Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 2 Apr 1891, p. 4

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THE FLESH ERTON ADVANCE. \ THE ADVANCE. I- i-..i>:ithtid livery 'Finn FOOJI TBS OrricB ham fttrttt, - fl>'*kertoi,. Out. TKIIMS ill- hl'lisrKlI'TIOH: 1 |>r auiium wlien paM Mrlotly lu advance 1 *M) ;>r annum whou not to pai I ViiU.KIIMMl KATKS. One column. 1 rear. ; half col., do.. quM-tt-rrol do.. *15. Trantirut a.lYorn-iii.'iit .haictxl al the rate . f.,1 nrt uiMjr an.l .lets. per of lk-t I" i line t-a.'li ulM'.|U.-ut insertion W. II THUKSTON, and Proprietor bin i ii' HAU.OT UOXKS. As intimated in tlif last Ad- unit in Owen Sound last Wt .,k I,, l>i. l.ainlei-kin's ma juiit>.l ,\\u lo time. NYe did not tluii l.n . i>y what uictlioils tin- n Sine. It is i-ieii bu>n,lit about tli. n tin fuels liav. i-oiue nut. tin- l.;ill..t of a snob, at least be lias not nil tbe instincts of u gentleman, judging by tin un\ In i reals lnt> business rivals In hi* report ol H LiU'ral-Conserva- live convention hel.l there recently a e. it. un mutton wan "moved by Mr J. H. llutli. i f >r.l," while another ami more important oue was simply passed unanimously," without any mover or seconder, according to the Times, while the fact was that Mr. Jot). Lang, of tbe Sun, was the mover of tbe second it-solution. Hut of course the high and mighty swelled bead of tbe Times would not pollute bis lips by mentioning Mr. Lang's name. lYople will notice thi-M- things, aud they do uot rcdouud to tbe credit of the Times. Tin -re is more biaiu iu Joe Lang's bump of human nature than is contained in tbe Times manager's wliole cranium, and the latter might learn many a lesson of gentlemanly deportment from tin- fin nil r. These i, m:uk- ai. the outgrowth t-f observations con TbU ii the >awu of year when th houwwlle rlftea to remark : "Uo back and clean xpur booU, Jubu" The uillliiieri are now sp. u^uii 1 tbulr stock u|,oii a pour, loii||>ullBiluii hunbaudrv, aud a S>iniinur> of long bills will thurtl \ l pouring in What Autuiuo IMUII to tlo the >|uetiou which rv<|Uiroa nolutiou If nna aould only nnuiblc and tlwayt Wlutur do It h* nnvlit pull tl.ruu||li bOBM ler tin dun-:' of tla- return- . Mi. .Mi- 1 ill, <>f Dm ham. or MI,. . certain miM.-nau.ts ob- . - -In tin 111, u|H-lietl till- t 11 -.,.ik .ml -I l>all.t in f or i , niiil .-uustitilt. '1 then- for '.!; mail ' ! i'"> Hlvthe. Wlu-ii thi- ii HI- known it >vaB said ili.it it wahJ.mi- by Hi-form- , , , , ,, but such a staUMin nt will not 1" i' in\- uiMtion.as the ob- ject . \i.l. nth iiinittl at. M/.. tlit mi- *-CMtii..' >f l'i- I.aiiil.rUi, would have had not tin Dr. gained v . . , .iint tV.iin ti It.llli ,\iv. < i-liiM.in to be i-,i\, 1 ft) i tl' 't > """ " Vl ' tiniun . .1.1-. I In- Sun lirHl startt-.l. Tin- Tinii-s should mend its ways and earn , | -,!i,u in. lulu r of the Sixty years ago i hut li\i niilli'inaii. .- in the country. In Nf.v York, Joliu Jacob Antor and Stt-nlu-u Whitney ; in Philadelphia, St. -pin n (iirai-d ; in C'inciniiali, Nioholus Longworth, aud in Doston, William Gray. New York City olouo now boasts ovt-r tivr hiunliiil im n who fount a million dollars, and a 1 numhi-r of tlu-si- are milliouairtsi many times o\ When the frog tooU bli baioo ID th gloaming. Aud the tiiutaratiuK tramp "tarts out a roannug, \\ 'hen the wa<p wbcU up hi- <tii>( And tli,. robin pluinet hi* WIMK You m> but inui buttoiii dollar that Itupriug. Wheu the woodcliuck whitlec In tbe (tone pile- Aud tin- Or. ordera Mlt> and caUMUille. Whvu tUotiu fib ilgn iioul Tbun without ilie faiutwt doubt It It *iriug. well, we uouM unt) force* vbout Sugar making Ii 4 dvlUtlufnl . t-uption. It ii 10 healthful. <> eihilanitlng, in 'nitructive to ith Can \llii; i|i fruiii IK tri. through now tlir, e t, . L . 1, rp.i tittiny wtxi, to keep three going, Ud Mirying bOBU ' 'taen ^alloni of xMiip at twelve o'clock at night < no hlom-h .if a<lay- work lor one Ulau. 1 m >T di.l ti a.s that in one .lay, but tin u I was uot a mail when I worked at the art. I wu no email that I '111 not know what cauted to mok. t n.~li every blailUMl paitli'U of it itlir. 11" lnttttt r liow the wind I'leWor W ere 1 Wl-tll 1 havu earned thai anythli : and will Htii ni t Huioke. If you w. h to 1 healthy an. I rol>ut woi k in ti ' one leaaou 1 ill K-uanuUr that if > u attend to youi ilutv |'rolurly )ou will eithe! have >oui conitltiition deiu-oyod or Imiueaiuiubly tuugli- mplellou will !> t..ll>id up to theiuadeof luioked ha-n. As uiy .-ou-tltutlou and i-imiplexluv are falrl> K.KX! 1 ill buy uiy uiolaiact lor tbe |>rwnt ><:aaoo. ( i tin It is ^really to be .1. lii;il any part) blioilld have futile in thi-ir ranks, llath. r linn i. i-lli-nnlli. Mich Illt-li arc the g (1 . : -. i : IIIBS to any tan-, and should bo got rid of as vtxni a.- i Tlii.-> malt, i -liuuM bt- nivi sti^ut' tl, iin.l if it i noi il will I,.- -ml V-OIM- l.ir tin party in thi.H i i.li.,:.- Tin- Advuiici- U-lii-vi-K in fair Of for \ , ' . iiuili ilmn.l.'l I ii it and U calls i. ut ii|Kiii tin- pel son or pcr- \\uiil.i lirirg I'iscrvJit ni>on Lin 01 in fir fi-llow doldiors. \V, Ii i , .MI. d Annies have tin i! li.inui, M.iUin in <>f winch in sevei.-ly jmii-i.i'l. Ni liavt- the political ui inn ., I m in 1.1 . many iiiBiancoa are \julaiiiiN wink, d at or J-; |i.-uc- In ilone though the lie.mii- l.ill. i- the motto we would > ... u. ' I'M -' ni case. \\, tin other day a posta 1 card Dinting that u dutiable package was lying in tlie ( 'oiling wooi post- offii-e awaiting mn I-OIIM nit-nee. Haiil package fin-Hied . if one catalogue, and luly charged thereon was /irr cruti. Tin postal e.n.l was signed, \V A II -. i ilh .-tor There in no uiislil to thin mime, although the first 111 tuil i ,|iil!i : operations. The i.l.-a of charging duu to tin- amount "f live Cfiitfl on any article is an extremely I v piece of Im-niit- <.-t, and the ' ,ld instruct iU coll. I i ,i - I'mi Hiu-li - ui ill 'i ---m. nu are not to be insi-ur.l on, (itln-rwi > people \\lll of necessity rolliiiUsr lllllt lhe> l'rr*lr> Tu the K,l>l,:r of Tlie Adfitift. I>m SIK, If you can afford apace, I should lik. I" mention to ym , i - that the new forestry n-poit lor Ontario is now nail) und will be sent tu nil who would : n.l me their addi-esM-s. It is Bent free of all eli, u gen, being distributed by the On tan. i (ii.veiiiiiu nt in the int. rent of for. >t pi. sorvation. [Address Kichm.iiid Bt. Torouto.j U will 1'muiu t" contain mu-L of interest to all who car. for ticca, and \\h" i>h .- u pio(K-r proportion of wood- land i.Viin. '1 m tl'e country. There id also miii-h of value with I't.i.nce t ) pUii'mi; und sheltf r in i ml 'rov/- "rhe literatim thu* distributed wiili the use n! the pi.s*. for which 1 have to thank \oui-iliiiuJ many other ..litors, is, "l am glad to s-iy, 1 piii.liicmt ol valuable r. ,-ultn. Many liiou tie. s me \eurly h>-nik' planti d. greater interest taken and :iioi. e.n. lie-iinwiil i" the mamteimiice of the Mimll foiehts yet left bUndinij m our farming districta. It i.s to be hopt-d tliat still greater progn ss, will shortly be made. The gu-at iiijur> \\liu-hfariuing eountiu- in North A'liienca Hiiffrr. when OMT el. inn./ li.i> taken place, is In omnin to be well understood. When ilie woods are niotitly gono, the soil H always dried up too quickly by the uncheeked rapidity of tlie winds and is also eontimially losing its lust con HlilueiiU by the washing away of the Kinil.. rl, > A Mr. Abraham has W-en orryui^ un a aiii'.'in^ Bcliool in tlii* jiliuo n,r .-"Mil- linn- 1'iut. He iiit'-uiU li.'l.liii : a o-iiu-i-it itl ilie 1'1'ine of the term. Mi A. McLv.tn loft a week f..r l-'.nr I'url, i 'In,,, thu family ml nd going .shortly Our drcM inali-n liavi- -1 in llleir new nlliip. Sue.-i-ns, -_'lll Mr. T. 11. I'arruthen inli-nd- n-uni; to S,-lu,iiiliurx tins Wt-i-U, vtlu-i.- lie in;.y ~i lol III.' nlllllllK r Mr W. 11. Moore, nf Owen Sound, held auction sales here for a Ijw night* lately with | ..... r sooctta*. making u the urdur i the day. (J but wni tn ua direct. H your druggist cannot anpply you willi I'lark'n catUrrh nire, we will. Clark Chemical Co., To- ronto, Now York. A new foundry in benitf itarted m Moaford not a iituve fountry. MiMford ^xpi-ctH to lecuro a carpet manufactory. Miu K.ite Kennedy, who lived alone on the (Jarafraxa Road, near Tobc- ni.iry, north of the Rocky, wandered away aomr four or five week* ago. Tlitre was notliiiii! st-en or heard of her since. AUiut Hint time, she called on a family tin the second concession UleneV She U supp iti-d to have perished from ux pi>sure. [Grey Reriew. Two soli. H.I liys ol C'ol'in^w.Hid ijot into a row aud one stabbed the. otlur with a pocket knife. The Eutuipriae prescriba s|iatikiiii! three time* a week for a year to ciirf the youngster of his stal biiu pr p si s. The cure would in t IMP Kurticirntly apt-e ly. One heavy doe of the "cat" would be more eff-.-tui- F<r 0rr Flft Iran* Mr> Wlnalow'a - I' lia. been uae.1 l,v inllllotiH of inntlierH fin tlieu , hiiii.n while I..II.M1 It ,ii.tii,l>, ! at nul.t U.M.I lnnk.'ii \ mn i > -t l'\ it . i. k , ti ' witn |iaiu i I it l>"t ' tiling ^; r !' n t. , thllik' It n ' llttl I U|i'ill lt.tr tlnie I- in. i,.: l.k,. > ,,,il u It run" I'l i ..|ilatM. the itoinin Ii u.l ! ilai iimtiuii, ami i\i- tone H .v hoU s\nni f,,r , 11 ti.'-thlll^ !> I'li-ii- tnt t,- tile tit >t,' aliil female ]>litieianW7 ami n n>r^ in > I, .'III, . S,,!.| l,y all drngaiita throughout Ul wurM. llo uru au i j.j.jlliui^ Syrup." Clark's < .ii.ii i h i. ,ui, >-i|.i.il idiet fn in pain by tho uttt ol I'lark a Ligbtaing Liniuifiit. Theswulluc j.'inU from a sprain or founder are re- lieved ami cured at mice l>y its use. Ku-ry owner of a horse should keep I Ixittle of this vireat remedy in 1m italde Kvery coiisideratioii of economy am liumainty su^unt this ready relict' l'i . lifty cent*, sold by dru . Clark Cliiinu.il I'oinpkiiy, Toronto. fork. THE MARKETS, FLESHERTON. Corrected Eaeh M'tek Who can make tho l>eit lm Max !! t',,,111 in,; ' 1lmiltttt. r,,,od l-'ii.Uy is |iast and tfone, so is Sunday, and still the heiis ro TEND1RS WANTED Tender* will fo recvivinl l>v t! -. un.l.T-.i>.:i,. s rai-ini; an -t.i:., M,.ik iiiuU-r tin- 1-atnir.H Mil I i wi.lmm cn-,1 mill <>-l>aiti rian aud nil-elf -. M.I at tin- null. i II..M \> - . . o. r. M.CO. Mclut>ru I'. O April Ut.UBB. Jap Un |Uahin(|. lour all Wheat I.IIHK Wheat larley ..*< 90 to i UO 99 W to W 85 I } TI luttar U !4 Lfg. fresh U IS aloe bag 60 lav |jr ton 5 UO li.l.* S UO ibeepaalns M Om M 'urkeyi 10 bickoni per pair 30 Du.-ks pr pr 60 Wool u 30 K .VJ 071 U 10 U 1 . 5 CO 6 00 <iO 1 00 ft 1.) :0 *0 flU All Men youaj;, old, or middle aveii, who flail them s.-l . i H m-rviiUH, weak aiidexliunnted, who are u J.iwu fruDi ei.-.-ss.-s er OTW work, n suiting iu inaujr of the following syiu(iti.i:i. Mental il. pi.--i..u, prruiaturi? old ago, lusa nf Mtulily. Ion* of uji-i:mry. b.x 1 dreams, .In:.: < S 3 , ( slLjlit, |!H!;..I .;i 'ii of tlif heart, 1 -iui*.siuii. lack of entitty, paiu io tbe k'.il neys, beadai-hc.|iii<i|>li's mi the face or body, Ucliing ur peculiar i-u sation abuat tbe sero- tum. wa-liiiK "' 'he organs, diz/.iuegs, specks l.i [,irr tin- >!. twitcLing of the muscles, f\i- lidn and cU^wl-cre, buslifuliK ss, ile[<'its ill the urine, losMil will p.iwer, '.. "i llf scalp aud spinr, wi>itt mi 1 Hutby mi. -.-In. ilfxiri- t.. -\ <]>. Uilurv 1.. 1..- r I'. i-,.ll;i|l:.tl II. illllll 1 v.iic". il.-i.iri f. i .>' t.Mijicr. sunk, 'ii BJM MM,':- i. : with -vin|'t..in- .,[ in-rv. iii. ili I'llilj tl a I. ...I l i :y uinl tt.'ulli uuleHM i-tir.il. ,-e liurnit; |. st r - .>,'!V f.llli-lu'l. W.llH"i ill Ci'll who tlireiitili abu-e i-unuitt> I lu iji UIICM 11111% In- , iin-.i,-ntlv ctir.il. - .. g.|- drrsn fn> |n>, 'k u ;t'l ; to man. A-l h, -- \1 \ I.I l:.'N. .," 1 111 St. . IL. r '..-.- lli..ii!il> ,-< . tin; syuii'tiimsof hx-h aro taint i>]H'll, purplv lips, uuu:bues. palpila- li.ni. "Lip ln-iil-. h"t fla-L.- ii:- to the head, dall p.iin in the li.urt *:l!i beats btrung. rspid and irn ^-iilsr heart beat quicurr tliiiu tin tirsl, |< . 'i about the breastlioni-, >te., can positive!-- I Xocnrc. ii p;iv. S.-ii'l f,-r 1 - ' \ M. V I.I BON."50Froiit Strict 1 onto. Out. CON9UMPTIOH CUBED > II til. I I'll-, in*; lin.f j'fai nil thi.'Ht i: t Lin . \ tical curt* fir Nitv.-Lj- D< .."laiiits tt' 1 wt'H'tt i ' j! rur Ml i\, |>. . i <i ii *, hfti felt it hiiil. u to ii ' tii* wu ' ur. 'I K -i-!i t frrt- i-f i.-cip in I- ' dtrwtioOfl for mail ! . all wi, ui N T. \\ \ N - this . lvUr969I alive. noil, which would I" pi. \i-nltc il,. i,. illicieiil foroHts to hold the Uiointlli. which fulls from the cloud*. Without them it l'-.-s OM r the ground in torrent, to tlie ivat injury f the soil. Next, and it i* no evil. the atoi-k of tnnin-i m u. in;,' I'ediifed. V in-. > 11 W. I'llUTS. Toronto. March 20. 1HH1. r-li an 1 It is a little tin . I, nt it is a atill Bin,tlli-i thin n ' for any < > i mn. nt tofiilltft d iuBUch apenny-fttilc m m ii- i \\liv not n turn !> tlif "! iilioa of alTaii-H tint wo liad a f.-w \i-airta;,"), wli'-n iinythiiiK undnr 60 i-,. ni.s vnl.i.- toiild l- i-ni.-r. I I 'i'h.: Advance roceiv.dotlifi catalogues this year on which uo duty was ohargud.hut thin was purely accidental the books did not fall under the ob nervation of A. Hogg ; they oamo in tbe other way .uot Uirongb bit sly (lo). __ >!! Tbe man w'>o managM ilie Owen tJouad Timoi ir, we fear, mow or lew in. lliin.li < .1 Will I ^ivi-n for u cane of catarrh which ..inn. 'l lie curoil p.irinanenlly by Clark's ,1, t Sle|i nullt ll|> to III.' otln-e ;ui.l |'i"ve ymir iiuii) ami net il- iin.,1,1. TlioiiiiaiidH have ni.-i llns rciii.il> lull ii" Dli" him rlitnileil lln- i. H.U.I, l.i . .inie it .-iir.-n in . - - II \."i l,.i\. .1 i "lil or aro lrniilile.1 , u ii ill, ,uk your i .r t'luik - , ('.ilaiih .UK-, . and ' \tli.ii .. p|, .i-.u.i I, -lie I it will >>' instill, lly. h you u' .I-1...1 tu lak.- Koii.eilmiK tdse, M-i',,1 !.. in ilui-i I .mil we will sen I ymi 1|U- I'V mail mi rui-ulpl of ; I'V m t'liemi.-.il .N. fort to ii r liim. llurk Would j-et well at oiicn if il were nililnd with a httlo of Clark a Lightning I. mi iiii.nl, and tlie sorenoas in side and limb* would ' twated tbe same. Tins wonderful preparation d.>os not effect a cure naxt week, but relievea at ouc*, aud almost miraculously. Try a MM t'f y*ur i sure you jet U. Clark Chemical C,, Toroutu, N. Y. Tin jH-nple of Fk'lierton have seen but nut In-ui'd from this village latily. hut \\. an alive and prospering as usual. bleighing is now blmoit a thing of the past, and wo shall t>on hi.ir the sound ol the wagLjoii a^aiu. ll.-\. !'n nun had to slop short in his .^| \ILVS owing to condition of roa.U. Tin- lU-v Mr. llii;ln i .liiing good work for his congi ex'ntion HO far, and is Hiving entire salinfactioil. Mr. (in\ IMS moved away from town, iil^o Mr. llai'ison. Mr. Allis- t Hi has come in. ami also Mr. I ludsoii. l'i. hi-utt, 1>. K. 1'rt --tun und (i. I'alli.ster are intruding to build next siininn T. M.iii i nil i> on hand for a uuw shed ttt the Mftlmdist cliincli Mi. iieoi(-c lleruii's sale couiea oft t .i-i \\oik. Mr. Williams is seriously ill at pi. -. Ml lint e hope will s ..... I ri cover. Mi An In-w Sharp paid ns a visit lat.lv ; ho is looking well. Tin- I. i nil-. IIIIK m connection with the Sunday Behind was '..i id lust Tlinisil.iy ev.nin^. The piu.'lulU was InrinshiKl hy tin: children and .1 ss. The road.s ht-iug al- most li.n .- i- mieil tin turnout to be s. n, ill, therefore only ahuiit ten dollars u, i. made. The li.-v. Tiol!o|H.. fioiil hampto:i,and I'.rowii and Hughes, f mn M. i\ well, w.-ie pi. .-cut Tl.o , lln- Cllll.il. 'II Mlli'Wed I \C. 1 1 nt tuiiniiiy on the part of Mi H Bterhng. The litterary society is still i i full bloom, Inn the uievtings will soon lie In, nielli to a close tor this Heasmi, as a husy time for the Urinhi", fominiiiiily if now coini i. I'luiuolion cximunaUons, tax Cations, etc., aro over, and J. L. is running the school at full speed again. M.III or Heaxt May be had of any entiirpiiMn n ' druggist for 50 cunts. It allbrts nisUnt relief, and will cure the wont earn. It is pluasaut to both U*te and iiuell, and may be car i ed in the pocket. Don't fool away time tod money trying worthiest remedies, m mm Mrs. IMiillpps-OiipuKite Mrlhu- tli-l MUM . h. I I, -Ii, I Ion rir*-*a mi'l iiiaatU- inakitiK in all it* branchaa. Biiyau-l mrU Huit attuiiilt-il tu Pii,ni],tly anil atifai-tili f(uaraiitiMl. I M iitu im-ti M auita up la good Mjrl*. Wtloll llotll 1* l.roilKllt rvacly-cut. A|>ril."Jl MEN WANTED. KIIIH "i, I un-n t.i nk at framing and *ar- I'.-nli-i- work, two of tlioui inu haw ei(>erlouc at tin- l,u*in*a. .lack* fur hir.i at M i-*ut |wr day for each lark. Will ral 1, in 1,1 in. am wliurolou reaaou- I, l>i tot mi JiuuianIO JOHN WHfTTBN, llulMtir aii.li-ontrac-tor BULL PORJERVICB. First olaa thoroughbred ahorthoru bull. lull? will U for ervtoeon lot ;a,i-..n 7. \.lriiii--., l.al.-ly I'llriliaml from Tlii.r Mi- nf Colllu|WOOd, an.l r<wi>ti-r>.,l in tin. Iliiinlnlou Hhort Hum lUril Book TITIIIH 1 JCiniui. W. T fl^AKK. I .iv|,n. 'tor R. J. Sproulc. )O9TMASIKR, Kieln-rt..n.l', lutuinsion- er in U. R,, I.Kviinud Auciioiieer, Con i-yaucr. Appraiser aud M. n-.-- l.fudfr. leal Estate an.l Insurant Ajjcn 1 .. l>eed, lortuagi-s. Leases aud Wills drawn up and 'aluatioii* made on khortent lu'ti.v lit iou Salt attended to iu any pary of tb* 'oiiiitr. Vlonpy t.. l.van at low.-.t tfs ol nturcst. Collections attendid : with romptneiis and deipstru. 'hi, Uw. Lgotfortbe I'oiiiiiiinn Sti-amntii),' mpaay. Cheap tickets from Flesberlou tu I crpool, ikuKow, London or any of lln Hritish orts. r.itiici inti-iiiViii! to MM n^laad, c.'Uaiul or Irvlaiut, will plrase n .t<s be- ore parckasiog theii tickets el.. re. MONEY 'taa k* Mnd u ou S* IhM .rwMk taldlj ftbd h..*nM*. by th* ul IBM MI. itimmrn . ..UI. .l u. ,h*lf wn lorKli.<M,whM.M lhf ti. AJ> . t u rM<it*nJ I^fiMrtMi . J-V TMVK A C * fMt*> lilAJd I'T. r CU U AlJlbTi. MAllK DR.WILLIAMS' ARBNOTar.ir- " atuo M.-.li- ALE EOPLE Ine. "Tboy aro a 3lXK>D bUILlltH ^^Tomii an, I i BTuen on, as they sii|>|>ly iu a condenavd form thu subatanoes actually naedod to en- lob the Illood. curing '1 diseases 001.1111^; om POOH and WA i Itt.inil*. or fn Hi MOR In i . it. and aUo vuiorati- aii'l llvu ^ the Hi. ooi' an.l HTSTEII, whim IT k. i down liy oTerwork, niwital vn.rr>.di)ao, xoeasea and invli-* ro- tlons. They liavu Sl-l , inr Ai L 1,-s on |ll.,'SK\l II -. WOIIH ( I l, si- \ . -! (ill EVERY MIN il> phyaloa] iioweri I \V1n> ftudu bis mental fao- ultnii dull or falling, or |iovti-i I'.IUXIIIK, sbnul.l l-Ai- lln-m Pitts, 'I'l'.-v will ii'stom bin lost uuurglci, both l.li)ic-al inul nixntal. rifCDV UfAIIMH obonld take tbrm tf CHl WUHAN They <-nr all si: prtanloiitt fttia irronuifciitii'it, wiiivu Uittvlt*l Vlltfcll hli'Klu HI Wtu-u UUi,'U>Ot*xk nhaul.1 take those PlLM Ttioy Hilt i-u. t) ulU of youthful 04 iiftbit*, ftud binn VAIIUfi MCtl lUUHQ HCH uit* nf youthful uad h >itoiu VAIiyfi UinilCy " TOUNfl WOHLN T akv tucui i .li. honM take tbom. For sale l>y all .IjuRglnts. or will be imt opoo reeaipt of price IXHJ \<OT boiX by addrouing TMMVM, WILL1AMV *f " <" , OiU. Flesherton Liver D. < i it i >v Pr|iri.-(ur. Firnt clau horses and Thi< aHiiuatl* rat. t - . i t ttvolal a.t.-otiou |>ai,l ' ii. SI iiaw'a 'niwrala FARM TO REKT. Tbe uu,ltirHi K ii4.il liai a .tr- rent. oouilitliiK of 1M> aorn. li- .iii.l noder cultivation, KMIIK !.-i i. 2n.l raiio- N 1" U ti .".I n ai'ply to 111 Maicli.Mul '"M fx H - U-ai,l 3> 14 an J -ISK Tilt LL1.I5 ' l>- " "B. LALKLNCK SPECTACLES arid EYl.-. LASSES FOU ALL M-'.l'r.i T> * Ml>! Kli'llARDSOW tj- CO-, La AOBNTI, FLESBBRTON. May2Dly

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