Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 14 May 1891, p. 4

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE. THE ADVANCE. Is published Kvery rii-. TusOrnci *<< - Fl>*tirrt<nt, Out. TKKM> dr M'llVhirTION: 1 per annum when paid strictly iu aJvauc* 1.50 IHJ'' autiiitu win-it not *> I'ai 1. AU\ Kiel !MN(. K.VIi:-.. Oo* colnuin. 1 U'ar, <SO ; half col., do., K"7 uarti i i-ul it-'., 1 15. Transient har^nd at the rate -- i t uiK.-rti'iii an 1 ;- \< i l:a each W.U. THURSTON. r mid /V..;.ri/or AN INTI.m.-.iiNt, DOCUMENT. An illti : : timent h'l.S !> e!i made public, namely the Public | ;:li ( ii-i y I'm 1. 1 itt i petition. Mr. W. K. \Villi-inis. > .... m:t*on of I>urham, ami ill' crimes alle.;.-.! uiv : ll-thi :y. tiv:iiin.j, undiHi i!illu<'ii< timid.i'.i m, ,'ivniL; an 1 lending, and t i '_;iv. aii<l I'-nd, ami ntf. T in 1 pronuiiif viluable I'lltillril t i V i- ;,' thr *lid . I. iii! in <;! !! : v iii !< t i uu'l to i'i fruin fro'n voting lit the said election an 1 nf r irniptly d u>i I i;il'iyiii"iit, 1'iyiii,' l.ir , piun'.: I H i-. I'tuin : ;md rcfi-'isiiiU' lit-. iiii'l pel li m. ami i. ill. .1 r irni|'t | i kill '. I. Wen- .milled liv I) <tll tin- (Mil l:d:U. and ! '-'.en in lictnn lit. ami tin pirty that would I "-li'.'y i if NUll t i II Will !) w.i'i-hed w-.lh ill - [i nil. Hi', mi 1 i!il It pl-'iY. 1)1, .i, ' : ]..-: aiitii-ipi'- ' di-.tl of tin- nym N tin' IMS li ' n l.ivi<h'-i. on I'r. I . ri'l'.-ikin nvci llii' lull it stiiffiiio; will IM witli IIMW:I, and should it be proven tli.it IK- li i li ..... i f-uilly of corrupt pn BO rijjht- illinium- man will nay the Cumurva pai-ly ill 1 wroiiL,' in linn MM,' him to account. It i. ju- 1 . p.- m',.- tl at during tins m\ - une li^lit may be thrown n|n>n the h illut-UutT ing inr-iiii nt. At all events tin- (' 'ii ,i I ViltlNei Ot Soiltil (ill-V ill e UilMHilH tO llllVd the-.- lll.lllem (lifted allC* jn obe I to the bottom, anil if I IP y ai IOIISCIOIIK tbul all or any of tin- above offences have been e.iimmtted tin-y- arn perfectly justified in prol. '.In- r!i r( inn. Let tiie war ci)Nsi:i:\. \TIVK J'.MT.KS AND PATBONAG1 \V( have n i-i i\.-il the initial mini IDT nf "Tin- Wiarton News uml Nurll' <',ins( rvaiive Advocate," a title wli.i-h i \plaius iNt-lf. Til.- .'> WM i i a column, ^ \> i pqu i which bids f.iir to nr.ilic things bum in tin peninsular town \Viartoii is n iw 1)1. -si .1 with tin. - . tpers and liny liiiyii a MI u.' .;',. ,ili..;id. It will liuvi! to be in of a sur- ll of the lilt. St. ()Vell S:lllll(l '.b nielli it was beiiiij oyerbnnlem il witli nnwi* wi. i Liiii; niti-bcil bis tent th.'iv, but t!i:it i I- i i* wear 111,'nir. The Sun i- w.iinun^ tli( i'rn|il,' up i i a in n , ngorooi '-jriiu th :l hmalvi icii.'Wiil v. u'etati >n in the two old O6 wipaptr offioai \Vo i|u.)t. b -low 1'ioin the Sun oil "[latrn xvlilffll HeellH p.'Cillittrly ii|i|i|icahle to i Inn riding. Tin ('.in.-.. -i \ative pii nV( r iMilniin \\;iy in tin 1 lal DdlllilliiiTl i lllll i'il! plrtVed l.l. -i/l : i : i Venilllellt a! ) riiitin^ and p-.r jn, sit. s. Tin I' .'i.l ii /t n 'i t .n. i . ni -- worth o the | i luting and advertising the fund lur lht pnr|. II silent u li'iiiiu and |>riidiiu((l nothing. Th Ail\ n N d in not promulgate its IHIII. ipli s f.ir nay, but when there w iik to bo done ami piynient made , tbi ii fii it should nit all \>,t buiicbei into one oll'ui -, it sh.mld bn qtulilW ao that all should be treated alike 'he above are our sentiments. Fol- i\viiii; are the Sun's : "There are already fifteen printing i the couuty of Bruce, tint we wot of. Mr. I'.utliT is now launcli- unotliir and a third paper in Viurt.in. Of the fifteen establi.sh- lents in the county already, only wo in wspapcrs are Conservative in olitics the Walkerton Herald and inline l.eview. The rest are, vith scarcely one or two exceptions, ractically in the interest of the so- ailed "reform' party. The eonscr- ati\i - of Uri.co oouniy, so far as we now, arc grand men and all ri:, r ht as whole, of course, but the Dominion ovi -rnnu'iit, considering its treatment d' the only two papers it has support- tig it in the county (whbii the op|>or- unity presented itselfi is unw >rthy of v. u the support of thoso two journ- als, and w. notice Sir John's candi have ''qilite KHilUWWlil)| tim r there. A irovernmeut disloyal its newspapers in the county can- to hold them Why hoiild it '.' 1'ulitical battles an n >: nigh 1 , in the cloud', as we have n- i in fire, and wo do not blame my of our country br-jthn u fir I"-! 11^' cold Mw.ti-d Sir John's u.hninis- ration. \Ve are not one whit stir ,lt of the Dominion ! en .us in Ontario. The wonder is hill the Old L i lor held his own so i. i. II r.v da)', i- r.iy M. . \I ... i' ii . .it the country \ sundry ii.-w-p.ijn is fir a Ivi-rtisin^' t- timber, $:!.'.! l' 41i" an 1 i. nil eUe, ;m ihr.in^li the Onturi'i public ac- ii. llkill ' '.' ' i ' l:. BOl ' \- II i tin nil. m what is tl< "pro- iiici.il pip." Mr. Mow.it with all his .mils, treats the country press far Sir John A.M icdon- ild, which accounts in K >m m.-ismv . m.iny sn e .tiled ivf.nin and "in lepi'iident" papers in the land.' The town (if Alliston was almost otally wi|K'd out by lire on r'riday ast. Four Mock.-,, containing most jf the business places, were U-velh 1 to the ground, and live bundled thousand dollars worth of property slioyed. In connection with this lire th.' (Hobo says : Messages of sympathy me coming into Alliston many places not only in Can.i da but in the 1'iiited States. Cer- tainly the people need all the sym- [lulhy and substantial aid they can f i At 1. ,1.1 IJi: .sioi-i s and .Iw. 11- niL,'s are destroyed and a losn of half n million dollars in little more than a third covered by fUU.UOO insurance. Hundreds of people aro homeless -a condition hard to be reali-i'd by those who are fortun tie 1 IIOIIL;|I tirver to have experienced it, and but for the prompt action ol the authorities there would have been -nil 'i in from lack of food. Tlir . 1 1 .IMII ei > vii.ii > To tl," A'l/if...- ../' Thf Adrauee. I M M; Snt, The T. has furnished his promised Htatement in tabular form, and if he can liu.l a modicum ol conifort from it it must spring from .-.i]"-i li'-iulily of conception. It is p. iii-iit from his table that the treasnr- . ' , >alii-ies are governed ly emergeu cii s p( ciiliar to t In- corporation whose M-iMint he limy be. For instance, Kuplirusia, (ilenelg, Keppel and Nor- lu.i .illy, the four highest, have tutcn- Ai'yi railroad debts, managed by tlieii iivu treasurers, and for which i. n -spousible, these responsi bihiies coiitinuiiig over a series o: vi.ns. Our H. 11. debt was managcc l.y tho county treasurer, it being the it oi a .- IIIM/.V bylaw, with whiel "in- treasurer had nothing to do, ex cepting to forward the cash tu him b; , .[.I. -v,, ai u cost of say $160 an niially. Si much for that part of it 1 In re is no comfort iii it for our T 1 notice, under the question "Are 'ex Iras' and 'postage' allowed ?" th answer opposite his own name in botl cases is "no." Will it be believei that two years ago he was [aid th sum of $15.1)0 including such expen dilutes! at which time, \iz. Dec.lHK!) was passed a motion (mentioned n my last i plainly slating that nil necet miry expenses wore to be paid, and h fact were paid a monlli ago all h dun mil. d. With this fact and th money iu his hand how could he Ha. no to lis own querieJ ? Why falgif ml print such misleading sUte- ni ntri ? No council ever refused and necetiury expenses! Is more required ? Must 1U.OO be paid for postage when" not ne fifth of it was expended ? u it vsired to have to pay for tnps to )weu Sound when economy should ictate a less expensive mode ? Vouldn't such a course be an impo- ition if not a fraud, and a fearful .isi-ount ou one's ability? Artemesia, I 'Hand, iiml Sullivan rank pretty venly tiimncially, and if facilities be onsidered, Artemesia is not behind n paying her treasurer fairly well for lis actual services His tabular tau -nii-iit makes a sorry exposure nt' 'iiyiiK nts on some points, which. 1 in sure, our council will avoid. l-iw. v.i necessary this controversy I ertamly am not the cause, it bcini; apparently laid upon and expected of lie by BO many of the ratepayers. I t>liull not shrink from duty, if need be, o expose slill further fact after fact. Vith anything else I have nothing to lo. Vinrit ririlni. W. S. (.'HRISTOE. For Over Fifty Vran Ira. Win?*low"i hootiun^ ^vinj. LAM IM-.-U used 17 mtllloni of mollun fo < ir. n whil .-i-lliitiK' If .li^tiirbiol at mulit aii'l IM u -uk rlill'l i-iitfrriii^- Kti.l living w:tll l-.il:i ..f r.Ulli ^ ti, til -.-ll'l Ht I-NI'.- nil I K'-t lH.tt! : Mi- WIT-|.I - - ..'itliiiiK >\rti|j" lor till lit 'i t< ' thlllk* It Wlllrt-ll.-v, th.- p.. .r tittle inifllHU-ly. DI'IUMI-I upi'il It. In itlu-rs " nii-tttko *l -cit it. It i. n.- 1'i.ir li'i-H. r-i:iilnt-M tll- "t<'lil*ch nil. 1 U'Wrli. cur-l V I.I I COllC, -..ftl-H-4 till < ' '.tlKtll natioD, and giv* ton* .vli.l v^t.-n:. Mi- \\'ni-*l >w -* >..thi!ii; ->iui. fur li i Mi I-M tc-.tlnntf IH |'lra>iltir ti> l)u- t.t-t.- 1111 I M ll.j |". r m.' of tint ..1'1,-st liil-l l'V-.t Cliinlr |iliv-.lriail atlll lllll -I-H it] tin- I'liltvl .-i-iiu a l..ntlu N..1-I l>y all throughout tht w -iM Ht* Hiiro atid kforUn w.. The It.ilntn consul at Now Orleans hat "en re.-.illetl. CONSUMPTION CUBED i ubjrtieiaa. tctirod from practice, liar- uti im'l i>i.i.v.l in HIM haii'N li\ itii liaitt In im .; -I"-IIM the formula of a Nimpl.' vro-t.iMi- for tb4)flp*Mdl KII.I I'ln unlit i-.'if nt .'imiuii|itii>n. Hri.iiul.iti. ( K'arrli. \-tliunt unit '.I lliri.itt mill Limn Atfri-ti"ii-, aU" a |"-it;v.- n.lra.lical i' irn f..i N.-i .... llfl.ilitv ami all ..is.. ii, ri>ni|ilainu. after liavmi: tt-itt-.l i:- i fill i- itativo I'tiw.-r* in t h- '.i-itii I- ..f M<, Im" ft-lt it hi ilnty tn innk.i it km.wn ta aufforing follows Ai-t'iwtt.l t.\ thm ni.f'iii- el a .l.-^ii < to rtOii'Tu liiiiiitin -'i!T..|iML- I will .i I fn-.. .'f .li.ii>.-.. in all wli'i ili-ir<' it. Uiit i (iii inau. r ruuch er ri:i^liHh. witli full i-.-.-f: .n- t .t |tr'|iaritiu atnl u-'i.!,' Sent t>v mill l.y a.|ilriiMini{ with Htaiup. aininc tl.tt ..|.. \\ .\ NOTU, HI Powers Block. Bob*)*v ' N > H \l An a.- -nil-lit happeiiud to > C'. I*. H. ram near Siult Ste. Mine oil Friday. icvcral pursotiH 1.1'ini; injured. .uiiiiieiit will relieve painful torture "f KheiniiHtisni in j-nntH ..r mti.iclcs. It le.iil.l be well ruMud in witli the hand, mid lie- p.irt eovuruti witli a lilt of tlaniu-l. p.iin will i-t'ntu with tin- lirt appli- iii-m .iud HI continued ui- will e't n.ii vet.. nit cure. This remedy in-. -.Is Inn H trial to ci'iivincu the in-'-.' -t!..-p' i il th it t is it Montli rt'ul pre|>ai\ili.i.i Sold liv lru^i,'it;priee fifty (H-nts. I'Urk I'lieinical ..'o., Toronto, New York. Andrew M (hure was senteneed to life niprHiiiiineiil at ('.ilnnir.; nil >.itniday r or atteiiipliie^ to miirdor it yi'tiir^ woiniin y sliovin.,' her in front of a train. . O! M , IMS1KI1 T LARDINE OIL Takes the lead for all machine purposes. Why use poor oil that will injure your machinery when you can ;et the Celebrated Lardine ? F K C I A L, T I K IS : Cylinder, Lardine, Eureka, Wool, Spindle, Bolt Cutting, Arctic, Solars, Harness Oils, &c. All oils guaranteed to suit or no sale. McCOLL BROS. & Co. - Toronto. FOH S.\LK BY F. G. KARSTEDT, Fleshsricn, Ml. Kurenta citizen*' band ban disband- 1. M.'ud nl *ill .Um. niti.it - on I', imn. u Day. Mr. W. II. Lee, of K^iuinont, liaa limt nix children by malignant di|.)itlien.i. A little uirl 7 yean nf u-e, living at Travoriitiiii.raught a trout which w eiglied l H-. M.-nford luechaoioii' li:titutr in in a flour- lit. inj; con. lilion. Th a library oontaiun over I". 1" l.i.ok-t. The n-ii'li ii.-t- ol I ico. Allen. '.Hli con.. St Vincent, w InirufHl clnvrn on i-'ri.liiy week. 1. .M nt-iirlv S'^iiiMi, insured for 1350. i >rain.'eville tire hall wa net Jon fire by aomo uiii.Te int. Thu tire did a large amount of damage Mt. Forest will have a band tourna- . nit, athletic games, lacroue, t ..'tli and baseball matchex, horse races, fire work*, a grand ooacert, ti^ht rope per formances, etc. ,Jotc. , etc., on July 1 anil 2, for which purpose $2000 have boen subscril>e<l. On Tuesday last Mr. Willmot. of the (loveriiiiient Kish Hntchuries at New castle, arrived in Shelb'irne with 50, (XK specklod trout fry for Brewster's Lake, "-I'M--, . 45.IHX) lor llornmu's Mills Lake and 15,0(10 for Mulmur Like Tlicsi were duly dtipo.iiteJ in the waluni alnive nmiiud the RHIIIU day. Mr. \Villinot alsi brought toOramtprille 50,000for Caledoi Lake. - [Slielburne Economist. NOTICE. \otii-.i i hnrcliv uivon that I will not be r- ^p..ii-il'l. f..f anv debts contracto*! by my wife on or after thin (Ute. ulio having Ixft uiy bed and board without just cauae. HKCTOK HOLTON Kleilu.rton, Mar 13, 1H01. NOTICE In herebi s'ven that a Court nf RovUion ot tbe AftHtftuunoiit of tho Towliip of Onpry fo tli* year 1H01 will h hnlil in tin' Oranun Hal Maxwell, on Monday* June lat next, al 10 o'olnc a. in. Partlin iitturnftu.l will govmn tliton.i.lve accordlnfly. THOHAR RCOTT. Clork K.'tjic Court Klcliityro. Ma 1Mb, 1901. Died. SMITH In FleMiert'.n. on Sun, lav. May to. uwtuu Siiiith. -.HI uf Mr. Uichar.l Siuttli, aKed I yuars. MELVIXB. In Artemesia. on Simula;-, Mav 1. AU-x. Mulvine. *mfl H7 ynais. lie !>.'/. II KOI.' , if the best knuwn Blood Remedy will ot work such <t chnngtt in a cue of fit rrli a one package of Clark's Catarrh 'tire. All tin* wis tulk .ilmnt Catarrh .elli_' rollllltlltli'UHl or I'll.". I illte.ise upends entirely ii".n wl..it the advi-r- iser has to sell. If you li:-.ie Ca.arrh n any form try Cl;irk' Catarrh Cure and mi need nut take a c.-irtl'.ad of it I" -fore ny Iwntit is derived. l)niij!;i(ts U-ep t and reeoiiniienil It. 1'nee .Vl cents. <ent t" any address by ClarL C'lienucaJ V, Toronto, New York. Arlifiria. tVrJili-rs. There seems to be a popular pre- ndice that at present prices the u.i_' of rtitioial fertilizers will not pay tin arincr. As tn win tlier they will or lot, most certainly depends tipou a iiuibi-i of conditions. If the land Iocs not require tliem, they certainly vill not pay. If a complete fertilizer applied when only a partial oue is vented, it will not pay. If they arc wrongly applied, so fur as adaptation o the crop is conci'mol, they will not LI y. The same result will follow if ipplied at th' wron^ time of the year, f applied in i xccssive i|iuintiiy und in in improper way, so far as the iiiiiile it' ;ipplu-.ktion is coucerueil. If OH the other hand, they are applied intelli- gently, thci-e can be but little doubt .hat ^ood result will be obtained. Tliut nitrogen is worth a certain snin per |iiiiul to soil needing it, and that phosphoric acid und potiish are also worth ajceruin piice, is equally true. It is no longer an experi- iiiont as to whether this will produce eeitain le-ults when they are needed, but it may require an experiment to ileU-rmine where they are needed. Tin y should not be condemned be- ?au:--e they tUil to produce certain re- sult from one application. Peculiur- itn s of weather may powerfully in- tllleiiee- the it-suit. If all the facts were known, it would turn out that in some seasons it does not pay to apply farm yard manure ; that in, if a proper price were put on the manure and the labor of applying it included, it would be found that the increase in the crop would not pay for the proportionof the outlay that should be charged against that year's crop. I'.ut because this happens sometimes, no one ets up the plea as valid, that man ure from the farm-yard will not pay to apply to the land. {From The Cnmidian Live Stock and Farm Journal for Mtiy. Maxwell. Frmn our o* Correpviultnt. Seeding is nearly over iu this vicinity, and en ice. the recent rain the crops und grass appear to bo growing nicely. Our hotel here is now managed by Mr. John liadill, and in some respects a i{iHid business is being done. The ques- tion is being asked, has John i;ot liceiisi* yet I but as we do not meddle in such matteru we cannot answer that. Mrs. Kev. tl. A. lirown has gone on an extended visit to friends and acquain- tances in Prince Edward Coutity. As that is her native county we hope and expect she will have a pleasant time. Mr. John K. iiutchintun, the popular representative of the Dominion Life As- surance Co. , was in town a few days Ust week. As this is, we believe, a prosper- ous company, and he limng an excelh nt worker, his success in it IB almost certain. Mr. U. K. I'rest.oii is slightly ill at present, but before I'"'W w e hope tu 1- -ar of his recovery.^ Mr. Heron is putting a fence nroiind the orchard and garden at the parsonage, which will add greatly to tho beauty of tho i;l Minn U. The Sabbath school in connection with the Presbyterian church here is now in a working and prosperous condition, and wt-i believe good work will he done. At the Methodist church on Wednes- day evening, after tho usual weekly prayer meeting wan hold, a meeting was called to elect teachers and officers fur the Sabbath sctn-e4 wurk. DR.WILLIAMS' \ HE VOT Pnr- !" - I.I..-CITI Iii ir.in-ii T..M. _ ITHI er. n us tli.-v |.ply i- . tliu si.b^uuicei* FOR 1 ALE EOPLE '.'. A t - from ..- mi. I 141711. r* L-f tlio I'.l.oul) an. I broken .i -e. .-o a . on ' VIGiiil 11 1 all > a. . Vbt 1 1 M EVERY MAN r ^ hts physical p. \vi-r- flati PILI.H. Tlif v will rt-storo bi.-> lubt uuc. ^ii,, botii I hysii'^l and litulltal. PIICDV uinMRU ^''.-i *-!< ciLni WOHi*fl prvsKionii null unpsgolariued, -v.- .. :i lusvitebly Vlltttll bl'' ' '^^ M ^ - H ^i . vnnyft Mcy '' ! .n-rtLr.. TUUnU IHIlll '' i .- fults uf yuutnf u. luJ bubiu, S.L.I ItnafttMB tli.i syiteui. vmiyp uunsflcu Yuunu WuflcN -' ' For nl.t In- nil tlniKglKt*. <T will b (out upon rccii't of price ^Mc. p.-r Lex;, 1, . -, Out Flesherton Livery Stables. D. CLIYTO*, VirMt t-lfti*^ horHpa an i-'i hirt* nt i.il.le ratt-s. Slul liaw'H hot. -I '.puclitl ^iti-uiion i itnl in <-oi(tiiii-rvla 1>U i- 11108ft. ,. 10 n,lll ...r.i..i - *m|.loviu. u..l which M0*>* tut 1K- T,1.4* <llt*CJ,rtil >* m*d. 1 4*tt l.iit on* *rwrk*r from ' Lr*.l) Ull( k.l.l MWVHlMl M . n..ku> ( .*.r Mi"W ' FKKK llvn.I will.UufMn.l-b IMI mtn. -li.l .MII>UI<'. . 1 ... > ((..,.. h .J.-IIKI .t . MI I -II.J.Il )Rt.l . . cu.lu. Mulu. Mrs. IMiilipps-OiM-Htsil.* " ih.. lii 4 >iur<-h. FU-sht'rton. l>roK anil mantle making in nil itt ln.n- HovHauil KirlH KiiitH iitt> :i . un.l HatisfaL-tjon pint) ni.'. . suits uiatlc- up in Mouil nt>le. wlit u cloth -> 1 realicut April 2 Jl R. J. Sproulc, POSTMAS'l'l-'.R, Kl. -Mn-rti.il, <'. i.-iti,ission- er in 11. R.. l.i. . : , >'<. veyancer, Apj-aiaer and \!"in-/ Lender. Ural K.slatu auilIiiHii: . l>eedn, Miirtk'i>t(f*, Leanes uiul WnU drawn up aiiJ Valuati.ms made on bhoi*st iiui>>'. AHC tion Salt-s attimlt-1 to n u -, i ,uv of tlie Count*-. Money to loan at lew interest. CollectlonH .itti.ui'il to ith |irom|itiifKn iiml ii>'-pat,-ii. Chartfi low. Agc-ntforthe IV'iuniion 3t*VB*blpCoBfM*. Cheap ticket* from KlcuLci ten to 1 :\ t -rpool, Okui{ow. Louden or nnv if Me- Uriti.-h ortB. Parties intend^./ to vi.-it Engbtod, Scotland or Ireland, will plcitxe :i-l, r:itrsbr- for purclitsing tluii ti'M t Wool ! Wool ! Wool ! Anv aiii.Hiiit of wool i -i tin mediately at th" t-MiKlu.rton Woollen V-.i" : v 1 ln-^ t.' inform tin. p |.|i.-llr I till- Kll.MlI'll'"! H , I ai.l |ircipari>it to nu-ct nil J KUp)>lllt.K VI" II Vtltll v.l! I i-i i| ti n. MaiinuN. uti-. !.".!. Miiiit. weaving ilinie lit must i IV' Cash itahl for all V\IM| !<- Uv-red Ht lli- mill illiin MH-IH-M liMlficrll la>> A. T ilKK.iv April *th. 1HOI. rton. Knnf lle> f,.rt.in.hTf ' - n m..l' l " . ' ' I. f ..l i .tli- j.MI. 00 ft I'M . '!>' ".A *"! I'** wn... I r- . . > .' i. ki* bf- nr,- [. ..'!, Mroin? from 9ft to !(*.!* VI *. W'tl' >v. .nufcoW n.1 .. . . ... . *n i*. rk xi -IIBT* llm* nr All 'Ii* HIM*. llt K nion'i r.>r'^ll- ... F.llnrf iinki,..>Mi .,n. n ik.rn. M--.W HI..I M..II. lrf.tl. 1'nfl- iilimft. II MullrUJk V*>.,UaOI'orlltt(i.l,1*<*'' .

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