Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 15 Oct 1891, p. 2

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A nut mmi t.\ IBS-IK MI. i.run. FAHT1.-S, MIX H..K1.' " Who arc these new arrival*, I wonde r 1 i lends of my huu n I. I (uppisc, for I d>> n..t rc..>Tupe then," said Lady Ad.ur, who with M veral visitors was en joying lliuin'jrn- ing sunahine on a high-terraced walk in her flower garden, overlooking the carriage matter, tor Captain Gravet or wan a gentle- tnao, tlir laat survivor of a good family. What WM more, lie had married Lena with- out ettlenienU ; therefore, tin- hanker held future arrangement* in his own hands. At lull he consented to receive hit mil- in law, and they became, if not nn a cordial, at least oil a friendly footing with one another, tic i;a\e no willed income to l.> na. l>ut sent cheques occasionally. I'eoplc aii that the C*ptain had married hoc for a fortune. They were wrong : he married her liecausu she was tweet enough tu be valued for herself alone. In the meantime the young ofliver, tin- , . . , t I t_ *" ' '"^ l.l'Hlllll. VIK >".... U IIII.CI , l.ll* drive up which , vehicle wa. approaching. | , ; . >DKJ011 , , the unl ,l eMa ' n , n W8 coming to It ! & hir*n ch:Lt*j> from lhi> tatinn at < . , . . . * It ii a hired chaise from the station Mochram," observed Mm. King: ' 1 overtake him, wa* the gayuat of a rather ** I large party cl iportmucn. He was a tall, ferliap* they must return to the house aiid ascertain. If 1 may make a remark, atd a v,-ry young lady, whoe 'bwrvation and eyes wereke*n, ' Ithoiild hardly Ukethe vmt- ra for gentlemen - two of them, at anyrate. I am y chjineey.pot hats and hlue ties ! ! idea, there is something aoniethiiig" She stopped , u it occurred to her that auch remarks) were not well-bred. "It i< impoeaible to judge who are gen- tlemen and who arc not, by their dress), for liabilities up to the last penny. This left him poor, but with a character unsullied. I " l)o not laugh si immoderately, (irave nor," said Sir Hugh. The old w:ve* say, 'They that laugh in the numing will greet ere eeti. '" " Vou think me 'fey*'" ' Not. no bad as that only, it's uot lucky." " Put it down to your exhilarating moun- tain air. o/.me is as intoxicating as uhuky. A* for your Scotch proverb, I can wppearan.T doe. not count in theae- days, j UlU W|t|l thc K nglish one of 'Laugh Wail until you hear them talk, aaid l.*dy . ail( , grow f a , . j )<m ' t you kllow thal tlieri . ' is) a certain valve in the heart that only Adair. 'One of them was uot unlike theth.rf i lerk at t!. bank ; but not haviog t*a bun | >pen with laughter T" Well,' said Sir Hugh, gating at 'M , handsome face and bright l.lue eyes bear witness *s to hii honour. Their testi- mony went for nothing Thc sum was oi.ly for live luaidred pounds: hut he wan known to be in ti;ui<lit. i.-- I ciri'iiui*tance. Hi* father in law wool.! r.itlu-i have lost the u.u than had the affair made public. At it iv.i>, he wu one of the I :...! Ill aat who had intimation, ami il wai too late for huahiug it up. The forgery had been delected by a Mr. Thorrl.a very important person at the bank, the nephew of tin- late Mrs. l>e*horough, and head of the foreign Swiat by lurtl department. When Captain dravenor heard who was hi* accuser, he was astounded, ai well he might be. He declared the cheque for live hundred pound* h.| been handed to him hy Tiorel hiineoll. This Thorel emphatically- denied. Unless proof ia brought totlie con- trary, one {tenon's word it at good as another's. The CipUin suteil that lie and his wife were stsying for a few days in Portland l'lv;e, liefore atarling for I'urthshire. 'I hey returned U> the Wellington liarra. ki onn evening after a dinn-.-i pn !y. Mr- Tiinrel wn ahio there. Having said adieu to Mr. De-borough and olherit, he WAS :ilo\ving Lena ilown-stoiri U> the brougham, when Thurrl 4topf>eil tutu n the landing lit the Brat flight of aliiirn, where they were qait* j alone, and whiaprnng, " .My uncle desired ' - -" KIOTO AT i< n IN. Are i ,,i ,.,. i . , : , "Two-tnirdsoftliecrimiiialsa.'eaoMmpIv TJie Onnaillloo r ihe JuMbsMMd I* Wlsllr becau.ic they cannot help themselves " Such i ,;,;.. i.. . One : ihr .<-. is the asunishing propoiition whicii l>r. S The rM.U in < luna hare spread a- farm- A \ '. K .- ^ tralla " !>} down in a rroent work lamia* I. -hang, on the YanRlie Kiaug, a *, ( " written to proie that thc Uw th-.iiuud mill'* up Ihe gnat river. Opened i '">' *> '""rally admit ted in respect to loreigu ooi *rce by Ihe treaty ot IHTu, , , P"?*'^! peculuuiiie* and mri.ial trait* the trade of I. hang with o'lUi.lr nation- , the re 8 l '"> of morals. Accwd- develo|ied Iron, IHHi.lXKi m ITT lo *-.,000, -! " ' lb " "\ e r) man's morality -and. of iMMiii IS.SH. Hui. i hough Iwr piosperily 1 1."" r * e - .'" '"'morality- i, lorn wilt, him, has hern much incread by foreign trade, , kr *' "' vo *' "'"rderers, etc., being so not the peoplr of li-hang aie not friendly, and i [ !""" or poverty, but from in.inct because it i* their nature to.'' against the foreigners, ,,.v .. ..... - * , ----- --- - ......... v . ed all the trading stations and the m union i* ly scrofulous and tubnvuloii* building, and a party of llritish marine* are | * d "'""neurotic di*ea-j. Soteral authorities criminal death rate i* excessive hv'no pier Kent, as compared w.th the noruial rate now on their wiy up the river to protect ' ^ or . le ? T" tlUtl to ^o" ** the the intrresu c>f foreigner' Kor hundreds of miles the country i Hat "'" *"th the noruial rate and marshy Above Ihr , ity the li'ver for '' 1 '" t 'ealtli conditions of over KM mile* is routined wiiliin a narrow i " ion life. A family strain of go'ge through which it shoot* with groat! 1 Ic or scrofula or insanity will uot ne- . . 9 l*te&ri I' Ij. > m n.l,.^..l I.. l_ . I I_ . me to give you this slip|ied it into . Miive Mr. iJeiboroiigh my most grateful thanks," he hadn-pli<:<!. On reaching home. hi* tulil Lena of her father's prrwnt.at which he was much pleased. He cahe<l it the following nioronm before starting for the many timrs, I cannot *ay for certain. If it j u . IS be, I fear there must be MMnethmg the ,,f ),i. young guest wilh a certain adinfra 1 Mr. Thorel emphatically denied having matter at home, observed Mrs. < .ravenor, j litta .. j ^pp,^ j t .;, ua uiral that I given ihe i heque to Cap! tin t; r avrnor. He a *wrrt looking young woman, in tone ol } . (M1 w j,|, , charming young wife, and I had certainly spoken a few words to him on ansiety. She always spoke her family a m ,|iu ry promiiiug career before yon. j the landim.','hnt they merely referred to his iii'i-nd.-d jourtey of :he morrow. No one had seen the transaction. It was some days I.-!'-. re Mr. I>i-*l>oront;li discovered that a leaf had been purloined from hi* chequr- Ixiok, which he kept iu a drawer of hi* "l.ome, ''for captain l.Vavemi had ""I , .|, uli ld bo gay. Old fogie.i like me haie arm an we advance in life : while you " ll.ive 1,01 a i-ar<- in the world thai IK, ; nol | ljng , ^ ,.. t \i t ..i ;A |j lt !i. niorc money would be desirable ; |, app y without it." Au ,,, lrr ring marksman, he ,, ut , U|l , Ullj[i \ m | na ,j not ni { ne ,\ l, lr ,l t |,t morning. . y ollr | |aml j A , ( or th , Rro ,,. yet set ii|&ru* I are* and I'enales, but moved aU.ni with his regimrnt. " I will go aod see, "said Ijady Adair, de- < ending the steps. A footman met her. "These gentlemen .-n l>u*inta* to Captain lira venor, my lady. The) are in Ihe morning room. MK- haatrnrd lo ihe houe, ent.-iing an apartment oprnirg from tho entrance hall. | . _ sjr Hugt , interrupted lunis.lt. " Who >n. wt astiln for ohan.D vim tors, aud where , arc loe , e . .',, :l f t4 . r , Some one I do Sit Hugh Iransaclrtl aflain .oniieeted with I(ljl kuow K.-lpir, and Camidirll on hixi'aU : 1'riiu.e. \Vcll, the more the merrier." " I rogrri ihsr Captain <;raei.oi has ac- compaiiied A shoot ing-parly to the II.'H.II; l-r Will R..-ali-e1y be hack l..-'..ir SUIISet. I trust your butineiis U not vriy uigeulV' said *be, soaf.Biiig suecessiv ely the faces of | the three strangers, not knowing whom to addrms as the principal. " My name i-. I'arith. I an. in Ihr Inn. of llcuroroi.gh * Co., of Nicholas Line. I have a.'iXMiipumed these t(riitleiiie*i from I Jin. Ion. win |*rti<-ularly wi*h to tain <<mvni.nr, irplinl the i !!.-,: ihrre, ittdicaling his i mipai.lulK wate ..f ll.'- hand. ' I suppose *n can driir- after tb.-ir ' He concerned himself no more aliout the mattri, continuing tn f dlov. the heaters, lea/mg the new-comer* to overtake the which al la.it they did. Then Sir aw a stranger. " firntlcnian from Ijmdon, Sir Hugh, ..n. .-after Opt am < Jravenor on b.isiojcss, " r Cap of the with a Nothing sriions, I hope?" said t bo liarnnet, A.lv.iu.-uig. "It mayor il may not be, air," replied the stranger, lifting his hat " I came expieis with two C<III.|MI!KIII. who remain al your lady thought it lirit to what a long rule it ha* house. The gn . . I me ii|i heir. - n I i mi of the ii.rn, taking up Ini hat, as i! about to dopait. > , "Vou evidently air mia<-.|uimtr.| wi'l. ,-,._ w |,,, t ; i,V*ptin l.ravenor- " >.-..tUnd. Vou might ponj.il>!> 01 rrtake the .. |[j|| 0t (,iienor !" (b- parly by riding : but to di iv c- ynu cami'.l ; .. < , |, ern . ,,,, <lllc f ol - yo ,, there air no road*, " MUfBSM llie lady. r*pUni < liaveuor instantly turned b.i k. " What is lo br dour V rni.l the iither ti { liis companietr ' |11 --- i~.i. .1 ., . .. i. *skl aonplnxMol. " \li. i.iairn..:- is here ; | rli i|n ion might like to see her s " " Ily nn means, ma'am. Il is no l.uiin -u that .hr can tran.iacl," said the rpokckinan, with R grim*nulr. I.*H Adair, iilinl knwii:i: wheieii.ie, fell a vajjur unraaineu. The rrlit-cn. e, the loial ab*enee of ceremony in I hcse strange) *, ix-l her wondering. What wai *hc to do i. 'n ihrio? I'hry l.ad driven ten i uiei from Mi., brain, a little no- called town, tha' had kpninu up around tlir n.-.u . si lUli'.ti on a loop Ini" li"iii Stirling. " If the adaii I* urgent, *.inl "he, "yoi . Ml have a |>eny from Ihr stables lor ..nr ^eiitlr-inuii, anil a groom tu iiecouipany him. IVrliaps thnollieis . in lind ainuie n, mi iu the meantime in vinim^i ihe i l>ren aw fully steep, and cmiloiiiided fool- 'ing "(wiping his not forehead)." \\rll, Hugh. , Jong ntn.lei oi cr the heather, hi* tine Th-!)- looke.l al ec-b other ,., m , M j,.| ,,| miM1 | y beauty, his fair face Ix .lining with health and ctcitcmcnl. II- . aim up to ihr new visilor, looking al him curiously rvidenlly not knowing hnn. " Am you I apt-iin liravrnor ?" said the t ranker, ilismountiug. " Ye., ' replied I lie. Caplain . snrpriaed. " You must i-omc with me t ol ' Come with y ... Why * The man led him apart from throlhn- " Itrcause 1 have come from Scut land Vwrd he answered in an under- What for ? " nieil Ihe 4 ti> airest 3 lone , "Ane.t ; nrKcer iii ama/ement. I in I aptain 1.1 r.. -nor Iliiihed eriinv n with i!i.hi!iii!iii. " How dre you ! " he --rird. " I ie a gnl '"in. I to knock you down." "Dial inn, 1. 1 only make matters worae. '" j You (list i-oino Kith me quiet, iinlet* you i want the ..th. - to know.' 1 I hm |ir.i|K.sal was accept, d until thanks. " Alt t he w..rld may know ! et.-Uiin.-d 'Tlie. fart is, ma'am,' said Mi. I'.itish, J t |, t fapijiin angrily. "Ibave iirrr lieaid .Miiind*, and with iiewpa,>er. allow inr to offer \OIISOIIIR lun. -Will you "..nr huaiiiem in not a pleaa.nl one, lo say ; , uc |, ., , ,,|,, , ,|, m , , hnrifr in my llfr. i in hot id U Mm. l.iavrnor may IM' U-t hnn , ,,, ] .up^,,,^! to have forgrd, i! y. kept in Ihe daik ' " I am >nrry, ' said Ij-ly Adair, Itimi'ig paio. " I hnpn time is no illn. dratli':" - N.I, nn am, in.;liing of lli.it kind ; hut as bad in ano'hrr way." It II.IIH I* money, lliought the lady, for wair^nt f..i your air.'l. Kl.r kiii w that, pi-.-vious to hi* man .e, l^,,,,!,,,, ,. p', lt p,,se ; me, please ' "Mr. iK-.'i'irouKi. CaplaKi t.nv cnor laii|(heil ; ln ^" "' pir- i . liil ni.l ilnertc.l him. " Tlni nil-all) It must INI a practical joke. " \nullliiid it unlytru'li. ll.-re ii tin- ' writing-table in tiie library. This led to investigation : and on Mr. Tliorel'sexamiua- (ion of the ch.i|i,e lliat Captain (iravenor had canhed, he at once prouo.inced it a for- H<-'\ our. ( apLam (.ravenor had, sat reading in the lilnary the day of the dinner party. AM went .<i:ainat him. Mr !>.-ahorougli depwwil :hal he had orcaaionally arnt l>olli hi* daiik;liiii and her husband cheques, hut never large nn amount. He had retired a short letu-i from raveinir when lie arrived iii Perthshire it thanked him for hi* " great kiii'liiess.' He was at a los* tu know what hr meant, but set il down to the friendhnru he hail recently ulioun his soii-in law, with whom he had not !- n n tli-- !! .! t< rn,. I aplam (iraveaor WAS pronounced guilty hy iniwl people : bul all wondered al hn nhortaighledni'M, not to aay clumsy tnau.iv,' ment iu the fraud, whu-h he might U- AN- wniihl lie alnii>*t instantly found out. IKiul.t- Inu, he i-alciilAt 1 on the ti ius. ti"ii belli,; looked our, fi>r his wife* aake, .11 it i>-i!.| have lieen.hail not Mr 'I'horel made theallaii public at onoe. A liioiiey-lriuler nm.i.- I l-ii.-har staled tii*! he hadri '-imv rr< eived thelaat liaUnce of a:i .<> 'itiul s>WM by I iplain til.i-.iii : and the lentimoiiy of tins man m In. client'* favour WH remarkable. He had Iransa !> I moii i- v matte:* with him for sever*! yean, iv. n Li-:. ,n- the yuiing ollii-er attained hi* majority, and hail always found him strictly hoii'>i:rahl : in tu-t, he wi one of the few jier-u.in m lh w.irhl wlioni lie wniild Irmt implicitly He insisted II(HI handing back the two h:n. '!...! |xMiii.lt he had received from him, I" the lnker. " 1 reluce to keep it," aatd lie; "hut I consider Captain llravriiiir'i d>-l>t paid ju*t the same. The uiit.ii tunMe Captain wa* louu I guilty of forgery, and wntcii.-ed to tran<|>orta I loll. '!' tho** who lielie\fd m lino, the case was a myilei y. As 1 ...... wcni on, lie w* lorgot^en, hi* iume Iteinuseliloni nion" ;onc I eveu h) iii..-.- wno hi.i U-.-ti hit tnend< hit wife, ii'-\ er. i" Hr i iii 1 1 .. '.V t II I" I < I \\.> . I. Ihr i- - llrlla I .iplain l-raienoi had livc.l f.nt. Shecou- . -I i I.e ( miners tot he i-sre of the hut lei , ' who |jif.iid'-d i'. I'n.jiiialile lituchroii, to , another .tlicrr. and Mr. I'.iriiih, clerk from the Nici.'ilaa I.. .- Bank. Tin i .-I", then, . ine ill cadt'ltt lili-ta -.'-. which they did n-i.ple junlici-, after iheir . H,, |,,., Uoned to the liaiom-l, wlm i 1 drive in llie mountain air. Then iheleadri I lh- |.uil y was mounted on a st rung |Kiny, and, B'-eompinirii l.y a |fro>i>i. -.-I *>ir tot out nf em (ii.il, hut wlui pl.illlh Ulldclltnod that somcthinK w.n wrong. "Su Hugh, 1 said he, "I mint . uit.ul my plrtMuit visit Hi.- n.i,..r where the |iortiiiiii n niixhl pre- an.l aid.miwny this |H ison bau-k In Lnml and Ihr cliamc a p..t ,,t on.-.-." Then I..- i .-laird the (ci'i.sation. snmably IM fnnod up in liir (lal.le. '.'.my fath.-r'n luk : but tlioie i, n..h<l v ill u yoi.r lan-ily : he merely wiihen : . Capijun ( iimrnoi on liuinr,. ..id Luly Adair. wi!iinj{ i>. n-aiwiiii- ihr young wife. i l.iltel sciilliflil t .lie Sir Hugh looked .-In. Led aud aVom-lie I I will i.-iiiiii I., the house with you.' he ' Neier feat, Ihr mailer will lie Xi In mml. cleared ,ip. There is some roquet y ut the IM.I'UIII ot it Kill it ii-.-iiii to me ii iiupai " Wl.ai a m range tlnn : And we have douabls proof rdi tig on ll..! pan of your yet l.-|i ly.ndon a week. I do,,.. I Hunk fall.ei in law. H ought In have known I'apa I.-HII hsie srn' any iin.iiiy, for In- made you holler " a handK.i. |.i. .1 i'ly. vml He ,|,H-. nol like me. Si ill, for Lena'. annoi. h.. made no nr. rol ol IN ing , , 4 l,e ' - lie !..p|>ed, ior the lirsl time I....M loi he ".. - p..i, all bough a banker ' oveivomr dauglil.i M -y 11 seldom plenl iful in a " Ll HI return t the home i ( i,i, Hy . Unkei n hi.nx- : it is no imn.nal thin- lor tlicro ,, ,,,, ooeasion In make mu-li a acnndal lu h .me KI br u pi-iiunoii, i.ue ; ami m j.uhli.-,' Hid Mi Iliiuh, placing hi* hand tin- oa-r, altlu.ngh Lena l>.-l.ioiigh would km. Ily <.n the voiing man' sh.nildei . " N.. havemi.l,. , . :' - ..nl.l n..l IM u n 1 1 lie I la: I ' Ihel .-< doalli Hhr hud no miniate dowry. K.-epin^ hi.- mon.-yli.igii k clo-ely littd. -..ma in law did not ulip. ni . When 4 aplam 1 >iai enor a*ke.l tor Helena, or Lena, an (he .11- i. mull. nil callc.l, ll-.- yi. IIHKeil l hii liner dun^hlii-. npi.ii wlimn all the U-aniy Hid ann.il.ilily i.l' th* family wrie con. .-nt he WHO r. -tiiied l.y the old ^< nt Ionian, LH n wa well kiioiin ti.ul heliadcan I. -!> inn ilnoii:.-h vili.ii.-iii |. ..|..-iiy hr had .-I -!.., Mi-iim' llie live* of her A\t\t t womej h>- dlappiii> inenl -, weaiy ot I .n. ne- , , m. I |eloui tenip.-i-, tin.), I., i tat. in liei .111:1 li.iii.i-. and i|.iietly Inarrir.l Cap: am (.iai. nor . in nmri luj; nt All > >iil < lunch, nlirn t.he.ii iip|..,- I t.. ) i.-idintt m I'ark >.|iiaie I .,n . tin I : tl.M was Ihe only li'ne m hn l:le ln- had en i i- i.d ..n li.-r on u i >-V|'. >n -i l.i lit i . These youug people Were w K-IIV ; all'l. II'M- .in. -I ili-l ill loin Horn Ih* straightforward path, pnnisliinrni :..! il. \i In Mi I '. lUiiough a-. ii 1 1^. ,1 . I. . ... i-.i. .11,. * MM 1 1 llie III.,.', he *OUU lllllllgll! h tlei o! til. . fll"l.'l in I will shall know ll lure I'he inntlei MHIII be ulnie.| n|.. \ ..a \iill li-ii. Mi.. i.raieimr with IIB until you ...MI. I. i.l. i.. Inn .h y.illl V I ll It WKH an rasy mailer to hoodwink Lena, although she could not clearly undeiil in. I why three prison* should IH! .l.-|.ai he. I t.i fol.h hor liiiiiiind, win n a t< le^r.mi from I, ,-i lather Uiinld halellllSWered 1 1. pill !'"ii e (ii illy well. Hut ihe h id l>en hiou^lil up in subjection, having lost hei own inmhi in her infancy, Hinl limk thing- nn-.-kl\ " Illrsji you, my dearest ' \Ve shall '> meet a>(. kin, '-.ml theeaptain. embracing his wilr. Hut Lena wept " This i* mn lir-t |iari mi;, ' -a .1 win . " .111.1 ll -.'enifl elllel." " I -Iwll (> b.n k avaiii in it l.-n .Iai-, ii I.-. I he. Mi- ' -i.l um-\|H-oii -.1 r\ent li.|.|>. n u i:. .-w. >itd. f'uptain l.iavrnor ncvei i.iuin c.l. -In >> of his anlemn^arrtii.iis ILU ei. ., In- was obliged lo Msiel In- trial f.H f.il ^ci \ I'l.el e M.is nnly , u, u'u il- c, I. lit tll.lt lielil illgalll-t him. Mill) hrotliri oili. i- , um- luniard to a*Bong thc strangest phenomena re the eiploiive ii..i-ii- l'ia( lave ! n I, n.i > i \eam ovei half the Urge area ol thn i delta, Hid lliiit In ,11- ' .t lieeu t> . :i!iy salifctiry oame. '1'he i- !"n^ called We've collie from . >) 10 lJ,k i.f a i>.-llei nain-, i i'.e !on^ I'n-i. as the rUn<*l i;uii'. *o ii MI llan-wil. the chief town ol Ine disln,-:, win h they nrc in.. si >i.l The slartlmt; K>I:I. l u.-ie t ir . n long ilii.-uaiioii nt a ie.-eni m.-.-i-n t the A-i ill -i N iety of r.eiiL;.il. l>m l!n- le.ii.e.1 iienil.ru nrr no ne.iici a -id>ili'in -if th" n \ *iei i now tfuii wbwn i: a Iii 1! di> e i and Hull. -n alNi.it, nineteen y. ais ag.i The nouiiiU lesemble tie .\|d".in ol In. lulu oi tin- thunder i.l hjavy gum. 'I h-y >. .-ur a|.|iiiti* iryul.M iul.-i i jU, l.nl in.t tlv m the rainy m-ain. and llnir mil. .1 aoeompaniineiit n a SOdtiMrl] iiin.l. I In v are heard abing one hundred milin ol [he coast and Op tlM many I. ran. -lies of Ihr leliit fioni tilty lo one hundred nulri uilan.l. mil diir north as far a* the l.ai-o Ilillir, lU.iit I .M i miles from r . Tho low yinj^. iwiiiip) .011' IOHI.MI I'-! lift) mile* aland in thinly inhabited, .md <ti.in>jea* it may ap|WKr, no one rvrr n-.-ms lo l at or in ai the place whele I lie IIOIM-* ongmate The meeting of the Ani.it 10 ^ocirty w*( pt.dili.- of Ibeoi lei as lo the . i i-e nt tint l.i n, .in. -in. u. hut no theory Wai Mippoile.l v ci I, leu. e enlilling II t" mil. Ii iieii(hi I in- in.isei HI<! vanoti-. .It. aim-.. plienc .-!,-. -I i-icity, I" Miblciiaiicau or nub ... |ii. .nn iigeiu-io*, to the bin. ting of I... in liox.s -which lait, how.-ver. prodncen a u.iiae in.. i. l.ke Ihr or.ii k ol miiikeliy Ihan the IKM.III ol HI tillei i and also lo Ihe bicakmu of the In inriiiloiit -urt rollem along the nol lh. -in shore ol I In- 111-, ;>t llengal, Ihe -'.nnd of win. Ii. It M infill, in borne til in laud along the n\oi chanm-l*. The ilno-111-l..n (IK. wed i biellj that the I. -..i mil men note -.idly |-i ph veil, and the i.ulv . .ni. lii-iun tln-y icieln-d u a.i, that UK yet -nlheieiil data have not lrcn i-ollerted Iu tin. e the mmndi tolheii ..iiiiin. Talking .iboiit literary ityle, there go.-i a ui.vii noted for hii tini.hrd ienlrjn-<s." " In .!- I * I* he a novelist ' '' N" : he i an -\ ,-oni ict. " KinploMi "I'd emjatfc yon for lh-- pla .- at nine, onlx lmu.lt hue i III*. I led 1)1(11. Applic.mi ' Ke.p the |i! i> > open !m i hour, (ir, and I'll easily li\ that " vel.K-ity. The rapids are shown in the picture and so are junks, which lo the number of .".,il have linn far moDopoli/d the trade helwrrn I. bang aud llie upper river. About three years ago the Chinese (lovrrnmetit gave a oonceasion to Mr. Lilllr, prrniitling him to run a steamer be- tween Iiichaiu; and Chung- Kins;, the com- u.rnial capital of the wealthy (iroiince of S/echiirn, subject however, to restrictions m the interest of the junk trade. Thi* pro- viso nullified the -. I .overtimed! Irft ly be repio.luce.1 iu kind but may be trail-limited into any of many lormsof a'nti- aocialmsliuctaiid lawlessness. In building his theory upon such fa. Is I>r. Strhan doe* not *ecn> to notice that he has committed the logical fallacy of drawing a universal conclusion from a particular piemisr. That many physically drgenerate and dia*a parents have Iwyotten offsprin t . whick early exhibited a criniu al desp-^sition and tendency provr* nothing union it can be (hown that t u- offspring of all physi- cally degenerate ar..l diseased parents have manifested a limilar t-ndrn -y. iiocaiii.ii. for t he i 'hineae it tn the authorities at Icbang lj decide what protection the junk- , mennrcded. Thry concluded that it would "'K""' 8 " 1 ' be of any value must pro not br IM-SI 1.. pennit the steamers to runj c upon the pniuiplethat "like causes more than two day* a month, during which Ml " '** 1 h facl of coinci- timr Hie .-..mm junk* would be lied to tho I J f n ? (lo f not P rove "'' one is the cauae shore. They also advised M r. Little not lo "' * n.n the steamer at all. They told him that 1 After sa.h a conclusion one is not (urpru- natives up the river would roll great stones c Ilnit 1 < " lr I'ntlosopher a-lvocating a . llMll.Jk 111 tllJS, lim.lu(->. ... lown from ll.e mountains and crush the . llall .s| '" lll<? 1 ""-" 1 f*l lustiliition. l>r. I .i Little found that he could not (tart >tr h *"P r >po>l'l u ""' t " ltio ' 1 'nwhic-b his veasel al all, aud for ininy months she , ' 'ominod shoiild hi- asylums was tied up al I. hang, waiting for a morr r U-utiane(. He would have an-).. ...in opporliiuity. .lust before the in-cut uoUlirgan the Chiiior l.overtimeui again iisuei j..-rmiH*i .n for the vesarl laugh I trades and would give portiou of their earnings. He them book.- and recrea- uiiua'.es them would furnish A-'-rnd th.- i,p>r viili'gl'w'. "'wit'iiouV impo.- ' Uo "' nd wouM lll " 1 ' them ml,, grade* .111; prohibitory condition*. Il is very ; ""I 1 , ""reasiiig pnvilege* uutil they sboiil.l likely ll.ii iii.- 'prospect rhat l/.ttle's vessel ??. 1 ' ir "<''' 1 to .,"". no mor - . The * e U 8- would -.on ascend the rirer hastened in- present troubles al l>-liaug. The i Hy ha*, b.-fo.-r tie pie-ent time. the I'-enr of terrible outrage* upon the white. Not lery IOIIL' ago amne iiuiet, uu- pn-ieiit^.K.j Catholic Sisters, who were ',.- \hc.r work of mercy thert, were 'llie trader* have been eotaUihrd in geslii;nj, eminently humane and in the line of thsmosl .idiaii'ed principle* of penology, are hardly consistenl with the theory that ainan'umoralitvisboru with him." As the New Y 01 k '/;' remark", Ih-- theoiv provi-s too inn. h. If. ' say, tbr /.Ws,'"it be conceded I hat many criminal* arc snob by iiuiMut reliable impulse due to disease it must, it appear., be con.-eded that reform hsng since (KTil. ll* export, are chieMv ' * n " ul - v '""""' >'"""' ^^ thedisease. Inpro- .,.1..,,. ,-oal an.l drng*. lou . " enme '." l " toinhrritcdpainital Hue toinlirritcilpai-rutal protoplasm, ii lollow* thai it will pursue the uufortiiiiale to bis end u iuscparabl v as an ill ibapeu heail, or an asymmetri-alface. : in i., muting eyes. Iu other words, it is a* n*clto attempt u> rrform a hereditary I criminal a* to make H musician, an orator. I or a icholar of a subiect who lacks innate . cipsa-ity. It Unot likely that thi-jjuardi in. 1 of the law will fee] pcM-lK-ularly ((rate/iil to Ir. Sirahan for hi* new theory. Kirn now iwith tho orthodot view picvaihnit wbioh rmployr hr. m nearly evei y ,-asc paysasmart teachedbat a crimiual i, morally responsible. official, to tin- Sultan's for his conduct and that ho is free tbchooae The IMMI (Mioplc iwlwren ( 'h-iii^ :ng and Ichanx i.iiiniier about 'JO.IlOll (irople, and th.-v iwlieit I iiat ..toanitr oifinpoltlion would be alo!ulrly ruinoii* to them. T .Mr la Merorre. In Morocco all the official* areeilber uu- |iaid or lecetir mero nominal salaries, and nhena man assumes the position ol ^a publii- the path of ol>edien,-o to lavi if he ., wills, and which farhe?, in ireovct , that those inii-e I., mine Slim-ten, or to llie Sultan himself, as a l.nl* to gel Ihe appointment . it becomes, - , ._ I t_ ...... --.-, miS'S W VI | I (!*> V IIUVCT Ihereforr, an understood thinj; lhat the man who oHend against ihr laws of *o,ietv and I* to recoup himself as beil hr can from j,s well being, ought t( , , u fler fo-' their eieiy otbrr natue umler us j.mid ,, , rime, tboie who adiiiinit-r the law* liml lhu, uhrnnnr*r.- levieil by Ihe I'aali* n , crop of criminal* ,,uite s* larite a* thev the amount ' to Ins privale a -count ,., ,- nirnicntl V attend to. llo-v much more Menarecontimiallyarrrsled and consigned restrain themi Whether rich IT poor, iiii-.ocent or guilty, | cosafor'ablc aud pleasant t one Ihin^ is cor i am tlie m tn anraUil isnol set at liLerty until be roiiign* a portion of " -*- his wcalt'i: aud ibis, as in t'u- former to the 1'iulia n tu. '.ate ac.'ounl. A trau-lmg mountain is found al llie i as- pini.nr:* remain often for \ e.\i i iinlrrd, and i^noixul of ihrir ac -uior, or ol tin- i i ,on lii-.Uk!>. I a;'nt them. t ihe Tangier pn*on tail thought wliKh wi.r.'.d l- likely to sug ge*t itscll to the mind of any one pusing it, yr'. it 11 a v. -II c- t.il.hslir.l fact that i utiir mounlain is moving slowly but itead- 1 i ily dowu to Ihe river. a if it had a deliU-i V. I . OW , , , . .IT wwa .u ii ittci . as n 11 .1.1.1 a nviiuvi r> kui-w -I.., irl.At ,e*ton, and he 1 .;.. D ,, r ^ , ,, ,,,, , Ulr , , ,,,, rtrW. b,,i w*.. englH ,cl. .,,.... ifc.^XnbU and f u ,m a great lake from - ' i' '"' ll 1 ! 'V 1 '' : ' : ;-"!t'.o Caxcades to the Dalle*. Tholmiian . ^ii .lohn llrr.nin.oi.d ll..v \' ae.o l.i my kuowleilpo a few M-I < . tol n '. ' > i'|'.. oicitiiie who, as' I am infornird, had U- u -.imply i. oils day, and, althoiik.'h . . - i no criiro. hud rein uned in M.M.iuli I. n c,,-ii'eon yeai a. One <i.i\r< ii'ir aflfr ! had r\i ivied hii fr.n. iioin dining 1 that lon^ peri'M: nil ien.rd t the man lua ' t i.. u. in m. Ii. i-i- immense i.'.ueniruti of ! th-' i.io'.ititains in that rrgiott lone while :u< u . am to Oregon, and ll wllieis immikfriiit* mnny ,.f thoni fi-ou New lln^l ill. I J.ax.' t! e !.o\.. dcsol tl*d n.iuiutainoiis ridge the nmnr, of " tmvelin^" ' or "(lidiiijit mom. In :t furiv-.:.! a-nl dovii wavd move the fi.iTts alonx thi- 1-aM- . I the-i.lno bur Wppoar. I, and I ho (.oicnur .o-in t! al i, ,.. ,.,| ., p . a , , ,. , v Iho time I heard ol Ihe ,-...- admitted hedi.l,^,., , |U , M . , .,. ,. imhl ,, , . n.t l;,,..w what . vu, .nun wan hn.t.ght , w<l(l ol) , hl . ,,, Th ralTwmy engmeeri .gainst I,,,- III.III Of ,--; if I,- had I cm ^ <i{ l(u . . xlk ,-, ,,, lhe ' , im . ,- lh , ..( anything. A rrcnch official at i r ., lUav wllil . h ,-,., ,,. f(M> , ,. f u,,, ,... lain i< Iwiiij; coutiminlly foro-d iv\t of i.ij. e \ i.i p.. uiti the peruiAiunt way and Kill lui l i I - I eii;lit or irn foot "ill nf Ii- o in .t low yrai*. (Geologists nttiibulo thisslrangc phi I'.ei.enon L. the fact that the Walt, win. h <Mn*tituLea the bulk of the mountain, rnts nn a niibstrslum of con- Slniuorale or of mil . in.l ,toi:r, which Ilir cep. iwi.'l ciirrenl of tho mighty ii\ei I* i-onatuntly wearing awav, or, that this snftei subii* k is of u.-t-ll \ irldini; at great driithi in the rorinoin weight ..; the Ii i.dei , mineral aUi.r i ..- .i mam appear to have a peculiar \ ..' treating their ounvicl*. Imtwtd of >vhere the man w-%- . >i. lined, had H-en. Irom motile* of humanity, endeavoring tu elTe.-t the priinner'i relri-e but so far witln.i i -..i.-.-e-i; the M.Hivnh nutgistrate Ir lined the ii-|ion>il>ility vl leiiim; one free who had l*.eii n l.mg in p 1-1 m, ami |i-.ii- P.II|H> he is there still. i or - .'., m i i. . m' i. .11 -l.all no' .1 In. i)- -4 rei"i. I h .......... - .1 I., ulit.-i .1 i When freedom, our-' from i-ieri . I . P. siiall ii.in- Irlniupasnl -w.<> 'I'lien i IK-II! -hall m IT iiinsht prevail \ii.l Irnl V lull armi'.l in i % - u I lie l.o-i - "Mi r.in; r.iM< - ul. Ami hold elcrniil -iva; . \\ h i! l o ice .hull l.nl lli. , Of Irillli . I lelOl Kill- O.il- ' \\nil arm il.e- 1 I he i;i-w imi .l.i . llr .(iieiirli lhe i>lr -l.ir \\ hat ..on! -.li.illil.-ire. |iii>n|(li -Inut and - lie-tore Ihe an. lenl u run,- ' til,l<re---iiii ITU ill l infill pl-oli>nK. Au.l fr.iiloni - inorniiiK bar! , The hour of lrillm|ill le- ..; 111. Intnl. iTunti-eil hour. \S heii ear' h niton .1 raii-nm. <t i i. e llrrlMiinlei.'i uift- .hall -hiwrr. Kil.k l.lberl) . thi it'ori."!- l'll. On liiul. I h) I.. inner -well. I .'! I rump ..n Ira m |> ihe triitni|.h -ire 11, Of 1 1 C.I i .-n - r'-tlecm,in< IK. HIT. if. l! An t in- ;..u man wan'-, t.. trade a mule for i'! vmic :o >n write* an i. Id liacludor) lu-vei knoM when l!i- y in- in-ll .:!. making their pinon life Litter and tip-- pro- diu ing . wholeioim- fear of a r< tin n their- to, lhe . iti/rniot the " I ...Men State" are in t he h. i lut of regularly supplying the ufinonera with daily papers ami of Allowing mem to niinjjlr freely with line another, to curry on conversation, and to form plans and without the slightest supervision. This latter pi ml cite (he primmer* in the great State prison at San i,ii, entan appear tu ^iave faithfully unexl. A deeplaid conspiracy having in view a gen- eral delivery of the 14(10 ci-nv n-t detajned has nisi l*cn unearthed by the aulhoritiea who strangely enough ha\ o uot yet been able to locate the dynaniite aud arms which they know p..*.: n cly to lie concealed with- in th penitentiary wall. Ala*, the frailty nf mil. ^uiely thti \s enough tu (hake ouo's conhdriH e in the boasteil goodness of hu- man niture when men rro.uile* i great kia<f- ne*.i with mn-h I. .no ingralitui't.

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