Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 2 Apr 1891, p. 8

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE HEALTH FOR ALL HOLLO WAY 5 PILLS&OINTMENT Liver '111E i'lLLS - .Mortal) Uiaortlersof I v iln~.% -., ;i IK! nliv-t to liraltli Dt.lnlji tioni. ami are Inraluable in pl*i u tm net. inn tut to ri-malui nf all at I . i i... i,. i. ami thu ai;vd tlicjr axe Til I' (HKTMEMT 'an InfalliMi. I.MII.- u |,.r lu.l I..ri. hn<l r.r. (. o l I .' I'lr, n. in. I UhemiialiHin FKI ( u. -t ithiul It lufanionif -: TII 1:0.1 1. iu;<>.\ r///'/7 ( s', con; ii SCOLDS Clan.lulai .->..llini;,aii'I all ^ki t ti no rival; aud (or contracted and stiff i .!. liku a charm. alaniifacturod only at I'rofoiaor HUI.LOWAT'B Establishment, 7H, w o\ ioni si IT. -i < Inlr i:t::. Oxford sirrrt ). London, and are aold at U. IJ<1 ,^ 1M., < (VI . IN , <?M . MI. I :n . m-i H<.\ or Pot. and uiy b* bad of all U*d fiutr VvHilom tlirou^huut the Worl.l Furi-kiufri ihiml'l /..-.'. t< '/.< hiM im Ihr /'<.< ,unl \\nsti. Ij the addrtta it not n,i. .,-./ Mr.: i, /...,../,.. tl,fM an tpurtvtu. 1 O \ I I I \ U Itusisess I :;?: n Sniuttl. Ir Yor I K>IKK To (iKT A JiI'SINKKH ElM < AllON. Hun tr. in of young nu-n and w*nicn bave^ tfck. n a ix.HiurHM LOUFHI- iluritiM tin- i>*v*t t> i> *ar* wliumt now "Ufci-Hhful in IniMiifxH or till lug Iliriftt i . , >r ptmi v i 1< . fai tin- HioNl tlnti ini^'h auit rnni pli !. in t ifiu-i i 'I h< M- M BS much in tin* juni'H i. p n t ni ul ii - in tlic rnttrt- fiiurim of mam "f tin- -...ill.'l .MiiiifHH col li-^i-n. Thu xh'ii thnn.l i i tn i - f - i , t hoi.nij>li ami < <>ni|>l( t>< Hftt'l l"l n <')!'> i'f trif ,\ILH;ml Allll<MllH'(MII< lit rontainiiiK f ill i>iti< ulani. U i -i-ul fn-o i ail> twl.lr- - i . A. M.I.MINii, l'r-,,,,,,.,,1. FLESHERTON PLiMXft MILLS flavin '. tin- Kli-idi<-iloii I' ilili fr.in K. J. S|.iniili l'.-,|.. ln.,w tn inform thn PUBLIC tliat I am in a P..-.II..P to do ALL KINDS Goceral plaiiiug mill work, I IK I ;n, :xn)i;s. IKIOU ri;\- .:!,! Mill. ,, , . GENERAL D. McTavish, AM) BLACKSMITH, Strt'ct, FLKSIIF.RTON, - ONT. Maniifaoturiiiii of Wagnn*. lelghf, PmUjT.. P,-nin.-ints. otc Honenlio<<iui; j.iotii|itlv at , ..... ''! " SpiH-ial atifiitiuii Riveu to contract '.I ur Icn.ler feet niul I'low 1 hains siuiitl) on hand. , .m- Joseph Smith, ri.KSIIERTON, I'' l.iMiiima t.. In- iiiitnrrnm t ( - ii . . i Itl'.-ral |tinil- '!'"! I" l in tlif pit-' mi i' i l.<. I... I Dint lii' f K. '.> Ill) all t.rilnra Wltli |.r< in .. K in thi- iiiitranl mil.) m-t lit? ban w..n f ii Iff. lit*' Nt>Wt ttlllX It ' t l at J. Sftil'I'i ' licrton. V. j)rkui:iii^!ii;> <.nur..n! < ( <1. A !:: ipiondty of ^'IHK! ilrv pun : . I' "II li:tll 1. Tr. JF. TIIK ODELI* TYPE WRITER. $<to win i,.., iii, oiii.i.i, r\ n: u it i TKR- 1 " 1 ' 78 eharaowrs, and 115 foi to.- Siiiitlf rasr Oili-ll, K .u ,n'. l t. ,lo limn nn\ iii'ii-liiin- mnili'. , It I lliillPH IIIMI I U ill Wllll l.il.MIIHT, arc an, r. oi ,>i .. n 1 1 I..N, . HIK loiu-i r itli out i nt ! i. c IIM tlmn HIIV iitln-r in. i, Into- Hat ii" ink ril.ln.ii to Imilirr U | . 111. > Ml., mi klr I'liltr.l, (ii.rfm t ami ,ol .|.i. .1 tu ml kin. IK of tt]m wining. Llkn a printing |'i. -i. it |ir...ln.n Hliurp, lean, Ircil.K' nmnn>ir(i|it Twn or tin P.,|III-H run li uiKil.i nt on,- writiii''. Any lnl^llii;''iil |>i'roii PHII L. .'"in.' an .. p. rut"i in too .!.- \\i-oil. i l.<MN)lo niiv o|,t>nt t.ir tin) ran eqnal tin- work of i l - 0,1,11 i.,:,iili'ii A^i'nU am) Halonraon Speoisl Ui.llKi.'ln. nl to I'raliTM. I ..r l'lisdi|ilil<il ,'nin,' lu.lori'ini>nts, Ac. < Ci. l i M i U RI TDK 10.. 86 ami N7 Mil Are 4 1114 \(.O II. I.. TO THE PEOPLE: iiiv IVrxin Hanlinu \o I Flour will do writ to tall on 1C rrlliif. lit- \l;n-. h.i- 11 4iOOl Mock on hand, alxu a l.inr l .I-KITI i, -.. l.-inon-. Or;uio- anil fonfrrllaMerv All kinds <>i ('anneJ ..<.!. rrn Mt-al, Oat >lral. Itollcil W hfiil. 4.r.iliaui I'lour Ilisriuis ami M. Shop uoxt door to Richanlson & Co. RICHARD PEDLAR. Our < oiint> Town the Information Extracted from Owen Sound San. Tho Cambria will nut sail from thii port the com in,' KO.VI.III. It ii reported tlif i';irm,,na will run on Lake Ontario. The magnificent steamship f the C. P. It. line, which were built at tin,- Poison*' shipyard here, UwGsMgOWel Canada, will all ho ready for thu ojH-nii.',- of navigation. Tho Manitoba will make her lir^t trip over the lakes on the open- ing of the Boo canal. She is the lim-st tee I steamihip on fresh water, nd he will be gladly welcomed oloug the r.ute to Port Arthur. Georgian Bay is clear of ice and an early opening of navigation isanticij atr.l The Sun says it knows spring is at hand, because "poetry peculiar to the icasou is daily arriving at that office." The neit meeting of the Provincial Orange (ir&nd L>dgo will be held in Owen sound. Till ASMZKS. The au4zs open '1 here Monday After- noon, Justice MacMahon proni<hn^ There wre no criminal cases, and only 11 "ii the civil dtx'ket aevun jury and four lion-jury. Horning vs. Brioker Defendant lives In I'oit Kljjin ; [.'iintiffiii town. Action to rrcoviT prico of a j.uuo S22.V Judg- ment entered f.T plaintiff with costs. Frost & M, Ka\ ,md J. W. Fnt for >!tf. ; \V. liurgeu of Port Elgin fur de- fendant. Harilie vs. Hardi - The parties belong to Arternesia. I>i i,-n m.-nt ln'twoon fa tlicr anil <>M us to an .igreement. Set'K-.l nut of court. II. ( Tucker for plaintitr . Frost A McKay f. * defendant. Ciniild vs. Erskine Parties live in Eu- phrasia. Seduction. Verdict for plain- tiff, 25. P. McCtillough foi plaintiff ; Mr. Myers for defer 1 u.t \V. Kidman vs. Hunt Action to enforce pcrforimu . s>-ttli-.l between parties after argument. '/. \ Lak,Q.C., and T. II Kyr.i lor pllf ; Austin Fletc- her and \V. A. lliali >p for deft. Wastou vs. Mur i A Middlr-ev ( tion on insurant |>Iii:y Settled l>o twoon parties. John C'reaaor for pltf. ; \V \V Fit/rr;.ld fordi-ft. Kiyd v. Join-* \ ti'.n of rjo. tm -ut. Adjourned. John ('roaaxT for pltf ' M. KiU. urn for il.-ft. Chapman vs. Dunn An action arising out nf thu collision )>i-(wi.i'ii tin 1 tu.: AM. if \Viitt an.1 t!ie iteai.itT AUlersnD .it y ir, in which the fonii J Vessel was niitik. Thu case oiviipied tli- a'toiition ot the rourt Tuesday Slid \\ . iv. Judgment reserved. .' hu Itirnie, jr., for pltf. : .lohu Creator for Ml Thursday forenoon IV mu- \ North- !-!i..io Navigation t' ( .., I'Uy f Midland riimiitii' down a Killing boat, WRJ> on- John Ms, liirniv for pltf. ; 11. I'opler for I 01 MY IMIIMMKH I uf a SAY! Farmers ! Business Menl Everybody ! for Infants and Children. ieo wellartr>tllorhJUnri'hat I CswtorU rarv r o li<-. Coosiipatl-m. [rccoQMneiuliiascopenortoaarpnacnpUun I 8o '' Syn^h, Ina toow .- ILi. Ao>. MD.. I ^^^^ " 111 80. Oxford B..l<alrB,K.T. | Wltbuut injunou* moUcatioo. TBB CsvTAcm Courun. ~ Murray gusst, N. T. Suit You Til I ^.Uwitlaflll Many have tried me and 111 i tl^IllllII answer in the affirmative. Then.il others aie well suited FOK why not come to me and get I'll 01 (Hi 111 I' HIM Your Pants your coats and vests made in the best of style, the quickest Position is Everything. V with Is fully equipped with re- quisites for tunii'.v. out y per- i.-ct class of work. All kinds o! pictures taken and finished in ,i style equal to any city \snik, while lower. the prces a;e rii IIHT Fronting done iii all its branches. ih'iiinltiaii lred a nrw carriaifu in* n u i n.' i MM tori, repairing shop In I i..i.t -noii, . llolll' I'll hit l. , AB.I ..11 I .'It .'IIHl'lt- t 4'nrrlnii* 'I'riiuiiiiniii K-|airinu. and everything In il,<> rarriimn muklnu line (lle DM a tall. Hatlifaotion sjiaMUatMl Shop over MoTuviah'a Shop. Black- E. T. Hamilton. F leatierlon , Jan , Mr. Win. Mi Vlintook is tin- oi> nor t.\. u "lil 1 1.1 for that nave l.irtli twin lioilor calrea last woi-k. All wi'll. [I'hiitnn.iftn Xi'wa. In Mfnfonl tlio IH.UCO havo an ofTectual w r, of tn^litt nini; jtivi-tiilo disturifrs of tlif |.,ii-i'.l.ii( a way not likvly to com- inand i. --i.fi I I v -.eU'r U\v and juitiiv It ap|>oars lint I!OT. l>r. Sionoit liil.lc class drove out t' i a church t. in St. \in.viii. t.iltiin; .- niiuilior of tin horns with them. Thry dnl consideraUe hl.iwinu which i* .1 ch u L, ton.tli.- . t Meafortl |it>i>|ilf. The no\t t! iy each 01 e of tho class was served with a summons to a|.|>onr buforu a magistrate. They were rt'iinidoritlily frigkttmexl, till ..nio oae discovered that the i.i.i...>u.iti' in qtsWMosl kid fot^BtUB to dot down his .intoi:ra|ih on thu suminonsoa. --[Thiirn- l.uiv Si:in.l,ir i. Tho only criminal caao at the Uuel|>h ai/.es wa tried last Thursday. William <'>uttii, of Mount Korest, |>loed in the tlock chared with the serious cnnie ot inuriK-rini; his littlo tlniiuhter. It will l.|. ifiiieiiil'oieil that last fall a child was found dmwniid in a ciatern in Mount On in\t -tui'i -n it turned out ili.tt the eliiltl l.el'.n-oil to I'outts, and thu oiienniHtan^os of the child's death at mi, -. in. iii-.il! -ii-<j.it'ii>ii that it was a case of foul |iln\. t'lititts was arrested, with tin' mine, and .i-> committed t. r trml by the coroner's iury. Tho tri.il re suited in the |> i iMinrr'a acquittal on the L'oiiml tif insanity. Neither the prisoner n, .r his friends secured the services of a law<-r to .It ion. I him. and no effort had been nniile to work up a defence. The judge chanted atrongly against the prison- er but the iury brought in a verdict of aoquitul after one hoar's deliberation. [Orangevill* Advertiser ll you have shopping to do and pictures to get taken on the s.iKae day please attend to the hitter first. Careful at- tention will be given to copy- ing other pictuv Mrs. Buhner. tune and tor the least money. I will never wear cut the patience of mv customers by talse promises. Bring on tlu; cloth for Your Coats and have it cut while you wait. Suits which I make up and recommend may not be strong as cast iron, but they give satisfaction v time. Call on the un- dersigned and test these statements. F. A. BAKER, AU\i S lU.Ot .Ttott TJtis is the n-ay with the B. C. corset: if you want case and shapeliness, you buy it but you don't keep it unless you like it. After two or three weeks' wear, you can return it and have your money. I o rMailob) M. Hi. li;mU,.n & f PRO BONO KJBLICO. TBAT wwov u . want a good. er woikicg, durable ubstantlal. ornauirntal. veil |iut>M] pump >! that will not be . ourc of auno>aucr. fxpeute and Tvuti t. fe niic of Artloj's noted pu u will bo hai'py aa far aa the putup ia rwpontibl*. I a(i-.factiou in eTvi., luatanc* ai furfoit tin- |u u-- f tlio pnuip 1 nubinit for reference Ut names of some 1'aitire who are ling i In Maik.lal.-J \'- "> Hktt. 75 ft. di . i x\ i. . bool \\M\ xv i- XXrifht Jarria llenrv . J.'haOn* C- '- - Jnupa Johneton . M Mri Mauil.,.r.ki*. 4^ ft . .K.I 11 IVu.. u- (.. I.UUIPK tV. and <( ft. . Thoe. LeTer ; Mr W hitB ; Sobl. In Ituphraaia. J. Ov.Tlan.1 t:..).t linnlop J Hlu an . Mr. VliNa41> . San tUnii . J. J < XU-ArUmr . J>..1 i I'ukfrmg. M ft. S * K':L:'II I0ll00l. Iii tilvul|. Haiu. Ha*ti . K Notris ; Mr. Piirneauv In Holland. -Win. Norton; .1 Hlunejr ; J. Montaoiuer? : Mr i Moore. 8S ft AtBuaenia I.. J W illlanm-i. " ft Joaiah M ft . Ja, ar...n .1 XX Henaoi. iMMaatoO**; Ueo.Meldruiu l>an. MoUallm Iti iprey.JaJues Madden : Kohl Colquett. \t liik!v MiU-ticl! ".i " \Vm lx>e; K. WaUe . J.0ra JBFFKKY ART1.KT, Mfgr , Pviko Abbey. 3 rar .!..,' , ...i .i a<it- t . *ij <M.

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