls lia\e the symp- athy of all. Mr. \\m. It. (iallov. ,iy beM a meeliiii; in I! ,!i liny si- In MI! binisi' on tint 'Jlitb inst. for the purpoHe of oi-^aiii/.ini; n ninyiiij,' Hehool. Mr. (i-illoway Hhoiild Int mie euiwful, lit hit is a I^KK! viiealist. .1Irluljr4- Frtn IIKI- dirn Mr. Archy Metntyro having disposed of his property held his sale on January '.'.'Inl, and on Thursday lant loft with his family for Oregon. On the evo of their departure a largo number of their friend* and nniuhbur-* gathered at Mr. Donald Mrlntyro'a where tlie family were staying over night, to upend a sooial evening with Mr. and Mr*. A. Mclntyre and family and to preaent them with an ad- dress and a oottly wutoh and chain to Mr. Mrlnlyre, a cottly hrnoch and ring to Mrs. Mrlni) re, an alarm clock to Dun- and a Hible to each of the other member* of tho family. They were tak- en iiy Hurpriio, not knowing anything of tho affair till that evening. Mr. Mc- Intyro replied in tuitable term*, thank- ing them for their kind remembrance to himself and family, and M*urcd them that their many friends at Mclntyie would i.l ways be remembered by bin 1 though far nwuy, after which all partook of an oyster supper. Having spent a pleasant evjnin^anu bidding Mr. Mc- lntyre and family good bye with bent wishes, all ditpcised fur home. In losing Mr. Mulntyru aud family we lose kind and genial neivhbnr*, who have always been respected. Mr. Mc- Intyru wan one of the pioneers of this township, having come here before the township was survoyed. He represented the township at the council hoard of Osprey for thirty-two years as Deputy Keevi , I. iii:._: beer, elected tcveral times by acclamation. His son, D. C. Mc- lntyre, preceded the family a few days, but will join them again in Toronto, where he waa married on Wednesday to Miaa Kate McDonald, formerly of Mc- lntyre. Miss Maggio Robert*^ of Lady Bank, has been upending a few weeks here. Itch, Mange, and Scratches on human nr.-iniiii.iU cured in .'50 minutes by \\,,,.| ford's Sanitary Lotion. This neverfails- Warrui'ted by Wm. M. Uii.haril.ioii I* rot <m Station. From fiii' ir.nt ('f>r/vspn<?fnf. Since this h cality has been without a rrprexeiita'.ivo to the Advance for some- time, Mr. Editor, I thought 1 would en- deavor to collect a few items of news and end them on proti.ition, and if we pi ., ,.t.:. ' ;ry our continuance may be expected. Keforo we go any further, him .A r, allow me to inako an appeal to the readt 1 1 of the Advance, and that is not to a veidict on my Hrst appear- ance before you, HS tin* i* my first at- tempt a', writing since my girl went back on me. Hut let the young Lubes go and proceed to buttinvu as I am uot the first young man left in the cold. Tlie amount of traffic at (resent to Proton in some branches of the timber line far kurpnue* previous yean, while a^.iin otiier branches seem to be di- minishing. No opposition i*,we believe, the caute of lackage. Telegraph pole* seem to be the chief pursuit of timber men this winter. J. D. Morgan, of Dun- dalk, i* the purchaser, while Gib. Me- Kinnel is the uian with the rule, and doe* the culling. We are a highly favored people, being now in poucaioii of two mails per. day. The poatmaster, however, i* of a differ- ent 'pinion. The chief topic at present is the ad- visability of running either Mr. Jackion or Mr. Turner neit year for mayor of this town, the popularity or responsibility of either gentleman is autKcient reeoiin- datii'ii for them, that is for tint present. The party at Mr. John Itridle's on th* evening of Jan. tho -.lid was a decided success, where the lovora of music could have their hoit's desire, and also the lovers of light fantastic could enjoy them- ti Ires. \V are pleased to inform the young and aim tho old ladies of tin- surround in,.' country of the arrival of two accomplished young lady dressmakers. II ,yd llros. are doing an extensive business in the sawmill line and also in poles, tie*. i,.'.st<, cord wood, etc. lioyd lirother* aro pushing biiiinos* men, and deserve the patronage of the whole com- munity. The Proton Thud of Amateur muai- cian* are away up in (]., having had an invitation to play at an Orange Sir>>o, in Eugenia, on the ni^lit of Feb. 2nd. They are hard to bet, give them n hearing. What was that young man's idea in trying to lease a house in town one day recently ? We almost fincy we can hear the i Ilium of wedding belli. Echo ans- wers, "Wedding Hells'. The I'M. k vault of this place seem to U duing quite a business. Reports are that there is not enough brirk on hand fur the demand. S. mo of the boys will l> rich before they know it. Mr John Duiicnn intend* moving into hi' new house shortly. Mr. P. Quiijg was near sustain- ing a serious up*et one day last week by his hone upturning his cutter. Mrs. Quigg still bears the mark. W* are glad nothing serious occurred. The Patrons of Industry are still swarm- ing like bees in July. They intend hold- ing their weekly business meeting in the future in the town hall, which will b.< more convenient than walking two miles. Tho very severe weather seems to be putting new ideas Into MM of the boys, as wo often hear them Haying, I am soon going to stop living alone. Well it" much better to live alone boys, than to have the broom fly round your head. The lovers of tally had the opportunity to i|iinch their i raving on Thuimlay ove of last Week at the re.-odei. -i- ot Mr. 'Am Patton. Don't think Jack bad a stove- wood stick in the violin case this lime. Mr. .loe Duncan, a lover o,f beauty aud a good thing, has purchased an organ of latest design, the Hell PIHIIO case. A* our budget is now too long wo will for the present wipe our pen. If we can come seam, say so. [Come again, deir boy. KJ.] Rebeocft Wilkinson, of Itrownsvalley, I nd.. ay* : "1 had been in a distressed condition for three vears from Nervou*- in'Hs, Weakness of the Stomach, Dyspep- sia and Inilnr.'ntion untii my health WM gone. I bought one Iwttle of South Am- erican Nervine, which done me more good thun any $50 worth of doctoring I ever did in my life. I would dvie overy weakly person to use thi* valuable and lovely remedy. I consider it the viauilest medicine in the world." A trial bottle will convince you. Warrant- ed by Richardson A Co. 1892 - 1892 - 1892 Having passed away we feel thankful to the all-wise Providence lor a fairly prosperous jxar, and as \ve step from the old into the new year 1893 1893 1893 I beg to extend to the publi: my thank; for their liberal patronage, and hope to merit your confidence and a share of your custom through the year we have entered. 1 am offer- ing special discount on all winter lines CAPS, FURS, GOAT-ROBES, OVERCOATS, MEN'S & BOYS UNDERWEAR, MEN'S STOGAS, MEN'S I'KLT BOOTS, ETC. Full lines of Staples always on hand Come in and ex- amine goods and prices. Your call solicited. T. HILL - Bedroom Suites Parlor Suites Easy Chairs Lounges Dining chairs Bedsteads Sideboards High Cupboards Hat Racks Cradles Etc. -s n o !/) V J= D I -3 C rt p tr ^ <c o *j O a 3 O - tc C rt u =3 U o u C. en C ^ C o o 13 <" C V Picture framing, furniture repaired. A good Bell Organ 10 stops, for 50.00 cash. Green wood taken in exchange. t3T Undertaking Carried on as Usual. E. HARRISON. Residence Over Store. HEALTH FOR ALL. llollow.iy's Pills and Ofntmeni THE PILLS Purify tb Btaxl. correct all DlionWn ot Hr >nmc;ki, lviln".\ --. and .1 oraAaaal r>tor Ui busJtb DbUltte<l Coiu-tiVutioc*. and r InTsJuabl* In ie pUluti IQCI jeotal to Femalo* of all MOT For dil Mrwi aud the *&t tlwy aru prleelces THE 01 14 TM KMT lotalltbl r*m\y tor H*d Ltt*. B*d Brtcxtt. OM Wo-u: 1>, Suras *>ii<l Ulen. II it <unom lor (tout \M:\ RheuuikUsm. For diioriton ul Uie Oh . U bas uo ..qual for SORE THROAT, BRONCHITIS. COVGIIS, COLDS OUB<lulrSwlltD(i,*nd til Skin DUeuo* it bos no rinUitail for contr*etl u>d (tiff joints II BOU llko > ohtu-m. M luulftcturxl only I*ruf*or HALLOW ir> 78. New Oxford Streel ( tote ft33, Oxford StTt K London. Bra told at U lid 9. M.. to. M. . U., 01*., *>nd .\l aob Ik>i or Pot. and may b bsd of fell * loin* Vnuor tbruugboltt tho World. Purckaten tkvtiU In* U. Ou LaM m UU Putt and bnttt. It th, .ui.lrea itnot SSS, Oxford iStrwi, LtmJotk, tKa$ itrt i"i^"i^"-.i v "j: HEAR ITS CARRIAGE WORKS Manufacturers of Waps i Carriages, Now on hand a number of Wagons, 1'ut'^U's, I 'arts and Democrats. \\ ! are also maiiufacturiiii! a ^reat luany uioro of tin 1 Litest HID latent pnttrrns aud best finisli, \sliioli we arc offeiinii for sale at the lovM-st price consistent with due it .if 1 to worknii\nhip aud <inality. 1'n.iavssing tuurriur facilities fur t.ianuf.ieturiiiK t'arti'i^i-B, we intend to sell very cheap for cash or approved credit, and by no doing we hone to grently increase otir UQUiber of sales. All kinds of Vfhieles r- p ilrM at the shortest notice, pninted and tiiiuiiu-d if desired, florae sinning a s],-:iilty. A first cists wood worker is now iu our employ. \V want a tn.i or a four hoise power in exchange on a rig. J. H. El t' I It I). Carriage Making ^^ * * * Buggies, Carts, Sleighs, Cutte i. etc., all made in the highest style of tho art, and at reasonable prices. Get esti mates from me if you wish anything in these lines. Painting and Trimming also attended to. R. T. WHITTEN, FLESHSRTON, ONT.