Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 26 Feb 1891, p. 1

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Great Discount Sale 20 PER CENlf FOR THE NEXT ao DAYS TELL-TALE LETTERS. The followim; letters speak for them- selves. They were read by Sir Charles : Tapper at Sarnia on Monday. Read them carefully Toi Mr DF.AK Ma. . April 22ud, 1889. Our Ottawa man will send a good sum- mary of your speech, so that on our ac cuuiit you need uot go t.i the trouble uf preparation. At presn' the C. I* move- ment is at a standstill. First of all, the Jesuit agitation, which is hre to stay, luu t > some extent supplanted it Sec- ondly, the general belief U that tho re- publicans t>uld not listen to any such scheme. Thirdly, a very laryo number On watches, cbcks, jewelr>", s:iverware and spectacles. :\ value as we are giving was never offered here before. Keme:nber we paid spot cash for every dollar's .v >r'h of -ocxls that we are offering at the greatly reduced prices. _ j _ Onr i-'vrlrv is of the finest quality and Our watches arid of people are inclined to think that . .t, _< had bwtter make for annexation at once. clock.-* of the best make. A magnificent stock ot msteild of in4kll);< two blte- on the _, ^ __,.^ -, cherry. Lastly the old parties here ar DIAMOND.GEMENCTAGEMENTRINGSK.TftasrS.Vt sight, Diamond rings from $10. up to $60. These ^oods we are selling 40 per cent, cheaper than any- dealer in this county. Remember this discount sale lasts for the NEXT 30 DAYS ONLY. ARMSTRONG BROS I'.UXT TRIMMING. \S , I 'II V. FIRST PRIZ WHEREVER E HO\VN LLMIJEB, LATH. SHINGLES JOB WORK. FOR VEHICLES MANrFACTURED AT Hoard's Carriage Works, FLESHEKTOX, ONT. save annexation Moreover, al- though to* Liiierals hare taken up C.U.. they are not pushini; it with any vi^.-r For these reasons the Mail has, in the slan;> of the day, given the subject a rest. There is reixHy no use in talking it up to a people whose politics are in a state of flux, and whose future is wrapped in doubt. I saw Mr Hoar, while at Wash iut.'ii, and t.'ld hi:u just what he- says I did, namely, that the smaller foictra favur annexation, and will favor it all the more if C. U. be withheld. It seetus to me, and I have talked the thiin; "v<*r lately with Maritime members, as well with Mauitobiann. that C I', would "iily delay the comiui; of the event thoae people most desire. Hence in thn pn>v- ince referred to C. I". dies not take H.'M. whereas annexation wi'l always de- mand a hearing. In Ontario the Jesuit campaign has brought that ape< things home to thousands who would not the same results in sijjht. We must be very patient with the alow popular mind. If the Canadian public, of farmers, artis- ans, lumbermen, miners and nsherin. n can b- in three years argued up to the point of voting Commercial L'uion, and I irmni sanction t the movement in Parliament, it will be ijreat progress. Sir* a* such movements we, tho c"iu- fortinu thinij u that they -ack- ward. To you personally it ought to be m your moments >f reflect:' n i latii'ii that long hereafter when this ball , which you set rolling has .!n<* on and on { and finished it* work, everyone way thu look back and see and appreciate the service* done t > uiankiod by tho hand that act it in motion. 1 shall ! k with interest for what you ay at Ottawa. The Svrih AmenitH Strirw article will have a powerful tendency t > keep our public ineu from scattering way on annexation next winter, and I hope Wf can tcet the otfer 'f Commercial I m.-n formulated into law. I return the pr.wf slip* of the article and the letter ut Mr. KarrvrV Verly truly V"iir, - .KM)) R. R. HtTT. P 8. Just r cvivml yours of yesterday with Uoldwm Smith's . it reads admir- ably. Prim ill.' from jur own Politics, politics : venly all conversa- ti"ii w pulitical st prvaent. Th* lints 'f this ward have awakened from their years of slumber ; they have organized auil are also pushiii:; the cam- . ^11 with vigor. A lante delegation of the afresai>l cf*l attended the convention at Dur- ham on the r.'th. on tiio li'.i.i ooth the candidates for jtauon to the j-urchaser. By t.ua ar- rangement farmers m every part 01 the l)oainuoii obtained tile barley at a uniform price, but one bag only was available to each individual. Thi.s uuu was made at tbo outset so retire a wide distribution for mil, and prevent a too rapid exhaustion of the. itock. so that ap- .u trom distant portions of the I'l'iui.iion miifiu not bo disappointed. I'hi.s liuu: : the sales, and .is -ioou as it was ascertained that the 011 band would be more lhau MI the it ut to uii.et tbe demand on the jf one Da;,' only for each purch- ilie restriction was withdrawn. About o-.iOO bas were sold to i'.<;0' dsers, leaving nearly l.HOO bags on Laud. I am now instructed to offer the re- maining stock at three- dollars per bag, freight prepaid 10 the nearest railway itaiiuii to the purchaser, with !. > re- unctions as to the number of bags which auy individual may buy. Ail orders must be aocompaniod by s re- mittance sufficient, to cover the -uuount; of the order. The applications will ue filtered as received and the ^nier^ tilled in rotation as long al the stock holt's out. The germinating power of this | oarley Las been tested from ten aiui'lcs taken from different bai^s, the i average vitality U 9O per etir.. and rowth strong. communications should be ad* drewcd to the undersigned. WM. SAIN! 3 Director, Experimental Farms. Ottawa, February 6th, UICK'8 LAND ROLLERS MOW niM PLOWS. OUT Busies the Beat. Our SU^hs the Hest. Our Cutters th- [bat. Our liupmved Harmws the Best. Our t'atent I late The Best. Improved Spring TootL w the Bost. KEEP, o S THAW CLTTEBS, H KM I 1 DKll.LS. UANO PLOWS THERE IS NO PATENT ON IT. look at C. I", tho Httlenea* and liak heartedneas of the Liberals is also M ry iisheartening. Then, aipun, tho_truth i that every man wh" preaches C. I", would prefer annexation. o that the parly is virtually wearing a mask. Cant you come around this way and have a talk / YOUI* very truly. - ;ned\ E. FAURER. is no patent on McDonald & Evans' method of business. Anybody can do as we aiv doing give the most and best for the money but it knocks the profits, and that is the reason we have no followers, but stand alone in holding out inducements nnd giving the biggest bargains possible, which cannot fail to tempt those who appreciate our extraordinary efforts in giving the best goods for the least money. Credit pays the dealer more money than cash, so he clings to the credit system, but CASH saves the customer more money. Look out for self and you will look in on us. Our prices s?ve your pocket. Our profits save your purse. Our goods are the best you can buv, or that can be sold for cash. THE DY1YAHVIITE! w use to shake t lungs up with is Condensed Price", ami Small r. -tits. Now is the time to save money while we are giving i way OUT pi\>fi;s. If you do not appreciate what we are do- ing now, we hope you will live to see yoi.r mistake. MCDONALD & EVANS. 11 .SB OF RlPUMKSTATlVRS, ^iiiN,.r...N. I>. 0.. April 25. 1889, /.'ruouiouy, .V . V./rfc. DAB !1K,--1 am urtatly ol.li^ed to you for sondiii^ to nn? the proof slips uf thj "X'Tth An '.cle. .iiiil have been iiiuoh intervsto.l aUoin Mr Ksrrer's letter, which surprise-! me M>mowht. aa 1 aid M >t think ftxMii his covonw which guv* me a very favorable iiiipre**- Mii, that hu ! uld be so easily discour- !med. The reasons ! w.sled be- fore the Couiruercial I'moii in<i\eineiit K-UHii with greater force than to-day. Tho Kei'iiblic^iis ' ' -"S it wa* apprehended, would lx> ax'idiist it. They .it- not. Their repriwentativ* vote for it, their newspapers hivn received it liindlv, and often witli nn approval. The .Jesuit aijitHfvii. w!n--h has t^iken hico of ComniiTX-ial I'nion in his n. ,nd, is lamely sfi'tij'H-iit.-iI and will pruhably not last loi i ' . T. . ID a liuinesa ^uest'.oii that COIICITIIS each 11, ;tiid in a xcay which he does not uix.leisi.uid at tint, but see* inoru and uioio cli'mrly tliu more hi- talks intelU- ttetitly almut it. Thi-rv i somu loio in wh.it i 1 '. says. <>f cot uiiikii.g two bite* of it cherry, but Horn* for .\tuifX:ttioii at oii.v. but 1 th nk !u- :* misled on th U point in way that often occur*. Wln-re man is thinking much on rint nd diacuwiiif it, he is liable to narrow his horizon to these within his rvacii, and hi* own niiiul, .v d perhaps those he iooetr, h.iviii,- |',u>s.-,l oit by discussion U> distant refflslts, he tuke* it for granted thnt the wide world, which i* so wonder- fully slow, has kept up with him and has OverrvJU*. !>>n t miss getting Jne .1 lu-ly coata. to.lMj. usoal price f7.<<O and A few left and must b cleared oat. K. frimbU. .. Holiday Time Is (iift Time.' S. iSrey sddreaaed a large meeting of elect, rs m \Vatson's Hall. The Presbyterian tea-meet ins; "f he 5th was a gruat success. The proceeds | amounted to $OJ. J. MoArthur, Esq. .attended tho Grand Lod^e A. O. I". \V. m Ton-iit last -.. It is with iet;ret that we learn uf the death of J. H. Hunter. E|.. of IVirhaui, M. P. r. :' vs. ft W alo'.l Knad f 1. 11(1 .0,1 Mr. Puvid Grabain and wife leaves hen 1 this week for Manitoba, he rented his farm hen. 1 . In iin> he has actc-d wisely, for if lie Joes not like | the great lone land lie IIJM his home , hi if to return to, Misn Sarali Allen, from near Dur- ham, has been visitir.g her Ciiends in this vicinity during tlie [&** two weeks. Pi.htios are all ti.o rage uow. I>r. LandiTkiii ln-ld a meeting here in the school house last Wednesday Mr. John Blytl:e and a Lost o' speakers \\ ai. The l>r. did u.r. h.i\c it al^ his own way. farter's Prize 1'rolilic Karl.-* In February, Ihthi.tho (.tovernnieiit of Canada on recom)n?udation 01 tin Hoi:, the Minis:,; : ^iiculiure,uuide provision for the iui^oi-tatiou of 10. i 'Mi I bushels ot' two-towed barley from KiU'land, to bo sold to farmers in i'i' ida for seed. Tliis was imported in 5,000 bags of 112 Ibs. each, the "l'n/.e Prolific" being the variety chosen for tho purpi' e..in:l this barley r/as offered at the d^t of importation, $4 per bag, the u 'veninieni paving freight charges to the nearest railway | WILL SHOW FOR YOl 11 Beautiful Assortment WtTOIt.S MM.UVI II K\ t lll- l isHt* $18 TO Kb. Gott' m lii'.:h I' 1 \M> UK.. *2> TO #: - \V.\l: K ' VKKlNcl INc'II" TAL I;KKAK.\.K.S -j in 4 \i;s. CLOCKS. IX NKKKL ANP U v , $1.50 TO fS.30 Fine Eepai ' Personally attended to. < spection of lic-t Business Melhodsii:. Wishes t.' 'ill : \V. A. BRO\\ \ Jewel 31ARKP J.K.

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