Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 2 Apr 1891, p. 1

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FLESHERTd ADVANCE. TRUTH BEFORE f.i I "UJ: '-" . A'/.\ 1 PLES, .\ .V." VOL. TX., NO 509. FLESHERTON, ONT.. THURSDAY. APRIL 2, 1891. W.H.THURST05. - Rings, Rings, R ; ngs. Armstrong Bros. Are now sho.ving the largest and best stock of Diamond, Gem Engagements, 10 K and 18 K Plain Wedding Rinos, ever shown here and at prices thst cannot be equalled except by spot cash buying, which is the cret of our cheap selling. We also carry an ex- tensive line ot New Haven Walnut S day, ^4 hour and Imitation Marble Cbcks with fine French works. Nickel Timers from l?i.oo up to $3.00. We are still selling such watches as Waltham, El^in, Columbus, Springfield, Illinois. St. Thomas, Hartford, and New Haven watches at our greatly reduced prices. Fine Watch, Clock, and Jewelry repairing our Specialty. Our Facilities for Fine Work are unexcelled. ARMSTKONG BROS. SwiBtin Park. Now i* that farmers should k ork. I will bt th<M art. - .y of L. I a cheap imitation of bead gear in Robinson have been appointed . . i . : enumerators for the to? How dots -backing it" go/eh boy Osprey. Their duties Apr. Ur -In. i - - . ''' I'lf.hlTHMl X.lll-'ll By <MT oo Kef. - ud pou: a are the order PAINT TRIMMING. HOKSB8HOEIXO WOOD WORK FIRST PRIZE WHEUKVER SH'\VN. LVMBEB, LATH. SHDtOLES' JOB WOKE FOR VEHICLES MANUFACTURED AT Hoard's Carriage AVorks. FLESHERTON, ONT. KM shed or gra* order that t man ... .it a few sticks ever; brfore breakfast dutiiu' tho Mdon. Blaekamiius hare mor- A- to mend your plow or to repair jour harrow* ti.an ih d*y before you require to use those imple- ments. Also a hundred and one other chore* eat; be done, that oim an energetic and wide-awake brmer can think of. V :i:e a number -tapped trees" dnnug the fine et'.ler of last wek. but Jack Frost Lipptd their i*cta- .3 in tie bud. Our teeth are just watering for "taffy." Several of U.o residents of S. P. took advantage of the "warm spell la.-: week to draw iheir surplus stock of pot a: es to market where they tinJ a ready sale at good price > as a nxaK '.- A political meeting was held in th acadtiay uiugiStb, in tLe interest of Mr. Gilbert Me- Ktchnie, who addressed tee me for a short tuao. Owing to r cient notice the attendance was gioall but represeatative. Mr. McKf.'hnie did not co vary deeply into politics as thfre was 10 ppfOMtion. and the '.o generally irere thoroughly oon- ' Tenant with th qn *tioas at issue, the result of :ao elections Ust Jnna. H. stated . *ch. that if 1 elected, he would !;x>k after the mte .rests of Proton, re the wood SiiOf. Mr. Wood baa bten rery ill some months past. We are sorry say he DM been confined to bed* for the past ' wo weeks. We hope to Me iiim around soon. Mrs. Mclnnia, sr., has been Terr ill but is recovering slowely. Mr. Rosebeme 's little girl is fully recovered from her illnes. She has ; on Saturday nigh 1 _'irl came to Mr. i .1:?!. I be little ones ate of clothes and barefooted. It is needless, however, to say both pames are doing all they can for 3 the comfort of the li::le strangers, who are doing well. The nenoKot of the Lord was dispensed in the Mclmyre chorch on Sunday last by Bev Mr. Hugh. An effort baa also bean made to pay D of the debt on the church. .- . . morning by Miss Little. The parents will no doubt be glad of this as our school has been closed for the pa.<t thr*e wt>*ks. owing to the death of Mis* Miller Mrs. McPbatter and Mrs. MtPhee left for their homes last week. Mrs. Ea<n and sister spent a few days in Owni bound last week. Our service j usual in the Sundiy afternoon at 3 o clock, Sunday school at i. W'hat happened our Bible h-* teacher last Sabbath * Hiimis M.- - lair of a BOO, V. Rntledge of a daughter. Me*.- i A Cook are atippii: a car load of avo stock this wek. Mr Samat j Mr H h Wrn . W Properties for Sale ix 4KTEV ESIA Id 4Bd W * OO tbe) PTWB1S4* ' WUltwM&ehM*' . E T * 8. B . Uhl < . - want lion. h LAKD UaUJB MOWKW. BINDERS. Our Wacgono Ihc Rest. Our Kucztrs tho K-i ur t'.'ltrr* tho Host Our Imiirutotl Harrou- STRAW CCTTKR8, >'H,SBS, TL'RNIP DBi: <.VNO PLOWS Frvm *r OVM Corrapotuitml. snowed up had to wait for the thaw so . out. Tho patrons of Victoria oil, Gramme: > "t are well pleased ;. > -1 I..u.,i- -.hero was any ' wit '' ibtir returns of last year, hence ssibihty of Proton's just claims l{ ' iev intend to patronize it better than - ,-a - .T * >, 10*. with ( W Ilijum <*. < oT' BtovwJiM iepu. u i T - : , MM* KMMwra i* tntttd Tillcpri]^trtT aoM l - - .-.-.. / APRIL 1891. A- this is the month to blow and putT about new Spring Goods, Lar^e Importations, Daily Arrivals of Goods, etc., \vc claim tho privilege ot"talki:i^ quietly to our customers and Those Interested In purchases. Even- week our N\\v Spi'ini; (.roods are coming to the front for in- spection. The first \ve mi^!:t mention int :'ne men and boys, and > ivy shipment ot Hats in al- most every conceivable style and shape, and feel sure we can fit any shape head or suit the most K>; ,ent in this tion of country. Oualitr and price canrot fail to please. While examining our hats don't tor^et to inquire for Dress Shirts, Collars, Ties. 1't, -..also see oar selection of Pant: Worsted Suitings in Scotch and Canadian. Don't think, Ladies, because we have mentioned the nice things for The COARSER SEX first that we I forgotten you. We try at all times to study your in- terests very closely, and several ladies j2uf testily already to our fine assortment of Dress Fabrics, etc. A nice line of Colored Cashmere just opened, also cheap lines of Colored Dress Goods in plain and figures. One old lady remarked that our Print assortment made her fancy she was young again and living in the good old times. "The quaint old terns.not two alike, and so many to $mO>3'J- -- ijV-l is worthy of note. Lawns and Muslins, KmhroiJeries and Laces, Glove; and HOSUTV, Cotto:-. ufa and Shirtings, Lace Curtains and Curtainettes, Sctims and Chintzs, and other articles too numerous to mention comprise j-u ->^-La, ^i5J^'ja - jJiJ> su:o>C3L of Dry Goods. Our Moot an.: ' Department is well filled with lines suitable for every kind of weatlu-r. It needs no com- mendation troin us, for it has gained a reputation of its own. Any one who has purchased our Boots and Shoes knows where to get booted good and cheap. Fresh Groceries always on hand. Don't torget the place.] MCDONALD & EVANS. being recogK'.st 1. Mr. McK. al<o referred briefly to the economy of the peecent local govertnueiit nn.Ier the leadtrship of Hon. Oliver MJ\V:I- and contrasted ike stau 1 of affairs in with those of Quebec. Ihtncan MoMill.ui alo brudy ad- dressed the limiting Mr. N -: wixk moving lus giyJs t>> FKsberton st . in rcadititss for his departure to the i West. The toa:hor3 and pnpils of the acatkmy and tie colloye r\-=po: veil a short season of relax r from wcrk as a rt*:ilt cf Thai oar baoLdor merchant has an eyo to bnsir.t <s i* ov. : the faot that IK t'rom > .> a Dumber io cow !' '". J r. :.. ntv V.- Mrs. S. Sheardown paid a v some friends iu Bruce la: Tilly Taylor who" has been very ill for some time, is now in a fair w.v of r. Mr. W. Morrow ha* now moved to : ;:.. We hope hu more will be d with success. Mr. TLos. Taylor. sr..nd " Thompse: .:ock lately. v. ers take pai.nu and improve tueir X ? Mr. II 4 men are lea .'ing - Mr. W. came off was fairly atu WILL SHOW FOP. YOUR MCIION A WITIHKS SILVKKWIRF l\l> GI.M K\l. JJUI I i;> what may Iv tK- onto men is there a a I large importation of _solc l Mr. ).\<. ' , we ion. r tha: J\m we might say > take as stroll After Lors tor e\ -..and ; .\ lues home with a troubled look on his coamei wliich l-ospoaks sympathy for other parts of his anatomical system. \Vo rotiivd a slight typographical error in bills atinouucinv; tho recent political meeting he'd in the academy. 'lir,- f will take place in lS9o. Rather long time to wait. We are uiuc'i pleased to hear of tho sale arrival of Messrs. Jno. and Alf. i ?, 3 .' M...>1 ., %!.. llTltlSh b> tho it5: The tiro >... Los* abou: - Mrs. J^si >\i \\ , sn 1 Mr. M - N lore !.!: he;o .-u a v.sit tj friend* iu King. M Innr. Uii m Mil* in i Fi |M Gsa' F m: HUM \\ in; i H.iu'.y iu Manitoba. J. C. Hardy was visiting fner.ds in Osproy last week. We were pleased to see- Miss J. Toild in town last week, or rather somebody else was pleased. ' Wo are sorry to leant of tiio actions : Mrs John MoMurdo. \\ she will *xm bo rvston-d to her wonted health aud strength. \ V,-Caiinel,'ot" Oleuelg. .ing at Mr. l>. McMillan's. WIIVl WK IwrLl' 1.IKK TO KNOW. W !.:! has become of the fur-coated M- inner Tei liaps he i hav. ing a slick tine iu fresh fields aud .res new I i Who took J. IVs rvrsian lamb car at the parly the other evening and - r The farmers in this vicinitv re busy preparing for sugar making. Some few hav , '.title has been done so far iu gatlierinj; any sap. Some of our young men have left us this spring to try their fortunes in Columbia, and oilier plaooe Messrs. Neil P. McLean. Hector Me- Pouald and P-ine.t:i Melutyrv have to I'ritish Columbia.and Messrs. George Whitsou and John Mcvt'aiUen have, we understand, gone to Francisco. May fortune follow the brave youths. Mrs. T: S is just recovering from a seven- attack of conjesti the lungs. Many others have boon sick with severe colds mnoh resem- bling la grippo. Mr. K. Totts. sr.. was at Owen Sound last week attending the spring asauea as a petit juror. He reports having a good time aud seems to hare emoyed tho week's vacation. \Ve understand Messrs. Thos.Scott. I I'otts, Samuel Taylor, and Uus 10 ANO UK.. #.'> TO ;? v V >VF.IUN\; i\ TAL IU.: CLOCKS. IN NICKEL $1.50 W.\' ' Fins s Repairing Personally attomled spev-tion of lioous. to. < 1': . Mctluxls iuv: Wishes to \11 W. A. BRINY ', Jewell: MAKKP ;I.

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