Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 21 May 1891, p. 1

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FLESHERTON ADVANCE, TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR."-" PRINCIPLES. A 01 MEJY." VOL. IX., NO 516. PLESHERTON, ONT., THURSDAY, MAY 21, 1891. W. E. THURSTON, EDITOR* PROPK Selling at Cost! Our immense stock of Spectacals and Eyeglasses to go at FIBST COST. Look out for prices rext week. Armstrong Bros. :NT THIUMING. :, i'J WORK. FIRST PRIZE WHEREVER SHOWN, LUMHEU, LATH. SHINGLES! JOB WORK FOR VEHICLES MANUFACTURE!/ AT Hoard's Carriage Works, FLESHEKTON, ONT. O!CkV8 LAND KOLLEJIS MOWKBS. BISL'KKS. FLOWS. Our WatECoii* tin- Our Baggie* tin- Best. ur t mi. i- the Best. Our Imprvved Harrows the STRAW OUTTKKS, SO KKLKHS. r i lixil- DRILLS. QANQ PLOWS MAY, 1891 The time livs come when old rubbers, old shoes, without soles, and shoes terribly patched must be abandoned. During this mouth every oar will be looking for something new iu tlw foot gear, we have also been looking forward ', Mas month and have purchased a first class stock for this depart- ment. C'ooper and Smith, of Toronto, are our manufacturers, and any one who lif.fi \v<nn their boots or shoes know they cannot be beat for durability. We hav men's plow boots, men's fine boots, incu'd lowg boots, and men's fine shoe?. Hoys' coarse boots for rough wear, boys' lino boots for Sundays, women's iiu. buttoned and laced boots in kid, dongola, polish calf and dull kid and carpet slipper:. Misses' and children's iu largo varieties. B AND C CORSET IN ALL SIZES 1 'nine and examine onr hat stock, it is complete iu every branch KID, ILK, TAFFETA, LISLE & COTTON GLOVES Our i .' ind dress gozds departments arc full of every novelty in those lines. ;trly and get a choice of pattern and quality nver before shown iu Fit He: 'quarters for B and C Corsets. Pricevllle. From our men Curreupwuient. The long expected rain came on Fnday night. The unexpected frost 1 and snow came Saturday morning A frame barn owned by Mr. Daniel Ferguson, Egremont, about three miles south of here, containing bay, a quantity of grain, several calves, fowls, binder, etc., was consumed by fire on the evening of the 15th. Regie Giier is ill with typhoid fever. The Crown hotel has again changed hands. The owner, Mr. Bolger, took possession last week. 1'oiiL'itl and Jim inspected a specially prepared sample f Brown's new spring clothes pin, but the i in pression left is not favorable at least as far as their fingers were concerned. FOB LADIES ONLY '. One of our dressmakers has been convulsing private circles over a bit of vanity displayed by a young lady in 'selecting the style of her wedding out- fit, one article of which was to consist of a "matrimonial nocturnal garment "with a train" and "buttons." Her "apparel must necessarily be gor- geous" as she "was going to marry a gentleman." The iraker is iu a di- lemma, not having a pattern to suit. Maxwell Frnin onr man Curretpondnit. It 11 very seldom we have known so dry a seasou as the present, and while the want of rain has been forely i felt iu some respects, yet the seeding , has gone on rapidly, a* there is no- , thing to hinder its progress. We arc very sorry to know that , Mrs. MeKaveny is no better, but trust before this reaches your readers to hear of her recovery. Mrs. Hull was down from Owen ' Sound on a visit to her parents, and I Miss Aggie Gamey accompanied her i home. Iveeve Gamey is absent this week s he had to go to Ottawa on btsiuess matters. Mrs. and Miss Hamblin have gone on an extended visit. We are glad to know that D. K Preston is recovering, bat aro sorry to not be able to say he is entirely well. School will b* closed here to-day and tomorrow, as our teacher, J. L. Wood, is attending the convention at Durham. Miss Sterling will be absent for time, as she is going to attend the wedding of a friend. Fishing now seems to be the order of the day, and at almost any time you can see a string of trout being carried along very caiefully. M, im , From our own 'Jorreffioiuient. The farmers around here have fin- ished the saeding. Nearly all of them are already through. The dry weath- er has greatly advanced the spring work but not the growth. The crop of lambs, calves and pigs is great, but not so good with colts. A great many have lost their colts. The two Miss McLeans, from Col- lingwood, were visiting friends on the 4th line last week. Miss Katie McDonald is leaving this week for Toronto. Mr. McQnarrie aud family are leav- ing this week for Sault St. Marie. Mr. McQuarrie will be greatly missed in the church and Sabbath school having been assistant superin- teudant and traehur of the Bible class. Mrs. Mc(juarrie and family will also be missed, for their stay amongst us lias made many lasting friends. Wo wish them success in their new field. 9th inst., aged 22 years. The de- ceased leaves a sorrowing husband to mourn his loss, also one child two weeks old. Th funeral took place on Monday at ten o'clock. A largo concourse of friends paid their last tribute of respect to the departed. Her remains were interred iu the cemetery at Mount Zion church. De- ceased was a loving wife and a duti- ful child. She was quiet and un- assuming.almost to a fault. She had by her quiet, gentle manner endeared herself to all who knew her. The sen-owing friends havu onr deepest sympathy it their bereavement. We are pleased to see Mr. Jesse Dowding out again after a long illness of rehenmatisrn. We are glad to note that Mrs. A. Shaw, who has been ill, is convales- cent. Mr. F. lurch has a pig which had a dock i not "litter"! of nineteen young porkers. C. J. Leitch, MERCHANT TAILOR, Good Material, Good Fits and Best Workmanship, -AT- Lowest Reasonable Prices. AprtGlv Shi tweeds and pan tings, cottons and shirtings, towtis wmbriodorics atid laces, lawns and uiuslius, at low prices I viiitio.0. JPre:.-'.h Groceries Always on Hand, MCDONALD & EVANS. Items. vtir nuni Curretoontlrnt. The light rain on Sunday has made a very decided improvement in the appearance of things out doors. Mr. Will Klhs left on Tuesday of this week to go to Painesvillo, Ohio. Out- best wishes attend him. A gloom is cast over our neighbor- hood occasioned by tlie death o! M Win. Proctor, who died on Saturday, Swlaton Park. Prom nur men dirrttpondtnt. Seeding operations are about wound up fur this spring iu this locality. Every available foot of laud has been utilized for grain growing with the hope thai crops will be good and that the present favorable prices for the generality of farm produce will con- tinue. Mr. Hunter is rushing the building of cheese factory at Boothville as faat as passible. Mr. H . xpecta to have everything in readinexs for business next week. We understand there is some little difficulty relative to the drawing of the milk on the S. P. line. Dr. Talmage's lecture on "Investi- gation" was reproduced in the Proton Methodist church on Monday evening, the 11 tli iust., fcy the Rev.Mr.Rogers. The lecture, which was interesting aud profitable, deserved a much better audience. Messrs. Jamep and Robert Parslow did a big day's work last week with two teancs. They plowed, drilled aud harrowed 10 acres in three dayi. Jim plowed 3 acres in one day. l>r. Hgh McNeil and Mr. Donald McKechiie, both of Chicago, are tak- ing a few holidays renewing old ac- quaintances around Priceville and elsewhere. The Dr. and Mr. McK paid S. P. a vim last week, staying at Mr. John Campbell's. Miss Mary F. Campbell lias gon to reside in Chicago. Miss C's. pres- emce in 8. P. will be very much missed. The good wishes of Miss Campbell's host of friends go with ber. Mies Maggie Btay, a student of Hillside Academy, has gone to live m Toronto. We wish Maggie success in the Queen City. Misses Marion and Kate Kuox, of Brampton and Torooco respectively, attended the funeral of their sister, Mrs. If Fowler. Mr. Angus Ferguson, who had a severe attack of inflammation, is now convalescent. Angus had a pretty tough time of it for a while. MIES Jenny Porter, of Riverside, was visiting at Miss Sarah E. Pars- low's lately. WHAT THE PEOPLE SAY. That Jas. M lonely now. That candies are a poor cough medicine. That thero is danger of a war breaking out between the students and one of our citizens on the /..AMI side of the academy during a west; wind. I Foot ball vs. garden vs. small boy. Ac.) That a sturdy young yeoman was somewhat unchivalrous on the of the lecture. Never mind llie uext time my sun. That a certain dam*'] w i ; ; i lesion in po'iteness lust That the disLvisssion an. nt the treasurer's salary IM g.'trin^ warm. Let it boil Mr. Editor. Properties for Sale - IN - ARTENEHIA. Lots 169 ami 1M 3rd raue N. E.. T. * - II. Arteuiiwi*. iwiavrin. fmuiu bun anil riwoilinn on tlin |i fi'iiM'i* . well luuuttd ami w . Will IwwiM -li.-up Lot 170. iMt S. W . T. * 9. B., SO i frame <lwllini{ tboreon, au<l outu .11. Will )>* sohl clicitp (iiitl on tiliit- Lot 171",. .'nil N K . T >v S It . about 'JO a< clar<l.lialaiic ijooil bardwrnxl luibli. . of payini'iit -!-. Lx>t':o in tin- 1. 1 fun.. lOOacrea. Al>oanainbi*r of villagttlotit witb hoiiHH thervuu niMr^ii^ vary 'lu^iralilti vi!liu;u propuftitfs > b iliHixnttMl of. nut- ii whirii, known AJI tlia Hrownli'u property. i ]mrtn-ularly valt>al>.- Tlii lot intain about JJ ncr-. K i-unfur- tabln ruftldencu IH --ou. Anv (wnuni U<Hiriiii{ ImrciiiB in farm >r rillaf; proinTty Hlimilii l iiiiiiiiiitoatt with JOHN \\ lUMKl'UOM-. Hr WILL SHOW FOR SPECTIOiN YOUR A Beautiful Assortment WITCHES. 1 IN - SILVKKH IRE JEHELIO I.1>ES. TO $35. :s, Ft lint:' m \\: 10 AND HK., SL'O TO S:'.s. \VAl!- RANTS COVKKlNii l.\( 11>I- V TAL 13REA RACKS ii TU 4 Yi:S. CLOCKS, IN NICKKI. AM> W.U.N *1.50 TO ?S.:>u. Fine *- Repairing iiiilly iiiteiiiie.i in. Cl.ni! in- -IOl! <>| (nl.-ls. IVieeX ; llMle'l. l)ost \Visi,cs I - All Kuril CROSS) 1 \ ; . i ,. on Kn.hiv. int.. tuu wi(u .if MI. \v P. Crontoy, of a 1101 Incomplete returis from Alj; t.ll.1 <.'llll.,TV:ltlVl- cMllill.i.lti- .1 lll.t|i.rr ,". uid lie in probably uluctuil. W. A. MARKDALE,

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