Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 2 Apr 1891, p. 2

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THE WEEK'S NEWS burglaries a:e repoit-.l from the wtMurs part of Ontario. Mr. Nicholas I'lood Dauit has joined the Royal templar* at Kegina. The disease known as " block rot " is carry- ing off pigs in FronU-nac. At Walkerton the other day Donald M I.. .-I nf Kincardine Township was sentenc- ed to fu."-i-ii years for barn- burning. Rev. Wm. Motion, a well-known Metho- diat mmisU i . died the other day at his resid- ence in Hamilton, at the age of seventy -four years. Mr. Chapleau is still confined to his house in Ottawa, MI i Hi inn' from brnm-hitu in ad- dition to M MM h his heart is a source nf un- easiness to his physicians. Wi.e.it in M inilobi now sells at '.Mi r.-nis a bushel, and oats at JO cent-, on the track, lewill beGM Roman Catholic m-mlx-i 1 in the new Cauadiin House of i .,mi., n- Mr*. Bone, aged T'J, wa- killed by a Grand Trunk express at Dorchester, <>nl., lost week. The admirers of Mr. Parnell in Moiitn-.il are making preparations to give his delegates a hearty n- p 1 i"ii when t .ey vi*;t tl. i- .-ity. The Toronto (ity Conned on Monday voted down b\ I" u, l.'t the prop>.*iii'>u to extend the muni' ipal franchise to iniriiid women. Aid J. D. Thompson, of Kingston, has beu appointed to tie i, j i-t aflnp of Fn.n- tenac county. He opp ..-v I Mr. Me- M. P. P., in the l'ro\incial i-le-n..,.. Archbikhop Cleary, who has Ixn-n bp. n.l ing the severe wvaih. r in the Sonih-rn States, arrived back in Kingston 1.11 Tues- day. ganalor Mclnm-i. h,i U--n nwarded $10,- W)U for the ((round* al Hnndurn i. for the Tor.. nt.., Hamilton, and liiill'.-tlo railway. An in /estimation wa U- ;:m nn Saturday int.. \\ . ll.unl p -'..Mi . r i. ' n I!H <, i, ml the assistant p..tina-t. . IC"l.-it llowen, has disappeared. T.'ie M.iiitnal Italian* have passed a reso- lution expressing tin , .ii-.ippro\al of tin- NI w Orleans massacre and sympathy with the families of the victim. Mr Fo*t*r, iKmnnion Fm.uin- Minuter, Slid the other day that he hail every reason to feel sanguine cli.sc.-r t,a..c i. I.i' ..:,:- . ,1,1 be established with the Wekt In Neat L- i.d. ni, .'ii Sa,nid.i\ evening, Wes- ly K. Warner, a l>uidon T..ivni<hip t.m-i.-i, and bis two daughters were killed by a Canadian Pa.-iKc train. Tin- i'.'l.'l,'* of T MI., lo.ul iiiprrve- ini n' ImmN b'i\- l.ii-n fully ntilwc. ilted for in Ixm.lon at 101 J. For these the sly re- alised only !Hi net. F.ik'ht families of <>iTinsn-spRukin| Rus- sians have arrived ill Winnipeg. Tiny say a large mimlM-r of tin n f-llow couuityini n are preparing to follow th-m. The Kr.iiilriiac Loan and li.Mittin.it, So- ciety and the OnUno I', iildin^ m.l J.o.in Society complain of the ,1.; '.e of farm Istul* in Ontario. Amongest a party of K.nghsh iinmigmnts who arrived in Montreal last week wr?e a number of gv|i. . h.-> an- on their way to the North Went and Hi ilisli Columbia. The promoters of a scheme to ronii.it Owen Sound with ih- Sli iifor.l A l-ikc II ' ion Hallway by rail aski-d tin- I'rnvincial Government for aid ln*t week. A very lion.' r.in.imi t ha- ! ii formed in Win, , p. _ io pminoli, inirni/i I'L.II from Klirope and Ib- I'mli-d Stales to Milntolm and th' Noi.h \\--t .luring the -oniing season. OMT .'i I carloads of potatoes have lieen hipprdfrnm Winnip v to K.m-a* City, St. I ..vl< liir.it". thii nn, nth. Tiie pnre in \\ miilpi'g wan 30 centH a bushel, which i* higher than l-f th- \|. Kinley tariff. The 1 1. .mi n i.. n M .in,- I . p. i -1,11-11 1 u draft - niK the |irop.>ncd lull for tin- human, t , . hipm. nt of i-iitlle acton* the Allantn , as soon a tin- mviuui. M p. -p.m. I il .i.h be aub'iiiltc.l to tin,-.. m ., ,,-. t..,| f,,, i,,, n opinion hefnri- it is intiodueed in Parlia- ment. \Vord h.i I.. -n ,.-. -.I..- 1 m Winnipeg' that tin- Noith-rn I'acltir , ..'., \ u ill .- ' ilili-.li a lin. of xtcumeis 1 1 China and .lap in. i ...null tin- dmadiaii I'a. ill. railway am' i. xliig tlu-ir Uiat*. I In dm tins uf the Montir .1 (icn-ral II is pi'.il .Inline that Ko.hn celebrated Ijnipli, with win. h liny h, t v.r IH -u i-vp. nun iiting f. i the Um three months, i* a fuiluie. Il ful. -I t.. .in- in any case and iU use lias -ill Mined. F. M. I.-I. iilleur, one of the fewiuivnoia ,.f the |.I>.-|1|..|| ot I-;I7 S, died ill M.Hiliial last week at the ag of M4 year*. Afl.-i the n I- 111. .n h- was nl-n.-e.l to death, but the s- .n . ,i* subseijiieiitly .banged to txila. 1 o nn I Trunk Railway Company intend h"i!l\ '.i.i.-.-i lulling nulls ,\t I' nut St. Cbarlen lor the puip-c ,.. mannt.iriuring their nnn liar non and unli/.ng then , winch lln-v n.nv K.-ll at IO-IB Ity II, i, ,,,.., prise thi-j . |. i ',. save #.'KI,UIO a year. A p. Inn .1 . lulili.K I..--I |., i m,, I n, King MOM, the III-II||H i dnp b. in,; limited at .), th> ol.Jirlol win h,i .1:11101. n d Io I- I,, diMUM particularly ' he relation of tl,rp,., '..ih- I . drill r.iiliami-nt, and .if tin, I'. niK.ii to the Kinpii- and the I mud State*. I h. ..i-. of Mr. II. W. (I Urn n, of Mont- real, who was i-ln .,,., I .ml. hi* dliu K p, m, 1 Val.-*, whit I, h is IH-. n .1 from '. i 'n I-. I. i in inlh. Com inf 1,1,1, < n' i_-u.i piwt poned on Snlmday lint . 1 1, i, owing to the illinxs.if Mi \l I. ill. .MI, thrprnate piimnculoi. M llaiso, the lender of the Italian colony In Toronto, ban uti-m-d rommiiiuriit ion* from MUI, ins points m the I'nited Sialei in iplli'i.. .-. to the i, mult, i nl in. n I '.,ii, .I.i .. .u,. I furnish to aveng- II,,- killing of I hi, Maliaim in Ni-w (Irlsani, incase tin- Italian Cm. inn* i.i I.. .1,1.1 full to secure satnifan- tinn The i. .HO of SI. llyarinlhe, i.v, is to liavn enlithlnihed within its pn.-in. i . large iron wniks. ltlgian capitalists an, behind Hi -i i, and though the project was set on foot some time ago a halt was called [ the late election*. r.RRAT liRITAIv Jii'i-n Uft \Vindiior Custle last week f, r Graaae, in the w, nth of France. The Welsh local option bill ha* pasicd the second reading in the Britiih Houar of Cum- nions. The ceniu* of the United Kingdom, ac- .-oi.ling to the estimate of the Heg.itrar- ial, give* a population of 39,OOlt,000. The Newfoundland Legislature will lend a delegation to England to protect against tin- proposed Imperial coercive legislation. Sir Tatrick Colquhoun. Hart, LI- I)., who a* Lorn in 1815, anil fillet! t'vi-iul impor- tant oflice* in Kuglivh diplomacy, died taut week. It U rumored that Mr. Michael Uavitt will lie a candidate again.tt Mr. I'arnell at the next election* in thed vii imof Cork at preaeiit reprenented by Mr. Pirnell. 1'arnell travelled from Dublin to Slieothe other day, and, although bin approach to the latter city Was hera'.dril broadcast, no crowd gathered at the itutiou to greet him. The betting club* of London i-re nudi'd last week ly the jiolicc and tii.- cr->wiU who filled th'.'iu "awaiting the news of the race* were arrested. They included many well- known men. While the Conservative victory ut Alton Manor wasa foregone fin h: rm, thririm- nn-nsi- majority of Dearly .'KKKJ aurprineil even the (.!onaervative* themselves. I IM- jiniicial Coniinittee of the Kngliih I'rivy (.'oiincil, 01. the appeal of the colony of Victoiin, Australia, ha c.ui.'ii im- I tin- right of tin Colonial liovernini-nt to prevent the landing of Chinese immigrants in \'ic- toria. In ii-i tin d report the Knglish Parliamen- tary ( '<, in ;m iti eon (x>loni/ationdoea not ad .m of the *yleui "f u. Ii- i cjiigration, exc.-nt in the ca*e ol the .-..n.-i-it.-d districta of Irel.uid and Srotlainl. Ill vu-w of thu effect on English i-oinni. -i .. of tin- i ' ' TII liniril ritid '.>,> I 'm i i-d Threo children died recently of diptheria | in DiihiKiue, la., while under the faith cure ' treat ment of a couple of old women, who to escape lynching hVd from the town. The eleven greenhouse* at Oakdale, L. I., Ix-liinging: to W. K. Vanderbilt, and con- taining aomc of the rurext flower* in Amer- ica, were destroyed by lire the other morn- ing. Statistics from \Vaahingtonahow that the IWETT T Erieemr*. tirrml KulTrrlnjc la rillihum d tll raw. Frvai .rl|>, Pnrniuala Dlplkerla. become a , _ a burg, 1'a. Tin- death rate thia rn.-nth H ill break the by the alarming increaae uf 50 per Closing at noon, 7'23 death* bad occurred in Pittaburgand Allegheny in the -.'4 day* of From a street joke the grip has very dangeroua diseaieat Pituh nunilier of cattle sxported from the I'niti d I March. The cause* given are grip Slates during ls!i numU-red l'.M>i'i, whi.-h is about the samo number Canada expoited. Hie olli.tiul . nieuue upon Kev. Howard M-i.'iiery, of Canton, Ohio, for heresy, is Mi|M-nion for six months; n.l deposition from the priesthiMxl at the end of that time unless he recants. llu. n/a, pneumonia, typhoid and diphtheria. From the last-named d.si-ose one death per day has occurred within the past three weeks at tike Home of the Friendless alou- In the two cities there were il funerals last Sunday, and there were not half enough hearses to go around. Respectable covered waggons are lined, and carriages are daily at ooimnittsw of 1,000 Italian*, notifying hii.i t li it 1'arkcrson, Wii klilfe, and hiniM-lf must die at the hands of the committee. The Wisconsin H the sale of ! iuryntmiM*tor4jMWhii re in-iiidateil owin to heavy rains. it to the .,,, . .. D .. .__ . . m..t i iv.Kir. .' i: iin.n In a' men! t'.i liritish A sV.n.\ !!.. .c.rned inthi! l^uidon Conn 'ii M' id iy i:,St. arising ..it -f I pi-.;. ' fioi ...... ii- ..I 11 -.- ..... mWrs in vi' I n.; th>- I'll: of \\ ili to .'|H'M \.'.,t. i oo |.;ik imti 'In- li i- .I..H.-1 himself of the baccarat scandal. An app ;il .ILMIII-I tin- pri>|MMvd Ciercion Act w.iH.-i-ail m th. Knghi>h llniiw of Com- la,, ,,-k fr.--n N,.|,.,,,,,IU,,,I. ami tile k Ir , M .Newfoundland, anil tlie , , . V . , 7 ,. /,// .I/,.// Ita ,U say* ii the Colomi! ( >th -,- **'' ' " llv . " lo " l r m ., tllr wreck of the , l '"PI* i.n.1 careful ih.- New,. II I k,-t,le,,f t_(.,br.ltar at 5fti men, women, and ch.Td- lloslon pack.'ts fiKh may go the way of the ..! .. I:, the cose of Kair.l v. \\ alker, an action taken by .lame.t Kaird, a merchant, of St. John's. Mid., a^iin^t Sn r.al.lwin Walker, romma ,d.-r ,.f If. M. S Ivn-- ,i!d. I.T .1 INI ages sustained by the riming of Kurd's lob- , t.n v o-i II. Fl-li h Klinle. jlld. l',\ri, 111 tav.-urof the plaint itl. Tin- L'lido', 7V/i ., r-'-i i ing t'lthi- l\n-l. ing of the Main in Ni-w < >. ' -.< s, nays il is all very wcllto dcp-eeati a n*ort toviolem-e but >,|,.|. r--h i i: .- iiMitun.-c- what way is then- for eman. -ipating the .- .ti-.'uunity from mtob-rab'.e tyranny excepting to resort to viol, noe ? t Mini STATM. Montana had an earthquake shock on Ki iday. There is another epidemic of la grippe m New Ymk city. I 'hark-* N. Felton has been elected U. S. Senator for Califo- n . Mr. Solomon Hivii. of Niagara Falss, has JII-.I i -i-l. -b I .lie I II -. !C.lt II biltl K\ G. .M in... , \- w \,.ik State, ill, -1 the otli-i d ,;, ,.! r'mira. !,u ge ijualililn--. ol : - .1.1 .u- U-iin; taken at New \ otL Ul I .,..|'- Ijiwn n-'e It u : . ' ' , ' n. II..'..|MII, .|n lin New Ymk la-i " k ol ii-iii I l.nliir.-. Tbirleeii i'-e IHIII-I - in u II.AI-^I, UN, were burned last k : bum, tyL'.OOO. A inott^.ige t' - !.| lii have U i, | '.....I on tin- I'ni'.u I'a. iti rail- . -teni. - Paul's Fpi'.pil , Inn. h at New - .-i* was burned he other day. Ixns, I4A.QOA Nim-.U of the l<Ni comities of Kai'S.m re- port the outlook for the wheat crop an very a premium. The influenza is daily growing \la\or Sh.U-jHarc, of New Orleans, has | Inore e vere| all ,i IIOW mmi b,-rs neaHy :,,Wl d a letter, purporting Io come from a victims in the city and suburbs. Physician are overworked, ami some have a* high us In to 60 cases of grip alone. It is estimated over I, JOO people are suffering with ti. in thu town* along the Fort Uaynvioad At Bt-llevne and West Bellevue over :J,U.iU cases aie reported, some of which are very serious. At KlUworlh and Uaysville there ore over I<J caaes. There are also unity cases in Sewickeley, and it i* estimated 800 pe iple are confined to their homes. Reports from other town* show results somewhat similar Tar MoBary ami Ibe < 'gar. A correspondent of the London T'l>nrnp!i relates the following incident : Sum.- y--ars ago I was bringing two monkeys l,..iin- from l he West Indies, which 1 had named "Jack" and "Jill." Jack was a brown monkey aim-it the size of a fox terrier, while Jill was smaller, and of the sort known a* " white-faced." One day Jack was indulg- ing his curiosity in diving into my pocket*, and among other things fished out a cigar. Hi: xinelled it, and before I could stop him hounded ott to bis cage with his prize, -lill rushed after him to see what he had got, and he considerately allowed her to smell ami no more. Then he tore it up and to chew it, and presently worked himself up into an ecstasy of delight, taking the h.ih chew. -n his mouth and smearing It over his f.n-c and body with maudlin satis- faction. Jill *t the while at the other end of the cage regarding her lord and master with Honderin^ interest, but afraid to dis- turb IIM revel-, lliougli she once or twice crept cautiously up to obtain a nearer view of the cause of all this excitement, and to make a sly attempt to get hold of it. Jack's excitement began to get too much for him, and he rolled about hi* straw and twisted himself intoall sorlsof contortioniin uncon- trollable delight and at last fell down in a helpless state of intoxication. Thereupon mse has paid a bill pro piuin without a pSysi cian's certificate, or to sell tobacco or Cigar- ette* to minors aft-r notice forbidding kuch sale has been given by a parent or guardian. At Chattanooga, Tenn., Judge Joseph .bl, ..I the ninth jmli-'iary District, shot and killed his dissipated son-in-law. Kud.l ' i '., w hi!- he v. is insulting his wife, the jti !_-'* daughter. I'he pair had been sep- arated. IV ..i'.NKRAL. Smallpox is raging in the State of Vera < 'ru/, Mexico. The authorities ha^e prohibited the sale "t K" h's lymph in Munich. Ih- French Socialists are again agitating for a gigantic May ! iy d-ninstrn.tion. Large district* in South eastern France Thirty lirazilian .lepulies havu i&sued in imfoUi against tl policy of the govern- ment. I'he striking union sheeu-bcaren in < t 'iii-rnlainl are remrting to d. p-rate mca After severe fighting the Chilian Govern- ni. -nt tr<H,p< .upture. 1 'JUI in.Hurxi-nts, whom th.y ti. . I '.,_-, -'ht-r, and *hot with cannon _ and musketry. " nt the num- 1 1 n It is stated that Princess Elizabeth of Hesse, tho wife of '.rand Duke Sergius if i. wo.1 brutilly , nerccd to join the Rus- HI.III t imrcli. i Ion. lulu advici* state that on the 9th ] Ji " carefully covered him well over with inst. Queen LiliuoknUm publicly proclaim- i.l I'IIIII-I-KS Victoi t Kaweikukaiualani i nppar-nt to tiie throne. t.n K. ] n i .It.- <io\ernnient haa inf o, uied 11'- r. 1.1 m:- tint it cannot pay the con)*.: H of th- provincial lix per cent, loans of |ss-.>a.ii,| tr " w and mounted guard over him, euer- ' *"" s ! , e.1. bhe remamcil steadily '^*"l'eand-n,ered from g, iwkiug very, very see^y, sick. ". Tke I'rln. r .., V ilr al Ruiur. Life at Stinlringhain ..- very simnlr. The 1'ini * brrskfaats with his sons and any male members of the royal family who may be there ; the Priunsi breakfasts in her Tl. l'ii.ip-.itit 1,'atlers concur in a de- i.i ion to disregard Piiiu-c Napoleon's will, and I 1 .;., - Victor as thr le^itiin..!. In i t" ' - 1 1. n me of France. Th- llAAaii IM i .0.1-1 mill-lit is not pleased will- 'he draft tre-y with the United Sutes)P riv * l > apartment, hili- ihe y,mu prm- aud pr,.b.l,ly will r. fns.- to ratify it. It is ' ****** ' >rt k tlu '" fast '" " old fashioned likely that lk Hawaiian Islands will ' '" ul1 known as the school room. When Ibis meal i* over lliey com down to say good morning to their father and are usual. y accom|ianied by a group of pet dogs. Tiiu r. nil. men go out "hooting or riding, while Ihe ladie* in the house amuse themselves with Looks and p-tpersand, later in the di.. are joined by tl.s Princtss. Luuch-.m ' all together, and tin. mformal meal is. wluii the M-OSOU will permit, served in a ti-nt put up in tlie woods iiv.ir where the mighty hunt ers are. The 1', IM..V-. l.a.l.< tin- pi i ssimi L-.IIII^ to this in a smart yellow rait drawn by the plumpest of ponies. . lining herself and one of her lady guests. She is liv the l\-, an extremely good whip. Lunch-on over, the ladies return to Sandringham m i < .it), -is nf arranging commercial treaties with Canada and Australia. < lirl.llnn uri.ir. There ix a curious legend regarding altar in a little .Lurch it the Village of St. llilir\. ..n tin, lilaml of Anglesea. Th.- ,r.i 11 panel of the oak support of thia altar IIHJI been lost for many years so lon k >. in i.i - t, that not even the "oldest inhabit- ant .in _ IM- the date of it* disappearance. The iipiMiin^ is hardly a foot wide and the altar il*elt IH also very dinnimt n .-, not ex- . ...in,.- -i \.i, -i inches in width. The he- li.-f i tin' any -n. who can gel in under tin- altar through tl is opening, turn around and , H.uiw, everybody nnctin-. com- ..ii> will tliu gain a twelve months' lease of life. So many persons having nn ph. ;i luth in this superstition have en- <l> i\ ...... I thus I. I, ngthen their dayi that tin- mi'ii-i "i.h- o! th- altar has U-. ..m.- high l\ p'.liih.d by the ixota.-t of their lu-.uls and dhimldurs. Am 'tin i . in n-, Iv in the dune church is a i N.- Y.-ikCitydi glSlKitl,,.,,. were p lr ,,( ,.,-!, .,,|,,|,a|H.d tongs or pim-em. Js'J .l...il._ *M -'J !.._*!._ 1 I I IH. > * .' . . ^ . ' 4ti.U:i ,1,-iihs, :l,'i<l births and I I.'.C.U marriages. \M grippe i* so prei ah nt in < 'hlrago as to teefere with public and pnv.ite on which are i - ,! ..I the nnme* uf the . Inn. li ii'l-ns, |...-.-tli.-r with the dates at Inch they -rv".l These shows that this in t .-I- of finniii. wan in use upwards of I . .pi, K. Johnston, the eh-l.rited d'li fi.l-i.il. general, died at Wa^liingtoii mi S.ii ' "I ,\ night. A well die*ed Freii limnii jumpeil over Niagara Falls at ProsjH rl |x.iiit, Ann M m side. An epidemic resembling diphtheria IH pre- vailing amolix the children of Ihe II. . liilnr villc. valley, in Priiiisylvania. The roflrt d.nn at tln-Sault St- Marie eannl gave H IN \\ i dn-sday night and work will b- delayed lix weeks. Tin- S dd H-I-. Orphan*' sclnml st Mercer IV . is *aid to have INI n , obb-.| |.\ ollicial* I., the i-xl-nt of $|,IKNI,INIII. The famous Laguna de T.n-he ran, h nf inat tea, nd dinner IMMIIB served in the dmin; room at about S.:JOocliH-k. The Pun. -e and l'i iin-'-m dine with their gi.eit -. the I'llin-ra* dlttin. II, tli- n-ntie "four -nl,- uf the taldt-. while tin- I'nn.-t- is ex u tly op- p -lit.-. Wlun desert i* served a pi|i<-r pUy* tlie bagpipoK in the i-.nnd .r outside in M-ritalde Highland >tylr, that is, pacing backward anil forward. riilllM i - ,i> br i i. . in. i. . Ail electric toot h miller i* l.rn _ expert un-nt-.l with m Kngtand, and i.< n. -,uing .in In . .ivh. i i<nmen* ix>nimotion m the world of lU-ntn. tin- try Hv nirans of thu new device the stub '.i HI vearsago. It wax employed dog* who inadvertently strayed rliiii.li dm ing nmvi.-e. and as it is very !,i.-. I'.'iuist and most sensitive tee' ii re ex tract e.l in a twinkling, and with aln|ut<-ly n . , pain to the patient. The vi.-t;in ^ra*ps the handle attached to one wire h-.lini; from : the Iwttery, and a |MII of for.-rpmi itt.-.rhed I to the nt hei wii-- '\ lu-n the lin, rp.s t. null thetootliacurcuit is fnnueil. The jaw IK-MIL- much more sensitive to a shock thai and stoutly made WAS capable of giving lln unfortunate culm < a seven- pinch whirl, tin y wen, not at all likely Io forget in n hurry It miMt have II.H-II a very edifying up. t i.-lr [ii *rr a pump, u* churchwarden capturing u dog in thi* munnei and <-.,n\-\ iiiK linn ii aim- n^t h down tho aisle until __ _ he readied th- d< n . where hi* dogahip was hand, the gum* are so numbed hv the elt niiccrcinonioutdy I...M-.I mil to reflect on his aoda.-ily in thin disturbing the sanctity of the dispel. I. . |. .. I ...I. i ,!,-,,..., The case ,d Mrs. Kli/jiln-th Woodcock. who survived long burial under asiow, may 4II,IH anc-t in Tuiiii-i- Co., I il , hi-. L..II bi- known to many readers. This woman, *..|.l to ,iu Knglish syndicate for *|,IH*I,(*)II forty two yi-ars of age, of Impinuton, a vil I I,, wh.,1,.*.!. IHK.I and si,,,,- ti f ,I,V , '" ''"" ""'"""""> f Cambridge. l,t her A. Simpimion .V Co., of Cmemuali. have *'>' '." ret mnm; home from ma_rk,t on i,V Liabilities, $4(Kl.O,Kl ; asset*. S " 1 '"''>- '""^- re|'.r> --. IIHI, and was bin led seven foul deep m the xno.v In asiigne $300,000. MIMII.I-I I'helpii has surcecd.d in 111. 1 unit; ( | |t tli- t..llii.ui govi-i iiliient to lemoM- 111- Sniid, .n.l.ii .. ..n Americau cattle landed at ll.in, burg. The famous Maxwell land .'tint in C-1 in iidn, consisting of I,7(N),(NNI aen-s, ha* been sold. The price, has not been made public. Charles N. Felton was elected U. S Sena tor, ill suoi-nssion to I he late Senator Hearst, by the California legislature last week. Wm Mnl, loon, of Toronto, u ho was so- MB*d of smuggling Clnnnmen into the State*, was ."invi ted at I'tica and M-iili-ncrd to ill months' 1111)11 in. 'ion- nl \. \ m k and r.iooklyn appear t.. In. in- fesle.l it .1 fin- ongn. Five tires win e started on Saturday mght and Sunday, bill all wsie KHIII put out. The |j.iiinn,i L.'lt.-iy ha* rstablished a I, .IM h II M, - .', I W hl-h II, .1. li III - "I the I'nited Mil, n ,inli lottery law, it can UMI the United States mails with impun it,. this ntate she continued right nights and lUys, when she was dug .nit aliv- on lay, February 10. She retained tin- full IMWWMIOII of her M-IIIWS all tho while In- wax nmnmed She died .Inly '.'I, I71C.I A somewhat limilar rase occurred in the snow storm of Nn vmnber, Iv.Hl. A middle- H^-d \v IMIIII, n.ini.'d All, - .lanr Lowe, U- longing In Wigan, w%s admitted into Spald- inf; w.uk house m a very weak -i it-, I, u ing been found by tlm relieving oil, . i -.1. pmg out in the snow in thu I. in. "In I.i! - hens, near Spalding. Ske was put to I..-.I. and then stated that the had slept out lor i-ek* continuously, including, rn-ity that the tooth can bei pulled without the patient sum-iing a part'cle. In ..i.iei that no IM-I-MIII n-i-i-iveii a ihock t his syitem he teats the current himself be- fore the forceps an, applied to Ins molar*. Kxixrinu-nts made in tlie Phila.lelphin Col legi- of dentistry prove beyond doubt that with tin- aid of an electric .iiir-n* .\-n nerves i-nn In- remove*! from .|.-,,nm.' t.-eth without causing pain. The metln..| . plained, is simple. I mll.l. a* Rhr U pr li. 1 was in one of our srliooU the oth i ,.n where I picked np th" followiiii; thrilling composition written by a > ,r ,,;,| Sirl, which is om> of th- I..--.I pnv.-s of ring shas she is " spi-lt" th.it I I,..M- \.-t Keen . " A right suite of a Intl.- buoy, the >on of a keinal, with a rough around In-. flue up the mud as quick as a dear, a thymn hn stoppud at a gun hon-.,- .m,| wiling the brlle lln tun hurt hymn and knee wrest, lie was too tiivd to rti/e IIH fare, nail far,-. A feint mi.un of pain- rose from his li|n. Th* made who nerd th. Mle waa alwut to pair a lure, but she the I through it down and ran with all her mile. last few days, Ihi levercsl w-ailni ,.! the ; for far her guessed would not weight. I'.,,; year, when the snow coven-d tin- ground ' when she saw the little wi-n tier* -.tool i. to the depth of uitarly a foot. The |HKU- \ her \y.- at ilia site. Kwu poor ,1. , woman's bun w.,i in such a malted state' Why do you lyo bear' An, yew dvein^ that it had to U- .dl cut oil. She t:ite,l that ' Know, he said, "1 am feint She boar she had 1 1 imp. . I i urn Ijtmanhiri-, where sho him inn her arms, as ihe aught, to a loom had for ily I n in donn-.Mn- m-ivu-e, and ( where he mite, be. quiet, gave him bred and at the Inn- nhr M ,< found m the snow she meet, held a rent bottle under his know-. apl" -iie.l to I. ,., ,.-i In, H.I\ lln- ork untide hi choler, rapped him up warinlv, hons.' olhVials ...n.i.b-i n n,,.-.t remarkable [ gave him a luite drachm fiom a viol, n.l ,- fourth as hail si a young t A*OI % ft < HJ> Crest s>lstasiees Thai H*Miers Ba*e ia* ! Tlanr .r War. Io these days of steam and electricity war U by no means what il was in the oldest N .ire not now kept marching night and day in order to defeat s<>e plain . I..IMV, but arc taken In in point to point on the railroads, and instead ol being so worn out and lati^ucd when they coins up with the enemy that th-y actually invite defeat tney are a* fresh as daisies. The men who fought in the days Iwfoie team power were a hardy let, however, and during fre- ipuent wars executed many wonderful marches. The earliest and probably greatest march on> record during ancient times was that of the Lacedonian infantry from Sparta to Mar.ithon (490 B. (,'. ) to take part in the great battle at the Utter place. They marched 150 miles over an almost roadless i-o-intry in three days, under a weight which those who have seen the helmets ai.d breast- plates of ancient Greece con easily estimate tor themselves ; they came up too late, how- ever, and more than one historian has hint- ed that " theaccident happened onpuipote." Contemporary author* have been m. r- gen- erous, however, and have given them credit for having honestly done their utmost to ar- rive on time. I>aring the famous retreat of Xenophon and his " Ten Thousand " through Mesopo- tamia in 4O1 B. C. , many forced marches were executed, which equaled, and if we take into consideration the burning heat of the great central plain and incessant attacks of a hostile force which were added to the natural ditiicultie* of the way, even excelled the march of the Spartans. I..- romantic, enuaily brilliant and far greater in historical importance was th* march accomplished by Claudius Nero dur- ing the v .-olid I'unic war in 'Jo? B. C'. , whep suddenly abandoning his watch of Hanni- bal's army in Apulia, he hastened by forced man-iies into L inbria, defeated Hesdrabal on the Metuurui, - 1 "" miles from his starling point, .in! was back in Apulia before Han- nibal liad time to discover his absence. Dur- the entire march of 4<lO miles the army did not stop once for any length of time : eight and day they matched, taking their hurried meals and reding by relay* in the wagons which the couulrv people provi .ed, and whicli followed in the rear of the column. In 1*01 B. C. Hannibal himself accom- plished in even more rapid, though far lea triumphant march in his retreat upon < 'ar- tfter the fatal battle of Zama. So quickly did he march that he reached Adrumetuui, sixty three mile* from the bat- efield, between sur rise and sunset, while the pursuing Romans are said to have ac- complished sixty miles of the journey in the same time. It is recorded that during one of the latter campaigns in Gaul C'a-sar's Tenth legion achieved a similar feat. Let u* now jump from ancient history to more recent times, in which we will rind these exploits fully equaled, striking a* they are. In tiii march from York to meet William the Conqueror at Hastings, the Saxon King i ,. \i-u-d J'Jli miles in 6ve days a most remarkable feat when we remember what the roads of ^a\.m Kngland were like. A few years later W illiam himself equaled this feat, when, after defeating one body of Savon rein-In at Stafford, he crushed another near York U-fore even the news of hi* com- ing reached them, and then shorting like a TTlMltn ball acroM tin- whi'lc breadth of Kngland hi- overwhelmed the invading S> rich under Ulelhwallon. near Chester. In l.'i'Ki Sultan Bajaze' advanced with such amazing ipeed on the Christian confed- erate* near Sikopolis that an ol 1 historian speaks of it not as "a march, but a leap." The distance covered was 11,1 miles in two days. Celebrated n:aich of tiustavus Adol- hrough nortl. in Germany in I '..'! I is t.iinilar to every student of history, and gave rise to the saying that " the Snow King (an he was called bv his enemies) had IMB- ni avalancln I.or.l Peterborough's wonderful march over the Calula,, mountains for 'J.Vl miles in the depth of the seven- winter of 170,", has U-. n limn Ttali/cd by Pope's graceful lines to him is one who Tame* the stubborn u-nlun of thr t,!ain Ahnort as quirklY 0.1 he conguenti S|iain. In 171'ithe I'. i. -de Vendome completely SH-lipsed Peterlwroiigh's work by maiching from Talavera, covering I6l) milt i in lour days Hwimming the ll.M.i.le.1 11, na ic. and utterl\ muting the unprepareil Hnti-.li at lirilii-ega. Fie.li-nrk the Great * marcht-s during the wars' war were the wonder of all Ku- rope. At one time, in IT.'R). he marched his arm> f.irtifty hours with onlv two intencn- mg halt* of two hour* each. \_.iin, iu 1760 he kejit ln army man-hmg for tei. hour* on one of the hottest d.i\s in thevear without a single halt, iicaily ."ui-.f Im n.-n .'topping dead in the line of march from sheer ex- haustion. Th* Kalmuck Tartar, at the outset of their memorable flight fiom RUSH a to the Cbin.e frontier in 1771, rr..inplihe.l the ;tl."> nnl.H between th- Volga and the I'ral, over a snow-covered plain, m seven day, an average of forty-five miles a day. gave that the woman survived the exposure and last he went cold. (hoars*." I Nil 4 till It HIM ILE. 4 ml llr Narrlnl tuulkrr MMaa While- in- *llr W lll LltlMc. \ \ v!-dcl Cuoke !" ncd tu-in KH1II ^>t- nn-'ate and settlr.l m l.iimiit .>n ...iinty .lUoit li> months ago. He was accompanied by a family of nine children, whom he r- S. 1 i .. -'iniged to hi* iltiwued brother. ; to Canada lie married a tin- i-l.lal IH-\ "I tin imported family witm--ing the m.iin.i,;e i ereniony. i\ n, g together for a ye:ir nr moie Mrs. look. i -ioinr. lung inch led her t.i I'di'M- ihat the chiUrrcn, wiio had all .uetulU 'rained to call CiHike ' ' i" were not m-p, . \n und niix-es bin s;-n and . laughters . -".re .: tl- older rlnl.lieii if her m.ppoMt ions were not .- and wits inloi nii-tl they wtir Mid tint their muther was still living and u.,dur..^M. Mrs. thru 1-lt hei hii>l.,..i,l -ml went to I' ,. l.riither in !.i , ,-\. K. Jain- l'i.e -.1 lp|-.l bai'tto ,hu Umtinl -i.ii.--. The oldest boy who had witnessed tin- ,--i.iii..ii\ wii arrest p*l as a conspirator. but since hi* arri-nt friends of all mtcested |>ai ties have l>een doin.- 'i'ii.ider:ibli- cor- i.-|M>nding with the result tli.it u'.l met m \\ n lnr and m-ttli-d (I - nll'air, Mr*. Ci.oke the *.-, d to i. itnnnin a* nig

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