Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 2 Apr 1891, p. 6

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THE PRIMA DONNA. i II \ITKIC \\ Thus 1 lutnc.1 lo n.y I. ...1.. .. Mam, m axpnit nf ,1 ../. .1 end : lilmdlv di v. i.i - m, ill-. > ever ; for " What it man that thoii .11 Illimlfil'i n' hi, i, >!,.- . |..|i-ii ,|lie. lion, witb llMl '.itncj ; only an OIIII.IH-I - ' M. l.n-w .lev. .(ion . a poeli. bet-use in exalted hum-lny "I an. icnt i ....II-. i. I should as (Ulckly have asked \\ ,al is Mma that 1 should Ix- n. n, .liul ..I her ?" And vi-nlv I think that 1 In ui'i bave seen n (.--. I.!.- dill, n-me betwixt IK twain. Il very easy, now. to see how egoii.n rally I overvalued myself and how 1 1 nel- ly and bliinlU I uniie.i valued .Mma; Iml 1 loird I,, i --ill. Hid though 1 would not go again to the .-|x-ia IT tin- hold, u h>-n the had appealed to m\ ),. n< and m,.iiliiu t. to leave b. i, I did, nighl after night, walk down tin- Aim, and lean ii|xi i lln eiiib ink men I wall, i,j.|H.ite the hotel, afti-i th.-up.-ra had ,]<* el, and l.ok up at the great window.-, which 1 easily discovered ""x.-ncil . |xm Mm*'. K|i.iilmentt, and a cm lout -..n--.il loll of mills f .1. lion crept over me, bringing hap. with the thought that I might thus, theore- ti -ally cvi-ii. toiich but Hie I,, -in of In r t -i nn ul. and as the remaining nights .MM fewei I nali/e I painfully bow inn, b I should mi., her when -he wan gone I even thought at times of following her, to hvc ut least in the aluioxphrre which she wu breathing I might luxe .loin- so, possibly : I cannot t.-ll ; but one night ."lie came to the window. In the .,ift light hilling ln.m within I lould distinctly .- her ami, i.-.uunii e,l by the fa, i that in lhe darkness In-low I wax iniKible. I looked iij, Ix.l.lly and nagerly. She pudn-.i n|.. i. ll,. -winging sash and, leaniug U|HUI tin- . -M. h.-!l .bed casement, turned alillls Ini hri eve- w.inden.l down tin; tihery Ai no. I could not I'xik into them but I could seethe fm.-i- M" di.-iinctly in the light, which HI-, in,, I aim, ..t in einaii, it..- from the masses of loo-ei. e. I li nr that fell like gulden sunshine her face. [ stood there, doubting if I were waking, fearing led I might still Ix- sleeping; deeping in l he hit 1. attic chamber on the lUinn* : for there (|H>M. me, |,,,,kiii.: down nit" lhe clear, blue wter I saw m.i the f . i Mm.i as I had knov. n it in Hop- pard and yet precisely the face of Mma thai had followed me through all these -the lovely faco of th. vi.iou that , i. i , u . )n!. I !u- .inn'ii'l of I 1 .!- |.K-k ajip- - >' I' of '! 'hoi:/, MI lh. di-t.'i. nhlle iWHte.l 1 1 Kill thu t/io.v ot lhe clitl wii. lUi- iif-d/i* ilgure, :iot n .pp d m 1 .1 . - an I had vagin Iy n 1 . 1111, ed for tin- ".>, mi i.e. I'll enveloped .n : billow "I ll. llcrciil ligh' il .liollld be, II .lli ll" . ' f.ltlou ould ' ' I h* I hail i.-. :n lhe window While I , mpb le m i ..ied h.v .-rayon null le-l In- Oil . : o !.... I i,.... linlxhcd u, MV nun i. my hand had ul ready linitbed tl,,-m upon tl , anvas i ..II it iii>.iinatn,ii (ill H what you will, I am ur of one thing that it was not I : for with, mi nn erasure or a single uppi.- ,-nible endeavor o iiecomj.lith tniething which did m.i i. -nit or pi.nlucea thougiit which would persistently ijipour imperfect, iln- vtnik ... M- on As il I xtiKxl as 1 hail 10 olten, U-hind mx father n chair, watching him work, .lining my tint lessons, I stood then before that can van, equally conscious that I w.i* not doing the work myself. As the first warm light of morning dead- ened the yellow of the lamp light I knew that lhe drawing wax linidiaa : not because I ->< mined it a( usual with critical study, adding a suggestion here ami changing there a line a hair breadth, in the I,, .pi- of im- proving it, wondering if tint might not Ix- I*ett*r so, or that SOUL- other way, but sim- ;dv Ix-caiisi-mv h nut iiii.iitcin(ly Uid down .\,,i>. I knewth.it it waa tini.hed;! knexi that u wax I'u.hing back my "tool 1 atood at a di(- lance, ami urn vexed I he work with a ligh of , ompleto aatisfa, Hoi', lima ever an artist lived who i-onld boast of such m sentiment for a drawing w bn-b was hi* own? To me tin- n 'ilts ,>f tin h investigation' had always been disgimt, ..ml terminated in an angry i \-l.imalioii . " I must changi* this, j mud wipe out that. Ivah ! It K all horrible. Why .-an 1 never do what I think I am do ing {" II \ITI-.K VOT ' \NM.T li XVI. HKTTCK. yearn call"- lo in.- m mv dream : the beautiful aiii;, 1 . ili.>t I- \',ndtn phantom was U-. k.m in. m,- on to the lx>rrlei. Tin b i I piomiti-.l me a life mil of vi ;.'., ., il ,.l defeat, a liuimph xoiu.- .1 . I nlnpl M|H,n the .In in for an hour, then took my iialetie and brmihrs and Ix-gan to paint. The early morning light tlixxled my atudio from the southeast, tin n n . -.une from the smith, then lingering over the western hilU, and darkness drove me from the easel, (till mil on., ion* of fatigue or hunger. I pon ri-ai-hing my home I found a n-.u- I mm my worthy instructor, good old I'rof. face that I -^'arlatu, courleoimly asking me when he leath the I wtul '" * e< * ""' g'i'- Involuntarily I wrote beneath hu mgnalure one word : '-?'..-\ei. Oo'ihttras the applicatinn of n hub- practical philosophy might, >-\, i. .|,. n, I,,,.. . Vab; il.le lex.on tome III lhe fa t ' full I-H'-I . idlOII "I II ni) ho|,e, th, I 1 ' '- , .g.ition o: nix verb lii tx-, lhe a. male .:,liilnm of i,,\ life's 01, in 1111, ii, ..II .em, ii. i ii, il,. iui 1011 lo paint a peifi-.t pict.iie, .n.l l- I had no utterly failed l,, pi.,.i.o 'th aUiiit me. lhal wln-n u -i.. ' xkelelon v . I Ih.l' p l i. -I. : :, wh' :, philosophy .mgl.t at I.- n: - me , i w . i reach of it. AM'..' U-i i' --m. i.' ' i;eil lew for :ln .!.' > . , i ,..- Ii* li-i.ed, than ever before in a.v iile I mitti'i.i ol I lie pinpiiet, whai Id,' fo i,,. It wan the (x.wer and not the principle to win. h 1 turned for help ; the inling [--.--I..M gi-.w ,n_' .tloi.g i'i death. I taw all mot. v iv idly than 1 I. an- been able ' ., express it, xi I IIM detiam "Do with in* whut you will, only lei mx 'Moiiuiig' he per- fect. " The day wore awav- and tin- night wma upon me : bul I dare mil to lay my pal. II. and brushes for in. taut, le.tl I'i .1 power should slip from m. Thus, holding them in one hand, with lie oilier I III all the lamp- in tli,- -tmlio .ml u ringed them be- hind me .i,id ju.l al*. .e my I, -a, 1 , aud, tjinv- iii e..-ry nerve rrom t : ,, , .-, u..- .-, n. nn*nt ! pi -i. l- i -MI, .id tin .ugh that night I was not on, e perpltxe.l an ,nt the reimlt of any combination, t he tint rei|im.-d were the palest orange or the inoet deli .-.- VI. del The :>-ult o I he lamplight u|x>ll II y palette did not seem lilTen-ul from what it might hav. INCH at ; iy In:'.-, and I am nut sure that I really n- .gni/r.l the appropriate tints in combining ; 1 ut I reined to see the exact effect of each dending, and I have often been less poult ve and in the end leas accurate in the daylight than I was that night lev perspiration -.ood upon my fore- head as I hem over my idol ing at hint upon 'he face. Tin and flashed 'lr I' inker, lh.it we have not ceased search- you -in e we received lhe m-w- n, w ' Wh.it news'" I shrieksd. . ..Iher and sb>>k ti n ' .' ger said : I , tumlay mf.rnni,.', |ntsf'M inl.li,. ;lil. your fathrr : t'l .. Sly lal'ier dn-d '" I ,-ried i in. Yi." : ' II'- was n lli i talked with me nt HULIIM- 'hi morii'i--.' ' i l'r- ttrai'^er by the. tin.*'., lull .in I in . i .-.I'. | llrlinii . ,, -in 1,1-1 : , .'. till tlie in-. in- nu ...id ag.ln ul . nl I ii. n I wok-- weak but I . I III t|ilte o'everv |. ' u-iUtlnn I i i i .in. I w, nl iK-tm << y 4in.no. I wat 10, m. :itcd withadiapi . .1. that wbal I le ,11-1. MX -red was all a di ami I wax w.i, tiiittic I to din. ,ver that thu Mm inn.: I ility. Tin- |iatt.,,u ,.i.. 1 1 ad come upon me so l i.-nly . )H(I itflor nndinghl on Sunday morning, wan nu enp'ained. I undersfxjd my uinic'-oiiiilai.l i.-p'y lo I'rof. Scarletu VENGEANCE OVERTAKES HIM. A T/rant Kille! 01 the ?pot Whs:e Ht l Huadredi. I .aw why I .I..-..I.-.1 iJavmg the easel and , I""' fr '"" ll11 I ritn. . .1 l.....ro I ll >l Urn, W men. .i4 Ihlli.'rrii 'Ifrltna Ike tllr H ! rrtrd. I'M, MI ial'en Jpxn ' jjmli-j i . .! li.-UiMiii. ... .. i '.iT* perilous, in- eluding ni> I,, w ., i. ..i'i > hildren, Ix-long n,./ to the I , Deipalclw- - ay tht rUnn isatra, tog.-tln-r with bin brother, who i supposed to have initi- z .it I in massacre, lun been executed on ilie p,,t * ,: e killing look place iind.T t:.i ' i Minor's dircclioin The c.iua: uf It i:n. i*V.ra's 1 ing-unary eoiu Juct LI tin i'a t tint In- fiercely resented apclit:oii from the populace ad- <li cue- 1 to tin- (iiiVLTi.meiit a-tkm.! I' -1 act* ot cruelly i'rus was in such ile.noniac haste t'. limsh lhe I - enraged him thai h- ed to w,.ik ; for mil 1 I n id .11 |iu.-re,l ilie caplive 'laughter men. .ion, nldren, iiid could uol g.,. His pledge haU Ix.und him to Ooaflauml mo dpil .'.. Innuny cases the ag mie ot lhe vi -linn were ;>r.>- me till he had given me the reward labor. my Die reward of my labor ! " You -annul do belter. " Thai was what I had sought for. 1 1 was thu ultra hope ol my empty dream, >n I -uddenly it appeared to ine that, instead tiai-ledbyt . s ciming '.heir litiib* lo be gradually diiin inhered, their he tdi to be duvly sawed oft, uid l>y subject ing them to otner acts of torture. During the course ^ of the m*a:re minyof the nc i who of i triumphant "limit, il lol.l rn'mJuriifuT were P ut lo ' Je * Ul cre nr t ''; l i - In nmnb<rt tin- di-tiM-rat- ca'aslrophe which , tlle c ~ ol " " lile vu-li-ut their had ov-rtaken me that I co.ild not do l>elUjr. i th>n J <-h <lg Family I began to comprehend that, after ! lu * : > theie atr . tiimtr. all, ll was more a verdict then a commenda \ on were compelled to erect a trophy compo*- tion ; an adverse verdict ; a cry of derision t * tur **< >" ''".irdere 1 people upon "You cannot do beller." | a spot near the scene of the butchery , With all the resources afforded me I did t I"" fury of th popoU -e w.is aroused to thalalone which ha.1 facditaled my appr.-ach "ch an ejlent ij !'. imiasatra s luhi lot).* end which 1 had at last atlained. I du-t that the I .overnineut ' NI wurk - ha I iitili/ed all my powers lo that achieve- * ^mpi-lied to t ike nolle.-- "t lhe (.over- y" ! | nient, and laughing at my utter destruction " or ' >"" thirsttne** mad promise.1 tu. i,,. king echo seet t repeating : "You estigaU thu wnole affair and to punish i I. offenders if they were found to be guilty. This, lhaiiki lo lhe moral pressure brought Ah, how they (hone and flashed for me Like the clear, livinv blue ..i heaven they [ c.K-.iit ,r. U-itu You are utterly "incapable glowed among the <l, ..lows of the wayward oin. inv --"cr. You have blownabeauti- , tresses of golden liair. The parted halt- | f u | | iu |,ul e : . it burst : You have received to lie r on lhe <overnment by the snnliug lips x-euieil ever and again lo niove | wnal you tt ,^ e a O f your fmt^er. You hax-t ri . -idn. h aiiually been d. u n.l win,,..-, , " \ i, l. , y ! \ ictory !" Nature done all that you aft-inple.l for Mma. You was not natural u.r life more lifelike. I navc thrownyoiir opp .1 -.11,111., to ihe wind. The light was the very HUlishine, not N ,, ,.,, ,,, |,,, Hl |, 11K . tl ,|,blr. pill,. wed gathering over a diMaiit hill but radialmg j \, y , he p l e)liam memory t hat you have won. from the face, glown < through the golden v/ ou .. Moomplishe,! all tluit you have at- hair of the godd.w- of the morning. A I leill p t l. , n d you cannot do better." harp restetl u|ion tli. oval of the knee, and omewhere, tor Minaand for "me. hidden ' '"' "i . d il to him as my renly. 1 fully d.'-p m tin- heait of the Lorelei. mi.u.ied going a ;ain to my midnight watch I shuddering before tl,.. up.iiAn,,,. for Mm* was to Ix- in I . I, whose hand had painted fo, me i, l "' t ll '"" "^ h ^ '<"'"' '"" '" "'J "'' my .bean, the Ix-autiful face of Mm. a. I' "" ''"- ""'" ''' "'I'M'-' *" ' llel ' 1> - kbould IM-I- it twelve lung years att.-iwai ' 'i'U w.-n iy bedroom .nd undressed. with eve., but unit.', read the T nidi-. Uimopvering thml I wm* retiring at .uch an wnh . ir. bin not t.. bear Ihe voice, w itti a '''"''-'"ing boui . a M-rvmnt aimo.ndy mi ( uir- I,. .,. im-.i|iabl.- ,.| ,..,,,pr.-l,.-nding, I ank< d " tl '' ' w " l!l "1 ""'> ' ' T''> wma mn What i. lhe nie.tage? \\hain "rdei loi l.,ekl...l a half bom It lore (tin- rise in lhe in.irning. and he let! me visibly , oiivin I that I had gone mad. It se.-i,.- pi-uliai I., me, at | think over it I ii it no line tine.- -i n. , . onsnesi. pontmd in.- that nigh' as I laid my he id upon the pillow. 1 had Itftcnine so accustomeil (,, ,m the (e.-ri t that n li..nl.l nupiii '" While I was wondering, and the gni. tone wall, of th. li.<- . 1 seeming in thu dark- liims to U- the l.-.ig. ..f rock and the Am . the liluo water of tin- Rhine, then- .lol- from the win h.w one toft note and than all the delicate fingers l< n-lied the strings. I even thought that I . >uld hear them- '.!> an they sent the -: .in. ,,t dawn stealing | into thu .ilent air ol In- dying night below. I'nl a master ever tee such attributes in a creation of his own - Yet I knew that they wi -I.- tlni.- at well .- I knew tli.it from Un- bare canvas not a - n. ton h was mine. Three weeks and , day I had woikul ,1 thought it a marvel in, I . nuht I punted Illpti-d. Alas! . Night, I ivi ' ,l..y . upon the >|, . . | upon the " Morning Was that mv w.uk ' Till- .1 IV davn Mid it fin l. tied, and the uth'i I l'i it.lly ln-ar tin-in, nen Hi the ntitlv ' more dutinctlt tin- ' In'.' i'i( "t .in or- lii-ii ei.-h >o nnd re- vi-il- ' in.-. Il wan M. M .in.l lo, an. I ) , r .-M-I :\ v.. i. .- ' . .' , if I-MT * _-l.iilil. i tlie In u' "t man. it muni li.m- rnmiiiiU-d from 1 i b( i -...I - .I tin ..ild and have ! iiv.m: l.> .in^.-l-. Tl.i- it wan to in.- tli'.u^-li H w.i, the I.OIIK iliui for twelM lli nl Ii I i ..... inuld only hatv u ral nm-ii in -..r (lilting from the bint aliove In- -I- |.-li r - ni. hi. wu- -.'I! . - b. .I. tin-n. I i.i- trli MI tranriiiK i. n I Intent-. I 1. 1 I Ii. \.iv .ml. ui.l ..- . nd Wai the aame little trill, an tlionxli ' were wayn;<.n tin- InlU.it ll..|.|.u .:. .in. I th,- who nang it wu juat my liitli- MM. old I am -.nir that 1 nliould havi- i|i|.l .'. I my eaihe.t re, olle, tmn, I.. ferluiK llial I u helplet- al..in, u holly in lh. eonlroll.ng .,f some guiding hand, lhal to have the , IH-I leiice. ax 1 had just jiaisei 1 1 1 . i . , .-I,, i at her li M l, nd to u,, .)., in,- ica. :n. I, pen, b nt and lets iiiin.lllil ,,l t,, in. u low till lhe morrow . .... A. I i -iii-ied the studio the next n-, lining, I, uvie. i r, I wa. conscioiKofuitrmnge and iiimat in ,.l limi.lily. I feeiiied alone aud at ihongh I -Iy 1.,, king -.inethillg winch I Ii id p,i.-e..i il I , ..iil.l nil tell what it w.tt, bul I sal tin an hoi.i bet. ,ii* lh. can vas, helplet. Ix holding a Inii-h m my b md, w nil, Mil... iiiii. h as touching ll I., lii. palette. Was the IHIW'I r nil gone trom me' I began lo ll. mble and l.lltillv legli! that I had lelt the (tiidni the night Ix-fnr. Tlmt Ix-ninaii- u. . mx uiti-i powerleasnesa when lefi t.. i \ own i. -sources, my thou.'hi- i m l.i.k and IHH k, reliHcnig lhe step, w In. h I n id :..k. n I I," le .gllle beat of the morning I ^ht riixxlod mx My hands fell, pow. M**, upon my knee*, Illl.thle li'llgel to hold. -Ill, el I .'!-. and hy lleit I km-w 'iat ihe w,,ik M > ,,,m nlete.i. Trembling I extingui.he.l i he use- less light, and rai.n g lhe .in tains, walked to the oppi .titi- md n? I he studio and turned to examine the res dt- Breaihlewly I st,nl there, in inn, h th -an i I. only vastly int. ii-ilied, as I ha.1 (tood in my father'. Alas ! As ever, when I had conquered and let the captive go I liegan to comprehend the meastge. I aaw how weak had been the premises of my syllogytm. how poor had Ix-eii my argumeiiv. how fallacious my philo- sophy, how great my misapprehension, how miserable my theories of the oranific spon- l in. .ix of l..x .-. how ,-ompli lely my life was a failure. I'lnit again, it was all fur the past ; .til without a word I .r the future. I wa s.. I, iisx !,x, king )>,. kw aid that I never once thought >.l '.-. ,!., |..i ward. Kx. . pi in .>,, ip>. -in.. n I could see no po* sible dilf.-rii, , th>- Iw,, In (ii, h nn a k .my at one cm only appnvi- ate who ha- ' ' urn. d >o try case of color tube* and wilh ir.nl. I:-,.' hands tore op -11 cue after another, daubing the <-..n in i-t vrrthe roswo.xl of my .b-tk I 'olor ' True . ..ere all tin-re : but I, a bleached md hivei ing ikeleu.ii, .'.x>,l over ihem utte l\ unable to tell one from the other. Kn- thr. -in-, I at mx, fear of vich.ix I r.-.id 'iirt yn, U-for.-. , N ,| , awe U-f,.,,- > "- l - n,r,..|lo,,. ,, r ,.,l,,.-, r..r..f,,:i hi. Iil.ll \ elloll. |irodllct Inns. 4'arefllllx I mime, 1 evil) light and shadow, thoughl and outline. lould at uid a shallow or Iightm. anything N". The nioinn.v. viuh,, not mole bright Mini ,- a- not mou- U-au Iliul lu ev el v line and !. .'., :: w a- Mn:. Was it my Mma? In even t,,nl and ..-nil nt it wa> morning U . - n mv morn Konnastra and his e.pially fero.-iou-t brother have met the fate which they so richly ile (erved. Trarellen in Egypt and on the Nile. .lust at the time when hotel proprietor* IB the South of France aud the Kiviera are be- moaning the fact that most of thr-ir hotel* are comikirativcly empty and their district deserted, the hotel proprietor, of Cairo and Messrs. I'ho'n w I'.wk * Son are having lo t all their ingenuity to find room to accommodate the great influx o- x i.itorn to . The result is that il the present time all the Cairo hotels are crowded, and th.- 'Manager ot each has had to lake private riH.mt tor a e..nti.|..rable number <>( guests, nnd Messrn Th.-mas C.wk * Soi. HIM- hail lo throw open their large steamer Kameites. the mail s'etmer AT.enarla*. and the Omui a* floating hotels to relieve the li'.'.rl proprie- tors for a few days during the pressure OB them, which wa- considerably mumenled by ft iiumlxT "f tiaxellers from tl.- ctona. wh" went t..('.r,. ami visit- kara, lhe Py rnnn.lt, *.- , and hav* to visit 1', lie. tine It may be men- tion.- I that IK-IWCI-M the Tlh and loth of r than -.'."^1 tirtt claas pa*- . left t aim, under the arrangements M rs. Thomas Cook * Son, for l'p|ier the tegular mail ^ gypt, 'n. Ii li"i: :;.' :> tin- n ^"l i- -. IIIM..II ..f the wliole nutter. ervi.-.- t,,.i', A-i-.nt. ami Xt l.y tl, lilni.l ' mail iwrvice lravii<n Cairo. At the present i,,, l,n' In.:,. io i,,.-. now, only lo <"'" Mws. Th,.ni i- C.n.L A v.n -.ilculate nd. 1 can ait with p.i til* Iliey have on the river and in the holels >,- I-M.II with interent, .mil t l*xur l lst 7(W travellers. ThisittM nig ' In tin win, able physicians then v, th.,. i ...irk, exhaustion, a fearful strain of the optic nerves, through the Ion/ ii,L"'l, I" catch. Ill the l.iinplighl. llicleaiilx d.oblirioB. of all the intervening >,*<- ""' , rfM |, n,.,, .u.y. till I" was wandering .IK..III h.,.,!,-.-.. h.-l i. . I Mm. rei ill-.l ,,,-.o,,iv ,,,,,. |.iM,,e with Mma. till I ;,- draw i s,h l.v turning abruptly tr.,.,ilh. window, ,,,,. |,er the Ul ,-e.ie upon the wail, |.-.,u,,g m.- nlone wilhmy thought* in Hie , ,|| | at ,1, . ..mm,, au.mn, t heatln .hm-U-i. daik (trrel, l.y the iivrr wall, upon tli Am.. " Could idle," I ..-m-,1 n.yaell, "by my podilulity have ding .1 of me?" >;iini I/orelei, lowering ilx,\e me, caugM tlii-tiitl warm glow of mini : , I I,.- i ..n ..f m) >lai k.-m-.l lit, f"lt the j.,-, , '..'-.t ,.r the fam'.-ti wainmg i r. Th* i '..n.U aimiiid lhe. i moling u. -i w.n.l in link of I L. ikm/, i--n. il:i, j lor I ( iii.iri.ni>; No mcliii atniiiwn i in, 1,1 thai moni.nl , ,.uhl hi\e .1, t,, lemiuii where I was, |, n M in low. miri> that, ere ' i it mn in it. if i. n m .thing .MX i,i|( m.- nioi .- glimpsf I would hu , .laile,! pi ti. nily the whole oiuhl ! .ng. Without any COII-.I..HH ...!/ i h .*..,. n. I ei'dently K.I .it cl.T\ in. an. i' loll of '.lie I i. ui, I turn.. I .! ..ml . ii'k. I iiipi.lly awnj. -'. r..i .till to . !, .,; that III' .III. -lit , M.I- ill.! fact tl.lt III. I. .lol^l.lMg In. hi. I f'.un.l m \ .elf Lull ying HI > I I ,ni\ (t.l.lio. ll was Sunday IIII.I.MM; juii ali.i nnd night, r.iilernig the >tn.lio I III . lamp and 'mm ll< In.li'i.- plu.-e the latge comas, wlnili had MI long been wail in- I . I..- ,.- tin- ,-, nun iniiiii In tli'- ' NiiTIn U lull wan my intention? I say n wdieily and imth fully: when I look a , i >y,.ii in my hand aiid'(to...l brfore II..I I. '..in. ,an\.<-. I had alnli.'.-l'. m. know!' l).-i "f wl,ii I I'i'ip'.ted I ..I... i 11 In I knew n . i i : .-,l...iii li than I I w III Ihote ri'.i iilh. , till Kli.ii,- wli> it W;IH that I M l.-nni Hop ,i In en I. M .u." -I'll ll I'a^id iij.on my w..ik '<* ap- |iearii> ' " 'I that I Ma- .h.iMiiig upon ':. th. n\er, llir vi-ion of Mi i them in my dream H,. \l.,n.iiig." \\ hitn ones I iimler.it. H.. I : ' ' ri|(lil und .aid " Of coiirie ' Wlini . '.- . .Jlll'll I I ll' |, 0|ll * I h.-ii, -Hid di-iily . strei.gth cam. I,, my arm, the power n tinned lo me .M.I I ix-gni to pai.,1 Tin- . anviit wat so laige thai I ciiilld Wolk ,,p. ill di III -I eli I putt ut ll. _.\ :i,_ i i. h an opixirliiiiii v to , li v . whi. h a- t..i tunalc f.. i when the IH.WI-I again |x.-ste,l me I -... n- nave ..lopped painting than 1 could have begun without it. With all the eagt-ineu .: 1 wad lied i. iv l.rn.li us il Imnie.l ,.n with, nil an .u.. i. without a moment lii-tilatn.n. w ith,, ul till an i, -en hand '.I. 1' 111. ..M . -til, I.- l, ,1.1.1. " of llll iM'illlg.M.etll.ll vv aj- l,e olid li..', and in., I mole - Ihe linllr. p, -ted I i lion I fell liial IM.WCI ' ' on ll h.id I i ,.! m. ;n mv ' , iu'iihei -. I,,.-, t '.id led me lo li," 1...I.1., .md held me there; how it b'dpla.ed . mn i -i r t.. mx : I In |, Ilie the prof, .-.], mal iiniin|ih .,1 for Mma and for me bni ih Ui?" There w no need of a akc'ch n, | \ may more than thorn had U-en .. n- .-I ' lh.- real i.. u iln- M..-I. ih. .l.i\ wl,,i, I the lirst study from that dream for and how the l,egiiii'.inj m.l .ml of it wits this painting of III. I. ..... Yi I knew then why it i,...ihi' ,.| last, the |, . ion.- n|x>n me. llnnwaa it. In, a', ,|,.ii hoi iwehc \i-.ir.t il had Ix-en wit 'i me, t^e.kniL lo me in many tongues even bruigtng In me il,.- -ami- niea- sugc 1 hail often ilumlil) w ii.len-,! ulia' the n e.xige wa-, b .1 . .. I I lioi.^.,; II-HK ,,! H than the Kinging of the l.oiel.-i, and had m -i. i ,om|ii,-hen,le,l il- ....ruing Now I fell III.IMI. -tin l\ that, with the .-..mplelinn of llll. paint III,;, 11,1- j.l "Illl..' ol \ I IH. fullille.l, and thai with il lhe _;ui.in,.; |xtwt-i MOI. ill _.. from me and lhe ..pail mil, tc, I,, I, Kit iiali, nt Ul or with in,- 1...I throiifli n,\ own !i'.ni.lm-s.i and I I);, illy. ->n..|.- .0 .1 I . U- i M- I..-IMI; th,.in .nil, i'\ci\ Ktioke of n,\ biii-li upon the camaa. ( could iml h.i.i i. ill/.-, I lhe fact ..... lecl.arlx h.i.l a tingel ol lite Uli'lenit , upon lh. w ! I -.an mi.) knew that I was biiil.bri : i....- ' l.u.ib lhal wan to .ml l,, n .In tl . iintt i.f my i.w n unl.ltloll ; lhe ", lhe vciy lljsh and liilm -t of all . ,, .t I *,it, all that I had e\.-i li i l ni.leliance ot lh . MI I. I might have bee I. d, if I w.nilil, '..ml. I I, > ing i. .tti.lc Hi.- I., ml, a -k. h Ion. su. hw.i. M Inntny foreboding thnuqhu tint till. -.I n,. ;.il. I worked. I'i,. > iml , one mum) , m, , tnd iuleuat demict i ition win, h inii;h; naturally thiil, I lie soul ol ,,m- pi.xbi.ing his tifi x maiteipiro*. i.m, .bar lighl ..f tlmt -pinig dawn I exannneil it with th. t , a.',-i and ai.xi,.ii care, to ...!, h tlm ('ightesl line of any error m the nighl win k : hut . . . u among the ...tt, -I nut. ihere w it not a Maw which tin* lUyhghi ,-oiihl di. ..M-I. \\hil- I tt, H.d tlnw engaged a ...|.l M - - - I.I vi ..vei in,., and, with a thudder, 1 tinned lo dl-covel the ,-n, slldde llv . I became aware of one (tan. ling l~ -i le me, nitentely alxorlx-d m gi/ing upon the l.,.ie- " Father ! Father '" I cried, and (prang to embi i ,- him It wits |,i-i ,ui il hail IMNII upon the Rhine, when I turned from lhe I. ,r, 1. 1 lo tee him and -pi lug tow aid him. He -t. pp. d I,., k to ... ,ud tiie, but did m>t moxe In- , . et from lhe cauva. Tnmhliii. I p. afraid, for some leanon, l>. appioa. h Kim gain or even to speak : hut how prou.l 1 was, aa I saw th. admiration glown. g in In. ,M,I eyes. At la. I hc.p.ke to me. Ill ll.- v..|.i- ami delil.,i .le way lhal Iliul evel i-mlx'-l ;l,ciiiil.il .11 ii-i-- -.( m\ lift*, turn- in.' Inlheixoexcr he would, any 1 1 " A n I In.nx , deiii l.oy , x mi have . ,,i, at last. You ha e done all tlmt you v I , do, .ill I hat y.. ii vi ill.-iei .I. w it I lhe blush. N-.w lei 'lie ...puve go. N o i have kept your word and .ludn.i faitKtiilly I have t .Milled m) pi..i".-e You ..mii.it d-.ix-t I., " Father '" I .in. I, . lul lung for the i lorm lluil was fa. in g aw y frm,. inc. " Father I giKp.-il, '.."ping for lin- ing powei th .1 U d lot- ami u a- I . hn Mv I, iml tell ll At upon the l.hinc ilie llll.lt englllted him. .nd .1 - I-POII i in- Iti, 'e-t toward his retreating li_ i,-. ami -. um., at I In- feel ol the I..-, el. , ing t . pl.-t. " "" ""- 1 ' mm, all t-ondii.- him lx*gaii lhe even with delight, n-.w. greatest numbe- of tourists that has ever been r. i. d < the river at any on. date, and there it no doubt tlit the Urge amnunt of money ,-nciil ited m I'pper Kgy |>l will be fully appreciate 1 bv ihe native-, ami will lie of great liem-lil lo the counvry. -[ Kgx | i. , ,i-c (TO BE niNTIM'KU.) Touchme Loyalty. I In ^i.md old iHmgla-t motto, Tender nd True," wa. once ton. b ugly lUu- 1 icpieit-ntaliveofanotherN, ' ichfitmily. The iKikr of A thole hail a disease wln.-h was certain to rnd fatally. When he was atti.ii-,1 tht le would MMin U- taken away, he called mi all In. It imnla. and tutde each ..i,. raie\.,-ll with a ,!-.< i if. ilnetx that teu ti.- i..int|h.. , of uim.i. liming his last day ' tin-it- .. . in.d a touching incident. which it told 11 Klackw , n \ ictoria \Kiltil lilair Alhole I" I, 1 adieu I., the dying l>.ike. Sin had retuiu- ed to the station, when- a crowd of |x !n. I "Ib-.t-il. !>ut in >\inpilliy with the tol.innitN uf the ..,-.-,I.I,>M. they main' . m*. The tram was alxiut lo .Lart, when there wa a ahoiit of " Stop ' -top !" and a I- 1 mi w-ii .IM-II diivni; lapidly fn.n . (lilt of ll. wrapped III ll.innelt, .la. the l,,l " II. vi. Ml I . lln- d.H.r ol t I, car, kncl', Ki.t,-,l the l^uren's hall. I. waved ,. . ...1,-d ..ul." Three ctuH-rt l,.r H" ijtie'-n lh. n ie entering his carriage, lie .... k to lhe <-atle, and never left it again alive. Convicting Proof- IV. \ on 'link y. .11 love me. Din- I'.-i.r - " (.o wmy now, darlint ;av coon* I wo. lax tan I . Mfhl liu-d nnlun- bad | , I .lied for thai 1- -n III. IDiine Two ,|y " j^'^ and n night lired nalure had tnile. I li i lln- npinl the Arn... II AITKR XVII. V I IV IV.. 4KKI.KTHV Nighl wits again appi.'.i, lung when the I. M,. IIM ,-f (In- I.M L on the inner .bxir n.'ii.cd fiom stupor and two i.f the b.ni-i- tei v .tnl. entered, accmnpaniod by my lailu-i - 1. nikur anda stranger, \\hilellicv were lilting me and placing me upouadixan .MI. of them said : I'IXH fellow ' He ha. heard it alrvailv and il has gone I, n.l with him." "It would l*e like to. "said t servant. " For they wen- more the like of frn-m's alt.iit the house ihan of father and son ' Mi .icglmg to thako off the (tupor .ml i.ii-iiu myself 1 gasped " What do you (ay ? What do you menu ? ^p.'..k ' ...me nt von, (peak '. ' "lastin, v tignor \Yinthiop," said Mow do you know it, HIIIIIK?" "lie the wax olappi.cn'- , ,.1'ni awa) In-- for k Cyclone. e.i-.-t hen-'-" lie hitpereil to 1 M .1 .. I theTlerk ^ " (let on.- my week day T* " Yea." " l.nl have to Ix* here?" No." How ...on can 1 get one after she agree* ?" lu I'liei n minute* .ill.-i you get I,- " Sure, pop*' " N ea. Any particular hurry aVioiilu*" " There is. There's seven of us aftn lhe t,,mc girl and if (he says Yea' to m. I \. i;, t ' IM- -pli.-ed intide of half an limn "i he'll change her mill. i. 1 . ing. you .,. IU* prepared for a cyclone alHiul two days hence ' Sensational c m- n a Oircus \ .1," klUg scene Wat w itn.'.xi-l it the I'aiit Hippodrome tin- other ..flern.-.n :n . .inn.- .-ti.ni with lhe preparations tor the pnxluction of (eiKalMiial w.rk. N> n.ii." m wlnrii wud lx-a*.it an- brought into lhe ' arena l" . m ..v in ai'a k on l '|.i i.n i: ., who an- i epi ,-m-iii. .1 l >\ woo-leii tigure* , dresse.l u.l |..inied Alter the trann-r. Seel., had pin ti\ lion- throiuh lln * ercix-. they were all (afely lodged :,. -iheir cage, with thi - x epiion ! --n.-, In .-I to follow liie ..tlier.. .iM.l I,N,H. lel'uge Millid a palllll .11. NotWlUlalidllig tl.ere- peal.d etti.rK of the en i I the trainer hninclt, they wele unal.le to drive the lion out of us impi.\i..,i 1,-n. arineil with a lame, then ad- vanced resolutely i ;, the puatage. and wu endeavonnng ! haipoon the when h t weapon olippe.'i :t ^' l-p .|ld I" '>!,- *!,- i.Uil.l pick It !'.( lion l him I ix :h lev 1 . In a !ew - -, ..ml. the I vner w iu> t-< iund. "It in kit oxer with me,' he hoiite.1. an the .1- -..i w.n.l lo In. >.-. <i l|.;.pilxa workman l-elil- i tin 1. 1 me *lt,ui the head, and a tiainer lancing r alxuil tlie t.-lelnad, .olnpelled It to ieliii.|in- , i;. p > -i-.-'t. nu being re- ' to the ,llt> , ..; t oth.-i . a.< four be sfffri ing fnxni d, en w ,MIU.|. m the tln^lu imilig.t. II. ii,|ini-t weie alt-n.letl t,, il once, but a- .lions may tet in d.K-loit w;ll ml Ix- .il.le to PI.,IIIII-.IUI- up .u hi.t , .n lit ion until a we-k or so hence. Berlin .1 P:er to Bobbers. There ha-t I ii f late an .tlarmi" .mile... nee , daring biirglan, - an.l . .b- tccomiikiiled :,\ x i.iieii. .-. .n IVilin, ( ..i m ins I'lic ttu-cts at niglit ha\ ...me notiM ii-ii.tly i. n. ife, ami " ; time it te, nie.l an if the ui!iii> w.-ie powerless o- protect the public from the d.-picdatioii.t to orgam/ed Kind* of spoliator., ulu< prosecutf ed their nefarious calling with the most .. ,11 1 1 uy t, : oal rexela- sions are alxuit lo Iv made as to the exploits of these marauders, three oeptrate gangs of whom have at length Iven captured, and will IH- shortly broiight to trial. They were well-organised bands, with ni'mile Inxikt, balance-sheeU. and other official records. The captain of one of the gangs acted as secretary to all three, aud IM en. led 1. .the Ixmkiug of the artiliAlrd or- gimaittiont. The M-cond gang is charged with tlie |H-i|x nation of no fewer than TO burgla, n -.. The third Iwnd i-omii.ied for lhe m. i p- nl oftxiysand youth., and -ems o haxe coiKiiu.ted a kind junior auxiliary f the elder orgaaiaalioua.

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