THE FLESH It ION ADVANCE. It .IXKIXf* OFUCK OF GEO. MITCHELL, PLESHER.ON. OvrriJi*<>*. rubber*, etc- We till bare some overshoe*, rubbers, vwki, awl t'lt bo"ta b> ho noul at eoK. Now il jour time for gubuine bargain*. R. Trim- ble. V -n il l>t iki ii| bmiie tr l>rif* i '. - I'd 1 *Jt imuaJ rat** A1nat always .i.lbl f..r l.ijjit.uxKo Lu.inn.n .ne. Of lien two '! > irn north of Rrcwardson A Co 'i. Vicinity Chips. hararJrri.ti-s of thr Pa*t Wrrk C'arfful.v rtll-! for tin- < uriou*. II IP ' . manorial card* juat to and t thii otSc*. Barn Burned. Tim bnin MI<| stalile belnntinz to Mr. U in. St.i.vui. 11 til line, Euphra-tiit,, about thru mile* from Mar-Male, wan e<<n- suinetl l>y tire mi M. unlay niitriiini;. Ft u claimed Uiat it Wiu catited l>v an ani- mal kicking over it Itntwrn. The i>ui!l- !i:- wan insured f<-r I'ioO and tlie e-in- t.-nu for about $auO. The low abofe iiuurauou will ba vary iiuall. Sprrinl ilrivrs m Mi boom, fur eap. t lulikpts .n ! . l.-lt utt. ('if OIK! UlOflt*), at U. TrimMo'a. I.It. Lucas, lnrri*tT, Markd.ilr. hao sKUX/ii |.rivat*> fund* t> It-ncl on t'a-tn ni'.rtL'Hw" "i witliiu the uext !- niontln at lowwit mien. >'< ri.nnniM- i"-n. no .l.-!avi, <:X{:i>sen lw. Apply at nfticB in duniis th week or at Dundalk .rli.: on Saturday*. Mr. J<*u Ailmihead, i Toronto, ii a J. W. ArtnxtroK', Eao]. fto n<rt f..ii;-t tli< Oraiiye Soiree tt l.._.-nia lA-m-.'ht (Thttraday). It u ilway* im-m-eise. W. A. Stephen*, coKcct"r <f v i iw.-t' Sirtgnd, and an old ptoneer, died ii Saturday kat. N 'in natiin* ar ; hem.; held t< <ly (Thursil.iy) -for'.li (Jruy at Duruani, f T Ea-tt Urny at Hocklyn. W. J. McOirr, of tV-eraliain, WM tried nt >leaf"H taut weak on a charjra of robbing the w.uli. He w:u acquitted. Rlartkrt* A number of pairs of white /irv.l grar LUnKfta must b sold, now ia yor time. ft. TriBUe. A heavy thaw struck an oti Tueaday aud U still continuiuz at th time of KO- m? to preas, but the fciirhiiig i* stiil fairly g<>l. The attendance at Flesherton public *xho*l average* about 120. Of this tiumbrr Mia* Slack baa aa average u! 70 under her charge. The FUwherton I. O. o. F. paid their bcjtbeceu in Durham a visit ON Moday evening It wn a ul.inou* i iht for a drive and the boy .xjyed th.'tnaeJve* vrv Dine a Kobe*. robrft. rebr*. X lew nice good Mb** on hand yvt and must g at roM. Now in you Uia* fur a bargarm. U. Trfli-ble. A n:.'<'ti!i.' in Mr. Blytti s intercut wai calUd f'C Thonipniiii'* <ch l bovine. Art*- lae-m, 9ti Tuesday eveniux, bat owin.' iu the vry incleinrnt weather it tun been |M4tp<>ne<l antil M-inda;- evuninf next, Mr \Vaitpr Lcntck, f Flesherton. wlm ha* bevn vintin^ hi lister, Mr*. W H .Mo re, the \<eat ft-w dayt, left for I. m- thii *fieriH>n. Mr. Leitch will take hi* ilejiartiire this week fr Akru, Mich., \vhera lie intend* /in^ into the mer <c!iMit ttilurinx buaitie**. [O. S. Time*. The b*nd*oiu*>4 catalo|(Ue <>f pUnta. rt"WiT and ii-KtuUle aeed* publishe>l MM thi.t continent in that iud hy <le.v Ix.-wi Ofcnld*, Floral I'ark, New York. 25 cent" for the beautiful ever bloomiaij Maam -ti.i vine, and thii art treasure will l>e errt you free. It coii- taim aix colored plate*. M I)niial'1 & Evan* >ay that in one lj the second week after their Febru- ary anir- uim-iut nt in Uieao coliiniD* th<>y di*)|*ed of in> lea* than aeventy pairs of kootn. Doe* advertuintf pay'' This eaterpriaixz firm think no, most cin- j.hiuicallv. nml make a March auuouDce- tiient in this IMIII'. Kearl it. Our liamUoiiie prenium paper, the American Farr.ier. cme* tin* month frnin iu new i ' ' . -Istnl, Ohio, it M im|>rtr-cd in form anfl well wor'h T"' cent* year. Thi* who hav paid for Tb.' Advance fit !>;'-' tuny it f r the |-noe of pontage, 15 rn'iits. Thi* offer is <nily otK to thone who have puid for The Advance for the vrentrnt y*r. .i-i-nt rxrltrmeut jnt now in Fl'h - rl<)ll < 'IK' is the WctioDH. tbe ntlipr it tbe sale of winter uod at cot at E. T'iable'*. Mr N\ m \ Daiman.of \Vher> Full*. T'ic! The Advance a cnll on Wcdnesiliiv. Mr. Davman i* swept for th Sydenliarn \ ial ii'sorancu C<- . and will occasion- ally visit M ; (H)int. when hi nrnval will be mad known tliMii^h the^e on'tiinoa II >imi;>:iv is a if<l one. the chenpot .11 I In-,- Six il.itlur* a-iil fifty cunt* will carry * risk of $:>006 fur three yearn, in- clu'liug; a'^eiiU f-'e*. Call oti him . r writ*. IWU are out anii'i-incinz a X'onserva- tiv meerni^ in the Town HaTl. Fl.her- ton. i'ii Sn* unlay afterixion, Feb. S. at J t . m. bar(.. '.V. F. C:iiii;.t*ri. M.P.P. for F.a<t A! vinia. will fce prvaent to ad- 1-viw the eleetor*. Mr. Campbell ia n if th? iiu at el f|ont speakers in t ' ' M wrvativf liinks ui'-d tin doubt the town hall will be mnre than rilled on that uc- *Mion Mr. Cani|>boll will *nenk at Pric\-ille n Friday evonini<, Feb 'J7. Eln-. Will Mt>l \V. PeJIat, ion* of Mr. Kami'! rViiUr. sr., cut an elm traa th other d >y which i>n<lucc<l six and a half cords of tve b'llts, which they .M to Mr. S. Uninude, of Fleaherton, rotting thffor the hands9ie sum of tU 60. Tk tat grow in the* wo plot ot B New MUBIC. Fr*'iu the extensive music puhliahini; hou* of I. Surkliiu & ^<>nt, T<-n<nto, come* a uw sacrnd Sony, Abide With Me, arniuL'eil for quartet and *lo, by W (. F-mvtti. Price 20 cenu Th *aii>e nrin also sends u* a book of Canadian r.atir>naJ and patriotic aoiisi*, containinc miteen of the riiiext tiiece*. amoni; which are the old favori'-* an<: several new piecan of sterlint; merit. Snit*. Halts, mlt*. We hive about flfty sinrt I" lii-pimeof iDsl'le the n-t 3d I. fv So cnme lon. r wliile there i* a gnoil chiiire and have tfiem aim ,st tt jour own fig*r<a. U Trimble. Ob-arch News- The MntlnMliat revival service* are (till in pro^rea* litre, uiJ much yood ia beiiiK Then centennary of the death of John Wesley will be observed in the Mutho- d.t chrcliet fl*i Sabbath next by special service^. Rt v J. Well*, J Jarvu, preached for thi- third Sunday in SUCCCMIII in the Prenliytenau church mi Sabhath last He took a* Ins text Revelatioo 11 and Ii "And tfcey heard a voice fr->ui heaven savn _. l'iue up hither.'' Hi* eruiou wa* a niAterly one. and affected many in thu a>u>lience to teara. Mr. Well* i* a j ower!l and iauir^asive iipeak- er. It would be ^ood thin;: f"r the Flehert'n Preabytenan people to aecur* Mr Wells as their |>atur. \V'e believe he would build up th church u tew could. Caps, raps CB. We still hav a few f'jr and I'*ruu lamb cap* bich w> do not wiitu to carrv over, su-i eun<equ> ntl will sell cheap. Kindly ask tbe price*. R. Trimble. Death ot J. H Hunter, M. P P The sad tie** reached Fleshertou on Moodiy in'Tinnif that J. H. Hunter. M I' P. . of Durham, had passed away fp 4i! earth on the day previous. TV.* news f Mr. Hunter's death spread quit!; ly, aa h.- wa* well known throughout thin .-..iin'v. havinn been more or less a puS- iii' in.iii t' ir ui.iiiy years, arxl .it [; tune' death wa* member of tin- le^isla- T S,.utli lirev.liiivuij deii-ated Mr Ulytb at the Uutanu Klecti..n !;it < Mr Mm trr attended a political no k T'iim<Jjy iiitfbt of last week, ami "ii Friday was somewhat unwell and tmik to kis IX On Saturday, huwover, \ia ? it aiuch better and announced Ills intvnti>m of L'or.iif to Hanover, Imt was prevented by asiidden rtarn f indi|MNii(ion. H- was obliged to oac more taku tn hi- and or.-w rapidly worse with intla nun tkjn of the IjoweU and lun.ii, s'ltfcriiiu inleiisf ttiroiiy imiil Sunday at 11 30 . in. . wh'-n death c;iine and relt^ int It was a ereat sh'-ck to t!..- | eople of South iirey to learn ttiat Mr Huntrr u n > iin-rv. He wa* a coin;ara p y-Min: man. only aljout fifty years . f :uJ it WH* h<i|ie<l had manv years o: fulnes 11 ! bei<ir>' linn. Not N-ini; "f a ro- buat physique. hotvr, his ba'.tle with ^run 'i*ath wai an MqVal one, ai:d IID -.i. leivui-j behind many fr and relatives to mourn h ; .s !' 1! > f 'ed bv nil who knew him, a in-m- ber "f the Pri'! church, and the r of a larirc family. Mr Hunter'* funeral took place at Durham yesterday (\VedneMl.i;., t 4 p. m. ^ow Spring I.OI..N I tiin.i>!> *. ni-niio 1 ), Piiuts, Flannel 'tc., now arrituiff at M. R'chard.-ou .t <.'./*. The Mmxb r\Miaopolit*n nhil :t * table of onMiitu mad* up to cover the widont pooiMe Hold. Tl- mw*ilne in eclite.i upon tb* (iritiri- pie of Riving touwthinu that will.'I-r the family circle the yo:nn; ^ as well < the philosopher It op-n> with an iqnlslte frontiipiecp. a reprodnetloa of * l-ariling bv Seifer of Munich. imrrbaMd liy thu <poiit* for us* In tliin war T given nr*t a lUhtarticle treatiue of :h^ Kr.-tnh I'i'isoine aotil French Ui-mitt.-. Cm tertmnt MiiiiitiKspiwals ti<al! who untril>ute ti the great worki prfurnie<l in the name* of ralixioB and charily, while In Darkeet A : isaooinise discnssion of tho l:i Imn question wit'n a Rrea* variety "f iwrtinen* illutration. A departure in msna-iiue wnrk i< the loug ex- pected antobiography of KreJork H war correspondent. A strik!u ilu rt storj of thrilling a-lventnn* "How ! <! nrst elephant," by MacMshon IH| I "I*hoi unions am) strike* in anclunt Koinn." i an illnntratod article by I'r i, A Huiuige-r. are ' amoim the l>ct tlnu,;* in tba Mn poli tan. Th* brief e** ys of Urander Mnthuwx on purely litormry nub) 'C-. r- I>ecoumiu a prumineut feature of the Cosmopolitan. Kwlnton Park. Notice. John Uarclav. weaver, haa not left Fl*herU>n a* s^nie people My, hot will be found second house, east of Baptist , FlMhejton. From our <twn Correpondent. We are gnerally careful not to dabble in politic*, but the following ! quotation from a certain circular, issued by a certain political party, lias cau.ii:il us la deviate somewhat from our usual line of cortespondeuce. < i.-xtiact ii-lem-il to n-ails as follows : "In tl-at day i referring to imaginary period of b_\ ifone prosperity i fatlmrs ami mothers were , Uappy. for fanning [aid fairly well, .i.:..i Uic old man ami wile : buy farms clo.ii; by the 'old homestead' for all the 'boys,' and thflajold folks' were happy aud comfortable travelling down tliu valk-y of lift- because their I children were around Ui>-m. "To-day what 13 the picture ? Just ibis : The hearts of tlie lathers ai d mothers are HUiotc by seeing ll.iir boys leave them for tl.e States, and ! it is a cruel mockrry to ask tlie people to cheer tor the Tory party, whoee policy had driven our you:..' i. ifii over the border,' 1 etc., etc., ad- iiinuitum. hccii a medley of silly, babyi.-h whimpering nonsense is uut often met with, hence the reason for pub- lishing the same. Tlie author of such a seuselesi pessimistic rigmarole should be "consigned to tbe obscurity ue is tilted to adoru." but uo doubt, Mi. Editor, it ia news you want aud not politics. Mr. J. Martin, our genial post- master, was unceremoniously pr. cipiiated from his cutter last week while making a short {urn near tbe Academy Result a runaway and brokeu cutter. The royal mail, how- makes us usual trips. A met; ting of the 'cademy boys took place last week to raise- tue fiscal wind tor a new foot ball rubber. The necessary dnacs were subscribed in a few minutes with a respectable sur- plus Nothing small about the "boys." principal of the foregoing institution has offered a reward for the a[ prehension of the sneak who maliciously destroyed the farmer rubber. A Sunday school entertainment will be held in the St. Andrew s church Friday evening, the 27th inst. Good program ia being prepared for the occasion. . i iatl>eriiis are at a premium in b. P. ami vicinity. Two more last week. One at Mr. Samuel Kmnell's the sieoud at Mr. Jos. Richardson's .* I'ieasant tune was spvut at both plaaWI Mr. William Miiueris speu'i. few days at, ins fatenial home. Mr. ami .M>-s. Joitepli Richardson Mr. M ..MI i ai:.i IIIK daugutei have nt'. i | ii a -.11.'. . C". Mr. aini Mrs. .) : - II [iliins. of Dur- ham, Wl.-lt- tl. '! .. Ot Tt l'*rslow for a few cinys last It is with irii-Bt regret that we . '. bi - 1- sit- Lawrence . !IJ nil tilt.' Ill .id, Ii. C. Miss L. IMS niiiii.-p i s 13 ai-oiiu 1 S. P. wb ) sincerely a.hize with her in her S-L illliction. WHAT WK NOTICE. That we have a rcal.hvo detective iu our ruiJst ii the actions of our jolly UR-rvi:.ti;t itiiiick of matrimony. That Mayor Let'ke uoes not com pel t. - of .S. P. to i shovelled off the siild*alks. ;;e Alt', attend to business : both political purtii'i an- working with might aii'l main ii: v;.w . cf the approaching contusi. Mrlniyre ' :'IJ>O The political pot is now at fev t heat at Mclntyre, and butli |): arc busy i> : for the contest. i -. U[l Ull.l : of the litfonn party on \\ eiiiu^; t.> be ailJn-sSed oy Clark, i uiick-rsu.u.l ' ..Litiv.- party trill have a meeting this week also. A^ your correspondent is an indent n ii. t iie is 1:1 a uileiu:jia to s how to ea'-t i is b.illot. ^a:i'ly lit 11 has been very bick for the wec-k or two, but is getting some bettor. Mi-*, (irt-y has also been sick, but is much butter. ad to announce that our niorchaut lias a^uin u'ut ciilh'ciiltit s t c publi: as us.ial. Truly t .is is a I ^. rut C '.f. ' It IS hi.-. tli it wo ai-e shortly to have ano'li r store. Mr. (.iiry. tVom l>uutroo.i. intends starting ::: Mu. Bell's biul 1 inv'. >Ve understand Mr. Thos. Scott 1ms beon appointed aa secretary if iLc Usprcy farmers' ajillin? Co.. and that tlie company ha taught tbe Fever- Win.Clayton, Boot and shoe dealer, has a large assortment of Boots and Shoes, Slippers, Over- shoes, Felt Boots, Trunks, Arc. ; new goods, and sell- ing cheap. Homemade boots on hand an<l made to order. Repairing promptly attended to. sham mills and intends putting new machinery and commence opperations aa soon as posmbh'. Ilfv. Mr. Campbell, from Toronto, occupied the pulpit heiv the last two Sundays, reading the edict an- nouncing that Rev. Mr. Hughes, who has accepted a call from this circuit, will be inducted at Maxwell on tilth inst., aud will preach here next Sun- da v. Dr. Sinclair, For Over Fifty ' u >ytup ba lifn used or '.:..'ir i.-hil'lru whllo 11.,'lit aa.i bnikn 'if -rinn and ci Mr*. by uiilli'inH|.,i mi t*tln:ii; If li-f.irtxrf at 11 your r*i h'. . with pain of .".:-., ! It will -ly. Dep thurtj i> no mistake ahi.t retcujato* tQ pu< r it.u. . ur* Diur an.l buwulM. cure* : maaioo. and give* tone nn-l -innrKr to tint wtitile svMteu. M r . i pluuaiit tu tbe tut and is tbe p. r ijtio of tho oldest aail best fiual pbviciaim an. I uursvs la the United States. Pncu 15 <:uute a bottle. Sold by all iruiufisU throughout thu w.>rld. Be lure and aak for Mm. U'inhluw Soothing S;Tup. " MONEY ! b.......i.i-. b r :< * ' I-" .< I.. .. lor.... I W *"r tfmn . I,,, II, A>> .... a., .u. WM*. r... .,. ! s .. JVM* t*. K.I *u( UBM ! tb* w..rk Ihi* . u . Mk t . Me p*t w*t urt **m .,. .. pylM, W oe faeilili JM tIM - r<. ran. 1.. ^K, .IP1I Wr. r,l TalfCACO.. nIi. SUUL i L. r. P. M o. < p s M The Scottish Specialist, TORONTO, Specialist for trbatement of ail Clirnnic Dlsoaeee, Private DlMiaaes, Diissne of tlie Brain ami Nurr*, Oisr*ae -if the Heart au.l Luna*. Ami DissMts of Wunwu positiru. Treated lueceesfui:; Tonatban Buccbart, Liatowull. jre "A'tt-r -lt- iiiiini,' all my uiuuey ami pfpertjr to no pur- ii ojedical men, for whi they termed a nupelea* ca*e of oonsumption.Dr. Sinclair curad lue. ' Mr*. Mar> Ftirhmg. Woodlic.uw.My* ; "Wben all otbers failed. Dr. Sinclair ^-tired m* of flta. ' W McP.,n:.i. Lakefleld, bars -Dr. Sinclair : B .' 1- H. 1 : (ioo llownil. Illythe. sava Dr Sioclair cored me of heart iiise.*e auii dropsT. when all others filled." Oiseaaes of private nature l.rougut on by folly Dr Sinclair certainly cure*. CONSULTATION FKEB. Dr. Sinclair win be at rfnn>haw Ht I, -ON Wrdneslay. Han-h PROPERTIES FOR SALE -.ILI.A .s or t *ale tbe follo u reaeottabl*) term* K four . '. au I w.ill : g ten sbrtenen cburcb. .'ialf itcre. ri**uerl..n -ta.iuD. lot* SAY! Farmers ! Business Men! Everybody f Lot ' uioia. lOUacrei lot is a. - aii.i .red I "I frame tioiiim aud barn, within a ujilv !i.'rt.-ii vii:8. (e 1 k,. M ac-res, *0 cleared, witula a mile | For terms enqnirw of U. nUKBL, FlMbarton. I lOFubaio . i a :icw :.o -a khui *. Trtmini;:.'. snd erervthin ;. <kin line. Give LUU a call. batiftfaci:.m -.nsrantuod Timber Lauds for Sale 1 S 4RTEMESIA s W In tb* llth Cnu.. 100 acres : Let No. S3 In tb* 19 Con., im aoree. A!o a nnm ..> lot* with houses tlicrix rtou. to JOHN VS AKMSrUON'- -i Flrithertou. AUCTION SALE Valuable Farm Lands Shop over Mi :Tavi*h'", Black- smith i- E. T. Ilamilton Fleherton, Jan i: IN In the Township of Osprey. I'Oili-r ml b> rlfl .falein a rtx.ii ! tRvie (mm Delia K. Cook . c * ... i .;' lrida> >t til luort tht n.S HuTKL, ia> <f >lan*.i. . . kn off b . t.i- VkKwy Ku i.i, anil : M o buAfrauio . pMiiftDy The buMh i sid ISE THE 1ELKBI. . 1> U B. LAUR1 > JV SPECTACLES aud EYE S3ES FOR ALL DI-:; ' . /nalc. end '. -. iic-ral. an 1 will be uiado III ln|- . Tern. I b&ian v known .-ilnr* aj'J-I ,t IIK.MII -HVXK1. Vendor'* M'lioitors. T Dated JOth .lay of February, Itwl. Karstcdt, FLSSHER -'ly Bull for - . . i Oct. ID. MO. oil, P. O und Brick STOKK WOM A 8frciii.n ContracU takuu at low ratn* andsatisfto'.ion |HH*M***1 F. Q. K>Bmx.r bardwarc nd tin ' hop. . . C bi..-ck. Jl-'tbliu ' > ^ . lu ' .r rr- ,-. tb* WM%. All IB " .. ): ^1.1*1,'.* ..r nktr. W MM. l>.'l."*.ftlH( ., .,.,h,., uisii r. <i i ;i T ..! raKricuiAiiB riuK. . -~.i,,. HTUSUI a ig.. rnu.-u.