V THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE THE- LITTLE MILL. Having .ntln-lv renovated rny mill during the iMut yoar. putting in lartie amount of new luacLiutir). 1 ui now prepumd to grind flour in > manniT ii-rond to nu mlllur iu Ontario, and on the .horte-t notice. OLD TERMS; Every twelfth Iniihel. Sovou centi per Iniuilivil for chopping. ]>":tr i-vsry day. P. LODGES, Proprietor. OOOD STABLING FOU UOKSE8. FLESHERT01T PLA*'l\fi MILLS ' purehnxed tin- Kli-nhurton 1'laninp Mill. (roil K. J. S|ironle. KM].. I now aeir to inform the PUBLIC that I am in I pnnitioo to do ALL KINDS OF General planing mill work, viich H SASH, noons, i >o()i: FKAMF.S Planing and Mutciiing, re sawing, etc. ftond Work in ;uilii|> artfe qu ber on ha IT. /. Hi -shi-rton. WM. BARNHOU8E, J100T AND HIIOK MAKF.l;. n.KSUKUTON. (INT. ,r..< t., t;.i.k hn iiMiM.-roiii Mi-to, n ,-i for tlm vary lllwr.l p.tronaui' ">ii-iiil".l in tin pat, anil in iiowprn|>iufl to All alloxlci- with ci-MiiiptiuiM. BauafaeUon gnanwteed i,'iir .r in lnjii...i in H.'-lu-rtmi. ri.l lmt., ,t itea)lri|.- with Komi u.ii-kiuitiihip.tiav<i ln ]" IH num. wi.ll known throughout ti aewea work a ipselaltl <.-iyur boot* ni.U by Wn.Uaruhoanv, fiunhan 1 O ATTEND- \:rtlun fiuiuss l':;;,j:. Owen Sound, Out- lr You DbbiRK To GET A GOOD Kl)UCATlON. of voting men and w*inen hv tmlu-M ft Lxihtiu'w rourKu during the |>.*>t tM vtoarn whuaro uuw mirceshlui in buMimhs or fill- ing lucrative ponitioii*. Tlitr buhintJH* courao nf fliirly U by far the inoKt thorough and rum ll< ti< in Canada. 'I here in as much in the junior department UK in thu t-iit.re course of tuau> of thu itocallt<l buxiuvM collvtfeB. The --ti"i thaud couibu i - thorough ami complete. He ml for a copy ofthoAuuual Aiinuuuceiueiit containing full particular*. It U (tout free to uuy address. C. A. FLEMING, Principal. A artfe quantity of good dry pm lumber on hand. 0. NcTavish, HORSKSHoKIt AND GENERAL BLACKSMITH, follincwood Street, FLESHERTON, - ONT. fcf umifm-t ut tin* "f \Va<niH. leiRht, Haggles Penirw-rat*. etc HorMthotiu promptly at fiM,.| >i sp.'.-inl attention niveii to < "n:ra< : 1 or tt-ndttr feut and Plow Chain* con- stantly onhainl. Joseph Smith, FLKSIIKKTON, I>eftim to ii>reas hit thanks tn hU numeron* i -nxtoturiH fur ttu'ir vury liberal |>atron itfc*' *-\t. Ti'liM tn lihn in the pa*t, and woul 1 rnll atti-itti'Hi to t.HtfM-l that lm u hrr* ntnl and it*aily to till all .r.ln will |>rn!ii]>tneiii, and ijuaraiiiee* aatitfitt lion every tun- An>l In kiM'piiiii th txt Htm- k In the market an I '{ DHiiitj "-trii tlv t" I'liMi . - he ha* nun f< tiiiiikelf a |>lar* aiii<-iiK Ihe l>et hi>0inker in intry I mint*' itiiil t,i*ttt' itcWt*! w<n k * pucialty. Kvrry IM>II<III oome aud gat bueUM at J. SMITH'S, Floshertcm. HEALTH FOR ALL. THE PJLLS Purify tlio Illoud, corroct all Uiiui dort of Liver, Ktomuoh, lii.lii'.VN, nnl THE OINTMENT ,. II..1 i:r.<tii. DM \\, . n.u . s..to. mi,! I'lcuri It i, (.mom f ,s,., I',,, ,li,,.|., 1 .,,f I | u .i-|i.t ltllM nlaflllbl.r,.m..,yt,,r HK ..... lM'lltli For so HI-: Tiiito.ri, /:/:uAT///ris, cor a us, COLD* <ilnaalrSwl!lii(j.,.,,|.]ISki.iI>i,,, t ... It I... no rlvl;nml fur contracted .ml Hid iilnt.it ct like, cli.nu M;lll'if.-tnri.|..iily nt ' > AV'F. l'Mi.l,liihmcn, 7s. Now 0\rr<l Slrrt-l ( Intr S3:i. Oxford sire*-! ). London. ndarotoUlatli. 11,1.,..M..4.6.1 . - ,, , r ,, ti .,, ,., |,,, ),d i,f all M rln \ ,-n,|.. m tiirui., l.,,ut llin Woi'M. If t>K aMrnt u not Punhatrn dtoulil loot: i< !hr LM <m 1h' /'i,r.i <tn<i /.'. 63,1, n,j,.,:lt<t l -trt, Ln t .l,,n, tJttv are THE OBELI* TYPE WRITER. will i.uvthaOUKIJi TYPE 1VRI- TICK 'itli ?> i-lni ;'tiT. and ir> f..t th" Slimlr < ;IM Ollrll. .ur.mt,,! to do butter w r IHUII any IIIC'|IMII nid I,-. , It omowt iiMmcm *iili i.innmiT. HfXEU, KAKM CIF III'M.UIOM, WMntoagW lttl- <.m o 'i.t 'if r,-|n IH than anv oilier iimcliino H n. i ink riiilxin to b-itliiT thn n|<rrtoi . It !> M- \T. r.1 HVMril'l., nii'k I. | 1 ,!.,[, |i,.|(,., | and .l. M .t I t.i all kind, of tv|..i wrilinc. ik. n iiniitinx prcii-4. it pm.ln,-,-. slmrp, oil-nil, 1,-iiiU uininucri|it<i. 'I vm, or ti-n <-n|':i-i IM 1" i.h *t on.i wtitiii^ 1 . Any intr|lif>i-iu |..'r^.,n oftti li, niu HU o|,,-rat.ir ill two diiyn. We oftYrll.MOO t.. any n|M>ra. tor *hu i : n eqiml tin* Work <,f th,. |<ul>l< .!M- <ll<*ll I:, i bl AK'-nln and Klnmon wuntcd Bpotlftlintlueeui ,i,i. K*t 'l:iin|.lii. i ijiTinjj Indorinmenti, Ac. I.. I r... <i)IH F.I. TYI'E W KITKR CO.. W and H7 Alh Avo 4 MMK.O. ILL. Wo. 1 flour Only $4.80 Per Barrel at R PEDLER'S. <'.. inn one, come all and Ret supplied, for ha I. Hi., liny that kopi the I>U and alway. luU on hand, .Ixi a cheap liuo nf (4-K.OC7K1C.IKM, LCBSBS, Orugts, CUB Anil. ood line of coiifn tionary. All kindi of eaniioil pHHli, coin meal, oat Uleal.rollixl wheat. Kralinni flour, lo vlnugiir aud elder. SHOP NEXT DOOR TO M. U1CH & cos. Richard Pedler. (Then Baby wai afak, w T b.r OMarla. Wka rite wae a Child, ihe ertod for OaMorta. WVw ah. broame Mle.. ate ohf to OaOnria. Wkav eh. bad Chlkdn*, ebe fare theea CMtorta > ;irrh:iin. FIOM our otrn Vorrapondmt. Mr. J Irish ft Co., are getting iu a large quantity of logs tliis winter. We may nay the mill always gives good satisfaction, aud why not be well patronized. If Mr. Uto. Wright moves his flonr nill to Dtmdulk our little town will feel the blow. I say, G., a rolling stone gathers no moss. Our choir has been called upon to >rovide the music for the teauieetiii},' of the Presbyterian church, Maxwell. ft el pioud lliat our choir is getting so popular. Mr. Wm. InkstiT feels as if ho ulil clear a seven rail ieuce because a- has been presented with a fine >aby boy. Mr. (i. Robinson has purchased a set of iron harrows. He intends to cratch the grouul as never before. Our town bus makes its usual trip o the junction every Sunday. A terrible coal mine diuuter took lace in Nova Scotia on Saturday by which l&O I'tM'i'ie met their death. IK an Easy >n<- FKEK THI1' Tbeiucceu of out laet word- n IIIIK ronteit. Ju.t clied. oucourage. u. to ftrranotlii-rfroetrip AUOL'Nl) i.be world, or .nli i-qinvalent to th. txron Minding IB the .rK.'t Ut of word, spelt tlie H.nie forward aud ackward, nuch an "1'ip." "HoL.: 1 Hannah." I1K contBt cloMi M.y 11 Throe daily |iriif. PI I lm throu largutit li.t. raerlred. Content pell t.. tli.' WOHLO. Eor>one wudiuK teu wordu will get a priie. Nearly 110 won prilM n our riM-iit c-onti Itulc-n *u.l nainple pp-T J cent., touuther with a laruo illustrated cat.- V'lJre. Hell 1 . Uagaiiue, OrilUa, Out. eblUOiui. All Men h ', rKl. OT middle agid, who find then- elvf nrrvoui, weak anil exhausted, who are i ilown from exoue> or over work, re- ullitiy in lu.niv of the following ymptoiu: ,|. i t.il ,lr|irt MM, premature old a' . I"*-* .( vitality, 1* of memory, bad dreaum, limiiem of inli'. palpilHlion of tbe In irt, .,n. lnek of eiii-ru.v, ].iu in the kid- ,. M.. li.-Hdarlir.pimpU'i- on the face or body, trhiiiK " r peeuhar m-iwation almut She sro- .uni, wanting of the. orgaui, dizzinen.peki jvforr the *ye, twitchiiik 1 of the tnu.cloK, M- li.ls and . 1-irwherc, bahfuliieBn, depoaiU .11 tin- nriii<-, Io8ol will power, tendernen >f the clp and spluo, weak nd flabby ini'M-lf., desire to sleep, failure to be liy ilerp, couatipiition.dtillneu of hearing. Ion of voice, doire for nolitnde, excitability of temper, nonkrn eyes inrronnded with iiwi.K, oily looking ekin, etc., are all nr of nerrona debility that lead to itmauitT and death unlo cured. Tbe ipnnK or vital foree li.ivm^ lout it< temion erory function wane* in ron'i|ni-nee. Those who thn-OKh abuse committeil in ignorance may I"' p'-nu :im -ntly curi-d. Send your ad- Jren (or !>'>k on all iliHe.iea |>eculiar to man. Addr-K M. V. U'HON, :i> Front St. K., Tor. ml... On. HookH Ktit free sealed Heart dinraiw, the syniptonmof which are faint npi'lla. purple lips, iiuiubue.a, palpita- tl..n. skip bi'tttx. hot llttfliea. rtlHll of blixkl to (he hf.i.l. .lull |.iin in th.> heart with beats Htroii).'. rapid and iin't;ulur, tin lii-nrt In t ijincker than the first, pain about the hreaxtlxiiie, etc.. con (lohitivflv I..- ,-nri.l .-.no ji.iy. S. -ml fur hook. Addws M V I i BON, 00 VrMll Stn-.t Eat, Tor- onto, Out. THE MARKET?. FLESHKUTON. Corrected Kurh tl't-ek lf|,, llr .. ^ < HO lo Kill Wli.-al M) to H|,riHK Wlir W B.rley MM llutt.r freali Potato, bag Pork Hay per ton Hide. ihoopiktna Turk.y. Oblek.n. per pair... ik.pvr pr. 40 t ev o 1.1 15 SO S (0 too ;i .u BO A 9 30 M 90 .'. i ! Vll C 80 43 6.1 U 10 5 i 6 (I .H (-0 1 00 uos 00 6 (I t< Executor's Notice. In tin- n., at. r ,.( the e.Uto of Mary Ant MrMullrii, widow, ileccased, pursuant ti i, r. . \mi.nn of the revite.1 slatnten < f Ontario chapter 1 10, notice is hereby tjiveii lhai ill crwlitom and other persons having any delita, claims or ileinaiid> acainst the estat* of Mniy Ann Mi-Mullen, late of the villftS' .( I I- .herton, in the towimhin of Ait. in- i . in the ooiinty ol Ifiiy \nlou deceased, win ,hed un or kBMt the 2Hth d-.v of Junuary \. D., ISlll.are h-reliy rcquinnl on or b(ort the I4lh day of March, A. !>.. 18'J'., to spin 1 'iy post prepaid to .lame* McMulU'M. Klesh .irton P O., one of the executors of the es itte of thu said deceased, their Christian Bin urnameH, aildressus snd ili-c-H|'H"ii. tin nil partieularH of thnir claims and ititt. n. i, of their aooounts aud the nature of iirili-< (if any) held bv them. Aud noin- M fiirthvi given lh*t at thu npirutiou o uue uanted tbe caid executors will |'t, .-,< ,. d'tribul thn uet of the said den a .Mioiix the parties entitlml thereto, b.n in -.iird only to tbe olaiuis of which tbey *h.tl 'hen have notice, and that they will n I b table r'or the assets or any part thereof s< liitrlbntrd to any person of whose elaims bey shall not then have had notice. Dated this 10th day of February, 1801 THOMAS JAMBH WILSON UoliUI.I.EN I UcMDLLKNF K .^ * for Infants and Children. ta to well adapted to ekOdniotjMtl I rMommad It a. tuoenor to aar prucnobuD Colic. OonHpattM. uimacli, DiarrlKEa, Enutattoo. TBS CBTAva . 77 Mum? atre<i. N. Y. In Position -ANU- Position is Everything. [s fully equipped with re- quisites for turning out ? per- fect class of work. All kinds of pictures taken and finished in a style equal to any city work, while the prices are lower. Picture Framing done ID all its branches. If you have shopping to do and pictures to get taken on the sanae day please attend to the latter first. Careful at- tention will be given to copy- ing other pictures. Mrs. Buhner. It U . nrulo Mi.t npM.1? ear* f CI4 ID UM UMd MkJ Cl*if b ui SOOTHING, CLEANSINQ, HEAUNO. Instant Relief, Permanent Cure, Faiiure Impossible. Mny KVlt" 1 OlM*M t tlntrl l. it ),..! r u ..I : a lih uiv of IhMO or kl,i4lril iiil .j-^.-.t tv>- h.lL il\tll II MM I') .'.I lltQ(|li.W. or will b Mat. ; FULFOHD t CO., Brocklll, On!. Can Suit You Many have tried me and answer in the affirmative. Then, if others aie well suited why not come to me and get Your Pants your coats and vests made in the best of style, the quickest time and lor the least money. I will never wear cut the patience of my customers by false promises. Bring on the cloth for Your Coats and have it cut while you wait. Suits which I make up and recommend may not be strong as cast iron, but they give satisfaction every time. Call on the un- dersigned and test these statements. F. A. BAKER, AKMSTIiONG'S BLOCK, Floshcrtou PRO BONO PUBLICO. ' 1-BoVi AIO, TUIXU.U.- UUOO." THAT WUU l- If you want a eood. ..> working, dunblo .ubt.uttal, oru.uiaiit.l. wall painted pump i !i,< that will not ba a continual .ource of anin>y.nce, cip.ni and r.x.tion of rpitit. g.t oueof Artley'. acted pump, and you will !>< happv a. f.r a. the pump in r|>ontible. 1 guarante. atlifartioii In every Inotanc. ot forfeit trteprteeof th*pniiii>. I xubiult fur reference tlio nitnoii of oini. of th paitlee wboare uiiug my|ium|... I M,irkdale.-J. W. Sproulu . \V S tl.sk.it. ?., >i 'K><.|>. i' . \v. itutleMgc -. llarii'al. mliK,! In Arfliif- . \Vni.\Viiih: , TtWTf Urijibt.. Jar ri Henry: Join, .>n i il!iu. .ift (t . K, D.vm . JituiM Jobiikloii , Mi. lli.ll.tv . Mr. StHinlx-itkiv, U ft. : Jobn 1'-' i toin two i 6R and 1 ft. : Tlio. LvTur . Mr \\ l.it t..-i. . NoUo L.wr,'i In Kupbra.ia.-J. Owrland ; lli.ht. Duidiip . .1 Ki iii:itn . Mr McX.tly ; n.u H,u\, -, J, J ill. .iv ,1 \Ir.\rtlmr ; Johu I'itktirius. W It Sew Kiik'land ichool. I iilenelg. Sain. I!a.itl : G. Nunii. Ui ruroeaua. In Holland. WM. Sort. 'ii . J niaiiiny . I S! .iitd.'liifrT ; Mi-. U'lii'lu-v i . Mr- Vn.n,-, M ft \t Kufonl.. 1, .1 Wl'lianiMvn.W ft. ; .loni.h f.H'pi'i'. M f. ; Ja (;u>. u. J W H ,1.01. J.i.iw M.-Ue . <>v> Mvi li .--. l'i ti M.-MulK-M Mr l.awler. ft. In OKprcy. Jauie. Madden ; Kobt <'oli]u.tt. Wft At Harkley. -Mitchell ]trn. ; nnko Abhoy :w ft. ; Wm. Love ; K. Watt. ; J.Orawf JBFrRKY AUTLBT. llfgr.. Markdale. The inundation in th* Ohio valley hat catwed the datructiuu o< property to the amount of frt.000,000. K H"'" fortn.ikT ' r'lMt'M wk f., ... bi .!. I 1 . 1' IM. . .... ...I J,.. I --.*"' |l.U>i AMlfM *!,. fimfc Ml Hrl . CAM v. . ( - M innM M r kM ih-> tern* lt'< it,... i ftwf^rt < o . I ,