Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 26 Feb 1891, p. 4

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THE FLESH ERTON ADVANCE. TUB ADVANCE. Kuim TUB UrrirB 8yd<;l"tin Nfr/rf, - AV. ./.. rt", Ont. TKHM-; oh SI'ltM KII'TION : 1 par aiMiniii wlinn |>ni I MM. t Iv In 'U,u,. . I.JO pur annum * !n ii not * | M I AllVIU n-ilNil KATKH. Due ooluiniv 1 your. W , half col., do., (87 quarti-r rl i . i- 1 . TraiiOH-nr ,i lv<<i 1 i .. mont* fliar^c'l at the rat* 1 Of 8ctH. pri l;'i. %>, H'H! tlur rl loll ulld :tctl. |UI lint ejbcb butMU-'i)uuiit iiiM-rUon W. II. THUKSTON. nii/f I'roprietor orn POSITION. Some of our lifturni fiionds, whose good will wi> pri/r very highly, uiul wliucif integrity and IIOIK wty of pur pose we do not for one moment doubt, have become | we will not nay offend- c'd) exercised at the stand this paper has U'.Uu in tlii> present political con- test. To Hiich we liuvc a few words to say. We have no private tight against any man, and much loss against l>r. Landerkin. Ve consider him 'i gentleman and an able politici- an. and we have known him for thir- tct'u or fourteen years. We wish to say rij.-.ht here, too, that were the platfotiu <>f the two parties reversed we would support J)r. Landerkiu, ^iid support him just as heartily as we now do Mr.Ulyth. But the platforms are not reversed, and this paper con- siders it the part of duty to advocate the return of a man who will support the policy which is best adapted to the welfare of this country. As justification of our course we point to the fact that our sentiments are in ac- cord with such eminent Reformers as Hon. Edward Blake, who is remain- ing strangely si(ent ; Hon. Alcxaudci Me Km /I--, the vetetan Reformer who is riiiiniip; in East York, hut who has denounced I nrestncted .Reciprocity linn. Win. Mcl>i)ii','ull, who has come. out boldly against the Reform plat form. \Vhoi: our good and \\ill meaning Reform friends feel like com plaining about our course let then; jxiacinber that we are not advocating anything distasteful to the oldest lead us of the Reform party. In this con tent it is not a question of polities. but piinciple, with us at hast, and what we believe to be light we advocate even though having to take isBii<> will our own father, which latter is the case now. \Ve have been cre<lite< Rince coming to Ifleshcrton with hav ing the courage of our conviction* and hope we have. This paper he litves in tin gnatest gond to the gnatest number. \Vc have gtinliii the question from both Conservutivi anil Itflorin papers rend them boll carefully, which not many party met can v:i> . uiul hii\v \\itlioiit l.i Mt.ih come to the conclusion that I'mc stricleil Reeiproeil v woiilil be riiinou to the Canadian mechanic, tanner an< b-ltniiess man. \Ve have, too, n-iu iii.my American newsp.ipei.s on th subject, and Lave yi t to tiud out which dci .; not believe that I". 1! l.i. ii:.s eventually the annexation < this (jountry to their own. They loo upon the coming vote as a tacit uu derstanding that Canada has a sneuk ing di -in to become part of them They are mistaken, of course, bull would also be a mistake on our pai to lei them run oil \utli that idru b voting for U. R , ou Thursday nex These aiv i,ni It in ..st eonvictioiia. bu we will still continue to respe?t thos whose opinions differ from OIII-H, an we ask them to have the fairness t believe we %u- doing what wo thin is right in asking the people to vol for John I'-luii, the farmer, aud u servative candidate. TDK CATTLE TRADE. draw the attention of farmers to a viUl point in *" '1 UB * Uoiii of the day. \Vo will show \0 frc trad* with tUe Cm ltd talon would strike you BO forcibly mt you would actually lose thou- uuls of dollars per annum in this ne township alone. This seems to c a Bomewhat loud statement, hut wo ciin prove it. The raising of attle in tins township is a bra nch of which irf being cultivated and more evei-y year, until of iii it nmstitutes nearly one half of he fiiriiK r's income Car loud after ar load has been shipped from the in. stations in thia township, and "id prices have been realized to the iirmers The demand has, too. "en greater than the supply. That his industry would in a great measure ie destroyed by U. It. is capable of M net. block cattle sold in Toronto uring the past summer for about 1.50 more per hundred than they did n Buffalo, and fat cattle for about fty cents per hundred more. Rice i Whaley, commission merchants of In If ili j, give these figures. Previous o the last session of parliament a neat train was run regularly from Detroit to St. Thomas, and American meat supplied to the intervening cities, and this was l-iid doien at a profit ifter jxiying duly and freight. The dominion Government last session raided the duty on fresh meats fiom one to three cents per. Hi., and effec- tually stopped the flooding of Canadi- markets with American cheap ieef. Was this not a case of genuine n-otection to the Canadian farmer ? It is a fact which cannot successfully ;e comhatted that our farmers would lose more by Unrestricted Reciprocity ,lmn would even the manufacturer, and especially would this be the case n Artcmcsia, where the cattle trade s depended upon so largely. Farm- ers, arc you going to stand by and see the bread and butter taken from your mouths to the extent of from five, to ight dollars on every head of cattle you sell ? Or what is worse will you vote for a party who would givr to the Americans the valuable markets which they would find in Canada to compete with and swamp you ? Apart alto- gether from the question of loyalty ; apart from the question of annexation; ip:irt from the merits of any party of politicians, votf fur your own interetti, and renumber that those interests are bound up iu the election of Julin r.lvth. J-ivcry vote you cast for Landerkin is a vote to give away a largo portion of your income. Kv,iy vote you cast for Landerkin is a vote for annexation. The Ameri- cans all look upon it as such, and so does the mother country. Every vote you cast for Landerkin nn uiis direct taxation, by which the f.-i! -mi i- .mil business men will pay the piper, while those impecunious bloods who live high on luxuries will get those luxuries without assisting to pay the taxes. K very vote you cast for Landerkin i . i.i,, jii k upon the bull rope that riii < out the death knell of Canada as an independent country. l>o not forget these facts. A HTRANdE FEAR. A business man o Flesherton, who hit, h vi-iieil Toronto, tells us that he found a strange state of fear exist in-.; in the munis ol the Liberal party there. He conversed with a number of the leading Liberals in the Queen City, and they all actually txprrued fr-nr licit tltrir />'<rty icnuld br rrtii'iied to ftowtr ! They feared such a catas- trophe because it would be ruinous to the country. Now this was a strange statement, and it never would have IM en made had it been thought it would be made public. Let us calm their tears. The Liberal party ol Canada arc not annexationists, neithci are they disloyal to tho mother coun try, and as they will bo made thoroughly acquaint.! j with the situ ation before election, day there is really no immediate danger of their placing th* leaders in the nnonviabl position of accepting the protection patronage of Old Mao Sam Special Valuators for the North of Scotland -Canadiau Mortgage Company, Toronto REAL ESTATE BftOKERS, Valuators Insurance Conveyancing, Etc. Money to Lend. DEEDS, LEASES, WILL, MORTGAGES, ETC., AT LOWEST CHARGES. IV. J. BfiLLM ii. i IODIMII \ TP CLERK, \i: I I Ml , \. FLBSHERTON. ONT. ^ \ Electors of South Oiey, hare corn- p.i>siou upon the loader* of the Reform jarty, and vote for John lllytli. It will save a lot of embarrasmeut. \f one of Dr. Laudtrkin's ruci tin-*, huld at Irish Lake, ou Thursday last, resolution sustaining Sir John Mucilonald and his policy \vas passed by a lar^o niajonty. I>r. Lauderkin and his iViciiils could not get a reso- .utiou carried at the meeting. It was i lar^e uitetiug, too, and iUsmypathy waa altogether with Mr. Ulyth. Corn stalks show which way the hurricane is rushing. The Meaford Hoad and Eugenia nicftini,'-*, held by Dr. Landerkin, were largely with Mr. Blyth. The I'riceville meeting was about evenly divided. The Dr. had a hard row of beans to hoe ou his trip through Artcmeiia. Liu: n i;i From our Kirn C SOCIETIES. SONS OF TKMI'KHASCK. Thli doclety moot* In Dr. Oiriitow ' Hall ev.ry \Vlne- ily ti^eiuok' t V '" Vmtiinf brcthcrn inTilod. luxurauuo iu cuuuectiou RdVVl. TKMI'I.MiS , ' TKMlTRANfE.- llH!ulr t ",,iir,l tun t~ r\cry Tur^ilH) iv n log In HproulO block at M p m -.' . t ,lgr , ur ui"iith!<. tlio \VeJneidty I K th iuii uf each uioutli. I)IUNCK \KT1H'U I.OIX1F. SO :rtl. A F. * I A.M. inwt Iu the MHonic Hall. Strain Itpu'k, I- J>"ihtTt ,11. t-very Kri'lay ou iic before the full UIUOL. W J Hcllni) , U XI . K J Sprout* . Jrntvotni. J. P. MAIUIIAU, L. U. S.. M. n S . DENTIST Viiits Markdali- the l*t and :iril \\Ydne*- Uay of each in,. nth. Flesherton each tr;p on the day fullr incos (Cards. John W. Arm8trong: f FLENRKHTON, Co. OUT. DIVISION roriiT CI.EKK. COMMISSIONS I L' It. K., C'onvvyuicmr. *c Afent lor I'l.n I, ae<l ale of lnnd>. Appraii-iT f,,r c 1. C I 1 r I:. 4 K. Society. Money to Loan on :>i ,-i r**Mmabl tarma. I WITH or M.VllRIA MCKNSCs. NOTAKY VL'HLIC. MO.NKYTO7.OAN. The Undersigned has a Large Amount of Money to LQUU at GJ o/a. ON TOWN OB KAK11 1'UOl'KKTT. 8. DAMl'DE, FLEKHIVTON' Tho Methodist tca-meotiui! here was a success, (lood rouda and a line night brought out a large number to enjoy the gnnd things provided by tho lady DMBMM ot the church. A od program was goue through by! tin- young people. Altogether it was' n very pleasant entertainment. The proceeds amounted to tweuty-oue dollais. Mis. James Jamirson, jr. presented her liusli.mil oin- ilay last week with a very handsome Imby girl. Of course Jim isijuite piMiul ot the present. Mr. Cliailej Mills and hi;, bride, of west Toronto Junction, have been visiting at Mr, James Armstitv- Mrs. Mills was one of our Eugenia girls. All were glad to wish her and her husband ninny happv days, Miss Annie Madden, of Oaprey, is visiting at her aunt':), Mrs. liraniff ,'of j the Eugenia House. Mr. Will Galloway, of Osprcy, is teaching a large class of young folks vocal inusic iu all its branches. Misa Hannah Walker, of the valley, is visiting at her uncle's, Mr. John Ccecroft. W. J. BELLAMY TWP. CLERK AHTKMIS1A. ' d.\ (/;> .1. M-KI:, /.v.-r/M.M 1 /: t'.'T .ic DF.KIis. MOUTH \I1KS 1.KVSKS Ai- .. prcpar o.l KM, I pro;,<-rl> i<x ( >riited. lumiraiice affee- .'il in rtrnt-clam coui|<anie>. Munvv to lend at o wwat ratee. DR. CARTKR, M.C.T. AS., ONT. PIIYSUIA*, HI !;(.] ON. &r. FLESH KUTON. Oflice. Strain's block. Residence. J.G. RtuMl'i jr. W. Barrister, Solicitor, Cmm i/,tncrr. Mr. FLESHIRTOS OrrirK, NEXT Pomr OITH-B SpRorLl'.Hlil'II.I.IN,;, ..> Til' 1 OWKN 8Of NT) omrK. KH.J.TM Urn P. McCULLODGH, Barrister. Solicitor, <Vv. OM<-e. over HrFarhinil's Sturc Murkdale. .Mrnr> n. Loan. . R. J. Sprou e, I30STMA siou . *- er iu B. R.. (; ,, vejaneer, AIH-LU-I- :-n 1 M , ... lender Real Ette anjlDxur.r \... r t. Iie.a*, Mortgages. Lon.^ts and Will* drawn up au.! Valuations maJu on slior'est nutiiv. Ao tion 8lK aitt-ihi. -1 t,, , :u . piirv of tb* Countr. Mi'Ui'.v t, )...in t luwp B t r^te of interest. l . alteudfd to with promptneKi an, I ,1 -putc'.i. . l ow . AgeDtlor tlie l',,iuiuii>n st>u : I'auy. Cheap tickets frjm Kl^sl^ rtou ti, I.ivf Gkigow, Li-ii.li-ii i,r anv t f tii" Rrituli orts. Fartirs inten . l^ujlinJ, Sotlind or I.-vUml. ill \.\vtar ** ratps h for.' purclamrg tlieir t i, e rt. The Marnuu , v Lorne U writing a eriw of article* ftn tin, "OanadiM Criai*" in tji London Uaily Onpio. DRS. SPROULE & MARKDALE ONT. Odire i -Mauley's Drug Store. T.S. bl'ROUI.K.M D.etc ASCII s I co M D.^to late of Tottenham, Ont. DI-.KBO will be found at Markdale Uouie at night /, P. OTTEWEtL, VBTKF V ABT Sl'ROSOM. Oraduat* uf Ontario Vet. College, BcaliUaM (rat den eouth ol I <* i tailor tbop. r&I8HBRTOX. Flesherton Livery Stables. D. CL.1TTUX. Proprietor. Tirt claH )im-> HH:| \|.i, i, ^ (or hn,- u ranuable rates. stl,U- u],|,,>Nii< Uun)i*it'B feetel Spoial *rtvntion |hl t. contumci* $3000 \ TEAK! I "<i. rt.k'Ok- >*. |... ...jr (../i, ,.,.: i ,..,.. p^.. ., _ fc .' r .,--.,fn r...l ,! rlt...,,J ^s... . U. .-.. Tk'n.. * " k -*--' ITI

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