Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 14 May 1891, p. 7

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THE LAST MAN AND WOMAN. A Graphic Story of the Extinction of the Human Rica. Tkr l--|)rrit r Ball!r at Mrlrurr with Ihr Ini-tllahlr < rnttilril IM Ibr i|iialor It) Mi,- <oii| ncriM.: I i CHAI'TKR IV. We have left our aerial expedition in the iimUt of tho stupefaction caused by the avowal of ll.c. AHUM leans. No more women in America. Ti : nation, or almost anie, in Africa, Kurope buried Iwneath the snow.-. Asia torgotleu for more than a century, and doubtless iharing ihe same fate an Europe. There was nothing left for the travellers but to return to their own country, and that was decided ,>u the very next day. They vi.site,' the rums of the American metropolis, the glories of which had been . ate. I by the historians, and which uow Uy forgotten, b'or one instant they thought of uniting in o-.e -.onp to two wrecks of male humanity, and nf all leaving together for Santown : but, on the one hand, tlie-e men wished only in sleep forever in the tom!>8 of their ,u.. e,;..i', and, on the other hand, the travellers, who liad carefully con- cealed the existence of women in tl.cir own ry, did ii'.t insist on this brotherly proje'.'t. They resumed their way through the air, deciding, imwevei . by the ear, ; , roll-iw tii" same d,i or on their return, in ord-r whether, liy some unforseen , . l!i it after ha 1 num. Ocean, i over all the points t ,.., its surface, e.m .it the m., men: when Me noli -ell tint the eternal win'-:- n:iiouii,-e I by s .'d over th lands of . of .1 ivi, . I. they iioti.-cd 111 ( Vylmi a .lei lli. in the ..'n.-is iiy ||,e ice anil .;n .w. an !. s^.ttnitiing th . discuv- 1 ^ronp of women in mom-,, in.;. Ill " in.l U-.'.jle lil. \- h.i I Ii 1,1 time to re. nve." from their surprise, the orlestial tiave!. their tcct. At oth"r uerimls, win-n the lifjiit o; mi^ln ^.n - i human, iy, these last five da .if Kve would have been ru li-ly s,.|/e,i .ml carried aw, iy t , ti:!l -pi ed tliroii^h li- i .in i-nv, perhsp- n..' .'.'le, for tlii. number of the m -n was sup MTU- '" that ot tin- women. Cm |.,i- along time :h-j likdcatcd tuexeit then strenj; !i ; -eir ime.ut, lea-on, intelligence, freedon. v ways ilecidtrtl. They to! i the object of iheirexplor.-i and Baid no difficulty in convincing th.- tan \-! ill. s. lie 'I .ic,|rk 1 , which had etnia!. .i -ap;ie.ired i:^.- i 'n -' ; th"ir brows were cleared, their lip- smiled, and a few hours alter ti. arrival of the a- r, mauls the I',' e nuns in mo'.irnnik/ had yiven wav to the most ' 1. xai:; or women. 1'iley even d;si i. .< I I In- adi llila^f- .it i return I" im'.-iw:i. and it secim-d that fnim th |M>:nt .c \ i. . h ippin ..- trailMUllllV . 1 M il,!.'. I e p|-c!e!a'..|l' lo III ( 'e v!l "il 1'. il t Me o .j p: 01 we.,- w.-ll'nji f\n.t-.;.steil, UK- fields and gardcin w,-:e wanting, tl.c i. was near: while in Atricu the fatal moment ptrhips many y t-ars off. l<*rom lilt- first in terMew, ((ne,'ai and K\n had ,-\pci i-n. , .. >f mutual attractioa, and had mi- dersto >, I . ,, | ol ::er ,i- icon jit th"v had met attei ,. 1 ,,,- -. |iaratioii. thiK-^ar had i ,''[> Ubotion MM iii- i.iotlic:, ami wonhl be proud l.. p. . s.'ir hi- . oinpanioii to her. A ...iinik'iit after lln'ir arrival, tin- explor- ers, rich in their discovery, emlniked -.11 their aerial lloiilla, and set sul lor Si'.iilown. The lesui re 'lion ol lilllnallll \ was .i.ssure.l. What a triumph and w iiat rejoi.-mj; on then- return ! Hu' what na< their disappoint nl. mi arriving al-oxe the ,vnti.|'ie . l!>, la -cc none of their lellow citi/eiis come t-irwanl lo re- tiifin ; to tiud thejpn'ulic <|ilare, when! they were m the h.kliit of nit-etn^. silent and deserted to ha\c liefore their eves naught save a sort of tiesolutu cemctcty ' l>escend- ing from their a-rial boats they first rushed wilh then . ..iiip.iiii.ins to the government palace. A frightful s|icctacle otleretl itself to their g/e. Their relatives, their friends, lay around, dvad or dying. The population of the city, it-din >-d alter the deparinn- of the travclleiD to aljout thirty peixomt, had undei gone during their aWn. ,- ,,t ;l |,- iiioiithsa simw cyclone, which had desii,,\ ed the last vegetable growth and part of the habitable dwellings. The small remnant had chosen as a refuge the spacious . stronger rooms of the palace : but an cpide mic, a sort ot typhus, had attacked first the weaker constitutions and had afte.a.'.l stricken the others. The strength ol tin bravest bad linally given way, and the tirsi care of the travellers was to assist their un- happy fellow citi/.i'lis. I'lifortuuatcly the col, I increased daily, a bitter wind blew unceasingly, and the pale rays of the sun could not even penetrate the thick mists. The only means of preserving a little heat was by keeping up fires antl cut- ting off almost every communication with the outdoor air : but the bravest, the most courageous, lost all hope. At every new death, they counted each other. From tif teen they descended in a few weeks to ten, then to five : anil at last Omegar and Kva remained alone, seeing without delusion the fate which mail.-. I them, ami well knowing that no other spring wuultl ever bloom on earth. However, after a long succnasion of disas- trous days the sun showed itself in a clear spot between the clouds, the wind ceased, the blue sky reap|i,-aied. The yoinii; couple then rose in an aerial Iwattojadg* of t lie fast invasions and the snow, and perceived that lie w hole city- was buried, and that it was only toward the north tli it tin- country had been a little spaie.l. Carrying away with them all the pio\i sious they . i.idd find, they decided to tollnw ihe direction of the spared disl , i. Is and see if some oasis could not be found in the midst elds of ice. ( II AI'TKK V In con.si-,|uence of the nature of the soil, and MOaSMI "f the -c.u-ci'.y ol rams, of u,,w , and of clouds in that region, the great Afri- can desert thin extends south of the Sahari had remained cue of the least cold zones of the globe, and a warm current blowing from that desert on Nubia ami Arabia, to return to the equator by Ceylon, had for a long time left a part of Egypt free from the in- vasion of ice ami snow. Following the m- 1 direction, thn last huiuan couple hovered above tin! regions formerly watered by the Nile, henccforih fro/.eu. They per- ceived the gleat pyramid, ruined, but still standing. THIS lir.,1 moniiineiit of humanity, this i my in ihe .tnlupiity ot :'iv:li.-ation, 1 ill standing. Its geo'iietnc stalchty I. ad saved n. It was perhaps the only human idea that ha, I al tamed its end. Crealed by Cheops In eternally protect his AGRICULTURAL. To Kill Cut Worms. 7" the Klitor: I saw iiii|inr:es last your for a remedy for it is y.e, tin;.' M3 good. s counted as high as seventy-six worms .in worms in enriiriVId*. - ''" l'l"'t"K t lliivt> lnc ' 1 " '"' u "" w reae y eops ,, eernay S royal mommy, tin* tomb ha. I survive 1 the " I " 1 '' 1 ' ' '''"'" '" lltt , . revolutions winch ha.l destroyed everything ' " l " 1 rr " 1 "' *'*' "' l ' lu " *""' l '" iu.il! had come 10 join the P iir ' S 1 " t! '" >ll t ; . " "' shelter himself beneath I,,, '"'-..m' as for potato migs |rel up. make it twice , l; . keep it well stir- liatin-r a supply of green while i'i, dip a handful of brush in the i-aU. oil a few twigs.it a time, ami the corn every tenor twelve feet. C.unni. nceaa soonaslhe worms lo work. ' I"-- ' 1 -' t '- Is,-. The last man first King and shroud. But the wind of the tempest w.is blowing '' ogam. A tine powdery snow was spreading " over the immense desert. " Let us stop iiere and rest," Slid Kva, " since we are condemned to death; and, ]ie.,nie,, who has not been? 1 wish lo die m peai e ill thine own ara,-. " Thev look,- _ ' - rums . |,-,., )m and seated tln-inst.iv.-s, . ontempl .' in_r the endless "[>,.. ..v.-n-d with powdery snow. ,i,, e 'i v yon'r ,-oiTcsi.oiident had more 'man The young woman crouched fe. .-nslily. .,, -, n i !i,-m. ,-sper, ail-on yoiint! holding her husband n. '.:> r arm,, try in- to s , o( . k , p , , it . Uli , Ur .. ,^,.,^ ,.,- ' with bar eni ;s - thai* rfejd and bruahed ovir the. atoo oamphor TMionef the eold that penetrated her. ,|,,-,,!vcd m alcohol and carlH.lic a.-i.i m had ilrawn her to IV.* h art and warmed ner | lir ,l, i m t without sau^a -.ion : aii.l Ittiug w:th his kisses. ];. ha wind and the determined that the lice must ... I trieil OnionB for Lice on Cattle. al report and app- . . ut;r ,. v ,., v ,, r ,. v , !,., l wmt.-i. . uu ,ii-i! oijeof the, host xmall fruiu wi- .'an (irow. \V,: mint wai-o n i:a ; 'he currant worm, lint with white lieileliori'it oan In I. Tin- cur- rant is n very healthful fruit, ami wlntn tin: . -p. . :.- in irolii _ , -. .iiul - am! well fertilized, tlieie will In- an aliiinil. ml .'i-op. I 'iirrint.-. ^h.niM l- iilai'i ,'il in rows, su that thu ground .-an IM' mill and kept lean .md mellow. 'I'll.- row, -mini.. '. apart and the pl.inl-v an 'i|iial distance from irarh oilu-r. or prrhapii lour r.-, t. ^ ' ' . 1" .la> IS is !.,v advilllct d in cr. il i/.at urn as any country :n Hie world. The ctter than any on this continent : till! ''.. . . . i lln- deve- lopment .,! literature ami ii l, an !'.u- in atlvim-.. ..I 'i. i ;e ,n llu- , ,>l,,nic. or till' population. The new I '.iiiimoiiM'uui'.h Ii . E Latest From Europe No Uisiolutioa -Russia''? Political Opera- tions Wiluauu Speec'u to the Stu- dents Crop f respects There will !>< ii'i disiolutioii of I'Arliamenfc -ll pic- '!, . I mllllfiltal Kuropc wall- .:i i hilshedex- pcciaucy of apprehension upon ! tin rciiullii of Uusiift.s hue;.! financial ami politic .1 !.-l .!- of wliK-ii are. disntssud '>"., li-nly dares break thu general his kisses. 1) .' a* w MI. I aa.l the iinied their sway, and the line sii.iw beat in cloud.-: around the pyra mid. M . ' he resumed, " we are the i ot so many generations. \Vhatre- i week. Om- silence e'.ept tin- YOIIIIV; Ka.M-r. mil his . an allehtivu listener to hava alight hi - :,-al ipiav-i. His ri.-ina: k ill |. ........... i n. in n , IIM il >> 'i . i i .1 > ii |i to 1*11 I . . , i urope ami America as a li.-id In winch to '"" " " "''' l! "' Otlle! ' * seek the improvement* of the time and the altoni that he u.isnni , i,e, us n. -,-.-, i, e ;!-,. Its p e-ent .-.tMltii is custodian of : ' : , p.-,i ,- ,,: Kmopc basin-en almost iH-yond belief and n ,,.,,-- an .,.,.,, ..,, , j, is , mi i ,, -ally It produce inure taan that th almoat in culable titan ontt-loiirth ot tin- w ' ml .if the world t \-. Il in I lie I'nilcil Slates. Il produ no half the tin of the world, ami then- m pit- ions in.-til ilia' hiinnot li,:i :oiiini \v,th waiting a \i--u-nv4 ii'iil, W.M \ -ry full, eveo after being treated wuiitlu r ...... tdiaa. I 'm'k a l ,: ^i .'iii.in. sal m two. u,d robbed him hard U ow tiO I had Uied 1 1,,-,., .,.,,,,.,,. ,,,,i,, n]) - in ,l i:. .j mained all theghx , [ Bftve |,i, a , ..... . i|,:n ..,; tl ,-,.. ,;.. illions |,,- :lll . v . jtli reliuh :u did all ill Its ilc. MI. mi. lt .- ial t .on\ i'iie!i' for . ds on tilt- ,-c/a-it, 'ic. TI." inwa; I and out ward S.liplllllgol Olle , -VllKl'.IIIIO tons per annum, and ' e wit h t ire i: Ki i, u:, .. l..ne . the one -il to >:^n.iv who iliil holil the V.ui wan IwlaiK"- in hia of all tin: works, it tin- the sciences, of all thearU. ol all the inven- 1,000,000 sterling. 'ii-S t4> Williams s-| i- :.-:, lo the Bonn : a.ienst. deal; -. but at- -.11011. lie went out .i.iy in i-nlo;;i/e thu iliielm.' <il MI, - '.visit MIC jovially to h - '""' tad tkM I awaiud rMnlta. The i.l <Iay i:i.l -" all must uh: that,!.. liim. and and joy, the hairv.as full ol not a li'-" "'ic ' n!d 1 find. 'Mill-Ill IUUMM, but only i t.ni.i -\:'h sno ' \ . ,1 1. I i - - 1 tin- s who - ihoai of !i IMI.I . . i'u:ty, end. I l-c--- you, and I fear ,, f | ,, K ,,i, lu r to "*' Jo l-"i " |V< " 1 trciit the Doull - m; tbeir Sin-e then I Imvc trca' way, the cow. ..-:\ ru, milk, for lint no. we mn>t nut 1 ..... ' * , . ui,.,will n-ver ,..,,.,.., to hear Uw -lu-. mii.Ht we 7 r , l!tu i, s . ,-mly. I-,-' |, u , nneaay night. .1 v i i; KS..I t.. The Value of Shten- When I can,,- kg I. w i I iboughl 1 would , but the damage Itoinlraib wire ml productions wield the rapier. hia-mudi ; MM population, men ricul- ,,,1..,, mlawamlth , ill's tiiral ami n i i,,;n I ;"<",'- buildings sbopeand parks ooi ri with any In Euron. I the I'-mi, d Steamship Companv. and the '' i Company give* nation with the Ixweflceul sports the Australians--. -.-I, n.., escabliehmeoti ami eon, and a- 1 .1 all ,-itir \Vlni ban not bean! ot l he .h. imp. on i of Ansti }.\'i m .i- nal > e. ,1 . . hilly kliroa-i ''' ''"-''' "' ""' -''"'' I'-ar.s WI-H' ,-n' imaged Sprin vw'-i't- : nci-ii a -|ifli -.1 warm, '. ".ilhi-r, win ii iia- kilei-i'il i". " for Hi" live. * * n - \i -ilk. " He, !e. t. .tln-:i.l y o/eii and benumbed, bad bcct'Hi" inert. She tried to tise and fell Ui.-k. " I seem : . : -leepy," she said. Oil. let us And throwing be. nm< atO I <>,,, she pres.sed her htis t.> his. I'he vomi"; man liltetl her lieautiful torn, and i.i:-' I i i i". i ii. i i in, . . -i . . n . . 10 i e >i ,1.1 1 . -, ' i vi i,'. l i" --..-.,. -...- ........ ,.. . . _ k TYi - "'I'' - , Mt holdef eheep. M:-. llr-u-i. ,,>,,. 1 : :,... -in-r-ss, consist,,,,. ,,| .,me - ' -M.K'lilb.- , ' I'"' 1 ' >"' "'I'- 1 ,!.,, f,,,. sr, ,,- ,,,..,,1. but I w.-nt to tue t, . ,.t them Imve killed ami ''"">' aid - - lam. man the other day and had to pay *li m .-ach case the killing wasenl,--: m-n;,:,: " '' ">"' ' ''; ' ,! ' In-lit l l''ran is si ill likely to bj i .u-ii II. is killcil HI- 'lii'i. ilnrty million hectoliters short in thu Do vim know, "a well know,, -mtiiC.,, ' f '''<' \ " whe t i- ; ; ;i stand' , : .,!, and I olin.an said lo an. \tlant, man. v UJ1 SUnUS is pratty n. foun J that cattle did not pay, wl tried t. "thafmr p, plete failure, but tho Sprinu wheat has tta* I'ne.. I.i- ii:.ed _"i/'-. Binning with a last lost itself in a -. , Ii tor tiii- unknown in the dc.s. dale -: i ;. ikj md :li the silent and I'II,I!-.^H plain. No sound . ame to trou- ble the death "I natei'--; the snow wind moaned arom.d the pyramid, and .-.', to wish to a-.. i i I'll, ii, loll ig ill i:s ilcpth.s I'm 1.1 mai.y null. on y.'al -. Suddenly th>: noise of footetepe and moans ... was heard, lost ,-, ; :i wh " s-iine rtharginawsJceuiug in tb iniermr of , - nl - ivy bud, tin-own iiy III, temp"-' - Hilled In ar i ome \vi : ii i. .iv ' l.ie noise . ised. A n. \ nil cry l.',i. and wilb one bound a do^. I"*.V ahead Take a cow In n'.c till III ru.ilill;^ in piistun- the droppinu- an .1- t |"ii a fool across, where no gra.s.s .an -.':-.i.\ . and then bot around tke u: i rank thai .-attledu not iik'-- it : IM .-p the dr|i|. over the ^loiind. (Ini- load of nian.i.'e i : -mi a sheep sbi-tl, wii.-re it has iH-ni i.-ovei.,l is worth tin t'f loads from iard. A man in is i i-.m-ml .,i.-ei , ,-r told hail M,\ in manure, be ',mk me out on a sand Unoil thai 4 Jt 'I Would not -n-iw it I ik"s In,, li. i !, or in self-det. .,-. ^t-iiat'.r lrb\ . von Umnv. ">'"' Ulan ai .-i a-,- yield. i:.,;h in kUlad a fallow by the nam< :'<.'..; , - rmany recent high prioss ha-..- had i Uurena. Thai J '' naiiird .Mi'I.iiii.'h in II, loo, and i ' " ' hil " "ad IH'I-II HI., exactly whether Irl.y'soi \, '' " ' "-'I' 1 " ' "< ''< daj ballatnukKiWre. Thaabootingofonrrcd, :T " r "' t; '"' l{ - i " ' '" I think, in ls7. .Mcl.im I. -ei i ed a .iiort while in I lu- ll i-\ .1 and Arkan .M for a Ic ".' N'e.irs. H kill) ,, 'inn led. " < '.I. I .eoi'i;,! I'dlmaii. \ on know, \\ii--n boy, Udled anoih, , \\imu* n.iMied Chii..an. '1'he row occnried .- , .- I nil lorn. '- us of oarda, C !. TiUmau didn't give iratioa : was' tried iid ' 'Hill, Kiiglaud was re- |H'lll!"llll.l. V ! l'i''> "Illcll ,.,, ti. W lllle . ,, imp'ii i .enml in wlival and w.-i i: . 1 jKuple have IM and m::i. ,. there H- al ^to jail for ,'.Un.: wiit-n In- w - ,-i l.r .ru-d and .It on the milk weuds ami th, ii{ epidemic. .olltllim-d lo fall in the entire surface of Un- iin i re tli. in on i ir.lit.ii iv He, I. 1 1 \ \-. 1 1 Small-Fruit Culture. \rl K n\ f. u. \ .\\ SK iy to warm their. Uut they awake. And tin- -ii" [n u. l,i on LI earth. Ami ;i.t- earlli c.uitimn'ii to reiiin, axis m^ht ami. lay, ami lo t!,.ai through the immeiisity of spa,-,-. Tb suceemiful fniit-urower must Ii n , ami , -j, ,- : i,h,l -pcakcr And tb* eon continued to hine. bol i-li !me ,.- ,1,,. i m .sm,:,>. Tin. love t, th ' The fourth nrnn is c,,l. s,- i ir.Mi-h ami liai it'll light, ward i' iH-i'Kiiie entiri'l i. teriestrial ce 1 revolif 111 tin- infill aroui! two years with sd only altwdayaaffo. It w;u. i rery aaall", bnt the mortality . itinajustii in Suwbarry, ,,, . .tim;uili.-,i ml Mr. Archbiahop Maoee. and the inalad) - |.ie idiiig , o < ' -I. < rgi! dohiifiton .a whit h the latter was killed. w . t piii. ; slf-di i. !.-., r. way. (.'ol. .ioliiisliin will diow up wt-ll in He is a man of ooslaeat ability , i ' . .illl II. ell'. He took C/hancei, nnisii,le Ida. k Utll. An.l r!ie SI.IM .iiniiniii-.: to - ntillatc in > the iininensity of the heavens. I And thu inlinite um\cr.sr coiitinin-d ;o exist wit Ii its hillions of -nns and r ' !'..m - of IIMIIL; or extinct plam-t-. And in all the worlds jM-iiiled with the joys of life, loveeoiilinued lo (doom liein-ath the simlinx Ljltiiii'V of the Kternal. ('VMM. 1. 1- KI.\MM \I;I,IN. In.e.l crop. Tin- sii.iwlici i \ i- a l.ir,',! feeder, and !,- .|iiii-.s a S'TOIIL;, deep noil, or one fed witii rich m in urea. There should IHJ an early kind and later varieties, su as to ptotrnc! .! maniin s ;ui. IHMI ; Imt at the sami! time the .om murei.il leih pli-nt U, ii m ptitash ami phosphoi ic a.'i,l, w ill it al I. ['In- eiiliei 1 the wu tnvd :,.i- the k.lling but was ted." asm. " \\ ho von plat in " IMayuV wnl Albert ' " 1-t hei nll'd oi wii: " White." " Den you walk ymisclt -u a^n'. m yere A pawn iicl.ei in a ininit ' How many tunes hits I _;o, to him, and the lell sedal ion can't pi- !; up w id all deie w hi," IHIV- dal . '11111 alonn w I, lout dill: lat back yard. A man v. t . on trial for stealing a gold I lit- ' 'inlhlli III . % il el l follml Up,. II i'-ntilied by a .;. ,,,. l hat had ii ntly bi-. n siuieu tr.iiii him. The yoni tepnt t.-hiin 7 apa linkable, so that she will even rifht hecaell Tlie roots diould be spread out . , a proper s it upset, she will lie n.ost mteiesting to h ,,; t ., (u ,,l eovered with line earth w U steam yacht builde! - as ell us to shippers, pressed about them. In winter. , .MM wit 1 , She has, it Heems, Jibs weigh; below water ,,,,. gtrawy manure, as thisiuulcl. will pro- line for eveiy lib above it. Her keel weighs t(K . t the plains and also afford them uonrndi- :i.-) ions, and acts as " outside Ullast." As merit during the summer. A ,,,-w l,cd should nearly half its depth goes through the hull | w set evcrv year. Krom the new 1 int.. the water, It will act also as a kind of ; ffat the largest and most berries. n her only pet dug the oogly. woolly h.tste ! kieked the Ime- I kct, she laid in In 1 , 1 .me whole w -.-k m Hi- sioiill\ .leiued his xuilt, anil declared IH-\ ,-r a!e a tiling. " that he had UK ned the wal.h for it I IfH^t " You hid a just reason f.. li\e\. You nny connnlei ymiiself lured to in", On the cross examination the pnwc -utin^; r.:;,iget." attorney OM-K the pi isom-i -. niiml away fr<)m t Ha , |, fl tllne a , j t - . , ntic lioard. U will haie safety compart nienls, some of which w ill be filled w itb air, whilst others will IM- ordinary watertight i chandlers, and l.'iii of them will Iw on each I side of the ship. The engine will yield l<i<Mi for raspberries, and they -> .inanl it v of it. The best | horse-power, giving L'., knots an horn per ton ,' h| , ,,, a< ; k ft ,. eS ,, nl ., I of coal consumed. It is like leading about ,,,,,, l,,,.,!,,,,,,, legerdeniikin to be> told by our ('onsul thai Ihe valve gearing is so fine that the valves can be opened and shut in the Iw.-n '.eiliof a .second! This should, of coiir-e, tjne twice as much p,..-i as has ever \ ct been ol. lamed over CML; le-,. "i I'M The new ,h,p is ,,_ long and 16ft beam, ^r^^. l>nt ll successful one more than iwic.- as big . ^ is lo In- built ; and if that on. - .line | H *p"' for ocuan service, consi-s:;,.; t.' purely pas-' liners that can a burn' ii. .i sunk, and tlial will " whip creation " m I In- matter oi |- oal w lil lie -sent outlioni Italtimoi The raspberry re,|iiiies much the same treatment as the straw -berry, and clean, rich ; ro, md. Stabli- manure is a mil ural fcrtili/er will use a large last !i\, -.UiV v.irie: .-s ni iml l >hi' . They be planted in rows six feet wide and three feet apart in the low. Kilty bushels is a good crop per a,-.'*- Amng thu red varieties, the (.'nlhl .el I .-.'. ,in,i w 'ill ion! a peer. I'i Mr oro is a few days tarUai '-I'lpen. denly a keil him how olten he had lieen in t he habit of winding it. He.iiiswei e.l prmnptlv : Kv.'i \ ninhi. inst before goioff to bed. " " And that has Iwen your nsioin for the i Yes " That's a toiiie, hamlKon. ' 'Dado it is a beautiful It ... not e-|U.il IL . ibt; ' ildcii 1,1 ie. n , It i- i eimiee ln:n\ . but r is too deli, ate l"i a general They're All Deceivers, Blackberrie will niov, on jin,.. iiiucb man. in- will make loo ii'iieb \......l. lie Tayloi- ar.j Inn j h nly and ti: -mad. I'lli- Brie ia a new aad vigorou variety; rs fruit H of I lie : . - -houbi beset ill rows Mei I'll krt ami n ll.tllehan >buie, an' ;. vertniMt a lluei' feel lion. r, One Imndied |K-rli. ',-man. They're a desavin lot. biLslnds to the .. ,1,1. lOvcly one Hliould llai e a ! They nnisi hi\- a sunny ,\po.-,.ne. The \ in s xhoulit !M' well pi lined, and ihe land should be well diaiiicn. The universal grape is the Cone, .id ; i!n- vim- IM siroiirf. liar. Iy and naturally prolilic. I'he Delaware is tho floestf or quality, I nl not so piofitable as other kuds. The I'ocklington and the KI.IIH i - St.iiu are good white grapex. Moor's Early, Hertford Prolilic and some others Mi N. O ( ifogaii -They are that. Me man \loikr was completely taken in by one last It, an' hasn't got out yet. The Pleasures of Friendship. " So the M.inpns gave you those flowers?" "Yes; and, uh, Maud, he actually said that life without me meant nothing.' " Yes, dear : everybody says you are his last chance." a: j i . i 1 1 'U Iy. Oi Haggle. \||S. I,,, thniK. Mmke. (.illiiran -"That dead feller in the corner 1 he Mr-. <ollit;.ii "\i Iwgolw : he must . iiamie.l from loi: " N't--. "\V,-11, how woul 1 > on wind it right to left? " The fellow grinned at the idea. sir, Iroin left to right.'' Well, now, ' said tin attorney, 'namling The Late Bird Got Thera- him tin- wa!i h ii lid a k") . " pie .-: show the . v have 1', n luillltcil .^ o. jury bo* you wound it up. ' Unsuspectingly tin- wime.-.s t,,nk the . and key, turned ! .v it h a null' .111.1 souuli i..-v in, i the hi. MI winder. \ 1. "...I I Mill |.l, . bowed ! wlnm, alter his iat'l , '" asked tiie o irly mother. " l>idn I \on ^et the worm?" ' "i <M," whimpered the curly bird. " \\ !', then, what an- you nnivollint; "The late bird came alone, uid t >ok it, away from me j:i . . 1." (.'loth liko fiibi i fj ]iopii].ir this t-. u a.-o, he called m a mini One ,.f I he l-'i en, ii pioi in.-ial law ,-ourtH be. ,.| physicians md caused himself to IK- has had a 1,', disci '"amii:. -. menial Ooadition, I lie ,- | n iti -I "n ,. km .,, , that ha VMS entirely with bre.iking a law nearly 30 years old ' isthathii will has been which forbids sportsmen t .shoot at night promptly admittod to probata without so niii.-li as tl,e suggestion of a contest. Many nf the prolonged will contests which N.ix'e occupied the tune of the courts in recent might havo Keen prevented had the rich men with millions to bequeath adopted a course similai to Mr Itanium. 'u. As an example it carries a lesson that ought not to go oBhoeded. jght. I'll, pnsonei pli adcd that I Ilc day was not \,io\er. After ion. h scicni iti. discussion it wiks decided that uikjhl begim with the close of twilight, or when the sun had do- s.i n.le.l <i\ d--.;icef< below tb>> hori/on. Tht> almanac showed that on the day in question twilight, is thus desenlieil, ernli.il .'17 min in, s after sunset, and the sporlsmnn was adjudged guilty upon that ruhug.

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